Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 31, 1884, Image 4

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    ©! CCrntu srraocrat
mi UMW mt UhMOCKAT is pub
#.•>I <fir| i'Mum-U) murulun, t Bt-ll#roDt#. i.nli
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Un "tUinlm i lrouUtioii make. (hi# papal an on
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Rrmm 1 Noriega in Iher4llorialcolomn. 18eBti
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Reply to Rev. J F. DeLonff.
1 Ain only 100 happy to be able to re
.ly, to what seem* in he on attempted
anwer from Rev. .1. F. DeLong, to mv
exceptiot-s to his Zwingli memorial ltd
<J.'Citson New Year's evening in Centre
Jlall. 1 have most patiently waiter! f r
an explanation of his shortcomings a#
■minted out in mv strictures to his ad-
Cress on the occasion above referred to,
nd my patience has his continued gen
Arolizations as its reward. My charge
from the first was, that Luther was not
ntiriy presented in Mr. Ie Long's ad
Cress. He made it appear that Luther
Mas too emotional, as over against the
ißrong intellectuality of Zwingli. He
Mid, Luther was a predestinarian, not
telling how far and in what way. He
•aid Luther did not distinguish
©f " clearly apprehend " the differ
ence between faith in a "man and a doc-
Irino." He sai t further that Zwingli
tvas more liberal than Luther and tht
Luther was wrong in refusing Zwingli's
•land extended to bridge the chasm be
tween them because of their divergent
views on the Lords' Supper. Anil fol
towing this he hail the temerity to say
that "Lutheran# largely have come to
fw, ngli'sview," which (Zwingli's view,)
IR highly speculative and imaginary, to
My the least. If my friend insists on
di-nying this, I shall insiston his printing
tiis address. I was careful enough to
Lake notes of this part of hia aihlreas,
nd am therefore in a position to know
whereof I affirm. All the charges,
Trhuch I have fairly stated, and which,
M part of his address, were epigram
Statically put, not followed by any such
explanatory clauses as he states under
Lu 2nd head, all these charges are left
Sinanswered, with perhaps the except
lon of the one referring to Luther and
firedestinarian and, even that is an apolo
fetic attempt at an answer, Let me
ere add, that if mv brother has a
•pint toward the Lutheran church
Other than that which I conceive
Lien to have, and desire# the public
generally and myself in particular so to
think, then let him explain himself out
Of his entanglements. I ain certainly
not to blame for setting my own |Koplc
right, in regard to this matter, ami this
fte a'l I hare sought to do. That I was
Obliged to cse the epithets of "bigot
and trickster." I am only too sorry for.
■ hat else could I do? Mr. De Long's
one lidcdness in this whole matter, his
saying < n an occasion not long since.
♦lmt Lather deni#*d the inspirstion of
U'. .James, forgetting, very strangely
indeed, to add tliut ho (Luther,) has St.
James in histlernian Bible, all this has
-forced m into this matter in the light
-a.-i which 1 now stand. Before I proceed
|o examine the aniwer of Mr. Iel.ong,
1 would kindly ask my readers that if,
after 8 years of most careful drilling in
Lutheran theologv by the soundest
Lutheran divines, f am still ignorant of
Lutheranism, they willexcuae me if I re
fuse to sit at my friend I>el,ong's feet to
Lc Lutberanly indoctrinated. I will show
{ou in a little while what he (DcLong)
nows of Lutheranism.
I. I find fault wi'h Mr. T>aLnng'
ii'/statement, that Luther was a pre
4c3tinarian. He replies that Luther
was more extreme than Calvin on thia
Matter. In xupport of hia statements,
Lerrf#r meto l.uther'a"leServo Arlut
•io" or Servitude of the Will. Now let
me put alongside of Mr. f>el/ong' gar
L'ed quotations from Luther on this
•u)\ject, a few sentence* from Luthardl's
fur Kirchliche Wissenschsfl
nd Kirrhliohes Lebrti," vol. I, p. !!.'.
*• Luther's entire oral and literary activ
Ity proves that he does not deny the
■tntversal human conscience of freedom
•a founded on moral accountability. And
when in his treatise "De Hervo Arnitrio,"
Le in no aeuae denies this, it is an anti
aiomy whose two skies are based upon
experience, upon the experience of the
Leiieving heart that is fretly and indrprnd
eif/y convinced of its faith, and yet does
not ground the same in itself but pri
marily upon the operations of divine
grace." Further on say* the same au
ihor: "Luther's predestinarian views
spring out of his own personal esper
knee of Salvation; out of the con
sciousness, on the one hand, of his ina
bility to do anything whatsoever in his
Own power to obtain .Salvation ; and qn
ihc other hand from the certainty ol
Laving been led to Salvation by di
vine grace alone." Hence it must
lie such New Testament view<
a* correspond to that conscious
wees and certainty, which are U
♦ - regarded eg the Biblical foundatioi
for Luther's opinion. If Mr. Delxmj
r.ould read the matter up, (as he evi
dently has not done it,) be will see tba
Luther with Paul, dentea simply there
KgioM worth and import of man, hut no
trce-Mtivitjr itself. Erasmus ran coux
, tcr to the fuudaim ntal principle of the
.• gospel of the total lack of merit on the
• pari of man. To Luther, it was a mat
ter of earnest experience, that man ilium
not of himself believe, that h#*{in indebt
ed for his faith, for his acceptance of
~ salvation, solely to the unmerited opor
b mien of divine grace. "From this he
# drew as a postulate for religious eonsid-
D eration the thought liiat this faith, i. e.,
0 the respectability for tln same, is not to
be. grounded in man, but that it can
'* only be aitributed to a divine nredes
u- tination by which individual human
r> beiiiifs, without anv rneiit or desert
on their part, are ordained and le<l to
n Salvation." So much lor that. Now
ii Mr. lie Long quotes from Koestlin's
biography of Luther to show up this
view ol predestination, lie says on page
Ii 271 we read this statement of Luther's
■ doctrine: "That sinners do not turn to
' Uoil anil require saving faith in t#i-t word
i*an only be attributed to a secret will
of (iod, and for this man may not call
(Sod to account." Hcio. as of a piece
wuh my friend's work, he iloes not fait
ly quote, nor does he finish. It is add
ed immediately upon the airrtct quota
tion; "In this Luther went fartherthan
! the Kvangelieal church which bears his
1 name was afterwards willing to go He
jj himself, also, in later years avoided
i* the discussion of such divine mysteries,
jJJ and allied questions, and warned against
k* it," Luther's predomination, was New
" lest, but not Culvmistic, Itwnsaposiu
laieof thcreligioiucxperienee wli oa can
not be denied or reasoned nwav, bill
'* which on the contrary doe* not run
a counter to the moral consciousness of
phenomenal freedom, because it in no
wise contradicts the lutter. Mr. l)el,ong
has made a discovery to help him out.
How hi-makes this I am atlosstoknow.
lie says the Sinaleahl articles, (a |or
(ion of our Lutheran iSymliolsj leach
this iloetrine of preilestinaiion. My
I charity help# me to this conclusion: Mr.
v llelxmg has never read the Sinalcslil
j. articles. Preilestinaiion is not even
e there by implication. Those articles
r leach the opposite. Head them my
, brother, and then quote them all you
i. wish. They are good, solul Lutheranism.
, And if this doctrine ran anywhere t>e
' found in Lutheran Symbols, either by
P actual word or even implication, then 1
, will yield. Dr. <eo. P. Fisher is quoted
as supporting Mr. I>eLong's charge
r against Luther. But who is he? 1 he
p gooil Lutbersn authority ? How
~ stands my charge of declamation
t on this matter; Let the public
~ judge. That my friend Delxuig
j may see where predestination does lie.
let me quote a little from Zwingli's |>er
. sonal confewsion; which he (Zwitigli,)
j calls "Reckoning of the faith of I'lric
t Zwingli to the Roman Kmperor Charles."
4 Spi-nking of the Salvation of theinfonts
. of the heathen, he says: "This we
t must certainly msintsin that by virtue
. of the Salvation procured through
f Christ, it is irrclevent to pronounce
, them subject to an eternal ourse, n>t
( j only on account of the cause of restore
j lion mentioned, but on account of Ood's
, free election, which does not follow
j, faith, but (aith follows election. * *
j For those who have been elected from
eternity, have undoubtedly l>een elect
t ' ed even before faith." And yet. Mr.
I>el.ong think# Luther did wrong in re
' fusing the hand of Zwingli. On this
. matter 1 refer him still further to my
reply in last week's R'porlrr and esf>ec
r lafly to Dr. Krnuth's paf>er on "The K
t lat ion.- of the Lutheran Church to the
Denominations around us." He can
I get this in the book store in Bcllefonte,
„ or from me.
B 2. In support of Mr. Delxmg's view
, that Zwingli's doctrine of the lord's
, Supper was the correct one, he refer*
. me to a "number of prominent Luther
, an Theologians who are beginning to ad
, mit, etc.." that Zwingli was riabt. He
t cites such men iw- Dr. Kahms. Dr. luliua
. Mueller and Dr. Merer, and injnroof of
, the fact that these ni'n do so a>lmit, he
i says look at Langes'Commentary, Matt.
, 24th chapter. II will of course excuse
me. These men >frf<nd Luther. Mr.
Del/in* twists them just as doe# Hchaff.
, Mr. DeLong still speaks of Lu<her'#
i "gross and carnal conception#" of ii,#
I/ord's Hunper. lit me #av to him
f onoc for all, — rtnd fwr t hwrh Symboljt by
all mean*. J fesr you talk too much
"without the fsok." The fling at pro
, traoted meeting#, etc.,is all gratuitous
But I must stop. Irft mennlr e*|,r#
the hoje that tny friend D* Ismg will
thicken his own historical ui quaint
anc( with the trend of Lutheran Theot
, ogv. All through his article he mak<>s
the impression* of helplessness yet de
[■ termined, at any cost, to say on. I
would commcd to my friend in view of
, the foregoing, the rtcriplure in I Tim.
I Centre Hall. Pa. FAIR rut.
i— • Ii
i A Correspondent of the Philadelphia
I Prrju states that r# syndicate of wealthy
renmytvanians, antagonistic to the
Hatndard Oil Company has purrhsrd
300.000 acres of land in the West Vir
' ginla oil licit, and propose io the spring
toliegin sinking wells in aeries of twee
, ties.eech experiment to represent an in
t vestment of $lOO,OOO. If these experi
■ ments in the West Virginia fields
, should be successful, a radical change
i would necessarily fellow in the con
t trol of the nil market. This new field
would have the advantage, especially
in the Western trade, of cheep water
e transportation and further saving in the
' cost of production, aa compared with
the thickly drilled Penaylvanie region,
r The ayudiaate have already secured so
' much land, and if they strike paying
* wells tbey will practically oootrol this
now source of supply, and ID a short
i- time build up an oil corporation that
" might rival the .Standard. A railroad
running from Wheeling southward
i. along the Ohio river i* now tapping the
it region of the purchase mode by the
r * Pennsylvania syndicate, which has
oot lees than half a doien navigable
m streams emptying Into the Ohio. Water
ig as well aa tail tranaportation is thus
' offered for the products of timber
and oil.
ot Uothera-in lav ara defined aa Iho
a brimstone of ths match.
The Boadjustera in tbo Saddlo
( Tbo two Virginia Senator*have lately
had several changes made in the minor
f ottlce* at the north end of the Capitol,
but efforts wor<> mado to hnve there
movals kept secret, John Ringgold, n
grandson of (Jen. Ringgold, of Mexican
> war fume, who wan appointed by
1 Sergeant-at-Arma French eight years
| since as bookkeeper in the Senate fold
L ing room, has been replaced by Col, W,
1 K. Simms, of Danville. A man named
' (late*, who ha* *upported a sick wife
, ami large family by attending to the
i spittoon* and dusting, has been ropier.
' ed by another Virginia. dates was
' never known to have any politic*, but
I performed bis dutie* faithfully. Benja'
I inin Stewart* the aged colored man
who ha* efficiently cared for the eatii
tury office*, ha* been removed, at Sena
tor Kiddleherger's instance, and a
1 : Readjuster negro put in hi* place.
| | Stewart wan a servant in President
I Madison'* fain ly, and wan In attendance
, on the ox-President the morning of hi*
1 death, Butler M dione has not yet been
installed at the d-k, now occupied by
! M ij. Oilman, of th Richmond /Jiipatrh,
1 is contemplated some time since.
I Grave Senators Grow Excited.
> I
! WASBiNorON, January 24. I'aring the
executive session of the sennte Tuesday
the appointment of Kinory Spears s
, United State* district attorney for the
southern district of (ieorgia wa* under
j | consideration. The debate had been
rather tamo, until at last Senator Kl
i munds left the chair and began a
speech that called the senators from
tbo cloak room*. He was caustic and
i rutting in hi* remarks, and at last said
something that wa regarded as person
al by Senator I.armsr. Mr. Lutuar
, got the floor and replied in kind words,
and when be finished Mr. Klmunds
arose and delivered a cutting and perso
nal reply, holding the southern repre.
tentative* and people responsible for
j what he termed a "terrible, unlawful
and iniquitous condition of political
persecution in the south." Mr. I.smar
j replied, ending by saying : "If it is the
• purpose of the senator from Vermont
j to make himself personally offensive to
every senator from the south, he has
| succeeded, so far as I am concerned, to
the extent that all personal relations
between us must cease.''
- - • —-
Prod DOURIASH M&rrlcu a White
WAMIMCTO*, January 24. Fred, i
Douglas* the well known colored leader, j
wa* married in this city this evening to
Miss Helen M. Puts.a while woman for
merly of Avon. N. Y. The wedding,
which took place at the bouse of I>r
tlrimke, of the Presbyterian church,
was private, only tivo witnesses being
(•resent. The first wife of Douglaw,
who was a colored woman, died about a •
year ago. The woman he married to 1
dy is about 3- r > year* of age and was
employed as a copyist in bis office.
Douglas- htsuself is about 73 years of age
and In* a daughter a* old a* bis present
Sj,s \mi -Siirsusi* is said to look upon ,
hi- f • er. i ten. Sherman, as about th
• tmuge, • Presidential candidate the
Republican National convention could j
put in the field, although Rrother John
seem* by no mn certain that Brother
William is a Republican. As this trifling
matter made no difference in the esse ;
of (fen. Grant, who became a good !
enough Republican as soon a* he was
elected, it might not in the case of (ten.
Sherman, to far as the nomination is
concerned. We very much doubt, how'
ever, the ability or disposition of Old
Tecumsch to adapt himself to all the
way* of the family, with the same readi
nest that Grant did. If he is not
Republican now, the chances are that
nothing will ever make him one. Still,
the Democratic party will be quite will
ing to see him made the standard
bearer of tbe Republican party, if he
can be coaxed to bear its standard.
The reduction on letter postage,
which was made by (he last Congress,
was expected to cause some deficit for
a year or two at least. The lope waa
that the more free use of the postal
facilitiee by tbe people would in a tew
years cause a sufficient increase of reve
nue to oom pen sate for the reduction in
rate. But the returns for tbe quarter
ending December 31 indicate that the
iocreaae is coming much sooner than
waa expected, In spite of the reduc
! tion in rate, the revenue was $,1,653,#76
' for the quarter -only SIB3,AM, or 1.3
( percent, leas then for tbe corresponding
I quarter of 1882. At New York, where
I a fifth of the revenue is collected, the
loes was only $26,318; at Boston only
, $10,665, and at Chicago only $11,281,
, while the actual increase at Brooklyn
i waa $5,374, at Clavaland $.382, at
r Washington $6,374, and at Buffalo $9,.
t 075. These returni encourage tbe hope
r that the service may prove to be nearly
if not quite self sustaining, during the
„ very first year of tbe decrease from 3to
2 oant.
. *l} "
• A Hurrah Campaign."
11 seem* to be the impression of quite
, a number of It-publicans, who despair
of winning the Presidential fight u|ion
the old issue and dare not risk a rupture
, of the party hy forcing new one* to the
front, that the only chance of success
this time lie* in having "a hurrah earn
puign," without any issue at all—a earn*
paign full of the old flag, old war songs'
old stories, drum*, bugle and boy in
blue, and noise enough generally to
i drown out all appeals of the people for
a reduction of taxes, honesty in the
. public service, an equitable revision of
i tin- tariff and relief from countless other
, { abuse.
j Things in this country will have cowc
i fo a pretty pats indeed if the people ever '
i so fur forego their patriotic obligations '
and so tar forget the imperial interests S
i I °f their Government as to dance to the j
' fiddles of these Republican N<-ro.
, "What about the Republican nom I
. j ination f" was asked of a Toledo man!
i i llieother day.
i . "There is no consolidation yet upon 1
any man, he replied ; "Gen. Sherman
, and Lincoln arp the ticket that will run
we mut have a hurrah oarnpaign
Ihe nomination of Hhermtn and Lin
e-do would give it to us."
Good enougn. We would suggest
however, in view of the possibility that
i tien. Sherman might not feel disposed
- I accept the nomination, and as it !
: would make no particular difference in
H campaign of this character what part
of the country the candidate* came from
-if even from the same State—that trie
name of M illiarn T. Sherman be stricken !
■ out and that of -John A. Log in stricken ■
"A hurrah campaign" without I/>gan
at tho head would t>e as poorly off as
"Hamlet" without Ilamtel.
If Ixigan and Lincoln couldn't sue
| ceed in rallying the boy* around the j
I flsg. including the colored troops, no J
( body else could. We may therefore,
, conclude that this is lobe the ticket
should tbe Chicago National convin
tion decide to run toe campaign on |
"hurrah" principle*.
i In the meantime the Democrats co ,Id
' save their breath and postpone their j
hurrahing until after tbe eleclioo.— j
! W<uhtrujU>
A* a Jeffersonian Democratic Genera]
Mshone would doubtless cheerfully re
•pond to the request of the Virginia
legislature that he resign hi* seat in |
f 'he Senate of the foiled Mates. But i
Mabone bs- a great mission to perform
! which renders hi* oorn pltance with this \
request impracticable at tbe present
j nocture. In directing tbe labors of
John Sherman's new .Southern outrage
committee Mahone will be able to ren
der invaluable service in his position of
Senator . One of the objects of this
Commission is to inquire into tbe res
son why the people of Virginia. Missis
i s ippi. South Caroline snd other States
I of the South have beeo so perverse and
ungrateful a* not to quietly surrender
their State and municipal government
to the control of the negroes snd the ir
white leaders. Another object is to
stir up racehatred between tbe whiles
and black* in the South, snd to revive
the dying spirit of sectional hale through
out country with the view to its iuDu
ence on the next election for President.
For such patriotic and laudable ends
who could be so useful to Sherman as
M shone f A ( roof that Mahone bat
| already begun to anticipate in a small
way tbe labor* of the committee is
witnessed inlbe appointment of Colonef
Simms, of Danville. Va., as bookeeper
in the folding room of tbe Henate.
This Colonel Simms is tbe person ebe
made tbe inoendiary speech last fall
which stirred up the negroes of Danville
to riot. In order to get Simms into a
place in which he will be useful as a
witness and accuser against tbe while
people of Virginia it was necessary to
remove a grandson of that General King
gold who distinguished himself in tbe
Mexican war. Bat this only shows
Ibst Mahone will balk at oo small
things in his patriotic efforts to prove to
a Senate committee and to the country
that the majority of the white people
of Virgina are cut-throats and assassins
and that he represents all the political
virtue that is extant in that ancient
Comißonwaalth.— Phila fienord.
Ourfoaitioa of tbe Mails
WASBIXOTOX, Jan. 17.—A bottle of
"pain our*," addressed to gueen Vic
toria by a Georgia doctor, who confi
dently aaaerU that it will cure her
I majesty's injured knea, is detained at
[ the dead latter oflcs. Another curiosi
i ty af the mails ie a communication ad
i dressed to Messrs. Blaine, Devise snd
r Mabone. Machine Manufacturing Com
Ky, Baltimore, Md., by a Prueaian
i, dealing in balling and rubber
t goods. Thie communication ie supposed
l to bare been called forth by an artiele
published (n a Baltimore newspaper,
' wherein Messrs. Blaine, Defies and M*
* hone are referred to is oonneolion with
f political machinery. A bog snake (a
p raw spades.) a centipede and a llserd
were ateo detained in the mails yaster
-9 day sad found a home in the museum
n< tbe deed letter office.
If you area frequenter or a resident
of a miaernat ic distriet, Barricade your
system against the scourge of all new
countries—ague, biliious and intermit
tent fever*—by the use of Hop Bitters.
I have sold Hop Bitter* for four years
and there is no medicine tliut surpasses
tliern for Billiou* attacks, kidney com
plaints and many dinetteed incident to
this malarial climate.
4-2t 11. T. ALSXANDSB.
— Tim latt!l erase-wave Braid, at Gar
are dangerous counterfoil* in circulation
purporting t be "Walnut Leaf Hair Re.
• Uirer," The strongert evidence of its
greai value ir the fact that parties know.
log iu great efficacy try u< tmiluU it.
Kach bottle nf the r/rnumr Bur a far. mmi'.t
j of * walnut leaf—Blown in the glass; and
! a Green L-af on the outside wrapper. The
Restorer it u- heruil.-rr - water, white
I It possesses nil the properties n*esi>sry to
j restore life, vigor, growth and color to the
IBair. Pun ha.o only from retponttbU par
'•<*. Ark jour druggi-l l-e it. Ka* h B->t
t.e it Warranted. Johnston Roll,.way St
Co., Philadelphia, and Hall A Ru.-kel,
I Now York, Wholesale Agent*. 4- |y
Would ts, tolhr Isdl.ror tS'll.fonlr .nil VldollT
ihsl its It |*.J •• d lo (la
In tbe verv Latest City .Siy |e*, and with
Aealntu and hu/tatrh. •
> 'on)Biug> ma le to order.
Pinking done on hort notice,
lamping in French ",1 a Sjocialty.
I am Also Agent for the Celebrated
Dret- Makers' MAGIC SCALE.
No. II Allegheny St.,
503 m. B-llefonte. Pa.
Cobiirii, Centre Co., Pa.
Good StabU Arromms-datwn*
Excellent Hunting ami Fishing ground*
i quite near this Hotel.
JOS. KI.KCKXEJt - Prop'r.
nun ic A i.
A Hfpkrny Sirr*t, RflU/onte, Pa
Are prepared to do alt kind* of Fancy
and Heavy Harness Making at
ItoHsonable Prices and
Mont Skillful Manner.
Rtpiirltg i:st with sextceci x&3 iiirptUh.
. We challenge competition in price*
and workmanship.
Give u* a trial and be convinced.
All work guaranteed before leaving
tbe shop. 1 'tin.
The' Press
Weekly Preee, ... ei.oo a Year.
Daily Free*, ... -KI.OO a Year.
The coming year will h nntabt* Congress,
Xirtded Iwlvrrs * RrpaUlna Henale and a
IremrwraUc lioasa. will b* bat, rnsiumi.
■isklnx. Th* great battle of Protection against
Free Trade will agitate lb* Capitol and the
country. The Presidential campaign wilt be the
hardest (ought and mast writing |r<>llticat
•Iruggle (or a quarter of * rentury F.nrope, la
th* o|>lnlon ol th* h*l u>(one*d, trenbt** en th*
•v* of a great war.
With tnrb an outlook alive newspaper which
print* all the news and tells tire whole truth about
It t* morw than ever a nec—Uty. Hurt, a row.
paper la Tnx PtiiLAtiKLrniA Puns* Telegraph
wiru* la tta own office plat e It In Instantaneous
communication with a corps of over ft e hundred
new*gathererudistributed all over the civilised
world. Tho spo il daily eatde service which It
share* with th* New York Hrra>4 covers every
phase of activity In European life. No paper
excel* it In *ll the element* which go to make up
a broad, lull, e .triplet* Journal.
Beside* being a .-ample!* newspaper. Til
WXAXLT PKUW has eevetal spfclal leatunw
which put It at th* top. Th* Aaaictn.rvßai.
IIKTAXi MtST. enriched by rautait contribu
tion* from the foremost writers in various
branches, given tit* practical things that paopl*
want to know on the Isrm and In th* garden. Th*
UItUISU lIAJIII pm Wo*<N or Home Depart
ment. wined by Mrs. Kale B'psoa Clark, ta full
of Information, bint* and happybought* for usury
wife, mother and head of a honsebotd.
A grant feature of the coming year will hath*
highly vain a hi* letters of Mosrrn D. WiKkg on
Wage* of Working-men. th* general conditions of
tAbor and tbaCoatof Living la Kurup* as earn
pared with America. Mr. Wrnka, who had charg*
of this • object far Uw Census of UN. baa mad* H
a I If* study, and has beea abroad this year con
ducting a special Investigation. Ills letter* will
give Use facta a* to warnings In alt th* various
Industries, th* purchasing power of wagua, strikM,
tradee unionism, arbitration, etc.
The War* i.r Palt full of choice h nwa read
ing. with pu sr.les and other ma tier for the Uttte
folks, stertee sod pastimes for ad at U and children,
fashion note*. recipes, gleanlaes from current
I Its raut re. a oarvful summary of rtomsetia and
foreign sewn, and aa earnest illeimeilis of the
great qoestUiea of the day.
heiwpie aiyln nalbd/Vm
for mail, pnetege free In the D. X. and Cased*.
Daily, except Seudav, W eta. a manttq Ha year
Dally, lataediagMaadny Acta, a monthi M.ff a year
Bnadey Pint, foil a year.
Wwnkly Prwne, - . di.OOa Tear,
fowfl*. rweks end Pwef-qfoe Urdevs evsy A. sear af
ear rttk and *hMld ks mads popwkh m M* esdsr V
THE fBESS CO, Umltsd,
r-"- ■ - " ■ ..
firoc.4~rie, ProviMonn, Jtr,
E mm, MI
& CO.,
No. 3 and 5
Bishop St.,
1 FISH, SALT, fie,
♦ 4
To buy (irocfrif-H in thi# mr
tion of thf HtnU
At a few of
50 lh. No. 2 s2 00
1 Sack Ikut Roller Flour . 150
1 1 ("an Fiocwt California Peacbea 35
' " Apricota 30^
1 * " " Pear* JO 1
3 Can* Siring Bean* 26
3 " Lima u . 26
3 " (sorn . 23
3 " Tr>mat<x* 26
3 " Tea* . 25
1 " Good Table Peache* 20
3 Hot the Catnip . 25
3 " Pickl< 25
1 lb. Baking Powder . 30
1 lb. Pure Pepper 25
5 lb*. Granulated Sugai . 46 j
1 gal. Bf*t Table Syrup all augar tTO
1 " Glucoee Syrup • 4A
(*hoioe Rice . OX
j 3 pound* Sultana Prune* . 25
Lump Starch u . 06
Corn Starch, per pound , . OX
1 pound beet Coft* . , 19
Sardine*. 3 boxce for • • 25
I Scaled Herring, per box • 35
j Extra honed Codfih, per box 45
Looae Valentia Rauin* - 09
Seed low I4aiin • . 10
French Prune* • 15
Olietii Soap . - 08 ,
Bloater Herring, per dot . 20
2 lb* Canned Corned Beef , 27
Tapioca Flake or Pearl . 07
Sold an Cheap in Pro
—M —
We alto have in connection
with our store a first-class
Meat Market, *
And sell CHEAPER than
any other Meat Market in
640/ BKLLEFUVTfii 4% {