Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, February 21, 1884, Image 8

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Tharsilay Morning, February 21,1884.
<V,HMIOKDB* oUlnln*lporlil nrw,iIUDT
•! ftott 111) par of tb county. No coiiitnutilr *t\< tui
n r| • I out*** *ccoin|**iii*d bjr the rml nniiir of lb*
liooal Department.
—" Arrosl.
—Endless variety of weather.
. - What is meant by " The Arrest" ?
—Our iner, lianU report business "pick,
inff up."
Mr. .John I. Irvin and fiimily have
moved to Aitoona.
Mr. C. K. Burchfleld. of Philip*-
burg, n< in town Saturday last.
-The Supreme Court at Philadeldhia if
holding it* regular sessions this week.
—Remember, the CKNTRK DEMOCRAT
otßcc is the | la> e to gel your printing done.
—Scarcely any snow is now visible n
the south side of our hills ml mountains
—Tony II .ah -oat finite a number of
■•mpty b or fcepa by the recent flood at
llivch Creek.
Interesting exercl.es arc held in the
grammar school at Kagleville Friday after
r,,w>ns of each week,
, Mia.es Annie K. F idler and Mazie
1! - of Mud. son burg, apent. Tuesday
tu . Wednesday in lieilefonte.
—The new disease, "Azoturia," bas
killed several horses in Philadelphia. The
Minimis are flrst attacked with palalyiis.
—The logs carried in the fields and on
the roads along Beech Creek are being
hauled to the creek by Mr. David Mullen.
—Mr. J. L. Spanglcr is titling the room
in the basement of his building, corner
Allegheny and Bishop streets, for a barber
Letter beads, bill beads, wedding, ard-,
dodgers, posters, sales bills,andprintingo."
•.•very description, at be CENTRE DEMO.
• RAT otlice.
Marry Bidwell it happyand it worth
.j it $ 1,000 more this week than last.
Its a boy and that is what a good boy is
—What is meant by "The Arrest?"
Why, we refer to the beautiful oil painting
called "The Arrest," t be chanced off
Have you secured a chance 1
—M. Ellis L. Orris returned from
Clifton Springs, N. Y. f on Thursday
evening last. He will proßnbly return
to that pi icc again in a short time.
—Messrs. Henry Fiedler, Thos. Wal
ker and Newton Brutugard, three of
Brush valley's jolliest and best citizens,
"took in" the county seat thi- wek,
—Rev. J. B. llummel, pastor of the I"
K. church of Bellefunte, received at the
bands of James Hoed, of Coleville, on la".
Friday, a watch, from tbe citizen sot Bulls--
fonte and vicinity. He desires ut to prc
-nt bis thanks.
—Carpenters are already at work in the
>,- r House store room lately occupied by
>. Levi Ac Co..putting it in order for 11 11.
■*"; angler A Cos. extensive furniture cstol -
I aliment. Tbey will occupy it as soon as
in order, we are informed.
—The following parties started for
the great west on Tuesday afternoon :
David Shaftr and family, R. K. Uoush
Mid wife, .Samuel Zeiglcr and family,
Daub Fiedler and family, Mr. Thomas
I.e < r and S. M. .Sp>angler and family.
-Gov. Pattison came to Be.lefonte
Ist s lay evening on the H : .V> train, and
we* immediately driven to the State
' ->l <>ge, where a banquette was in wait
• i.'. He was exp>eeted on the 10 A. M.
t .n, but through some mistake did not
•r.ve until the late train in the even,
i g.
As Mr. Ed. Brown, Sr., was driving
n • ,,i on Allegheny street a few days since,
• , ulating In his mind how many pounds
. ' -e. f he would have to sell to make him
• millionaire, the bind part of bis wagon
.-. tiJenly went down towards China, onac
ni of a broken axle. We suppose the
i ooginsry weight of a million silver dol
-1,.'• we the cause.
-After the dance at Dick Berryblll's
hotel on lest Thursday vening, when all
v. r ready t > "promenade" to the wagon,
•< ' am thought tbey had waited abou t
up as necessary, and started off on a
I .I .'shop towards home, leaving the par
i thU to ponder over a long walk home.
A uhur team, however, was procurred
' d ibe party driven borne in safety.
-Th"re will be no service in the
Lutheran oharrfanf this place next Sun
<l .v m ruing because of the absence of
tini pi-tor, llev, S. K. Furst, who is
gving avay to proa-b a dedication
fernurti. fit the evening the pulpit
<v :l be tilled by Rev. W. K. Fisher, of
• '••l.'re Hull.
Wo are in receipt of a communication
r . i ■Buinjo," of Beech Creek, which we
, d ino t<> publish on account of the writer
not giving bit real name. This we must
have in all cases, not for publication, but
t • insure tbe genuineness of the article.
I kit rule is inviolable, arid correspondent*
i,.u' bear this In mind. Pollow the in*
• ructions isilow:
Avoid gossip. Write plainly and on one
. side of the paper only. Boil down your
item- slid bear in mind, that/res advsr
tim-ueii's don't buy printer's ink. Mail
v . i ' letter each .Saturday , or not later thar.
.; • !sy- N'gn any narntr you wi*h to
v.. -rt i# Write separate letter of la
111 .... -1 end to tfcif sign your real name,; ,
, f
Referring to our abstract of Court
' proceedings, we are informed that an im
pression prevals In some quarters that M rs.
.Sarah W. Smith obtained a Judgment
against Daniol llall, Esq., of t.'nionville,
, by roason of some debt or default of his
• own. This is a mistake. The facts are
" that Mrs. Smith held a mortgage against
her deceased husband, Win. D. Smith,
which her counsel thought had best ho re
duced to judgment. Mrs. Smith and Mr
Hall were administrators of Mr. Smith's
estate, and as Mrs. Smith was plaintiff, the
action was brought against Mr. Hail, the
other administrator, alone, solely in his ca
pacity as representative of Win. D. Smith's
estate. Tbo sum and suhstanco of the mat
ter is that the Court and jury find tiiat
Mrs. Smith is entitled to receive from her
husband's estate $1,6!'6, for money of her
separate estate loaned him in his lifetime,
• and Mr. Hall's name appears only a a
matter of form, just as Mr. Malono's does
r in the suit of Mrs. Riddle against theestate
of Matthew Riddle, deceased.
1 However, all these facts cannot bespread
upon the brief minute usually made of
r cases, but we mention these facts at length
I that no injustice b<- done either of the esti
mable gentlemen above named.
OBITUARY.— Wo regret to record th"
death of Mrs. Jack >n H. Booth, of State
College, who expired on Monday night,
Feb. 11th, IHSI, dfi r a long and serious
illness of almost fiv. months. The deceas
ed vi< in her ♦'•• r >th year. Sho leaves a hus
i band and five childr. n to mourn her low
• all of whom are married and reside in this
county, except one daughter, who resides
1 in the State of Now York. The deceased
: was an estimable old lady in ever- respect,
and will be greatly missed by her many
1 friends. She was always willing to lend a
helping band to those in distr"s. Mrs. B.
was a member <>f tbo Baptist church for
more than forty year# She left evidence
, that sho was going to a better land, where
for ber a new life ha* opened. I' r funeral
was la-gelv attended, and h' r n-ains were
'.aid to rest in the M. K ce.uetrry at Tine
, Hall on the following Thursday. M.
1 church at Fillmore, six miles west of
Bellofonte, on Buffalo Itun, will he open
for divine worship on Sabbath, February
iHtb, IfsfH. K'jv. E. J. Ofay, D. D., Pres
ident of WillUrusport Dickinson Seminary,
Rev. (eo. D. Per.epacker, of Bellefunte,
Rev. J. S Beyer, of Sinnemahoning, Pa
and others are expected Everybody i
most cordially invited to com" and enjoy a
good day. Preaching on Saturday evening
at 7 o'clock. W. R. WHITHEY,
r astor.
SiiooriNi. son Hi SITU. —There is ■>
recreation that will benefit invalid* *o
niurli as shooting at target. There i
something nWxit it that streogtliens the
nerve* and build* a man up, and with
the low price of rifles, shot guns, j.isto'* ,
Ac., it ia tbe cheapest medicine. Send
for our illustrated catalogue: it is free. |
Address, Great Western Gun Works,
Pittsburg. Pa.
PERX 11 ttt. ItEMe.—Scarce—items,
Mr. Charles Smith, fr-,m Pine Grove, Is
deing the trimming at tbe the p. ,-,n Ha",
tarriago shops.
J. W. Rartges mad" a I .in<- trip P-
I'iearflcld and adjoining P-wns la"t week
Spring Mil's has tw • barber 'h<ps.
David Miller and wife, from Sugar Yal
ley, visited friends'at this place last week.
Mr. John llaines, an sg"d man, did at
the residence of F P. IListerman last .
Monday, Fob. lllb. His remains were
taken to Preobung, Snyder county, F<d>
11th, for burial. Age of the deceased, SI
years. Mr. Haines was th father of Mrs. j
Hosterman, and had his home with them (
for a number of years. Mr. llaine* was
highly respected by all who knew him.
Fashionable weddings are all the go at
present. Cards are out for another one.
R'-member, this 1* Lenp Year. But all
right; the "Mountain Boy" will be there.
Jack Plain, let us have a shake of your
band, and become hotter acquainted.
Mot'XTAi* Hot.
—Tbl* (Thursday; evening the Literary
Society connected with the Y. M. C. A.
will give a public entertainment In their
ba'l at 7 o'clock, in tbe form of a Mock
Trial. The ease being larceny. The pros
ecution will be represented by Prancla
Spear and Willie Keller, the defendants by
Wilmer Crow and Harry Keller. This be
ing the second one of the season. Every
body I* invited.
MiLttiEiM lTr.lt*.—All the go—sales
and fat cake*.
C. 11. says ho will go to Boliefonte ihi*
week or jerk his neck off.
Wm. Mauck is doing an Immense busi
ness in the furniture and wall pajier line.
Huceess to you, William.
Mr. W. 11. B. Isenhuth, formerly one of
Millbeim's boys, now of Jamestown, Da
kota, is home paying his parent* a visit.
tjuite a number of buildings will be put
up this summer in town.
Abe M., the old veteran, thinks of mak
ing application for a pension.
Millheim bas organized a Y. M. O. A.
Thi* is certainly a step In tbe right direc
The band boys are air -sly making pre
paration* for the coming campaign. They
make a very ll g * appearance, and partie*
throughout the .State wishing to procure a
good hand and g.l music will do well to <
• ogage tbe celebratod Millheim Cornel
"Reader," of Haines, can hear from -
"Pick Wick" thi* week. Ho was laying <
low for oine lime. Ho w* not idle, but
aga'r- comes to the front. Pi'-* Wirß
Ziow HxrrXMiKCM.—'The railroad ur
vcyor* again p.a smi! through thU part of
Iho valley on Friday I ml.
Mr. J. V. Twittnayer and mother-in-law,
Mm. McGalmont, of Dakota, 111., who
i spent several month* hero with friends knd
i relative*, have again returned to Illinois.
Tho enow i* about all gono and every
, thing teom* dull without tho merry ring
ing of tho bell*.
Tho singing claat conducted by Prof. J.
i W. Keller, of Centre Hall, I* one of tho
! largest classes raised boro for lone year*.
, It number* nearly novonty scholars.
It neem* sale* are all tho go thl* spring.
, We notle in tho post-office no las* than
- twenty *ale bill*.
; Mr Joel Pontius, of J\n., who ha>
■ been here for nearly a year, returned to hi*
■ western home on tho 10th, Inst , accoir
, panfed by J. 8. Itoyor.
i Joel It. will be very much missed by all
, the young folk*, but more so by the cornet
, bam), who wlil |OM a faithful member.
Mi** Mollio ft ate* is getting along nicely
I i with ber school. Hhn spent Saturday and
f | Sunday at her home in Snydertown.
; Mr. Jaiuo* Millcr, another member of
the cornet band is, we believe, going to ac
company Mr. N. J. Stover to Kansas.
I.ast Wednesday night a liltlo stranger
! came to tho homo of our intelligent sadlrr,
Mr. Dunkle. Its a boy ; a real, living boy.
Mr. Harvey Shaffer has moved on the
farm of the late Henry Dunkle, deceased-
Mi'* Katie, the handsome and highly
] respected daughter of I.ewi* Zimmerman,
Sr., spent several days at the residence ol
Mis* Gertie, the accomplished daughter of
our live merchant, David Soil.
Mrs. Lucy Twitmyer is at present visit,
log her daughter, Mrs. Shaffer, at Koala
i burg.— Mrs. Mary Gsrbrick is visiting at
i Stale College.
Foster Sharer will so- n move in a homo
ail alone with his better half.
| ; Dr. P. 8. Fisher seems to be very macb
pleased. It seems his practice calls his at
tention night an'd "PnLO*!*."
Maimsomm ko Cuira.—'The Democrats
j of Brush Valley arc going to trot out D.
F. Fortney as their candidate for President
• Judge at the neat election and tboy will
not to happy unless he I- nominated
The young men of our town are about
organising a branch of tho V. M. C. A.
I*. S. Shafer has ben laid up with the
rheumatism. He had better get well pretty
soon, for th Ml!* township Democrat*
aro talking of running him for County
I Treasurer.
! The rain and thaw* of last week took
off the ice from Klinefelter'* mill dam
without material damage t |th town. It
' had lieen feared that a sudden break-up
would make a genera! weep „f our town,
but ! rtunalely this lrs has been averted
' tbu* far.
The told snap moderated on T i<-l*y af
| t-rnoon, mu b to the delight' f everyh ly.
By the way, Landlord 51 yer tells a
go—l sti * at. jt Genera' Cb ., ihe (me
'he was wounded in the Ing. I 'is very
ftinny, and will amuse ihe ladies They
want to ask hirn alw.it it.
That plea'ant fellow and excellent sai.-s
-mar., May - Pifer, of Philadelphia, wlo-rn
1 everyh dy in thi* e ( ti,iri knows and llk's
arrived in Madi" ribtirg <>n Tuesday esen
ing fr >rn IMi*f"li|s. Tho Mi r I ' a
g I husine's an Ii always warmly we|.
I corned by many friend*.
By present appearanees our town w.ll
Ue considerably larger by neat fall, some
j ten or twelve houses going ud during the
j summer. Come along ; no better place in
j the Stale for employment. Mechanics of
all kinds are greatly needed in our valley
-tome of our leading mn will almost giv*
I you a huihling lot for nothing, so you put
' a small housis on it. All poor people
, should avail themselves of this golden op.
j portunity.
j Madam Kumor say* Geo. II will get
himself a helpmate ere lo ig. Well, Geo.,
j thet i* right; and wo advise ail good young
I men to follow *uiL
Kumor *ays that an effort was made some
time ago to organise a band in our town,
hut that their mu*ic ha* not yet been
beard. Mii.xa.
Union villi fh **!•*.—l notice in your
eicellent paper of the 14th, inst., that rou
desire local item* from every pot-office in
the county, *o for a change I tend you some
•crap* from thi* place.
The O. A. K. 'Peter*) Post held a fes
tival on Friday and Saturday evenings. A
very pleasant time was passed by all. The
net proceeds amounted to $6O.
The enterprising merchants, M -wars
Leathers A Resides, I successor* to B. F
Leather*) are doing a good business. Mr.
Harry Kepharti* Mr. Reside*' right bower,
and under Harry's management they could
not do otherwise. •
Mr. John Kmarick it erecting himself a
flne two-itory dwelling house upon the
vacant lot purchased by him from W. P
Commissioner A. J. Griesl will also build
an addition to hi* already large and com*
. roodiou* dwelling house in the spring.
Mr. John O. Geary, a lively Democrat,
will occupy the Union House, now occu
pied by A. J. Bt. Clair, John will itiako
an excellent landlord, and will lake pos
session April l*t.
The local instil ul-, held at thi* place on
the 15th and IGth, inst, waa quite a suc
cess, there being about forty teacher* pres
ent, and under the management of Prof.
D. SI. Wolf things went off lively. Th'
citizens were much pleased with the courte
ous and gentlemanly demeanor of the
teachers, and kindly invite them to return
again. Car. i
Tho Election,
f ,
Below we give the result of Tueaday
election received up to the time of go
-0 ing to pre**, Wednesday noon.
J SfOTII W A nil,
i. Chief Jlurytit—Jno, Ardell, 168; Jul a
- Power*, 182.
;- As tit taut liurjett E. R,Chambers, 174;
Geo. W. Baton, 123.
Attttoor —lf. H. Benner, 189; I). Z.
Kline, 112.
i. Ovtree.tr Poor—Goo. A. Bayard, 166 .
Win. Steele, 1 KO.
'• Ounttnhle — Isaac Lose,2oo ; Jame*C'>rn
n ly, 96.
Auditor- S. D. Ray, 172; J. C. Harper,
* 129.
* High Constable It. Williams, 197 ; P.
. McMacker, 7; A. Whlteman, 2; If Mc-'
Fsrlane, 1 ; John I, ltvnkin, 1.
1 Treasurer— H I). Gray, 215.
t Judy of Flection — H, I) Yeager, I'd ;
Joseph Fox. 109
. Council—ll. K. Hick*, 190, M W j
. Co wd rick, 109
School Director —Win. II Itsnkin, Ml;
Frank P. Hihle, 106.
f Itegittralum A sscsor—John W. W.g
ner, 186; L. McCaft'-rty, 108: Geo. Whip
" po I.
Junto r of peace —John I. Rankin, 222. ,
r Geo. Whippio, 1.
Inspector —D. MiGinley, 166; Chriitain
' Scbrock, 111.
SOI'TH ward.
0 Chief liurqeta John I'osreia, I'd ; Jno.
1 Ardell. 103.
y A instant I targets —' ieo. Baton, 155;
j E. If. Chambers, 102.
I /lix'is r D, Kline, 114 ;H. I'cnucr,
" 113.
'1 '> eriecr f /r. W. M. Steele, 18" : Geo. j
A. Bayard.66.
Constable —Jaa. Comely, 117; Isaac
Lose, 123.
Auditur —J, (', Hvrj er, Ml ; 8. D. Ry,
t 109.
High Constable, —H. Williams, 117;
0 P. McMacken, 10; Alex. Whitcman,
'treasurer —S. D. Gray, 11>.
™ Judge of Fleet *—.l lis. DolaO, 111
- .In*. L. Sommerville. Kyi,
Inspector— Tlio*. Flemining, M . J. j
Gin lor, 109,
A < otn-il —K. Brow n, Jr.. 133: Theo. j
i. Gordon. 121.
1 K-honf lhreeCr —l> F. Fortney, 137 :
W. W. Montgomery, 111.
fiejtxtor and Ai*' tor Walter Oarity. j
1 -.i; Henry, Houpt, ' 11.
chief Ji ,rg- •—Jno. Ardell, 75, John
s Powers, 68.
Af It font llurret* —K It. Chamhcr*, 84
G. W. Eaton, C>
* A ■ ■*—ll. II Banner, B'. I). Z.
r Kline, fl.
< tre refer P ■ r— Geo. A. KaVard,76; W,
Steele, 63.
1 c ~table liaac L e, '•"!, Jatne* Corn
i ly. 37.
, Audit r —S. D. Iftr, 67; J C. Harpier,
: tlujh (\m*table U Williams, 88 _ j.
. . Comely, 1 ; A. WhHemen, 6
I I Treeimrtr —S D Gray, KV,
Judae of Kleeti i— A. llurkh;nrer, h*
N. Raiding, 39.
(' nneil —L. L. Brown.'.'*: Frank P.
Blair, 26
, S J),reel, —l. <<-il ert. .'vesr-. *7;
, J. Harper, .7 year., John <Win.
2 years, 92; 11. Lukcnbacli, 2 • enrs. 35.
Krj.tter— Augustus Cox, 91; Wa-h
Irvin, 32.
ft T and Au . r-1. ILlUpt, 901
M.l' din, 7.
sraiM. township.
Ju fr of Fleets, ,_A. J. M ivcry, I*l ;
.!•. Rote, 138.
Inspe r — toster Jodon, I*7: n
Ilnni-.il), Sr., 1.12.
Jbatfe* of Peace— Alexander Miller.
191 : Wm Saylor, 176, 11. Beck, 138;
G. H*g, 124.
Super,,, ta—John 8. Nui), 218; John
Dtilihs, 221 ; G. W 154.
Ooerteer of P -—II. Kline, 150; Jo*.
P. 168. '
Ate, ir— M. F. Riddle, 191: .1. M.
Furev, 123.
.v h- •' Ihr etori John Ilendrrshot.
173; .1 rrv l'.< krnroth. I*s: A. Mill r.
119: P. N. Harnbarl, 125.
i r ,<t etaiu —John Bilgcr, 170; N. Lucas,
T tenth,p Clerk —lnhn Noll, 178; Teler
Tollan. 142
Auditor Fed. "'man, 180; {L. C. A.
Rarick. 137.
IitNSRR Towasnip.
JnJge of KlcrUon —John''arson, 133.
i "Inspector —Tho*. Frazcr, 79; J. Risbel,
1.6: T. W. Marshall. 8.
Superviterr- - Wm, Grove, 103; Wm.
l*hler. 05; Wm. Smith, 38.
(Potrterr qf Poor —H. Sampel, 103.
School Ihrector —lt, Coylc, 103; Henry \
Armiga't, 103.
Attestor —.lame* Clark, 10.3.
Amhtor -J. C Bathgate. 10
Township Clerk —B. F. Thompson, 103. '
Treasurer —James Hamilton, 103.
—lt has been decided, but not officially
announced a* yet, that the next annual en- i
campment ol the National Guard of I'enn- )
• ylvania will beheld at Gettyshug, during
ph* first week of August. Adjutant Gen
eral Guthrie and General flartranfl have
been in consultation with other prominent
officer* of the the Guard, a.)dselected Get
tysburg, not alone for lu historical con -ec
ttons, hut also because the location ptossee
ses particular advantagea for an encamp,
ment. Last year the three brigades each
held separate encampment*, and the year
before the whole division encamp*d at
Lewiatown* The general opinion U that a
division encampment i* productive of bet
ter result*, than where each brigade en
camp,* by IDelf.
I.MRP-OOH.RT -Oa th# Tthliw,>r Re* L. W
Si*h!. In Ihe l T I. fso-'ue la |-or Mstißs, X
laIH anil Mlm Msttbs Ooale*. b-Hh of
Port M.lilda, Pa.
CLARK-Rl MHKIK.RR.-AI the L' n psrii* Is J
P.-rl HslilAs. *en 7fb.br Rev. t) f|>aie*. Jaa,-aO. I
Clerk aa4 Ml* AaiOe M. ft nail-ergs,, tot b "f Ihilleii.
Ran (
OOLR— TATLOR. —AI II '.albefan t'sons* In '
fine ilr,.w Mill* Pel. Hth. by J. A11...1 K< • r,
J..hn Onle and Ssrmh M. Tspaw, blb of tor-, tile, '
Centre Oxtule. ,
MOOBB -BASRRTIT.—'>n th# same div •- Ue essr.e,
I *i lb- hone of lh - bride's parent*. Ol Pin* S
j Mills. Samuel B M- Bontsbarg, and Mania j
j r iMiw*by.
Don't forget about the Grogg Post
exhibition on tb 2l*t, 22d, and 23d
—An additional tory is being added to
Ilurri* drug building, on Allegheny street,
to he used by J. W. Moore, the phop,-
Donavin'r FAMOI* Tcmnemkams.—
Not "Tennessee Jubilee Hingers," but
Donavin s hamou* 'i'ennesican*. |
Colored Concert Coni|)any, i the name )
l, y which the excellent company under
Mr. Donavin'* tnnnngeinent is known.;
—At the request of tho teachers of'
the several local institutes, Supt. D. M
Woll hereby asks all the teachers who
can, to meet in Iho public school
huihling of Bellefonte, Saturday, March
Ist, 186, at 10 a.m. Purpose lo try
and effect a permanent teacher's a*-
kocialion in Centre county.
— The Oratorio of Esther, wilj
be rendered in the Reformed church at
| Bonlhburg, on Saturday evening, Feb. !
23d. 1884, by a chorus of over 10U alegar*,
with Prof. Lowell M. Meyer, a* "King."
and Misa Belle Rankin all
under the direction of I*. H. Mey-r
'Mr*. Dr. Woods will preside at the
piano. All are invited. Door* open at
Id, exerci-e* b-gii. at 7j. Concert
! tickets 25 cents.
'n last Thursday afternoon an!
ai inn of fir<- was rai- d and up. on further '
investigation it proved lo be the house !
belonging to Bond Valentine, undoccu
P°d by n Ja *. Weakly on ''urtiii *t., .ui a
dwelling house. The J; use *>■ almost
l totally burned. The firemen were on ;
hand promptly and worked manfully
an<l hard. 'I ho hou-e of Mrs. I'ugh not
over fifteen feel from ibit house, **,
'Vi' 1 without ar.y damage save -corch
mg. The house of Mr. v tew art Lyon,
on the ncrtli, also earap'd without any !
"•rious loss exeeptiug th< scorching and
| damage in moving the furniture, Ac. '
It was thought at one time that
neither of thee two house- cruld' la* j
saved a- the wind blew very fiercely at
times. The fire burned slowly and this I
. g*\<- the in a gorwl opportunity of carry
ing oul the furniture ; but it would have
been belter to have burned up,, a* it wa 1
terr.i ly 'la:),.,g><l in removing. The!
bouse was in*ute<l for ff'j.lSG. anil Mr '
Weakly carrirvl an instirmice of 81V>i
1 m hi- furniture. Mr. Valentine had j
furniture stored in twor' ms. on which '
w ,s held an insurance of 4 'st
I -
Salon Register.
Pt *' Si; x —Th,. und' r, gt i-d w 1
<• 1 at | if.ii, sale, fir mile* we*t <f Jack
■ nvllle, on the Lamb farm, Ma.ih 4lh,
a I )', f huuwhold furniture, farming ulen
*'l, live st.ck etc. S. R. GrtTl'j.
Pvpi tc Bal k. —Thr™ will be ex pried at
public f, n lb- T. C Runitierg, r farm, on
M r. r M" (niain, M*r I, 1 ii. all theper
• r.al prop rty ■( the urtder'igned.
W 11. Alt trie.
I'riiLi' Sali:.—ln 55 alter township,
one-half mile east of HubJersb rrg, al the
rewd-neo of the under".gr.<J March 20th,
18"l, a lot of farming utentiis, lire stork,
ate. sV*i. 11. Yearkk.
A case of interest was decided by the
< url in Cheater county a few day* dnc-e
6n i. lion of tre>p ass f, r dan.tge* in the i
um of ai brought by a Chester ,
, ur.lv fsrnn r against a fox bur.ls r, it be- |
ir.g .aimed It at injuries that extenthad I
1, en done plaintiff s, lands by defendant |
k i bis h unds. The j ,ry gave tbe plaia
tiff $2OO tlainages and sis, and it is said I
•hat the fot hunUls of that neighborhood
j.rop...*>• to carry the ca' to the Supreme
ijuurt for a final decision. ■
At'<Tio*r.:R —The undersigned, the
fa-teat and h-st salesman in Central Penn
sylvania, having more than twenty ytart
exponente in selling Farms, Farm Stock,
Merchandise, etr, offers his service* to the
citixer.i ol Centre and adioining counties
as a First-claa* Salesman, (.'barge* train
able. Addrcas Joeßi'H L. Navr,
4-Bm. Centre county, Pa
-No auctwn trath at Carman'*.
A snot-jo cm ext.— Having moved into
tbe rooms corner Aiisqpbeoy and High |
street*, my facilities are far *up>erior than
heretofore, and 1 would repwct!ully an"
nounce that I am now prepared lo do ai'
kind* of tailoring in the latest and most
| fashionable style* with promptness and d'-
! patch. I have on hand a flneline of good*,
I and you will find it to your inler*t to call
and examine my stock and learn my price*
when in want of a fine suit of clotha* or a
| firit-cla** overcoat
55*. I. Fleming.
N". K. cor. Allegheny and High *t n7 if.
—All kind* of picture* at Buyer'* car,
55"aktri>.—A position by an experi
enced and competent blacksmith. Can do \
anything in the blarksmitbing line. Hah- '
It* regular. Address *'M kciiakic," care
Center Democrat, Bellefonte, Pa. 6 4t.
—Wilson, McFarlane At Co., call alien- j
tion to the only reliable Ready Mixed i
Paint in the market. The Pioneer Pre- '
Kirci pairt i not nlv to any !
eady Mixed Paint sold but rivals pure i
white lead in It* smoothness in working
and du'shility. This paint 1* guaranteed
by tbe manufacturers not to crack or peel
within three year*. Tbe guarantee is not .
only good for repdacing tho paint but it ,
will he put on If It should creek or p?eel i
within tbe time specified. It will he to '
your Interest to call and tee 55'lhon, Mc- "
Fariam A Co., before port hasfng ejltor
while lead or any other Ready J'ixaJ
Paint. j, |
Bunnell A Aiken* have it
v*-ry fine selection of solid ol<l watches,
jewelry an<l a full line of silverware. /
wnieli tln-y offer cheaper than any other
store in JVllefonte.
All of our Winter go./d mud b -hi /
u> make rinin f or .Spring nock. Call early .
* Overcoats at coat nd
special reductions in all of our K *.od. lor
the neit 40 day.. Respect fully,
A „ . htwi* Ac Co.,
A Ilegh'-ny , tr wt, li.llefonte, I'a. 21,
Lewin'. I'hil*. Branch is the place
to buy clothing cheap. a
—Oolored bordered handkerchief* .1
cent* at Oarmar/a.
Very latest atyje hat. and cap* at
J.ewjii a.
New embroideries at Oartnan s.
Mena' under sbirta 22 centa at Oar-
—The reason after the HoHdtv* Is eon
ers.ly dull with the Ta.lor., We
faring . xirn inducement, In /<,„• j.riegt \f
have given large order-, aid the
gyh are now coming in. 1,,-avc your
order n< w Moaiooneav A. Co
All winter good* at a reduction—
•Sm< RIB r. for the CEKTKE JUM** ** r .
hour cabin* i for !<■ money than four
card site, would c where t Beyer
I Bishop slre<-t. .
Winter stock ma t go. Sp.-ci.l
• urguins at I.ewinV.
Celluloi 1 tuft- an*l collar-. ullsizee
at LewinV
New line of . mbroidt-rie* t*i arrin
xt w*. k. at Carman e.
rme and Buy.
I n whole or lots.
I . —..._ on Alleghany Street.
On High street.
' 'n Thomas street.
On Willow Bank street,
On Willow Bank street, ?12(h>
.... , On Bishop street,
All in the Bor ugh of Bcllefoute.
tKf Tcrmt Made Easy. pi
•V.Y.'lm. Real Estate Agent.
2nd floor Bush Arcade,
: R • ' if. t>- R tbror I' Dental tCr,
I am now ready la do ail kind of
* I'OHTHAITS ir. *.,/. LAXL
SCAPES. sKiX cm / ft 1, \A MEX
TA/.. EAXry DEcora.
T/XO ur.ti OA A IX/XO
Salt-fact ion guaranteed in al! cates.
I would IM' pleased to have rou call, ""
and examine specimen* of w-irk. In
-1 ructions given in l'aiuling. H
Yrr.v Rryri.rriTi.LY,
C. V.
os nor, AS STREET.
We would respectfully invite the
public to give us a call when in want
of any work in our line. We are pre
pared to do ALE kinds of
repairiso %f
We alffo ir <vko a specialty of
All work will reeieve prompt atten.
! LION. Our TERMS are reasonable, and
all work guaranteed. UeepetlfuUy,
II tit W ELL .f MrS VL Y,
<-3tn Itrtlrfonte. Pa
I J lum-nutj an thr ratt ml Mr. Eliubrth
MAoUj. d - d.. I*l* of Waikrr l -....1 if,. Orate
en., P . Sarin* bora granted to thr nn<Wl*(4. all
e***"'" iadrbted tr ra„| ralafr aro to
makr Itnmoditir parmrnt, and .11 baring rUJtn.
NT*'"*' •' •"• 1" frraaet Ib.m. dalr .vtbraUraixl
by U. frr rrlliroirtil SARAti J. L^Jftl,
*-*• Kteere*
. a xtir i. t r*ra that Irttrr. ot adailnl*
■ ratio* on U.o W. of Wraloy Ajora. Mr ot lUtf
nooa l*nrtp, towol. bar* tora vraatod to tt r
nndrr.ianrd. All |wra,.nr boovlag o,ra>rrl.r* to
drMrd u, thr r't.lr rr r.-rnrrtd taM.kr lanaodtair
l-at mrat. .it tb-w liavlag H. tut IU rr*asl tbrw.
daly aalhrattcatod.tor witiranral.
i mum A tea*.
17 X F.tT TOK'S NOTlCE.—letters
A J Iratatnrataiv na Ur ouin t Mrary J, tSaaklo, I
drana—4, l.taof W.ik.. <Ve.rvwnty.ra,.
barlaa bo.,* araatad to thr aaArrWan, • |mM la *
drHrt , Mid rrl.tr arr toyaratrd to awkr lanrdj
atr yaymrat. „d all batin* rlamr vr,r..i tbr aaarr
to yrrrni lbrta. daly aatbrtira*rd t y 1 torrottlr
■Mat. J M uAaBHlt'K,
a " ttrr ii brrrkjr Rttrn tb.t lb* ptttorrrble brrr-
Sidtr ORlrttng l.ii ,rn /. T. t.ooar *m* t; Sbaaa.*.
aadav tbr Htm aa* ol Laoar A bhaanon In.tbtrAar
trra dtwoltod by mutual f-wrrot Tbr Knkt of tbr
tot. r*i at* lft in thr butdt of J T: toraa. ab* <rltt
•rillr and •ollm thr aoooaata of tbr M Krai
t. T, It CAS,
at sbas b'iN
N tl **<■, r.: Arr'ta. t f Sf.
tar uirdrtt . *r- alii i * t>-# tbr !. at iba ' a
piiKf bf ba.la.oa of tbr ll ttia, J. T LVC.iI: