Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 03, 1884, Image 8

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    ©k (Urate grffittat.
Thursday Morning, January 3. 18C4-
(1 ih|^N , (MN<HI.*)'>UIiMII| llll|Nittiilil 'Ull
*I fr-m an) f Ibt to.ui*>. No cmihmhilc *• •
*. "\| b> the r*l nam* of •%•
t rttw.
Local Department.
—Coming -Christmas.
—Oeorge Brown. F.'H , a L>oh llavsn
•'.cbool marm," is attending lii'lilut*.
—Argument conrl for Centre county
will brgm on Monday the 7-h, iniianl, nt
10, A M.
Mi** Hit I lie J McK-an, an Inlorosting
v .ung lady of L >ck llavcn, is aliening
—Cook Condo, of Rebrrsburg, sot* a
•'•laving" table, a- every one will testify
thai nop* wi>h him.
—l-aac Smith, a former employe of
Montgomery A Co., of this place, but now
t f liidgway, l'a , spent Christmas among
hi* many friends hero and in Milrsburg.
Judge Orvta ha* removed hit law of
fb-e into Woodrtng'a block, oppoalle the
lourl H >u-e. He will occupy the offices
formerly occupied by II A. McKee, Eq
—Hit Honor, Judge Hoy, will bold an
argument court in Huntingdon, beginning
iv-Jav, and to continue the balance of llie
vrw-k, If there U business to occupy that
—We were favored by a hnrt call from
Mr J >hn Wolf, one of our county Com
missioners, on Tuesday alternoon, but we
dure not publish the ttory of the "new
—On accdunt of our columnt being
crowded this week we are unabl* to pub
lob any of the Institute proceeding* they,
however, will app-nr in full In next week 's
—The farmer* are improving the oppor
tunity they have of putting their grain
1 i market on nidge*. Score* of sledges
arrive every day loaded with grain, nnd
have loaded with coal.
—Gotlieb Haag nevoV forgete the print
er* on I'briiltMi, and the Dkmoc rat i
under obligation* to that gentleman (or
one quart flu-d extract of wheat. Some
thing that is used in toning up the "devil. "
—Gerbrlck, Hale A Co have engage,!
the *rvices of Cooper Pare a* book-keep,
e*. With two as fine looking fellows a
Harry and Cooper to run an office will d■>
much toward- insuring a prosperous bus:-
iiru to any concern.
Bobby Laurimnre, a former typo of
the Democrat, but now a resident of
Clearfield, visited hit friends last week
ltobs.-rt had a de*|e-rate struggle with the
lixth-a< be, but never l*t bit patience.
Robert, JOR are always * welcome visitor
—Mrs. Annie Fiedler, wife of J. A
Fiedler, of the Williamsport Grit , who
has b.wn vi-iting for the past week at her
father'*, Emanuel Brown, K-q .proprietor
of the Cumniingt House, returned to her
home yesterday.
Miss Lir.cie Long well, the accomplish
rd lady clerk at Jnc. C. Miller & Co'* ,
bat again retired to the quietude of private
life, much pleased with her experience as
"salesman" for the firm, with the excep
tion of the senior member of the firm.
—Our enterprising friend, Kllit K
Young, of Fine Grove Mills, has a fine
assortment of can lies, alto fresh oysters by
the quart or dish. Mr. Young Is agent for
the White tewing machine, which bat
given entire satisfaction.
—The Electric Light Co. made a mis
lake when they put up their poles In the
gutter, and were to informed by the town
council, who requested that tbey put them
up on streets, which tbey did at required
by the town "daddiaa."
—D DGM ,K W. Hale, (nulled the
ofljert of Nubia Lodge, A. ATM, at
Curwewtville on last Thursday, 27ib, oik,
tt being St. John's day ; aad on Friday
night fof towing, the oflcers of Osceola
Lodge He reports as having had a good
timo, and the lodges In n prosperous con
—Aa mturJkwunt was taken out by
our excellent HhenfT, T. J. Punkle, aad
servad by biotaelf oa a young lady wbo
is attending InstituU aad boards at tba
"Cummlaga." Owing to tba fact that a
few prisoners bare lately asoepad from
some of our oSoars, Mr. Dunkla kapt
vary eloaa to tba young lady la question,
aad—but wa were wrongly informed
aad bog pardon. They warn only at
taadiog tba avaaiag saeeioos of tba In
—Our estimable fellow cititen, Samuel
Lewiu, Kq , so Dams Rumor has It, will
soon surrender his life of single b I eased
c MS to Miss Helen Odendorf, n vary pret
ty aad accomplished Baltimore lady. Mr.
Lowln is one of the solid business men of
our place, and wa can vouch for bis hon
esty and Integrity. We bespeak for Miss
—but then wa didn't intend to tell you tba
ome—■ kind and devoted husband. This
lady, who has the credit of subduing the
heretofore considered incorrlgable Sammy,
must indeed be far above the avrrsge, and
father rufi wts on the fair set of our beauti
ful little city. Wall, hare's our best wishes
■or a bright aad rosy future to both you
and } jui esticuabie lady.
Monte Word, the famous ba*o bull
pit her, spent *"veral days in town Istt
week. Uo still claim* Bellefonte as his"
place of residence, notwiib-tand ng L ok
Haven b represented that he originally
cam froin there. Mr. Ward hn been at
tending the Columbia Law school in New
York city during the past season, and wil,
remain there till the first of May next,
when (he term be Is attending closes, nnd
then he will resume his former position as
pitcher for the New York club. He con
templates making the practice of law hi*
profession, and Judging from his W"ll.
known native ability, there it no doubt
hut tbat he will rbe to as great a degree oj
eminence In Ibn profession of law as ho
ha* attained on the diamond field, which
we all know is a national, if nut a world
wide reputation.
—Dosebner, the gunsmith, hat an "ole.
phnnt." It Is on Water street in this
borough, and is rather n big affair. It Is
over sixty feet long, and will be used as his
future business place. He contemplate*
having connectid with it a shooting gal
lery, with a range feet.
Home years ago, near the corner of 2!* th
street and Broadway, in New Y->rk city, a
gentleman of considerable business enter
prise, fitted up an establishment in grand
and elegant style, and converted it into the
most handsome billiard parlor in the
United Stales. Hi* friend* and all man
ner of people marvelled saying, "Surely
this man doth a strange thing with his
money. Why does he not invest it in some
thing which wili remunerate him ?" S one
said, "He had an 'Elephant < n his bands,''
which, by the way, It an old say ing. lint
nothing disconcerted him, and when fir.-
fshed ho naiiod it "The While K.ephanl."
But it proved to be a very profi'iitde In
vestment, as you cannot enter "The White
Elephant" on any evening but what you
will find all of the fifty, or perhaps more,
billiard and pool tables in use.
Wo hope .Mr. I) ■chner'* "Elephant'
may be a* profitable a one as the While
Elephant just referred to, a* It l said to be
one r>f the most profitable businesses in
that part of th" great metropolis.
Hale A Co ,of the Bllefonte Milia, are
tint! rubied I y colng a thriving tio>fee*s, and
one of which our little t..wn may bo proud.
During the past year, up to D-comber Ist,
1883, there pasted through tbeir mill one
hundred thousand bu-beltof grain From
seventy to seventy five thou-and bushel*
of which was wheal, and fr,,m thirty to
thirty-five thousand bushel* wa* coarse
grain. They have now in store over thirty
thousand bushels of wheat, which has
been delivered within the last few month*
They have extended their facilities consid
erably for the storage ( ,f grain this last
summer, and will in all probability during
the present year by far exceed last year's
figure* uf one hundred thousand bushel*
—We rail vt ur attention to the adver
tisement of Dinge*, Vnnada A Co. of Co
burn. These your.g men aro courteous and
polite, and the people of that vicinity w ill
find It to their interest to call on them for
goods in tbeir line
OniTt'art.— The death of Mr. Iler.ry
J. Muster, of liaines towr.sbip, on Mon
day afternoon, at one o'clock, Dec. 2l>
came unexpected to hi* family and friends-
Mr. Muster has been in a feeble state op
health for about one month, owing to an
affection of the liver, but had so far re
covered that he was able to sit on • chair.
Death came to him at in a twinkling of gn
eye, and took him from our midst. Mr.
Musaer leaves a sorrow stricken wife and
two children to mourn their loss. His re
main* were luried in the Woodward
Union cemetery on Thursday.
—The Electric Light Company are
pushing forward their enterprise with a
great deal of energy. Tbey are now busily
engaged in erecting the pole* en which
will be plaeed the wire for conducting the
light to different point* in town. They
have also a number of hand* at work in
the engine bouse, putting in the engine and
boilers, and front present indications we
will have electric light to read by In lam
then two weeks. We hope that this enter
prise may succeed aad that it may bava
many patrons, for electric light Is n long
step forward In scientific adventure; and
besides that it gires our town reputation
abroad, to say nothing of local advantage*
to be derived from it.
A Him tcat Bats its Hint—On lest
week one morning, the reporter of the
DiMocnaT was shown what seemed almost
incredible to oee who had not wilnqpeed it.
One of the fine porkers that are being
fattened at the Bellefonte Mills actually
crawlad out of lu hide on Christmas night,
and on the following morning two-thirds
of the whole hide wa* lying in on* part of
the pen and the bog, whose external cov
ering it so recently had kern, wa* moving
aronnd in another part of the pen in ap
parently good health, end undoubtedly
much Improved in appearance. Without
further explanation this would seem to
hare keen a freak of nature. But this un
natural act of the hog can be accounted
for to some extent, not by reason of It hav
ing that particular attribute of the ophi
dian reptile, of annually shedding it*
skin, but by reason of it having fallen Into
the mill race about six weeks ago, during
the night, and remained there till morn
ing, when it wa* rescued, and it ha* since
then been tanre or lot* sick, and would
have died, no doubt, bad It not been for
the careful nursing ft received at the
hands ot the employ.• at the will.
J R niI. UK AT RttnciuinrKa. —Th* music
n) convention huid In and fur the benefit
of the Lutheran church at Robortburg,
during last week, closed on Friday mid
Saturday evening'* with two crnml con
curl*, and was a surer** In every respect
The church wm comfirlably filled on Fri
day evening, and the performance wis
good throughout. On Saturday evening
thn cliurch wn filled to il utmost capec-
Ity, and standing room WM at a premium,
Tho Iniento heat and poyr ventilation made
it very dflb-ull for the singer* to perform
tiieir part*, and it li indeed a wonder tboy
did ao well. tpiite a bsinl/ooio rum WM
added to the exchequer of the church from
the proceed*.
Tho Convention WM conducted by Prof.
I. II Heehrbt, of Hageratown, Md., assist
ed by Prof. Ilarry J. Sechrit, pianil and
i woio cornetit; Prof. Q. 11. H. W*llcr,
I pfaniiit and vocalist, and Mint Klin K 8e-
I cbrUt, contralto winger, of tho warne place.
Mi M. <. Miller, of Kl>orhurg, prrsid
ed at the organ, and filled that petition
very acceptably, (juilo a number of home
talent, and singers from a distance, assisted
very materially In makirg tho concert a
surer**. Prof. I. R Sechrlwt hn a naturn'
qualification for developing inuwica! talent,
and tho excellent Inuwic rendered by hit,
claw , rpeahn volume in hi* favor a,, a skill,
ful instructor. The wonderful "Tripple
tongued" performance en tho cornet, by
I'rof. Ilarry J. ,Seclint, wan a marvel p,
all who bad the pleasure of bearing bint,
and the easy manner in which he perform
ed the mutt difficult pieces rank* him
among the very finest musicians of the
land. Prof. Weller'* organ solus delight
ed the audience, and hi* good humor and
pleating manner rnsdo him a g< ncral favor
The performance throughout of Mi* Se
ehrit *• quite satisfactory, and her reci
tation of "Deacon Monroe's Story" w*
one of th leading features of the • vning.
Miss Scohrlsl rea Is silmlrably, and w>- | r. -
diet for her a ftrijht future. The soto and
chorus "When the Morning <'>m<-,"
'urg by little lours Woodling, and solo
and chorus "Rcautiful Land of Ib-st," bv
little Kdio Wolf, was highly spj reciate<i
by every one.
The committee desire to return thanks
in behalf of the church to all who lent a
helping hand. Wo reg'et that for
want "f spare we are unsb c to g've the
program in full, as w" cur Intention
In writing the above we merely mention
the names . f those who |i*'k hading psrU
in instrumental music, with ut mi disr<
spect, whatever, fur thico who took vocal
Did any one hear that little "solo'
practiced by C. L. fsramh-y en Thursday
night' It was quite low. S -to It was
scarcely aud'ble ; but not tens low for the
melodious strains u> be wsfte i gent'y In
the cars of your correspondent.
Messrs. William Kreamer and F W"
Walker were the doorkeepers, and—well,
tho D -r lor was the only fellow that pnnr-i
their vigilant eye# without a ticket. "Vou
Perry .Stover, of C .burn, attended the
ooncerl. Of curse he saw Dr. Bri
nk, p>haw ! Perry, we wont say no more
about it, for if you had presented your
coal bill we'd have had to pay it- But do
you think ho'* getting mnupnr f
Professors Sechrist and Weller "lock
the rake" by their cbmic songs In the hotel
parlor on Thursday night.
The Banquette was "largely" attended
at Cook Condo'a on Saturday night efter
tho concert. liripM and appropriate toasts
were offered and responded to by thecoun
cil of "three."
"Ticket, please. Ob, excuse me. Pass
right in, Iloclor." Was it you, Mr W.s
•H. / (VMII
Nora* raeu M ADisoNarnu.—Clarence
MOT or had a valuabla mere dia for him
recently. Tha reuse of tu daih U not
known.-The literary society at I'nlon
Mali, organised aawaral week* ago, i. pro
gressing laely.—Tha young ladles are
busily angaged working tboaa slipprrt for
soma otkar girl's brother.— William Bailey
again rusticatas ia our midst, afW a two
yaars' wisit through tha Wast—Miss Ma<
tia Hmull is wisiting Mist Ida Kaafer.—
A graat many of tha farmars baiaara
plowing tbair nait yaar corn sad oats
ground—Last Saturday was tha last day
an which daar can legally ba killed.—
Among tha wiaiting population at this
writing wo notica tba familiar faca of Dr.
Kahar, who baa boon away for aia weeks
Tha Dr. looks much improved, and is over
welcome homo. —William Roll killad two
porkers tha other day which drasaad ><7s
pounds. Who can haat it In the Valley 7
J. N Rapport, of Rutatown, is visiting at
T. T. Moyer's. Mr. Reppert is vary well
nl*a**d with tha lowa and vfclaity.—Dan
iel Rush, in company with a few sporting
friends, spent a couple of days on tba
mountains last weak ia search of the
coveted dear.—Wo are going to have a
musical convention sometime this winter.
Wooiiwaau ITEM*. —Weather cold and
sleighing splendid.—! be Sunday school
festival on Christmas Kve was a success-
House crowded to overflowing. Order
good Some of our young men bed too
much of "Kley'e beet."—Bt- Paul * Sunday
school bad an enteruinment on Christmas
afternoon.—For variety we had n "run
away." Party spilled out, hut not serious
ly hurt.—Wo had quite n number of *U
llors during the week. Ilr, Ard bu pur
chased tho brick bouse and will take pot
teuton In the spring. NEW* Bdr.
MI t I N KIM ITKM* —flood sleighing.
Welcome the CKNTHK In uo it.tr.
Irn A. line five bicvo.los for rule cheap.
Ha got them from We*. II
Al>o K. "t"<ik in" tlie re/1 but* at lh<*
Natiomil. Sot 'em up agiin.
What tvnv wrong with F, A. on
Christ mu/ ?
Wm. Stover *rH lot* of Nctv Home
(hi the retired list this winter ('. H.
.Fuhn Karalct'er i* on expert in
building ntair rod*. One iriul will con
vince you.
Mr. .1. H. Md'irger, of Clintondale,
spent Sunday in Millheim.
What ia the attraction at Spring
Mills, Kd?
Major, what ia wrong with the I .arid
thia.winter, aince J. It. f vrries the key
to the hull.
John Lose took unto himself a
"school inarm"
Wo regret to reju.rt the illness THIS
week, of It. F. Miller, Hope HO will
soon recover.
Wm. Man ok A Son. of the Furniture
Depot, are doing u go NL business.
John A. enjoyed the concert at RE.
I heraburg.
Mi - I,i/./io HURLER is > ff* to Harria*
burg, visiting friend*. Hope she luuy
enjoy herself.
Geo. Cum tiling* MOT with a great (?)
|OS. Ili foriy-thouaa'XL dollar HORSE
died. fleo. etill LN A cow. so come o.L
for a I/TITT.
Wm. Karsfctter lis* old hi* home ON
I'enn street T• • Jacob KEEN, "ND EXPONI*
to go to Montana 'Jen, toil m THE
A pro'racied MEET NC •- now in pro
gre-s in THE Krniigeiiru! . hutch.
Mr. F. J. Swavely. of THE LLIU CRIT,
siniled upon Mtllheim U-T S*t<ird*>.
COME again; )<>u A:E ALWAYS *I-lc./inc,
a is your pap'-R.
Daniel 111 on. the crack -hot of the
Branch, had quite a rti-H to >• him
over the Holidays. Chill./ know* how
to handle (hut | addle after roll call.
High-toned — that sh-igiiing pnrtv to
("ell" re ll. ill TAKING a e ilnreii mall S],>ng
" ■ I ■ i - liongli to in ike U f.-iiow
"chmh a tree."
PICK WIIS A'N I VR /1:' J/# I.
BOAT .AT GO, I'i. IMINT Christ INM en
lei tainnients I ere held in the i iitbei.Ul
cliurches of J', lalsburg arid Pleasant
''• ip. on CLIR ,-tm IS •>.. ; N-i T'iiii-tmss
evening, r< *|>eciiv.-lv. TBR children r
oejvrd gift* from the NULL lav Hchools,
,TII IWI II- all highly pi*- %-. *!, A'L.LT*-s*l -
WERE ma I. by the p,-terand IV.F, Mor
rison, and by Clenp-NL Dale, £Q , AT
PLEASANT lisp. \: the latter pines the
|-Nrr>r. Rev. (5. S. Iliven. wn remerj.
TIERED in S.ilwtT-ll'ial gilt I.v the \uung
[>eop|E, SOD ul- I by toe nteiuliefs of tlie
congregation, ton fanner prmutisi >.
fine lap fol.E, and the bit er a | or-, of
monev. Th<* EXERN-E* | .I* VERS
p'.raaantly. Many t- (urns el the bap
py scatoti. p
—We rrgr. t that oil • • uiitof I ; put -
lihing Is. l w.I-k we < A ) not gu. n A .
count tif ;he grand "Ma'qu/ r.I 1 N\ O||
BU>ner'*, near (,'uburn. It V* THEER-ST
■*t st'.ir that BS* tsion PLACE in thst vi
< inity for many a lie g d* S F *T,
<->-tum< w.-re #'l T fr. n. IMn'sd- pliia. and
was given in kuteir of Ml.* .of
Wliliamrp rt.
ILTMCKLAI..—ON T'Ll'lst.na* day the
writer HAD the t lcs.ui" of stt'' du g A
nuptial ceremony at T*E residence of jour
c< rreFK>ndent, Wm II Fry, *!.. *•
then and there unit' 1 1 I TB- •*. red mar
riage tie to Mis R. UE A(" I.aurlmore.
A larc COMPANY <D frt I, la ore }.ie..-I,t
TN wltne-A the rervmony, Rev. \\ C.
Kuhn officiating.
After lb* corrmory the <•> mpany *re
conducted lo the tab"', which was itim|-
lously furnisheii wrK sbiindar.rs of good
turkey and all tin el. -wras, a well as tha
finest of cake. Many of those present
brought useful and beautiful present*,
while some very nice present* wersenlby
[strsons invited who were unabla to be
The pleasant gathering was somewhat
hastily broken tip, ax the bride end groum
were hurried off (behind tbe handsome
greys of Mr. R 0. Brett) lo take the train
on their bridal tour to Beltimore and
To use tba phrase of a friend of ours:
"This makes two loavaa that Mr. Fry has
obtained of the same baking." Of one
thing thera can be no doubt, and that is
that Mr. Fry has obtained an excellent
wifa, quiet, sensible and an excellent
woman in all things. We join with all
the friends in wishing them long life aad
much bappinees.
C. I*. Ilorrm, A Co., AI.LMBIXT AT.
—Tba oldest merchant* la Bellefcnt* offer
the following bargain* :
Blanket*, SI.OO a pair ; bapa, 76c , draaa
good*, He ; ladle* woolen boac, lie ; g**U
woolen winter baa, 16c; India* bond* ;
Aral claw genu btrta 60c ; flannel* all
dieci ipliua* and price* , men* good tolid
boot*, $2 00; mirror* all it*26c to $8 00;
a telnet and fretb line of pur* groceries at
bottom price*. Country produce aolicited
and alwty* on band, it will pay you to
call, w* caa't be undersold.
C. C. JIOFPKR <fc CO.,
Bellefoote, Pa.
No. 7. Allegheny Street.
—Bargains, Bargain*, In eolid Gold and
Silver Welch**, with tb* beat of move
menu, and a full line of Jewelry and Sib
verware, Knives and Fork* and Spoon*, at
the Muitc Store of Bunnell k Aiken. St
—Tb* teason after the Holiday* ii gen
erally dull with lha Tailor*. W* are of
fering extra inducement* In torn prietM. We
have given large order*, end the w#*
coed* are now coming in. your
ordtr nuw. MoniooMEnv A Co.,
Kx-Slate Kiifierinternjent Northrop, of
I f/onnwtinjt, la In Aitendani-a u|iun th*
(' only Ifiatitul*. lie rjH-nt about on
hour ami a ia aa: f on Monday afternoon try
ing to iippre.. hi. gri-atnt-r upon the trier,i
to la of the Inatllule, by going through a
|iw a. unij. and jri riouncing a (ew won]*,
that every peraon who ath-nipla to teaei,
bool haa been perfectly fainiiiar witii lor
—A hnndaofnn golJ.head*d cana waa
tSriwn our report" r i.y our enterpri.ing
jeweler. Frank P Hialr, whieh ia to be
onle la-d for I.y John (V I'xzle, of Hriow
Shoe, and Levi Fulton, of M ilea burg. W't
tinderalan'l lb* c nlnat l f>>r lh benefit of
Hold Kagld I, "dge of Old Fellow*.
—Sler. Itu-iiiell ,V Aiken* bare a
very fine .election of aoiid gold wiiicl.i*,
jewelry atid A full lino of ailverware,
whirl, they ofler cheaper Until itny ntbtr
atore it, lielle'onte.
■ I lie following named per.oti* were
iiiHtiilled a* officer* of liellefonto Ixelge,
No. 2f,", F. and A. M., on New Year**
n gut, by I' IJ. fi. M. Hale; Frank I*.
| Hlrtir, W. M. 11. S |l|e, S. \V. ; tl. L.
,M•' k. \V,; H, A' Slither. K*ip, Trea
uri-r: (i. nrge It. Weaver. Seereti,ry; W.
i I. Fleininiug, S. I> . J. N.<!.r<loti,l).-,
'.I. Miller, <'hi,}iiaiii; K llvrlruil.
j I'urv.: lliiin Olio, S. M. I'.j i 'hurle. S.
, Weakly, .1. M. <' ; .1 S j'.ti- ,n, Tyler.
A Uam.akoi. h'ot •• TaarKiT.—There
j nr • daiiger-c* . in-"erfetu iii iiriulation
| jiorfxirting l-i be " Wilnul la-af Hair Ho
-1,1 r*r ' Til* airoiiy—t evidein- of it
j great Valu" la the f*. I |b-,l parllea know.
- -fig it— g*'-*t effl 1- Vf a \ to iniilaf. if
Ka< tl leitt-i- ,-f th-- ye .none h* a far *,mifr
if a walnut b-al blown In tbe gla*. ; and
laf a r r I.- -.f •-n th* Mtfid* wfa I J*-r. Tb
"K—l"tri r" i. a* harinbo. at. water, wtnle
jit ( <••• - a a.I the projo rtiea navo.arv Uj
| re. tore life. Vigor, growth arid eolor bi Ine
tiair. F-.' bt,-e only (r in rt it.'iU jmr.
fira. A*k v <>ur <iri< _*gi*t lo it Kb" II b- l
; 'le i. w.roi n, II A
i'lii.avi I-ilia, aiei Hall A li. k-t,
Ne Y rk, W i! A;--iiU. 1 )\
T"1 PnYICIAKa —We (1"1 not fin-! fault,
reproar n or voiidemn tin- practiee <.f any
r- g ,t*r phi *i i*n 'hi. ia r to >r irii.lo"n
hilt Vldo chtia If h" *<*-. 11l a'l-1 /V.
I*- hi. | r . riplt -n* a* iliia ted in nur
l.aik <ifi th" "flUaif Life" arid furni.hei]
fraturti*!" v bv alt .vlryggi.t. , he Would
cure all hi* } ;.riil.
O wr ...I p -t-rr eounty, Pa
Da llvi Tvt,*-/>. r s The .mall
tl re,a ar-- aii heai<*d, and lha large one*
are not IM-re that! half !*rge a . ihev
a re. 1 aril <■ ■■ mg julle well. The }*•■
pie .*y v ~,ir /v,an* I. doing a rriira- le. ]
1-" r. t tak- * - irly ei m . ; ji,m a* I dol
before. trv'll Mr* K MtfttlU
I ' * I k*l V S * t ! Ua T rrvw'l |Mtr •
*t - 1 ' ' < •<• - Tl.wk -f iMwlt.
Iwe, , )k . b I* |tl I .uj A A -tv* K
11-iff lit • ' UllMefi Ti'A.
. K .r*m - m \,.+ i H i* n Mv
til'U '!♦. ,Ct |t' I inni < %Ir \ ||
I - t-b ft I Wiww I -1 Iwt.flA. K. a i
||l> ftrv *P~A 11 . • Ib-f M
Ii " > I f, .!(.!• Ifta 00 9 I'f tl #•' Uiutft-
Mill* nil! Kb * 1 II t>)*Llltf
USKt** T t Mtl*ff —hi III* )( } ,*f|vM I ,py. f
It. IU d. 1. m I I t M% J t I a
Ui*r Mr t 11-MA'af.. i V C. u
\ ' t • At • lUitlft I t I'ft
K\\ * li,; 1 1-l Xhr
J - . -T •c —, Vft . J ..I, I Kb I " f A
ltu*r In, (>' Iliac • tbir J. {iirwblu t
II Ilff. .I*. I'm
fi S9ilwKT * f Itfftl • ' At lb I. *rw ..f tSa. If, Jr.
1-wfMi • (If I t J uirod A Mt. IhifT
A af IJ l t bl-u■ £ io Yliia K tlto***. "t
I aaf Jffyw t.
IbL%MR M. Mi i 1.1 N ' iLw '/<!! of Iw<r rt, r
h ' y A I'.itb.Mf U II K km r f Mi
l m. •! 4 W kf" M. Mr M-Hlin < f C*.fu
IIA /P.f, \ '*% l f VtS f f Pr.f-t**r l. (U#
*,*, \fr .U t |IH r-l Mimi At. • \
\ mttf • laath '*f AMihiltf,
IlMM*\ K|: iH+ -On l#f . fJrf.Tq' It 1H
M{ W II II F if *■- .*1 l. At I, < * M,.. Mava
r. Kl-fea, I r u-irvltoe. IN.
AT-\ r.-r -II \K —llall.a niknlJ.V. to tb. aaai.
Mr W I *<,<] Mi-e l iovia C low.l rb ef
rear Miilbelaa.
KXI ftv '•"rattrKU -Ii lb. I ath<**a |*reaae it
!■),. I.roa M I'.* r~ I Mb. t*- |u J V
K Mr r l,it. Krel* .-\ti -4 le-vi KM. p**r
I- . lit. . M ii*. Ic- M u Kit* v :i'r Inv —lt
, ail., •
Mr. I.utbnr Krrba, brother of tbegrtKun,
and Mm Annie Houaer, Brrompamed tbe
happy couple to the train to atari for t'lnar
fleld, where they expert to tpend a few
day* witb ill* Honor, Judge Krebt, who
t* an uncle of tbe groom. Tba happy
couple have the ijood withe* of tbair friend*
and neighbor*, and hope they will netrar
regret the exchange from tingle blae j-
B*ea to married tappinaa*.
M Al LAV -Oa haaalar ITtk, IWU, Mra ■ Aala,
acaA act wane 4 n> atb. aan< M 4a,•
(ftttaia w aij p*r*w *!•> r--et >
AlUfhmy Strrrt, BtlUjamU, ha.
Are prepared to all kind* of Faony and
lleaty Haroaaa Making at
HenMonablci Price* and
Most Skillful Manner.
Wo challenge competition in prima
and workmaiuhip.
Oita ua a trial and bo oonainood.
All work guaranteed before leafing
tbo abop. Ma,
Wear 14 **t lk twtlia of • UaAoale aa4 ©Matty
that aba I* K'Rar -1 la 4©
tn lb# vara Lateet Cite Style*, and with
AWlsmi am/ /hapolrA.
, DEAZats la HTKA:: HAS oocri
Combing* made to order.
- Pinking done on short notice.
Stamping in French Uil e Specially.
I am Also Agent for the OMwated
Dre* Maker*' MAHIC SCALE
Mr,. A. K. SEIBEItT,
No. 11 AHeeheny St..
00 3.a. ll dlefonte, l'a.
!— IClarion 1 Clarion Poorman and Wm. Mnrrtt, "h
two of Mtl-b,nrg h*rid.rr>r young rntm, :|Bj
-pent (,'brl*t#rat at tb-ir h-"tm-a It ia a B
lity that <jch flue liH-king and *<*••.m-
j pli*h---l young no n hare to •!•'<
lb-M In whb-h to lay th© r "fiK-rMon*-* ..
n fortune. Hut thr-li our q ,ii-t iiltl-* v" ■'
b<>r down the <:r©a-k will boom when Ibflß
tiw railroad come* along, and tba boya
will stay ul home and grow rk-b.
Frank tubman ia runoiag the
Hutt. ffouM in away Ibat the people llko I
When you ara t the table you hare b-fore I
you Ju.i wh.t you want to #-*t, and it 0
the b.*t In (he market The Rutia I loin*
filial U. the bent hotel in town. FX. I
Lehman, lb#- proprietor, bat bought ba'k
from Wm. Brown hit beer bottling eatale I
11.hm.-nt, and ha. bea-y now (or al* at bit
i .land. L- hifiari will delirer it to any ■
I quarter of lb city to private lamlliet.
F. X Lehman,
• Butt* Ifoute. H
Wilt-.n, Mi-Furlam-At ,-aJi ailen
tion b. the. only reliable Heady Mi*-d
i Faint in th market Th Pioneer I're
[■arer] Pal'*, ia not #nlt .uperior to ar.y
K-ady Paint <>n! but rival, pura
and 'lu'abililr, Ttria lalnr i. j.iiaranu-ed
i by the roai of .eturer. not to . rack or |.ea-l
a-thin i!,ree year*. Ihe j* .ranter- ia not
(only good for replacing the paint but it
will l- ,ut on if it .hoi,ld en. I. or p.-e| ■
within the (;tne .periflnd. Ji w. ill to
vour interest to rail and .<•• WtlM.n, Mc-
* Am
FORKS nous™
t'ohurn, Outre Co., I\ l#
i'i:ici;s moderate.
1t.,..A Slttblt Ar-,„nmtjArr '""0*
Kaoel.ent Huf.ting *n| 1 .aliin j proundt
! quite near ibi* Hotel.
-lOS. KLWKNKR, - Prop'r.
V. J. Bauer & Co.
. qte. .... J C rvtibr-rr ma
3 Iba. beat Mime M-#l ;JH
" tatk ii II k wheat
1 " beat haw Itai.ina lie
" ♦i'anv.laled S igar 4ht
I • pure JVj |r f..r buubr-ring i*Bc
1 gal. ie*.l Table St rup in hOc
2 jra i'lralo o^ c 4
1 box Sardine* jy c
W can't be ur.di-reold and will ell
< r.-r\ thing i• !,ji ib jrroporti.n aa the
above. „ Miie *
Yv e will *!*o have JOO Turkey* for
Chriatmaa. *
I*. -L liaitrr&t f'o.
Vs. 6 2U>O3 St., Fa.
I J V ' la her-' i ten I H
t a• ' l ' at.*,, Iwf t i a- " • ffW ■
Art.' JA. I, ,f A • tj k l j.l i.*t ,-BT +.i,htn,m4 %
Hi | I• Of -.rf '1 ftlf-d !t tK* Cllf*
atf t .. O I I ..it of i. muclal
■ •t * W fLA >#wAe4 <tf -Lw 9h| l|i gfl
tiwft f'tu Jl pat*' "
Ut Ah f
I M'*f >1;. la'* V.I rtklknt (HWPal.i Hw -fir—t a*wl WW
ajMfi .* aiA. I I-Wlnw
t ts. |a*wat n| rf %a*H F
fti ht.u lilrttf t'aibri f rnlii|,ii -*aiil • tak*c
I J ||| W. RKiilitl*
v! |npa(itr> ' til*
IJUI i i•> I*l* .f M|i< l4%a,aL |. ft*i*arf lakf t.
W* U I .a K Ilffitl4*f'
< ll.wlm r* 1.1. tleen-r r aaltlji. !• i "W-st ,*tao,
I J In. vHin, M J I tuMubara.
JaMKj. K V -rt.VIN,
ll.etr*'. Ornra. bw. xia. *. ti, t*M ** flrt 'tl)M
1 a N.itr (• h.rrt r ,'1 ♦r. that th. Mlovriaf aaa
l ei4i. h... a Mtl mi |inWw, I,• ) 1,1, | (
ihtlc* of ia. ulerk of roart ef Qart.i A ..tie, n. IK,
pear* ia <4 fr fVnin. -ninijr vat ilwi eoel >n. a
* 111 fee <a*a to the o.vi MM. of aaM ooarl aograat
•tie aam*
0 II Rrwt; ... rt llpnrj . ...ttatwr
r r. num., *■ . nun*,
r.ari athcmfl . •• .. Ttert
tub.el Tartar .. -
Oeorfe I/*l tt.ll.fcal. VMatlt
Join. WaU.r " .„ ... -
A lltß •• •
r W. HMar.. " " flui
Ooarga llaael law ebo. •
! " Übartytwj TWrcra ■
Jaaaaa L Dilaaa mm ..."
* B UnvKaw ... " • _ H.l.iiw
Ctarlw ■ tip.. - ~ ■
U-l Oai —Mttaa tw* Tbam
/.f a ilfft ■
(Tat*, -fr ft
VOTICK i hrrrby gire .hat tkfifli
XT amtal of Ma A tatk a iMtkba
Baarr ttaakla, a lanaUa, twa twaw A •- la
aftkafmboaiir, aflfceCaart -f ■ aaw Mat,
la aad for the oaaaiy of cam t u that aaM ar
coaal will bo eraoanta* tea rooftrr. v <oa al lb. ant
toraa af aabtflawrl, J - 11 a arm.
* 1 f-afbaaoaaij
M.J la*aauataay oo Ua otaiw of Roarr J. Paakt..
aanaaa< latowf taltwhaMlf.Owlra raaclf,
haeiac twoa maiat to <ka awf waMu. all nraoaa la
a>taii la aaM oaUato ar. r*n a*t W aaak* l —ill
ata raywoaf. aad alt bavfivt riatwo aaataa! tba Mao
to >iaiat tbaaa, *alr V. law HwaatUa
MM. I M (i A bVlttv'K.
1J roaMMca a* Jaa taa.e boera T-wrUnb, Pa,
abnal Jtlj Of tana taaa a *•* bob., aboat aaa par
oM. arttb Mail) atlt ia IMt aar. Tba r*no w*l
tilawoe rail, prm yerprH*. par ebor*a aaM taAa bar
aaat OWaiab. Abo I* dii| ill I*l aeraaWtai a* law.
b* lAMn LAtTO.
KSRCVTORI Eflf iCf. —Lottera tntaawaara aa
Ibo aaaate of >aar Hoy, wa, bo* lb# Ua . I
aiaaial to tb. aaXaalaood. all praai 'a labtM u * I
tba Mai. aa* irpauf to a*, pafwaat. aa* tbaaa ■
twill "Ma. araiaat Mo oatata, to pfwoool tba
Vktfh#, 4tif iMbi bVkf iCiIbHMiI
j. i HOT, HRB
MM ba.rataa. ■
1\ w otnr of tba awtote of Joaopb ebne>, A-oa>o*. i
tb ao.l.r.ianb*. a, i> Oalani by Ibo UrpbMa r. or*.* ■
Cawtro lootaiy to pooaapoa abo .ai-au.aa Mpi ■
•tab* 4*f ibo-fea aaf tb. balooeo i* ban*a>l 'fahr.. '
a>< Meet, Tmatao. oad tafawt tb* rawgi alSa.l
teava. artll atloaM I > tba 4 uo of Ma <e|.
a- f•• • *• 111b. l4, VI la opVuH
bb.ii an* a ba*a tdi paruaa mi .ltai| tf ■.. BB
rnfoa. Kt*u t TisrfK;