fhe Crntw gmorrat. BELLKPUNTK, PA, ■ The Florida Evergladea * REGION AI.MOHT IMPF.NETRABLE VM> WORTHLESS KOIL CULTIVATION. Tho Time*-Democrat print* a de tailed account of it* Florida Ever glades expedition. The report is written by Major A. I'. William*, who commanded the expedition. It till* tun column*. Tbe exploring party consisted of twelve persons, six white and six colored. They took with them six Racine canoes. They went by steamer on October 17 last from Gedar Keys to l'unta Rases, Fla., whore they took to their canoes and proceeded up the Caloosabatchie River to I>ake Okeechobee, a distance of about ninety miles, arriving there ou November 1. The denscness of the swamp through which they afterward passed may be imagined from the fact that the party traveled ou an average only about ■ in. quarter of a mile a day. After traveling due south some ten miles the party struck au innumerable number •f nmall lakes or pond*, most of which w. re twenty feet deep. About thirty mile* from Okeechobes the party entered the grassy waters of the Everglades and encamped on an island, the first dry land encountered alter leaving the lake. The only trees on this island were the custard apple and wild fig. The progress of the ex pedition from that time was more rapid. They passed through thousands of small islands, some of which were -lightly submerged, and all of which were covered with large trees and luxuriant foliage. In the southern glades there was an abundance of wild fowl, deer and fish. No Indians were iin.t, although smoke from their fires was seen, and they seemed to hover about in the distance. Near the head of Sharks River, in the extreme south* • rn glades, the progress of the expedi tion was greatly retarded by limes one j boulders, which cropped out every where above the surface of the water, and over which it was necessary to carry the canoes. The head of Shark' River was reached on December and the ex|>editiaD, tailing down.de-, houcbed iuto Whitewater Ray, ou the , <*ulf coast, aboat thirty miles from ' ape Sable. The ditat>ce traveled from Lake Okeechobee to the Gulf w * about 110 miles. The whole di- ' 'itue traveled in canoes wa* nearly • '.OO miles. There is no -periai current in the water* of the Everglades, hut in almost imperceptible f! >w toward tl ■ Smth. Hut few flowers wete dis < vfred, and these w-n of simple v tri. ties, such ns water Itllie* an 1 •uiier specimens found in mar-he- all ■or Florida. The only snake* s. en wr> moccasins. The ninsqoitoe-were . ■ y troublesome nt night. The expedition has established the I that the Everglitd. * from Luke hobee to (.'ape Sable nre worth- I' - for any purjM.se of cultivation; it it they contain no large tracts of land above water; that they cannot Is- successfully drained, and that the .-tablisbment and maintenance of a *• . laph line along the mute traversed old be impossible. The Everglades, i i especially the northern glades, are i vast swamp, irreclaimable and u*c • - The only portion of the southern ;>• ninsula capable of cultivation lie on tbe Atlantic and Gulf coasts with this • moras* between them. '■•-nut R. GIDDIM.H AS A DO EI.L -i i lidding- has made some fiery it irks on abolition and the South 'he floor of the Senate. In this he • ' V n Southern ssmator rather rough ver the coals. The senator became v angry, find sent him a challenge. II- would hnve an apology or blood. G' Mings accepted the challenge, but !> • -vote that ho was unacquainted w b tin: use of the pistol or other fire !n- *, A* challenged party, he bad •>• hoice of the weapons. He would !e rawhides, toogh, long and wirey, I • two combatants should have the thumbs of their left hands hound rightly together, and with rawhides in their right* should castigate each other until pne gave in. The Southerner ti.used to accept tbe challenge, and the matter dropped. Had he accepted it Giddiugs, who was a tall, muscular follow, would have cut him to piece*. -Cleveland J.cader. —Subscribe fur tfa CESTHB I'XMOCRA T THE SUNDAY SCHOOL from lbs New Vurk Obssrttr. INTEBKATIOH AL LEBBONB. T HIV. HIHHV M. 6MCT, B. . JANUABT 27. —Living aa in Ood'e sight.— Jamm 1:7-17. (Joints Tm.-HuaM TVIIWIIM In th* sight of li.s Lord, uU lis sl.nl l lift ,011 up.— JHIDO* 4:10. Whatever life we live is "in the sight of the Lord.'' What manner of life then ought we to live in his sight? What should we do, and be, if we kept the fact that his eye is ever upin us proper ly in mind ? These are among the ques tions which James here helps u* to an swer. In these verses wo see what must be the Christian's. 1. AttitudefowirtU Ood. —".Submit your selves therefore to God." Those ml dre*Mo4arnprofessing disciples already; but all of them are imperfect, and some of them are |>OHniblv self-dK*eived—"sin ners," ••double-minded," still. The very first thing a sinner has to do is to submit to God : and the attitude of submission is to be that of all his after life. The term "submit" is drawn from military life. The worldling has just been spoken of (v. 4) as an enemy ; and God has just been sjM.ken of (v. >t Iso i- Satan's; "L{e*i*t the devil U nd be I will fl.-e from you." More than that. | U.td waits to meet and welroim- THOSE J who would conn* ov-r to him. L*raw nigh to him in prayer and trust, and he will draw nigh to YBU— both to welcome | and defend you. But. in this suhmi**ion, s<>in>- things I must be left IS-bilid ; IL ILO-L) . all -111-. both of life and of the In art. Hence forth, a- grace shall !• given, tie- band* must IS- clean and tbe In-art pure. | I K-|. ialh MUST the heart I*- purified i frotn its d.uthlc mimlcdmThere! , must Wno irub < i-i..11, n-. half WAY -ur | J render OR service. 1 befirt thing U -inner is todo I-TO-ub mit t< God. putting all -in- Is-liiielbim. But liow SOON lows 0n.% who d-- this, ! H.-gifl to ) .ive that hi- - : n- ir- titanv J and great ! 11 tiiel* what SURPRISING occasion to H moiiru and w-.p*'* LI HE, kn.W* hi* own heart B- will .ft*N find T "laughter turned tn mourning." I All this bumbling of ONE * #.|f IN tb. j sight of li *1 MAKE* L-.th the 1..- -I i ning and TLI- alter progr. -s of Christian dis cipl -)if>. And where tin- is, i.s| j. ue.tr ; "and he -hall /••' 1 trri'd 11 ' TS —'spctlk l,<>t evil one of another, bv-them." The firF ■ nmninhdmellt of ALL i "Thou shall I ore the I. >rl thy II L With ' all thy heart: AND >i the tirsi thing which mirk- th<* true • "•iritifin i bi*t ! titude toward tiod. But there is A <>, | ; olid com. uaielue ut of like binding TORES I . with the fir*t, nam. ly, "TLUNJ -halt love thv N- iglil.. r A- thyself:" and so nk.-u ." e>d looks down to EE who would "l>E his : j children, he looks to *••• what IS our conduct toward others. .tpwstll is an index of the heart. Noth ing more -nr. ly reveals tbougbt and felling. Evil speaking IS A igti of tivv. [jealously, bate, pride, selfinhii.-s. IT marks A pirit the v.-rv op|*iloof love. The a|M*th', accordingly. (alts it for J ward a* ONE to la* sjwcially remcmbere I | and resisted. It T, moreover, A sign of insubmissiott tntM, To SPEAK evil of another i* to judge that law which, from the fust, has enjoined love to our ncigli- Lora (LEV. I: IHJ. It IS ABO to usurp the place of that one Law-giver and Judge who only can search the heart AMI judge according to truth. This is pride, not humility ; it i* not submission, but rcltcllion. In forbidding speaking evil of a "f.tvtk rrl|M'S the Apostle mean L< limit this obligation to regard for fellow Christian f No doubt towarccial obligation. But tbe sinner saved has, an*l *<>cs, a I brother in cva-ry sinner grace i* reeking to *ave. He would be patient towards all men. lie would lw the judge of none. It is enough that he must give an account of himrelf unto Ood. 3. Ordrrin/} nf worldly ajF,i>rt.—"(io to now,' lays the A|iostle; that is, "Gome now, attend |" ||e thus indicates an advance to another thought of im|M>r tanee. it i* also in line with what he has just beet, saying. < t„e sign that you have submitt*l to find and are living as in bis sight is your love toward other*. But au equally distinctive sign is in your right ordering of your wot ldy af fair*. The worldly man and double-minded professor conducts hi* business as if im time were hi* own, to be used u* he j pli'anoe. lie taken smiill ueeoutlt Mith of his frailty and of hin dependence. He say*, "I will ilo thi* <>r that to-day and the next year ; whcreaa the morrow in all uneerUiin ■, whereu* our earthly life, ami our own selvow, u* reapoot thin earth ly sphere, are but as the mint which risen on the morning air ami then vanishen nway ; and the circumstance* and length of our stay hero all depends on the will of tiod. What presumtion, what insuhmiHsion there in in all this ! tiod lias a purpose in placing un here ; high and good. If we have submitted to him, we shall try to full in with that pur- : pose. We shall not nay, "1 will." Is it wrong, then, to mske plans and forecast the future! Certainly not. For that would be to suffer life to run to waste, and to leave every good enter prise to languish and fail, hut what in wrong is to forget our dependence on Cod, and to act as if we might use our own time and order our stfsirn as we please. The Christian way is to be al ways saying in spirit, "Cord, what wdt thou have me to do?' and to have such a mind in our work that, if our plans fail or death meets un in the very midst of them, we shall not be distressed. Taking Cod's view of titne, and feeling I his right to order all things concerning it, we shall be root careful to do witb our might what our hands End to do for our own souls first, and then for God's glory in saving the souls of others. We j shall not suffer schemes of business to | crowd prayer and Bible study and Chris I tian work into narrow corners. ■l. Urtponte to known duty, —ln the ; Ajtoslle's thought the conclusion of all this is, that we cannot be guiltless if j knowing God's will, we fail to do it We should then be in our sins, or, if we have ever submitted to Cod, we should ' le making work for repentance. The heart that it on God't lids ia not con tent with high thoughts and good pur poses, nor yet with the confession of sin J and acknowledgment of duty. The, | greater our knowledge the greater our guilt il we re not doer* of the word. Cor sins of omission will constitute a Urge part of that for which wo shall be judged at last. raacricsi si-.-.tTiov*. 1. How simple a thing it is to become a Christian ! Submit yourself to God, , without reserve and in humble trust. 2. We see why some can r.eser be come <'hristians : the will cannot bend i pride will not bow. How full the gonj-cl is of encour i sgenicot and promise draw tugh to I i G id snd he will draw nigh to you: humble yourself in hi* sight and be will bit you Up 1 4. Note how large a place the A post Is* girea to kindly s| ech of other*. lis thing- arc tn re uiuhnstmn and mean than habitual detraction. And yet the habit it one into which we may easily fall. The uncertainty of 1 f* is a font mcnpiace with u aii; and yet bow few ■ ( t a ■ :! -IrS'-b tub lit come at *ny hour • "• i powetles* d e the ffifsl momentous iruib 4 become when once it ia familiar. 6. I ' we eollioetilly consider that the greatest of all ius ia that wbicfo is sgun-d light and knowledge? And what occasion we have I I.Att NEW YORFOBMER Established 1*9.1 S® papsr in tie- touliltj !• at trs sistsitactti saa salt ishiss nr Keimss. I li>4 til lb* sAltoftal r-tsTll> and his Irtlsrs i. l -slll-tlaS .sill nr> b ths !>*<•si. OtWsr an--®* It. elltcrs has# had lh ttmlalag at a -jiialtsf of a rcßimy tar tlitlr aorti TatCsaaa.rssiHrst.of tha Oassam sra lrta all It nip . and h# nsa-s rarsfully pr|tated fr>-m IsOi-m sod llagra>. faralsblag a ■ -rapist* slew of lbs eon dilu-it of tits work rarh as|i. Ths It-par tm-at of *®aim.vtraa. !U-sis**a, *<*•■ #eaoot. tisraisa and Rmciiuva aost afaroatlut trdby ipsrta. who stll. Hwrl, sad to lbs nunt, Tltt fib "• does at ail Us caimans wltb long sasaf s and old ■attnons, M slats to >s A LIVE NEWSPAPER. gltttsg sts.y srssk a Ral.toiort .Ha Mr full af In.tme iftw sne-sifagvm*fit sod Ira lb. sod a Sr< CT.A a Hart? ■ vnlaioias all fbaas-a. atgotnoa romaisnla apmt rat rants sssols. and a gfsat sart.fr of . h-lr* reading Ths (wtas Is IB u a y*f. gtwaost na n sra tram as ar tin sa. dollar oanrielst, or a rv*cy Ih# "IMSAIV l.rrrkss," an slegsnll/ . -and snlniaraf Wti pagsa, -oats-nla* a |toftrati of fbaaalbas S#o-|.|a > Allies of lbs lis.sktSS soil In snot to so/ address Ifsa. Addrfsn, New York Obaorver, , -7 t ,V .?? Park Itotr, X. 1. ,atmi - . *• •kf COMMISSIONERS' SALE OF UNSEATED LANGS. 10 puroooc of on Act of Awtiit#ljr on tb SMI day of March. A. I>. 16'JI, tbo of Catoir* Oiiwt; will a*il •! ouhlic sol* ot Ik# *>mrt llmaa. iu t* Hotougli of ft** on TuwmU) . tin. 12th dojf of Ko'ifumy, A. D. ISAI, the follow in ij 4

tlfcti>>U oy Iho t,oyui) m Trentnrer'n mI, and which hove reMolnodiinrn for lh euoco of five year* ockS upworde. A.J CJR!fcJBT, H.C.CAUrHkLL, joiin wotr. OooiuiUctun'-r*. ACKBR fit. WlklAkfll RAMtft. TOWMRIItf. 400 ~D CorahoAtlrn l^ift* 11 ..John M. MilL ... Btaittr |Ui Jamee Hot tram 4" l*l 40 J II fthutfert 413 161 ..J'harlra lUII .. Bufiwld* 4 M J.a. U Wallace do 431 Wm 801 l 4' :nJ.. 60 ...Kfiiinri Irvin Cortln fw 10 N L Alwaknl 4'j 415 Joadvph Taylor.... 4o 344 W ........ Andrew Kfple 4o | 204 31 .Martha Oodfray 4o 100 .inaeph Kelau. d; \m . 139 Nt Atwo>d *lo 10u... itihn t'fliner I 370 ..... H ..wattl llairtl do 1 301 4 fol> W Packer : I6r 03 J W Parker do VJO... M Jonathan Nlln do 4tw ..—..J % leonjf do 400 J /. Loo* : do 44 . .amurl llall d- I IN.. f'h.n. t Mr GO I I 300.. |j l/Atao-fl do i 43.1 Thouiaa M'Karo dt- I 416..#sss Jh Brvsolt* ....... do , 416 ...a. Jrwa lir - ka do ll Jamea t>ll**f Pernw>r I ...Micltar l M lay. . do 1 f*> Kn hard M airy do 60 I aac It oca ley do M, Mar (tare t l*yut heri> 3.i ......... A let M' Ur-nald, do IT" 147 Andrea lara- ti d/ lu.— it Mo. do ...Julio In in.. IJarrU I AO John Iraiu do | 4'J♦ Wm tfrowM do 40 ........ ICadveVl Pattafraoll d" I 4 41 ...ItfiUri Pa Iter eott-... a. do .lamea d &&1.. Heury Ao'f* Ili*inea ZU). .peter Krallier do 3lt. John Mark*) . do tl Ii iu Micaf.f BllftM ' 441 B ... J'lhn olnß . . 3' f l B Imui< |tt alef h# 2s* 14 Pl*her do 97 76. |m 9kmn t do 40..... PffK l IkHim. do XII —. M—•• Ili.aV-b IB WlltlaflM do XJO ||. Wrn ftiaio. Ihir 4" *l'i ... M rtl* llodfrr) Una*;! /. ....While A NeeUerude frt I'M ...John la.l* I. | '.*• T IMb do I 444 'ij. .. . .lattis-e llai .... do 1 &• .... *.M td. f i hrt.lUn S-til *|. M* IWnlel Kr.re j J.rhO Jarkav-C J a. Kd-ft fimith ] |hn I 4, tt Pas ter d v ... lh .ma. K• i-K fl 4 *• Matthew \m t* th hug d It <'*fdieMfti l I ** Yt Uthii • o (f • | |: • s. h| . , • : w *•-- •, M 1" * !/• 5 M ...n Th !.' <* Mas „ , •I ** ..Pih apt d j ♦' .• J U *i. >1 j ! McC"y A I M r* do r> .... 'i, Jonathan M if ..... Mt* \ 1M 4. 1 d ir I aMT.fr d j Ui •: do j |v 4 t.ief *> .*t *td 1 I I** Jftr W Ima.. 4 It© . • Ilfiimr k fla/i do j I-** - ~ 12. ainemt#r*v f . j •• WttfUJH lira.},. d *4 V ... lIS i alt d t 4<* J f et! t'H r t'd (mlh 1 Pmii 1 h • . . I lla trf 4 1 4 ' J.-:,-. Mwtfv 4 Mill s R IU 4 4 • .1 H-sshO n f dr. 4 . Jemva V ■ -■ . do I * Hfttlaaa i <* *. Penh ! um %% .ilf.se t ~.,i 4,-, j * *. m ; p. *l, I tv> naa.Mf-nt ... do 1 : I Hi a < I ! ' lII'. t Jame. T*tm* 1 ... ...... . df | 1 t . t- - • A 1 I It 1 J. T'o | m I * ' ltn.FtS To' V UtsHe A P*m-. el Ut," ,tn 4. li t ,n.#- •11 1.—.. 4.1 4 U) Mkw Halknil. An tc rrn.. J.kn i-Rla a. tr r..t 1..—, h j w .il.- - .1® .kaatslCH-nssi .. -to li IH-f-.t-l M ln- .[ *• . ... ..... ..Tb-stnts krkkln. An ti . I'.t M-st*--v ft-W-tts An ."5t.... J.ftn C-t|SItSSK, An lit ' 1..-.. I <>-• .... A® }|t .. ... 8-4.-1 Rsln-t 4 4'.1...n IRI .......A-kn itf s-usss An tn .... IU Rlnsn-.f #tA l s A, •. IM-._~.-t>.fit-1 rnr*'r.._- A 4-s- J-A-n r-pMl'st't. A -1 sit _il#firy \■ A,k- , A® t-l ts-lfsw ailt"tit -kt I® ...... lis-Int. Ss*> A-t tan ..„ a-iti am* a® ♦l5 ... I.VI I- bn II- | kln An 17. Mugti vrKniie A® 111 M .* Unt.knsi. it Ao (At ... .R ........ J t. leog AnoSMa. JIA.. Xh hnf A W.ltt An W ......... Hif hsrA Jss-sAn SSI _1,~,,h ft.,ling An agl,. ... ... . J f. I/-SI An ssi ~„J(#wf>h U*sllBg~„.. . An |nfttt J II Xofrl. ~ An i.v_ ...a.fs a wk.ftnti a® *!/.._ ......... f> osrsk.AA.fi An ?.. . " - A® Iss 1% Will,.®, P Mil- h II - A® 11A ~.,1-rh .el Wsln - An 15V WssstA-. An •Ski ♦Vt ~ *.r*h M51.,..h.n ...... An ♦AO ..... ...~...*Msh MtflsnslMn An ♦VI... w |V. ~.....Ust*srnl a,.sr______ An WW _~~..AIn MSt tin A® ♦,tl„ _ Ilnnfg. f'.fksf An .**' 1-kn U<*®t A® ♦V..... ltf.___Ks.rnn/ Mh.ri- tt ..... AO ♦>H...._ *|.*.Asr tt.rlln An ♦Hk.... l>sk ... An ,_...~ltnhsst Xslnn* A® m- Wtlllsm llsnk* A® ♦•>!_. IhitlA Wll't.fns _ . An VJt~~ .WlUtam Rsnks An Vtt—... ._ |.h Nttrf®® An W...~ Ntkl Willi.m. An llrsty Tnl Rpring 41V..._ ...J-thn J->h*..oT A - ♦3l W J-shM Wl IUtOH T®>l 100...._ ftonfs! tin ®S... ... _....Jr-hn *®t*t.t,,l ... ' A® 17® _ M-HtSvlVtof. . • A® ♦M ...J-Al® Istmb.A® SO...Jsmh linnk A® 9" 0 VmM A-. ti11,..-. IM Pall/ Wsßtsnrt , An Vf 41-ttff WtA. An Ji11... ........J—s/h IV-nnmg An Ji~ Vn *0 *).... 3 ..j-Aiit Lonh. An • I lUrlf . ... An fKI _.Hlfhsnl M.hoi#.. A® Pais W|i|-tn. An |M ...T' _.~„.Ttwtns WcXsrrs A® Wl ._n.sl.. Th.-m.s W ill **. A. 1 V ...._J- -1- Rnnk... An f|*r. N<>frU..-_.An ' * 4 3. .._ 163 M.r/ Hmllh A , Julio <>-jt)li.s.f An Jo®n|Ai W.lcb. An ' 4 3 3 Josh®. Willi.to. A® i ♦'* 163.. fully Wlllisou An i •..... Juho Imml- A fully M-K.-u A>> Il .Usury Mt gu. ........... An 3-.,_. „..,._.ll-ury McV.sfu Au I U*l . Rsutosl fhlpus. . |"gl, B '*l I'UJC. Wllli-to. Au 1I7*.~ " du 15*)..,~ Jan. lilaks.A® l#l .... UunwouAy A Long.Au a5i...... C.f1.10 Osmsn Wslkar li t . l&k Wllll.lt. Wl.lsr ... An •Jll Wl WlllUm flllbsrl An l 111 WlllUm Ack-rl Au 111...... kit M.r/ ttuuakstfy Au M llfllnsACu An A. 39 Margsr.t llon*hii/ Ac fsi Jmmiia f.rkrr An lOfi.. RirbarA f.rk_s,„ An m H.ftr) MrkSru Ao *6O .... J H fisas ... Wot Ik IVI ..... 163.........Jam5. Ifatslburo.An JMI f ti B Or./ A® tfi.nta, Vua.B* A fio., I lua®n A Tssui t, Cnhttrn P. | OsDtr. Hall, P.- NEW STORE. M Largest w Newest Stock. Ni Goods. % g Every thing DKY GOODS. You want. Notion*, Boot* ami The Hj Hho-*. ; CIIEA TEST STOKE Grocer >*-, in Provision., Centre Flt and b?outity. Fih. WE WE Bl'Y BPY IN FoK L A HOE CASH ijl ANTITIES ti'd get and om the buy DISO tI'NTF CIIEAI'KH OFF. thai wat. * GIVE SPECIAL I - BAHG tINS A 1 ■,r the next \1.I" so DAYS, a COBURN, PA. Ouiit Hailwaj time. fijKlf- ' /. IH.. Jan. INHO. Tt.it tn ccrf.-y p. If ' Afl - Arr.- tf.Ct/ ' rml r Hh;r t , V A-/-M far Mr , 3 i, of Apr I Q- ~-l Train i Waifhm ia Mr' fami I H-*k rr-Rl- SV'IHII Co WPA\ V. BY IIOSMIH P.IH LLAND. -Sec. , 11 -virtg m->t ilti-rr-'igi-ly lele#l the h'n kfortl tj-iit k T n Wttiche* f>r th® j Mat 1 tore* >1 1 is, i r li-r tbeta w;tli the : lull- I eoofid- nce ♦> the bet mnde p.od j iuo.l reiti,ie tim ker p-r bit th* money that can be obtained. V*> ! , -o-v U'jt-k far iwoyrart. | FUA SK /' UFA HI, * X 2 /Invlr "Raw. I A Uothtr An'ro'jn IJ at-h' ■at rtdrtctd j Diunv- n , .'an. 27, M*-!!, j The B ,ekfcrl vtstch j urrhaserF Feb. 1 1*79. h* performed better than amr j Watch I ever bad. Have carried it j every day anil at no lime baa it been irregular, or in the Irn.t unreliable. 1 i ' cheerfully recommend Ibe Bock ford 'Watch. HORACE B- HoIITON, at Dighton Furnace Co. T*C*Tom. Nept, Ik. ISSI. The Hock ford Watch runa very ac curately : better than any walch 1 ever owned, and I have had one that cost #l5O. Can recomtnond the Hock ford Watch to everybody who wishea a fine tiroekeeiter. S. r. HUBBARD, M. D. This ia to certify that the Roekford j Watcb ltoughl Fab. 22, 1*79, baa run very well the past year. Having act it only twice during that time, its only variation being three minulea. lt baa run very roucb better than I ever an i tot pa ted. iuMßit' adjusted and only coat $2O. B P. BRYANT. AIiVIOE TO MOTHBRB. la/m-tklsiMil nlfbl saA biY.kn® nf y-r t f-y • strk fkill saSnrin* aA crylat silk psla ®f tal on* Innlh 1 If a-, anA .1 t<. anJ grl a KtllS of Ms. Wiawea* fkooTHia® a*r m catiMtra Ttaraia® l|stla. Is IftclrolaMs. It will rsllst* Iks pnat llttl. nlhrsi PansAiat.!/. OnpntiA Bjtnti II Ih-T. Is no mlstak* >Ktl It. il cams Ay®- silts./ snA -flsrOu-n.. mentals® IS. sl-mark suA Sow l. snrs. wlaA wlkt, t.-0- ns Ih* gam*. rsAaess la o.-.|t.l< elisors apua p-- tf.l AOflet ia say syb- •s of lit. P_s rlt.-Us-s aAArss. p tfa# 4 *_, i'itiM-t.f*a. J-* ItolTs *,.* ksspia* | ttl.Usti)A by llarpsr A Hi®. prmisg In 4011 pst*. Ths tsf*s#l St-tbtio lbs acisars pat l-.hstrt. X wntk Sa Inak- ts.rsllrwK. t>ualsw a>sa as I i-t sal .rrwnowf is. Ptkos. (3<*. M —Fifty Bl<*igb* al and beluw ct, at BsrtruffV You'd be surprised to tee the ' • w sleighs, handsomely trimmed in vel- A vet and plush, for $2O and upwards. These mr* sleighs must be sold to make room for bU •prinf work Now Is the lime to save a'- laast tan or fifteen dollars on a sleigh. I'rarloßn Hope J't-runa, One rooming while be !her husband) waa holding her up in order thatehe could breathe more easily, after having w struggled with a bad spell of oougbing, he made ibn remark tbat be did not believe the would ever get well, when she, in her weakneaa. said : "Yes, 1 will ' if you will bring Da. llaiissh." The doctor was brought. He prescribed a teaspoonful of Peruna every boor. She began to improve from Ibe first dose abe took. She told me to lay she bus never felt better in ber life than abe doei- now, and that abe cannot say too much for Prrvna. A. J. Miu.ta. Her husband writes : "South Chicago, HI., Dec. 19, 1881 : I have a living wit ness of the virtue of Prruna in my wife, who waa saved from death by it. I per lify that every word or. page 30 in Da. H aktimn'k book 00 the "Ills ol Life" is true in every particular. 48 2t T. 8, Ki.rai.ist. SSffiYNEs . - V joL 1 /WUHF,VUK<; * I RoiLcr si:has DISEASES) \TtTrCB.ITCH, S0"t8 pfwirs / VEfiYMPtIAk va taWNC WOiPi / i $. fpP -77." FOR r?mmm rn j I 1 : ; ' • • , t I •*" ' ♦Vj"" t r ' • . ■ • '•;! A% ■ u" 7r.m.?h>*L, I-A *< 4 >\> > ! 1*" j* 4 •v I*- m.t% Uk.,Pm ± po*4|. 4 P i ROYAL tiZJSt k -•^0 1 & : MSgl POWDER A Absolutely Pure. j rM ,v .f ■ s . A I',MV| J try!, •!'. <**.. M mt U>B ; h* mm*} 4 • - • . frtUkm Will, tJ.w tMltsftulr <*t w. tM rt ei i h l ,* t < |*K*| > vf, •* " *' '* ii 4tl lu r-rti itr U > Y wroiiti [TrOR THF. PERMANENT CURE OF •' ijt CONSTIPATPOK. Ifj I IE • i Ci So G*t)r*T dlarao* s mo rrrriAeiax f r CHfo rt*4(p| Mtryf r • v,*>s.• •**. aid tii ri-sasAjrlu* rvetj