Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 17, 1884, Image 8

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    (The Centre i^fmocrnt.
i tt - >
Thursday Murniug, January 17, 10G4-
QnaaiMFo.'iiniMoa.contslniiiKlinpMiUnt '•
4 ! from ny |Hri of tlr tfuunfy. No <uminitito-iv I •
tnria<l i|nl*4 e<Hini|MKtti by lit* rl awu* of <b**
• flier.
LANCASTER, PA., Jan. 8, 18'JL.
In accordance with Rule I- See. 11, the
IJjmocrntie Slats Central Committee of
i'onnsylvanla, will meet at.the Bolton
House, in Ifarrisburg,on Wednesday Jan
-23, at 4 r. M., to elect a Chairman, Secre
tary and seven members of the Executive
Committee. It may nt this or *ub*qu> nt
meeting fix tbo lima for the State Conven
tion IV. U- IlfcN'SKf-,
—lncrease the water supply.
Ilaps at cost, at German'*.
Muslins, at a sacrifice, at Carman's. ;
—Valentine's works are again in full <
—The balance of our Jersey Pins at 112
cents each, at Garman'a.
—A | rot-acted meeting is in progress in
thn Methodist church of this place.
—The Register and Recorder's office ;
now revels in the luxury of a now stove.
—Courting is a favorite sport in Beilr- :
font* and is indulged in by tho "fair sex" J
*L* well as tho "horrid men."
—The Bellefonte, Nitlanv and 1,.-mont j
railroad company am advertising for cross
ti.a, and work has been progressing on that
line for two weeks.
Robersburg musicians made s'2oo hv I
their recent concert. .V*u-J. Oh, no, Mr.
A'rvi man, it was tho church. Tho niusi- '
cians made nothing.
—Tho ticket bearing tho nutnbor 40
drew the beautiful doll at Bunnell A Aik
en*' music store. The holder is requested
to call and claim it.
—ln the past two years the County Com- :
tnissioners have paid off about forty two !
thousand dollar* of the county debt How
is that for "economy and reform 1 "
—Mr. John Boyer, tho photographer, j
Ka< just added a very r.eat and attractive
background to his car. The work was '
dine by C P Gilder. of this place.
—We regret to announce the d-'tth on
Saturday morning of the infant daughter
• f Mr. and Mr. Christ Glaring. It only ;
lived to be two days old. We extend our ,
s-ympa.hy to the bereaved parents.
—Ground was broken on Monday on the j
fte'lefonte and Bench Creek railroad. So
wti were informed by midsummer the
whistle of rival engine* will echo through i
the Bald Eagle valley.
Mess. BiJwell Jfc McSuly, of this place,
have if-cned a coach repair shop on lx>gau j
•treat. Both the** gentlemen are first class
workmen, and too well know to the public |
fjr any comment* to be necessary.
—Gn the 4th page pur reader* will find j
a very interesting letter frotn Rev. E. Ed- i
•raid*, formerly of Milesburg, on Florida l
hfr Edwards has many friend* In Centre
county who will ho pleased to hear from j
Li in in hit new home.
—Three brother*, natiid G'Xiel, were ,
arrested and brought to Bellefonte by |
Sheriff Dunk'l on Saturday !a*t, on a j
charge ol selling liquor without license, I
They were lodged in jail to await a trial at t
our coming court.
—Probably man never wished and wail- .
cA more patiently for our town clock to ;
{veal out the hour of eight o'clock Tuesday
evening, than did Wilbur Harris, the
obliging clerk at lb* post office. But the
iiour finally came, and with it came relief.
I'erbap* it was a sleigh ride, perhaps it
wasn't. But "Dick" may tell you the rest
—F X, L'-bmsn, proprietor of the
• ll.jits House, of this p\|ce, receiveo by ex
press last week a Messina shoat, which he
now has on exhibition at his hotel. This is
the first of this breed of bogs that ha*
ever been seen In Bellefonte, as they rarely
ever liTe to be vorv old. All pork fanciers
•houid call to tee this wonderful little
—Ye senior editor of the DEMOCRAT
was in a terrible state of aniiety a few
evenings since. He could not tell for the
life of htm what caused him to swell
o suddenly to such an enormous tir.e, and
trted Immediately to consult some of our
eminent physicians In regard to the phr
ssomena Happening to pass a lamp post
Hie glare of light revealed the fact that
ki* overcoat, too, bad turned frotn n gray
(on jet bUek. "Weil, well) That's queer,"
ejaculated the senior editor. And "what's
(hie? Ah I a reporter'* note hook, end—
well, I've just got our fat man's overcoat
on, (hat's all. But I'm lucky. 1 thought
H was dropsy."
—Jno. O. Henning, Esq., of Hudson,
Wis., formerly a resident of Bellefonte,
•ad n great grandson of Andrew Boggs,
(ha first settler in the Bald Eagle valley,
gave us a very pleasant call on Tuesday.
Mr. nenniog U related to many of our
oldoat families, notably the Boggn, Dun
lop and Harris familiar. He is a printer
t>j trade and edited the Coon SAinntr, n
campaign sheet published in Ilhlca, N. Y.,
fa J844. Mr. Henning left Centre county
•lity years ago and hat not been back but
otm in Umt time. Mr. if. is n fine look
fag gentleman, whose hair i* whitened by
time. May be live long, and visit bis no
lire place often.
Ellis L. Orvls, Rq., juniorJeditor of this
paper, and lit* mother, Mrs. Jno. II Orvis,
are visiting *l Ciif on Springs, N. Y.
Mr. J Shafor, of Nlttany, gave tie a
| pica's nt call <>n Monday.
Judge liny is away in tho Kat for a
week on business.
Daniel Losli, of Walker, was in town on
1 Monday.
Dr. Dobbins lias removed from Alle
gheny to Bishop stroot.
Mr. W. P. Reynolds, Jr., of this place,
is sojourning at Clifton Spring*, N. Y.
Miss Kittle Harvey, a very plcarant
young lady of Lock Haven, is visiting at
the residence of her uncle, Hon. Jno. 11.
Orvi*, on Linn street.
Kx-Sherifi Woodrlng will mnv> to hU
farm, near the Blue spring, some time in
j March.
Mr J. L. Bobbins, a member of Mr.
! Bell'* survey corps of thi* place, bus gone
j to Philadelphia for the purpose of starling
a job office.
Mr Jno. C. Miller will open a Phonetic
school. For further particulars inquire at
Hoover A Miler'* book store, Allegheny
1 street.
j —Henry Beck occupies tho chair of
'g neral usefulness in the law office of
j Judge Orvis.
Mr I. S. Frain, a prominent citlxen ol
. Walker township, stepped into our sanc
j turn on Tuesday. Come again, Mr. Frain,
i we are always glad to see you.
Mr Henry Yllaliiil, a former resident
' of Bellefonte, i at present employed *
chief cook at the Depot Hotel, Florence,
| Kansas.
—C M. Bower, Esq , had the miifor
! tune to give hi< ankle a very severe wrem h
some time ag<. and has Ixien comp'-llvd to 1
i|e a cane.
—Our handsome and distinguished
friend, J, N". (,'asaneva, <-i Pbihp-burg.
; "illiutrated" tho Wiltinm-) rl jf<i<r
Table The picture s, v ry g • d and the |
•ub ect well cbntin.
Mrs. Mary E. Hoover and daughter j
Bills r*turn-d a few days sin • fr. in their
I(rip to Florida, v-ry much impaired in '
| health.
j —Judge If >y flnishe.l up th a-gan.ci t
li-t in both the Comnn<n Pleas and Or. j
1 phari-' Courts last week. He starts with a
j clean balance sheet for 18*4.
—Mr John Hoy, of Bellefonte, leased
for a term of year- hi* valuable tract ol
j coal land at Snow Shoe to M ssrv .*> urn (her ■
! vilie, C'ryder A Co., of the letter place.
J 'Squire Smith tak-M the take fur telling
a story If you doubt our word juit -t p
around—to bis office hour* 7t09,P. vr ,)
and ask him to fa* - r you with one If you
I don't ijuakt r words no good,
i Miss Jennie Kehoe, who for many year*
resided witb her grandfather, Mr Jame*
j Woods, of near Bellefonte, departed for
; her home in Brooklyn, N. Y , last seek.
1 Mis* Jennie i a bright, intelligent young
j lady, and no d-mht will be greatly mi'sed
, by br many friend* in th * community,
j —Mr. Cbri*t Decker of Zion, came
j tearing Into our office on Monday morn
ing all out of breath, and about ail he
j could *y for a minute or *<> •', "Paper, ,
j paper, give me * p*|>er. .%// paj-or did not ,
i come last week. I ran do without my j
j meal*, and even my fo&e-eo, but T can't do
' without my DEWO< n*T " He got the
I paper, and w* off again in a "|iffy."
I —Tbn medieal firm of Ilaye* A Seihert
|on Allegheny street ba* been dissolved.
Dr. Ifayr* will remain at his ol 1 location
i and Dr. J L. Keiberl will <q*n an office in
hi* residence on Spring slrvl After tho
I*l of April Dr. Seiberl will remove into
Sheriff Wuodring'a re*ioeni9 on o*x High
•trevl Dr. Seibert hat gained many friend*
in Bellefonte and Centre county during his
brief residence here.
Ut.aic ZWIROI.I.—On Sunday, the 271h,
inst , the Reformed congregation of thi*
place will bold service commemorating
the 400lb annive*ry of tho death of I'lric
Zwingli, the Bwi* Reformer. The
Rev. Dr. Thorn** G. Apple, President of
Franklin nnd Marshall college, Lancaster,
Pa., will preach upon the deration.
Rcrrtßaßfßo BncrtTiß*.—Splendid
ilelghing —A protracted meeting i going
on In the Evangelical church,—Zwingli
memorial servicv* in the Reformed church
last Sunday evening.—John C. Burkert,
more generally known a* "Grassy Bark
ert," ba* again returned to hi* western
home in Ohio, nfter a visit of several
week* duration to bia family nnd friend*.
—The farm of Samuel Hhaf.tr, decanted,
near Maditonburg, ha* been told to Lutber
Stover, of nainee township, for SA,OOO. —
Would it not ha better far mother*, who
have crying babiet, to atop going to church
until at some future time ? Audieocee are
not alwayt willing to be entertained In
tuch a way.—By the way, aome of your
tubacribera failad to receive their paper
laet week.—l)r. G. S. Frank, who hat but
lately ttarted out at a practitioner in medi
cine, ba* already won the confidence of
public. The Doctor bat enjoyed the tui
tion of three full teationt In the Jefferson
Medical College, of Philadelphia, and re
ceived instrucliont fa nil of itt braochet,
tpeeial and regular. He It a moral and
atrktly temperate young man, and from
\ the fact of hit already large practice It
t evidence enough in ittelf of bit ability.
Success to you, Doctor. Mti.ta
' —Genuine Lapin't cashmere, full yard
* wide, heavy weight, reduced to 4(1 cent#,
at German'*. -
—Tbo following communication it from
one of our uldent citir.nna, referring to the
1 past, and no doubt will prove intereating
, to many of our readcra :
I.kmont, Pa., Jan. 11, 1881.
i Worthy Editor:—lt ia always u do
light to tne to llod anything in your col.
' ' umiii that luko* me back to tbe dear old
! pal when I waa a boy. I aeein to live over
! ' again my boyhood dnya, and almost forget,
for tbe time being, that the 'and* ol my
life are nearly run.
Thinking that a low worda from my pen
might intrrel othera, eapeclally aged ac
qiiairitattcra, I wish to mention a few facta
, concerning my early life and surrounding*.
I waa horn in 1808, near the place where
{ Green's run emptiei into llald Kagle creek.
| At the age of three years I went to live
with my uncle, John Smith, on the farm
| now owned by Jacob C. Smith. It wit.
j here, in my tlret new trouaera, I was urged
1 to run a race with rny uncle, and, to my
1 great delight, beat him. Here, too, I
I caught tny flrat Hah—chubs—with a bent
I pin book. Sly play house waa the "old
! Green cabin" that alood by Green'a Hun,
| both named from the Indian, Green. It
wa here that deer could ho aeon in drovea,
I pasturing upon our wheat. Pose* caught
I our genre and chickens; wolves killed our
sheep, and wi:Jcala our lambs. Hut what
was worse tlian all this was the ravage,
I made by a scorns. It waa no army worm ;
1 there were not many. But the effect was
i appalling It not only consumed our fruit
, and grain, but destroyed our domestic
j peace and prosperity, in our oncu happy
i homea. Its influence blighted promising
lives and ruined immortal souls It was
the worm of the StiJl! There were four
; or five In the distance of tn miles, ar.d
i the greater | art of the liquor produced
was consumed within those ten miles. In
all that trai I of country there was buttons
church, now there are at least seven.
What constituted one township i-,<w con
stitute* three.
Hut I will atop here for the lime being
or this may be consigned to ibo waste
! basket. Jis Baker
I*ivr Hall Itkm*— Thinking a few
; items from Ibis place wou'sf be of interest
to the readers of the always welcome
CKHTP.r. I>r.wo RAT I base concluded to
! make my first attempt In so doing I wil'
give you rry t*&~, dear readers, as a prom"
lise, t> gather ail the n-ws I may think
w irlby of attention, and if not suceensful
I beg f. r assistance fr-m the News By •
Mr J W Badger has returned from
New York on a businesa trip , is highly
j pleased with bis trip to the city, and more
so with tbe firm b* is connected with, for
( tbe valuable gold welsh they present d him
.Sleighing it good, ar.i cur lads and las
lie* are taking adTaatage of It.
Mr and Mr*. Wcndn! are again back
borne fr-ra Milton, l.ewiaburg and neigh
boring towns, where lh*y sjwnt tbe Iloll
ds.ya very pleasantly.
Mrs. Jonathan Gondo ha* had tbe mis
fortune of falling and fracturing a brie in
one ol her limb. We learn she la in a
critical condition, and suff ring intense
Soma of our young men are talking ol
going to I>*kole in tha Spring.
Our teacher* are very much pi***< i with
their trip to Bellefonte to the Institute,
and speak highly of the benefit* derived
J. B. Fisher, our enterprising merchant,
i* gelling in goods daily, ai d always to
the standard.
Our school ia prospering under the au
spices of Prof. Krise. Tbe attendance i*
very good.
J. C. Condo. tbe enterprising coacn
manufacturer, has sold out hie entire stock
of sleighs, and should have had more to
meet the demand. Hit work speaks for it
self. MoVVTAtN Hot.
Woodward Splutters.— Dan, the mil*
ler, it still in the rat catching business. He
averegee one rat every night. —Businesa is
' booming at the people's storm—Tb# Mite
• Society i* flourishing -J. C. shipped a car
load of flour to West India.—Jame* El
linger, one of Sew Berlins students, baa
been home during the Holiday •, visiting
I parent* and friends; always welcome
, Mia* Litaie GelslwiU.of Lock Haven, has
i been home for the past week visiting. Fbe
, also brought her Intended better half along-
Come again, llal.—lkKtor say* bis cbick
. en* were not atolen ; they froae to death.
, —Van i* going to Clearfield to take order*
I for "Eby'a beat. ' Hope be will be sue
ceeafut.— C. W. IloeUrman i* going to
build a near house on Rtillhooae Kun.—
John Snyder is going to build on the tenia
street—Abe any* tbe order* are coming in
thick for the patent bed spring*.
Walk if Norte.— John Vanada killed
a pig aeven month* old that dressed 248
Joe Emerick it again able to bo about,
though looking rather pale.
' Mr. Clay Roger* and family or Clear
field have been spending aome week* with
, friend* In Snyderlown and vicinity.
A considerable number of Walker town
ship people are talking or going weal ia
j the spring.
' Will Truckaomlller, the gifted young
t poet, has been visiting for some tim* among
hi* many friend* In Uubleiwburg and Eton.
—A txmntifal linn of ailk handker
chiefs at Lewln'a.
ii i ... ■
i, • - Plain dree* goods 10 onoto per yafd
."hms.-AC, ~ ..V
I Millhrim Itkm*.— The ice crop is
9 good.—On the sick lilt, Cllne Mussr-r.—
; Win. Keen and wifespentSunday in Mill
helm.—Roll call every day at the Branch.
Landlord Musser was laid up for ofow
days with a sure throat—Our friend, Clark
. Hormun, Is home from Illinois to seo his
| family, Clark thinks of staying in Peuiis
r valley and settling down to business.—
, Fast team—George M, behind those ninety
t thousand dollar steeds.— Mr. Wm. Mc-
Laughlin, of Now York, i hero buying
, up burses. Billy know* whuro to go to
. buy good horses.—D, L. />. I* suffering
, very much from a carbuncle. He prefers
standing to sitting. —B. W. Jr. man think,
j of buying a l--t down along tbo Lake front
near Bocky Point, and building a bouse in
< the spring.—-The largo new Lutheran
i church has just been furnished with soma
■ very handsome furniture.—(Juery— who is
i tbe Dkmoi-raT'S reporter from hero?
Well, just remember that lie ia all over
I town, and bears all that is going on.—Pat
t K. wants t<> know who that prutty lady it
I in the office of the National. Wet* Hart
, man and family were to Penn Hall last
t Sunday for a ride and a good dinner.—
i The girls are trying to mash the pholo
l grapher, hut George says not this week,
r oven if it is Leap Year.—The Band boys
I think of going to Centre Hall on Saturday
, for a ride and a good time in general, so
says the Brum Major. Mlllhelm tan boast
> of having one of the finest bands in the
Slate, and ranks among tbo first
Pica W icr
J.i..,sir 13 I* 4. If lU. W K r.ali-f Sf- K I
hi 111 I-St <k af-'l Mik* Jfl.lii* 0 -Ui|U;ill.f least tl -if
1 Was ran fit a large Wholesale Gro
cery House, a g.Hid ej-rlen<-ed salesman.
' , <'un having an acquaintance with the trade
of Blair, Hiintie.-lon and Centre counties
A 1 dress Lock B* 1 *l4, Philadelphia, Pa
, I —All of our W inter go< dt must ho sold
to make room for Spring tUvli Call early j
| and get a bargain. Ove'coals at cost and
special reductions in all of our good* for
tbe next days. Respectfully,
l.rvis A Co ,
Allegheny street, Bel ifoote, I'a. 21.
—All winter good* at a reduction
—Colored i-ordcred bnndkc rclriefa 5
cents at (Jarmao's.
- New embroideries at Garmto's.
Mns' under shift* 22 rent# at Oar-
I man's.
- Bunnell A Aiken* have a
very fine selection of -olid gold <valr||,-.
j jewelry tvnd a full line of silverware,
. which they ofler cheaper th .n any other ,
i atore in Rcllslonle.
- Pi< lur-- • nlsrgnl or wipi.d, at P,..\ |
-The latest rrsusssie braid, at Gar- j
1 roan's.
-Celluloid ruff, and collars. all sirea.
i At Lewin'a.
1 —Winter stock nui'l go. SjKwiial
' bargain* at J-cwin'*.
—Very Inlet tyle hats an.' cj-s at
I- Irwin's I'hila. Brunch ia the |disce 1
to buy clothing cheap.
Waatrd.—A g<*"d girl t • do g.rural
house work None but a good. *t< adv
girl need apply. Goorl wag. . Inquire
of F. X. Lehman. Proprietor of P.utt.
1 Alirt.t-I a ear b-ad of ti,. - 1 f..
,4-Dt tin tvpea have lies II taken sinee
1 Christrnrse, at Hover's.
, .Ino. Rover, the photographer is now
. ready for business. Car. corner of Penn
and Bishop streets, jtirt below the <'um
miiigs House, Bellefonte. '
, C. IT. liurrtß. ACo , Allcobkxt ST
—The oldeat merrbaat* in Bellefonte offer
* the following bargains
Blanket*. $l.OO ■ pair ; hap*, 7fc ; dress
r goods, 8c ; iadiet woolen bo*e, 16c ; genu
woolen winter b, •*, tfsc ; ladies hoods;
first clns* genu shirt* 6th- ; flannel* all
' j dlscriptlon* and price* ; men* good solid
; booU, s2ff>, mirrors all si**# 25c tosB 00;
a select and freah line of pure groceries at
bottom price*. Country produce solicited
* and always on band, it will pay you to
call, we cant be undersold.
Bellefonte, Pa.
No. 7. Allegheny Street.
s —The season after the 'Holiday* is gen
erally dull with tbe Tailor*. lie are of
fering oilra inducements in tov prictt. We
9 havo given large orde.rs, and the ntv
- pcydi are no# coming In. I-eave your
a order now. Mortoomtrt A Co.,
—A baby's picture taken in the "twink
ling of an eye," at Boyer'e.
d —Frank X. Lehman is running the
o Bulls Hotrsa In away that the people like
When you are at the table you have before
you just what you want to eat, and It Is
i, the best In the market. The BulU House
% equal to the bc*t hotel In town. F. X.
Lehman, the proprietor, baa bought back
from Wm. Brown bis bear bottling nstaS
h lithmenl, and baa beer now for tale at hi*
•land. Lehman will deliver It to any
quartar of the alty to private tamilia*.
F. X. Lehman,
" 48-51. BulU House.
g —Four Laaoa tin types, 25 cents, at
* Boyer'f,
f v-LArstl price*. Everything new and
freeby at (itu-mnri'*.
d —New lino of embroideries to arrive
neat week, at Gnrntiin'*.
Wilson, McFarlane A Co., call alien
tlon to the only rcliahlu Ready Miiftd
Faint in th market. Th Pioneer Pre
parer! Pair', is not <nly /iipcrior to iij
Rr-ady MiseJ Paint lout l.ut rivals purr
while lead in it# ritueUhnu** tn Working
and du'ability. This paint It guaranteec
by the manufacturer' not to -r*ok or pee)
within three years. The guarantee is not
only good for replacing the paint hut it
will be put on if It should crock or peel
within the time specified. It will Ire t<
your Interest to call and see Wilson, Mc-
Farlsnn A Co, before purchasing ritber
white lead or any other Bendy Mixed
—No auction troth nt Gurmnn's.
- Everybly i* rushing to Beyer'*
phoU'gruph ear to g<-t I large tin tyja-n
for 25 cr-rit.
State College, heglning JANI'ARY 2' th
■ and ending FKBRL'AHY Bth 18H4
j There will be at least
Thirty Lectures
J by members of ihe College faculty and by
| several dt*iini;ui*hed gentlemen from
abroad. Circulars, fiving full details, sent
on applealiofi to Frof. W. 11. Jordan, or
|to the President, Slate College, Centre
■ runty, Pa r 5 5t
I J "> I." Is V—l fir** 1., all powii |alT*l4,
' lh l follutß i tig 1 t.t efi|/>ri< • of lb" fr*r*4* u<l till-
I *•!• • I •!<•! t / miJ.WB, oi 'fib* |srtri|oti f fl.s.
j Ac 4 of 1 Mfi of Af'fH. A l , l"-il ft (>.ir(irth*l
111 l l * fh* < "U1 tsls4 It) Ills' ofltß rrf thr- Cl' tk
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jI • }'♦ • I fi f tl*ri< : ij .*r i th. ir#t <Uj ~1
j n-tl t'*tu ibm wAfris- mill !*♦ kh*<rl*jtel ( v.
let kl'jf Hieeft.r f ti.# fw| rUle ssf 11, ra.
l'i * ■ lib I' *tnbi|r 4#<we**d e m t ■,
t'. lst ** I'l 'W AttlßMO* M'ffullllA
' .1 l-vrrjf'srv 'f th# f*#• nl P J.ertj 1 Ar ri f
K .'ls. ft* ißtr f atk'f I *i 0.1. f , 4CMd. •• Uk' U
. tj Ihi •)!■ • Mutlik H lulls
14 I■ *1 •' BI IIH f'f t"ftr f 1 I J
If.lll' lit s.f M l' • t.kss. ,J, sagM 1 M UkPls I
' .w , >. |MM K UilUkw t |
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t.art.L- f • '-f - f f Mfill I■ lu;s d- • I a taL u
1.; I a 1) •, M J 'Utt.!- .
jAtteis 4.
ll#s.**t fH f I. I*# "' A. 11V, 131
\ I'l'Llt 'ATION 1 OK hl< KN>K.
V v "
-4 fwmtu b< his ! Ihnf (iHtli 'i I r lifeht* iq lb*
| * ' | M ■r% • mss if r P -we.-u "f a* '
t'i fib! '-f < Oilfo iir.fi .1 tl.nl R|'f ' as I rt
111 lsfr O.M-i*- I > ll# fir tl e<thaji .r, ) Lrll4fgT*l
j#4 || flrtnW risl ifs#! Gff fiml * at '
V I*. M Idfikii * . IVatl J* t ;
Prtkf AeVr-vvfl •' tl
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Pkul. r*ew,rw..t w t .
i,iM i ••*l*i I--
<**. r. e I. tl f : Hh4sl**l*
|MlWllir . - i
A. Ksnm "
. >l.ll.el' •• BtltOL
t.isa.ff. HM#I * -ho*
1 Ja',r* ** " ... TsfHl
- II lv e : '• 1 aw , I
JatV.ss | I'i.tsj • I
% K M " ivj**s k '
Ctfifl< • ft li|eU# .. " M ... "
I -el Onto! M.l' lfi Ttotrrtl I
J LllAKi'tr. ,
1 t < l#ri
-1 e m 4e.. •1 An* i tM ftr Ift# iff
-1 Han* Ctvtin f Cwdir '*tnt>.Lo 4idtil<aU f 4e
t *r* ts Imm4B "i tbe k •ts*i'nilrto|tof * 1 the- *tt Csf fto
I Mrt* lU*rflßl. 4-r •■*>*•*. M kfrfu*!, r.ft hi* talk! toC
Ul*t. 1 <d Bbs ng t r. I aft lea M|llss| tbefrt".
; Will kHf,4 t - lisw 4ll of Lib •$ |#stt at lis
wft • lb •!*• l twifk •'( Bfll-kiff'# "to friUt fb IMb
<!?••# l ! 'tT. ary 1• 4 •! 1® m ibwi * to L#>i ttto<l
ls#r# *ll frto*li n fe •* |B fit
• hto-rrl:r - beirg* lb* GO Vf<gtis I Le f. tvtsf t
, 4#ltoPf' fr ;•* t itftf in tifwii to*wl f-M
>i it ii oiMiM:u'*r.R.
" A*' Ato'Uf<H.
\ Sf. ; * ,• 'UI '.l'rtr e? :•
tftoltoto Os* the sital* *< J hto I off. laf* of
Irivhkbit I.*" t-w-to ir'iapil lo lh# •*'■
rf'tf' l* ri'- 4 ..*-♦ toll |- r-"re bmimg rUivi* rfatbM
i BMBl'l fit" to | 'P*fil lb*fß,(|Kl) IB bwilb-aW b i
••lllMhebi pn-l to t Inl'MH Id l'*k vilb
cant 4-i; II AM u 17.
J.H -.AftniLftirK
A \ laU.'#9f toltolfc :*ft: Tqj 0 tb B*t|l f f
Mm I WiUoti. AtoTtotototo'd l.anm lw>4 ITIDIMI In lb
l4fi|Ti#f. fill pwenbfi |bVldf I s i.,*
Nf- fw|tortola | tu ttstokf |,fto'lll. fiti4 Ib'tofi bflB(
'Uilkl l JfBßf|j| tl# MM* fifif, to
2 AC AAoiiftiMrtot- f
■V (, TIt'K i hereby given thai lh
i * acmnmh f Mm c Ntllt, OmnUUv -i
llmnrf lh*klto. ihnllp. htotolstovt llfl ito 111 to ffttn
of lh# Pfotl-.Kto/y of lb# f of C- ottoit-n Tlmk*
ito toto-1 f<-r !!#• rvrillf of r*bf#. h4 Ihrnl mM k
rwßitol will 1# rrtooaiial ftsr t ettrmtoiL'to t'b tl
I#riN oftotofcl C*mr% J C IMHVr.ft,
2V 1 41 rroiftoftoUty.
17 XEX I'T(HIS N(UKJE-—1- Uf|
1 J ttoUDMiMtflfl ttoto tvUlto ol Mwrry J. Dttiiklto,
i Inotototofil Uliff Wt|i>fttßMkip.(>nlr*
hto* iu h#wto g ftotrlol lo f toll fw%t*r. In
Atol'ttoJ Iff totoi'l toilfiH roqiwtolto l l BlfiU ittoUlMi
bu toil til htov-nc <riifm* cu.M # ih atom#
I.J pf r • r. t I him. 111) •ylh"tol4it4 im ••Hi#
Mtotot, i H. OAftfttttCK.
1 AfHtotcr.
17BTKAY h'OTICE.—(' In ihe
■ J m b44—r# pf alto* L4-tof, ft- gf TooTihih To,
toU'ut .'off or Atofitl ltot to mf hwfh-r, Bhmil y
oM, •Hh tofitotolll tofit In UA Nff Th# Otofsor oil!
(>ltoto# i?toll. |to- ## fmy dnifw totod tab* h#r
r totoiiy Oth*toito tobn !•# AizsotoMl <tf •' rAlnc Itoto
| 14* JAHk* UI2TKI
VJ WIIRRRAR. lh- Hue Adam lh,, Vresi te*t
JdSi>fHis<'nrtrfr,reaio Pl<wet tb'SMi JodirSal
IMrtilit, saiMl'i of Ihe eoatl of Oalrr. sad
Mannas-ion and tha 11-41. J. O. Iwrtaoo and ilia
Una J R Swltli. Aswrttt* Jade* la Oslo cnnal/,
harms iarued tbair precpL banries *•*>
ol |<w-. IaRV. to ma Cie~ l-t. tor Wits* * Oovrt oj
Ojrer and T'rnilnr and Oeneral Jail Misery and
I tlmite e-wWons of (he Faac* la Belief.,e'. for the
raantt of <Vntr, and to —inmen- - <*, the 4ib Mow
. lav or January n*l. hefair fhe jeih 4*j of Jaaoary
ISO*, and to rontinoe to *eh. BnOtel* hersS-T
Siren to the 'Vmonrr, Jiwiionr of the l*aam. Aldermen
and Conatahla* of sold roaatt of Ceeire, that lhe be
iha and there In Ibefr imo|*f jemsons, *t 1(1 o'cl rk
la the forenoon of anid d*, wtlh their rar.,>rd#. in*nl
•titons, etaminatloas, nnd th-dr owa nor*t-r*nnan,
to do Uen* thins* hi-h to their <4*r npen-- o to
be dtoie. nod iboee who r bonn-l In renacntfaare* So
pmemwte osninet the pctfr-ner* thai are or shall he In
I th jail „f eaeaty. he thee and there to pro—
re'" aiiinrt I hem a* eh'll he Jaei
' 1i,,,i, ooder mj hand. SI itollefoole. the dth dr
9 of D-emleer. In Ihe year of oar Lord I*S:. nnd Ihe one
■ bond re-1 end arraaOi tear of the Independence of lh*
, t ailed Maine TlloM AS J l NK RI. Sherd*
• BY virtue of aundry writ* of Fier*
f Varin*. L-,arl redo* and Venditioni Rspoeao. lo*eod
eel of th* Conrt of Coar,on n fleu c.f Centre -oo*lr
oed tn em direr ted, will he "pooed to pnldi* 0010 hi
the Coert Donee. In tbo Roreegh o t Brilsfneln, ow
V4TLBDAT, J AULA BY i\ A...1*.
the Gltowln* hmptrtj. to wit i
1 Wo. t. *ll th*t wnweeera, tewewwel end led of lend
sJtwain in Cetonvtlls horlnrt. sad known s M*
noro be red thru* end font lo wm.f. Swher's erl'-i—.n
, of Mid bornesb, *n rmorUd In B lsn**tanows Book
t -B," peg* 4*l. In the oiaoo fw rwerdms too*s,Se.
leOoetoeeonetr.sold tot* tote* knnndedsad liaerlk
od w Mtowr : Brrrlnnlot M * |>t on th* north sM*
of Altoaboej olreoL h*re \<r en eHry north n<\
west l- font to ntsk stl eel, lh*, -e otoea told ereet
* II- Md to *a slier, iheer- ntoe *eM 'l-| t®, neel
U*. tool to Allenhen) sltoto. Ihet oe *tos| said nreot
19b leal to Hsee if 8 i'.J lh* tone "nri
• hirti m r ar*d bit lf,by iWlr
4*| rlafi 4 Tfl. Of Hay, A b \*t\ tof>4
I*-#<J *>* If, lr. , i ( w| K'm.u-1 if u*f>
*4 iMito (U mm') J *T. Vaorallo. ,*rf r hm i.
fkr> ijj , at,') ff | . n..ff *
pfiory •( O. w. Vftdliliit, iouur of J.Yf. \an
talln, 4O>M1 |
So, 2. AM lint -ftnif, \,4 tff „ 0 f rood •!#• V
? U 'jfj J"' , i:,, " f *'br| n ,.f>f,Ui Ml !., .
uif'lMaofl f.,||o. (h .* •* h*
I ffl, \,y ltl fkli*y. P-hr! t,jr mut*,+,mh 1/1
*airi, Of/otiolr.|r <,rj* §rr#, m./ra </f Ihm. ib-r-i- , rwl
,nm " i -~- ,uh "
*U<i, All that <rUin tra/t f I lmLar land altuatn
la l.m. IWMkI,. p.,, |.,. M
uZI. '!r J"I B " c< *™pbll,©B <>•' *''*< </
..., ■■ ■ K '" ' r i"i fII 11.
• .i "" !*<">•"' 11. il 'il.Mim
Ml .Ha*. M " lU, ' n " > H ' "• ■*"•• na r or low. b
Hr.n.J, takan in riaeatlon, at. 1 p, p* B,M „ t...
MMMty of I rUh bMayS*.
Mn.J All lb. 'lnfntaiaati right, till., and inlrr.t
naod .1 -r pi, . ~l
lb* lovi.al.li, of rim.CoUotooty, pa l.,ahd. I
? north tad ami 1.,
Ui.'to ' f Jimp, a K*ltr. i, ilia ~n, I.J j oM.
road, and on II„ >a | hy a pablu r af, roUlr.li,.:
'•r """" Ih.roon MH'.I • atuall d.oll
leg hotran, aufal* at..! utho. ~,.1 handing.
l, Uk'l. 11. . . lloa, •ml 1.. I. all u It
pfvprrty til C<>. W. K-ah.
I All that m.a.ttg, trnoiaof.t aa>l t-a.t of
land .llutf. I U 11ar1.... lvnr..hl|. Canu. ~.a uly _ t
lnt.4-.| ai.J IMIIImI, a* fulloa# On ll . north hy
lam ol 11,i..rl ll.ri J.raor,.on tk n*.i hy lrr4 of
Til daa. Lt a it, on tl.o ao'ith by land .< 1a,..,! J|a M ,
I.a Um at I.J- u...] of (Mm Harlar, 'i|t. ( . ( || .|„|
|a/ft|..n 1...* uat.o.l |,i H oaa /tail... r n.a., ih- othoa
pmllxi hat.u* IH-O Ad to Bali, o* I If. 1,,. . |,
4o#.| Um 11,. 1.l .)*> 01 Boranc.' I'' ~„j r ,
0.1 to 1.0~1 IV. , M If.. .. r. of.,
tha- IKWtof of l>o..|a iu Ot.tr. . u>r f.'.rai
W-f l.ad a 111 t0...a lollj and al laf t . t,
taiaio* Iftaraaa, all lo.,.l
ALla'l. All thai , • it.in 10l aoj | • . ~, j ...
Nato In Ho|r r a 1. nii.l.lf>,fVt,|,o , p, -
anddaaanlo-l a- 1..11 a. On th n .rah'hi | ..•„ ~..
lawlltif f.tm M.iaahaajr to • oltina aori.. tt
o.ifth a.da of Ha Id Karl. 'i„k ~.r , tl.a . ~t >,f laaata
of Mr Mmratat 0..j. on tha aot.ll, I. >h'_ n.ld
l:.l. fro, a. and on 11 an! I,a pal..| , , 4 | |„,., .
flota toll.oal o.ft v Idatati a *oak, ' ol.taila.l,* all . ...
m-.ta ,f 100. and todM 11,. afafaitaaa a l .,
Jan... A llaaaar, and fa,a A , kit alia 1/il-nddat. 1 —,
of iw.U)i,aaf r~..r4-l IB l. ~l Hoot M
' h." Ko. , |af, t'ot. a,.fc'od and -... to. o.j t , 11,, .a.
KtaaZ.fi. 1, rattan, a' r.a.,1 a,,, at.d .t.t .at
ta •. lota anod l.t J t| Waft't J natkan dallvl 4.
)■ V
oar, >od a a..! daalllnir hottaa, at.hi- and olh.r 001
Pairaof tak'H in aiat> o, and to ha pel J aa tb>
I p. |-ttt Of Mia* 7. ■ ...aatnan
, All that ntoaanai;*, l.n* moat and l.tof gr t,d t,
, na'aln Pptli.p 1, , nt. ..I c. an
OI p. ntiaj laanta. lo.nudad a* d fn- #ii,,.d a. f 'loa.
! Ibirti aiop ala pant ..n <.t~n alt—l ... ahat 1.
kn, an a. I'.oal. . add.Ont. to tl.o 1. ' *£*< of 1., .
I till*, al. f o tha a .at lib. f W.V. 11l Into, Mat.
lb. aal. . . Itob.. .10. ly titoo,, ~,.01 hit.
I 1.0 l t1..n,0 ... rlh.'lj a ..• lit,. I. lA. Iff. (...a
j on. hundtol an L hilt f.a l, to allay. I bat.. . ali. t
j allay 1 a oat rib Una >f It Ml than . a nth. It
1-..f "na.d 1..t If. lift llro att.ot, P , ,„.t„t f
1 lotion,l,r I. ~j! ht. an a* I I N, If , tha tot a,
pi... .I ft ,ah . addition ... tha U. ujl I ftallatoß.
! Wwd.t lan tn oio.nii .ti, and I aol lat it
ll' I*"' f 1,.... W ... Fatal, a la*pot
I T•'l' M • a ■, ... I Bt.til t'
j I or. baaa B>o> t la |*. I in fall
r. J lit i*KL*
Ai.of Iff
Pnriiry a Orii-n, P. IWf. Nt. Pa, Jo
ll) J'm ,V' if '!.>fr t,! 1 . .*f i fcr f.f it.
utilip* •( n!"Tt 1 •* wtil I* tt|piM|
' < ti M ttrr*t At #••• 7i •> 1 ll'iri*ift4
1 ? "f V *' A l IMM lit . . 1... L Al fdi f
towl 1 to | .|! • Iftf r ti.f •1 Ma-1 A
•". i I* r. ito • I- I rtoli •. ' toil
N ) IV iitf ♦ fff. .lIUIa it, th< foW—hip Iff
M.lf. <V f |lft rtift tatogffM toff to! R tot t> Oiflltol yfll
HI lit* 9'*d <4 fl r.l.tfff.lt' tol t R* V
rr t|.... - i of tAid.n |: rt W
. , .-! .• ■' •i' • *. • j.-.• t - to-.-iti, :
( ■• t v 1. 1 a *• rtito r tit.:. Ml . ■ Ut.'J.
j •! Jhk M u (t. r*|i I I • '-tot fc"! < 1 • l ■ u.i.d
•t r- 11, tot f toi |. £ Ul it 1 Iff ,r, K M.f toi-A nfa ftl.
j" k 1M ' J'l fi I IH' u f|p-r toirUth
ftotot f : V fYtodi to M • lad to) -f.ff r
I M ft a*-* ,to tof'tli a5 *HAI a'lft i 111 f told lo ■ iff fctfitf*-
O pfcfP •< -i.lt. f tiftoto.Jt %rr, ♦ Ikrl.f rtoiotff .
•> '.lb 74, to fvn t j . 1 * 1
• ' • UlMt'l If V . r- ru4 : . |M r ./•<! in>.*iitß,
flimMut* *+*' l*i <i lt*t irjr Vfi: 4d-lUir
| h u.. .on. lary. Unk torn, and tl.. i .. it nlld na..
• tptor :toll tiff kf'Di.ff *'l ffif Jtorfft, typU
r. I,H d ll fr . I If***. A*m*U\ |t
tbf- bfti*t<* ••
*0 t n -intslti t# '"f 1m l •Hunt* |*nly
in MHI la
Ot l/. f .MBlj P* ltl riff 111 "f "lh'din
ffitlVttdff kt ■ rti'dtrmt l 1 xltl It. 11.
rraattoß uMk' <f Rental H
rod* lid • 'IMMIIIIII, tb-. < i,f ton i*|. * ttk ,f .
h/i r.*iU to € h~ttit fKi Hid.f, . ihfN n .rib U*
j * ii*i l rr*) i i nut T#a •'*•' , tb ar# 1 ipirrtb
j I'D M* U< p<*l Hftot • s •- ton! tor r
'■rtttof nimi- of A*t o t . Tit *n*i t rud*
•f. |i,RR R nijWk-A.'l .< r\g I i-t II tiptol anr)
Ito'tJllt •' ' ktol -•*> Ml 14 •f ' • " • tot ••. It'pf
dlnt't lri<l'ij II- rjfJ IS tft, h t .lit f IlikkW
a- n!i ' #*■ 17n M l * }•.► i>ipnt
<'Mf*fitt,iai|L, cocitto)iiif ¥•' tottw ••>! C | r< bf* aori
T*l ?••• lan nrtii 44 tr't" "f itotid ailll i J
l toold <*3 tb 1, R -lbMit tl' l.3ii day of \m
RaitiA l. JKM.aI ICo 'laacl a* w
So A. TWitdf tto" f Itottai wr tt't <■* aal<f J-ln
Itabl • !w!, ftttnaito In h u- tnhty *4
f- r mtf of <" inr r an l'U'< af-trr'l. l-rffioalfic •< a
ta fHr- yt.lt)>- r al. lo *+u.r acHiiii ,
• •1 41 1" kaJa to • jkmvu a rad. n h
14a to-al 1 tv 4 fto • point in vl real ikRf in
•m* ibl fcl -nt tb* i*l. a ' |M-X. Vlilut IIM) J
RnUS tokKitb iti* , ri ap* r fJ# ta •t"b . Uvt*' -
Mil T.ff Ikt, !• <A It-11l Ial7 MbUlb 'at 1 . OR'I IT "• IV rod*
to a !"** ll Pt>< luttt)) 1 ' i*t *1 f-10 r*t>4to laa a Rtufe*
tfatoO'to kC'tdlli 1;W 'l9 'to-1 1 f-*4 U • tbdtoo#.
aoutb p-anlllO rttd* • tbnrr at<nf 1n1
of Uatffß r b'rflh * 1 /, aa*' <l4 i ta
Ib'm" fatbp, ,ab4! f- V ito't I a 'omar
I th'-oi# R'Nlii 1 V rou k. ••v-ktramff ha ♦
j *1 rff Inrndto if 4* S K>b< | ■i. , Mat S* r-xH
u a •tdtoT" HI Hit" a! *; !a 4 f Ihftirl lUtlt
ntrib !♦ . •*! 44 r>l i<- a [>•, nmtb i
a*t W ri*Ato to pito c 4 Iffliibibj. 'M)ltoii.lc PC
tu '•* • 4M |"'< bn*. a xat iWMn.f*, bto'ff
f-rorlr-l ,-tti (ao-atori IwHlSt, t< •*. <*r In;g*
t%tk l*tn an 4 4br oailailblliifa, a
•ptiaff of walH. • lrjß or< nff al*tif A<
nrr< r ii ' J k'totr <•( t o t!* ailr'r , tb' Imlawa
Sc. 4. F* it.f In toalA Ua u.wm*h'p'
'.-•nniy of Ctlwion. laifititilidg at a * b tit*. •
• I kttf la>4 < f Mitobto*) *• .-Rtnt. 4to>tith .
•art Sm fc 10 M l f i a point; ltnr al *nt laml* <4
ItofctoP- Stllbr ii'rttb % x #*to a'r.kMi fl*>h)na Ctto U 24
rcnl* to a fXjto* mti • 'btofu al >a UM of aaad M
fV M.l.t't afatto atl nu Rtßtb In. k <f u>4
aipitb j 0 , al 1f tv-J i a po4nt. tb•>•.'- wwtli If®,
• eft fvtito U a tlfttor aolb . aHI 14 Ml
U* • |Mni. .*ob * . natl M 2 I# rob in •
frtntt. tbai'- alb . ar*pt II roa to a IrtHel.
lli'tKß Ron lb bfcf ll A 10 Ml ta potto*. Ulttor^
.loop land nf n .nta Mi-lar n .Mb h*i" .t Tl * ,0
*wt. ton atr,i>. ikoßf o along band nt r*nt*nat X© A
a o.( 11 " i r - north ,
a'h t * oat , nd to • atom, ntvrhrraf n r rtn.n - towl to
Hon.. 1..t thmr. nlrnig tha nan*, anath f wont 111-1©
,da to ant©ha, tbanra north no;', nan* 4 ndb. 4a • to
•t dtr ttrnnta nrr-.a f,.hl„f f.oak nnd along Ro A
■aalk) . ktd U II" iM la ■ tkita; Iknct mil. If,
n-*t A M rod. to n a. ( ,r,a. ll.an.' nlmit Ur.d of 1
M.rorkangnat © alb *{'. ©aal S n 1 , r rt 4 . at.won
11,.nr. nouth a .nt ! pod. to al. sen; Aon alt
tba mwa nnd ll Utad of Anmo.l Qraoincor a.wth >| ,
aront M r<ad to a atotan rvtsar than, a along Unit nnp
ponad ,nr. t nor lb Alt^ p , nnat KdMO r>aia to a loan
ptartanr; ttaonra nWaig .iw. ~f * .nn loiU, M kro.ntor>
natnta, dncob Wornar a ratal, north I . oaal ,43 lota
tba ntnra sr brginnlog, nontoiiHng fi tron and an
nrnko. anal Hat in* arartol Uaom.ni ana laualitj
log hot.an ntnlda and olbar ntbwMMp
Xo.h. Ikatng tha tonrt ocanta'nlng tb# raid tail I
pa opart) nit.mta aim tn Ixagan laaafklt - rawnly <d
t l.aton. Hog'aalng at a larta alma at lb. paaMir anad,
tbonra la ansa and along land at han>u< . Urrolagot
n .ib gi r . root 11 rod# hi a paint; than'* In annae
tadtb :kV aaat W. todr: that. . aaatb at . ©art 4"
mda to a pntal; Iktara aaath .44", mat tP raadk to a
atona. th.ro ' along land at J. fachrork.ngaat a. rtb
to,', oaat an MM r ta l a M.taa. Ihoaca along tba
arnaa amilb tof. aaot IT MA rata I- a "Una ; thma
along land of Ho 4 north !g . onat 4 AJo mda ta a
atona . thatara along tha aaaar and along aatd arhanl
how tot and mram aatd robing Ornok north V*.
mat V MP podk to Tnat. thnnra along a. boot lot,
aoailb H aaat h Rata I© a itoa . tha*r* again ntnag
Mo. I nartb iff 1 , mat 141-to rrta la a anna© . thane- f
along land nf A data MlHat north 4A)ff\ t SI IMA
rwda to a atona . tlianra notlh f. nrat 4i T -Kt rada to
a atona ; thane* nartb Mi", anal M 4-1© rod a to n
atona , tbataoa a.ath *f',arat hh h>da to ah.n#a; thoara
I along load of kaM kmaa.aoait. HT| . ami InT MO "j
lode la a atona j Ihraara not tb kA* 1 . trim Id MA rnda
la a ktoaa; gaaoima aatd Pt't lng tVaah and along
land of Jact. ttrkaa aiwtb .Ik* . oaal M t 18 rod# la
plana of hagtnnlaft m.ialaing mo arraa and •
parrhaa. boat tnoaanra Hat lag tharaan am tad ana.
ana and oaahalf tarry dnrHlng honaa, a targ© atatda.
ana oatar puvar thlagla and Intnhtr ml 11.
Tha nhara nrmthmad traota B<v 4,4 and A will ba ,
anil ©a thr amatlatn n TT.—a.U tha lath dag ©4
Marrh. A. Kb., I*4. nl 10 o'ntacA a. nt* .aonaawnAng at -
Ma. X. j,
TRUU 0' AAL* -Onothird of the ptihaUa- J
tnonat t be Ud on nma of tnta kna lan gar to
i m4, nhtah la to ba fnhi an da| of eaVa. Ona-th,, • J
ta ono year and tha |ataan tn In© yanra nwh tele*- to
aat fr an ranktaMtttan of aata, to ba ateaned b) band
and ao rigjf. on the p, rakiara.
i . R Nkm HAM.
Jar lh. IW4 Ada tatatmt,'.