®fc €w Ut gemmat. Tlwrxday Morning, Jamtary 24,1864. • d ftutu sur l" ■•""">• Nu comui.iK .ut.ii na >rl iiuloaa at-compsuU,! lijr ha raal nm of lus wrlUr. • Local Department. —A l>al>y'a picture inkon in thr "twink ling of an eye, ' at Buyer >. —Correspondent* should writ® plainly and only on ono tide of the paper. —Several interesting communication* from our oorreapondenta were crowded out this week. We noticed the smiling countenance of Mr. Jacob Yarnel', a prominent citi/.n of liogg* township, upon our streets on Sat urday last. —We call yonr attention to th adver tisement of 0. V. H lder, on this page. Mr. Milder !- a first claa- artist, and cornea to u# well recommended, (live bim a call. Various causes are attributed to the cause of the inadequate supply of water. \Vm. Ualbrcth thinks "it is the steam heating pipes " Samuel ilyan says "tho j.ipe* are too small" and Lucinn Butflngton .ays "neither one is correct, but that the people are simply foo Ai.o for the pipes When great worthies like these differ what ' the wor'd coming to, anyway 1 —The I'onnsvalley Insurance Co. held its 2flh annual election for Directors and the following persons were elected for the ousuing year: Ilenry Kol!r, b redorick Kurtz, Samuel Oraraley, 11. F. Duck, J. 11. Muser, Daniel llrumgard, John (1 Bailey, R. G. Bretl, George K. Baker, Samuel G Slack, Samuel I. Herring, I. B. Fisher. Fred Kurtz, President; Samuel I. Herring, Vice President; D. F I.use, Secretary and Win. Wolf, Treasurer —Sheriff Dunkel is very fond of a cold bath, even in mid-winter, and while chas ing the O Neil brothers n-ar Beech Creek be took a "near cut" across the Ice to head one of tbom off. He saw (?) an air hole but could not resist the temptation to take a bath, and plunged in head over ears. Only for this ureakntM the Sheriff would have had his priaoner* in Bellofonle one day earlier. But he'd have lost the bath. A sleighing party of some fifteen couplee ( drawn by L-w Oeltig's spanking team of , grays, left Bel Won te on Friday evening I for tho residence of Mr. Robt. MrKnight j at Fillmore. Bobby and his sister threw I open the house to the visitors at once, and I made overv one feel right at home from the beginning. The merry peals of laugh, ter and the good humor thai prevailed dur ing the whole of the evening (and tnorn ingl wa the best evidence th* "happiness reigned supremo." Only one circumstance took place to mar (?) the pleasure of the company during the entire evening—that of the mis (a) fortune to Mr. J<*eph Un. ■iercaugb'T. We warned Joe in time, but our warning was not heeded, and the climax came eventually. For several min ute# Joe lay prostrate upon the couch. Pale and anxious faces watched over bim for signs of life. Some surmised that per haps a Car r) bod passes! over him, hut it was all a mitf'take Joe had merely in dulged in too much sweet cake and taffy. As HoKußint.K RKOUD —lt does not require a man to attain to the honors of Btate, to acquire wealth or distinction in the world of letters, to merit exclusive consideration of his fellow men, however desirable and proper theae are, but those who All a more humbla sphere In life, by | acting well their part, are entitled to equal consideration and respect. This record be# been made by Mr. Allison Haupt on lbs Bald Eagle railroad, who for twenty years without intermission, has acted iu that ca pacity, without a 'tain upon hi* character for strict performance of duty, or any act to compromise him as a gentleman. —Our reporter interviewed one of the ' bright and thinning lights" of the Edi son Illuminating Co., with the following result: Reporter—"Well, Mr. Edison, howls the electric light coming on ?" Hdbon-~"Firet-class. Wire came on Monday. Will proceed to "wire" two ho tels, the Buh House and Brookerboff House immediately, and a* many other houses as we caa. Expect to put up two lights on the streets, one in front of the Court House and the other at the bridge, perhaps Thee# lights will be exhibition lights. Will mska the town as light as a feather. The people are getting rid of their coal oil lamps as fast as possible, par ticularly the hardware men. Will light , up on Baturday. The first trial was a , grand success Tho electric light Is like the hthle— it should be in every family. It is good for all manner of diseases. Acts >| aa a diseofecUnt; keeps away measles and | chicken pox ; rucks the babies to sleep . ( cooks your meals; saves the hired girl the , trouble of entertaining your company; , blacks your boots; keeps your wife in a , good humor ; take* down and clean# stove pipe. It will——" , We bad been gradually nearing the I door, and as sooa as the "machine" paused < for breath we gracefully "slid out," but I hist in time Us catch the last sentence, "It I will knock thunder out of reporters." < Its a good thing, no doubt, and w sincere- • )y hope it may be successful. But if It f make* a man talk like chain lightning we only want one light. ' Personal. Messrs Joseph *bay end Frank Gnttig, of Roland, were lo Bellefonte Saturday. Kditor Doinlng< r, of tho Journal, end I). I- Zurby, F-q both solid men from the metropolis ol l-wer Ponnsvalley, wer in town this week. Ml. Richard Ilnaston, of Fowler, was in town a few days since. Did you come to see about that ".V-one- with a silken c(h)ord," Disk ? Mr. Jno. Harper, of Centre Hail, and father of our good-natured Prolhonotary, Cal Harper, Esq., favored us with a pleas ant call on last .Saturday. Mr. Henry Hoffman, who has been con fined to ni* home on Lamb street for some time past on account of sickness, it again able to b about. Messrs. Geo. Downing and Henry Yea g T have purchased a restaurant and eating house at Altoena Success to you, gentle men. Edward L. Gray, of the Dally AVws, we are sorry to say, it again confined to hi* homo on Linn slree', on account of ill rn*s. \V# wish him a speedy recovery. F. P. Bible, Esq., moved to his new residence last week and Is now a nabob of Curtin street. Frank says tho "corner stone" i* the greatest thing about the whole bouse. —Mr*. W. E. Burchfield and little boy*, who have boen visiting among friend* in Bellefonte for the past two . week*, returned to her home in l'hilipa burg Wednesday evening. Mr. S. M. Buck and family expect to i leave for Chicago in a few days, where Mr Buck, we andertand, has accepted an ex- j (.client situation. Wo regret exctMNlingly 1 to lose Mr. Buck from our midst, as he is a very energetic and enterprising citizen Mr. J. CJ.Scharp, the gentlemanly book keejier at the Brockerboff H"u*e, lies re- turned from hit visit to Clearfield and b i again at hi* pot of duty. Dame Rumor whispered il quietly abroad that be was not tcharp ea"Ugh, and went in search of at least a hett*r half wore. A Mr Scbarp returned without said btl*r half, we sur mise there mut have b*en tome mistake Olio Meek, foreman of the Watchman office, we understand, has been appointed ! to a clerkship at Washington. Oiie has been a faithful, Industrious young man in the position hn has filled So long, and now I goes into a larger field wiih bright pros. I jiects: Success attend you, young msn. Mow get mar A- 1 and settle down Mr. W 11. Yearick and Mr. Em crick I of Walker township, favored our sanctum ! last week with a frienlychat,which we hope tbey will repeat often Mr. Yearick b*s rommncJ the mercantile business in Huhlerhurg, with bright prospects of sue" cess. Being worthy of Success, as an hon est, upright roan, he , annot fail to obtain it Ironi Ihc intelligent and appreciating community in which he locate* I'KNN HALL ITRM*—A number of our people are already getting out lies for the railroad that 1* to be completed this year —Rome of our young ladies have an invi tation to attend a wdiing that will take place ere long.— Mr. Samuel Harlcr will build for himself a dwelling bou-e next summer and retire trom farming—it is rumored that Spring Mills i< to have car shops. —Mr. John Hosterman is away to Rnyder county on a visit. Hope John may have a good time -J,.hn I*. Condu and family are visiting in Clinton county Mr. and Mr*. Bear, from Stephenson Co., 111., formerly from I'nioa county, gave our village a friendly call. Mot'NTAis Hot A grand entertainment was given t HubUraburg on last Saturday night by the "Ticondinlngoas," a troupe composed of tbe young men of Ilublershurg. Their performance was excellent and tbe bou* waa crowded. It is their inteotioh to give similar entertainment* throughout tbe county between Ibis and spring We|| ( here's sinews to you, boy*. "Die* '' —lf in want of a first clns* tombstone or monument, go to 8. A. Stover's marble yard on High street, Bellefonte, Pa. Mr. , Stover keeps on band a large and welt se lected stock of marble, and bU terms are witbln the reach of fill. A GRAND Fnr or Soxo —Tbe second grand Musical Convention and concert* at CentfeU all commencing Monday evening, February 11, DW4, in tbe M. K. church, and closing with two grand concerts, Thursday and Friday evening* in which everal musician* of talent from abroad will participate. The musical exercises will be oonducted by Dr. W. O Perkins, of Jlew York, assisted by other prominent musicians. Two concerts, Thursday and Friday evenings, February 14th and 15lb- Matinee*, Thursday and Friday afternoon* 'particularly for the convenience of fam ilies and children. Boarding can be ob tained at hotels and private houses at $2 for the term. A limited number can ob- i tain boarding free by applying to the Com- i mlttee no later than February I. TERNS . Membership tickets to entire convention and concerts, bat not entitling to reserved seats, 7ft oenls; singer*' tick- I els entitling holders to seal on *tage only, $1.00; single sassion or rehearsal tickets 10 cents ; concert tickets, 26 cents . con cert reserred seats, extra, Ift cent*. All < are (netted to come and enjoy tbe musical ! fat. ANDREW OBROO, I Chairman. , JACOJS b. BOAT, Decretory. 1 1 JbCKaoMvilli JoTTlSO*.—Pruf. Beck, with about 25 f hi* Jacksonville singing clam, unlit to Mitdisonhurg to Ink" pnrt it) lU< convention and concert. The sleighing in tlii* soction i very lino, unil nil who can are inaUtni{ (food use ot the same. The enow iniiKos the ruinii in Marion passible at lenst part of tbo year. Tbu Albright* bav been holding a "big meeting" in their church at ibl place, and about 25 convert# to the Innnt* of that •ociatiou bavo boon reported. Hope per manent good may result therefrom. Andy McCHnltck bad been teaching a number of young persona of this place the riidimant* of music during the fall and early part of the winter, but for the last six week* we have heard nothing of it. 1* Andy mowed up, or what 1* wrong f Than Yearlck expect* a new More chair i of the latest and most approved tyle, at soon a* our next ihorlfT i sworn Into office lie say* Joo wore hi* old chain out and mutt get him a new one. Jame* klartin did not attend the late concert for the reason, a* he says, that he I ha* an endh • variety of mutlc at homo. The musician- came only recently, Hl® twins, and ting either solo* or duett*. Tho , one sing* bass and the other soprano The Jacksonville school* are in a tine condition. For good government they stand second to nun® in this section of the county. Christ Ulossner, aged 51 years, was buried frotn the Itefuruied church on the . 12th in*t. U Y I*. t The Convention held in the Presbyterian ' church at Jacksonville, under th loader- j ' 'hip, of Prof W, K Beck, closed with a ' ! concert on Saturday evening tho l'Jth J i inst. The churi h wss tastefulH decorated ' i with evergreens, and on the evening of ' I the concert wa* crowded to it* ulm.>t ca- ! pacity. Among lh largo audience wo no- j ! I iced person* from diff. rer t part* of Nil- i I tanv vallov, Belief r.te. L"' k Ilsyc,, ! • * Howard and Maditonhurg. 1 At 7 ; 10 tbo concert opened wi'h a pro- ! ! found anthin entitled "O come let us tinf ' unto the Lord," whih wa* followed by solos, anthems, duetts, trios, quartette*, glees, and a few comic piece*, all of which worn excellently rendered ; every one per- | I forming bi* or her part well. The class numbered about w ' .inrr- find was on® of tho best drilled cl#'*'* of pro- | roiscuous singers I over bad the pleasure of I listening to, and the roost difficult music was handled with apparent cat* Among I tbo mo*t difficult choruses was tbo "Gloria, from M< start 12lb Mast, which was rendered in a manner that would have done horn r to older an I n. re experienced singers Much of the music was of a higher order than sung on im ilar occasions Mis# Fiedler, of Madteonburg. rang a solo entitled "swes-l Violets, with credit to hertelf. She sings well. Mis* I.aura Johnson, a member of the class and not I vat II years old. rang a *ni<> en'iMcsJ ! •'Homeless To-night," in a manner tba' ! would giva ciedtl to a much older person. Mr. Charles B>*k, a has soloist of Pre®. ' port, 111 and a brother of the Professor, j rendered the solo "Committed to the fh-op Mr. Iterk has not only a power- I ful voice but ha perfect control over the • atne, and s among the lest has* soloist* I ! ever heard The beautiful hut difficult duett entitled " Hope Beyond," was ten- I dered by the Beck brother*—Charle* and j the Prnfeer— in grand style. Mis* Mag- j , gie Shoemaker, a member of the ciaas, de- J (serves *pi at ruenlion for the manner in j which • with the Beck brothers, sang |he profo i i trio entitled "O restless (tea." Ma "'hoxmaker p..isi< not only a fine soprano - -ice, but other gift* which en ailed her I > sing with telling effect. M<*s*. Byron VenJ.-rtl sot, C. II Wilson, W J. A bey and D F. Shoemaker, sang an Ilal- I ian song entitled "Litta Mcllantatbee.'' Though tbey were called the "Italian i Brother* " none of tbrm understood a j word of that wbfeb tbey sang, while uf course the audience understood It all. Mr. Vandersloot Is from Yankeetown, but took an actlva part in the conrenlion and concert, and being lh possessor of a line baa* voice, his belp wa* vary much appro' dated. A comic song entitled " F-ggs for Breakfast In tho Morning," wet feS,i~ei by a double quartette of male voices, the growings especially that by our friend* "Than" and "CuH," ru perfect, and brought dowr. the bouse. Prof. Curns, from Lock Haven, with part of bis etas* from Mad I son burg, was pro*ant and took part. We were glad to see them, so we know the Profoaeer of old to be both a good musician and a gentle man, The convention, taking all together, waa a grand success, both musically and financially. Everything pa**ed off plena antly, and the community ia and around Jacksonville can well feel proud of a decs of singers who can handle such music a* waa rendered on tbi* occasion. Prof. Bock 1* a fine musician, a good musical director and posaesa* excellent •octal qualities ; and although this is bi* eecond convention and concert at this place, we hope the community will thaw ita good Judgment by employing Lira a* long as be continues to render the satisfac tion bo did this and last winter. A Lovxx or Muaic. —Don't forget the Window Glaaa Work er'* Ball at the Brcokerhoff House on tba 39th inst. Every effort i* being put forth to make this the grandest affair of the season. Tbn object la a worthy oth, and ttokeu only lily oasts. k I* / Auction xkb.—Th undertignod the tautest and best salesman ill Central Penn sylvania, having morn than twenty yeart experience in selling Farms, Farm Block, Mordiandi-n, ••ti , often his service* to the citizen* ol Centre and adjoining ccuntin* a* a First-cluss Salesman. < barges reason able. Address Joanrii 1- Narr, ltoland, I I!in Centre county, I' Every iio<ly is rushing to ftoyer'a photograph rui to gel I large tin tyjiea for 25 cents. —Tak" your harri"-, making and repair ing to Powers A Butts, above post office, —Jno. Buyer, the photographer ia now rend) for luisineas. Cur, corner of I'eiin uinl Bishop atieefa, just helow the I'uril tilings House, Jlellefontc. —Stamping in the very latest stvi® and warranted to not rub out, at J. I). White man's, Bush House Block, High street, Itellefonte, l'a 4 It. —Wilson, McFarlane A Co., call ntten tion to tho only reliable Itendy Mixed i Paint tti the market Tho Pioneer Pre pared Pair' is not .rily superior to any Iteady Mixed Paint sold hut rivals purr white lead in it* sin<>othriu** In working , and du'ahilily. This paint is guaranteed j bv the manufacturer- not to crack or pee! ! i within three year*. The guarantee i# not j | only good for replacing the paint but it will bo put on if it should crack or pcei within the time specified. It will bo to your Interest to call and -co Wilson, Mc- Farlane A Co , before purchasing either I white h-ad or snv ot'i• r Itead\ Mix®! Psint. j —Barnum's white eiophat isn't the big j gost thing out. Tho rush to Boyer's pho. ! u.giaph car is a mountain beside of tbt, j elephant. j —Ail of our Winter good* must bo sold j t> make room for Spring slock. Cell early snd get a bargain. OvecoaU at cost and •fevial reduction* in all of our gisej. for I tho next -'JO days. Itespeetfully, Law in A Co., Allegheny street, Belief onto, I' lit. t —Whew ' Just think of it' Two ISOL" i. *as worth of picture* f r 25 "i.t- ' B<>y i.-m photograph car, just below tl, • 'um ; mingf H- use, on Bishop straet All winter goods at a reduction t iarman'a. —Colored bordered h indkt-rchw f- 5 j cents at Uariuan V New embroideries *t fLtrman * Men*' under -Inrts 22 cent* at tin:- i mso'a. Mcasr-. Bunnell A tikdis have a von fine selection of solid gold watches, jewelry iind a full line of silverware, wltir-h they oiler cheaper than any other store in Itellefonte. \V's*tki> \ g<l cirl to do general ' house work. Non- but a g I. d< .<!> | girl luo-d apply. >eel wage-. In>|iiir< | of F. X l.clitnan. IV'pr.. •: f Butts . House C I' llTrxa, A l'i, At.i r.u at nt ! Th oldest tnerchaute )r. B lief nte offer 'tie following bargain* IBank"U, $1 tat a pair ; baps, 75 ; dr.*s go d, h , .adl'ts wo-iten h• . 15. g-ols •iKilen winter hose, 15c; !adts hood*; first cla* gent* shirt* 50c ; fiannels a 1 disci Iptlons and prices ; mens good solid boot*, $2 uo ; mirror* all site* 26c t $S 00 , a seles t and fresh iin of pure gro '-rles at teitlom prices Country produc solit'ited and aiways on it will pay you to call, we can I b iWer- .Id C. P. H'tFFKP. A t '< . Belief on te. Pa I No 7 Allegheny Btr-et —Tho season after the H .li isi > i* gen erally dull with the Tailors. We ar of. i faring extra inducement' in tow tr.cr We j have given large orders, and the new ! yvjJn are now coming In I-nave your order now Moktoomkkt A Co., Tailor*. I X l/owost pricee. Ks ery thing new and fr**li, at fiarman'*. —New line of emhroideri'-e t<> arrive next week, at fiarman'#. STUDIO, 2nd floor Bush Arcade, (!>* Rothmrk st ar.ui nftrs) lam aair ready to do a'l kind of PAINTING, Such at PORTRAITS in oil. LAND SCAPES, SIGN and ORNA MEN TAL. FANCY DECORA TING and GRAIN!SO a SPECIALITY Htlteigrllou jfOltaul'-rxl So fill t'aac*. I would be pleases! t n hate yott rtll, and examine apocimena of work. In •fruction# given in Painting. Very RRwPitrTFCi.LY, C. y. Milder. HAVIKO OPRNBt) A NEW COACH REPAIR SHOP, ON IXXIAN BTRKKT, W> would roapiHTtftilly invito the public U> give ua a call when in want of any work in our line. We arc pre pares! to do ALL kind# of TRIMMING, REPAIRING ft* REMODELING We alao make a specialty of UPUOLSTEHUfO 4 > , * *l* ' ItKAM UEH. • All work %rIR rCcievn prompt alien. l|un, * OuraERMM aro rcaeooable, and Ml wyr¥ gdMautaad. He*pretfuUv, i A MrfWl.r, m - , JliMvfonU, Aa , Wantki) —Bra large Yi'holesale Oro rery House, a good expert, reed sal'.man. One having an acquaintance with tie trade of Blair, Huntingdon anrl < "ntroere.i.Ue* Address Lock Box 1714. PhiladelphiH, Pa. —lf husines* keeps up at the present 1 1>te at Boyer's, b" will have te build a re pliuri r.M.rn on th" top id his oar, te ac commodate Iris customers. We never a* such a rush for those 4 for 25 cent tin type# No awiion Inuih at (hnnsn'i.. Everybody te Iteyer'* for j.'.o. turns of alt kinds. TIIK ANNI'AL FARMERS' INSTITUTE w i li. nr. ati.u at TUX Hlate t'olhyp-, lu'ginihg JANUAKY 2bth and ending FKBIM' \BY Btl. I s*s*fi, There will be nt ica-l Thirty Lectures fufffih.f the UrtiUv nhd by from br n.J. CircuUri, givu.< fail affil ri fffiplciitiiin to Vrvf AN H. JordNO, or to lb* CaIR-' d Ontre i nxifilv, Pi. h2-ot. I BO M. NOTICE II J N.Hon ! *n\.y i * li ptprfton* tbVt Ihw I \l.l*L'.jflr*e (/I lb' fcr***ie kti'l ihtt* |sl|M(B|Nlt( I s Mrfl /til, Mb * !b* |>rtlV|l|r>tl*o( list j A'ttf I< Us -*.' Aj'fU, A I* 1 Ail, likl I r Ml ' uljfil lfl*sr! j isle ft* Is*" lite <ctsn k/ii filed In thr dllti # tti lit* Clffft !of ihv Onsbw' (Iwrl of On tiff nitty Mitlf mi r#|*t|4*M b~ OleMj llswffft/. Ot\ 'if ls*<fbfe ti* fleet At) of I he* t U" MUb well Ito iiafcrmd w! •oltiLwly. ( It- A|*| uf 1% tr*l .eUte of Tie* iuaa M Qullllk. lifil* *lkt km Ullih', M fwiff u* Id* ftltftow, '!harisfi Sl Uulllin. IA. tlii- r.nl frtopffrffy of Ar<*n V Kl''hr4 lt" Woitb i wtidiip, fatc-m* il, &• l>y bi* *l4'), Mxr'ht It hkfsl* id Invf>l"f) if fb* | • itij ol lit it. J Illlllltifih,U("f UlU* Uv .li.t .ji Ukt t j Kie vklnv, K II l.slstL 4th Inivfibift f th f— *wl j J".| ffriy • I K'hffL • 1 imberi. Uiw • ( HnUvf* t"*-seLlj* MUtfk l.t Lie widow M J .'* JiUI W 4 Hfri.MK, J Jt*|tur | iMtim'ifHr f, T*se- Sli . A J* l \ I'PLK'ATION Ft >R LK KNsr: • \ |l'r is f •!.*•'>,* '. hHU tUfl fd Ecom> bfitfi ilrd iMf f*el'.l|'*S fcn 1 ' s r.-. u lII* •fU r.f ltv vlesvW of uft QufifUr ***•. to f tj,, pmr* I<s u> 1 Irf fWtitro <*-iisty Med ib*t wj.|.l xt *f> 11l M4< t t! ' f"*t ' • f Mid ' sjrf " rrtta! the unitif , * • fl fV , g fbtU'B ; V H. M ' fv-sltleff I pltrf A'r ( -fl *• T•V e; u R.Wit Tffjlf.r 4fnl. Psjkrv r RcsUnftftl 4 H (tu*>rl(h h .eS I • Tivrtj <* vffW Ib'Uf IS*' Wis l-**! J tbn WttJlffr \ Ha U 11* i M llteln •• mi .*r, | .. Mxse* 5 " t • !• .r Redl'lif M " Tsf't - II Hon-* I. i -#. { h' I Ite tiff A K •inhiit *• ** *%\ > u Clat. o IH| uv •tterkOtm-l %tltop Tmrt J k. ii 4 rt r. i 1 It ill I : I ION NOTH i. N 'tstef.f*. w*iwlir, ; teH ♦ J T Its %* a fed ft **K • i tiodr* 1 # ft. i *• I liirfi* A - .oath f ',* iMifet } i 1 wii db- ia-5 t * trwtosd r • Tl * Iknlf Ik* , I Ute 4 mw* itii In lb fiaft r| J T I to*. • 1 • 'tiff •: < \h ■ wta ' ' tt.e fi ro J T 1.1 .4* KD , M.KAin , p. ii lei mi Tu o;wffwiksw| i it 'lt* , jdfiv • of i.Qfitiw** nf Hi lit* firn J tI'CAJ i (JDITOfti NOTK : Tbi ua-! s\ lldiffM f! 4lf I f ajje.r'e-1 R.e llr. fshfitS* 4 * Off ' < *> r ufH| " r|. *tfilVl t♦ 11 *fgt 1e I ifi Ibw klbbaf !• 4 lm nsfiit*.*.* of k# **H{# • f K' ' * H* 4 -irmrs. , fi# JaMife <, Lifi frtokl fite- J >iut. t, M s •* hff the t WIIW fft'lt|4 fhs-tfi-t . j trill olteetx! M y*r 4t.!i M Ml *| jwntLie i in iti l*or *Ci;k '-f Hrllwfnr ♦*•• Kri lat ibffl'dk 4m }-4 fdibtiy, 1M4,•( |* V*ln k.i. Uk *t i • hft" ell |s*il<v inl#rv*lf l *rw rMi-c*|d lr> |f#<*w-rt lkff-r ' Ifclne* Isw'rrfs. \be on<1 rtigtise] rf |.r t ,ro\*t { tffff !*!4tf'd rroto -mlaff lr • f*r an* I fnaeri II II II 4R-a|f Hli.Rsl K Ml. AndM/>r l UMINISTRATOR'SNOTICK ! f m Sdlr i* t erwl.T gi*Ti Ibnt IffltlN af aMl4l irnikth un Ik* rfite f J >kn I oft. latw *f Sfsring (g.wtrwhip. 'Htefl. hffi Ur* gtt!lM| In Ih* #.• w riLwfw nl> • r*w|nsa| all psttoni kwvftiff rltia* n* ald #*.'• t*> fte'-nrnl ihwto lwl* i k*aii f •> fMlirtr.!, ahd 1| ji4sld*d 1 • wetf |>taerai nlih t *' 11 4NN4H Isi T / j m GAPnicviirN VAt> \4fht niriral ' i DM IX IfTKAT< IK'S NOTIt 'E.— 0 \ lewdtasm of adaialiireiiAit ot. Us* wtat* of ft Win I Wllaati. IfffitMfitd, h*n.i I- #• |tan , 'd b'Utt qnt|riti|pw| all f>wv*r.ft* igiHdc l fo ft* sswid aeUu r ro|tMffUi In mek p* ni*tS ihnae bating l*i • to ft "mo I • til* nam* ttlew d<l*. U JOIIS H UK*, MM Adtninirirat'er NOTK'K i* hereby given that the arrw-aal "f A hank !•. rMhirr of llftrv iNakk, a lanntkr. h* *•*> filod la th# <•#<* if Ik* I'rolbioHfifT of Ik* Oaart of (Vtmnnoo nM, la net In ih# of (Vmr, and tkat mid ar tvniat wilt prsweptsr] for oaftfmatir n nllk* t.#H ifftai of %14 Ooari, J C NAMPKR * 1 II Prat baAart FpXKCIITOK'S NOTICE Letten j leUasnler Is- swslsa al Mttij J. t'nst'r, ilwsail Ule of Wslks'v.oi.sh.p 'oetrs O>ont J.ri , liasluf teen crssiM to tbe *ll jere.n. lr 4*l.ted to aaid estate or* reparoled to make IVIOMI sts loxa.eet. aiei *4l Hseln* lim> sfoloet tbo sane to present tbeai. 4ol saltes'ioslM Sf low for eortt* neat. t. U U ÜBXScK Beaswtnr, ( 'OVPT PROCLAMATION. V* WilßttfiAfi. fk* Ben A4an H -y, Vtes. i-sl Jodgeoftheleiael be . JMt Snt ntetrt.-t, .-emelettn* of the roonU#s of Centre *o-1 Hant*#4oe. and th* ll .n. t. O UCiuer and b# lion J K Health Ae edat< Jndce* la Centre ceemtj, bavin ( iaeieeel IheHr fv-eoft, lonr inc date tba Iff lb 4sv of Ih*. tans, to roe ttrertel. f-r h 4.11ns * (Voir) ol Of.* sn-l TSrmn.ee *4 Oei.Mat JoU IWi.erf and Uoarur teaetops of tb* (es ' In |VI|. tone, tor lbs remntv of Cenlr.', and to cnassi'tu th* 4th Mwn df./ isnoarf nest, tela* She iA'h Jsf of Jaanart !**, and V nonUmie to vreb. HotSrrn hereby ftven to the iVsv.ner.dos.'.'aae of ttlf t*eoe, Aldermen snd OoastaMm of said rvvntf of Caalra. thst the, te then snd tberr ta ikeir proper por n*. at 1Q oVfork la lbs foreaoun of aatd dar. erlik the*, ret.er**, i*ul rlll.me, evsmlnatlnna, and ilimr ■ ere reee.-tol.raji'r-. t. th me thlnge erhl.h to I heir efiis gfenalie Is te dims, and tb.mr who an* tmernd la reevarnlsaaeroei to proserin* efe.net lb* prU mrre that are .0 ehsll be in the Jo!I of IVntro coontj. be then sod thrre l- proae. cat* apiM ilea* as th.ll te Jasr (liven under is, band, at fiellef. tit*, th' "(lb Itj hf Deremter. in lb fear if oar Irsd I SKI. and Ibr oar bnndrsd and seventh v*ar of the 10depe...).,.0r the rnlted Slalr* tiII.MAS J IU NRRI aheHC SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of aunilry write of Kicra iMes. Levori fkdse an I Venefttionl Xipsne, tsensd oar of the Insert of * • m>He-a Pleme of Oratee oarir sbd to me ejrsrl'd" ve.ll he eapoawl to pVtlc sale in ISetdm Whnos, lathe tbiNaah of BHIefoi, >.* • *■ aATvauAT, JANt'eav i*. k. n ,ea*t, lb ibllowtof prapertv. o srlt. Mn'.l. *tl thai meseeiste. Vneaual sad to* of land •itaato la I'alswvtth l<.n|k, and kieoan ae Wv nambervet thro* and hen la (a, t. PMne seStaastnn of mid boroaab, as lorurdod te W iecSlSete ft k "fi," |sure SSI. la eh. .-flf. - lor n*. .leli. Seeb, rtn. In Centre ooaair. told beta beini t-medofaed deerril. od a* bit to era . tteptenlnf at a pemi 00 the north eSde of Alleehewf Wreev, thewco by an alter north 21 ovist Iw> Wot m l|igli sSrnet. Ibaare ateaf said stranl I*l feel to oa alley, ibeeere ate( aM alter J*", saet IWIS.OI In Sl>eskMt (heel, thvoo- along mid rlrtd I ted IsN to ftaos of toffaeiaa, hatag tb* sam* teat 1 'tl Wfri P fUhr aikl Kallicr, h|| wifr tv !mh4 4*1,4 7ft. Of Mnj. A.! . r"",rd4 In I#*d4 ffc*/fc * IJ/' Ifu.2, !>%g* /7J, r<J uuirj •■I mhU> Uir hi'l J W. V|ii||u. |r(f U' t' U,, *-./>!, tefcra in mwwH,,,,. i#4 V, u* +.A* lb* - I'n-pwljf <,f 0, W *tm utor of J W. Yftfj Jl 1 •lid# Wi H •l' *4 fl#r4ata Uii r of %riru*4 win- • ®7 ! <*f Midhrlio, Crnir* fitiiiiy, PA., .J* v . f|*4. • foUo* Ow thm *.) g •or 14 },)*•, i nj, f,y #l , l#g AMl**-, bjr 1 ■**. ewttUlMttic num Kf, r., f. or !•*, tkrwon AfM*- "V * W Alary fraiof t/or, >UI<U sad •/!•* OAt bJl4lnf ALHi#, All Uml "oUJo Irr l vt llinkr Uie4 niMul* r iio t- *o toj#. Ooim uzuifij, p*., Uju'l*4 •il *•£• * > C. CmrupMl, urn tb* fay A|#* af Jofcn Korij. oo ti.r .i t#y )•*<] „f W H. trV.* " J ,K ' •"*■ by I""** of If. fiofHajar. r* "* *• ""'tetnirig wt- -rU . |o ik. In aaarotlnn, and u b uM a* Iba prnj rty of i rieb K ii. U )itr ,• ' A " "'* pded"# ngbt tltu tii'l n and I/. a -ortale bit ..,/ gr . mw i to ' I"""*' ? C * uu Wl>. Pa,, "auudM . "i • ,b ~ "rth nd wl by land* „f j., urm g. Hollar, ~b it,. *, u ,b i,. a eubtlc rind, a,4 u„ woat L/a pnblm ruad, .-nUlnlng ■tea at.u, M !.r l*, 11. attain ata>l*. I a aiuall -Joa-lf Ina lii.ua, tubl- and ittbat ,/ut building* Wwl ,Ukni In ainratlon. and in l>* a.,1-1 a, tb* f-'.-Itt Of ttai W. h>'b. M-- 4 All tbal mmmims'. I"ti>uini anil Uail of land Mteato In M art-m ma n.l.ip ( int. -aauaty Pa •nundw] and doai illmj, aa Mloaa im Ui. norUi l> land of ft/diaol llrndaraoti m lb. mi hf laud of 11. uia- !,► la, mi Ilia auntb b/ land of Imuj Maii- i '.nlh ..t t,j land of A lid If. liar' "I d.|u all llaai I'ltllon lII* otatiod lij Kllaa Ziiain.riuan, lb* otbaa I'ldlfin liailna boon odd to ainu*i II . u <l*oaai l ( d*m| dalnd Hi* lal dat <d Jfttmlm, l"T7,aad tmni <•■ l in I< od H""k "* So 'l . faagv .In lb* olfli-a for Ilia mufdl'ig oflbo.lt 111 lallra watl|, rabmo •■airiK bad will tint* lull; and at latg* a jv*ar t, r ,u laltnlig ! 'dl arrita, in n* ol l*aa, all ■ latarad AIJ4*I, AJI Ibai " iiain 10l and |lH** of around *|l oat* In k ir lownablp, Oolf* conniy. Pa , l.iundMi and dairlt-l a* follow* f>n lb* Oof 111 I,* pabib rd. b-adinit from Mil-wl.orp t. < urtin • worba, I*. ibi norll adl f Ha'l Kagl* Cloak, on lb* *al bjr land* of Mr* Mi gartd Ut*a.oa Hi* *oulb bf lb* bald Kagl* I oak, and on lb* o*wl It) public toad lawdtng from Miiorbßrg In Marab ''to-k "intainlng all at**., molt or loaa, and belli,- tb* aitat pt*tal*** wbk.li Jan.ta A h<ari-r, and Mat) A . bla wlf*. bj d*d dait.l lli to -lar of Juna. 107"-, and in Una.* fbnl "K.' ho. pag* SOI grantni! tnd iw.t)lbi ih* aal-' hiloa /amiu.rniao, afonaaatd Aaan and *ata)d oar lain ltd* ownwl by J, If. Wagrmt. J-mafbaii Bollock T*ltrf, H How pianmian and b bro*r"a b*lr* tbnrnon at*, t 1 , s ~1 dvnfllt-f b t.a* alabl' a'i-1 olba.r owl bui Idlest daia*d, Ul n In •aotmn n. ar - I* mid a* 'b* " IJaajietly of bilaa fUmmniiuab, All liial Bi-anaa*, b-aibiai arid dof sfamnd ait '•r In Bprn( i oabip, A (Vtt* and Mai* , I Pnti) it aula, bwttndaal and d- rll.-d aa b llowt I Hcielut ai a (aont , ~ (it*„ ani. In what I* ! known aa Bali, addition lai lb* borowsb of hnlit I fobf'.obcr* tb* Mi lint of 10l Xn 141 ll***i* I '• Ibnnt" wawuilt al -i.f 4)r*wn alrnai fcflt j l-l Hi'lo., -lorlbrrly alotis lint nf 10l Ao JM, b.ik i Oto b indtn. an! fill) la.d, la. allnjr, Ibaaerw al-.t.* j allny 1 wawi*ii IStie .! M 111 Uanntw w ulbnily ' Nt " I **' IMb offM b .it.ad, lb* Iait of . l-loi,ii,* lo tiar anaiwn a- 10l X UV ot, iba b.i * 1 I a, - ol ft all a adddlfdl In lit* lor .tafli of n*Ui.bdata- Xalraal. lah'n in trrncoUou, and I, U- Hold aa |b. lot .[.rla of Itnori*, Man iXaa*- k fAagat Irl. M * S ■ Oaod .111 l„ n I 'lOWlldgod nil 111 I* I j . • bwi TI. •• .* :• )■ : . T,i HURL*. 1 Miadlfl knit fkOirice, B.;:*r . i.. Pa, Jkn . 1W ■ / COI'KT SALE.— ' ' IX" P\BTITI'i j lt> I'Vttutia >' jrC-r*ol ltd# r>i,rid ' t* urt f IL. .•it . f < at.* * K>4 OtitM IL' % rilACfia ■*l j*ubh Wi 'ti Ik I*'Hilar* ai,4 i4i Wri- WitififMT *iTiiumi.Ojp |.i-, , UII. I Vu b A I# IfM. at lit 1< V-k a u . <4 Ma4 !■>. t u • lat* ft*d t*i \f f U* 4i ai< ttqwt rit 1 lII* terra 11. tka U **!,tb .f Mil... f.mmv Ite , U-Ktuutug or,?®-# ..I >%• . .. r . i i at I >"•• .at ta jr tetsij* H< r.rt Eurf td't'b j .1' J * *t .*• • Iti rwH k a |Md|. !t.fw> > iutia , < t a V I a * I. • A klo*f 4 rflad* tld*f*. *■ f h* Mi;, :. r'tf It. %-lOwmW to ■ atoftr i ' t>.4t a2-rtjr • f Hrtr> R. >f* agan utfrtl* .*bl r> '.l rr*A* f*ivd f ,rTAr (teftfd -utrtb 1 phml :?-!<' xtefdtHat •♦ thd-fi r aUir,n laj4 off" * Hffltl •' r t ?'.6 ■' Jli rtld tg a)► -Jt.l .1 rtufcd la lb'." Ik • a '-U4 . U : If. •: ".lata klirbOuii .. u rr.l. 1.. a t .f U-£-Siat.iir ? r iiAjt■ . i' Mf • a I*l . Jft p* r/al : .aii -"A-r ret.s ./n. dvllitsg i t • iff **?al barti aoif sfrf <>Umik4tefa a ri'f f if t'f -a tergK a|.|id • ? Lr4 at ivth*t fmM tr At il f)ai I P !•.•!. 4 . nil *4d 0 ! a . |U itif fn • r.tjk.n ' fi lxtJ ailua'f \mrU} 1 m dMU > ! "w4.ij.naJ r*a-'U I* L"CU v.t>*Llf ( n mntf, P ,if FCA f rV*iAia* !'• *; i, l> j Siait.fttsg at a rtfrt/imf o*K. "tdg te4 ia flit ♦ td-Utt* f Jol-.o ttfM'l t.rtb r*aa W* ' lull t M tbrT'id at tif aaaur Ml]) H | -mi r a-1# i "Jiartbi.t itMi *!<*#•• tb-t.c-c* lA • ai D; r4* i .>• •!- aaa;; hb-' Mfili j * V' A IflD n4 • Iwti 4MCI atet.r 14 ta taai J him i.nry af teßw lavi mtlli?)]' wd*j :(Mf*4a to |mi ji.i4m| ai m/ IWf M oral vt#f ! d.i.idU, . p-aa, / M r< to a )ai r ti t* ov . thr< dkttg )<* f l!nr;i ft ftf.la <gbt of I*a<1 j t**rfh . aa# 17t n4* ' a |-tid ti':t ;h&r# I ar lit* kis-lij fid' (.M' >♦', t V )#■(• I.m Uj t),< f ]. •f tecttitiior 4 K. #*.rt itd A |*-r I#-** u*u j ilai*ao--* tti'tf r |#, ar 11 Tb* aiiora to inp-tit. .riJ tradi# of !t 1 will I >*r ak>l4 OA tbr * .f, Wd.JTa'*4* tb* lilb 4at •! MniT ti, A D !*M, At JO aViidt A. u . 1 ?* IW-irif an# ff tl.a tarrn# ijf ' ta/ v# i 1 aai) Jobn Kubl • !al>4, iliuU# it) tb* t ndkj 4 -• -onty of A4 •• af'TMaaid. tafinnlog Ai •I4M in Ui#* |tKiC r uml. thw tf> An# b*** ss , a#-#t IC* ft" 4*tm ycii*i .n aaot ro*<L tti~oca Aoo' b II Mt ] n4 U a jrrtAt ia aai.) nf) tlvmr at| te 1 I aaiAir Ai Mii Ik tu<A nf IMP MILH Ad 4 JAOA Rtebilnvtlfi willll-l r>*lt t' A •;* W \B*U*+ ah| Jat>*l# nf I lrt*9 aAfb 77 1 ', p ; rt 17 2 t r<4a If* a atoA#- * aifh ■ aart 21 r 4a to A attA* fb#)'a ar utli ftLkj , aaaf 30 &•!< ti#4a io a tbrfaf* a i*tb .'i 1 -, AI lOriaSo to a lioM; lboc- Ab-tif IAS4 i.f f#*<*rg* IN "Mil* t rortb •••* If r4 ta afoa, tbaoor ACAStti 8( ,#*#l JIM"' tcola U A aN.fi# - WUfM ' fbtor •••rib i+i . aat ro4 •> A• * oirrr ftotK* aJ*Ag IMb of Ja* oi pvi4i' I Bnrtb Ki r . mm' 37 rab to a •('# ortT, tIHAf laaAAipf HRh ; Bwili A>rtb 0H44 fw4a u a pott, tboid#* i'*rUi r *t Vt MHW to of oa*aifcMif 107 Acroa A"d 2i par(4MM, n%t nuadur* bin**: Uiartaa. ! *MTML '• LATGR IV>TAR) FVPLLTAILICAN, CM LARN IAT BAM A4 (Hkf oan:i<Mng. A fmilttf •pnrig of ••!. A larya ba*#ng '•! a ff# 4"An4, in grvaf itatr of f nit Jr At toft. tbc lAkirf ho. 4 IMng MoftO i AA*4 LA*II Uivatblp OfMßAfa tt( r'ltitm laftnaili| At A )*arb I'M 'bpw almg lA4 f M'lkVArl r wtAtv Mtb ttg -aa) s*t-10r4 to A poibt. tbaA" tfc rtf ImU 'if laaa- MilM bafA aaH anai 7tbteg OiPt 20 h*f to A atvun* Tnaf; tkw# aktif laad if aAid R. Rral-r*A rat ate AIM! wm AOTtb bank f Mid trwi •oulb , aani IS rod* to A y*int. tiMMrr rlb W° waat >i repd# to a point- tbwt moUi HII ]( rwh U A paint; tbrto Jlf, ar*l 10 2-lV Mi b> A point, tbMcr afMtth OOw 1 . oat 14 t<di ton p>4nt Ui*> * noAlb W 11 4*lo ndf In a point. tW Atabd u4 >f A WIA iQkt A.frU) ty*. rrart 71 1-WI od* I Aw*. Un-bov Aioi.f lAd 4 Prr pan Ro. 4 *woib t* w**i ii 7 ic m hi • -wat. u*c Bona a#, *.! 1 Indl., a *bm*, * C ruti nf • < ellwi'i *nhl bmut ial, tbeiac* nlr.ee !br uki vonlb J' Wen! U TP* r*4 ta k aloe*. Ib*nd • >tlh xi r , waw rtwl* fc • Man*, tnweo. ncrtwe PHhlbf Crnnfc nod Hon* Xo S ■wot b| waat 14 Bl'' rwda lo a mnmo. Ib**im WotbTP". w*wt Id-Wrodi In * law Ifcnnr* *kti| lend d I. lbdi**ebawol *onlbßf 1 . wwwl J* • tin-da V kl..ta* tbancw enelh *l|°, -a*l Ik rod* In "Uawaw. tbetf a nbc lb* ■** nod lit* Inad of P*me*l or*4iirifr aontb lf= **l md* t,t n aim** ib*n *nliaeg tan-i aujt I Bf—d **r*l ffWlti mf oIUH 101 Ml IWa u iKW ratnn. (|l*o(* a It. I Inndt if I da t.atr, M JbwaaUr"* -wlnt*. Ja - ti*- WortmPa t art V lf l- rwda lb* eta. *of ia*stfinlt( wmuUlnd 14# arm nnd *. p*rra. a ant l(a*is atwMiSiw* as* t-atir; a>g bawan* atabl* an ) ofbnr BIt alMlef* X- B. Baaing lb* (reel -\il,!l"o!r; IJb an,i Mill enigmrty nllnU* abat In logan t.tWMblp, 1 > *tJ <4 Cllnlr-n b*(daetee nl e latr* aiaa* at IP* rmld' r.md. Ib*t.c t aaiaa .ad alias land M Xawt-ipf <fr*nf*vaf naar-lb cert l"t fwd* In * bad tit | I baa -* hi *• eaiflb ~'\ c .oral rwdai tbaaaaw a.nth as . *al w ibala la a pijttl j tbwao* n-wlk 74| . anal * mdi U •katar . tbrnrw akwng land of 4. Schtm kal. gaa< norm *i", amai 6# I(*i rod* toe stoe*: lba aaaat* a-otb tt . rail IT ibpi tnd* In a tb ta . tha*rw aloes lend of X - 4 mwlh 7* , *eat * lb rada to a atoa*; tbawaa* ai tig |b* cam* atnt aloes elf acdtaml bona* lei eed a. me aa>d Pbdn -m (V-tk nortb W . mat SB S-tO nada | peat; tbwao* ak lie arboad let, •onlb a| l ",neat rod* m a won*. Ibm < *sw*t. ag Xo. 4 n-itib Jd®, aeat IB t-K< nwfa Bt> a rttaa IVnci atamg bred nf adaat Milltt Mali kß'f. waat 31 Bit rwda to a a4.ta : tfaoba* eeotb B9 toawe dd T-ln rods to a at- -a* ; tbnnra n-dtb M)* . aeat a 4-Hi rode te s a*. n . III! • andlb M-,*t*tMi*dlb kknltie: lb*e<* along lead -at Ms Rrnee, aratb MJ". waw* Hl7 Hi rod* a ala-a* ; linwro worfb kn'*'. wwai 14 4ld twd en aidtek*} Bb*<ret ra*Md PWbleg Crawk ebdalims biedv.f J.id Ik k • aoeib #1 IW *eda to pbtl d begmi.|g CMtaleSug IPB eerea an* & paarkia, eaal bMni* Kl<b( tbrHea wetted dta det* eed -end-all iter? naaSltat b-w-, * t*rg utald*. -aer wetrr p--m *r aMr*' - eed hnbbnt Mil. The ■eta atoadfeeeed lm> Ne. B, < wdl wlt w •ld ..n tb* prate#—* oe Tlmtaday lb* ISO dejr of Mat b. A, ti., 1-dß.ei IoV4ert, a ee, oyoaaawcteg el TUtXt OP dl.A~Ae.tblrd of tb* peri bean twoea.r o w paid oe otm* rmwitwa nf ted* l*ea lae ear -wot, wblrJk it t* be (• on dejr nf asle. Ome fWid la •*■ yaer ee #tr helewM la tee i*r wbt, mMe •el fr-wn rtotdr—elnte of eKM Bb earned by (*a%d, aad et-ngag' ae Iba frgd lie. * '- e y) Jee. AH, IA 4 "' *' 41 **
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers