JPhiladelphia Bmnrh. r f „ Don't Forget —THE— Philadelphia Branch ISA ONE-PRICED STORE. it Is again to the fore with an extfcn , sive assortment of Fall & Winter Clothing, and respectfully invites the public to I call and examine our elegant Suits and Over Coats, for Men, Youth, Boys, and Children'* wear manufactured for our trade of the best material, and in < all styles to please. Our stock of Men's suits in Cuta ways, Sacks, Prince Alberts, Double | Breasted Coats, Reversible, Chen Jp chilla and Beaver Overcoats art; Su lk perior, and Invite Attention. And now jnst look here, Mcu and 1 Boys, are you going to freeze this j Winter, or not? Why, of course you're not. You must have Winter Cloth ing, and what you want is the BEST in the Market for the LOWEST Prica. You have got your money honestly, and of course you want the most for it. WE WANT JUST SUCH BUSINESS, and therefore in vite yonr visit to the PHI LA DEL PHIA BRANCH. Our business re lations with the People of Centre County in the past have been pleasant and satisfactory, and in offering our Thanks for the Liberal custom hereto fe, fore given us, we renew the pledge f upon which we started out— FAIR P AND JUST DKAIJSO TO ALI* REMEMBER THE FINEST AND CHEAPEST CtOTttltlG, < IS AT THK PHILADELPHIA BRANCH ON ALLEGHENY STREET ] ' I I kEWIH ft CO., Proprietors Bclleforfe, Fa. Unit Hon dm. HALD KAOLK VALLOT K H - Tiinu Tablo In effoct Nov. If, 'B3. WESTWAItI). Exp. MHII AM. Pit Leave I.tH*k Haven I I ,r > 100 Flemington 4 48 4 04 Mill Hall i 62 4 07 lioeeh Creek 601 4 21 Kagleville ft IM 4 *1 Howard ft 18 4 80 Mount Eagle ft 18 4 48 Curtin ft M 4 48 Miloaburg... ft 30 4 6ft Hellefonte ft 40 ft Oft Milefburg ft 60 ft Ift Snow Sbe Int ft 68 6 19 Unionville 602 ft 28 Julian 11 & 38 Martha 0 22 6 48 Port Matilda 6 20 ft ftfl Hannah 6 87 6 18 Fowler - 0 30 0 16 liald Eagle 40 6 10 Vail 6 63 fl 24 Arrive at Tyrone 7 Oft 0 86 EASTWARD. I'M. AM L-'avo Tyrone 7 80 8 30 Kaat Tyrone. 7 37 8 37 Vail 7 40 8 40 l!ald Eagle 8 4ft 8 4ft Fowler 7 A4 8 ftfi Hannah 7 67 860 Port Matilda 8 Oft 0 00 Martha 8 13 9 17 Julian -8 28 0 26 llnlonvilie 8 38 0 37 Snow Shoe Int 8 42 0 47 Mileaburg 8 45 9 60 Bellefonte 8 66 10 00 Mileeburg 9 06 10 10 Curtin 0 Ift 10 19 Mount Eagle 0 10 20 23 Howard 0 28 10 32 Kagleville 0 88 10 42 Beech Creek 9 40 10 4J Mill Ilall 0 62 10 68 Flemi-igton 9 ftft 11 Ol | Arrive at Lock Haven 10 00 11 Oft ELLEFONTE A SNOW SHOE K R.—Time Table In ••fleet Nov. 19 Leave* Snow Shoe 4 18 a m , arrive-in Bellefonte >:2O a. tn. Leave* Bellefonte 9;30 a. m , arrive* at Snow Shoe at 11:04 a. m. Leavea Snow Shoe 3.50 p. rn., arrive* at Bellefonte 5.38 p. m. Leave. Bellefonte 8.10 p. in., arrive* at Snow Shoe 10:40 p. in. S. S. BLAIR dm. Sup't I j EWIBBURO A T\ RONi E R \jt Time Table In effect Nov. 19, 83. WESTWARD. Mixed. I'M. AM. Leave Scotia —l2 Ift ft 00 Fairbrook —. 1 00 6 20 Penn'a Furnace - 1 Ift 5 40 lioeller 1 28 ftfto Marengo 1 35 ft ftft Lovevtlle f... 1 88 8 00 Furnace Road 1 4ft 8 10 Warrior* Mark - 2 00 r, 2ft Pennington - 2 12 6 40 We*ton Mill f 2 26 6 60 L A T. J unation 2 31 666 Tyrone 2 35 6 58 EASTWARD. Mixed. rn. AM. Leave Tyrone 4 00 9 20 1. AT. Junction 4 04 9 2ft W**ton Mill 4 14 9 88 Pennington - 4 *2 0 48 Warrior* Mark 4 42 9 58 Furnace Road 4 fi7 10 12 Loveville 6 02 10 K. Marengo ft 07 10 22 Ifu*llr ft 17 10 35 Penn'a Furnace. ft 27 10 4t Fairbrook 6 47 11 08 Scotia 0 20 11 30 OBSSSYLVAKIA RAILROAD X iPbila A Erie Divii<>n.)— fin and j after Nov. 18, I*B3 WESTWARD. ERIK MAIL L* Pbiladelj l.ia 11 20 p m Hrriburg I 20 a in Williamtport 8 40 a m Jertcy Shore...— 909 a m I-ock Haven Ml am R-novo 10 ftft a m Arrive* at Erie 7 35 p m NIAGARA EXPRESS Loaves Philadelphia.7 40 a m Harritburg 11 Ift a m Arr atWilli*m*port.... 2 ftft p m Lock Haven 3 ftft p m Renovo ft 10 p m Kane........... ... 903 p m Paf-enger by this train arrive in Bellefonne at ft 05 p m FAST LINK i/eavea Philadelphia..— II 10 an llarrithurg 3 2ft p m Williamtport.... 7 Ift p m Arr at Look Haven.... 8 Oft p m EASTWARD. LOCK HAVEN EXPRESS Leave* I/ock Haven 6 50 a m Wllliamtport 7 ftft a m arr at ilarrtaburg 11 30 a tn Philadelphia 8 16 p tn DAY EXPRESS Leave* Kane 6 00 am Renovo 10 Oft am Lock Haven 11 lft a tn Williamtport..— 12 2ft a m arr at Uarriiburg 3 43 r, rn Philadelphia 7 2ft p m ERIK MAIL Leave* Erie 1 ftft p m Renovo 10 27 pm Lock Haven 11 20 p m Williamtport--.- 12 3ft a m arr at Harritburg 4 08 a m Philadelphia 7 50 a m Erie Mail Ea*t and Waat connect at Erie with train* on L. SAMS. RR • at Corry with B P A W RR ; at Emporium with 8., N. Y. A P. RR., and at Drift wood with A. V. KR. T. MUCKER, Gan'l Hup't. CANCER CUBED, No diteate* have *o thoroughly baffled the aklll of the medical profeetion a* cancerou* affection* and a* they have al way* been considered incurable, R ha* been thought dUreputabla to adopt their treatment aa a tpeelalty ; and bence phyri cian* have neglected their proper *tudy. But of late year* new and Important die coverlet have brought forth a courte that now prove* successful tn any of IU form*, with certainty, without the ute of the knife or cauttio platter*. We have a treatment that it comparatively mild. It it not polaonoua, doe* not interfere with the healthy flecb, can be applied to any part of lb* body, even the tongue. We take nothing for our tervioea until the cancer ie cured. Addrete D. i. HULBEKT, Kagltvllle, Centre Co, Pa. StinvrgiM for the Cavraa DIKOCRAT. ' * V is# | " This column is reserved for C. U. Holier & Co.'s advertisement* wliieli will appear next week. • l #- Gurflold on Protection. THK HIGH TAHIFF MUX MONK DANUKKOI '* TO HXAI. FHOTKITION THAN THK KXTftEMF. FltkK TkAIiKHK. On the 6th of March, Ix7B, the late President Onrficld, then n member of congress from Ohio, replied to Mr. W. I>. Kel ley of this utato, on the subject of the tin an inflated currency in the following' vigorous and effective style: In I HtV t the burdens of national tux a tion were light. All our revenues, in | eluding loans, amounted only to (76,- 000,000, and our whole public debt but (65,000,000. In the year 1860 the ton nags of our ships upon the seas was 5,353,868 t'ins, which wits more by 140,- POO tons than in any other year of our history before or since. Two thirdi of Our imports were then carried in Ameri can bottoms, a* were also more than twothirds of our exports. Our exjwrt* that year reached the aggregate value of (400,000,000, which was #13,500,000 more than during any previous year ' >tir import were(.'lo2,ooo,ooo decidedly more than any other year. And I make this statement on the authority of Da vid A. Wells, that in 1860 we were ex porting to foreign countries more American manufactures than in any other year of our history. In a table printed on page 1(1 of the rejiort of the special commission! r of the revenue for 1860, it* up pears that in 1860 there came to this country 179,000 emigrants, .VS.OOO more tban during the preceding year. x t'Xwntoi • in As an exhibit of the activity and in lustry of our people, forty eight hun ' dred anil nineteen patents were issued at the patent ofliee in iB6O, eleven humlred more than the average number , for the three years preeeding. In that ' yeie we built 1.846 miles of railroad. The people of the I'nited States con sumed 332,000 tons of sugar in 1871 and j in iB6O they ronutned the enormous amount 46*4,000 tons: more than ire any othor year of our previous history. The ! . mean annual consumption of tea in the j , I'niteil States, which was 16,000.000 pounds in the decade ending with IXSO was 27,000.000 in the decade ending with 1860. This is certainly an indica tion that the jaoplc hud something to buy with. brom Ix.'ll to 1x.51 the cotton crop of J | the United Slate ranged from 100,000, i 0f) to 2,338,000 babe per annum. In j iB6O it had risen to the enot rnoti crop of -1,67.">,770 bales ; almost a million more bales than were ever grown in the I nited ,in n ny previous year of our history. aottci ITCH imi mam r\< it a;. I find from the census repott* that in 1850 our wheat cropsrt- psi.(**i,isi busiieU. and in l6oitw:i* 173.000.000 bushel*. In I*.s< we raises I W.OO.iKI) bushels of corn, in 1800, 838,000.000; bushel*, while in 1870 wo fiod but 700. t**),ofS) bushels. The crop of lxi"*> was 78,001,t>00 bushels iiore than that of | Ix7o ami 31<>,0OO.O(*) more than that of i 1850. And so Willi several of the crent | cereals. The crop of barley for iB6O was thro-tinicH that of |x.o. The crop* , of rye and buckwheat in 1860 > xcei ded those of 170: Well a* those Ot lx,V. In 1850 the value of the American farms wa* three and one quarter billions of dollars: in IX'-Oit (6,64*1.060.000 by the cenMi*. an of 103 perJ en'., while the population increased ! but 3.7 per cent. 'lining that decade. The value of farming imfdements in 1 1850 waa (111,000.000: in 1860 it was (246.000,000, an increase of 70 per rent! while in the next decade it increased but 42 percent. Froin the statistics of manufactories given in the census I find that in 1850. 057.000 hand* were employ j ed;in 1860. 1,311.000. In IS'*) the pro duct of manufactures amounted to (553,000,000; in 1860 to (1.009,000.000, an increase of 90 per cent., while the population increased but 35 per cent. The products of onr manufacture* in creased in that decade (870,000.000. llut that gentlemen (Mr. Kelley) tell* u* it wa* a year of unusual distress. IRON AND CO A 1,. He spoke of the iron interest in that year. lart mo toll him what the iron and steel aaaociationa say in theit report for 1877. 1 find on page 28 that in 1860 there were brought from lake Superior to our mill* in the east 116,000 ton* of ore, 51,000 ton* more than in any other year of our history. On page 47 of the same report I learn that the production of anthracite coal in Pennsylvania in 1860 amounted to 9,' 807,000 tons, almost 800,000 ton* more than in any previous year. On page 12 of the same report I find that the production of bituminous ooal and coke for 1860 amounted to 122,000 tons, which waa 38,000 tons more than the greatest product of any preceding year. And how much pig iron did wa produce in that year? I quote from page .102 of the volume, "speeches and addrsaea" by William P. Kelley—a speech made by him here, January 11, 1870, in which he gives the products for seven or eight years; and according to his spech in 1860 the total product of pig iron in this country was 913,000 ! tins. This waa 130,000 tons inore than I the average of the six preceding years, . yet he hold* that 1860 was a year of distress. This is an old debate between the gentleman from Pennsylvania and my self ; a debate that we had eight years ago, when to justify his extreme views on the tariir (which 1 do not hesitate to say have done the cause of real protec tion more harm than the dootrines of the extreme free traders), it waa nece* aarv for hi* argument to make it appear that because we then had alow tariff 1860 was a year of distress. a rKkiisirs POSITION. We can find ample gyound for the sufficient protection of American inanu facturers without distorting the history of our country. The gentleman's posi tion lays him ojwn to this dnugerou* reply that if the low tariff and insuffi cient volumeo 1 " currency of 1860 caused the alleged distress of that year, how will he account for what he admit* the great distress of 1877, with a much higher tariff and three time* the cur rency of ixfiO'.' The fact is the decade from 1850 to 1860 was one of peace and general pros perity. The aggregate value of real and |ier*onal property in the United htute* round millions, (7,235, 000,000; in 1860 it was (16,150,000,000 an increase of 126 per cent., while the population increased but 35 jer cent. Yet to auit a theory of finance we are told that iB6O wa* a year of great distress and depression of business equaled only by the distres* of the present J * ,r More Podta.l Reform. Representative Hingham ha* intn. | duced a bill making letter postage two centsan ounce, instead ofhalfan ounce, a* at preaent. There is no question but that the ounce is a much better stan •lard for letter weight than the half I ounce. A very large proportion of letter* vary *o slightly from the half ounce weight that a reasonable doubt usuallv exists whether a single or double stamp is required. Letter scale* are not a convenience which every person ha* at his or her elbow, and to teat the matter at the post office involve* con siderable trouble. To adopt the ounce • tandard for singl" letter* will not un pair the postal revenue* greatly, while Jit will save people much bother and 1 vexation. A similar charge i* m ej. 1 in regard to newspaper postage. The rate should be one cent for three ounce*, instead of two ounce*. A seven oJumti paper. ' fresh from the pros*, weigh* a trifle more than two ounces. Most people think that one rent, w hicfi w ill take a str-sller paper. *h"ulI take them all, and stamp them accordingly. A -i\ column paper, which will usually go f*r <>ne cent, ret* a little too heavy *li n a '"pj lenient is , added, but it *-Hcm 1* honored by an extra stamp on that account, Mr. Hingham realise* the de-irahilitv nf this change, and propose* to effect it ty iinslh'; bill, wli' h provide liiatthe | rats* of postage on ncwspajier and pi n ! i>li'*al publication*, wh< n *ent t.yot her i tli .ii the publishers or run* njev • . shall 1-e one cent for three ounce* or fraction thereof and mu*t he fully pre paid. To Mr. Bingham* mr'- than any other memlwr of t'ongre*., we owe our t present t* i*nt poi'tagc. and wear*, reasonably e -nfident he isn secure for u* thi* sec j ml reform. The increase proposed for single postage rate in both letters snd newspajer* would save the people a great deal of annoyance. This is ope< .illy true in regard to newspa pers, whu h are never heard of by tbo*e for whom they are dcogned if the scale shows ihst they are ever so little over the weigh! paid for.— Prt/r. Fleeing From Marriage. s William 11. Reed, recently of Frank in township. Hunlingtori county, has fled to avoid marriage wiih Miss Kllen Kinch. The day for the nuptials had been fixed, and the proa|Krtive bride had made extensive preparations for housekeeping, which duty she expected to enter upon immediately after the wedding. Heel, instead of keeping his engagement, wont on the appointed day to the nearest rail road station and took the car* for the West, as is supposed, since which time he has been unheard of, so far as is known in this county. He left behind him, however. a vain able limestone farm, out of which Miss Kinch hope* to secure satisfaction for her disappointment snd injury. She ha* brought an action for breach of promise, and, upon a writ of foreign attachment, has had the farm levied upon. The amount of her damage* is yet to he leg ally ascertained, hut when the matter has been abdicated she will have ample security by virtue of her attachment for (10,000 at least. Reed is doobiles* ignorant of the proceedings against him and when he learns of them will lie under •trong inducements to come beck and make a defense. On- your Job Work done at the Ckxtrk Dkmocrat offioe. Oldest Dynasty In the World. Saturday, Nor. 3, u the birthday of Mutiuhito 1., one hundred m• inhabitant* and yet two barroom tber. pay f7.'f the < ircat Sioux U the tlamo* toward the settlement*, where they are slaughtered by thousands. The Italia' ficrt'4 says th .t the longest ilineof fence in the world wi|| 1* that , from the Indian Territory west serosa jtli T<\a u ranh'indle and thirty-five mile< into New M xieo. it will be over 200 mile- I Philadelphia i* excited over the pro je. • for an elevated railroad. The City of Brotherly 1/ove i .il*o one of long distance*, which an "levstel road i* j needed to shorten. But the project* meet* with violent opposition. .Schuyler Colfax believes that I'reai j dent Artliur'a chancre for the nnmina 1 lion for President are excellent "Itecause he ha* made a splendid executive." He ' lia no information concerning Iterao cratic possibilities, but it is sure that J rx -Senator McDonald is the most power i ful in Indiana. | The spy "Bella Boyd," who at the outbreak of the rebellion was 15 year* J of age is the matronly wife of Col. John Hammond, of Texas, who dwell* on a I ranch near San Antonio. He was one lof -Stonewall. Jackson'* scout* in Vir ginia She waa, as may be remembered, banished to Europe. She has four chil dren. The Mormon* seem to spare no oost in their nubile building*. Their temple at Salt Lake City has oost $5,000,000. and will require half as mnch more to complete it. Its waUsare of granite 9> feet 9 incho* thick, u hey have, too. a tabernacle which will seat 30,000, and which has a marvelous whispering gal lery. The estate of John Nicholaon, of Philadelpia, who died in I*oo, is juat emerging from the network of litigation in which it has been involved fin eighty three fears, and it* renrreenta live appeared in the Court on Mondaj to ask for the distribution 0f51,600 coming from a settlement of one of the unite. It was allowed. A North of England Coroner ha* an nounced that out of 253 inquest* in ooe year in a manufacturing town 62 were on children under a year, who died through the absence of their mother* at work or at tbe drinking saloon. The lowest death rate waa on Friday*, when the wages are spent; the highest on Sunday, in consequence of Saturday'a drunkenness. The dty of fit, Louis has found a lienefactor in the person of Ralph Sel lew, a veteran merchant, who died of apoplexv on Monday lasr. He left in hi* will $60,000 to various institution* of the city. To the Manual Training School of the Washington Unvieraitv he five $40,000, having previously given 10000. Ue left $lO,OOO to St. Luke's Hospital and small sums to other benevolent institution*.