Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 24, 1884, Image 4
ihe Centre Democrat. • B KLLEFON TE, PA. NiK OlJVTftl DEMOCRAT it pub i H*l ftr) Tbur*4*j utorulng.at B#lUfonU,l'ntr . Atntr. Pi IKKMI <: M hln adia0ca,........................... St DO I f not paid load*anc#. S OO k 1.1 V K HAFKE dtvuUdio lb# InUraflß of the wfMH# pmopUr. Payment* mad* within thrM month* will b oon* Miinrod In advanc#. N • paper will Ini dUcontlunad uutll rrHr|Nßr* paid, ceo*j)l ( option of publlahora. Papra going out of (hocouuty mutt bo pold for In a.|**o r#. \nyporoon procurln* hi tuao*h •nbocHbor* will <r taut a copy fro* of chargo. dur PXlnoatTo circulation mak thlt pnp* r to on * utaaUy roliahlt nod profitable medium for nnvorttoing Wo hare th* moalampU MIIH* to* ? and tro prepared to print nil hinda of Book#, Tract# frog rata ntua, k'oatora, (Jomtuor<sltl printing, Ac., in • t •€ atylo and at tb* lowrat pomlblt rntot. AllndvortUomouUforalomUrm Ihatttbra# m. nth# ;.UU por lino for th* ftrat throo tnd ft #nt# n lino for otch additional loaortloo. Ppoctel ** ->ltc ou-b*l1 mora. Editorial notice# 15 cooto por "••• Ufa Notlo**, In Kl column*, 10 * Ut>.r*l .lltcount i. ml to pci*on .dT*rU*io, tijr h. quart.r.b.ll jr, rr. follows: a ® M svtct *ocon*. ,u.lncMr U llnwthl. IJP) *? *? f .01". •y tartar rolnn t. (or Slock*#).—- J"- Half oalamn(or Hiltichot) - . iliimnfor ji'lnfhM) - M " >rol*ii udf*rU*.mlmu*t psld 'or bafer. la *rti,>., .xc.pt on - ml> contract* h.n 1,.1f jwrl, ~*rini, tu .dcM,*'. will!-. rqulr.d. f 1 UtlCA< SoTtcn*, 'ftconta p**t lineancn intortlon N iiMut, iuoorte'd for l#o than 50 eentt. Brut*##* Nonet* In iho*4itorialcolamn, 15oonto per lio#,e*fb inoortion. Pennsylvania's Governor. A fisrrisburg correspondent of the New York Sun write* s lengthy letter in thst journal in vindication of the ad ministration of Governor Pattiaon from the unfounded and wsnton aspersions of the Republican press. This was hardly necessary a* the people of Penn. uylvani* are well informer! in regard to the honest snd intelligent efforts of Governor Psttison to protect their in terests and preserve their rights. The correspondent justly refers to the great saving in the expenditures of the -tale government during the lest fiscal vesr as compared with the same in 1881, the last year the Republican party had {•ossession of both the executive and legislative departments of the govern, rnent. Ho gives the same facts frequent ly stated in the Patriot and claims tha* the expense of conducting the affairs of ihe commonwealth was $2.M),000 less in 1883 than in 188,1, notwithstanding the heavy draught upon the treasury on ac count of the prolonged special session •t the legislature. That this saving has been effected has been conclusively -hown in these columns from the re l>orU of the Auditor General. The writer in the iS'v also mention* the fact that of the two hundred and forty nine bills passed by the legi*lature ( tifty six were vetoed, f these fifty six not a single one was passed over the veto. Xo stronger proof than this of the governor's vigilance and devotion to the public interest could be desired. Alter alluding to the reform measures passed for the city of Philadelphia, the abolition of uselem but expensive offices and the governor's personal inspection j of the charitable institutions of the I vtnte, the correspondent points with a piije entirely justifiable to this record j •t. that of "the first Democratic governor ..t Pennsylvania covering a period of more than two decades. "—Patriot. M#| # England and the Soudan. The Soudan, that vast snd ratber un d-lined territory over which the Kgyp' tun Government, aided by European officers, spread its domination in very - .cent years, and which seems to have ikm fallen into the hands of FJ Mahdi, h, been for a long time the ceotre of lost horrid traffic in human flesh upon ,ur suppression of which England has .iways prided berself. He who reads t a- accounts of Baker and other travel . r to the fertile regions of the White "Wile will read also of large armed bands ••I trabe and other Mussulman* whose •ie business is to fall suddenly upon • >.• peaceable agricultural village* of ■ii uaiives and carry away their inbab t .sua, to be sold as slave* in the mark -is of Egypt and Western Asia. It is greatly to the credit of the Kbedive mat, in spite of the fact that the lead ,i men among his own subjects were t customers of the .lave traders, he •JiJ what he could to stippreas the slave uide. sod to a very groat extent sue • ceded. This grand work is now for > while overthrown. El Mahdi, accepted • iiie Mussulmans as a great prophet, • ■> proved bis right to the title by his i rowess end leadership, and has become the cm re around which have clustered it," Mussulman populations and the en ter slave trading interest*. To give op ib" Koudan to El Mahdi is to give up >• fine native races of the White Nile ■ o the hands of the fierce fanatics no preach Islamiam with fire, sword and slavery. Islamists is spreading throughout the entire width of North .•to Africa, and without doubt the ae ..pl-oce of n creed by a native tribe •a irks a great advance. But, unfortun siely, the slave tsde is in Africa, the in variable acoompaniment of the Arab, •ho twka upon the darker and pagan race* a i material with which to slock at once the markets of Islam and hia own puree. England has, therefore, aa the actual muter of Egypt, a high and ho!y duty before her, which if ahe fulfill will ele rate her in the eyea of all civilized na tiona, but which if ahe neglect will cauae her to be accounted recreant to the principlea *be loudly profeaaea llumanity looke to England to aaaert ita rigbta ever the bloodthirsty slave trader* who have already made desert some of the fairesf regions of Ceotral Africa. France, occupied in other di Taction* and no longer aiming at power upon the Kile, call* upon England to fulfill her duties to humanity. Even sordid self-intereat dictates the policy of nipping at the outset a fanatioal movement wbioh, if left alone, will piobably soon spread to Egypt itself and become a foe to which the forces of Arabi Faaha were aa nothing. Presidential Succession. The Senate on Wednesday last passed a bill regulating the counting of the electoral vote. It is the same measure that was unanimously passed by the laat Senate, and it went through on Wednesday without opposition. The bill look ato the settlement of all dis puted electoral votea, far aa possible* by the States in which auch oontcala arise. It provides that no votes from any State from which only one return has been received shall be rejected, ex cept by the affirmative votes of both Uousoh. If more than one return froui a State shall have been received, those votea only shall he counted which ahall have been regularly given by the elector* who are ahown to have been ap pointed by the State tribunal authoriied to decide. In case of conflict be tween one or more State tribunal*, the votes of the elector* *ha!l he counted "whose title aa electors the two Houses, acting separately, shall concurrently decide is supported by the decision of the tribunal of such State so authoriied by its law*.'' If there ahall be no de termination of disputed elector* by the State* then the votes are tobecounted which ahall tie approved by both House* of Congress. Provision is made in the bill for the preservation of order in the joint meeting of the two House*, and for the seating of the Sena i tors and Representative* and their otti j cei*. The bill enacts that the joint | meeting shall not be dissolved until ! the count of the electoral votes is com plated and the result declared. Xo re cess shall he taken, unless a question shall have arisen in regard to counting any vote, when either House may di rect a recess not beyond 10 o'clock of the next ealeoder nay. If the derlani ' lion of the count is not utado within i five day* from the first meeting no rc oe*s can be taken by cither House. It will lie seen that with all the catc | taken, the decision as to the validity j of contested return* really rests with ; Congress, in cases where the State ati ! thoritie* are divided. Congress ay* I what tribunals shall decide, and on I the concurrent vote of both Houses may reject any return, thus disfranchis ing a State. The bill will come tip for early con sideration in the House, it is to f>e hoped, and all it* possibilities thoroughly scrutinized. It was pre pared by Edmund* and Hoar, and tney showed their skill in dntilment in IhTfi. It was supfiorted by Democratic Sena tors, but they were overreached that year by Mr. Edmunds' ly "if any." Their judgment ihould not do oondu sire in the House. A bill of some sort is badly needed, but it should lie a just measure, and not nynamite in disguise. —Pent. i— s Most Astonishing Talk by Captain Henry. Clivci.smd, Jan. 15. —Upon showing Capt. Henry, late Marshal of the Dis trict of Columbia, thd article from Washington in the Tnbvn* lo the effect that a systematic Arlhor boom was be ing inaugurated in the South, be said : "Arthur will never be elected President by the people. I have kept quiet on many things, and am not yet ready to speak. It is ueele** for a private citizen to speak against an official high in office backed by the patronage of a great Na tion. But when be becomes a candi date for the nomination theo he as sumes a new relation, and I shall feel at liberty to speak. I suppose there are people who will be ready to say that 1 am a sorehead, but I love justice too well to permit Chester A. Arthur, whom I bold responsible for the death of my friend, the late President, to run for the office the latter held without raising my voice in protest. Whoever heard or read of such a proceeding aa the de parture in 1881 of Vice President Ar thur for Albany to conduot a contest against the President f It is no wonder that such proceedings a* that turned the head of a poor orank like Ouiteau. He told me while in prison that that movement on the part of Arthur was what decided him to take the life of the President. Arthur and bis friends saw the bearing of all this, and took pains to circulate a ctory to the effect that Garfield had boon consulted in regard to Arthur's going to Albany, and bad been willing that be should go. Much • statement is simply ridiculous. H # wna greatly annoyed at llii* proceeding ou Arthur's part, aa all hia iutimale friotula well know. But I am Raying more than I intended. The time will come when I shall apeak in full.—Chica go Tribune. The Treaty with Mexico. TUB SXNATB I.E. Ibk* TO CONTINUE ITS MS CUSHION WITII CUXIIi HOURS. The Senate wont into Executive ci. aion yesterday at 1:30 o'clock, and, af ter confirmation of a number of minor nominations, resumed consideration of tho Mexican treaty. The proposition to sit with open doors was defeated upon diviaiou by a small majority, Tbe dis ouiaion which followed was general in character and not of great interest. The opponents of ratification raised the question of the power of the Senate under the to take action which would be, in effect, a modification of the revenue laws, and argued that suoh action would reqirue the concur rence of the House. It was also said, in opposition to the treaty, that the Mexicans were a people of simple bab. 1U and primitive taatea, that thacountry was thinly inhabited, and that, at best, it would afford but a very limited market for our manufactures. Friends of the treaty replied at con siderable length, meeting the Constitu tional objection* with precedents, end pointing out in detail the advantage* to be reaped from reciprocal trade rela tion*. Tbe cultivation of coffee in Mex ico would, it ia said, be stimulated, and the price to the American consumer be greatly reduced thereby. Coffee, to be sure, was now upon our free list, but Bratil had placed a heavy export duly upon it, and this would, in lime, be taken off in order to compete with tbe product of Mexico. Then tbe spread of the Gospel and of tbe highest form of civilixation were among the things not to be disregarded in considering the matter. Tho doors were opened at 4 o'clock, and tbe Senate adjourned. China Heady for War. Almost all the Chinese advices jwiint j to the determination of the Pekin gov ' ernmont for war with France. Since the j Marque** Tseng ha* returned tohi*n-i j dunce at Folkestone he has sounded Earl Granville, the British minister of , foreign affair*, upon the question of inc| j itatioti by England, but Earl Granville expressed unwillingness to act aa tncdi j a tor. 'he <'liinese ambassador at Berlin 1 then applied to prince Rismar< k.but he also declined to interfere. The Marques, j I seng *tt- that the Pekin government feels disajmintol at the refusal of the (towers to interfere. Indeed,, the mar | que.* doubts whither China will now j accept meditation upon the qu< >lh>n - from any qqarlcr. French advice* front Pekin r|s>rt that a mob i* threatening to burn tho ' Catholic . hurch- * and mi**i<m house*, j ami that the feeling of the Chinese pop- ' ulaec i i,|| for war. The movement* of '"hini-e military for. < - nr.- in. - *ant.l and it i* calculated that over two hun . 'I red thouan<l < hi nose troop, are now - armed with Remington rifle*. Strong i earth work* and fortifications are being constructed ri|-ein the roads loading to ! Pekin, especially on the road from 1 '"hang I Itsi Koti.in. a. the 'I, in. -e en | gineer* think that invasion hi ,ny other 1 route i* ini|*i*ih|c. John Rhormiin a Mcnnnoaa. It hts g>t to he proverbial to speak of John Sherman's mennneas. There ' is an incident connected therewith that shows his meanness most graphically, j On one occasion, when he was Score- j tary of the Treasury, lie concluded to j given a dinner party. He applied to a •mall dealer in meats, vegetable*. Ac., who wa* a poor man he wished to have a nice saddle of mutton on a certain day. The dealer, thinking that he was providing for a big man—a Secretary and Iwing much (.leased at receiving the patronage of such a man, concluded that he must get for him something very good. Not being able at the time to fiu4 anything that he thought good enough for a Secretary's dinner in the market he ordered it from Phila dolphia. It came the day before the contemplated dinner party, and a beautiful specimen of mutton it was— fat and tender, He sent it to John Sherman's house. The next morning a servant brought it back to the dealer's place of hiisinevs with a message that owing to some cause, the dinner party had been abandoned, and, therefore, the mutton would not be wanted. The man protested that he had been at ex pense and trouble in procuring it; that hia ordinary customers were not in the habit of buying such expensive mutton aa that; that be could not sell it ex cept at a sacrifice, and that, being a poor man, he could not afford to use it on his own table. But the stingy wretch was obdurate. He would not take it back, he did not want it at any ptice. The weather was warm, tbe mutton would not keep, and tbe poor fellow had to get clear of it the beet he could at a loan. IT may, upon a superficial glsnco, •cum grotesque thai the Democracy of Mmaiu husott*, with Gen. Butler nt the head of the tablo, wero the only repre nantatives of their party in the country who observed the occasion, of universal oelebiation formerly, of " Jackßon'a Day," memorializing the character and services of Gen. Jackson, Upon tbe an niversary of hi military victory at New Orleana. But there are few more virile party organicationß in the country thnn that of the Massachusetts Democracy, Whatever may be thought of Butler, he ha* rendered important servi.te to the party with which he now *eem* to be fully in accord, in bringing itw voting atrength from 100,000 up to 1 AO,OOO and in making the alratght Republican majority in thia lormer citadel of it* power no more than 20,000 while the average natural increase of tie Demo cratic population in Massachusetts ia *o much greater than the Republican that it i intelligently calculated that by IHKM the Rtate will be Democratic. Apart from Butler'a influence and organizing skill, there arc brain* and forcable influences Irehind the Mn-sa chtisett* Democracy : and they deserve the hearty sympathy of their brethren in other Rtate* when they upplau<lßiich sentiment* a* this, with which Butler concluded hi* *j-ech at th.-ir banquet yesterday : Let UR not inquire who i* to be the standard l<ewrer, but inquire where i* the standard, that we may ru*litoitand sustain it in every shock of our battle. That is the duty of every patriot; that b> the duty of every Democrat, -T.anea, tcr Intelligencer. In the preparation of Judge ltlsck's ' biography, essays, ap--i )t<>n and state ' paper* by hia son, Lieutenant Governor Black, the first of the aerie* to be issued will be a volumnofhi* public addreesee, controversial writing, and most famous ; slate papers, which will constitute an j enrichment of our |>olitical literature ' the value of which is surpassed by none •of its kind, and the popular interest in ' which will be exceptionally great. For. beyond the rich and unequalled style of Judge Black's literary work, he marshalled facts and demolished ficti" tious popular belief* with miAter hand His Oalary articles and fearlea* rriti | cisms of Stanton, Seward, and Henry ; Wilson, bis letter to Garfield, hi argu | m-nt in the Milliken case? and other \ memorable orations will together con 1 siiuitc a volumn of history, eloquence and criticism to bo set on the upper 1 shelf of American literature. The an nouncetnent that the memoirs and ' biography of Judge Black, to follow his I own production* will l>e prepared by a memW r of hi* own family will be grate ful to the public, not only be. *n*e he the only one qualified for the w<-rk, Ibut because, as has been observed, "it will halu the swarm* of obtrusive jre I tenders who would sacrifice fudge Black's fame and deform the record of his great life, to gain petty distinction lor profit as authors. Governor Black . has long been the close ci mpanion and . confidante of his father, throughly tin , derstood his sy mpat hies and purp- <*. justlv appreciated his private virtues. ! his broad manhood and hi* exalted patriotism,and hi*oellrnc< seawnter T completes the circle of qualification* to become the biographer and editor of the ! production* of Jeremiah S. Black '' — | Jslnraittr InUl-hgntrrr. 4'elluloid cutis and collars, all air**, - at Irwin's. | Winter stock must go. Special t bargain* at l/ewin'*. Very latest style bats and r.p* at Irwin's. —Lewin's l'htla. Branch is the place to buy clothing cheap. Almost a car load of those I for 25 cent tin type* have been taken sinis. • "hristmas, at Hover's. Picture* enlarged or oopiod, at Boy or'*. Bept. 14th, Ifap Bittrri ot>., Toi.'Sto: I have bo>D sick for the past six years suffering from dyspepsia and general weakness. 1 have used three bottle* of Hop Bitters, and they have done won ders for me. I am well and able to work, and eat and sleep well. 1 cannot say too much for Hop Bitters. 4-2t Simon Hoaattu. HEALTH IS WEALTH! ML • . intll IOHIItnutSKt., fnafMisß- ♦yet'lßtor Nt tV It > r.wwfV* .*Mt.rk . &*•<*' *,)!• *** f **,*(44 l r-wi 1 at It* *• af glMtiet m ■rrw.oe. •* tW P-sH nss n*r Hi Hwaßt s4 4~*mt t d fe*tb : pre mo*4 |monKNi. |yw|e p - aria tHNfMt. I* ra:#. tart I, *■* mm 4 BfaiH—A'TtPm■ raw**A by *,f A# tsft' gea*. < p*M • a rwti t d af pT wi tin nonnn T** -rairppeaaa, Wff* m+*t rwrw'TNl lf t* 9*r all > **• aerseatr .i*a| * f(* t ti* farr***' *-wr at .• eta*w iea 4 • ' U*frmtmawi Wa* a- ft . ...tsawet %!; If Matt* * /r*o I <m\. *?*•• t td, r- HaJa'pfcU p*. . '^36tgagaj-rvvr>.' viSlnw,..,N,i... (i-, .„ IHtwa,.,;, "-I'll I*l*l, Itw'.-L* tLSL *!>• * MS l **■■ Mv 111 C* ,HH lot ■ eibhcp A nsuDet.soN, If you area frequenter or a resident of a mia- malic district, barricade your system against Ibe scourge of all new countries—ague, billions and intermit tent fevers—by the use o( Hop Bitters. Ludi motor, Mich , Feb. 2. IKBO. I have sold Hop Bitters for four year* and there i* no medicine that surpuaaes them for billious attack*, kidney com plaints and many diseases incident to this malarial climate. 4>tt ii. T. Ifiiff— —The latest craze.w*to braid, at Gar man '*. A Dahuchoi* CofTaaratT.—There are dangernu* counterfeits in circulation purjajrllng to be "Walnut Ixf Hair Re storer." The strongest evidence of its greet value is the fact that parties know ing it* great efficacy try to imitate it. F.ach bottle of tbe genuine ba* a fac timile of a walnut loaf—blown in the glass ; and a Green Leaf on the outside wrapper. The "Restorer" is as harmless a* water, while it possesses all tho properties necessary to restore life, vigor, growth and color to the hair. Purchase only from re*ponsM* par. he,. Ask your druggist tor it. Kacb bot tlo is warranto.]. Jobnvton, Jiollr.way A Co., Philadelphia, and Hall A Ku.kel, New York, Wholesale Agents. 4-lj MRS. A. E. SEIBERT Would My UJ th* of ft*llrfofitt ftiid vtclbitv IK (hi rJ U' do DRESS MAKING In the verv latest City Styles, and with Seatnr,, and Ilnpatch. DZALES la Z7UAZ HAlfi OOOES. Combing* made to order. Pinking done on short notice. -Stamping in French Oil a Specialty. I am Also Agent for tbe Celebrated Ftres* Makers' MAGIC SCALE. Mr,. A. E. SEIBERT, No. II Allegheny St., V) 3m. Bellefonte, Pa. FORKS HOUSE Coburn, Centre Co., Pa. GOOD MEALS, CLEAN BEDS. PIUCKS MODERATE. WIIOTEL WITHIN TWO Ml>- DTBBP WALK TO STATION. (ifxxt StatU Aceommodatieau. Excellent Hunting and Fishing grounds quite near Ibis Hotel. JOS. KLECKNER • Prop'r. BUTTS & POWERS, pescticai. HARNESS MAKERS, UPSTAIRS ABOVE POBTOFFICE, Allegheny Street, HrlUfonte, fa. Are prepared to do all kinds of Fancy and Heavy Harness Making at Reasonable Price* and -IX Tlifc- Motd Skillful Manner. Stpiiriag d:at with L(t'.:tti izi ditpatch. We challenge competition to prices and workmanship. Give us a trial and be convinced. All work guaranteed lwfore leaving th<* ahop. 1-3 m. The' Press THE FOREMOST REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER FOR THE PRESIDE*™ YEAR, 18M. Weekly Prees, - - - SI.OO a Year. Daily Pre**, ... -#<J.OO a Year. The earning year will N nifct>U>. Caagress. divkled Wlawn a IU-publlrwi and a DemorntUc Iloura, will le l-u.y I'mldwi. msk.nc Th grral battle of a^stnrt Pre# Trod- will agitate tbe Capitol acd tbe conntry. Tbe l*roi<lool *1 nuapilpi will be tbe bsrilnt fought ted most etrlUng political straggle for a quarter of a nrhlury fa rape, ta tbe opinion of the last informed, trembles on Ibe ere of s great war. With aurh an outlook a live newspaper which prints all the news aod tells the whole troth about It U more tbao ever a necessity. Hutb a news paper I* Tub riui.AiiKLruL* I'nws Telegraph wlrw In Its own office place it In inftontanenot eommanloatton with a corps of over ire hundred ncwsgatherarudlstrthnted all oret the etriliaad world. Tbe special daily cable m rvtc# which It shsreswith tbe New York Herald covcru every phase of activity In European life- No paper excels It In all the clem, nta wbtrb gn to maks up a broad, full, complete Journal. Besldre bring a oem|deto newspaper, T>r Wkkki.T I'srss hat several sportal feature# which put It at the top. Tbe AiiMCCLTVIai. DrruiTstxT. em .. bed \<y coaetant contribu tions from the fretno*t writer* In rsrioes branchrw, gives the practical things that people want to know on tee farm and In the garden. Tbe H*m> rnit Wowttu or Hnme Depart menu edited by Mr*. Kate CpSOS Clark, ts lull of Inform stlon. hints and happy thoughts for every Wife, mother and bead of a bi-ntebold. A great feature of the coming year wfil be tbe highly rain side letters of Movant D. War** en Wage# of Working men, the grows! conditions of labor and tho Cost of lit Ing In En rope as com pared nit* America. Mi. Wreltr. who bad charge of this subject for the Ccttsoe of Jfen, has nude it e life study, end b tte.-n abroad this year eon dncting a special Inrmiigatthn. Hi* letter* will give tbe facta as to earnings In alt the vsrtoaa Industries, lbs purchasing power of wages., strike#, trades-unionism, arbitration, etc. The Warns I.T ran# it full of ebotee h one read ing. with p.i rales and other matter for the little folk*, stories sad j**times for adult* ami children, fashion note*, to I pet, gleaning* from current literature, a careful summary of domestic and foreign news, and an earnest disceset->n of the great question* of the day. Notepfe osydes mailed /res HEW TERMS OF THE PRESS: Rv mail, pottage free in the C. B. end Canada. JVally. except Bandar. IB eta. a monthi M a year Dally. Includingftunday,Wa a mooth; ff flO a yaar Handsy Frees. ffldO % year. Weakly Prewe, • - *l.OO a Year, /trade, rkeche end /wa-qger IMCV m# kvsvttf at ■sir net and rßeidd h Wt pepsSlv tt lA. ordrr V THE PRESS CO., United, FIfILADKI J>HIA. PA. OveerUt, I'rovlnion*, I. MOWN, .11!.. A <t CO., No. 3 and 5 * Bishop St., * Bellefonte. i, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR & FEED, FISH, SALT, k, — n — THE CHEAPEST 1 v STORE To buy, (frocories in this ac tion of the Slate. ♦ . LOOK At a few of OUR PRICES: .'JO lb#. No. 2 Mackerml . $2 00 1 Hack Beet Roller Flour . 150 1 Can Finest California Peachw 35 ' " " ApricoU 30 ( w 1 Pear* 30 ™ 3 Can# Hiring Bean* 25 3 " Lima M . 25 3 " Corn 25 3 " Tomatoe* . 25 3 " Pea# . 25 1 " Good Tabic Peachc* 20 3 Bottle# Cat#up 25 ) " Pirklw . 25 i 1 lb. Raking Powder 30 * L 1 lb. Pure Pepper 25 M ; • lb. Granulated Sugar -18 | 1 gal. Be#t Table Hyrup all sugar) 70 j 1 " Glucose Syrup • 45 , Choice Rice . . 08 I 3 pound# Sultana Prune# .25 Lump Starch " . 06 Corn Starch, per pound . . 08 1 pound beat Cofbc . 19 Sardine#, 3 boxe# for -25 Scaled Herring, per box • 35 Extra honed Codfish, per box 45 Ixkwc Yalonua Raiain# • 09 Secdlea# Raisin* • - 10 French Prune* • 15 Olieui Soap . ♦ 08 Bloater Herring, per dot 20 2 lbs Canned Corned Beef , 27 Tapioca Flake or Pearl . 07 EVERYTHING ELSE Sold a* Cheap in Pro portion. \ We aleo hare tn connection with our store a first-class Meat Market, And sell CHEAPER than any other > Meat Market in town, E. BROWN, JR., & CO. 6-I.ly BELLEFONTE, PA.