Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 17, 1884, Image 5

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    Philadelphia, Branch.
Don't Forget
% —THE—
Philadelphia Rranch
T7' ■
Is again to the fore with an exten
sive assortment of
( Fall & Winter Clothing 1 ,
and respectfully invites the public to
call and examine our elegant Suits
and Over Coats, for
Men, Youth, Boys, and
Children'* wear manufactured for our
trado of tho best material, and in
all styles to please.
0;r stock of Men's suits in Cuta
ways, I'rinco Alberts, Double ,
IJreastcd Coats, lioversible, Chen- 1
ehilla and Beaver Overcoats aro Su
perior, and Invite Attention.
' And now just look here. Men and j
Boys, nro you going to freeze this
Winter, Or not ? Why, if JOUTM you're
not. You must have Winter Cloth-1
ing, and what you want is the BFST
in the Market for the LOWEHT
Prico. You have got your money
honestly, and of course jou want the
most for it. WE WANT JUST
SUCH BUSINESS, and the"refore in
* vite y<ir visit to tho PHILADEL
PHIA BRANCH. Our business re
lations with the People of Centre
County in the part have been pleasant
and satisfactory, and in offering our
Thanks for the Liberal custom heretr
fore given us, we renew the pledge
upon which we started out — FAIR
M'AVDi ic CO., Proprietors
Bellcforte, PA
Roadr. |
Tune Table In effect Nov 19, 'B3.
WESTWARD. K*p. Mall.
Leave Lock Haven I 45 4 00
Flcmington T W T 01
Mill Unit 4 62 4 07
Beecb Creek 601 4 21
Kagluvill* 6<H 426
Howard 6 13 4 80
Mount Knglo 6 18 4 48
t'urtln 6 22 4 48
Miletburg 6 80 4 66
IM It-foil te r. 40 6 06
Mileiburg 6 60 6 16
Snow Shoe lot 6 68 * 6 19
Unionvllle 6 02 6 28
Julian 6 12 6 38
Martha 622 648
Port Matilda 0 29 6 66
Hannah 0 37 0 14
Fowler 6 39 8 16
Raid Eagle 0 49 0 19
Vail 0 63 6 24
Arrive at Tyrone 7 06 6 36
Leave Tyrone 7 30 8 80
East Tyrone 7 87 8 87
Vail 7 40 8 40
llald Eagle 8 45 8 46
Fowler 7 64 8 60
Hannah 7 67 8 69
Port Matilda 8 05 9 09
Martha 8 18 9 17
Julfnn ....8 23 9 26
Unionville 8 83 9 87
Snow Shoe 1 tit 8 42 9 17
Milenburg 8 46 9 60
Ilelleronte 8 66 10 00
M ilea burg 9 06 10 10
Curtin 9 16 10 19
Mount huglu 9 19 20 23
Howard J 92610 32
Eagleville 9 86 10 42
lleech Creek 9 40 10 46
Mill Hall 9 62 10 68
Flemi igtoii "9 55 11 01
I Arrive at Lock Haven 10 00 II 06
K.— Time Table in effect Nov. 19
Leaves Snow Shoe I 13 a. in., arrive., in
Ueilefonte 6:20 a. m.
Leave* 11 llefonte 9:"0 A M , arrive* at I
Snow Shoe at 11:04 A. in.
Leave* Snow Shoe 3:50 p. m., arrive* at
Bellefonto 5:38 p. M.
Leave* Ilellelonte 8.10 p. ni., arrivo. at
Snow Shoe 10:40 p. M.
8. S BLAIIt Orn. Su,, t.
mj TUNE Table in effect Nov. 19, 83.
Mi ted.
, Leave Scotia —l2 15 6UO
Fairbro- K 1 00 6 20 j
Penn'a Furnace 1 15 5 40 1
Hooller 1 28 5 60
Marengo 1 85 6 55 ,
leiveville ( 1 58 6 00
Furnace Road 1 45 6 10
Warrior* Mark 2 00 6 25
Pennington 2 12 6 40
WE.TON Mill F 2 25 6 50
L A T. Juovlion 2 51 6 65
Tyrone 2 33 668
Mi ted.
| Tyrone "... 1 00 9 20
I. AT. Junction I 04 9 25
Witlon Mill 4 14 9 181
IVnnlngt >n - 4 82 9 18
Warrior* Mark I 42 9 58
Furnace It- 'AD 4 57 10 12
Lovevtile - 5 02 10 16
Marengo 5 07 10 22
Hiwller 5 17 10 85
IVnn'a Furnace 5 27 10 41
Fairbrook 6 47 II 03
Scotia 6 20 IT 50
1 I'hil* & Erie Divi-lOR -On and j
alter Nov. I*. I*B3
L .iv. Pbila>l''|>hie... . 11 20 P m
Harriaburg 4 2*) a RN
Willi*mptf 1.. 8 49 a m
Jerey Shore 9 09 A M
R 10 AM
Arrive* at K i" * • > pn>
Leave* Philadelphia ' D * NI I
Harriabnrg - 11 I > n m ,
Arr at William*, rt . 2 pm ;
L"ck il*l<O 355 P2II I
R. n .vo * p m
Kane ... 9 03 pNI
PA<ngr* by tin* train arrive
in Belief.. nne at 5 0-. p M
Leave* Philadelphia .„ 11 10 am
lltrriftburg 3 25 p M
William*, Ert. .. 7 1"> p M
Arr at Haven.... 805 p M
LEAVE* I*nck Haven 6 60 a M |
William*, E.rt 7 <*>6 a n>
arr at Harritburg 11 3<> am
Philadelphia 3 15 PM
REAVE* Kane 6 00 a in
Renovo.. 0 05 a rn
Haven II 15 a M
Williamport 12 25 a M
arr at Harri*hurg 3 43 p M
Philadelphia 7 25 p in
leeavea Erie 1 55 p M
Renovo. 10 27 PM
LN..K Haven II 20 p M
Wtlliamtport...,. 12 85 AM
arr at llarri-burg 4 08 A M
I'H.iadelphia 7 50 a M
Erie Mail Ka*t and \Vet connect at
Erie with train* on L H. V M. S. Kit ; at
Corry with B P. X W.RR ; at Emporium
with'B , N. Y & P RR , and at Drift
wood with A. V. RR. T. OUCKKK,
' Gen'L Sup't.
No ULTOM*-'* LINVE *O thoroughly (MINED
the (kill of the medical ttrnfeion a*
cancerou* affection* and a* they have al
way* "been conidered incurable, it ha*
been thought durrputable to adopt their
treatment a* a pecially ; and hence phyil
clan* have neglected their proper ttudy.
But of late year* new and Important di
coverie* hare brought forth It cour*e that
n>w prove* *ucce**iul in any of it* form*,
with certainty, without tbe Ue of the
knife or caudle platter*. We have a
treatment that I* comparatively mild. It
I* not poitonoua, dor* not Inlerlere with
tbe healthy FLEEH, can bo applied to any
pari of the body, even the tongue. We
take nothing lor our nertlee* until tbe
cancer I* cured. Addre**
K*gl'eville, Centre Co, Pa.
How Tho Democrats "Blunder."
The Republican, m well as certain
"Independent" papers, take special de
light in pretending that the Derno
• rats are continually "blundering."
they keep their courage up all the year
aiound by their shivering fun on this
subject, and when the elections are
over and their banners are trailing in
the mud they hysterically proclaim
I that the Democrats hnve agsio "blund
ered" into victories. They play so
continuously on this string, that even
many Democrats themselves are partly
persuaded that sucb is the fact. Hence
let us see what kind of "blundering"
the Democrats have been guilty of in
only the last three or four years.
They have held their own in the
United States Senate ;
They have changed the United
States House of Kepresemttives from
a Republican body of 12 majority, to n
Democratic one of 77 majority;
They have elected a Democratic
governor in California in place of a :
Republican ;
They have elected a Democratic gov
ernor in Colorado in place of a Repub
lican $
They have elected a Democratic gov
ernor in Connecticut in place of a Re
publican ;
They have elected a Democratic gov,
ernor in Kansas in place of a Rcpubli
| oan >
They have elected a Democratic gov
ernor in Michigan in place of a Rcpubli |
can ;
They have elected a Democrat gov '
' ernor in Nevada in place of a Itepubli
i can ;
They have elected a Democratic gov
ernor in New York in place of a Rep ;
i üblican ;
They have elected a Democrat gov ;
ernor in Pennsylvania in place of a Re- '
publican ;
They have elected a Democratic g,v
! ernor id Ohio in place of a Republi I
J can -
They have elected a Democratic gov
ernor in Tennessee in place of a Re
: publican ;
Not to say anything of the election
! of Ruller in Massachusetts a yesr ago,
and the sweeping Democratic victory
! in Virgins a few weeks ago,
If this is "blundering ." the- Demo
jcralsdo not need to be as much al. i
irrned about it as the Republicans.
Narrow E.rnpo of A Man Form
lioinu Killed
A passenger on the fast line from I'ii I
vdelphia on Saturday last states that
j one of the in st miraculous escape from
I death he has ever seen occurred ne*r
; Ml. Joy. As the train was about to ,
come into the plscc a gentleman, who
> was in a sleigh, was coming toward the
track. He notir-d ilia: he could not
cross m time and oodavc red to check .
hts horse. The nnitnvl s,i a wiM one
and dish -d ahead. Raogn-i>ng h •
daiitfer as the tesst approach*- I tbo
trm k the man let go the imcs and threw
l tiioj -If out uf the Inn I en I of the
s'-i,-h. He ws not s sec vtid I o soor.
! As lie struck the snow the locomotive
I struck the horse and carrie I the sntmal
with the sleigh attache I for a distance
,of about thirty feel, killing the heaat
a'most instently and miking kindling
■ wood out of the sleigh. Dot') the horse
slid s.eigb wrr- finally tbown ovi r n
' -t-ei> et hankmcot. The msn, whose
name could not be ascertained, w is not
I injured in the least.
J Suffrage ID Rhode Island.
Rhode Island it is well known. ba
not a republican form of government.
| Its suffrage restrictions are the narrow
! est in the country. Under their Optra
tDn, a forego born citiz-n, no m tiler
bow long naturalised her of what worth
cannot vole unless be owns teal estate
worth f I >4 or with a yaily rental of |7
per annum. Thus it has happened
; that a gentleman who rose to the. rank
1 of brigadier general in the late war. by
gallant service for his adopted country
has been disfranchised by the loas ol
j his property s men who have represen
ted the state in Congress are disqualified
| to vote through business misfortunes,
and in one instance a man of wealth
who loaned til his estate to the govern
mqgitonits bonds, found that by this i
set he had deprived himself of the
privilege of franchise. The result ol
this restriction is that the vote in
Rhode Island is much smaller in propor
tion to the population than in any
other commonwealth in the country. '
In explanation of the perpetuation of.
this system a prominent Republican
politician of tbe state hss told a New j
York reporter that it is duo to
the fact that "Rhode Island ia not an
agricultural state; it is full of factory em
ployes who are mainly Irish. They are
Democrats. Tbe abolition of our auf
frago restriction would put us in the
power of this class. Our great corpora,
tions would be at their mercy There
ia a refreshing frankness about this to
say tbe least of it. It is tbe old doc
trine of let bim take who has tbe power
and lat him keep who can. Republi
can rbariaees, who clamor about melh
ods of political ostracism and exclusion
in the .South, will do well to study the
Rhode Island plain and aee what their
party does to "keep solid ' one of its
roost steadfast states. ZxtaOMfrr
Tho Now Sonator From Ohio.
Henery It. Payne is about seventy
years old. Before the war lie was s
member of tbe Ohio State Henste.
He went to the Charleston Convention
as a Douglass Democrat. After the
divsion ol the Democratic party he re
mained a Union Democrrt. He wsa
elected to (Congress in 187.1. from the
Cleveland district, Over Richard C.
Parsons, by s tmjorily of 2700, and
ws the first Democrat ever elected
from the Cleveland distiicl of the
Western Reserve ia its history, every
member from the organisation of that
district down having been u Whig or
a Republican. The district had he
fore been good for 0000 Republican
majority st any time of the year.
Previously, however, in 1867, he had
been nominated for governor, against
Salmon P. Chase, who had just been
renominated after one brilliant gu.
bernntorisl term. Chase was iu the
nobility of his personal beauty and
j tslfpla, the leader lawyer of Cincinati,
I s Payne was of Cleveland, and had
a great city'a enthusiasm and a partic
ular following on the Western reserve,
tie bad received about 40,000 majority•
By the energy of his canvass and the
impression be made as a person ol safe
conduct and high citizenship, Mr.
Payne brought Chase's mjority down
to 400 or 600, making the election so
close that for two or three weeks the i
issue was undecided. In Congress Mr. |
j Payne was a resuniptionist. Interested
■in vast iron and steel enterprises. He '
jis a Protectionist. Iu an addieif de. ;
livered one year ago he spoke earnestly j
; in favor of a tariir, both fortevenue and
1 protection.
Mr. Payne is a very wealthy man
> through his wife, who was the daughter
!ol Oliver Perry, who owned a large
i r
portion of thesite of Cleveland. Hand
ling this large home estate -a farm on
thesiteof a city now of 160,000 inbnb.
ilants Mr. Payne harl his attention
lurne 1 to tl>a investment of its riven
to s. He has, therefore been for mor--
than thirty years a financier ralh-r
than a lawyer, seldom engaging in can
>ea except iu aid of the poor, and then
always a- a counsellor. The develop
ment of the city of Cleveland became
his avocation as its main property
holder, and the derelopment of the
city is largely due to him.
lbs oldr-1 son. Nathan!'. Payne,
hss been nnyor of Cleveland, 'olonel
i). 11. Pay nr. soother son, is at tho
load of the Standard Oil Company, Ilia
greatest refinery and oil shipping r n
ccrn in the world. Henry W. Payne
manages the Ps) nr estate. The Payne
mansion, on F.jcltd Avenue, I'leve'and
is a 'Oft of urbm f-rra : a stout old s'ooe
boue. ahrre Mis, Payne was torn: it
■ still in the midst of fi<-|<|a, lawn- and
groves of trees Mr. Payne is at.or
the indiutn iS, 1 lit - pare ; be .% g. y
and has a mild, intelligent a Idrv - ■, en
force I with ele ir. we 1 developed fe.itu
rrs and blue eyes.
in i lu mortal* have red ail the fun
of di*ension to themselves. As;n lal
to the N. Y. ( i;<' <■ from Wa>hingt< n
Tiro Re; üblican l*"i<Jr in ' ii.gre.s
ared.-turl -d by a danger which threat
en > them nwmg lo an inability la rime
to an agreement on t'e tsr.tl ju> en.
il. Middle Stale* w> n fear that New
England will break awar, and the )g
(station, if any bill should reach the
-senate from the House, may become j
simply a grab gsme. esch ona taking)
what he csn get. Should Ibis occur !
tbe Republicans cinnot go to tho mm
try upon a well dehned issue for a high j
tariir. which the chief men of the psrty
think will be the best on which to j
make the contest. Tbcy fesr that
when the bill which my pass the House
cotnes up that Aldrich, Dawes, Morrill
and Hawley will not consent to kill it. j
but will go into it with the intention of
getting free wool for the benefit of the I
New England woolen manufacturers,
and frre dye stufD and machinery for ,
' the cotton manufacturer*. Such an
outcome of the matter would demora
; liie the party and smash ila issue for
tbe Presidential campaign.
Tho Currency Q-aent ion.
Senator Sabin, tbe Republican na.
lional committee chairman, wants the
payment of tbe national debt to cease,
and 60 years two cent bond to be iasurd
to furnish a basis for the national bank
currency, these institutions to be re
lieved from the payment of tbe 000 per
cent, tax and tbo bond* being there
fore made to them equivalent to* three
percent, investment. That plan will
suit the banks.
Chairman Buckner, of the House
commitee, does not see the benefit ol
continuing the debt for the sake of con
tinuing tbe national banks. And when
the debt is paid off be loea that the
banks must cease to exist as national
bank* by reason of there being no
bonds lo serve a* tho needed guarantee
for their circulation. Mr. Ruckner
under these circumstance looks to an
issue of treajurj notes directly by tbe
lOvernmeat to lake the place of bank
note* as currency.
The interesting question for the peo
pie is why tbe nation should pay two
or three per cent, upon tbe paper cur
rency it use* for the purpose of indue
ing the banks to iasue it! The United
States treasury always has specie In it#
vault* to answer as a basin upon which
to issue note* payable on demand in
specie. Why then should it pay banks
to iaue such notes 1 We certainly
should not maintain a debt U) enable
tbe national hank* to issue currency
There may he reasons urging the non
payment of the government bonds, but
this ia not one of tbum, Treasury
notes baaed on the coin in the treasury,
redeemable on demand al the sub
treasuries and mints, and not made a
legal tender, will give us quite a- j
good a psper currency aa that we have
from the national Lanka and probably
better in one regard at least ; tbe gov
eminent would hardly keep in circula
tion the filthy paper we now are cursed
with, spro .ding infection in its path,
hut would adopt the rule of the Bink '
ol England, which never reissues a pole
when returned to it. This extravsg
ance in new circulating pxpar is one
t that the people will gladly pay for, tut
j which banks that issue their circulation
iforprofit only wilt never be guilty of
| For this one sin agtinst the publ.c
j sense and aalety, bank currency is
worthy of condemnation.
Allundo Britdly Almost Victimiz
ed by Confidence Sharps.
W.tsni vino*, -lan. 11. —An attempt
, to obtain money on a raised cheek of
i which -Uistii-e Bradley, of the United
I Stutoa supreme cor I. was the intended
victim was made in tois city to-day
but failed. A district messenger boy
entered the National Metropolitan b ink
uliout noon and handed the t-lb-r a
settled elite ope which on opening he
! tund e-mlaitiod a cheek foryjOn signed
by Justice Bradley, and an >to stating
that the money was wanted by tbe per
son in who-* favor the check Was drawn
to purchase uniforms for the cadet
{corps. The teller questioned lie- loy
who said two men had given him the
Ti )tc an 1 told him t > bring the nrtney
to them. He was sen: bs> k to report
that the Link woul I not entrust him
wth such a large sum and a elerl was
-iit t> watch hint, lie was seen to
ini-et two men wnoj imped on board
: street ear when they -*w lh*t the c|erk
ws wit. bing them n-id e*. iped. Jus
, tice Bradley said when inquiry was
Hindi that he gave a check fir to
i woi v.-n whootti to him for a-üb. rip.
i <>n to aid in the purchase of uniforms
for the relets, anion examination it
a - i-'iirid that this shock bad baaa
! raised to JlVst.
A Senator*!* Bank Account.
"i see," s i senator Fi)4. "that u
W Dingles paper, in a v ry cenpii
rnrntsrv noti<". sets m* downai a poor
tn-.n. n worth ovi r$ J *•.<> b Thai',
too much," ssid Mr. Frye. "But the
f 'do* wl.o itr-i's that doe not know
the reason lam ao pour It came about
in thi* wise. I wa biought up in a
I taker family, and when, in my boy
h" I, I got acbareeto.-o up t 15 "ton
my (jaakcr grandfather give rnc .0 to
spend. I did not know any boys in
I', sinti, and I could think ol r.o war to
h its s"i w.~ rth of fun with' til boy . so I
kept tbe money in my p: kct. Wlit
I got home my grandfather t'krd me
how I spent the sj. and 1, • ith th 1 air
of one who h*d done a virtuous action- i
, said .- I did not spend it al all, grand
fat bar; I saved U fcbJ have it in n.y
pocket.' Wereujen my grandfather
said 'You may giro me bsck the '
money, William. I gave you that
■ mvnev to spend in Boston." F.ver
• inra that," aaid the > , nntor, "I have
known lictter thn to save money.
What tho Dlvor Sees
j Tho first sensation in descending j
j under water in a suit of armor i the i
j sudden bursting roar in the ears, caused
J by the air diiven into the helmet from
| theairpump. The flexible air hosehss j
to be strong > nough to l>eAr a pressure ,
of twenty five to fifty pound* to the
square inch. The drum of the ear yields !
to the strong external pressure, the
mouth o|s>m involuntarily, the air
rushes into the tube and strike* the
drum, which strike* hack to ids normal
sUte with* sharp, pistol like crack.
Peering through the goggle eye* of glass
in hi* helmet, the diver see* the strange
tieautie* about him clearly, and in their
own calm splendor. Above him i* a
pure golden canopy, while around him
ami beside him aro tints and shimmer
ing hue*, including all colors, which ore
indescribably elegant. The floor of the
seance# tike a golden onrj>et, inclining
gently to the surface. The change of
familiar objects aro wonderfhl. The
wreck of a ship seems studded with
emeralds, glittering in line* of gold:
I piles of brick assume the appearance of
t crystal ; a ladder becomes silver, every
( shadow gives tho impression ofabottom
lew depth.
' fiirr your Job Work dene t the
CsAAKk, Dajatzcaaz office.
Party DJseenaion*.
The thick and thin Republican jour
nals are uoing their utmost to make it
appear that there are dissensions among
the Democrat* in oongrea* on the tariff
questi n. There i* unquestionably iao
dlfferen- eot opinion among Drmocra
lio congressmen a* to the extent to
which fee proposed reduction of the
tariff should be carried, but there is a
substantial agreement among them that
there ought to be a considerable redoc
tion. A few favor a poetponemeot of
the matter until next year, but these
concede the necessity for a revision of
the tariff.
Until the committee of ways ant)
means shall report a tariff bill to the
bouae it will be impossible for even a
I Republican editor to know whether or
not the Democrats in congress will divide
|on the question. The Republican jour
nals are therefore just a little premature
| n their declaration that there is a con
tiict raging among the Democratic con
grea>m>-n who differ, not in principle
. but iri policy, on the subject tf the
tariff. Those journals betray an anxiety
in regard to this matter which shows
that they have but little hope that tbeiv
tail; be aide to win the piendi-nry
from a united Democracy.
The truth is that the Republican
party is not by any means harmoniou*
on the subjhct of tbe tariff. The brains
of the party are on the side of the re
venue reformers. The professors in the
New England colleges, notable among
them I'rofessors Sumner and Seelye. arc
outspoken free traders. And yet tbr-so
learned men are Republicans. Tbt
leading Re| uhlican pulpiteers, who have
been urcurtomed to presch politics, are
of the me tsay of thinking. Tbo
ablest Republican newspapers, at for
example tbe New York Tk<i, tl e New
ork /£rc*i/iy Pott, ibe fluff lo /->/ rets
and the Chicago Tribune, are either
earnestly opposing protection < r tabor
ing outright for the establishment of
freo trade principle*. Excepting this
New York 'Tribune and tbe t'nicago IrUrr
'' 'a :bere is no', a Republican journal
of large circulation which advocate*
protection fur tbe sake of protection.
The tixiaii fry Republican newspaper*
are therefore fain to console thrtnsel V( a
with the hope that the Democrats wdl
also diri !•; on the tsr.ff question and •
hence the f refuse shedding cf ink tc
prove that tbe Democratic congressmen
are fight'ng over it before they hsro
erer had an opportunity to compare
note* upon it. -Hart ~s; u r,- f'alriut.
Marritorious but Mod (Hit
i 'i ii r.il Hancock i • n of the most
j-sjstlssr and Irest 1 jk d genthitxw iti
tin- lOHiitrv. Hi--reception ill ''nljft.r
nia. which In- just viit-d after many
\. ar* abs :ioe, • in the oritur <4 an
u ation. wln rev -r In- sreut. und n . up.
on l.is return thnrngh Tex*, t . Arkan
. . the p. nple turn out to welcome hint
Ihoilgll !,.• wre indeed th. p t . .i.|. r,t
tiiflt he lis.rv,--lly ought to have Ui-u.
\nd \■ : In-1- a* mod .t and uu iuiviiig
1 ■•! run a pr.mdejrtial rm •.
Tun t'hirvgo 7" h sty* there sro
twet ty mi rai: - re* in the United
Mite# Senate, a- I trough more who
#re the represent at iv< * • f mill inairo
corporations to mike up i r.s hsif of the
whole number of SmM. It doe* not
make a man necessarily nci, us to make
him the owner tf a million dollar*— it
ought to make bira conservative—but
there are so ft w men in the country
who bsrq that amount of uiooey that
when so large a proportion of them arc
United State* Senator* the conclusion
is forced upon the minds of men that
they are Senators by reason of their
dollsrs rather thun by reason of their
' cspibilities. This is dead wrong,
j "Twenty or thirty yer ago," way* tbo
TW-nne, "the was composed
mainly of brainy poor men, and its
leader* were Clay, Webster, Calhoun,
llenton, Sumner, F.wing, Corwin. Ftouc
las, Trumbull. Fessendeo, Wade, Cbasn
and the like. Now the Senate has no
leader. ami a larger proportion
of its member* are millionaire*
who buy their election* from their State
Legislatures for the purpose of acting
as attorneys of some sinister interest or
of crowning the edifice of their huge
possession* by the glory of a seat in the
American House of Lords. 1 >oce great
men went to the "tenate to work for
their principles and ideas; now rich
men go there to work for their interest*
or to air their puma. The enom that
one* rang with the periods of Webster
and Sumner. Clay and Calhoun, sari
Chaae and Douglas is now stupefied by
the predatory and platitudinous essay*
ol the defender* of monopoly and
grants, monopoly taxes, monopoly con
tracts, monopoly opposition to all re
form and investigation. It result* from
the plutocratic character of the ma
' jorlly of the Senators that tbe Senate ia
: becoming, like the English House of
! Ixvrds, a merely obstructive branch of
the Government. It was in the Senate
' ia*t year that the wont jobs were ietrv
i duced into tbe Tariff bill. It was the
Senate that resisted as long as it could
, the passage of the G*l-*ervice bill, and
which has been relied on implicitly and
successfully to prevent the forfeiture of
land grants, or the enactment of any
laws for the regulation of the railroads,
or the incorporation of a postal tele
B graph, or any other measure of popular
need or benefit,''