Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, February 14, 1884, Image 8

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    Slit §tmcftai
Thursday Morning, February 14,1884-
l fioiiUli)lnKlnportint Hell
•.} an> pari of Ilia count jr. No com munlcfct tana
iifi '! unless accompanied ljf tUf rsal name of tin?
wfilr. - _
Local Department.
—Van Wink lo
—Did vou get a valentine?
Valentines flitted through the mails to
—Street Commissioner Sbaugiieney is
—Poultry was in big demand on Satur
day last.
—Tho recent heavy rains have madeour
roads quite heavy.
—I! you wish to purchase anything con
-ult the columns of the DEMOCRAT.
Kolirei—our "open and mild winter"
—The prospects of the wheat crops
tl.t .ohout tho State looks encouraging.
• Thompson, the deepest basso living, is
with D niacin's Famous Tenncssecans.
That little "scene" enacted in the
i nr. m Saturday evening was highly
int. tea tug and amusing.
The I,"np Year German given at the
J. .. . iloure !a-t Thursday evening was an
M eodiugly enjoyaife afl'uir.
—Tho recent high waters have caused I
considerable delays and inconveniences '
i.oariy all over the land.
ibo meeting of the Heaver Hand will
I* heid at the residence of Dr. K. S. Dor
worth 10-tuorruw evening.
u J r friend Augustus Hoover is again at
I. >. j ' i of duty, wo are happy to say.
—The pulpit at the Presbyterian church
wiil be tilled by ltev. L. L. liaugbawaut, j
of K ishacoquillis, next Sunday.
—Wo wonder who could have sent that j
valentine. They must have been almost
bankrupt, for it was only a one nslrr.
—The spring election will be held on the
l'.t.h inst. Select your bc-t tnen, and ther:
Jg ovcrv vut'-r step out ani do his duty.
—A valentine weighing D'> 6 pounds was
~ r.t to a young lady at Milcsburg thi.-
wi k. Guess she was pbr.<ed with it.
—A colored man, of 15 llefonte, nan."J
Mill r recently received a pen-ion of $l,-
i' V) for a son who was killed in tho army.
—That new -'52 j>owox clcclrict hanging
lam] at Mr. J. D. Sour beck - c nfecliin
•ry i- very nobby and greatly admired by
.■very one.
-Eighty-four petitions for license wa#
pre." ntcd at the lat t-rm of court at
''tear field, of which Judge Krobs refused
Mr. ll'r.ry Myers, of K iling Spring*,
returned from his ten days trip to New
York eitv last week. lie reports 1 tving
bad a large time.
—The press pronounce Miss Emma Con
-.1 i of tho Famous Tennessecans, a won
soprano, and tho p"-r of many far
I ." pretending.
-Orlando Blake, the peerless comedian'
*• Hip Van Winkle. Opera House to
morrow night. Chart now open at Sour
k's. Secure your seats early.
—One of our merchants, from force of
i abit, struck a match and then turned on
:h ■ "electric" a few evenings since. It did
i >.t take him long to discover hi* mistake.
—Tho well known firm of Harper Bros.
1 is Von changed to Ilarper's A Co. Mr
Harry Schroyer and Mr. Stewart Broush
w r • admitted into partnership with the
—The Tenneeseeans learned many of
r religious melodies from old "Aunt
i, ny. the best known colored revivalist
in >r about Nashville. Opera House, Feb
ruary 22.
—This world is pretty oven—the piano
.potied many a good dish washer, and
i m y a good dish washer has spoiled the
I i <.—Jersey Shore lltrald. —How do
.mi know this, Charley ?
< i who wou'd not be a benedict ? Our
(rood S D Ray does not feel half a*
i, rvi us now as he did just previous to his
marriage, and says he has had such good
I.ting since tberf that be is beginning to
st'-i lite gout.
- The supervisors of some of our town
• ip have erected sign boards etthe inter
—otion o' the different by-roads in tipeir
r -"pertive district*. That's right gentle
men, keep the good work up; end wi
• t.nuld be glad to hear of tho other super
\ iire following in the same footsteps.
A fire wes discovered in the clotbin;
store of M. Levi A Co., caused by the ex
|,lo>ion fa coal oil lamp, on Wednesday
night the fith, at about half past olevei
.Vl|.ck, Fortunately it was discovered li
t i,e to avert any serious consequences
T ie Undine loys were on hand promptly
b it their services were not required.
-What might haven proven a seriou
acidsnt occured near Valentlna's Iroi
W a. 01 last Friday afternoon. Mi
Ne ■>n Fleck was driving a four tout
team, on the back of one of which rode hi
lit Ie child. A blest suddenly explode
and a piece of reek struck one of the mules
In trying to r "scue the child Mr.Fleck slip
fd end fell with the child In his arms
The front wheels psssing over his limb
cutting Item fo the bone, and crushed tb
little one's foot. Drs. Dorworth and Far
larrb attended to their injuries.
Miss C'olia Armor attonded a fashionable
wedding at Holidaysburg last week. 1
Mr. Jacob Welkey, a solid Democrat of
Walker, gave us a friendly call on Monday.
Mr. Jno. A. Dailey, one of Curtin
township's solid men, gave us a friendly t
call last week. ■
Mrs. J. A. Rwavely is visiting at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. c
Fox, at Ronovo.
Mr. John Mussor, Jr., of I'ine Grove
Mills, favored us with a very agreeable 1
call on Tuesday.
Miss Mirian Thomas, an accomplished
young lady of Philadelphia, is the guest of j
Miss Jennie Reynolds.
Miss Dolly Caldwell, one of Tyrone's
lair daughters, ia the guest of Mrs. R. M. (
McGeo, Penn street. '
Miss Jennie Rigler, granddaughter of
Kx-Gov. liigler, ol Clearfield, is visiting
her friend Miss Mary Thomas O'l this
Mr. W. I. Fleming, our enterprising
merchant tniior, is now located in his new ! '
quarters, corner of Allegheny and High '
streets. '
Miss BelUWhiteman.acbarmingyoung
lady of Sunbury, is visiting at tho resi- '
dence of Mrs. Abram Valentine, on High '
street. '
Mr. Ellis L. t'rvis, the junior editor of
this paper, we are glad to say, Is improv
ing very rapidly, ar.d has gained over llf- j
teen pounds in weight since gying to Clif- (
! t'>n Springs. f
Mr. Frank Greist, the wide-awake man- !
ager at Geo. E. I.ewis' store, plaeed in his 1
i window on the evening of the 'sth inst., 1 1
two tallow candles, to represent the "eiec- 1 1
trie" light of one hundred years ago.
Mr. II Frank Keller, formerly of thi.
place, but now of Washington, D. C., who
■ cam home to att-nd tho funeral of hi- ;
father, the late Henry K!ler, Eq., of ,
Hoalsburg, t k r.ia departure for Wash
' ington again on Saturday, A M. ! (
Mr. T. I' Uynder, late Greenback labor |
candidal" for Auditor General, and editor ,
iof the Altoona Adrtne*, i- now so" timing i
at Milesburg with a view of improving ' t
! hi* health. Tho Atlraancs, bdiave, : j
will not be published until he ran again ' ,
give it hi* personal attention.
Mr W. L. Malin, tho gentlemanly ,
telephone manager, has to f*r recover,-1 .
from hi* recent injuries a lo ie* around t
again looking after the inlcr.ot* of the ,
| company. Mr. Malin * indomitable plus h ,
i and g".ahead"dnes* wiil not permit him t" ,
remain indoors a minute longer than U ab
solutely necessary.
G. A. R. LOAM EXUIBIT.—The subjoin- j<
cd schedule, which we submit ts> the ex- l
aminstion of the , iti/ens and comrades of
Relleionle and vicinity embraces,probably, , i
all that would be interesting in a Loan Ex- :
1 bibit. Such articles as are comprehended j
in this general classification are needed for
1 the Loan Exhibition to beopenedin Gregg
I P..t Room* from 21t to - U. inclusive , for
the 22 lof February entertainment. Will '
: people generally examine tho list and see
< what it include# that they have stored
away among their valued memento"* of
the past. GREGG Post Encampment C m- j
■ initlee will take every possible precaution |
against losses. The articles loaned should 1
be handed In on Monday, February DUb, j
' at the Post Room in Humes' block, arid if |
before that date, Maj. 1! II Bonner, Com
mander of the Post, will receipt for them
! at his office.
S.R.X KRAI. ct.AaairicATiox:
Antifiiitif— Furniture, Fabric*, Uten
sils, Costumes, Portraits, Instrument*,
i Machine*, Works of Art, Indian furiosi
r /Mies—Of the Late War, War of 1812,
Revolution, including Flags, Fire Arm (
, Side Arms, Fussiles, etc.
fitoloyiral —Fossils, Minerals.
HoianisAl —Flowers, Plants.
, Sourenirt and Iffirloomt —Fancy Work,
I Letters, (private Rule or official )Uobblin'
, Wares.
, All persons who will loan their property
for the Exhibit will please report the fact
to Dr. G. F. Harris, Chairman, and if
r they cannot bring it themselves it will be
' s*nt for in good time.
. R. C. I avis, Sec'y.
• '
—A select bop, In honor of some of the
" young ladles visiting in Bcllefonte, will be
held at the Brockerhoff House this (Thurs
r day) evening. The liberal host, Mr.C. G
* McMlllen, participating both in the ex
pense and enjoyment to be expected. The
r " hotel no doubt will be a scene of brilliancy,
with its electric lights reflex from beauty
g and splendor. This, we understand, is the
i- initial bop of a serin to be given by a few
,y of the young gentlemen of Bellefonte, the
, n rest to be postponed until after the Ka*t*r
In festivities are over, when they will prob
. ably take place at intervals long enough to
y, not become monotonous.
REXD US THE NEWS.—WO would like
°* to have mora correspondence among our
>n friends in tba country. In fact wa want
r - correspondence (rom every post-office in the
'• county. There Is no better chance for a
I* young man, or lady either, to learn to write
ri well and become generally wall informed'
*• than to correspond for a newspaper. It is
p- not necessary that you have a good educe.
*• Hon, or that you be able to write a ffrsU
b* class letter. We only ask you to gather up
>e the news of tbs neighborhood and send it
r- to us, in any shape, and we will correct it,
if neoeesary, and print it.
—Wbo to surprise next—thn poor.
—Don't forgot to have your unloi bills
printed at tho Davtoi HAT office. ,
■—Pennsylvania pays over $.5,1100,000
annually to the r of thin -State,
—Tho Milton iron worker# still continue
to "strike." Perhaps they nro itrikmg
—Jno. M. Ilickey's Hip Van Winkle
company, Opera House, Friday evening,
15th, inst. i
A tool handle factory in being erected '
in Mill Hall and will be ready for opera- 1
lion in a few weeki,
—Tho next annual meeting of tho State
Dental Association will be held at Wilks- !
barre, l'a., in July next.
—When a young man marriet he fro- '
quently makes a mil* lake.—A'et/-*. Hedoe* 1
every time, unleai ho ruarrie* a widow. 1
—Culurhhia, Pa., has one mintitor for
every OCX) periom, ono physician for every
I,fWO persons, arid a liquor saloon for every
34' i of it* population.
—Huntingdon hai a social club room and
elegantly furnished. They recently pur- ,
chased a handsome billiard table and f
placed it in their room.
—Curwenivillo is now much larger than
it was. The amended lorough now em- 1
brace* tbe white settlement, Irwin's addi- 1
tion and tbe Jenkins addition. i
—f'ur jolly, good naturvd dairyman,
A mo* Qerbrlck, still continue* to furnish j '
hi* numerou* customers with the very j
choicest of that delicious l everage, known i '
as lacte) fluid.
—We have a well devoloped cold which •
we'll lellcheap. Who'll buy?—.Wu > And l j
as the auctioneer *ay, if you are not satis- |
fled wMh this one, we'll "put up another.'• j '
You c.n take your choice—or both.
Mr. W. It Miles, the enterprising j 1
merchant of Mileshurg, received into part- '
nerthip with him on the l>t inst , his two | 1
sons, O*osr an<l Thomas. The firm is now j I
W. B. Miles .V S ns. Wc wish thcin suc
—The Republican* of Worth tommblp ,
are trying to get up a boom for Mr .1 <1
Love as a candidate for Judge Now,
that's all right, but that p • .lion will be
honored by a Dime rat, we jld have
you know.
A Urge w'sembUge of fun lorir.g
and merry making people gathered at the
residence of Mr. Jantes < *rk in Ilenner
township on last Wednesday evening by
special invitation. Theevrning w* *j.ent
in social games and music, and an enjoy
able time was spent by ail j res ent.
—Tb Altor.na and Lan- aster are the '
only two club* n w in the Inter-Slal* Asso
ciation, and tbe fy ti>,- 7" >>' thinkstbal
title should 1-e dropped. Wl y could not a
Pennsylvania League be form i 1 There
are a number of excellent rlubs In the
State which, In connection with the above
two clubs, could be formed into a good
league with a paying circuit.
—lt it wrong for per- ns to engage in
the practice of aggravating those who arc
not altogether t ><pus menfu* We refer i
to those who arc In the habit of provoking .
"'Wallace,'' the Niltany mail< arrier,as he
passes through our streets en route to the
post.-.ffice "Wallace ' ls inoffensive, at
tends to hi- business faithfully, and harm"
or disturbs no one And it reflects no credit
on those who indulge in this practice.
—A burlesque on the Electric light w
gotten up by about twenty of our towns
men on Saturday night, and nearly all the
nrnminent business house* of our town
. was visited by the delegation, headed by
! our handsome ex-Senator, Hon. C. T. Al
, exander. Kach gentlemen carried with
■ him a bottle, from tbe mouth of which
protruded a car,die. At the Ilrockerboff
a neat and appropriate address was deliver
ed, tlluitraling In glowing terms the ad
riel-ag* of the /"orf-able one candle power
over the Edison. After which tbe good
natured landlord proceeded to fern out—
not the delegation—but one after another
of tbe "electric*," until only one remain
ed. The office looked quite bright—until
that remaining one light was put out. An
Imtant gloom *ucceeded the daaxling
brightness, and thn way that delegation re
treated through the hark door—not do ring
to go out by tbe front door—was amusing
Haiken Towkship Itkw*.— Where I*
"Pick Wick?"
K very body seems anxious to get the
Drmocrat. Why should they not 7
We are Inform J. C. Munkle la Jim *
successor Hope Warren'* time may soon
come, or he will get left.
C.C. Orndorf, accompanied by hi* *iter
Sue, who were visiting friend* at Penn
Hall and vicinity la*t week, met with rath
er a misfortune which might have resulted
In an aecident. They had hitched their
horse to a post at Mrs. Hettinger's place*
near Hpring Mills, where they had slopped
for a few minute*. When they made
ready to start for home they found they
were minus a rig. The poet being broken
' off Charles at once name to the conclusion
that the horse had started for home, and
| followed with another man in hot pursuit.
( Tbe horse, however, came home with tbe
, sleigh about an hour and a half ahead of
Charlat; and, much to their astonishment,
| nothing harmed the least. Charles felt all
right then, and speedily went back for the
girl he left behind him.
Miss Bock!* Young was attending pro
, tractod meeting at Aaronsburg fast Weak.
Geo. Rrhard Intends going west as soon
a* b* !• through teaching.
L. B. Stover move* to Madlsonburg in
a few weeks. Bkaitr,
fr" *)Si
Ct'RTix Township, Feb. Oth, IRKL
Mr. Editor —Wo of to-day are living
in an age of advancement and improve
ment, and in no one department are we
making greater progress than that of edu
cation. lam led to believo in the above
facts from Icing an interested spectator at 1
a local institute held in Cur tin township on
February Ist and 2d, I*Bl. Prof. D. M.
Wolf in the chair, aided by sums fifty of
tho leading teachers of the county. Much
credit is dun Messrs. Werta. McKntyro
Turner, and Miss Annie Haines, teachers
of the district, for their untiring effort* in
making it a success. Tho drill* in the va
rious branches were practical arid to the
point, showing that those who conducted
thern wore energetic and progressive in 1
their chosen calling. To enumoraloall the ,
instructors present would be a tedious task, j
and an infringment upon your time and i
space. I would bo ungrateful, however, j
did I end this article without compliment- i
ing the Misses Cllne, Uc-chdel, Clark and
Wad doll, together with Messrs. Shaffer
Ruckle, Mc Kntyre, Leather* and Prof
PmiLien, for their excellent rendition of
select pieces of vocal and instrumental !
music furnished during the '-* ions of the j
The address of Eider C. M. Olophanton
"Moral Culture was able and instructive,
as were also the talk* of Prof. .Stephenson,
of the Lock Haven High School, on' Com
position," "Penmanship," and "F< hool
M"r*. Zimmerman, Smith and l! rikle
gave talk on various intere-tirig subjects,
followed by M *- Annie Hainc*on"H>i to !
To'li Arithmetic,' and "Our C-minon
Hence the fiH't of knowledge spread
U| n tho tabl l f our memory by the in- 1
toll.gent edu .rs of the young idea are i
among the many bright page* of p**ing
events. TheC itnmun S<-hools of to-day are
at much in advance of the ►< hools of our
fath.-r, and th 00 of tin writer, early
school days, av tbe cleclri light is in ad- ,
vance of the tallow dip. J A I), 'j
M AI.ISORRI ho Cmi-n. Brush valley
can boa'l of th* oldest old maid in the !
Flale, the having just reached the ago of j
104 j 1 ar- Her father was a wealthy tbiHi
maker, and during her life time the | lt
had over thirty proposals to marriage, but .
in every initaioe dclin- i to be on* a
bride Even t # h*r advanced age ibo out
linns of fad'-d beauty can be tra- <-d on her i
wrinkled fa to.
Dr K' bervi itod Be!!e r ,ni* !.< t wn*V.
H* stopju-l at the Camming* House.
Dancing, | ..nd parti< > gum sucks, and
all such int. ■nt amusements are
numerous at present
On Friday n ght of 1s t week a parlv
was held at L B Shafert,and bef.-re going j
the girls c inje-llecl tho bejs to shave off j
their miMta' 1 and beards u* ler penalty 1
of "no toting." The ioy succumb.
Mr. W Auman, our school P-asber. in
len '- holding an exhibition at the of ,
his term Pr<; vralions are already brii.g
made to prove it a succcas.
The gr- at revival meeting in the Evan
gelical church is still in progress. Quite a .
number have I n converted so far, and
there .s still a number seeking.
P. F. Yonada has a fine lot of White (
Elephant potatoes which he offer* to the
public very low for *>ed p tab-.-*
Ml tra.
lv Mtuori .r a (*ovirac—Tbe un
dersigned, aft ; nt' Jar • mitt-* by CJrcgg
Post, No. !<*., I A. H ,I- prepare rcsolu
lions cm the death of Comrade John I) J
McGinley, beg leave to | re < nt the follow -
WIIKRRA*, It hath pleased 11 od, in' Hi* '
wise providence, to remove from u our
1 omrad* in arms and In peace ; he it
H'rh'd l That we mourn hi* death, hut
are consoled in the knowledge that, in tt.it !
otosf trying A our, he was happy in having
the (treat Comforter at his side.
Rm.ltrd, Thai the ciacie in which he i
moved socially ha* lost an :
and useful companion ; the I'nion a loyal |
man and an ever ready defender of her .
principles, and Gregg Post one who could 1
always be relied upon for duty in reaching
out for fallen and unfortunate comrades,
and in holding up the flag of our country.
/frao/rcf, That w extend to his home
partner in life our warmest sympathies in
her bereavement, and our earnest wishes
for her welfare in the journey of life.
Rftnlrtd, That a copy of these resolu
tion* he enclosed and delivered to hi* widow,
and that the same be inserted in our coun
-1 papers.
Jamks H. Rankin,
Throimirr Discixir,
8. H. William*.
TaincTtor Hcsibct.—The undersign
ed, appointed a committee by Centre
Lodge, No. IM, I. O. 0. F., to prepare a
tribute of rp*ct to the memory of Broth
er John toarnes, deceased, respectfully sub
mit the following.
Whrrkas, It ha* pleased Almighty
God In Ills all-wise providmic*, to visit the
home of our late brother and remove by
death, he it ,
firtoirrd, That in his death his family
has lost its honored head and support, and
this Lodge one of it* oldest and mnift re
spected members, who, for many years,
wore the mystical jewel# of our order with
honor to himself and the welfare of others.
Ratolrrd, That tbe vicinity in which he
reeided for *0 many years ha* lost a good
cillaen and Rind neighbor, whoaeexample,
in hi* daily walks of life, is worthy Of im
itation •)
tirtolrrd. That we bow in aubmiiiion to
the ruling* of our Creator, and joto the
1 family of our deceased brother in mourn
ing hi* daalh, tendering them our most
heartfelt sympathies In this their most sore
bereavement, cherishing the hope that, as
be lived a christian life, be is now reaping
, the reward of the just.
Rcudred, That a copy of these resolu
tions be sent to tbe family of tbe deceased
and that they be published In the county
peper*. Respectfully,
Tinto. DEW -fix an, J
Ralcn Rogintcr.
A UMixiaI KATOH'B HAMS. —There will b
exposed at public sale at the residence of
tbe late John Luiz in Spring township,
1 l-i mile* *onth-cat of Klon, Thursday
February 2*, I*B4, at 10 o'clock, A. W ,
all the personal property, fur mi eg uteri-il*
and live stock of the dcrcated.
HANKAK LIT/, l . , , , , .
JXU. GIUIIC.; } Administrators.
A lIMIKIATTTATOK'a HAM. —There will be
exposed at public outcry at the residence of
Geo. Vonada, deceased, at 11 u biers burg,
Thursday March 11, atone o'clock, P. M.,
two good farms, (Q acre* timber land,
; household goods, farming u ten sell, live
| stock, etc., etc. J so. VOXAUA,
—A singing concert was held at both
| Jacksonville and liubl'-rsburg lal Satur"
i day evuning.
Mr. Joseph L Neff, of H< ggs town*
j whip, i* tbeowner of a fine short born I)ur
ham calf, tbo weight of which was M 11 is i
at one day old.
—The I'itlsburg Exposition Society ha* '
' entered suit againl several insurance com- j
' panics tor damages sustained in the burn- 1
i nig of their Exposition building iast fail. ;
—One more drink and -worn off. The :
I sleep of 20 year- wakes to find bis dog j
*►• bnider dead The greatest drama ever
written, Kip Van Winkle. Keynolds'
Opera House to-morrow night. I'.'.i-rvod
s< als at Kourb"i k s.
The beautiful til j uinting, ''The Ar
re-t, ' by Mr. C P. Hild-r, on exhibition
in the window of the >. d , ant store roum in
j the Centre County Hanking ( >. building
j is to lie chanced off at one dollar a < banco.
—The •Commit oner- statement cirtu
| laled in our last week . issue, wa* j Tinted
' at th office of the fml r /(rj rfsr, and we
an red t< •; ' 1 > f..? ar v • rrers, if ar.v,
or entltb 1 t" ariv credit for th<- i ?. eiii-nt
I mechanical skill In it* get-up.
lIKAD AT LAJT. —The New Millport
inapping turti- lived nir." w<eks with its
head cut off Oarfled /{,, .'.fo- i..
I AWMMOII I -llavit G rcoveil into
ii. rooms corner Allegheny ar d High
, street#, mv fas .lilies are far superior than
I bnretof) re, and I would rwpc if sally *n
nounce that 1 am now prepared to doail
kinds of tailoring in the latest and mi -1
' fashi nable style- with fir :nptne*< and dis-
I atrh. I have n band a fineline • f r •<■!*,
end you will find it to your inte''-t t call
: and examine my stock and learn myprlcei
when in want ' f af • uit fi ' 'h es or a
1 flrt-c!s.s over,- at
IK, K cor Allcgh.ny and High its. n7 tf. j
TvTl' KTriUßT—Jssuarr fab. IM, at tie
< 1 cf tk* bit ','-a Ulher I ,I. K< i
V B W|, tno.Di *. Oa l Tst- 4 Clearfield t
Mih A'is M k*eh*rt.
IiLIMS—IIARtII a I'-l rtwif Tlh. I M. a: t),a M. 1. j
psfs. rut's la Stonier an. !■* Us* IV R. u Itiiar,
Mr I tsars K K ' .. J. tl -.sills, C< Its oar,-
I I* l*a ,to Mir* Kmm* II llirut-ri, sf St. riqa *n i
Forxfi.—A s]-e-cti !c tae was left upon
stir desk by ome one on Tu'-day morning.
' From its prrnlior design we rather infer '
it wai intended for a M 'f.
- All kinds of pictures at Uoyer'scar. I
WAKTIP. A position by an experi- I
<nced and competent blacksmith. Can do '
anything in the blacksmitbing line. Hab- |
it* regular Address "MXCBASIC," care!
Cl VTRK DEMOCRAT, Hellefonte, Pa. 6-4t. !
—Stamping in the very latest style and i
warranted to not rub out, at J. 1. White
msn's, Hush llouae Block, High street, :
I Iteliefonte, Pa. 4-4t.
—Wilson, McFarlane A Co., call atten- '
tion to the only reliable Heady Mixed
Paint in the market. The Pioneer Pre
: pared Paint is not .inly superiar to any
Iteady Mixed Paint aoid but rivals nurip
i white lead in its smoothness in working
• and du'abilily. This paint is guaranteed
by the manufacturers not to crack or pee!
within three years. The guarantee is not
only good for replacing the paint but it
will be put on if it should crack or pee!
within the time specified. It will be to
vnur interest to call and see Wilson, Mc-
Parian* A Co., before purchasing either
white lead or any other Ready Mixed
—Ali of our Winter good* must be aoid
to make room for Spring stock. Call early
and gel a bargain. Overcoat# at cost and
special reduction* in all of our goods for
the next 80 days. Respectfully,
Allegheny street, Hellefonte, Pa. 2t.
—-Lowin'* Phila. Hraneh ia the place
to buy clothing cheap.
—Colored bordered handkerchief* 5
cent* at Carman's.
—Very latest style hats and eaj>* at
—New embroideries at Carman'#.
—Men#' under shirte 22 cent# at Gar
1 —Tbe season after the Holidays i* gen
erally dull with the Tailors. We are .of
i faring extra Inducements in fov nrior*. We
have given large orders, and the scv
pood* are now coming ill. Leave your
' order now. MOMTOOMXRT A Co.,
Q Tailor*.
1 —All winter good* at a reduction
| Gar man'a.
I 8 V Bar ai ax for the CEMTRI DBMOCBAT.
—Four cabinets for lest money than four
| card aiM* would cost elsewhere, at Boyer 'a,
Bishop street.
—Winter stock must go. Special
bargain* at Lewis'*,
.Vo a fti/m (rath ut <ou men'*.
Messrs. Bunnell A Aikena hye a
very fine selection of stolid gold watA
js- •. -1 ry a nd a full line of aitveflpe,
which they offer cheaper than any other
alore in Beljefonte, q
' ■ I'uloid s.ufifl and collars, all sizes,
at Lewiu's.
V'-vv line of erribroideri)-* t/s arrive
next vvi < k, at Carman's.
A '''TIOMKXH,—Tbe the
ih-ii-.t and best sa!eauian in Central I'Enn
*y vania, baving more than tuenly ysurs
exfs-rience in s*-ilii:g Farms, Farm
Men-handise, et#-, offi-r. hi# wrvices to
citizens of Centre and adjoining counties■
" m ' Centre county, Pa
COIIIP and Buy,
Jij whole or lot*.
on Alleghany Ktrc*et.
On High street.
A r\\ O-STOIiY liKK K
( In 'J homaa street.
<n Willow J'aiik etre-t, g 1 Vf>o
A 'I W< 1-BIX)RY J ii \ ME
On Willow Bank street, Sllf'i')
On Hiah ,ji stre' l
A • :i ■ •''■ I' T of Jb lief,
f.- Tcrmi M'h tla/y.
B Real hilib Agent.
2nd floor Bush Arcade.
( R"0 OJ'l . Jo I! ~11,1 *k . Illl.ul lit'- J
1 mn no < ready to do all lindu oj
,s fl i VUIiTIiAITS ino,(. LAM,
I / V.'.s, Sir;X ar, { f)fIKAMEX
TAL. FAS'')' I>K>'fillA■
Satisfaction puarantfed i n all ea- -.
I would le- pleased to have ton call,
and examine s|iecitnens of work. In
structiona given in Fainting. m
C. 'J'. J( ilitrr.
on i.00.w
We would rcapeetfbllj invite the
public to give u nt-all when in want
of any work in our line. We are pre
pared to do ALL kindi* of
We alfio make a specialty of
Upholster ixgi
All work will rccieve prompt HtML
lion. Vlur are reasonable, iSn
l ali work guaranteed. Raptctfodly,
111 Ml ELL .1 MrSVL I .
BeUefnmtm. Pa I
WILL BE tlll t) AT TUB
State College, Iwvglninc JANUARY L'.'ib I
*• i ending FEBRUARY Ilk 1884. I
There will be at least
Thirty Lectures
! BY roemhvrs of tbe College faculty and by I
' several distinguished gentlemen from H
abroad. Circulars, giving full details, sent I
on anpiration to Prof. W. H. Jordan, or I
to the President, Mate College, Centre ■
county, Pa. ■
I * Iel*met)l*fv ee toe eMalea of Henrj I.
derwea, tote of V*alke> tr,mkl|>. Ceatre i"-uDtr,Pa.H
he* <of t—n #rented to Ike aadenrtca. all |<erenas !■-■
deMed le told Mtat are reqaeated So a, el e
ale rayatenL and all katlaa , Inline a*aiMl IheSManH
to |tii em i iheto, dalj an then Oral *d ha late.
| toenl. I. M. CIARRIIICTt.
I I \IBBOLI llt )N Nt iI K K
A * Hoe ie herel * givea thai Ike r*rtaawakl[ Mai
• I |..fr* fiistlai IwlareeaX.T Laoae aad B Rhenaau^H
under Ike trm eut* of Laoa* A Shaaaoa. kaa thle
, I—ea dtoeetleeal h* toolaal ~ aeent The boohe rf haH
late Ana ar* left in Ik* kaad* of J T Lota*, ah.
erltle and rwtlerl Ihe arena** cd Ike old Arm
t. T H CAK.
kd attAjmox
' Moaaanoa. r*'_ Jaa't*L ISM
Toe nnnereiitt nil will rtoatlnn* the tmlaew at thM
Clare of owliiemi of |h* tote ana. JT: I.ITAB I
- a deratfitod. *a Andltor. a [lad tied l.t the OeH
j.here fVeiH of CWtre riant/. a dtetrOral* Ik* fendfl
ia Ik* kaad* of Ike Adwlnieliafc-r af Ike Mtole cd BdM
I her-ra Waleaieo derraeed. ae afqaair* oa kit taal
, I maaL to aad amort* ta* larhte eniitled iMufl
will altmd to Ik* dalle* of hla afq-dnVonat at ifl
otto* In UM koiwafk of IMlefea.!*, oa Trhto* Ik* I
da/ of Telmiar/. ISM. al I* o'rtork, a. when
where all RarUea lalrnwled are rwaaetdeal to |>twifl
their rlaliaa hefrcre Ik* aadrralfarid. or k* Ihrmr >■
tor dehorned from remln* la U|wt ** d food.
, ii Rit i RanMusnrn, I
m TCrttor. ■
i V Ratlr* la fce**S>/ gent Ikal !*Urn of ultagM
irwltoa aw the eadel* of Joko tela, I*l* of
toouaklf tier' weed. k**e town malted to
#-Hberm, wh* reqntot all pHMniki|dalMlpiH
* eald awlal* to grioaal th.dale auikawtow* ft*
eellleaoewl. aad all ladiltol to took* i*>, r i u)|
onldelar KAXNAH II IS.
ML Admtatolntaf%H
1 V l.elteee Of edmlol.trett" o* ItoedimVfl
Wwc. |. Witooo. diariwaid. kavina Wo
anil uAgslit. aW prwwoas lodrkted to Ike altljkH
aft* reqaeaud to Stok* fee A meat aa 1 Uraajhtfl
I ctatea to primal ih* a*to*. wltWr.nl d-'ar, HV
X9EX i. W
™ Adala4,tr*toT-^B