Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, February 07, 1884, Image 6

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Fr.im lh N Vurk Obisrcsr.
Fen. I<. —The Conversion of Lyd
ia —Acts 16 : 11-24.
Tl*t Wbotr hwfifl th* U>H o|n*d, tbt
•he tVpid- tl mul" litis tlntigN hit'll writ* sjmkeu of
Paul —Acts lii : 11.
Tho central tiling in ilirsr particular
verso*isllieinstructiveaccount they give
of a divine conversion ; one in which
the means and signs of tin- happy
change are as clearly shown us is (lie
blending in it of both div iiie and human
agency. Rut we shall u<)t need to )<>ok
very closely to find in the narrative a
number of other* to claim our interest
ed attention.
l*iit first note the "we" which, app.-ur
lug in the tenth ver*e, is here repeat- j
cd and runs through the remiiiiider of |
the hook. Vlld SO the writer, l.ilke, the
beloved physician, has joined tin- nii--
sionarv hand. P>sihly the Apo-tle has
of u phjsician's counsel and j
Also nolo that the mpvenger* of tin- '
gospel are now in Eiirrjv. Thay have I
cro-.s<-il the NARROW ea which separates
Asia Minor from (In-ece. A quiet and I
unheralded event, and yet one "I im
measurable iniportaiiee; grander in it- 1
csulls than any vietory ever neheived
|iv arms, or learning, or inventive'
genius, or any form of biimsu valor or
skill. The la-ginning ha*4eeu made •.f
a kingdom more glorious ami more en
during than that of the tresar*.
Fussing to the main point of the
narrative, we find su unwearied Ajs,*
1. Seeking xenrh. —This was net for him
elf or in his own interest. It was love
to t'lirist and to souls which imjM-lb-d
liis steps. Trofts was on liistorie ground,
. and so was I'hilippi. It was from a
r #pot near to the former that tin- hero of
. the Odyssey and the .Em-id s--t forth:
And at the latter that Augustus and
Anthony gained a memorable victory
©rer Brutus and t assius. I'hilippi was
moreover a Roman colony, a garrison
town, and so A miniature of the Impcr
ial city. But Paul was influenced bv
none of these things.
Was Paul destitute of historic interest
atel literary tastes? That nowhere ap
g ears. But what does apj-ear is that he
Cta* fired by a nobler pa-sion than that
-which kindles the selfish l.reasts >f
most modern *ight-soeking tourists. H>-
Was seeking work ; work for <"hri*t and
•for soul*. And so. loosing from Troax,
ft-- was soon t I'hilippi; and being at
I'hilippi, he was not long in finding
is here the more devout w ere wont to
At I'hilippi hi* first need was to learn
(he character and religious op|>ortuni-
Aics of the place, and pehap* to procure
•omething to do at his trade, since he
would le changeable to none. But the
©r.bbath found him at the river's side,
WHORE was A protrvsht or temi>orary
•fracture, for prayer. The Jews, lieing
few, had nosyagogiie. And only a rom
|mny of women resorted to the river
•ide. But the earnest worker doe* not
Wait for a crowd, lie is glad to find one
interested listener. He improve* sueh
Opportunities as Ood put* in his way.
Seeking work, he never fails to find
2. Gather* tj fruit. —Among those who
ti.vi fewort to the place of prayer, was a
Wouisn. naim-d Lydia. whose trade hail
brought her hither from the distant
City of I'hyatira in Aria Minor. Moat
tikMy die waa not a Jew, but a Jewish
proselyte ; far such seems to lie the force
Pf the phrase " which wor*hip|ed
CwJ." This phrase further indicates the j
ilopefulness of her caae. There was a
Cneaaure at least of the fear of <Jod in
fcer heart; she love<l to meet where re
ligion was the theme of discourse, and j
fihe voice of prayer waa heard. Buch
§>'-mon* are always hopeful. It was her
Conversion of which we are here told.
Not* the process of the change, (a)
(She "heard." That which she heard
•a* the gospel. The demoniac spoken
Of further on. testified that it related to
•'the way of solvation.:' To this she
li-t'-ned. (4j Then, God "opened her
ft-iart. Doubtleg* he had been doing
: now he o quickened her
COnjcWufe and spiritural desires as to
her more earnestly attentive, (e)
<ru|l.ar, as a result of the SpirH's influ
ence, Nhe attended unto the things
Wb;vh were spoken." This was some
•ltuigAdditlonal to the hearing. It im
fllis |piing aaet to the things heard,
and devoting herself to them. It was
* 0t ojerely hearing, being moved, drop
f tear, making a resolve, wishing
•he might he savod, and going her way.
The "attending" implies faith and obedi
ence. Here were three things : a hear
ing ear, a divinely quickened heart, a
Consenting will. If, when one hears the
word, hi* will consents, he need con
cern himself no frirther; for he may be
•ore the Lord baa been moving hia
Note the signs that the change waa a
(rue conversion, (a) "Mhe waa bap
ttaed." Openly, and in the appointed
way, sho ronfi •<! In r trust in Cnrist,
and owned live allegiance In liiin. (A)
Mho inHih-noixl h-r '-household also to
enter the new w .iy. If'sho IhI young
children sho put upon them, a* well us
upon herself, Christ's seal. It hor hoii-i
--hold consisted of person* in hof service,
she Interested hcr*elf in their religious
welfare. She luade hers a ChirUtiiili
home, (e) She opened her house to the
messenger* of the go* pel ; aksillili-d her
purl ill the burden of < lirislinn work,
(</) Furl Iter on (v. 40 | we roe that she
wan noitlier ashamed nor afraid to stand
by the ajii.l tie.i when they were do
nouneed and persecuted. Thee were
-urerign*. 11 ei * was earnest faith, eon
trolling the heart and life.
Note how this fruit HIM gathered : not
l) a formal tliiwoune-, but by religion*
• -oiiver-ation. Mow many op|>ortunltb "
for tilts We let flip,
.!. 'SiUncing i (ohA't -Tin ttoaMer.
in this iimlnnee, was a damsel, subject to
demoniae possesion. \II evil spirit
either enabled her to foretell the 111
ture, or stirred her up to pretend to do
it. There were demon iactt in the >•
\ ior's day. and it would be too much t.
siiv there are none now. This woman
followed I'IIUI and hi- eoinpanioiis, aid
cried uftev fhern. testifying to their <1
vine mission, much a- d< * |s did t tin:'
of our Saviour. Whether her eries weie
scornful deriion, or a half understood
longing of her heart for d •liverato e, is
not eertain. At mix rate
troubled I'aul is similar following
and testimony del tie Saviour: and mi
the name of .lesti- t'lirist he bade the
spirit eoine out of her. * il.serve that
lii way of silencing this frmihlor was
by an net of kindness to the damsel, at
the same time it wa* one of sternness
toward the evil spirit We may always
be stem toward my evil, or sin, or spirit
of wrong doing, lint sinner* are to !•*
p tied. To do them good i the l<t, *
it is often the surest way to silenee their
opposition. Save them from their
slavery to viee, intemperance, and ha
tred to the gospel, and tiny w ill be hit)
derer no longer.
•4. ffujFtrinti f"r tcfll doing.- -Tile trouble
some damsel, who followed Paul. • a
slave not to an evil spirit only, but to a
company of masters who, with demoniac
selfi-liiie-is. made gain of low fortune
tell ng. The command of the Ajxwtle
set her Soul free. Her master* ought
to have been glad. Hut selfishhcNi can
go so far as to regret a sinner's salva
tion; a* to make merchandise of an
other's soul; as to la- angry when a slave
of sinful habit is set free. How hard
ening is covetovlsiiess ? There is no
baser, mora cruel, umrc saunic passion
than that can grow to IK*. It was that
whieh incited the owner* of tin' de
inoniac slave at Philipi to their wicked
traffic; as it i that which now incites to
equally wicked traffic in intoxicating
drinks, and in corrupting literature-
When her master* saw that their hojm
of gains was gone, they were enraged,
and east Paul and Milns into prison. So
now the trafficker* in vile drink* and
base literature ore full of bitterness and
a spirit of revenge when their ruinous
work is hind- led. Mhouhl this intimi
date or discourage fidelity f ikir Su
viour ho# told us beforehand that well
diving will alway* lx- with eo*t. To de
stroy the work* of the devil will never
lie child'* play. No great good is ac
complished without suffering.
1. There is no excuse for religious
idlers; iweker* after work find it.
2. The moat effective preaching i* to
little groujM, and single hearer*.
3. fine hearing sufficed for I.ydia.
Let worker* eek and exfsect sudden
conversion*. For any sinner to delay
ia to increase guilt. The spirit says,
come now.
4. Are you waiting for Hod to open
your heart? Rather are you not bold
it close against him ? Might it not be
•aid to you, "Ye do alway* reeist the
Holy Gboat."
5. The double work of reacuing vic
tim* of drink and vicious ways, and of
defeating trafficker* in the ruin of
Wit* and souls, is an important part
of the work of the church. There are
to-day no greater hindcrer* of the pro
gress of religion than ardent spirit*and
bad books.
6 The secret of all opposition to re
ligiou is in the fact Ibat it interferes
with the world's Wive of gain and selfish
Hombthiko new in a conductor's out
fit has recently been introduced on one
of the Brooklyn horse cor lines. In the
fair-recording apparatus swung from
their necky, so the passengers ran see
his fair noted, is s fixed watch, so the
passenger can also see the time. Of
this innovation a conductor lugubriously
said to a reporter of one of our contem
poraries : "i come pretty near getting
mad sometimes, when a passenger
catchc* hold of me and turns me around
like a wooden man, to sec what time It
is, but as that ia what the watches are
for 1 don't know as 1 ought to object. I
suppo*e at this rate they'll keep an
fitting us nut for the accomodation
of the public until a man won't be con
sidered fit for a ear unless he has got a
calendar stitched on to the back of his
coat, a thermometer hanging from one
button-hole, and a city directory hooked
1 1 a strap around his waist."
, A Btmngd Story
„ I IKB roMJce a* A a-iuttN 3H tK4*
i One of the l"t known Indie* of thn
' .Slienanthmb Valley, Vn., hit Uirtitd
out to ho u man. Miaa F.lizab4li ItoU a
' j <3ii Payne, duugliter of the lute .low ph
P>yne, acieri iuile from Winclietcr,
r , who bit." lived for thirty -eight yearn u* u
. | lady, auddeiily avowed licrwelf to he n
' f. vv tlaya since it man, and .tin tied .). P,
' i Itcilly, clei k of the county isourt, by up
'plying for u liceinm to marry a Mi--
j lliriion, who had reaided in the Payne
family ar a domeatie. The lu ly who
fired the heart ol Mr. Payne with such
piitaion a* to oontjM'l him to throw oil
llio habit <>l u lifetime umi declare I>i->
aex i* prupoi-HoaMliu! anil forty year* ol
age. The strange affair ha* catiaod
decide. I Hernial ion in the Shenandoah i
• Valley and nothing el en ta kedaUtut.
Pa i no iva* l-rouglil tip aw a girl. Noon. ,
ever .(ue.ti Tied his sex, uild hi* own
svowel that he wow a man took away
the breath o: the eomuiunity. Kiiwa
f.etfi Reberva Ptyne ivu- otto of a family
| of aix daugliteMj wa brought up u*
woniaii. and iva- adiuitled into the be- 1
of tety in cont|iuny nitU other utrmhern
of the family, lie wa. alwaya tegartled
'ax a Homekhal maru'Uline go I, but no
I one ever guapci ted he HI,I u man. He
wa- a inii-1 grai-eful and 'iaidiing erjut *•
irienne, and always chalb rige I almna
lion a- he frequent ly lode into Winehc
tcr tviih hit habit hii.l .oiuewhat long [
hair trtiling in the wind. Me was one j
of the moat widely known Udie in the i
vail*jr. In addition to good birth and)
inherited acre* hu developed remark*- I
bb- bu"ine*a talent lor a woman when |
lever.,- in the family fortune rendered !
it in'i. etry for aotnn one to |<ut a j
shoulder to the wheel.
Mia giaters were du tingui.bed fori
their culture anl peraonal charms and |
several of th< ui married prominent |
j gentlemen.
Rebecca Pay ne devoted himself to the I
msnagement of a farm and to thenij-er i
vi-ion of a store whirh he had twtah
li*he<i at Rent, where he al*o held the
ap|*iin(ment of poatmiatreaa. lie alw.
dealt in cattle and horses and liecttnir an '
exjiert in that way. All hi. enterprise*
' prowjiered and he haa e<ju raironidtr
j able wealth. Iteiermining to marry be
| tbrvw off his dreaaea and applie.l for
! license from the rourt at Winchester'
but the aatoni.hclclerk, wholikeevery I
body else, knew hirn aa a woman, do' |
linevl to iwsne * license for a woman to J
marry a woruan.
When Payne prove,! hia real w* t,y J
producing the certificate of !>r. P. W.
Mogtiire of Winchester, the license wa
atili refuses! on the ground that Virginia
law compels a m <n to have given n-mes
which show hi* sex before he can act aa
a man before the law. Payne then do
trrra nel to have his name changed at
the March term of circuit court. whi< h
will most on the firat proximo. The
affair i a ntno days' wonder in the
.Shenandoah and has created more ex
citement than any event whir.h has di*
turbed the .octal circles of the State for
h.ilf * century. No explanation haa
been off red ae to why he haa masque
railed ao long as a woman. Rumor h<
it that Pavne and hit sweetheart went
to We. i Virginia ye.terdiv and were
m riml, but this lacks confirmation.
Y pt"7 Is pollU:*, Bff-aay itrt la r If !
tli BO ill 'T*jt AN ui ft a WT.
3 lIK LABOR tWt'Rl.r WRr.KLV
RKi.totors St* RftCtUt
tdafclhM IHSKI.'
No nt T ia IN" naintrr haoae-r, t .sat<w
•MS fsara " IMIMI Or Iwim Prta. awk at
thah'aA t <k MtttoHal kakealtf aM hi. trtlvn aM
willoetala Mill mint Ik. Oastvsa. 'H aawog iu
MlkM, ka kM th. tralslag of a gnsrt". o< a eastar;
lot tk'ir vat
Til ('OMHF.3MCI (g U. Oaa*'ta ara Iroai all
laM.: aM Ik* . caMfallg IM Mt.
4*4 iMaciaoM. farakhlag a >.augt.t, ,ivs of tka raft-
Sltlo* Of IN* 3r3*k wk mamk.
Tk. o,iOa>oat f Aoatcwtraa. Rowan*, gvaaai
Rruoov TV*rsio# w.A Bsuohks "* 4f .o4wt4 kj
fiMfU, who writ, stoa.lv aM to tk" potol Tb. 0a-
Mavss AMO sot RH H* "Otamas eltk long oasay aM
I 4 HrasM, hot ataw to kt
glTiag aoarf nab a Bauawt Saaar fall of iaotrar-
Uoaa. asocwragmat aM tnttk; aM a gaevxaa Raatr
, eoewlelag all tik*e,.i#meseaeta Bgoe esr
rrnta .Toata, aM a great win, of tkaka rsMtag
Tk. grVca h. l> a raw. Tm , n >t* e
sraiaaa* m glra aaa Aollar ouSawliMaa ar a angj tk.
•laieai Lwraaa, "as etamktly kisM refiewef We
pagaa, iwatalalag a gwteit of tks aatkor Baagta
aosWa af tk. Oagkß' ■ wIU kit ta say M4.w tr...
Naw York 4)baervsr.
91 99 Park Heir, JF. F.
I ueßbf /fiv ( -jm
I Han yd|Q|i ;
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Will uny ill Mmvfi. A. D.
Cmiiiiji Mill •*!! M! |iul>ln ml* m tli* i <iit
II Hue, 111 ('>*- lUitungU of liAvlf-fi.ttr. Oil Tufturijtt, |fm
1 I .111 <l*/ot F.-l #♦*■•/. A II l"M, llr foil
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<i4-itH<l fir ||m* j MM- uf f!*r >#4f* Mini n|iMMnU,
A.J <JICI.tfT.
C 'M|lul|otlrr<>.
Amu tIU. *tlUttffc IAMBI. IWI.IIII-,
I <* I U*r tnH-ll (*•'**•
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w Ikl _.wnr SUldcM 4a
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VI Indrtw llllnw An
40* ... ......... Bulbar* gefAM............ 4*
ion..— .._B-4*rl IBM. 4a
Alt IM ... Jafca II fkloa An
jm Mnlwlltn _• Ac
A5..... IM laaan Bukrbar An
SIC l ....._.lla(h MwwillU n An
AO 1t J await RlrWfV ... An
Xl IVI John F|**f - Aa
8M..._. ...... J f Lm| Attwallww
111,., —BlckwrA Walk A*
IBS BlrhawA Aoww_.— ..._ An
JBO Jnawph Dwallaf *>
Am J It la| -An
MA AnaMh Dwcllng— Aa
1 of AV J If Soma Aa
}_. _M7 * WhwrtawAa
Alt OankaAAwa Ao
♦lt. * Ak
IT_._ " —* An
IM II _.Wltli4-w r Mltrhfll ... An
41k Blck and Walk An
AH |M - kaAmtn M|wrA An
MM Lawk UMa An
4An harck MnOlawwkaa. An
AM.. Aciafc maanwkan Aa
4*3 in Mwrgir-I Hiwaf.______ Aw
AW....- Am MnmJw Aw
433. _ Ownrga Park *r A
atlt JtAlk Uwwr Aa
433 IM Rnwrawy Wkwrton Aa
400 AlnxattArr Ma>Un.__ Ae
400... lack Itffb, Aw
(It -Iwknrt Bklc-x An
Mk -MBlkwßawka An
400 ...__ PanM WljllaiM An
m • IlMt Mawkc An
St:: —flgia&r-rc,- -
IS:::: crrJSSSSrm: *i~
ISO-..- I Ok, Jnwkam | a* . Tarlnr
Ilk.-- ... MnwMOawWi An
OM-... —... ' Aa
t:z zzlfclSfczzzzzz t
11k. ~. IM Mly MM Aa
JOA Akwwr Wkk- An
AM JnwMk Uwwlat Aa
aM—. ........JaHkfc N Ao
on.—. M. Jrtkw Lwatk An
Ml—... fcfcA.......... Aa
f... . Tknaaan WUHaaaw Aw
00.— —Janwk •aM.— Aa
M_— IMM lArk..'—, An
I 4M lAA.—.-Mnrr Bnttib.
f i ,M *•'■ I. J*mu <4|*ufiM' ' do
r/io J— *ru w-U-I. ... do
H'llflftiut do
IW Polly WMlUni' 4o
' John f.Minl - 4o
; .hi N' V' k i do
4® lUiii) NrK*.H ..*. d<
. ......11-df/ ll< do
|WJ ..... Hmmmiwl l'lii|j#.,, I nloii
k:o% UUiUM.- do
111..... .. do
1'#..... Jfo- lUik< do
Ml ..... l#oikw ty A 1*0ti|(......... do
Cp flri lUniiO www... Wiiim
I' • 166 William U M<r .... do
ill .#- William Gilbert do
11 1 • 111 Wllil.m 4 k#l do
111 1i.... Mif> Ifou*' # #l/ do
li I'ill 4 Otf do
>1 MurfArri loii|rli*i/ d>>
>RJ J M H I* af k< r . do
J**. Ilt'lmr I Park* r do
MO 11. or \ Mi *• t. . |
i*> JH .> Wofl,
-I Mn. ■ - Hl*lbofl do
%it P l> H ' f .3 .j,
Do ii, VojfcAD' ico, | Lifcjfi a ffmn,
Col/urn I'a I ii-ofr# llall. Pa*
am '
Jjargcst Xar Newest
Stock. Goods.
l.i* i\ tltiif OBY Ooojrs.
Ynu Mint. Vdliori..
H'-.u nail
Tli*' s|ki,
' 111. \P| 3 |
STtllJl. tj 'irorcric.,
" ProvUifxik,
' "pntri* salt iti'l
IViiinty. Finli.
111 * > I'.IN IN
.(! 2-* l and enn |
4 bU,
"I* K. tht * m
! s P.A KG A INN
A For the n *l
1 A1.1.. 30PAY.4.
(falrA Kbllmb) Tlmn.
lIL, Jan. lABO.
rkv tw In nnrfi'y (K-lt irr A aot appotnitd '
I Fml /'. liuur f f>U aytnt/nr thr aU oj Mr
V.tr< Tram Hai.'m i j W*trh*j in th* ttnvix
>< HrVrfmlt.
Rnrkroup \Vrr H COBI-AWT.
Hk*io| iDtpt iboroafhly iMtnd thn
RrßskfoM ijuick Train Walchn. for the
lani three years, I orter then with the I
fullnal eonfWnnee * the heat made and
moat reliable tine keeper /or the money ,
Ihkt rxo bo nhuined.
''* ' Irrevrv W./rA for tm . -jrt
V". 2 HrorLn KA f fo*.
Allot'./-, .tumrjti Watch** at re i>.c4
T'iriiiToK, l*ti. 27, 1(182,
1 he Kucklttrti wateh purebawod Fab.
Ih7W. haa performed hotter than any
Watch 1 ever bad. iltrn carried it
every day and at on time ban it been
irregular, or ia lb* lut unreliable. I
cheerfully recommend the Rook ford
at L'igb'on Furnace Co.
T*. ftTt>K,S*|,l l 18, Htel.
The Kockford Watch run* very ac
curati ly ; better than any watch I ever
owned, and I hate bad one that coat
♦ 150. Can recoainoml the Rock ford
Watch to everybody who winbea a fine
Thia ik to certify ib*t the Rookford
Watch bought Fell 22, IS?9, haa run
very well the pant year. Having net it
only twioe during that time, ita only
variation being three mioute*. It haa
rua very much fetter than I ever an
ticipated. It waa no* adju.ted and oolr
ooal ♦.*. K V. BKYAVT.
At. yoa AMnrkwA at night aw l hrwkwa wf 3<WF Ml
kg a Ack rklU MA< ring aw<! rrylwg Ilk gwfa wf cat-
Mag Wwlk ? If w,, wm4 at .*rw an ! gwt a kwtUa af
Man Wt.wtow'a Suwvnvw Brai-r ro* CaruTKa
Tawrwiw. Ii nln b InoalctaM". ti win rwliw,.
tka amo Hut. mAwwt tawaeAiatalT DviwwA w|n It
aW3tWa.lkwv la no ailmkw wktl M. Itcwrw. 4y
•"tan ao4 Alwrrtmw. rwgalalM h. eiMark awd bom
•1. < urww wind nolle, •nO.iw th graw. rwhm tw
BwauwwU .n.aw# gtlww Inwaaa4 waargy to tkw wkwl*
.ftMa Mm. WIWWW'I eanrarw. Starr rna Cmav
aaa Tatrraiw* l r-lwawawl tw tkw taw*, awd to tkw wrrf
worfpUna of we. wf tkw olAwwt and twwt t m,l. rhrwt
<4aa> awd awrwM la tkw Callwd atwtww. awd Iw for awtw
by all drngdwla tbogkow! tkw ttorld. Prirw S4 ram*
a hwtllw. k-T-ly.
ThaoMgat and brut appointed I net ileum
Ar obtaining a BuainwM Education
Far eircuMM addrrwa
To Iwtpwrt a Vrantlaal Btdaiaa IMwciMww haw. Or
may ynara wad with grant wacil bwaa tkw aro. of
Der .CMlwgw, Mw. A llftk X.Www* Tkw laitfcfkl
•taAwwt haw hwrw MUtka im mk a rrmlwtag aw win
•aaltf) kta Im m Iww.dtat. wtraac. aywa awarUral
AHm la aay <td>M. wf Mk Par rkvaian aAArm P.
A Bona. Ptttwkargk. Pa. UatTw paokkaaew.
pritlMtet by Marpw A Bra- pffatwd la Mn, aR<
lag" Tkw targwwt w nrhna Ik. mtw. r t.> ndi-d *
. awrk tw haakwtwiaiinma, kMtaaw awaa wed fracß
dkl.ingißlß. Maa,•mi
| —Fif jr Bliigh* at ind b*!o </-!, at
Brlru(t t. You'd be Mirprlaed to Ibe f
1 "* hundoimi iv trimmed In vl-^a
1 rel and | lutb, fur SW) arid upward'. TbeadV
j li|{b frujat be otd to make raui, lor
' S'ii * |< the tln to save at
leul ten or litu-' fi doliara on * alelgh
I'rurloUM Hope l'rrutia.
One morning while he (her husband;
I > boding bar ij|t in nrdrr lime •be
could brealne woie aaaily, after Laving a
airukglftd Willi M tiK'i a|el! ol COUkhili|r,
he ruade ib- remark that be did not
believe ah# would aver ir*t w-||, when
'he, ill bar weakriea, ani<| ; "Yaa, I will f
jif you Will brink l>*. lU.timk." Tha
I iincinr m. brought. lie preacribed a
t<*aa|nnnlii| of PTUHU a*ary hour. She
began to improve from tbe fiiet do**
ba took She fold roe to .ay aha haa
never fell batter in her life than 'he
does now. rind that *he ran not *ay tori
nnieh for Peryna A.J.MlLia*.
liar hutfland writf-a "Saal|(b Chicago,
111.. I-a HI, I HI ; I bare a living wit
'"** ol the atrial) id Peru/,, in i ov wife,
who w.-t saved ironi death by it. ' I car
j tify • bat every word or. pa ye M ~, [)„
II hMTHxs n Uwik on the • ||| n f Life" •.
true in every particular.
48 2c T. S.fioai.iM
sv% " *
r I i
I Rlm lot toaug DiSE/.srs)
iTcrrca.iTCH so&ts. pimpus. /
vpst wony J
r/;r FOR
i name PILES
j <aw..iwlari. > e.nH-r ,i fct.;..a.
or".' a-n.,.:!
law .1 MP I.t- la/lite flora.- a-l-di Aaa
j . ■ an, tl at.) |ulto ram. IViOII
( Ol ata r . I n MV. aav a "I.la 111 ta* iu;ta
v.M a -.i ,fau.ui a. imi rai eta Is £-ct mar ts l
HeSea.fl / * Mraw.Pt Swat st A fll. e>. la, IW
Absolutely Pure.
Til to pnrn<Ur *m\mr 'Art**. A **▼#! of pent*
■ t r*ngi\ *; Ho)<NrpVHttMi. that
(U oHIMT) kt4 m4 c*tat I# *44 tr r <mprttttn
j *ib fa ilUto4* of Isw !#tf, atl **irti(,A)na or
j (*•! is ftM It; TAL kit
MM ,HliIM . v .
g Wosawso—iasa">^'is*t"^--|*
}}a > 'asaw? , u!r*wTslaa T|j
Sitta sw this WWl| wir si at saws It.
| 3 PILES, .isiat to'sirr ae*
ftj,aj.pius>i4 wiu oowaMpsUss. aidsar-Wwrlj-^
' rem whmm aaywmjisjfc
■V' CT^aS^lMaiTiW> i Jmww> awls [;
Mr*. Whi**tna>> k&s htu
joom in the BUSH HOUSE, and r
truAo to riwAoUMC fa the ladle* of j
Bellefonte, that die has jud received on
imtnennee STOCK of the lateM winter
dole* MI
smcs, wnras. ,
and all kind* of Mxlbnory Good*.
Mr*. H'Adatonn Am teleeied every
thing %dth the jroated rare, and foei
•mured that oh* mm 4m the. Imtod J
novelties in fashion, and meat the wmt* E
of her fatromt intoory particular.