Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, February 07, 1884, Image 10

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    ®he Centre democrat.
-" |T
Thursday Morning, February 7, 1884.
Coßßisro*DiKct.<Hn>t*lnlaf Important news, solid!
*<i from ma/ pmrt of the county. No cowmuntcntlou
•a-rtsd unlaw mccompmmtod by tbm rami nam* of tbm
Local Department.
An honaat husband meek,
And nltbont repnmrh or fanr
Now do not atop, but juat yon pop,
The question of th yaor.
—Sprouting—Candida lot.
—Harvested—the ice crop.
—About off—tlelghing partie*.
—The day* are growing longer. Fact.
—Subscribe for the CENTRE DEMOCRAT.
—The Nail Work* are again in full
—Kxtra coplee of the DEMOCRAT foriale
at this office.
—How to invite tbis year—"Yourself
and gentlotnan, etc."
—No one appreciated the sleighing more
this winter than the lumbermen.
—A ' spiiited nag," hitched to a spider,
attracted considerable attention on our
rtreets Saturday.
—The Reformed church choir of this
place sang In the Reformed church at Zion
lat Surdav.
—When the hour of twenty-four has
passed that day was just two minutes longer
than the day subsequent.
—The "Ground Hog" saw his "shadow"
Tuesday but John Wagner shot it before it
went back to itA hole again.
—Merchants complain of business being
dull since the Holidays. "Advertise" is
the name of the medicine to cure it.
—The lecture by Mr. Kimberloy, of the
Berwick Y.M.C. A.,on "Literary Hash,')
has been postponed until Tueaday evening
February l'ilh.
—A big auction sale is In progress at
Nittany Hall and everything U selling very
low. "Cheap Bob" is running it, and hit
name it very appropriate.
—Gov. Pattison has signed the death
wurrants of George Jones and Jesse Car- ,
i"r of Allegheny county. They will be 1
hanged Friday, April 4th.
—The B C\, C. A S. W. railroad bridge,
• roaaing tbe west branch of the Butque- I
I.anna about sis and a half milea below
Cock Haven, is about completed.
—lf a man meets you upon the street,
•miles you sweetly, and is over glad :
to see you, and if you don't owe him a j
•mall bilf, bewaro of him. He's going to ;
a candidate, sure.
—The cards are out for a fashionable j
Hebrew wedding at Baltimore, in which
< ne of Bellefonte's business men is in- i
volved. When the cake is passed around 1
don't forget us, Sammy.
—The lecture on "That Neighbor of j
Mine," delivered in tbe Court House on (
last Friday evening, did not draw as large
• house a# the lecture merited. Scarcely
oie hundred spectators were present.
—An exchange pertinently remarks:
We like the merchant and man who be
ii-ves in sticking to borne enterprise* This
way of sending off for things that can be
I urebnsed at home just as cheap is not the
true policy."
-If you are troubled with a cough roast
•. lemon without burning it. When en
urely hop squeeze the juce into a cup on
:i,roe ounces of finely powdered sugar.
Take a teaspoonful whenever you cough.
I. rarely ever fails to cure tbe worst case. 1
—Huntingdon is getting rather bigh
t-.ritd. An effort in being made over there
t > raise SIO,OOO to organize a base ball
Inb for lffkl All right; bring along
\-"ir SIO,OOO clab next summer and we ll (
knock you out with the Eureka*
The new Presbyterian church at Mil- 1
ton, Pa., cost over $30,000. A debt of I
i?' 0,000 still remains unpaid. Recently j i
' >1 Lawson proposed giving $-700 in addi- <
tion io bis' former subscription, if $0,600 '
a as raised, thus wiping out tbe entire debt.
200 is new raised, leaving only SBOO to
u>ak* up. < • <
Marion township can boaat of some of '
•he beat wheat prodeciog farms in tbe I
--'ate. The farm owned by Mr. Isaac <
Frain, near Walker, produced on an aver- 1
age 85 bushel* to the ecre, and the farm of '
Martin Bigiow, just adjoining Mr. Praia's, '
produced an average of_3ftj bushels to the
a re. Who can beet It?
—The Gommiesioner* office presented a
>u#y appearance on Thursday afternoon 1
aiier the cade of Geo. If. Davis was dispoe- '
► I of. fifty witnesses rushed down
• lairs to get their "checks" cashed before 1
the five o'clock train left for Tyrone. The '
way our worthy board of Commissioners 1
I..ineed around would have dond credit to 1
younger lads Indeed.
—We have received from Messrs J|alli
•*, Painter A Co., of Bridgeport, tfonn.,
a opy of their "Useful Details," being a
• ."nprehensHre publication of useful and
seluable designs in architecture art, and
•II kindred arts and mechanics. It is cer
tainly a work of great merit, and must be
scry useful to builders end others.
lteroy Warner, of Ccnneaut township,
Kris county, recently sold "all hit right,
title end Interest" In bis llttis daughter
Maggie, to Peter J. Wild, of Erie, Pa. (
for on* dollar / The transaction was mads
in good faitb by both parties and a bin of
confirmation presented to court. Tbe court
wes of a different opinion end refused to
(uiififiu the sale.
Christ Gsiring is laid up with inflaroma
" tory rheumatism.
Mr. D. B. Weaver, of Penn Hall, is at
: tsnding court as a juror this week.
[J Mr. Christ Decker, of Zion, it getting
• quite A reputation as a vocalist.
: Mr. Ellis Sbafer, of Madisonburg, is in
Bsllafonte this week at a witness.
Mr. W. W. McCormlck, of Potters
Mills, gave us a friendly call on Tuesday.
Mr. J. T. Lee, carriage maker of Cen
tre Hall, stepped Into our sanctum on Fri
Joseph Brooks, of Pleasant Gap, is
hsppy. IU a boy. A real, living boy, ao
it it.
Mrs. C. G. McMillan rsturned home
from her extended visit in Ohio Friday
Mr. Jno. Garbrick, one of Zion't prom
inent farmers, gave us an agreeable call on
Mr. Geo. Delan, of thia place, accom
panied bis brother William to Huston,
Texas, Saturday.
Mrs. Anna Seltzer and daughter, Mitt
Jennie, of Lock Haven, are guests at the
Cummings House.
Hon Win. A. Wallace, of Clearfield, has
been re-elected President of the B. tb, C.
A 8. W. railroad.
We noticed the pretence of our corpu
lent friend, Mr. Jno. Dubbs, of Zion, on
our streets Tuesday.
Our good humored and corpulant friend'
Mr. Robert Taylor, of l'hillptburg, wa* in
town on business last week.
Miss Sophia McKwen and Mitt Anna
Carner, two of Hublersburg't fair daugh
ters, visited Jersey Shore last week.
Miss Roxr, of Ohio, and Mrs. Geo.
Welsbons, of Pittsburg, are tbe guests of
Mrs. C. G. McMillen, at tbe Brockerhoff.
Mr. Ira C. Ohl and Wo, Harris, two of
Walker township's gocd-iooklog farmers,
came to Bellefonte on Monday last on
Mr. Stephen Csmpbeli, who moved from
Roland to Barre Forge a few years sgo,
has again returned to the former place,
j Roland seems to have a charm for those
who once lived there.
Mr. J. C. Rostman, of Zion, has rented
j bis father's farm in Brush Valley and will
| move there about March Ist. Now, we
| always supposed when a man once got to j
j /.ion be would prefer to remain. But such !
does not seem to be the fact In this case
j —Mr. WDI. Bimmons, of Pleasant Gap, 1
! is again engaged in tbe huckstering busl- j
j nets, and will furnish parties with fresh
i butler and eggs delivered right to your j
door. Mr. Simmons deals ID nothing but
; first class articles.
j Col. James Gilliland, who g for many
i years has resided near Washington city, l J
| her# visiting his numerous friends In this
county. Col. Gilliland for forty years wa j
1 a prominent citizen of Centre county, and |
few men the faculty of attaching j
friends to a greater extent. They award j
him a most cordial welcome.
comrades and their friends, to other Posts
of tbe O. A. R. in the county, and in other
counties, Gregg Post extends a most earn
est invitation to come and commemorate
with tbern the birthday of the Father of
our Country .February 22, int. The Gregg
Post Restauitnt will be open Thursday
evening, 21st, and will be kept open til!
Saturday night, February 23. tin tbe 22d
all persons ean get their supper at the Pest
Restaurant, visit the Art Gallery in the
Post Room, and go from their t-> Reynolds'
Opera House to see tbe "Famous Tonne*- i,
Means," for which reserve.! seat tickets can ,
be hand by application to any member of
Gegg Pott. The chart of the Opera House .
chairs (reserved) will be ready at Sour- 1
beck's on February I.7th, where persons J
holding tickets can get their seats marked
and reserved, and those wishing ticket,
can buy them. Lookout for tbe bills and
hangers about tbe 15th.
—Henry Keller, Esq., a highly re*|>ee- j
ted and well known citizen of Boelsburgi
we regret to learn, has been stricken with
paralysis and is in a very precarious state,
and bit life ditpaired of. Hit aged and es
timable companion, Mrs. Keller, is also
qalt* 111. We itncerely sympathize with
them tn their affliction.
LaTRR.— Mr. Keller, we have since
teamed, at wa ara going to pre**, died on
Wednesday and will be buried from his !
residence in Boetsburg on Pridey morning
at IMB o'clock. However afflictive the
dispensation to hi* many Irlends which
eel la him away, it may be truly said or the
deceased, that another good man ha* gone
to reoetve tbe reward of a just and wall
•pent life.
—A Banquet was given by the meuilnra
of Walker Grange at lb* residence of Mr,
Adam Decker, near Bnyderlown, en last
Saturday evening. There were about one
hundred guests present. It was magnifi
cently gotun up, tbe table being loaded
with all the subs tan litis and delicacies de
sired. Mr. Decker and hi* good and egress
able lady just know bow to get up an af
fair libe that O. K.
, "~ A entafUlnmeol will be given
in tbe Buffalo Run Presbyterian church
os Taeeday evening. February 12th. It
wiU ooaelst of grand sciopticen views,
wbtcb will show nearly all tha battle# of
the late war In onlort on a mammoth can
r-3, also scene* in tb* Holy Lend, and the
famous statuary. The scenes will be insar
parsed with good music, and all will be
delighted. iTi# entertainment will be
given for tbe benefit af tb* cbnrch, eo let
everybody com*. Admission 16 and 26
cenle* # #
—Good ginghams, Ave cents per yard,
at German'*.
—The Ball Masque at Beech Creek last
week wat well attended and a success.
—The Lutheran sociable was held In the
Lutheran church last evening.
—-Wagoni and buggies are now taking
the placet of slalgb* and sleds In our burg.
—Parties in want of sales bills or pos
ters should not fail to call at the DRMO-
I'IST office.
—lf you are In want of a good, comfort
able home-made boot or shoe, call at A.
G. Noll's, near the passenger depot.
—Pictures enlarged and copied at Boy
er's Photograph Car, corner of Bishop and
Penn streets, just below the Cummings.
—The office of the B. C., C. &H. W.
railroad, it is rumored, will be removed
from Jersey Khore to Beech Creek before
—Mr. Thoe. Collins completed hi* con
tract last week of grading and tuuneling
on the J. S., B. C. A C. rrilroad near
Snow Shoe.
Beech Creek isn't a very large place
now, but wait until the car shops are lo
cated thoro. Won't things howl in Rome,
though ?
Mr. Wm. Keller, of Centre Hall, is
conducting a semi-weekly singing class at
Zion. Everybody is invited. Admission
each session, 10 cents.
—The new version of Hip Van Winkle,
under the excellent management of Mr.
Jno. M Hickey, will be presented at Rey
nolds' Opera House Thursday evening,
February 14th. This i* one of the flne*t
companies on the roed.
—We cell your attention to the adver
tisement signed "Mechanic" for position
a* blackimilh. This in an excellent oppor
tunity for tome one to secure the services of
a sober and industrious man. We are per
sonally acquainted with him, and know
whereof we speak.
—Work is being pushed forward more
rapidly between UellefonU and Lemont
on the L. fc T. railroad than is generally
known, and ere long wo may expect to
hoar the shrill whistle of the "loco" re
sounding along the raging waters of the
Donavin s Famous Tennesseeana, Col
ored Concerts, are the same that assisted
in building Central College at Nashville,
and are rarely gifted vocalists, will sing in
Bellefonte Friday evening, February 22,
lfW4. They were the leading attraction at
Chautauqua in 1875.
—The First Annaui Banquet of Nittany,
Penn's and Kishacoquillas eallays will b„
held at Old Fort Thursday next. Sixty in
vitations have been extended, and parties
in possession of same should make it a
point to be present, as Mr Odenkirk has
been directed and will spare no pains in
the get-up of the grandest sopper ever
given at hi* hotel. And he knows how to
do it.
The mpnwi fur keeping Iho poor of
the borough of Bellefont* for the pa* (
month WM SIOO. ThU include* clothing,
foot and provUion*.
J. SI. Kr< tii.ixk, O. P.
LITERARY HAXH.—Tbii will ho the *ub
j"ct of a lecture to be delivered n"H Tues
day evening, February I2ih, in Y M. C.
A. hall, by Mr. A. 0. Kimberly, of Ber
wick. The lecture i* purely literary, and
i calculated to direct and rlimulate u*cful
reading Everywhere Sir Ktmberiy he*
ap{ eared hie lecture ha< been well received
The proceed* are to be uted in the interest
of the Boy*' Branch, and thi* in iUeif
*bou!d be tufSlcient rea*n for our citi/.en*
to attend, specially a* the price of admi*-
*ion i* only 25 cent*.
PKSW HAUL ITEM*.— Mr. Hjtermn
the manager of Henry Feidler * tore near
Aaronaburg, wa* noticed in our village on
Sunday la*t.
It wa* thirty-one year* the firat of Feb
ruary that Sla). J. B. Fither began doing
bo*inee* for bim*elf, and ba* ttill lomi of
the cu*tomer* to tbi* date that commenced
dealing with him at that lime.
Mr. Rooker, from Muncy, I* tuperin
tending the paint rbop of J. C. Condo'a
coach work* Sir. Kooker i* a Srit-claa*
{winter. The work (peak* for iUelf.
Robert Hartge* i* away to Sugar valley
on a viait with hi* malher.
l*ot—the "News Boy."
-There will b a local ioalituta held
at Uniooville on Friday evening and
Saturday. Feb. IS and lA, and it ia hoped
that all tba township* in the Bald Eagle
valley from Taylor to Liberty, will be
repreaented. Teacher* and director*
everywhere are invited toettend. An in
tereeting and profitable lime ie antici
pated. The programme not being com
pleted, we oan only give a few of the
many good thing* now in preparation,
Mr. Frank McCoy, aohool govern
ment) WEB. P, Fiaber, Jr., relation of
parent* to teacher*; Mia* Hellie Morley,
a claaa drill in arithmetic. Reading and
recitation* by the child elocutioßiet,
Mi* Florence Cleaver, and other*. G.
W. Bamberger will give a talk on read
ing. Open dUcuaeion, Keaolve that we
favor a compulsory education law,
opened on the affirmative by Dr. J. M.
Blair, negative by Mr. A. J. Grieet. The
fact that County Superintendent Wolf
will "bold the rudder" ia a aufficlent
Barantee that it will be an treat of
lereet and profit to UMeber* and olti-
HM. Through the hospitality of our
ciliaen* the teaoheni will be kept free of
board and lodging while attending the
institute, Come one and ail.
By order of the Co, Rupt
G. W. ReVMMi*.
SET icaiaE for the Cc.vTßt DEMOCRAT.
, ' H SINKS Towvsmr ITKMS.—What has
become of "Nswi Boy ?" Guess the ghost
t scared him out.
We are informed that J. C. Muckel is
# getting up another sleighing party. J. C.
knows bow to go about it.
f One of Geo. B. Stover's horses was used
. up pretty bad the other night, but we are
. informed Is some better again.
Mr. John Neidigh is "apple king" now.
John is just the man for it.
Our friend, Geo. M. Bower, moves to
Penn township till spring. Sorry to lose
George, but hope our loss may be his gain
Hoc. Bowersox moves on the farm lately
I bought of Mr. Kchard who goes to Kansas
with his family this month.
John J. is back from court and stil
j looks natural, RXADKR.
i —Last Thursday, the 24ib ult., was an
exceedingly unpleasant day, but notwith
standing this the clrcom.Unces within
doors at the Reformed parsonage in Aarons
burg were of a very pleasant and cheering
nature. By previous arrangement it was
t agreed on the part of the people of the
charge to rurprise the pastor and bis fam
ily in the way of a donation visit. The
day, however, was unfavorable. A few
frem the country and most of those living
in Aaronsburg and Millheim, numbering
about twenty families, were represented.
A few hours were pleasantly spent in so
cial Intercourse, after which our friends re"
tired, leaving behind them tangible evi
dence of their kindness and good will, In
the sba(ie of articles of clothing, groceries,
butter, fruit, horse feed and a purse of sil
ver for the pastor's wife. We take picas
j ure in noting the fact that all the families
in Aaronsburg, of the Presbyterian church,
took a generous part In the act of kind
ness. For these and all other gifts fre
quently received from our kind people
throughout the charge, we record our sin
' cere thanks, and invoke upon them the
blessing of heaven,
i For several days afterwards others eon
' tinued to report themselves st the parson -
| age. and on the V'lh several sleds arrived
j loaded with valuable tokens of regard
i from members of the Salem's congregation.
Besides this, boxes and packages prepared
for the day first appointed, were hero and
i there placed ip the pastor's sleigh as be
chanced to meet the kind donora whilst
j out in pursuit of bis accustomed duties
There are happy hearts at the parsonage
flrsaide, and it is hoped that those who
made them so are equally happy in the
7. A. YtAllri,
ProeeodmgH of Court.
The jury in the case of Gomroon
wealth vs. George H. Davis, for shoot
; tog Alexander Miller, at Sandy. Ridge,
1 last December, returned a verdict of
guilty of a misdemeanor in unlawfully
wounding Alexander Miller,
i < oturoonwealth vs. Franklin Keasin
ger for assault and battery, not guilty,
but that Keslnger pay tbe costs.
Same vs. Horace (.'lark, felonious as
sault and battery. Guilty of simple
I assaults.
Same vs. Edward stoner assault and
battery. Guilty. Sentenced to pay ,
one dollar fine, costs of prosecution and
ten days in county jail,
j Same vs. Jatnee Potter, keeping dis
orderly house. Defendant pleads guilty.
Sentence suspended.
Same vs Mercy O'Neil. surety of place,
lmfendant enters into $l5O bail to
keep the peace.
Same vs Zerh Steele assault and bat
tery. Defendant pleads guilty.
K ime vs Frank Gowland and O. !!.
Herd, four C%M for assault and bat
Same r. Patrick O'Neil and Frank
o'Nd. Seven cases for selling liquor
without license. True bills returned
in ali.
s.me v, Joseph Y<uirk, selling
liquor without license. Thr*eca- . .Ml
j true bilis.
j Same v .Liiuea Laughlin. larceny.
True hill. Prosecutor John Fox.
Ssme vs. John R. orr. breaking and I
entering a dwelling bouse with intent to
, commit felony. lynoramm,
' Sam" vs. Thomas ftlake, breaking and .
entering, Ac. Ij/nmamm.
Same vs. J. K, Kennedy, T. L. Me.
t'auly and W. M. McGauly, malicious j
mischief. ignoramus and prosecutor
If. I). Walters to pav coat a.
In the Common I'leaso the case of (
Thomas Depo va Joseph K. Keiler ia I
on trial, which is the first civil case that j
has yet been reached this week.
Bills ignored by Grand Jury and ;
prosecutors, Wm. McC'uliey, Harry Me
Cully, George H. iHivts ami J. K, Ken
! nedy to pat tbe coats, and were sen j
tenred to do so by Uso smart or giro
security to tbe Sheriff to pay them with
in ten day*.
In the caseof Thomas Depo v*. John
R. Seiler, the junr rendered a verdict In
favor of I'Uintiff' for lI.OL
George W Smith trustee for Sarah W.
Smith vs. Daniel Hall, administrator
ef Wm. D. Smith, deceased, Verdict in
favor of Plaintiff for 1E,576.
Joseph R. Aid v*. Joseph B. Erb ml,
fhe jury returned a verdict ia favor of
Plaintiff for S6S4-ti2.
Sarah K. Riddle va. D. R. Maione,
administrator of lfatthew M. Kiddle,
deceased. Verdict in favor of Plaintiff
for the sum of $10.65.
The Court imposed the fbllowongaen
tencee last week just previous; to ad
journment la case of Commonwealth
vs. Geo. H. Davis, for shooting Alexan
der Miiler. Nine months in county
jail, 110 line and costs of nronecutton. ,
Heme vs. Horace dark. Convicted
for assault. Fifteen days in county jail,
$1 fine and costs of prosecution.
Same vs. Jemee McGafCarty and Pat
rick Garrity, who plead guilty of at>aalt
and battery. The Court suaMmded sen
enoe till April session to give Patrick
Garrity, who is a minor, an opportunity
to make information against the parties
who* furnished him liquor. The same
disposition wat also made M to the ease
of jGeromouteeaUh V*. Ztch Steele.
B#nc V". Patrick O'neil. Plead guilty
for mlling Ikjuot without license, and
was sentenced to pay SIOO fine, costs of
l prosecution and ten days in the oounty
( Same vs. Fid ward Htoner. Gonvicted
of assault and battery, and sentenced to
pay $1 fine, costs of prosecution and ten
days in the county jail,
I In the Court of Common Pleas the
, following cases were disposed of last
John H. Morrison vs. William Mc
• Glellan, Jr. Verdict for defendant.
John Rishel vs. Joseph Garbrick and
, Wm. Searson. Settled.
I). M. fHborne A Co ■ us. John Harper
et. al. Settled.
Thus* Depo vs. John R. Seiler. Ver
' diet for plaintiff for $160.01,
i Jos. B. Ardvs. John li. Ard, et al.
Verdict for plaintiff for $6K4.62.
. Michael Eby, executor of John Eby,
1 deed. vs. A. T. Winkleblech, et. al.
Setled and costs paid.
Sarah K. Riddle vs. D. B. Malone, ad
ministrator of M. M. Riddle. Verdict
for plaintiff for $1065.90.
James Walk vs. Martin Walker, et. al.
Jowh T. Fowler vs. Martin Walker,
et. al. Judgment confessed in favor of
plaintiff for $72.86. Plaintiff to file no
bill of cost".
S. H. Miles vs. P. R. H, Co. Settled
and costs paid.
Geo. W. Smith, trustee for Sarah W.
Smith vs. Daniel If all, administrator of
Win. D. Smith, dee'd. Verdict for
plaintiff for $1676.
The following case* were distasted of
by His Honor Judge Hoy, on Mpnday,
after which Hon. D. L. Krcl*. President
Judge of tbeG'learfield county district,
The L. C. A S.C. R. R. Co. v. P. Gray
Meek. Settle! and costs paid.
D. M. Lieh, administrator of John D.
Lieh, dee d, vs. E. ' 'hamhers. Death of
i K. Chamber" and E. If. Chambers, ex
ecutor. substituted and cause continued.
Jas. Gate* vs. G. Ik)racv Green and
George Spires. Plaintiff suiters non suit.
James Henry, et. al., vs. Jeffrey
Hayes. YerJict for Plaintiff for land
| described in writ.
Hottierville, Cri'lcr A Cook vs. James
Pope. Defendant oonfese judgement
in favor of Plaintiff for $110.50.
| Centre county vs. College twp. Plain
tiff suffers a non suit.
Eurinda Spangler vs. S. JI. Kunes.
, Settled and costs paid.
| J. L. Neff vs. John R. Dean. Judge
ment confessed in favor of Plaintiff for
$525, and costs of suit,
j Wm. J. Thomson vs. Wm. Colver.
'Settled. ,
! John Hoffer vs. Eve Jane Walker et
i al. \erdict for plaintiff for land de
scribed in writ to be released on the
payment of $J56.69. and plaintiff to file
no bill of oost for this term.
Tuesday morning tbe case of com
mnnwealtb vs. Ira R. Shaffer, Reuben
Grimm and Lewis Grimm, for conspir
| ing to cheat creditor* was called. His
Honor Judge Kreba on tbe bench.
j "Famous' Terinesean, comprising nine
( ex-slaves, all of extraordinary voice,
brought by the best culture and jetrs of
■ constant practice to a bigb state of cultiva
tion They are no humbug, no burnt cork
artists, but genuine, Brst class singers. No
lover of song, tbe best of ail music, should
fail to bear them Tbey will appear at
Reynolds' Opera House, Friday evening,
February 22.
Forxn.— A speclicle case was left upon
j our desk by soma one on Tueday morning
; From its pfnliar design we rather infer
it was intended for a Wolf.
—AI! kinds of picture* at Boyer's car.
Phot"*, cabinets and lintyp.es, at Buy
W*jfTitr>.—A position by an rifwri
en. "d and comj"tent blacksmith. Can do 1
anything in the blaeksmithing line. Hab
its regular Addres "MF IIAMC," care
CXNTHK DEMOCRAT. B#!lefonte, Pa. C ft.
—F-sur cabinets for les mcney than four
rar.l sixes would c -*t elsewhere, at Beyer s-
Bishop street.
j —Stamping in tbe very latest style and
warranted to not rub out, at J, D. White
man's, Bush House Block, High street, j
] Bellafonte, Fa. f fl.
j —Wilson, MrFarlane At Co., call atten
tion to the only reliable Ready Mixed i
Paint in the market. The Pioneer Pre- '
I pared Pair* is not >nly superior to any
Ready Mixed Paint sold but rivals pure
. white lead in Its smoothness in working
t and du'sbility. This paint is guaranteed '
, by the manufacturers not to crack or peel
within three years The guarantee is not
onlv p>od for replacing tbe paint but it
! will be put on If It should crack or peel
within tbe time specified It will be t
your interest to call and see Wilson, Mc-
Far lan a A Co., before purchasing either
white lead or any other Readv MixeJ
—Winter stock must go. Special
bargains at Itwin's.
—All of our Winter goods must be sold
to make r<m for Spring stock. Call early
and get a bargain. Overcoats at cost and
special reductions in all of our goods tor
tea next SO days. Respectfully,
Lawta a Co.,
Allegheny street. Bellcfonte, Pa. 2u
—lealn'i Phlla. Branch ia the place
to buy clothing cheap.
—Colored bordered handkerchiefs 6
cents at German's.
—Very latest style hat* and caps at
Law ill's. V % |
—New embroideries al Oerosea'*.
—Mens' under thirte 22 eenta mi Oar
--The season after the Holiday* is gen
erally dull with th* Tailors. We are of*
faring extra inducements In tew oetees. We
have given large orders, and tbe new
gowte are Row ooming In. Leave your
order now. HON TOO user A Co.,
—All winter goods at a reduction—
—No auction troth nt Oitrmiin's.
. Muttr*. Bunnell k Aikena have a
very fine Msldctinn of oli#l golfl watch**,
i * n '' a '' n '" silverware,
which they otter cheaper than any other
■tore in Belief,nte
1 --Oelluloid cuff* and collar*, all sires,
•t I^'Will's.
New line of etnhroiderio to arrive
• next week, at tJarman*.
r Auctiombkh —Tlia undnrsig nsd, the
fa*teat and heat itlsstnsn in Centra] Pann
■ylvania, having more than twenty ytart
experience in aelllng Parma, Parm fUock,
Merchandise, etc, offer* bit service* to the
citiaena of Centre and adjoining cc-unties
i " * Flrvt-clas* Kale*man. Charge* reaeon
. able. Addro** Joseph L. Narr,
4-3n>. Centre county, Pa
Come and Bay.
> In whole or lota.
on Alleghany Street.
r On High Street.
On Thomas street,
On Willow Hank street, sl*oo
On Willow Hank street, SI2OO
On Bishop street,
All in the Borough of Bellefonte.
§**<" Term Motif Eary.
' 0-. r )-3m. Real Estate Agent.
2nd floor Bush Arcade,
1 ■ /Boon Is R, tbork • Iwroal < r. )
7 am note ready to do all hind* of
Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases.
' I would be pleased to have you call,
and examine specimens of work. In
structions given in Painting.
Very Remeeitfeixy,
I C. T. lOldf r.
Havinh opened a
We would respectfully invite the
public to give us a call when in waot
of any work in our line. We are pre
pared to do ALL kinds of
We also make a specialty of
All work will recieve prompt* alien,
lion. Our term- are reasonable, inJ
all work guaranteed)* lir*peclfuHf m
It llt II ELL <f MrS I I. V.
4-3 m. lir/lrfotifc. Pa
* ill nr. mi n AT tiic
: State College, hcgitiing JAJt t* AIIY 20th
and ending FRBRL'ARY Bth 1884.
There will be at lead
Thirty Lectures
by member* of the College faculty and by
several dotiriguifbed gentlemen from
1 abroad. Circular*, giving fuJI detail*, sent
| on applralion to Prof W. 11. Jordan, or
to the President, Stats College, Centre
| ceanty, Pa. nS-At.
PX Et 1 T< urs NOITCE.—LaItaM
1 it t—tam-ntarr ® Im —tat— ef Kinn J. Pn,VI,
i d—~! lat of walk—tewaabip.Cwnt—'ooaalp.Pn.,
harin* hawo atamed to th utid—aitn, ,1! (HWM I,
j debt—l ta MM wait art reqir—trrl to ma*. irn—lt
J ale pap—tit, and all Hans* < laltnr agalnal tba an,
I M prre.nl 11.-m. dolj aalbmtlrat-d h law for—Hl*
mJ IMW N barab? rtro that (be partner*htp berw
! tafcrv altalia* between J T In*. ( Matwa
i under the Star aa—eef Usw* A ha* thin day
1 beW dtaatdred bp taotoal roaaeat Tba bonk* of tire
. Me ftrei art left In tba band* <4 t. T Our. *be arm
tattle end fallen tie arwwnt* <4 Ike eM en*:
!. T. MJQddL
Cnumn Jan' I*t. last
Tne aad—gned will onnUaar tba bnWaran at tk
ptoee M aoalntat ef Ike late Srm J T LPCAA
AY . aE#Sti " b# tba Or
■fcaa.' OannafOaatH ■■*!>. ladlswdbwta ftiefWnrw
In the hand* of Ike A4—tal—r*toe at tbe trial, at Me
hen* Mat-wan dim—id, a* apfrnta an btr kaa) ac
re—at. to and aoe* tbe parti- eatiOrd Iber—a,
will attend to tba daOwof kl. appatat—r*f at Ma
WMre In tba bamwftt <4 IKltafoat*. an rtbdaf Ike IMb
4ny ♦ Vebrwary. Ia*, at IS nVterk, a. e, abas and
Wbarw all par it— lattr-od a— rwaa-ted tn prnwar
tbrdr rtat—r betnra tba aadaradgasC ar be ibraawr aT
tar drdaarred (re— nrsalag la *pt— —id (and
b' AadHer,
-1 \ Mart— la barebp ffwen tba I 1-ttera M ad-lata
trmttoa on tb- eataia tt iaha Lata, lata at dprta*
towaablp, drr—td. bar* teea araated te tba mb
ar Wbera, wt— r •■■■■* all paraaaa bOn* rdat—a apalaa*
aaM —data ta |ftuil ttaaa. data aatbaattrwM Mw
aettl-aeat.aad all IwMdad fotak* |wr—it with
oat delaj. MSMIIAH UTI,
v, " !SSSS2i-
£*•. IS**" ** wbtaabW*t-a on tba —ta l IT
*1 wltana. d—r-twaad. bartaa bera greeted ta tbe
nadar—gaad, all pwaaa* I*MM ta tba aaM eatata
arar-ta-tad ta tnaka pay—est. and Urn- Urine
rlslßM te pra—at tba —, wttbaad dahw. M
JCH R fi. UM,
441 ddalaWtMat