Pook'n Bad Boy and His Pa. TttK OLD HAN COMPLAINS THAT IT IS TOO qUILT SINCE Tit E BOY BE CAME tlO'.in, SO Till BOY ANI) MIS CHUM MAKE IT IN TEItKSTING FOR HIM. "Come in the back room, Hennery, I want to talk with you," said the grocery man to the bad boy, us he came iu laughing and slapping bis hands ou bis legs. "I have heard something to-day that has hurt mo as much as though you was my own boy," and the grocerynian looked a* though it wouldn't take many good slated onions to make the tears come. "tireat jewhillikens, what is it," nsked the bad boy, n* his face sobered down at the look of pain on the face of his mercantile friend. "What is the matter? Won't your creditors I aec< pt ten cents on a dollar? 'and the , Ifoy looked like a lawyer, ready to , help a client out, and reached into a cinnanio') bag and hud. out a handful or cinnamon. ' No. nothing of that kind,"said the grocerynian. "I have concluded not to fail. Hut !am told ou good au- j thqrity that you have become bad j again, and that you have been playing | tie meanest trick on your pa that you { .have ever played. The minister tcld ■ me he was coming iu from a country , funeral the other day, and bo over- j took your pa 011 the road with a gun, and asked bim to get iu and ride, ami j your pa's pants were all -torn, bis boots 1 aud gun full of snow, and be was so scared that he kept looking around all the way to town, expecting to be shot in tbo back. Now, what kind of a way is that to treat the author of your being ? Say, you will have a through ticket to the bad place, aod your train wi 11 leata on schedule time, and arrive ! at the grand central depot in hadea, just as the fire is kindled. You bad> bad boy. I have been proud of you t and thought you would come out all right, but now I know you are a hypo crite." "There, there, don't put on any extra sadness,'* said the boy, as be quartered an orange. "Pa is all right. Ha wanted as to stir him up. You see, since I have been good, pa has been neglected, and be has become sour, and his clothes don't fit. He told ma tbat what be wanted was ex citement, and be had got to have it. He said when the boys were playing things on bim,aad making him scratch gravel, and he felt a* though a house was going to fall on him every minute, he enjoyed himselC bad a good appe tite, and felt equal to any emergency, but since the boys bad become good, ami let him alone, bis life was a bur >l) 0, In bad failed in business, and • vrything went wrong, and uule9 there was a changesoon.be would lose lii* mind. He said lie sighed for the ; old tim s, when be didn't know whether b- wa afoot or a hor.icback.and when - imethiog was liable to happen every minute. He said be was brought up to bo surprised, and fall through holes, 411). I to have everything stop, ami to I* ml a quiet life, and just eat, drink ond dicp, with no cyclone*, no happv laughter 01 children raising the deuce, *> more than be could bear. Ma told uh- about it, and the state of miud pa in, and I felt sorry for pa. Ma tool me to try and think up something flixt would sort of wake up pa, or he would relapse into a state of melan- oolic, and. have to hire a doctor. 1 mid my churn about pa's case, and he •aid it was two bad to ee a man suffer 1 hat way, and ws H)0-t do something it. -ave bis Iff*. fW krr agreed to take p ol rabbit hunting. I asked pa it h- didn't want to go with us, and be jumped right op and yelled, and said it would bim half to death to go. 1 told bim wbafe there was a place about fear limit* out of town; where there was Atoll (odd* of rabbit*, but the maa that owned the farm drove everybody off. Pa mid there couldn't no men drive him off*, and for us to come on. Well, you'd a dida. I'a wasn't afraid of anybody, until ths man hollered to him to git. You me, we went out to the farm, ami stationed pa by a fence, and tfty Hium and me went on the other side of a piece of woods, to scare rabbits towards pa. Then we wont up ta the farm house, where a man lived that we knew, and told him we wanted to tear*a mm out of bis hoots, and be said atl right, go ahead. Ho W borrowed some farmer's | c.otbes, and old ploq hat*, end went around behind the barn end yelled to pa to get off that farm. Pa said fur uh to go to the bad place. Ho said bo came out to liuut rabbits and by gosh he was going to buut rabbit*. Then my cbum and me started towards pti, waiting through the snow, ami pa thought we were grown men, seven feet high. When we got about twenty rods from pa we told him to 'git,' ami he was going to argue with us, when we pulled up our guns and fired both burrels at him. We had blank cart- ridges, but pa thought he felt shot striking him every where,and he started for a barbed wire fence, and we loaded our gnus aguin and fired just as pa got on the fence, and he yelled murder. Yon know t!ne barbed wire fences, don't you? The barbs catch on your pants and hang cn. Well, pa got caught by the punts, and couldn't get ove-, and we kept firing, and lie drop ped his gun in th snow, and tried to tear the fence down, and he kept yelling, 'For Hod's sake gentlemen, spare my life. I don't want any of your rabbits.' I got to laughing so I couldn't shoot and I laid down in a sno* bank, and my cbum kept shoot- ing. I'a finally got off the fence and burrowed in a snow-bank, and held ; up a piece of his shirt which the fence i tore off, for a flag of truce, and we i <|iiit, and he stuck up his head aud iuw me laying there od the snow, and pa thought his gun had gone of! and killed one of the farmers, aud my cbum said, 'Oreat hcviugs, you have killed him.' At that pa grabbed his guu aud run for the road, and started for town, and that's where the minis ter overtook him. Along toward* night me and mv chum came home with four rabbits, and we told pa he was a pretty rabbit hunter to leave before tbo rabhiu got to running, and that we looked all around for him. He looked surprised, and asked us if we struck any corpses around on tbat farm, and I thought I should bust. We told him we didn't see any, and then be told us tbat he was standing thore wailing for rabbits, when a gang of about fifteen roughs came and or dered bim away, and he refused to go. Ho said they opened fire on him, and he threw himself into a hollow square, the way they used to do in the army, threw up iotreocbmenls of snow, and defended himself, and when be was finally surrounded and had to retreat, he saw the ground covered with dead and wounded, and he expected be had wiped out an entire neighborhood. He said it was singular we didn't see any corpse*. I asked bim how he tore his pauts, and he said the gang shot them all to pieces. Then wc told him of the joke we had played on bim, and how wc fired blank cartridges at him a he was trying to get over the fence, and he tried to laugh, but be couldn't. He was inclined to be mad at first, but finally he said this was more like business, aud he hadn't felt a* well be fore since wc initiated him into the Miu*oih, ami we could pity anything on bim, and do anything we chose rs- cpt let hiiu alone. So you see lam not so bad as you think. I'a enjoys it, anil *0 doe* my chum and me. Kb ! old rutabaga, do you ee?" "O, yes, that is all right if your pa likes that kind of fun, but if you was my boy I would maul you till you couldn't stand.'* Just then a big cannon fire cracker that the boy had lit and laid on the floor exploded aod the grocery man went out the back door bareheaded while the boy went ■ ut the front door whistling, "lie sure and call me early, for I'm to bo qoeeo of tho May> A srcciis*rct stiike occurred when the Richmond night express struck a negro walking on the track, who got a glimpse of the locomotive's brad tight just before being landed in tbe woods a dozen or two yards from tbe road lias. His first conscious, words ware: "For de lord's sake,boss, wbo frow'd dat lantern at me.?" A V KURORT girl paid 180 for a parrot and bung it up in its cage on lbs front porrh. Stxt day she gave ■ small boy 75 oeeU to take it away. The boy wondered why, until the bird suddenly stock its head on one side and exclaimed ia a loud voice; "KIM me—hi* me , lolitude and remorse are grim and hateful company. "Yourw Truly ' THE WA* IN Wlliru A YOUNU HUMAN WAH KNTHARI'L'I) INTO MATHIMONY. "A matin Grace,"raid Mr*. I'ilrbury, ati the eat with her daughter at their afternoon sewing, "he yew goin' to piece a rjuilt ?" "What fur, mother?" "Why, ain't Mr. Van Vim been to nee yu twicu'l runnin' lately? Ihi*! axed ye, I s'poru, to hev bim?" "Alt' I guv hint the mitten." "Sho! Vou wouldn't he half sosillj ! Whv, he's wtith n dozen ornirav men. You niought go further and fare wuss." "Jest whaM'm goin' to dew.*' "Did yew tell hint so?" "No, I writ; now, mother, let me he ; I nin't a goin* to marry no man thai thinks I'm jumpiu'cl the chance, I'd it heap rulher he on old maid." I here was nothing raid for some time; then the widow asked : "When dif A matin Grace, and said, ~ "I'm raady for weddin'." •Did you get my letter?" asked the girl. "Yep! It warn't to say lovio", bat I took yer meanio'. I've fenoed in the hall north lot, and iurnished the house up, so yer wouldn't know it, an' 1 kah'uiate cf we kin giimarried next week it won't interfere with my spring work—hey ?" Amu/in Grace sat h< k and looked the picture of surprise. The widow thought she heard the cat in (lie pai • try and discreetly withdiew. As the door closed Farmer Van Vlcet took two little red hands in his, and bendig forward gave Amu/in Grace an awful smack' "That seals (lie burguio," he said hut the iudiguaut gill jumped up and ordered him out of the house. To her astonishment, he didn't budge a rlep t "Not much ! I reckiu I've a right to kiss yer now,'' he raid boldly ; tlun he stepped to the door and called loudly, "Mother, kurn here J" The widow must have been convent ently near, for she almost fell into the room at his first word, and he bestow, r another sounding smack on her. "It's all rite," lie said ; "me ati Aina/.in Grace is goin' to be piarricd and you kin dance nt the weddiu'." "Hut—but the lett. r,*'gasjasj tin girl. "You ain't understood a wor. of if." • "The fact is," said Farmer Va Vleet, "I ain't had no eddicalion !• s| H*ajc of, been too busy grubbin' lam all my life. I didn't raly read th letter to sense it but when I see how ynu it that wat ctiuff for me. J knowed ynu wouldn't hev writ thu way to a feller ye weren't goin' t. marry. I don't know much abou gals, but I know that I" When it was all settled that tbej were to lie married the next week, Sunday, Farmer Van Vleet r<)dc of! anil the two women put away the lap. hoard and reeigned the uuiv< ra! shirt making business forever. "I'd give the world to know what I writ to bim," said Amar.in Grace. "The world ain't yourn tew give,' corrected her mother, piously. "I'm sart'in sore I told him no," said the girl, "but I reckon he was bound to hev me, an' I dunno er. I'm half sorry, either, now." When tbey were married and Ami zio Grace and ber mother had gone out to tbe new home in the smart new spring wagon, the bride returned to the subject of tbe letter. "I hev a burnio' cur'osily to know what I writ," she said, "cause" t blush ing prettily) "I tbottgbl I riffused you." "O ho, I gucs/ not, sai'l the trium phant lover. "Look-a here, Mrs. Van Vlcet, here's the letter. Tain't but a few words. There ain't no 'lirular mcauin' in them, hut its the signing of them. Do you see that? Tbem two words would stand in law to mean plain yes; there's no gitlin' amund them !" A ma/in Grace and In r mother both read nt once : ",1/r. Fan |Yrf—dear sir: I am sory to Inform you that your atten shuns arc in nowise 11 •*si || rkal' *1 Yurw trcwly, "AMA/IN GKAC E KllAßl'ltY." "That fetched me," saitl Mr. Van Vleet, looking admiringly at bis new possession. "I doau'l kno' imie.ii, but I reckon I kin tell wliaf a girl mean* when she writes to a feller and signs hervlf 'Yours trewly.' " Havtncr Money "be here, sir," exclaimed the presi dent of a Western railroad, "I under stand that you stopped your train be tween stations to let (df a man who had got on tbe wrong road instead of going right to the next station." "Yes. sir." . "Don't you know that by so doing yon took tbe risk of being run into by tbe through express ?" "Yea, sir." "And that if an accident had occur red it would have cost tbe company thousands of dollar* ?" ■ "Yes, sir." "Rut. sir, by puttiag off that man I saved tbe company ao end of money which you would have bad to pay for extra coal to pull the overloaded train." "flow do you make that out? What difference would one ntan make ? Who was be, anyhow ?" • David Davia." "You did right. Go baek to your post." "<>H haven't I got tbe sand f' rings the an gar dealer. Semcatsi few tb Casvaa I'lwtur. kn> we . loili* )cm u> mb. • ihssplMSMaMsf By -TOOTH BRU SHES!— * We have just received Direct From the Importer, • i And which we are offering VERY ROW. Our aim is to keep the REST / GOODS and sell them at f'M)BK I'RK.'IvS FORri'ASH AT GREEN'S PHARMACY, Bush House Block, We have Telephow Connection. It. tlarm-n .F ,V>U"* Neu< Store. Garman dt Son. E A l I EM, do not think, because the cuts repre sent only gentlemen's wear, that we have not been particularly careful to select an elegant line of goods wiped ally auitod to you. You will find it to your advantage to call and if we are not able to supply y>u from our choice and varied stock, it will be a • inall matter for us to order what you may need. We think we are better able to meet your wants than any store in ■ Bellefont*. If Pi Bki.IJCTOWTK, p 4i km ~^ n ' ' I.yon f fV., Merchant*. AUrykmy.Ht., IMUfonte, Pa* SWAPS FOR YOU ! ill R WAY of Selling off A LARGE WINTER STOCK AT SHORT NOTICE. ' $40,000 Worth of Dry Goods Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats ad Caps, A''. t slm.Hii lii>)( fiiiac K".l thin tltrnufh to the end: there ia something that will strike you. I hen oonic widi jour aUcckels, t'ome pooh because we will offer K.metbicg fit l-. than we can replace them for after tbey are all •old. We can't pick up •tieJi bargainseverr day. Juat khiw chancer. • w ■> . |ir • Pm- I>.e~ ... ljf a rt>>. lsrk.r Mr AttrtM W ■ V i i>K H.r I" I ... ....... ™_. Jctjui .Hi" U l iel ► • rard wan. n~t err—l> Hsnfe* Howl. „ __ V a rrS a* a rail',. ...... c a iaiS 0T Sfclrtlt> _ ani ar a fart PlaM TUassts .... |.r a >ard *~A IWI. t.iora ~ ~ lar a aarS Tk.al.tr *UUk Catharie Or • tar* A It-awl Stark and (Mont lettiMfe .. Kit a jard *•4 Maid rtaanftt . .... Iktyard. Mtte llfaiwn ......... ttr. Hi atal CaaliWW., Stack aad *nd at treat IA Charter IW utakar riaa. Statd Prrar ._— a. K and tor a yard. Api'Mna A Wostts .... 7 1-fr a aard. tud atl-wai 1 flaaarta Traai ... IV p KJ (tar Salra Waaler Slack ltk at. k Wer Winter TtnU TV, Si tin, 1 r. aad I an err aalr m Cklldrea'a Sarti Vob I toap. Sot'a (miMjata )T Ot art aaV HaakOr.rraaiat SB, 4 Sn i M.IMa. HraTt ill-awfSatta beat •OS ap . Ura'a ttar Sou 3 Ala parr. Maa'a A Haarp Saadt tSa pait. Wny> Bw*il PS aad I IS pet peW- Udlra'CWatat and (M nMa IV a pair Mm .Caraer stack Okrta VoaiBt ap. *- -• *- - - • —' • " r"*™ * | Wa kara no arac* tu an ait or, all Uar tanpuna T Itarr Kat we kare PaHr Tknavl f>ttllal*p Worik*mmk -ki k atedtrrv ta.net ap i-ab &3T^ BKND FOR SAMPLES. Call an at in* RaerWea*?. Meaty Watoraad It patthaat aa> vMabaVtp. LYON dk dO. Beltefontep Pa.