Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, February 07, 1884, Image 8
Miles, Walker ami Marlon '.*7 TO • 0 davs delivering registra tion hooks 111 Murinn, rot ter. Walker. Gregg. I*l tin, Mtlllielui, I laities A Miles IS TO I day* delh et lug duplloutoe In Totter, Gregg, Pmiii, Millhelin, Unities, Miles, Walker, Marlon twos 12 00 ' services going to MUlneitn. Ijo • :i day* delivering election blank* In Marlon, Walker, l'otter, Gregg, I'enil, Mill helm, llalnes. Mllestwp*. #OO ■ U*> days service* tuCuinm'r 00000 3TOBH Dr. To Older* on fleet Of) 68 To ara't of order* drawn In X! 59,062 27 llalanee in hinds < f Trea-urer Jan. I. M ft 7821 29 (,'OMMISSIoN Kits IN A OCT WITH CK.M'UK CO. FOK HO It ROW K!• MONKV; SHOWING KKOM WHOM Til K SK V Kit A K AMOI'NTS W KRK HOK ROWED. J It Fisher , I* Hue Nell '.**> na John Mark* '"l Joanna It Foster 1102 27 Annh- Fttliiger 2(>i (i Chestle V llaria-r K4 36 llarjs r Urn* ... . 16000 on W A Tobias 2100 O) John Kby. 2582 00 Mr*. C Awl. 4001 U) J I 1 Gel,hart *63 IH 11 7. Kiltie I'SSMSI M"*c U'J HM TO Moses and Hour* Kbv I'M 17 Michael I In !•> nil llenry limbeck 2>MI- >12112 2s County debt Juii'y I, I s *- |N3,lti7 (U Connly debtJ.in'y 1, ISHd.. rri,547 l.'i Conniy debt Jflii'y I, 18*1.. 12,142*2* Value of all property taxable in Centre county per na- HesHciiont Of I ••so In.iWO/w; no Value of nil prifwriy taxu bin in Centre county per iisHessuient of 18* I I t.UW.KttIL© Increase in valuation of all taxable property 500,(M2 00 C >M MISSION ERA OF CKNTRK Co. IN A OCT WITH .1 C lIARPKIt, I'ltOTU V AND CLERK. To 71 certificate* issued during 'S3 all ISO - swearing Jury Commissioner* . 75 •• record road No C Nov scssiou 'B2 31) •• Nol'o Jau U rol 'st ...10# - No 233 Augut term si) J 1 UU No 330 April term *0 1 u • No ' Xor session 'B2 - 25 • Itoad feittloa itec Ac No 1 Jan session 75 - swearing U V Keller to Com St JJ By No * to A It January term >2 . 3 To No I Nov session 82 Hhowshoc township - —-... 150 •• No 224 Aug lenn "7* cer. A seal 5# ■ record report road No J NOT session *2 3B •• roc r*>jirt road No 4 Nor te* 'B2 o Na IC7 Jan term >1 2ft .. :.l ( 'ourt return* Jan *•* it: 4 6- k permanent discharge w Jonea . 7s - report of Grand Jury and copy" Jan scsstou'TO . I 10) •• Bt.p t tip stare* lor Xt I a# • tiling county Auditor*' report. XI - iwruiancnt discbarge I, Imtigb erty 75 - road t-clltlnn* No s 2, 3 A 4 Jsa Y mnMOTH Auditor Zi 4s order* for venire* Apr so* '18... I (a) - venires Grand Juror* c* 53.. 75 - venire* Travcr*" - - 74 - juror* term Id w'k 75 No 71 January session '*3 :: 0# - recording rood re|irt Jan taw -ion XI - 1 I* lit N'll 7ls Jan w*Bion _ So To No 4 Jan session 'TO rgr In rood Jtt tiling and entering prto elec tion 4jo names, Xt 00 satisfying No 185 Nov term "7l_. Is •• sps* i! election North Want . 1 j# • recording road l-ctltiou No 5 Jan session. *1 75 transmitting 10 name* of J. P. . ui .**■< yof Com'wth 25# - decree A appointment HupertU ors Potter twp joo decree. Ac . dividing Hnnwshoe twp 1 00 dec-> <• A app'toieut Hupen Isor l-ilierty twp - I U) - decree A apj-nliitioenl Keg. u setsor of 11*1 ik-S twp | at ■ special election VM Ward 1 u# -No Apr session AT 3 (s< •• appointment HupeFs Gregg twp I n# Iteg assessor West w 1 11) return of Gntnd Jury and ropy April s.-ssloo TCI.I On division ot B<g* twp J A# - app'tment Beg assessor Ifcsrg* twp 1 flu " apppointment Muprs Pal lon twp I 0b Poor 1 iverseer Htiow Hhoo twr> 1 is) traitsTary discharge and hllug Kd William* tmnd I 00 - transmitting 1 name J. P. Com 25 By No *3 Aug term '*2 t tm To 31 const returns Apr se* 'TO .. . 4 6'. - recording road petition No's 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 <• A 9, 10, Apr •radon 'TO 12 .V) re Ting reports mi road* do ring Apr XT 3 : realm AngOM term *3 10# SOS Grand Jurors 75 " Traversa - 75 By No fls j*n term 3 4 f. To No 2 Nov scaton '57 1 >1 By No 37 Nov term SO | 47 To order No I Apr session 'TO Worth twp line . ; -jj By Fl F* No 4.7 January XT -jo To • - ~ | 141 -3 oaths Board of Revision 7", lly 73 Apr term *TB 4 p To No 1 iAug session X'i in lunacy 4no My No 107 Apr term "7*. 4 n> To Impitaition on body Joua llelgh lot ; By No 158 Nov term "32 4 - To appointment of (mllce Miil hctm rampmeelitig J 14 9 err jurors excused Aug sea'At 2 2 311 11st returns Atigses 'TO ... 4a> " report of Grand Jury and ropy. )no By Fl Fa No 6 January terra 'TO .. * n, To order* for veulrex a<IJ. Aug tenn XI | ro • ventre* adj. Aug term *3 75 - venire* Grand Juror* Nov *••* XI 77 •• Tratrrrsi •• 75 terra .. 75 - 5 road petition* Aug se* 'TO 3 75 - recording rejmrt* on mod* dur ing Aug TO 2 nt -No Aug M-<*ton 'TO In lunacy. 42, So li ; ~ : - *"* ■ - - 4OO - No 31 Jan session 'TO discharge of prisoner" 74 "No 12.17 A2l August session 'M dlsehargi- of prloonera 2 25 By Fl Fa No 31A ng term *2 1 4a To oath of Judge Hoy and certify ing Huntingdon Co | ou counting votes gen'l election At ft 00 - transmitting 11 names Hec. Otat 3 M ' |^'? nefr l 37 M - 2 bridge view order* 3 00 • copy of docket entry No 2 Nov * session '57 j - tempo ry discharge Geo HUwart 73 By No 38 Jan term TO s 0 , To entering return* No 4 Nov ses sion '*| To cost No 3411 August term 'TO 10 *8 -31 cont. returns Nov session 'TO 4 to order to flit Jury wheel and coprtes N( | ff ■■ venire* 1 -rnnd juror* Jan se* 'TO 7ft - Travene " - 77 * _" Jan term .. 7ft -.wearing Jury Torn'r* A clerk .. I TO - 5 nad ps ill lons Nov session TO 7 By No 182 April lerm, *7B. * n, - No ar.l y do ' ] n To No's 31. 31,32 A 33 Aug see m lunatic coses .... jj m ll> No 312 August term 'B2 47, to No 348 Aug term 'TO 4 ® - No II Nov term 'B2 j 7# - No 181 and 182 Nov term H3 3 TO '■ No Fl Fa 31 Jan term 'M 1 ret W " - 'TO - 4 TO 32 Nov term - J Ml - Vend Fx No 14 Nov 'erm 'B3 J sr. • Ft F* No9B Aug term 'B3 4 A*. 32 A 33 Apr term 'At 2 4# "JL " " " —— 1 1000 envelope*and print.,—..,.. 15 on - Jojumr*Vxcu*ed Nov term *B3 2 TO ffltl term '<rj 4 7b lug term of court 4'Jth Dls't 50 lit - rden dn* a 83 314 #0 By vis and eoftl I*>r 'B2 BUd 'B3 ..... 37 Ml To I ilaucc duu Jiiiiuory 1, '*2 .... I'.'J 7# 70 403 5* Uy hfllancv due January 1, XI .... 1131 52 C'ENTUB Co. IN"ACCrJ WITH T.J. fIHNKLK. SHKUIir. FO THE YKAU IRK.'I. By ' otiti-ylns Win Ilt.i'ini ,t't , I 'inn ilic In ■, - t.i I .. J< 0.1 By ri'iivcyhig Hnruh Wllllsins 1.1 liniivillu ll'epltnl 'j:: (SI By i ..11 vying Jo.. Atnincrmmi .v Annie It win to liunt iliu Hospital . 51 Ik's ■ ui vying Wm. c<ik to lloiim or K' fiigc. Plill.td 35 57 ■ i mvgylng wo, It ii.c.t. • i , Danville lloapltst. 21 (. - conveying Al. flower*, Dm id llicks and J nine - Norri* to Western IVnitentlary ...it •• rmveyllig Wm. Httalin, John chmnlier*. Harry Hhoemnk tr A Henry Jacobs t■> \\ci • rn Penitentiary. .... o M • cxp s lor searching for Jliiin , k; *• c i.t in Com'wth cast. 77 30 Boarding prisoners 3578 day* m 25 cents tier day uti By 1M Turn Key frsw dnrlnir 'M W TO r> moving ash' 1 * from cell.-, plot i- ward and cxp's t -r nt-prs lteustoii of li lli*k*, h I*c llik'f UU * Jnilnr one year... |s (si " . n't |eil-l ik'lii-. ratic W.*' 'l - for tkiurl I'nv 01 - I '.istloli I'roc to Walt iiiuii' •: - l i-lt tin- it-1 Pp. • I I > *• 11.nl p.ii-i lull 1 .lite IP-pub: can fit Court Pus liilioitlou Ot " I ■ ■ ti'-ii I'r.e- m 1: pul,li .in iftisi -1, ot Jihl'l t'ditrt'Dcuio-'oit h-r I Jcctl 11 Pre- ... ■ > i at paid t cntrc IP-portcr lor Court I'roc. . 7in 1 i- lion IT'* - , to K ;• ru-r -• t" _ Fi*h ltiik-t I'roe do 1 isi • rvlinr imiiii) notlns In, T 27 01 .. t day draw ing J art . t (Si - rt 3; '■ Jury uotiVes \| r I 27 on - I da-, dra-t fug Jir \ng t. nu tHI - wrtiii't 72 Juts notice* I * in I day draw ing jury Nov t- rut I In m. - l*lbl3 I : I J tfer* ... ISI •• t ■ odnis : l!ln Jury wh's-l * Ikl - I -lay ilr itvh.g Jury f r Jan Tel im ** a It • rti'lllg PW tain pits luui.'i ( uln I u< •pit;. • :nu -S2IUO 71 T. -I I)I"XKLK T<) 1 l'\- IKK to. I'll. T "t,i • : ~ ' h'h *>• <>uiv l 02 - l*;i. V (• rc <! M. iVi c Ik*' ' • T. J.Dntikl H.ty. fi KKCAI'III'LATfON 1 **itii'it tit coat SHU'] :;■.) F-xjwtiie accoiiiti If.'j 40 Aaacasorh' pay 1 .'V7| I*l I Itv lioii rgpoi-'dM I "J)"i 18 <' tlrt " L'ISJ HK ''ourt House " 7.M ''l Jail Oi'tdlll t SKS las Inlrrcst • r.lfct 12 ('oniVr.s A' 1 Ink 11*17 lA I) M Wolf, Sup i LtiO (*) K in!*hriil'jo view- u> til I'riniiiig account 711 (Vuuttii nion in In jifiry k| ISI __ A lie letup'inn I 4'_' 17 11114; ; -iiit - Mil to ■ i' 1.1 11 : '.l yfilter*' rny :M7i < "otistables" p.ty 4HA G'J I nqnUilion arconut I'Al In Mrtilg* at tint 4'.i* .V 5 T J Ihtnklc <i77 fki t> F Kortncy IVO mi J (' Harper I I4' Keller 'il0 Ml -I HI) .bl 108 I*ri M) I>anvll2e H'-apit*! -v'-'j SJG Witrrni " I ! *'* 11* Saainal r.rtig-*er 73 Mi Wttit'rii J". nrten'ry -s> f) Jitinea Teller _Sift (*i HYHlitger 172'' F*.xprp 7 W F' I- Htt4 , r i'u 1 Ml N A Funis .'4O Ininrstirt l l <*• Kcfuttdit'g HI 12 Jury ('otiiiiila'cr* 7* Ml Aetna' ax iw in-® <f lbsT :!•" D <" KKLLF.It IN Af'CT Willi UOAD M'llMdl, AND I'OOR KI'ND-t PR. To ain-oil ttoail find <■ hsi.-l January 1. X'- 1579 :U To 11 . 'Hill!, ■ 1 fund "ti li. d Jsiciary I.X- 2-'t 28 To amount piior find on hand January I.X: 46 4*3# is: To am't Rimu find ( <dl< tel XT 2*7 57 do Hchool d-i do :* 21 111 f-v.i do . I*7 TM 30 ♦'ATM 38 • H. By am t li -ad find paid <*if. K.rj 25 -hi *li -il do do IVd fi. d Poor do do 755 73 7819 II By JrcG (• -tilt: osion 0:1 K- al fund . 117 By 1 teas roDimls.fon on echrad fund --.... 15 (" By Tout* com nit** ton qp Poor fund 9 31- '' 14— JO** 'B Balance in hand* ..f Ta -uiitrt January 7 -4 . *lßls K Bslmi <• of Ipm.l funds in Tres - hinds, Jan I. >4 213 j7 Itsliiii..- Hc|„ml hinds In Tress* hands, Jan I. *1 1 .It yl Balsti. Eof INstr funds In Itt a - hands Jan 1. "I 7a- 1315 96 Ovcrjm d on ii- aid fiuels, Curt in sn<l Itusli Iwta IU 22 Overpaid on Hs lnsjlfunds < ."tin "P 71 75 OVcr|>aid ofi Poor Binds Curt In *T s|.. 219 7* Bus township*. •1*35 74 FINANCIAL STATEMENT. I.inliilitiev * Itou-G and nof'-s rnit'taiidlng 42112 .* Balance Bcllefontc bridge yui in •hie J C Hanvr . ixl 52 P F Fori ricj !■*' 00 T J Punklc 12 ft ig) A J Orcist lio to Faliuinlcil commtwlnn . ."*> un Fetiiu ifml exoneration net <r - 19x0 *0 Ai'elts. Balance in hand* of Trcasiir'r 7*21 29 Amount of outstanding lsxc 411 :t a* Note" in hand* of f oiiunis'ra c >lh rlsfdc 14 Judi-niciit against Ami. Gregg Mat 19) 81 —sBlll 83 Balnnm In favor of County Rtsd9 93 We, the mxletwigtlßd Cotiitiiiaaionrra nrOnlreCa, lo hereby eertilV to the Ileal of our knowledge Hint the hiregoing report ran true nml correct atnleinent of the receijila ami cxts mlitnre* of aeid ennty for Hie year A. It. I.hmA, anil or lrr IliP Kfliup piitilinlieiL JftHN WOLF. 1 11.0, CAMPBELL, >f "0111 mle'ie. A. J. OKI EST, Altc-t ' W Mlt.Fd trAI.RKR, Ide,k. j . jI WHITMKB A CX)'S "l Two &lorea (connected by telephone; jjihnt aint beat any where "in tliin neck o the w i >U" buy WHEAT, It YE, BAR- 1 j IJi Y, vV . Sell llAltDand SOFT COAL. " ', STirvf.r'tirerV Agen's f..r Furnitureand, ; Farm Implements G. it. >. *V Co , WIIITM Kit ACo Mills | J, I I I I 1 I.I.KCTHIC i.ioiir tn be een at I . I>. GAUM4X .V SONS STORK. People, tupefllal y out-iJeoflirllefunte, are InviM to e!l nod mo ill-.' F.lec ric Light nt Garmu-i's itore. I I ; | t£Mk GREAT Mark-Down SALE ATI IIK Beor-Hive ! A DISCOUNT ol 10 to '25 per cent. ox Ladies' ar.d Misses ■ Coats and Fur*, BLABKITS, &e., '• Prior to taking our annual intent* u orjr i \1 Special Discount \oti all orders in out . Ifcteh an t T ail or i n Department for thirty t days only. . 6 WOLF A SON ALL K OLD STAND OXN7M NM.I, IIAYR RRCKIVF.I) A MAMNIFI- C'KNT BT.)CK OF FALL AND IF INTEL GOODS NONE FINER tN THIS COUNTY. FROM THE MOST STYLISH IHTKAAS GOODS DOWN TO ANY* ' THING COM MONI.T KEPT BY A a p GENERAL STttRK AND AT 810 it J BAROAI * CON FKLI IONKRY and EATING HOU.-K, at HEARFASV ROOMS Buab'a block. Meals at all boani from early to late traina. Lunch without cof fee Jo cte., l.nnch with coffee 15 cents Regular mes'B 23 eta. OyitVrt In all trlye, NNI'AL HTATEMKNT i>Y TIIK FARMKIW Mt.Tt'At, KIRK INH Co OKKK or TIIA V. M V. !>■. COMPANY, owCr,* TNR. COUNTY. I'A CK MIIK IIUI I'A, Jan lI.IWI -!firoirt|>lUfi'. with Hit* |rov"lofis of iliclr eharti-r the tvw•.t Mlxtll NlllMlitl MtiD riH Irt Of till' of (to * if 111 i• > I htn l) J'M*4'|lt<d AMET*. islIU r' ••Iviihlf iM'ltim pre -1 IIILUIN NOI' T. IIT.T MU.L J.IIV ahlc l#y no inU i - for In I turnit' f tin* |iant your * 37,137 .*? it UNLI premium* paid OTO t I lltl(*ofl bmiik* K.R S'i 'CANIt hi tin* tn>Riiry . **> • MAKING TFO TOTAL MWIIIHMC 1 iNt] of the |net )tr, 51 rxfKMtr*. ,rotn|M'r>mtiniiof RUNXUIR* f IHI <* Salary of rot AT) D* ist IMTUARNIFTMUUFFR lit *pi oflioi- mil, |*Mt i Aire mi'l nation* r> IF I JIL Klerttofi U.ARD it QJ It. h. hrb lui on WIT*F llOtlM VJ* tft ftiilAlu *• KMNII . MUi I'Alntf •• |||> J || MlUlo'li 4H in small \ \\ it lleuey „ 260 I \ K. (Irauon i 'At 12$ 14 Total ncrrtiinif iu**M'l and | fhfida oi thi i "ii,j mo} ( ' the |*imt ) vmr. IPM ct , PNW . M SIR,', ♦' To which ifl< 1 iioti'M of Ht % . . H1.7C7 32 it MLMIN A AB |rem!AVII 72 A CAr|M*TlU*r'l RLEKS. T ITIU CU t lot Iff. tAY Ot| 11-ltra, ||)i| CKOFU RALIOFIE 0,\19 37 Mmk TF ik' the tot Al AVAIIAI W AFFN'T- of the CotnpAii> P, till ; |N 4C , KAV \Allte of JeTelJiitllll ImKi* 111 f..n 112fiw 97 Mild 11 l*n mi tees Uk* I en the y*Af . |Kl*koti tn->ir AID • t ,i •NT). M A lid FFI ... 1.21*423 M# T yakir.L- the rl*k of tlie COM|>iiy till* day ... ),C45,-V9O 25 Amooi.t OM'THUDLUK' . . C7O M At AN • le* TURN held the Mine <UI the following inetntr • u r eleeta'd dlfe tor fr the ensuing year It i, ll ttt. John <i lUller. Heniy Keller *i k i k r I red Kurt* < kla/ k. J |j Kt*her 1 H J II TII.- 11 K LOOK J II , LHUIH-1 Hrungort lid hin I crautley • wlo r* TIFFN th* 1 Mlo r offlceri were AMIOLNM: PM'T Frtd'k ' Kurt/ Vln" I'rw t, h J Ih rriur Tmu . Hm tl Wolf Ty. JI Y f HED KCHTZ I. I M*i.. Ht*c*y l*reldiit I < < ! r -I LxiLll '^■" l in all Vii .L. I.f > **\ WIN TEH TIOODF*. RIANKET IIAI F, (ILOVES llorii-rjr, Uudrtwcar, BNOlA, Flannel*. even if jou do M t , U ceil them tbia SRAAON it will re pay YOU to buy nnd hold thrm over until nesL We lave a large Mock of Turkey Prune* and have reduced th*R) LO S cents PER pound—3 lbs. for 23 cent*. Try our C Loire FJ rup at F0 rent** pet gallon. Also have a good one, a little dark in color, at 45 cent*. (JUEEK9 A GLASSWARE n'O greatly reduced in price. VAI EN TIN E STORE Co., I.iro Rcllefonte, INnn'a • • 1 I I ! DO L~L£&L MINGLE,!) Boots and Shoes. —Largest Stock— Lowest Prices^ — All Goods Bought Direct From Manufacturers — Hey Hold's Bros. Fine Shoes, D Armstrongs Rochester Shoes, Mens Fine Shoes WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING WE RECOMMEND. No 10 fcisxkcrboff Bow. BdjbfaF*. GRAHAM & SON, MA N UFA OTPBRUK Jt DKALE.tS HOOTS, SHOES 3c LEATHER. If you want jr honnt Boou ind Hboe* —good* lhat you will be "leuneil with—buy the following make*. and you will get the Lieut: K C HURTS Celebrated Shoe* for Ltdira tui Children. HAN AN A SON S New York, Fine Shoe* f.r Men arid H<y, every pmr warranted. J. 11 ItYHMKSS' Roc-heater Fine Shoes f>r Ladies and Children. la connection with the above flue ahoee we have a lin line of M EN'S CA I.K A K 11' BOOTH. I'LO V HHOHB. BKOGANH, A SLIPPERS of every description, at the low ret flg< urea. •UP"Remember the place, cn Corner 01 HKOCh KKiIOKF ROW. IyCLI.I V NTK, I'KNN'A i;r SKCH I.Kits ! -KOII I.KKM ! Kt 11 LF KS i ► i Juat opened a full line of Choice Fami ly GROCER I F.S AM) GROCER IKS AM) I'ROV ISIONS, PROVISIONS. Snch an IEAS. COFFEES. SUOAUs. SPICES. ( A N.N HI) GOODS. DIG ED FRUITS. MEATS, NUTS. OYSTERS. | FINE" CANDIES. FISH, SYIiUPS, FTC., iiuM.imn. miui^rwr— W11.1.0n ntitK. AX 1101 Sl:uoi.l> SI I' 1' 1.1 FN OF A 1.1. Kill ON. v( 'he lowo<it living pritw Goods are ill newly bought, fttruOy frtwh. end of the very lelt kind. MEAT MARKET. Beef of the choicest cattle, veal, uoik and mutton, frrah and akw.ya >n hand oO nor. tf BIRRAY'S CARRIAGE WORKS CENTRF. MAI.I, t'cotre Co., Penn'a. Where a'ekrp: en haad and fur aa'e. LUOt.IKS. I'll AI.TONS, SI RING WAGONS. Ac, Ac. lie, a ; ring done at l(e..ron~b:e nUr. Bu,'.-y I'opn • f any aiyle made to or aSc r, • illi prlwi eeoidiuy t>> qualiry. I have re. enlly ad ded Hoß.se huokims o the -m tit ttej art merit, under the su pervision of a very akiiled ttid obliging black emit li. lOde.tf 1.F.V1 MURRAY. HA It I) W ARE II A R I) W ARK. HARDWARE - I o / ——— J A * A. II A II RI 8, A (Xk JAM' A II A KHI , I CO. e.I(K SELLING RKAI KK SECTIONS AND REAPER ShCTIoNH AND REAPERS. REAPERS, And all kind) oi Farroiry TooU. R, EES. /.)RKS. SCYTHES, ROPE R DICES. SPROUTS DAY FORKS, Re. AS WELL AS ALL KINDS OP HARDWARE. TO MEET IHR DK HANDS IN THIS LINK. JAS HARRIS A CO.