fht €rotte smotrat. l'uur*iJßj Morning, January 10, 1884- 1 >.ui*riiUlnlnj(lin|*>rUnt #4 IVum i*rt..l ilt* county. No cornmunic-at-ti* ••"••I IIM. ,r<*,iniiHui* RMOEIL IH* lATCII OI TLNBTYDBNR, And ith ti to Ir* d th *hrrh(>ld Mr f**tnr nf4 Hbw In •tor* — \\ % || uut Uoa'i A" 4| d | t" M thi* Uftt. —We would lie pleased to hear from our Millhrim cotrespondent. —l'rof, IVrkin* will Itold u convention a* f Voire II ill, hoginitigabout 2Hth,n*t. Tlii i* the II ition.il week of prayer u„.| eli*rvt'il hy most of our churches. —t'entre county teachers are liand . no and intellectual, bright und witty, well read, well fed, and j-ivirly paid. JOIIHG. I "/vie, of Snow Shoe. bought S' ;.-riff i'- lit*' stock of sleigh* at whole, mile I lie other du\ . S.klllHlV Went oil hi* way rejoicing. The licllefonte and Beech Creek rsiln.ul ailt)niritiiw have pun hu—M the property on Lamb and Water street* for a depot building. Andy liiitnel, of Centre Mil!-, rented the hotel property at Aarotisburg and will take po---vion about April 1-t. Here's .ueee to you. Andy. —lee a- clear a.* crystal and about e'gilt itiehes ill tlliekm --. i- being haul ed off the l'|.tiling mill dam and tie- • who have i< c hotixe* to fill are on the top sh-|t' of happine-s. \ voting Beaver wa- discovered in one of the elegant homos on Curtin 'reet the night after Christmas. Tin fi.-m-rnl concluded to keep tin* little f.l'otv v a present from s anta Klaus, although he did arrive a day late. —Ten thousand dollars v.a -:>i~.-*l ill town I.ist week to secure the right of way down the Bild Kagle valley. The jsmr lie it and -mall business nun eontri buted lilierallv. The millionaire bank • ers gave cold shoulder* and tongue. —Tin- Steam Heating Co. turned on the heat on Monday evening. About a dozen dwelling houses and business plates an* alsmt ready to receive luat through this source. Mr. D. O. Bush s resideiiea, we an- informed, was the first building heated through this medium. —K. B. Spangler A Co. will occupy the large room in the Opera !!ou*c now occupied by la-vi's clothing .tore, after April Ist. ''Rube" is just tin- kind of a fellow to run a furniture store, and their heavy increase in business has made them look out for a larger room and bet ter accommodations. Dr. Bright will shortly occupy the effioe of the late Dr. Hillibish.of Rcbers burg. Dr. Bright, by strict attention to Internees. has won the confidence of every one who has ever had need of his services, and is very popular in Penn. Bmsh and Sugar valley*. Few men of his years can lawst of AS large and lucrative (ractice as can Dr. Bright. And now that the good old Dr. Hillihish is gone, the community can congratu late themselves upon tbeir excellent and worthy substitute. —Bellefonte capitalists bare purcha* ed the Car Work*. They are now owned by men who have an interest in our town, and we may exfiort them to fie put in operation as a manufacturing establishment of some kind. We doubt whether they will ever be run as car shops, but there are other maaufarttir. tog businesses for whirh they aw pecul iarly fiMe-1. ami the fact that they hare changed hands, and the well-known business push ami energy of the prraent owuers, is sufficient guarantee that they will not remain an eye sore to our people. —Through the exertions of Qor. Cur tin the Pennsylvania railroad company have concluded to complete the Peuua valley road from Mpring Mills to Lemont. If the good people of that valley ever for a moment doubted the Governor's jmsition on that matter—though why Ihey should we cannot see—all doubt has now been expelled. We never had the slightest doubt as to where he stood, aa time afrr time he haa importuned Ihe management of the Penn'a Co. to complete that road and fulfill their part of the contract. It waa only through the maliciousneaa of Jietty |>olitirian* that such a question waa ever rained. It i* now settled forever. In leas than a '•ear the sh-yi whistle of the Incntno t've will echo through one of the moat heautifril valley* of our State, and jus fee will have been motel out to a long sufferlng people. Personal. Mr. Jaa. Hughe* returned from hi* visit home to Princeton college on Wednesday afternoon. | Our friend, Howard Spangler, 1* run -1 ning the pool room in the Bush House block. Mr. Daniel Myers, accompanied hy his charming sister, Miss Sadie, are vis iting among friends and relatives in Clearfield county. Messrs. W. C. And L 0. Lingle, of Philipsburg, were visiting at the home of their pun-lit*, on -Spring street, sever al days last week. Dr. T. It. Hayes and wife arrived home from their extended trip to Ku' rope a few days vince, very much bene fitted in health. This trip throughout was very pleasant and agreeable. Mr. Reuben Fishburu a former resi debt of Centre county, but now of Wyandotte, Kansas, arrived here Tues day evening, and will spend several week* in this section vi*iting among 1 friends and relatives. Our genial and pleasant friend, John 1 itishel, tisq., of Potter township, looked • to upon us on Saturday last. Mr. Rish r el is one of the suhntanlial and popular r Democrats of that township, and stood high on the return* for Associate Judge •or this eounty last fall. Our valuable friend, Hon. J. B. I.inn, favored us. at the same time, with an visit, which we trust he wiil repeat olten at bis leisure. , Mr. J. P. Condo, of Penn llall, hn • gain made arrangement* to travel for tie will known Grocery llou*eof Smith, Foster A Co., of Philadelphia. Mr. Fos t<-r-hn served in the employ of the ihove firm for n number o( years, and . i* a (Trt clan* salesman. We had a very pb-asant < all from our genial friend, Mr. Geo. \V. William*, of Boaldiurg, on Friday la-t. Drop in to 'cc u* again, George. W. .1. Carliu, the w- rih> Ju*tirt of tli'c Peine of RcU-rd-idc* dealing out justice, can ileal you ' out a flr*t-elaes sew ing murhim- oi or i gnu. a* low a* any other man in the county. -Mr. A. V. Kohlbn ikcr,thegeii< i-(.u* , proprietor of the Central <*ity hotel, presented each of thcmiiii t< r of Mil-• i tiiirg and Central City with a turkey f,.r ! Christina*. This i* a custom "Kobly" • h.w kept up f->r a number of year*, and we have no doubt they w- re thankfully reeeived by the recipient*. t ur ticket agent. Hilly Tlioma*. con , eluded to take a"high ride a few d.i\ - I ago. tif course it was cold, and Billy, after hitching ■ up hi* 11.40 l ag, tuck- I himself snugly in hi* robe*, pulled up the reins and. lo! the how Went but the sleigh remained just where it was. Tin- liovs say Billy really bad fastened the traces, but jut l*-for<- starting In j Billy) gave one of those wonderful tne'zti and atluitl/y sneezed the trace loose. I.win's Phila. Branch is the place to buy clothing cheap. A benutifui line of silk handker chiefs at Lewin's. —We are indebted to the publishers of the Philadelphia Rteord for a copy of p the odmirahle almanac published and . circulated from the office of that able and wiilc awake journal. It is lieauti fully gotten up, and to say thai it* con tent* are worthy of the great journal is all that is necessary to express our com mendatioa. —Very latest style hats and cape at Lewin's. WISTIB Cxruioa Ticxtrs.—ln view of the inoreaaing popularity of winter tripe to the seaside and to Florida, and the demand for round-trip ticketa to the prominent resorts, the Pennsylva nia Railroad Company, commencing Tuesday, January Ist, IHM4, will place on tale, at principal stations, excursion tioketa to Cape May, Cape May Point, Atlantic City, Old Point Comfort, Va., and Jacksonville, Florida. Three ex cursion ticketa will bo entitled to all the privileges of other first class ticketa, and permit the holder to stop off en route where such privileges is granted on other first class ticket*. The return coupons of these tickets will be accept ed until May Slst, 1884, except thoee to Jacksonville, which, under certain cir cumstances, have special limitations, details of which, as well as s copy of an illustrated pampletcontaining rates and appropriate descriptive matter, can be obtained upon application to nearest ticket agent. A very attractive book, descriptive of the above winter excursion, has been published hy the Pennsvlvanis Railroad Company which can be procured either by letter or in person upon application to Theodore E. Watt, Passenger Agent, Wast District, 110, Fifth Avenue, Pitts burg, Fa. —'Celluloid cuff* and collars, all sixes, at Lewin's. —Winter slock must go. Bpedsl bargains at Lewin's. Institute Proceedings. Tin* ringing of tin- Court Houeo bell Monday Pec. 3l%t,at 1.30, r. M., smtoni- Med the Thirty-seventh Annual Meet ing of the Teacher* of Centre rounty. Institute was called to order hy the President, and opened hy devotional ex ercisea eori'lucted hy Kev. W. U. Whit - nay, who read the 2d chapter of Pro verbs, and then delivered a very impres sive and appropriate proyer. This was followed hy singing a -election from the "Crown Jewel," entitled, "Are we fining fill we can for Jesus," The singing was conducted hy C. E. Hehnffer, a*i*ted by W. A Williams, the Mind musician, at the organ. The Holl clerk preeewled to call the roll, ami one hundred and tbir ty-six teachers responded, "present." Musie hy the choir. The President, P. M. Wolf, addressed th> teacher* in his r usual modest, gentlemanly anke in appreeiative r terms of the presence of so uiunv teach • ers on o|H'uing f the institute, and commended to them the importance of hciug attentive and wide awake to the various subjects that Would he diseas ed, uiid gain all tin- information the) could from th suggestions that would lie offered hy the ill triirtols who llil'i la-en euii fully whtti-d for tin- oc .isiou. The suhjeet f M-KI.I.IXf, wus taken up lij Prof. A. .1. Duvi*, of the Department of Instnietion at Hat rishurg. who, ofti r sonn- humorous pie I fatory. illustrated ami lefincd the siih- I jeet of Phouetie pi lling, hy giving in ; teresting and amusing exnttiph - <-n the | M e klsiard. in wlih h the teacher- t<.k an a< tive part. Iniriiuiontal solo hy Mr. William*, tin- Mind uiusif inn. Pr. B. '5. Northrop. Ex-State Supt. of Conn., was next intriMlueed, and after some preliminary remarks, nunoumid for Au snhjeet riioxmc mi LiM.. Tills suhjeet he discussed pi n man tier that was instructive und high)) ■ nt-i taming to the audienoe. ID-emphasised the imjsirtatiee of early training in making the sound* ofletlers. The President announced that there would IK- an > ntertaimuent given in the evening by Stuart Hogers, ini|s-rsonat illg "lear Wihle," "Dink* at the Teh phone." • tc.. hut on account <>f some misunderstanding h<- failed to npjH-ar. j and in cone<|Uenee of which Pr. Not throp i|i liverefl a \< ry e|of|ueiit *b-citire on the suhjeet nl "Rural life and home*, or how to improve and hiti ld npn town." He cited the uudi-tie. m tln- imp rlsm- • of plnilt Illg tre- about dw "111ngs, where hy the up|>eariinre would not only U largely enhanced, hut great good in im proving the sanitary and -*lhetie condi tion of rural homes would l- areotn pli le-d. He stated that lie had aided in organising I7H association* during the season. Ill* surees* a* a lecturer has Is-en amply reeogniteil hy the pr throughout the country . TI'ESPAY. Kev. Crittenden eonducted the dero tional i xeri ••. <•!• f img such |*i--iigc of scripture sjipropriste to the first day the new year. Prof. Davis was the first *|enker. who, after wishing the teacher* and all present a happy New Year, an nounced s* the theme of hi* retnark*. ARITHMKTtC. After securing several pieces of cur rency. he proceeded to define I'nifcd States money, however more closely confining hi* talk of the metric system. An essay was read hv Miss Maggie Shaf Or on "Morals anil Manners in our •School*." The theme was an excellent one, anil abounded in rnurh suggestive thought. Prof. Hf-ston gave a hrief talk on History. Suit-dividing tin- suhji-et into /Wi/uw/and sorial Hutnry, An un usually fine recitation hy Mi** Waddle, of Dock Haven, was given, after which a concluding talk on the "Culture of the Faculties of the Mind," by Prof. I>avi*. He gave an interesting illustration of the training of hi* own memory, which for many year* was poor and defective, now strong anil active. TV ESP AY EVEN I NO. Pr. Northrop delivered a famous 100 ture on "Moderan Japan." A full bouse and an interesting lecture, W KPN ESP AY. Rev. Walter Whitney again load the opening exerciaes. Pr. Northrop Took up and considered the subject of "lan guage Demon*," offering many new and suggestive idea* on teaching the sulyect. Dr. O. G. Groff waa next introduced, and after a pleasant preface on the topie which ho had selected, highly en. tortained the audience with a vigorous and instructive lecture on Hygiene. Dr. OrofT will he remembered as having been an instructor at last year * meet ing, and in view of the nol>|o work he did then, needs no further comment. At this juncture the Institute was favored by an instrumental accompani ment, elegantly rendered Mr. Will iam*, the blind musician, ami Franklin Dot rick, the natural violinist, Prof. Paris gave a talk on "School Government)" in which lie discussed the different modaa of governing. Pr. Groff gave a conclusive talk on tbe sulyept of '' " - '' '* * yif,. >• WM Ihgienr, and "Dife on the Earth," with j the uid of illuatrous chart*. Prof. Mey er,of Clinton county, remarked that the i teachers of Ids re*j>cctivc county were ' organising a "Mutual Improvement und lleneiit Association," a society whose chief aim is to improve the condition of teachers in their influence relative to legislative power. After some hrief I discussion the subject was deferred un > til some other time, Mr, George Boal, in his natural gift of 1 oratory, rendered u recitation entitled I "Tito Vagabond." The audience showed their due appreciation by loud uiel re peated applause, W KPN JSBDA Y EVEN I KG. 1 "The Boy" was the theme on which CJol. C. J. Arms lectured. Tlie theme wu* suggestive of something good ; the tenor wit* serious and fully exhibited i the true situation in which the average boy i* placed in a certain perioit of hi* life. TIiriISPAY. Institute opened by devotional oxer* I i rises, conducted by ll>v. Kur t. After sonic miscellaneous husitii -* had Im-i-h di-|si-i'd of. Prof. I). M. Dieb made a j motion tluil, in view the filet that lion. \. 'i. ("urtin h id < • u cnted tofav- I or the Institute with an address, that a I committee Is- up|Kiinted to wait on the Governor and ■ -ort him to the ln*ti- J till". Prof. Diet, and Mr. Grav were j cli'isen to attend to tlii* dutv. At \\TKn. -A good girl to • I Bishop street jut l .l-o* tile ''inn j tilings House. Be|h font". —Having t.iki II • barge of tlx- Bli-li Hon. Pool Kooni. I • old re.jM-etfulh ' invite the pool pi. vers of Ih-llefonu- and i • vicinity, whi nin want a littlem-rm i j tion, to call. The tables are of the reg : ulnr si/-- and of the very le*t make, and it ve lately 1„ en r< fitted. Respect fully, H iw *ui> Sr*\'i,LKa. (J t" i! )rix. a < . Aumm9r j Ths olde.t me-, t s-its in 11-llefc-tii" oSVr the following tsrgair,* : j Ills- k-u. isi a pair . haps. 75c ; dress 1 C<- '!•, A-; ladies w/s.|n Rose, I.V ; genu woolen winter bose, lA-; ladle* ; I first genu shirU fx*' ; fishnet* i| ] | iiK-iipii-n. and prlcrs • n.< r • g< d selid j Ds.U. f2 00; n.irror* all six s '!sc to 00 . ! s *e KI and ffesh line t,f pure gr,s-, rie* ai bottom {fire, tlmmtry jr..luce solicited I and always en band, it will pay j. * u> i I call, we can't Is- ur>d*r-
m Jssssr) 4, IMS. TMslasUlwilea Is !a*4 la eas #f tbr asast bsaa- Ufal sa4 Usailkfal if***"' Hs aattra A Itaebsa) rM. I Is ogaa *c etaS'-ats at bU ansa, sa4 #•* Um M lewtag Oaaraas <4 Slaty' 1 A Fall Claaslral oeanw ef gser Tsar*. 2. A Utta Sr>•' eearw. 1. A Vail Orlsauac Caere* at gear Tear*, t. Ths fsttesrlaa sgBCIAL WMB, sf twa ysars •aek Mlawlag Ik* r* twa ysars of tk* RcieaU tsCsaraa (s> AUOirrLTCRRi (fc) RATCRAt, HtRTORVi (r) CBKIIIRTRr AMDf HTUOR;(0) ' CIVIL RXGINCRRIRO. 6 AskertiPßClALCOfßali* Agrtraltwra. , K A sk*rt SPROtALOOCRaR la Ck**slstry. 7. A Otasshwl sat fWnMiic gisyatak'ry Csaiaa. s. aractAt, COt R*K> are arraagMl to asrt tks I mats -t ladlsMaat ataAsaits. Military Srlll t rasalewL tiysuss kr Uri sat 1 HMAentals ssry low. Tattso* na. Voaag IsOtas an- ■ Aw sharis a 4 a rotsyi.ol lady Prtarltal. I ra*Catalngwas. or otksr lafsrssaUaa.sDMm* QRO. W. ATHMttOR. Tsswaaav, ' •rsTrOuast, Cterat Co.. Fa. I-M.tr • —Mr-Mr*, Bunnell it Aik'-na have, a j very fine wlection of *oli *|lporaaaa 1i, (arreted | (bat the following IrenP#Hre of tb. good. .#,,) 1.-lt * * *(•*#' t'< w, I .a, U'.f|..r 111*, f fiAlili , a f ||,a A.tofHtbnf Sir" A tl.liiil Lav. i~.a,j mti I.* ih. n an,ll„ ((,„ ~m , , , h „ , ~.,k nt 111. Orphan*' bert nt Ontr. cuaoty and if i . .|,t|..r,. 1.. fll-l llinrt.. 111, nt I •*!..„ lb. r,..| 4,, n*t <#WI lII* ret#.. will I . win ftrtn.,l al#*t.lntely I*l. \p|"ai—m# I of lb* rr*l ..tel. i.f 11. maa M'ff'illllri. I*l* i.f W alk.r t**i*lil|i ii*r*a**d *■ I •perl In ill* I 4" < .tharin. .'A Inventory I 11.. (ere.n.l ~t A*tun f Rpb*tit* let i.f Hell.# I .t,*li .L if.'**a* ] aalikan (IT bl* wld w. Me.rhe II iliarA* .1 l..r.n|..ry of lb |.oa.t,.i fe'1(1.0(1 nf nt It J ffIII# 1 .I (tl* of eft'##* i#wr,#b:p, .ireee#*--! na lab.it l.y lII* lUw, Zinnia K fflflii-i.il in. ln*.uUit ~f ib, p.ri, .! prnt*tty nt Bli.b i •*!* .fpint ler to*ti*blp deeaaieetl.aelAk.il JAMM A Hid LAIN, .. liteleln ! Benttrui Omrr,l*r.Jiaf, A. D, I*i iji \ ri'i.U'ATio.v rnu i,i< KNSK. * Naflce il.'Ml i (lot, Il.a! il„ *.l p.r* ia* b• f'.i.l 11,. ,* |*|.l| .„ i, , p.,, ( n ,j, # , n®'* 1 II" ■ k t remit of ifeeit.i r*mt..r# of th. |r*r. In and f # fei.ir. < ...it I I>MINI-TKAT< K > N(>Tl# J; | A a bum of admlnl tT J'UIV H I INN, ! Adtolnoiral. i VOTICE i- betwbf |i*M ibfti the |A~ aaaaaal af m A Itaakla Ommm** i ll'-" I". lie e lar eo, . b*t ~n M|~l il . , fr.- f in-I'i iW <.f lb, Onnrf al f-mmon Hi^*. lin ai l f r lb. , ton♦* id ('. iifr. and ll.nt **id e j ..out ei i i i trwnlad ff n i firneail-n eiil,. mil J line of *e>4 (emit, it IUMI'LII, ''* til f'relb .ni.le*T. J i ron's .NOTH i:— Iy-m-re I 4 r, A If. lift J T*- ,i|4 4 tl*# alt |.. j n . | 'iHriwat t a- tnmk* jMio4i* ot* (Hj•*' and all |m * rg < .aim* lb* Nam# i to |rr*#Sf t lir-81, dllljl ajtttfll at-4 t.-y j f, * aw*ftj. ! *•*. J M tIIRtRKK. f VtfWfllUfa pHTKAY NOTICE.—Came u the I J ' ' "Jr. fr l.t f T atia'il fa. •i. et Jul; or Anril la*t a r*d alt rf,# y+mt , '.4 vitt, #n.sin ~t n ?#ft war Tl.*"*r#r ail) ' j 'rsM rail. J*< r# Jf f |t *wl fob* !*♦ . aat i* of mimm M.i 4*f 4, l,arU| Uffc j to IS# *d# aH ft ro-Bi ltdrd'(*<) la ' tb# Pt|l af* r t tfillr it>4 lb a* 1 hartvir 'lalfr iftinH \h+ mil*, lo th* j •#r?*, do.y anthoi i*d f f a#ltl*i*t J. X HOT. , ftO-X Kwhaa fV*uri *'|ta of Ihr balaroa In of Ka>an I ol Phu*y. Ttwl*#, and rrjnfl lb# n at o#lf | tana, artl! att#o4 I- tb# dm*** of hi* fttywiaUawtit , Monday January I4b. I*M. al lit s'dak, ' aK*ti *bd h#r* all j artlo* Rt att*ad If ih# w* i profawr. KLLIt L. ORTIP. Atfitar. / IOCRT PROCLAMATION. V / WIIRRRAa. lb. Item Aden lleji. Pr44>*l Jndk* "f lb* l *n of (>>■•<• fie*, of lb. b JodP iel Hwam, mrdalei of lb. lernim of Caatr*. need Hauler** and tbe llna. J. O larla* end the Hon l R taaitb, laodet* Jo4r* la (Vntr* neelj, War in* leeo! Iliadr yr,eft. l-*wing 4t* the Mtk 4a ( id Her, |at. to B*a cimrwd. for biddlej a Oeerl af Off and TeaaaUrea and Ueaeaal Jail tmUrerr end liwl* Aewei ae at Ik* Pen** la blbdwle, for Ik* nmatr of ttaatre. and It emaMn* en Iba Ilk Hon bid Jeaoarj a>vt, Mt| lb* Mb 4a; af Jaanarf l**d. and be nonUnn* to and. Notice It beret-r glr*i lo tbe Itoconer, Jatiicae of Ibe Pence. Alderman and OnaWablna of aaid conntf af Cantrn, that lb*} he Ibee and there la their proper P*i*n. al 10 e'ekarb la tbe fun au i* id aald day, with Mr raoerda. In *al dtloek etamlnalbata, end tbrtr ova naiatreawe, lo do til i.i Ibiac* ekU to Ibelr aOre Ml rlnlna to be dnae, and iboee ekn are Sneed la to prmecou aaalaat tbe prtonnere that ma or aball be In the Jail of Centre ronat}. be th. and there to prnaa rnte acainet them aa ekell be laei (Hera ander my band, al Bedlefhate. tbe Mtb day af Dec*bee. la the year af onr land l*k-t.and the ana baadre4 and earentb rear af the led paaJence of the failed Ptat*e THOMAA J. IiI'RRRL Meant SHERIFF'S SALES."" BY rirtue of auodrr wriu of Fiara Partoe. Lerarl Padne eaJ Tia/IIM Ciponaa, lata i d oat of the Chart of (bhnea Pteaa of Oeatn reeeaty and to ma dirartod. wilt ba aapanad to pnblir aala la the Oanri lewa, la Iba horengh af Mtotoala, oa RATTRDAT, JANTART *. A It, I*M, tbe Caltoelag yiaytrty, to wit: No. I. AU tb.l ■aaaanai, tonemaat and tot of land aitaata la Catonrtlto barwagh, and knew a aa lota aaatowd tbraa and Ibar la W to. P. Mark aitenadoa of eald horaogh, aa rarwtdad ia ■laaeHaneonr Bonk "R," AM. la tb. o®ce tor recordtag duto, ear , la Centre coaaty, aaid lata betag bene fed tad deecf lb ad aa tolUwa Bagtontag at a pal aa Iba Berth aide af Altogbaay afreet, theme by aa alley Berth B*, eraat In feet to Blgh edrart, thaacn along raid atoned in toet to aa alley. Uieara along nU allay r . eeai 1— feel to Allegheny atoned, thee re along aaM all art lb leet to | dace af bagthalag. being the era# I tart which Wa P Plaher had Betber, hto wlto, by Ihedr deed dated 7th of Nay, A. ft, IMB, and inaidid In Heed Hook ■H," No. 1. lege 371. grealed and "enray ed a ado the mi J. W. V natal la. party hereto Aeieed, tab#a la ereratba. and to ha aaM aa tbe property af O. W. VaamUa. # tern tor af J.W, Van valla. dacaaaad. Ne. 3 AH thai certola tod or piece nf gnraad el la el* la lb. barungb of MlUlndto. Cewire canaiy. Pa. hunadedaad daefr Ibed. ae bdtowa • Oa lb* wint by tnmpikn. north by na alloy, anal by OTI. aoalh by ewe#, coalnlnlot one acre, more or tone, tbereea nrecd ed a r*a and a half ttory liin* bene*, elehte and other oal leillbngt ALPO, AU thai **rta>* irari af I In# be r land attende la font# lewneblp t.haatrwmeaty. P*.. leaadad an the treat by lao#le of h. U. temple 11. en the eeetb by laade of Joba Rem. oa the tent by toad wf 14- 11. Wedaer, end on Ibe nenk ky landa of 11. UntMnger, end .fiber*. < onlelnmg eleren arena, to* "o torn *•> balldlnge Belted, taken la crrrrtOna, and to h* told ae tb. property aft rtok Brdtoayder. Ba. All tha detomlanCd light, ihto and htirrwed ia and to * rertain i.t r 11. < M groaag l!ante lo Ibe towaeblp of Poiler. Centra wtaaly. Pa., boat! tad deertlhed, ae f.,l|r.ee : On lb north and met lsi,#le of Janwe A Kellrr, on Ibe errotb by a pal road, and on the em by a pnblm rend, cat*tof 08. *# re. move of lent ibeteon *cll a .J ft Ing hotter, *iabt. a#<) other oat le,tiding* AH fmti'A. tek.n lu .(Mruiloa, and to |ir.'ierty of bar W. Ko#h. No I All that mmerta*., Im.as.nl JHn', [etui #llO.l. In Marl# a towneblp, leeln 'A [•ooad.d n#.#l lieertlbrd, ae f#;lloaa fin lb# lB r 'i I lend of Roltert ll.nd*ra##ti oa lite met l.rMh I lltoatne I". I. on the oo.ul, by lend #/f perU He „i#|Uie woet by land #f Andrew llerler, ft#riag all |"rtlon ice owned by r. in* Zimmermen, Ibe * portion boring town wild t„ o >n .„,| Tl #,Wwd deed deled tl.. ltl day M urn, and ran ed in li*M H#e#k "M No 1, ,##* TI. In fbe oNbat the r.#or,|it,g Of Inod. m l>„t f . roonly, re'erf ; * •'•'l a.|ll more fatty and enlarge efipaar), i J 1 !' 1 * ' a# r#w, toot. ##r I#*#, ei* (torn], ... I *L*" " , * 1 r ' f, aln l##l and plana of grotted i*i. In Hogg* towneblp. Centre cooniy. Pa- boor ■odd.oilbed .# follow. ,##, the o .rcb by pwWk r j bwdlag frttia Mlleebarg to i ..rtitj'a work*, an 1 aL" Regie Creek, oa Ibe ..at by in J Men. Mergnrl (ir.gg „n lb* aoalb by Ike * f.^M.VIi l ' •*' by pnl.llc tend Into I ftom Mil# el -a#g a, M.r.h f #eek, o.i.ulalag el* ' "e .7" X, *' ,r U " ""•* p>*a#le*r wl ' T5 i ""J**". ll wife,|,y d-d d, j lit'al' "* J """ *'"l r#~"#d#~l in Ireed B a No. I*r# I'd. n#a-,t..j and -d i„ tb* ,l # t | tela Jhtotodkyj M Jooethn. lull] llrf, wld .w I ootn.en a#, I n, kroieCe l#.|ra, lbed *.* land. led. #■' • ""i'tZ *" '* ' 1 '*"* U# a ikeiel ll.#l f nib f* . w.-et l*|e.trb.w lo a ab,n. th.< • at*. , eaal 'it p#t* b#a b, tieiet II .1. . ntnlb I w#wd |g petti,.* |. ti,..,... ...oil, :~i M{ p.f, t#e k e felltr. . 1 ~„1 J1 (.etcbn, p, e "... 1, ..111 ■ #1 K perrhee (o a |*Wl t,# north I' waai 1". 4-|,i pet, baa toe p>#ei u 1. . # | IP (" '.tel., tbe | 1... iUilSn II .• •'-.•• w-i b i.wt Maiftan A wf ' L 1 M *fih4 E bk. . ere. I,.'..end I pfop#ny of Pre# k lir. n.,1 All llei t#,#w.,*g. t.n, met.i b-i of grr.oad net. Ik g,.ti, rt. a .1, 1 , ~t .. *. .. P'natyleaatn. I- ~, #d a,) a, f. il: Itog t alng alla |. .1 (# , u .i , known ae Bneb * addil ... to the I ■ . U gi, . f I ! nt. tin, lb em I.t. of 111, 144 „ #„*. ! * •" . le.t# It it •... „ stt'tf ! f• 1 . Il"#.re 1...,".,, , t g I.t ~ • b.l S.I 14a , ~# #■ Im' *#.., ft( 1,.,t, to ~ fbear. •) alley t *.t,.,„ H," of 1,, |4|. t! at!,, • • S -4 I'd h<# 114 1 ',.#t. 11. t, , ' th oor t" i,r , • wo a# I I No 14 '„t. Il.e !,1 I wn<4 Baal eadd.iion to Iba bwrwngb o4 heilebn Iboted. taken 111 • leeul. t,. end p. I awld ee imp# 1. of . #." Wa. . . g., TB'M- No d.ed w.ll I- n-know I-dgod aatil pat baa. ■ot-.y it jmd . full. T.J ITRRKLR. g m ■ Omn, E#Urfb. Jtn ( \KI'IIAN S' (X)UHT SALE ' ' IS PARTITION. Ir parte-et", fo. l.'w i#f to. Itry-bnt. C#,ttrtaff ' ,1 "• 11 ll'it- • e,.d ' hire, I ,■. w 11. eg}.* el |m' IK ae!# • # pt.o .... r# | lend. b*r> laef > ' - 1 1 WTI.M . T * #M|e V ~# ■ 1.1. I'e . beginning el eel, tM al V • iter, ee- ,•f 11 Kteng.i# *| . an J{ 1 !-••' ■ lb ...long lea.i* f Bear. E, , jK.,3 .1 . #,. k |o . . . p. a (• wl; li gKd • .-.is #.o* 1 ... 'i.r it.#. . alci^Hß* of J bo 'I it . t'b IP, . w.ed :7 1. ' , .lUtfWflr jt •toll# 1■ • el. lend • t llnry R 'er egalßg ' ce.i k- '. l l. t 10. .tone #1 er. lb#e#< k#J t£ ewi '7 at.- r,.le to e *t-e,e.tb.u<# nleg lewd • L>tly eonlb .' ' .end 71'. . 10 t -ie In e p. Nt ,{n<.#a mealy, P. . inmbi „f "Tk uu l( #a.- , adnwing aL* •ww-lao.l Ihelo - a ~>e lead Ikn weiraatoe nam. of John Porhi* gonb -S# c?k 1 >"de 1. e #b~l.ut ll#*-, along sen.# math .if~t kO # .d* lo ' I,■ rlr.nt it* n ab#a#w, tb> u'-e B'dA- , • ..I 12* i r,4* I--, l#~riao( r#oa nt.-nnef; tb#r '.||k k' 1 Kg. neb. I#, pl U,eioog land in •nnle. nuae Of Aer.u L. •(.*..ulb Tli . >. i L I" I-' lh*nra *w|g.*e.i along IMn II a-l iay o'b h* . ***' 7*l r##d* to n pin* r#-,w *T.o** .100 el,mg lend oi H.r.ry R j.r.in tigbl <#f |ieb. 1 north NAP 1 , c-wt dpi to a epn,. .vomer tb#r.c along lend* M Baainl By north IV. weal ft rod* to a pal. Mm M# •mil va rode t,. i-lw* >4 I—flneiig rsmtnialwAll acme and SI perrbm. anni **,*. baying Ugh •owned one large twomtary dwelling h-Liae . na. jw bu#k bun and #.lb#r imlPwlidiage, a neaoy Bg efarrg nf eraier. a large ,#rcberd— baring abegp •Tree < ianted, ia good slate of tuli#rattan, the tar woodland Na. 4. Being artaale la aatd Lama tewto imnty of Clin tan. t—gioclag ala lamb tree, or* along land of Mtahaei Ibvaolar'e netato aonlhi*. #m4 In a 10 rode to a point; then re along tnarf Intr MUler anrtb k| eoet ei 1 una Plabit.g ' '##• rod* to a elope cora*t, ihaare along lead of **■. Breeelet'e ewtato and oa Bank bank af aaM ■ eowtk ecf l el ih*meanoth kto. weal IBfe to a pad at. lhaacw aoatk 7a . w#at It Mo rode a p-dnp Ibame anatk •>f. we*t 14 rode to a ft. lhec.ee aoatk 4H°, wee# 11 4I rode to a paint. Br along land of a dam Miller north lA4* wwl TB" rode to a etoae, time along land af IS*put I I eaofb (* weal 11 T-|n rode to a ikda than re Ik **l°, Waal I rod to a atoaa, amraet of a "Veda toi kowae tot, tkeae. along the lea* eootk |*. aaM IN rod* la a atone. I hear* north gfrf c , w#ed 4 tada to - >piae. theare arroae Plahlag Oeek aad elawg 188 aoolhi - wrad 14 RIO rode to a atoar. ibeacaMflKH wind 4 810 rule to a etomr. lb wa along laall,fl ftobru ker.gaal noatk W, weat B did r#da *# M| I hence acath l| r . u#ai IA rode ia atoaaac ihwef ■ the mm aad tbo lead of Aemaal Wren I ago* neait* weal m rede to a atoaa .men, then # along laaap poaad eaoaai aorth naai MS H rwda to he ■ era ar. Ihaaee along laade af loan Lota. M. hrfk #~late Jaooi Vomer", entote. north d®. mat 14m the ptorw of bogtaalng, cooealatag %<* oeeoo a#* pwthaa. aoat Having erne tod therwoa aaa la# IB lag hoana atobta aad other eat I-fidlege No. t. Being the tract ooauining tha >al MB Pf eg arty ellaate aloe ia lope towaeblg. OMMgjr Cliatoa. kegtaaiag ala top atnae al th* pahMc I, thaace ia mm aad aloag laad af Battail Orvw m north *#£. eaat 37 rwda to a ptdat; lhaaww la • Berth 74*°, eaal W fade; theare aoatk UP. aa B rode to a point. thaacr aoatk T4T. naed red ■Boa*, tkear* along Inad al i. hebrwekemgaM A .V, . eaal 4.4* lew rode ton atone: tboaonataa • mm anatk MP. met IT hi" rode to a atoaa; 're aloag laad o4 No 4 north TV, aaat h rod a etna*; tbenr. along th* mm aad ataaw aaid 1 d kowae lot aad arcana aaid Ptokiag Orck nnrt * aaet Mi M 0 rode to prat, itowe* aloag achm L anoih a| n . ewe# nde la a atoaa; Itotor again g 80. 4 north enet IS Mil rede to a aana* ; t • aloag laad of idowt Bide* north >f weat I red* in n etoaa. ihaare hottk ST. weal BT 10 ala a atoaa; tbemw aortb Bj, aaat tt l Mean; three* eowth av.wwd rede to tare a; I m elawg laad of Babt Browri, aeath Wl". wwei l ■ rode to a atoaa 1 theare aoHb Wy. wwad 14 4 llk> ■ *0 aah wee. toearearreae aaid Flablng Creek aad kg S lead ot Jarah Order wrath AV# anal to IM ' 4" piare of beginning, luatolaiag H aetaw *m*V pr.rkia, a*at meaertw Having thereon Mnttik are aad nat half aaery dneUlag honan,a large re, ore water pnwer ehlngl# aad timber Mill. The aboaa aereflrmd Irerm No. *, 4 aad I wto arid nw th* preaete#-* or Tb#>lHo 1 Ak d4 i*rrh A. O. I MM, at 10 V#tocd a. 18, eeeawht*i Na.tr TRBMN Of •Al:B.—4yaa-lklrd at Ike rh a*oaay to ka aaidw-a <• iiilrarattna at aala law 'tot rret., which abb paid re day ot aala. Ohfito •a one year aad tb* batawca M two yren *" *oi fr en . wAnaati# 4 tale.to ba awrerrd Ir jdM and mortgage oa the ptcwtMre 0. K. liCi-frMABH Jar Mk, IWt AdwoblMfßl fP * J J