Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 31, 1884, Image 5

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    t'hlhutrti>hm Hmnch.
Don't Forget
-1 Philadelphia Rranch
18 A
ls again to the fore with an exUn
nive assortment of
* Fall & Winter Clothing,
and respectfully invites the public to
call and examine our elegant Suits
and Over Coat*, for
Men, Youth, Boys, and
Children's wear manufactured for our ;
trade of the best material, and in
all styles to please
Our stock of Men's suits in C'uUt- j
ways, Sacks, Prince Alberts. Double
Breasted Coats, Reversible, Chen
j chilla and Beaver Overcoats arc Su
a| perior, and Invite Attention.
And now just look her*. Meu and
Boys, are you going to foetus this
Winter, or not? Why, of course you're !
not. You must have Winter Cloth
ing, and what you want is the Ukpt
ia the Market for the
Price. You have got your money
honestly, and of course yon want the
most for it. WE WANT JUST
BUCII BUSINESS, and therefore in
vite your visit to the PIIILADEI/-
PHIA BRANCH. Our business re
lations with the People of Centre
County in the past have been pleasant
and satisfactory, and in offering our
Thanks fur the Liberal custom hereto
fore given us, we renew the pledge
upon which we started out — Fair
ahi> JtTfrr Dkamwo to Ai.l.
. ClOTttlflC,
it* i .
i '
LEWI* * CO., Proprietors
iu, ... Mpu,r.
Halt Itoml.
aldTuoli vaTlst b It. -
Tune Table in effect Nov 10, 'BO.
I.eavo Lock Haven 1 45 4 00
Flemlnuton 4-18 4 04
Mill Hall 4 58 4 07
lleech Creek 601 4 21
Kagleville 6 01 4 2i>
Howard 6 IS 4 SO
Mount Kglu 6 18 4 40
Curlin 5 22 4 48
Mllmburg 6 SO 4 67.
Bellefonte 6 40 6 OH
Mile* burg, ~..,6 60 6 16
Snow Shoe lnt 6 60 6 10
lloienville. fl 02 5 28
Julian 12 6 88
Marllia H 22 6 48
Port Matilda 0 20 6 60
11 allnah .'. 0 07 0 IA
Fowler 0 HO 0 10
Bald Ragle 0 40 0 10
Vail 0 68 0 24
Arrive at Tyrone 7 06 0 86
EASTWARD, ru. am.
Leave Tyrone 7 80 8 80
Kat Tyrone 7 87 8 87
Vail 7 40 8 40
Bald Eagle 8 46 8 46
Fowler 7 64 8 60
Hannah 7 67 8 60
Port Manilla 8 06 0 00
Martha 8 18 9 17
Julian , 8 23 0 20
Uoiotiville .- 8 38 9 87
Sohw Shoe 1 tit 8 42 0 47
Mlleeburg 8 46 9 60
Beflefonte 8 65 10 <Bl
Mile.burg 0 06 10 10
Curlin 9 16 10 10
Mount Eagle 0 10 20 28
Howard 0 20 10 32
Kagleville 0 30 lO 42
Beech <'rck 0 40 10 40
Mill Hall 9 62 10 68
Flemi iu'ton 0 65 II 01
I Arrive at Lock Haven 10 IX) II 06
K.—Tune Table ill effect Nov. 10
Leaves Snow Shoe 4 13 a. ni,, arrive, ia
i Bellefonte 0:20 a ni.
Leaver Bellefonte 0:30 a m., arrive* at
J Snow Shoe at 11:04 a m.
Leaver Snow Shoe 8:60 p. m., arrives at
, Bellefonte 6.38 p. m.
Leaves Bellefonte 8 10 p. rn., arrives at
| Snow Shoo 10:40 p. m.
S. 8. BLAIIt C> Sup't.
J Time Table In effect Nov. 19, 83.
} Leave Scotia 12 16 6 (JO
Fairbrnok 1 00 6 20
Penn'a Furnace 1 16 6 40
Hotller 1 28 6 60
Marengo 1 35 6 65
Irev)tie f 1 38 6 00
Furnace Road 1 45 0 10
Warrior* Mark 2 00 6 26
Pennington 2 12 <> 40
Weston Mill f 2 25 6 60
L A 'l. Junction 281 G66
Tyroau 2 36 668
I'M. AM.
Leave Tyrouc 4 00 920
1. AT. Junction 4 04 926
WesL-n Mill 4 14 9 33
Pennington 4 32 9 48
Warrior* Mark 4 42 968
Furnace Road 4 57 10 12
Lovevllle 6 02 10 16
Marengo 6 07 10 22
Hiit'e' 5 17 10 86
Penn'a Furna.e - 6 27 10 4t
Fairbrook 5 47 11 03
Scotia 6 20 II 30
JL (Phil* A F.r'e Division. I—On and
after Nov. 18, 18*3:
Leavia Philadelphia.-... II 20 p m
Harriaburg - 4 2< a m
William*,tort— 8 40 a rn
Jorey Shore 9 09 a m I
L'X-k Haven 9 40 a rn j
R'noro . 10 6ft a m j
Arrive* at Erie ... 7 36 p m j
Iyeavi.ii Philadelphia 7 4<> a m
tlarrisburg 11 16 a m
Arr alWilliam*port . 256 p m
Lock Haven 3 66 p ni
Renovo 6 10 pm
Kane. 03 p m
Partenger* by thi* train arrive
in Rellefonne at... 6 05 p m
I.cav-s I'liilaJ-lpliia II 10 am
ll*rri*burg 3 26 p m
Willlamtport 7 15 p m
Arr at Lock Haven... 806p in
Leave* Lock llaven fi 60 a m
William-,Kirt 7 66 a m
arr at Harrisburg II SO a m
• Philadelphia 8 16 p m
Iycave* Kane fo(l*m
Konnro !0 05 a m
Ick Haven 11 16 am
Williamport 12 25 a m
arr at flarritbarg...... 3 43 p m
Philadelphia 7-26 p m
L-ave. Erie I 66 p m
ltenovo 10 317 p m
Lock Haveo II 20 p m
\> illiamtport...„ 12 36 a m
arr at UarrWburg 4 08 a m
Philadelphia 7 60 a re
Erie Mail* East and Weal connect at
Brie with train* on L. SAM. 8. RR ; at
Corry with R P. A W RR ; at F.reportnm
with B , N. Y A P RR . and at Drift
wood with A V BR T (DICKER,
Ocn'l Sup't.
No disease* bare so thoroughly bwfllod
the skill of tbe medical profession a*
cancerou* a<rctinna and as they have al
way* been considered incurable, It ba*
been thought disreputable tn adopt their
treatment a* a specialty ; and bence physi
cian* have neglected tbeir proper study.
But of late y tr new and Important dis
coveries have brought forth a course that
n >w proves successful in any ot Its forms,
with certainty, without the una of the
knife or cau*tio plasters. We hare a
treatment that Is comparatively mild. It
is not poisonous, does not interfere with
the healthy flesh, can be applied to any
part of the body, even tbe tongue. We
take nothing lor our service* until the
cancer is cured. Address
Kagleville, Centre Co, Pa.
tHi4 tvt use Co* lan Daww.aat j
* "i * j
On account of the great rush at our store during the past week, we were unable to prepare our advertisement for .
publication this week. Look out for it next week. C. ll* Holler & Co.
The Story of the Shooting.
Pittsburgh, January 24.—After Jauoe,
Null had boon released yesterday, b
wee asked : "Did you leare homo on
the evening of the killing with tbo in
tention of abooting Dukes ? He said :
1 am now free and will tell you the
truth. I no moro intended to kill
Dukea that evening when I le.ft home
than 1 have of .hooting Mr.Brown there
now. I always carried a pistol. All
hoys have fancies, and mine was to be
a good pistol shot. Many hours 1
have spent practicing with a
pistol before my fathor was killed and
after I got father's pistol, I become
more than ever infatuated with It.
How I made such good shooting that
morning I can't say, for I am not what
is known as a good pistol shot.
After I got the mail I started borne
that night and turned into that building
like boys do—where they said I laid in
wait for Duke.—for an entirely differ
ent purpose. Coming out I saw Duke.,
pass' and the time from when I com- >
menced to shoo till I rjuit is now and j
has always been it blank. I did not
know how often I fired till I
heard from others. None of my re- j
lalive* ever advised me to shoot Dukes;
on the contrary, they always wished he j
' would go where noneof us would see him
| It >ys have advised me to kill him and '
I have received letters saying to kill I
him but all my relatives advised me
not to tbink of doing such a thing.'' j
During further conversation he ssid !
| he would work on his uncle's farm unti' |
spring, as ho desired to be at home, j
I He said ho bail a horror of pistols and j
said he would not continue the prac 1
tice of shooting. Ho had no fear of
any jterson hurling him, and he inlen i
i dod to make a man of himself,
i .limmy Nutt,hi mother,grandmother,
| Lizzie, hia brother Joe, and James
Junk, his uncle, arrived at Uniontown
almut 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon
and were driven directly from the de
pot to their home on Mt. Vernon av
{ enue. Some four hundred persons as <
.enabled at the depot, but there was no (
i undue exciimeot, although there were
warm eapreaaions of gratification
among those assembled. Some persons '
had suggested a demonstration, but the !
advice of well known citizens prevailed
•nd the idea was abandoned A rumor
was current that Jimmy would he kill,
ed if he came back to Uniontown, but
there .eerns to be no ground for any
such impression, and the general senti- I
rncnt is to allow the matter to sink out
of sight if such be possible.
After iJiffhteen Yearn
Cyrus Crow, of Heading, about 35
yens of age. on Sunday night left hi #
W rk ar,l went homo feeling sick and ;
t l "n to bed. He grew worse and soon
•v*. in violent .paem. These came at
short in'ervsls and became so terrible
tWs he sv handoufled and tied on the
'••• an I f stir men were placed in the
room t •watch hun. Finally hefrothed
and made a singular resonant noise with 1
is mouth like the bark of a dog. He |
seetueel to want to snap at anything that j
came near bini.
When given ome water Grow said: j
"I know what is coming—Ibis is hydro
phobia. About eighteen years ago I
• bittert by a dug, and I don't want to
be the mana of hurting anybody ; if I
. get into a fit end for handcuff, and put
thetn on me and see that I am taken
care of."
About nil o'cl ck Monday evening,;
while in one of the spasms, he frsed
himself from one of the handcuffs and
jumped out of bed. He tmcame so des- j
peratn that seven men who were in the
room could not bold him and Grow ]
chased all out of the room. They look
ed the door and Grow hoisted the win
dow and lumped out to the pavement
below. He bad in some way procured
a knife and with this he lacerated his
throat and wrists. He wa overpowered
by several policemen and conveyer! to
the almshouse. The attending physi
cian aaya that, in bis opinion, all the
trouble originated frotn malarial fev.
•Sept. 14th, 1880.
Hop Hitlert Cb., To*"*TO :
I hare been aick for the past six years
suffering from dyspepeia and general
weakness. I have used three bottles of
Hop Hitlers, and they have done won
ders for me. I am well and able to
work, and eat and sleep well. I cannot
aay too much for Hop Bitters.
4 2t Hi no* Hotwixg.
JAY Got; I n was found by a reporter of
the New York WerU, the other eve
ning, in the little study ofhisreaidenoe,
toasting his alippored feat before an
open fireplace. The financier was asked
what he considered the cause of the re
cent collapses of the Northern Pacific
and other roads. Mr. Gould, after a
aliment's thought, replied, aa to the
Northern Pacific; "Why, the North
ern Pacific) is all welt enough. The
projectors of the enterprise are the Anew
to biaoH, in "the tint place, Mr. VU
s> - *'
lard is a man before unknown in rail
road circles, whoattemptcd to engineer
the construction of a gigantic thorough- |
faro, of wrhose cost neither he nor any
of the interested parties had a correct
idea. As a natural consequence the
company found itself even before the '
completion of the road saddled with a 1
floating debt of $8,000,000 or more, in '
addition to the bonds issued. Of course '
the creditor* soon began to clamor for
their money. It was not forthcoming 1
and then there was but one ending— '
disaster. I think the Northern Pacific (
itself, as soon as :ts local business can *
bo developed, wUMteootna an exceed. '
ingly valuable property. How it could '
have cost so much I cannot understand.
We built the Southwestern system !
almut the same time for $20,000 a mile.
The Northern Pacific cost, I believe
$2.",000 a mile at first, and in addition
to this $18,000,000 in second mortgage
binds were i*su d to finish and equip it
Igneranoe of the cost on the part of the
projectors was the cause of the North
ern Pacific collapse."
Mark the Sacred Spotn !
Deferring to the resolution rooe ly
presented by .Senator Vorbeet to have
congress appro, riste a certain amount ,
lof money to mark the spots made .
memorable in the revolution, the Doyles
! town Ilemocral puts in an approving
claim for the Jericho mountains ol |
Montgomery county and reniLrks : ,
•'This is the proper thing for the Gov ■
eminent to do. All the battle fields of i
| the Revolution, and such other 'places !,
as the events of the period made hit ,
torical, should be marked, by monu , i
: ment or other device, by order cf con J i
| grew, unless this bas already been done j i
Jby the state, or local authorities. As ; |
time rolls on these points will all be• j |
come national Meccas, and the erection
of something thereon, to mark the (
locality, will have a tendency to conse
'crate them with the people. Without
the monument, Hunker llill would j
never have become the reacrt it is.
, Should not the same encouragement be
given to the people to visit Trentoo, i
| Krandywine and Valley Forge? That j
heart must be cold indeed, which can
j not draw inspiration of patriotism from
the spots where patriots (lied that
Liberty might live. We believe it to
be a duty the Government owes to the
ssrvieaa and memory of our Kevolu.
liooary fathers. There is BO time more
fitting for this work than the present;
and, with an abundance ia the treasury,
there can hardly be an excuse for not
i doing it. There is but one spot in this
county, so oftsn trod by the Continen
la) army, that should ba marked. This
is the brow of Jericho mountain, Lear j
the Delaware, IO Upper Makefield town
ship. After Washington and hi* army
bad been driven across the Delaware, in
December, 177 ft, be encamped it under j
the shadow of Jericho, and the com
mander in chief, and his most trusted i
lieutenants, quartered near it. The
eastern end of Jericho is a bold head
land, and from its summit one has an
unobstructed view down the river and
over the country to the southwest. On j
that point Washington had his look outi j
sod there congress should cause to be 1
erected a modest monument to mark it
for future generations. It is holy ground
all about Jericho mountain. In every
' field are the remains of Revolutionary
soldiers, and from there Washington
marched to strike thecnemy at Trentoo
the turning point in the war. No part
of our Revolutionary history is more
memorable, or poaseasea a deeper inter
est. than that connected with this period.
1 A few thousand dollars, in bringing it
visibly before the rising generation, will
not be spent in vain.
Society undertake* to protect itself by
abating nuisance. Are not confirmed
drunkards nuisances ? They destroy the
pesco of families ; they endanger the
peace of the community ; tbey fritter
away uaelsesly the earning* of labor:
to themselves and to other* they are a
constant menace. Why should they
be allowed a liberty they abuse ? We
put lunatics who are not responsible
for their lunacy in safe keeping ;
ing : why should we not provide against
a form of lunacy which is accompanied
by legal responsibility? It would de
quite as practicable, as a matter of
economy, to Uke care of a drunkard be
fore he geta to be a pauper or noriminal
whh has to be shut up m a poor bouse or
a penitentiary as to take owe of him
afterward ; and what a world of misery
tight.lbe thus prevented/ Habitual
drunkenness should bo made a statu
tory crime, to be punished by emihe
ment sod dispossession of the mMM '
of properly during the time of ito con
tinuance In Germany a record is i
kept in every town of the of
number confirmed Inebriate*. Physi
cians am required to aid io making up 1
tbo list. The unfortunate person then <
become* the charge of the State. Home ,
policy of Ibis sort- -with proper sanitary
and humane restraint* to faeiliute m '
onvevy and prevent abuse- will sooner <
or later be adopted ia every civilised I
country. It Is the measure of temper i
anon reform which promise certain
Oca. Hancock was recently asked,
by a rural genius In the West where h
wm (luring the late war.
You can ponder and study on thosnb
jcet of friendship, but go to work, earn
a dollar and then save it, and you will
have hold of the beat friend possible in
thin world.
Engineering in China has achieved a
notable triumph in the construction of
the bridge at h*rrang,over an arm of the
China Sea. It ia five miles long, built
entirely of stone, has 300 arches seventy
fact wide. The pillar* seventy five feet
A French authority say* that boots
and shoe* rnsy be rendered permanent
ly waterproof by soaking tberu for aev
era) hours in thick soap water. A Istty
acid m formed in the leather by the
soap, which makes it impervious t"
Judge iVrsking. of PotUville, liac d<
cided that the professional base ball pla
er i not u htborer within the meaning "f
the statutes giving laborer* a prefercH' - .
j over other creditors in the distribute
of an insolvent estate.
Holland, in the last three cent or •
hs recovered from toe sea at least iti.
000 acres. The lake of Harlem bee •>!•
terra lirma between IMO rind 1 k'>2. *i"
the/.oyder/." is in procets of liu:.
formation into 500000 valuable acre.
Holland has now 1,479,090 o* an-i
cows, and her present output of cbv-.i
is estimated a* worth $3,000,000.
The shell of a fossil turtle of a terti
ary time, unearthed in India and placed
in the collection of the British Museum •
was nearly nine feet in length ar> •
twenty seven in width. Its feel were **
those of a rhioooerous, and when aliv
the animal snuit have been over twenli
feet long and have weighed several torn
A women can do anything or even
thing, ami do it well. She can do mm.-
in a minute than a man can do in >•
hour, and do it better. Kbe can rnai.*
the a'leged lords of creation bow do* r
to bcr owo sweet will, and they wi |
never known it.
It is related of the 13 year old r£o*tnn
school girl who died last week a*
ed, of over study, that during b*r deli
rium she repeated page after psge of
history, and struggled with the note* <>
music Irequently crying: "<b, mother,
lif I oould only get these note* on" n'
my bead!"
Denis Kearney now presides over *
rake stand st a place on the beach near
San Francisco called Mooneyville. The
beach belong* to the city, and tic
squatter* there will soon be compelled
to leave, when Kearney will have a
grieance to bowl about.
In hi will, which was offered for pro
hate in New York Saturday, the lau
Charles Delmonioo give* one half tin
staU-of about $2,000,009 to hi* sisp r
Rosa and the other half to hie nephews.
1/orcnro D. Christ and Charles Iw-lmnti
ico Christ. and hi* neice Josephine.
Dakota it almost ready for admission
into the union, ller politician# re call
; ing each otbera liars, the governor h*
been charged with bribery, two kptaro
pal diocasea have been created, H<*ni
J ViHard has smashed ail to pieces, aiel
1 the aow is *eve n feet on a de-l
A prominent and prosperous farmer is
quoted assaying recantly: lYhen Iw ..
s boy and trudged along to school I wu-
Isuglit to take off my hat an 1 m*kr
I obeisance whenever I met a gp *n |<vr
son. How is it now ? Why. e mn i
fortnt-iale if ha oan paM by a school
bouse without being snow Trailed,
The Augu*ta (6a.) Ckr*nu expre* .
. -es conviction that "the true jH>litica!
and commercial alliance of the South i
with the Fast, and not with the Wr-s .
Thi* t* essentially true,'' it says, "ofth
South Atlantic State*, whatever it mat
be wish regard to the Oulf and Miei I
cippi Kiver Commonwealth*.''
The Con*titutioa of Min*ouri f<w kJ- a
railway corporation giving a free |*aw
any fMate official, hut rter. T. .T CJnt
tendon ha* a happy way of evading thi*
cruel provision. T%p tall nay sknlbir*
paaae* made good war "Urn T. T. Cm
tendon and family.? and the foxy Gov
dea<iheads hi* w*/*n one of the family :
Few people are aware of the magni t
tude of India, or comprehend that it
contains some V>oW.OOO. awe people
than ail Kurope went of the Vistula.
Fewer dill known that It oontain* K
ottie* with a poj illation of mote than
30,000. people, and 23 ottie* with morn
than 100,000 inhabitants. Below the
limit of 50 009 the town* become mo ok *
more numerous. and there are bun •
itreda with population above 20 000
A singular case of the effect* of iroagi
nation recently occured in Elisabeth
N, J. Samuel Morgan, a abort while
ago, complained of a sensation in tbw
shoulder a* it the amputated limb wan
•till on and the band cramped and
aching 11# caused the arm to he dug
up a few days ago. whan it was found
that it waa heat at the dhow and the
hand were straightened out and buried
•£*io. S coe then he mya the ucrlcaa
Natation hag disappeared.