®Jw ffftufw gmottal. RKLLRKOKTB, PA. NiK CK N rK h UK MOCK AT is put. I * ClinwU> moruiiifl,*! IW-Ilefotito.Cuiit AMHity, !'•. YKttM.l Cffi*h II ittllMl Si i0 11 hut j m N• 0o hidwrnl iiU'iviioci*. N i r wl I h li.o- utlii i.--i uutll •rnir#far* l>4il \ i it i o.*M mi at i>ublilj*r* I* i|H g'iirf out ul iho couulj uiutl U* |wN I°' 11 ftdtftMiOft Any parvus prucurtuv ue tat*li •übcrlb*r> will • uii uupjr frw ll CtUtffffi. i> it iCUiMirv wlrculatluu nmk** tlila |p#r *n uu ii, i.|y rot Ulls 4ii.i pnullnblr for>Hiv*rtlfltiM ai l *r ;#r' |mrti tu print nil kiiiUa ol Ikmka, fmtt fr^ntiiHNWiHoibn (J'tiiittorclrt! jirinliiiK, lc.. In i tin* at lf la nnl at lb* iuwwet puaalUlr ratra All a-lrerttautiiaut" fur a lava term than thru* month* 23 caiita pt*l hue for tlie Aral tbr** innartiona, anJ A tenia Uar f.t .b utbhUotml luv-rtiuu. tfpoctil at tra more. K llturlal Hotter* IA reuta |ar Una. t o mi m-i .tunin* 10 raw taper Una A liberal liacount It mailt* t<| |wrti ml .n(lain* by it* juirter. ball yoar, or >-ar,aa foll^wa; * | - tnci tcovrm. CKa inch (or IX llnea thU t>pa) fa'fli TwoiMbaa 7|l.| 14 Three Jojl* * 3iar:ar culnm'Mor'itichet) SO alf cultt'tin t*f |o nctieal t \i*> Qua • i|intn r • nche*!.. |Aftf AA' 100 V irtltit'lvtrliitmrnt* im*t be paid for before In #*rtina, **repi on nrty rontrart* ntn.li balf-yiarl) !• troto'it* "i ailrawre i> e re|tilrr|. PrUTIOAi Xoncis A enta p* llrteh luaartioo W ithlna for lea* than Mirftt*. Ilrinn* m • haetlKurislouhimoa. 14ceata pt r line,each inaertlon 81coleton of Guitoau, the Assassin. Tne skeleton of the late Cr>rU< J. Cuiteau, assassin ol President Garfield' having been formally turned over to the urgcon-G*neral, i* exhibited in an up right glass case situated in the north end of the army medical museum hall on Tenth street. A reporter of the f.i telle having received a "|ointer" to the iibove effect laat evening started oir for •he museum lo investigate the matter P.t.me t>v l.rge et.ea full tif kul'B arms, picketed babies and other curio*i. ties of humanity the upright case was leacti.d. Ii *i perfectly iuw and gis tened under a recent coat of shining V*rf>'b. The interior ".IS decOfftlt d with four human skeletons, suspended by their skuils Slid giisteiiu g in their snowy whitene*". Two of the l.rges'. one of which i- OuiltMu's t"re no i i- . i The •mailer one* were p'acirded "Ne grogirl." and "S e!. ton of a hot ' tf the firm'r, th it ol the can I• e*ily di*tincni.he and parked in alcohoj and is now in this building. Would you like to see it ?'' The re; ortor anserrrd affirm*t.rely and ca token to a room in the north, cm icrl of the mueum , wiiere lie we. shown the head which planned the *r and I'resi lental assassination in the Unitad States. The pre.ervitinn wa remarkable and showed the perfect ex pression of On iteau's fco as hedr*pp-d intoeternity, with tfie final words of the doggerel hymn on his lips. "What was done with his flesh T" i queried the rejiorter. "Was It thrown into the st wer, as published ?'* "No, it was not," he replied. "Oul leau's flesh was cremated in this build ing at noon of November "7, IKA'J. af ter it had been stripped from the skele too." "How 7 "It was shoveled into the fnrnsco above, and the ashes now grace some ash heap in the suburbs ol Washington. Washington GrtztUe. ni— • aaai 4 Any Fool Ouuht to Know That Bill ItreUford is a well to do farmer of Da Witt bounty. If* was a witness one day in court. The baotering law ver, in cross examining, aaked lirels tord if be saw the defendant wounded In the fracas. " No," said Brelaford, "he was hurt in * the cornfield. Everybody laughed, hut the lawyer, with perceptible warmth, continued by laying, "It seems that you don't qnite -undaratand what a fracas is; any fool ought to know that." " Yea, probably any fool would but 1 -don't* What la it 7" replied tbewilaees "Ob, never mind; ills* legal term we Lawyers use. But tell the jury what you were doing when the light occared. "Snapping corn, air." "And pray tell whet you mean by Snipping corn 7'" "Ob, Tt hi a term we farmers use when we gather core with (be huskoe; any fool uugbt to keow that." The legal sharp quickly subsided amid * deafening roar of laughter. What Tfiey Dutnand stat* oxAxorss os Tit* sftßjrer or I.Bat*I.ATION The ststc grntige, P.tr"rts of Uiib. '•nudry, is still in sessson In the Jinll of . 'he house of representatives, snd hs the i-eporl of the aoinmitees ore made the > meetings grow more interesting to the members. The report of tin* eotnmitre r on legists lion is deemed the inosi impfir tint slid it was u|iou its spprovnl that 'he members occupied the lime during the morning ami alternoon session* ( vesterdsy. The com in it lee who hid it in chugre was composed of JxmeM F. Weaver, K. 8. 8eorl, I, M. Kairlamh, Harriet l.tud, .1. KHiott Stewart, I'vi Henrv, Henry Louh, Birnard Uupert, K E Unangst, J. K. Murray and S. L l Keefer. Directly itfjer the report vim submitted each section or resolution was taken up and discussed. The re port a adopted is as follows : nr.eonr or coMMitTr* os i.ioislition. It is the highest duty ol the Ameri can citi/ens to upholil and defend the [ constitution of this country. It is the ' bad rock upon which our political sup ' crstruciure rests. Upon its inviolably maintainance and the laws enacted in ; pursuance thereof depend our highest , hopes and dearest interests. Under ! | our form of popular government the j people are sovereign. Their pleasure , when properly exercised is potental. They speak and it shall be done. It is true the people are fore bearing i and longsuffering. Kuhmttsion to I unwise legislation is olten silently en- , durod. D.ffereuce of opinion is not ; 1 eslcen.cd a sufficient cause for resisting enforcement. But public opinion is on the aler!. It is tirelexj and acrutin i ing. it is constsntly in iho b.lmre, testing by experience. When laws cense !io meet the enls for which they were intended they should be amended or repealed. Mr when thepuhl demands the enactment -if n w one* in order to preserve the j i-t and ■ (pis! rigi.- of the governed let them spe.-dly t.e ; ied. Section LH). ar'Jc'e 1 nlnur consiitut on declare*. "The cituma bav i r ghi ma peacetde msnrerto a**emb! • to.**l! r for their common gool and hp; iv to those invested with the p.iw.-r* of gov • ernnient I r redre.* of grisvsn, . i r other proper purpoact by pel tion, rd • Ires or retnonsiranci IVn there j fore recommend. Fir*t—Mi it the common si ho d li t l* ; so amende I s* to rmfr i's in the r*t k of studies sii/h aihliti>ral piacticsl brari Uci: a* agrictil oir <1 chemistry, the n itural sc.ences and other te hnical ' irstructir.r.s pertaining to agrieuDnre Those stud -• if no', pur* ir I in < \ ery school sh uld bo taught in at least one school in every ilttr?ct. We e<(ee i such priicticil branches of rrs''v more importanre ii fitting our *or,s and j daughters for farm life than Hounding 1 countries or tracing the length o r ! rivers. j Second We rccor.i n I th. .! > , j college, whicli was originally in'.-nded • as a technical icbool of r.yrieuliurr. i c | restored t*s the designs of i*s origin* ! tors. The magnitude of our industry ; us importance ai ft ri 1 '<■< to the i.onor i and dignity of our rmnm -.v >-t. de j mand tli-st tf.i* inti ution *li*!l be devoted to terunieil in'rti 'ion in tli higher branches of agric ilrure and mi chanio srts, Tldrd -We rfeman I tha' ctrpors lions, claiming imminities a* enmrn n carrier* either by rail or water, shall j forbidden hv liw to discriroin ito he j tween individu *l* or c* nptr. e in cit | rying freight : that their rite* shall be ; uniform for like service irrespectively. Forth—Wo rccotnmei I, in order to prevent jealousy and rivalry between IdifTerent agricultural organizilion in so far as rel ite* to III* election nt member# ; of the state boird of agriculture that : they be elected nnnu iily by tli lif •erent ngriculluml societies including granges and farmers' clubs. Th* present system is so ra inife*tly unfair and so easily manipulated by a few personal friends, tbst it is execd.ngly objection able and calls loudly for reform. We cannot devise a more feasible plan than . the one suggested by the master'a annual address, to r"fned the evil. Fifth —We demand, at the earliest practicable moment, (hat jt.st and fair apportionments be made, deciding our f state ioto district of compact and • contiguous territory so that the people I of the state may have equal and fair ; I representation in th* councils of the nation and atat* legislature. The legii i lature to negleoting to perforin this im portent duty devolving upon them I under the constitution they had sworn s to support and for whieh they were 1 specially oonvaaed by tha exaeutiva of I tha stats merits our unqualified non a damnation. Their indolence wae only a equaled by their freed, lied they 1 manifested keif tne seal and unanimity ' In tka performanee of their conetitn y fbnal duty that they did in aeeuring compensation for aonperformed service, * their action would not be a reproach to ' the fair fame of our greet common d wealth. , K ' Sixth—Begirding our order as a greet educational and moral orgtnixatinn,we unhesitatingly set our real ol coin Jem nation upon intemperance, not only ► an unrniiig'trd evil morally, but 1 fruitful source o( expense in thr admin, titration of justiue. Philanthropic citizens are pressing fhe subject o| prohibition, nnd it ia consUntly be coining mora nnd moro apparent itini tin- question Mill have to he lurt ut no distant iliiy. Wo would respectfully recommend that the necessary legtsla tion he secured to submit it to a direct vole of the people of the Htnle. Should n majority decide in favor of prohibl tion it would give thn law a prestige which would materially aa*it in it* execution and render it mure efficient than it would lie other wine. Seventh—We demand tho equalizu tion of taxes. Upon thin nt'ject we wi*h to he distinctly understood— eipial tsxe* upon equal value* upon the haaia of the bill prcsonte I by the special committed to the legislature last winter. The burden of taxation are onerous and oppressive. Relief i*rought and nuiat he had. Justice and equity demand it, nnd no effort ahouhl he apared to secure a just nnd fair law hv ! which all property, visible nd invisible, of all rietleii* would heal it* due proportion. Eight—That we, in state grange met. do resolve that congres- should, and we ask them to foster, protect and enoour age the production of sugar in our country, and ask them further to paas i the needed appropriations to develop j . that industry. j To secure such legislation as hereby j u w,l| ieive. The | , responsibility iu;Nin>"u; the remedy j .* in your hand*. Will *<>u apply it ? Ihe follnniiiW w i also adopted : Wi.trr**, The leg datura at it* last n fl led to pus- the I i'l hrio.rn a ti.e "gran • **' t . I II," thereby pi • g :• tho people t|,e tie. del relief n k. d | ! 'or : therefore, Reooliol. That we urge upon the •• lie g'sng.i the Illj,irlf ce of *:.l| U:gi,g !• iaqu' <"■ ui t;f th lie i-.| I*,- u ii >f i* obtaii rd, rile event! ,! ses-ion V IS d.'Vofcd t ger eril hu*iti's ai d the r< rrption Of j other r*p r's Thr meet tig M I like.') ' r 'iiir to a do*e at noon to i y. A Republic r nr Spain. *imp r. or a r,• i,- / ntt iv Tlir Utur coin v* or til* rcoi.it war | XMnttTlnS IMVITSHI * SMI ttn TLIS TO st'CttEO. Mvlr fVpriTjher l.V— /'•' Parvenir new I puhi -he* a manifesto from *in"r Is 11 t Za-illa. Radical, dated • f.oudnn, U remher 11. The document . is twelve colum* in length, and defend* . . i he millitnrr rising in the Spanish armv •f fast August. It violently ntlck* the Rvurbon* nnd tl" i*or r -rrb°*al form of .rovernme-t. and prorlailna the ner- • e*ity f * a Spanish Republic. It state* 'hat the rfref poh.ts of th- '1 uMic.in ' programme nre b follow a ; C aril mar Urges, trid by irv. the abolition of • lavrry, the assimilation of the • f the eo'onirs to the mother conn j t v. and reforms in •ri rv branch of the ihminiatarllon. >ertnr Zordla severely criticises the p'ifirv of the restoration, lie consider 'lilt a r toluttn ifi Spain is certain to -il 'Ceed and will not tie lapg dclsvrd. lie conclu le* hy saying : '"A Republic is I lie onlv form of government that will ' allow Spain to enjoy order, morality | justice and liberit*. Whethrr tlie fut j I tire struggle shall be one of pesrc or one of sroti, the day of the battle wdlle' ' of victory. Our motto will always be ; Never compromise with Riurboo*.'" Another Wrinkle for Oirla i ~ The KilHnise K."j u' ''Man About Town" thus givea the , operiindi of J the postage stamp flirtation : The dear ' girls are all anxious to know about the I postage str.mp flirtation which is the j latent thing out. Of lato I have re peatedly been asked about It. An old bachelor, who had not tho courage to plead his case, ia supposed to have origi j nated it Mere it is, girls: placed on the , left baud corner, upside down, means that the writer loves you. In the same corner, juat croaawiae, "My heart belong* to another" hut quite straigh •aye "Good bye." If just upside down, in (be right hand oorner, it mean*. "Yon most write no more." If pieced • on the centre it tneens "Yet." Centre of the bottom, "No." If juat eroeawiee in the right head corner it aek*. "Do yon love me T" The left hand corner el the bottom tneens, "I wish your friend - ■hip." If jaet on e line on the ieft , bend 'tide of the euraeme, it meene | "Accept my love." Upeide down on the , terns line, "3 em engaged." If on the right bend, "I long to eee yoo." Up aide down on the #me> "I perish for i w Waiting. I W|| 'Till ftom ♦!) villrtl lrw lt*tl fell Title btflli 14 f lisitil fhie evtrtitiß H hit It Km's'w mi' Ditw frnm kit/*itg ml I I flll ftill bte Int'i ll i Inffn' t*—! WliAf ]| U Ut U*. I ll Wbllf f *'l Isf' |f -lit •In ui'< krr y flit g fn- l< t 'ttfl (..* f'/*n if. r ei'fif'Ka Ainl llf llnge itu twllh l>r tut i lo mi. —• .. - Oncur V/ildo on America. x rrw rxTx.scTa rnnv rnr i.turt ag nr. ia lif.l.tv vaisr, TO ill* c fMavxtx. <)-car Wilde, in the course ofe Icrlure delivered last night in 'lie (iaietv Theatre. a ; d that if he were asked what moat struck hiin on first landing he would say it was this,that if the Arneri can* were not the most well-dressed people in I he wor'd—ami he wis afraid they were not- still they were the most com for'ably dressed. There were no rag* to be ecn anywhere. N i American *ver saunter* or stroll*, or even walk* walking was one of the fine art* un knowo in American. They are alway- , rushing in a hurry to catch trains and ■ the fact of their a!way*l>eing in a hurry ( would make people here think they 1 were not a romantic race. Really ro ! tnantie people were never in timo for j anything, and did not care whether j they rnnght their train* or not. 1 Hear, hear.] Rut in America ca'chirg trains 1 was a nation il nmuement Their ' 'romance was d.tb-rent from our*. It ! j ws not the romanc of {fhakspere—it | i wti the r .niatiee of commerce, j nlnti-nt n \ tittic-tn litarr.ed life. I.itiglile: Nt w ■ .p; tiiriti' •, whtlloll! | was that the iirrininmti - wi ie i(l sit jooj'tn' ') vulgar, got up like* t v;v • it-f, fi!'"il with nie'.snc'tol) tut. ts, li ' v-it 1 ' • 1 u • th-.t feel.tig of .nt i • it.ni i lii-guide l.ok* a* nt-i , •hem t BEY ni .lit li " I!I .ut any • in c! argi l.aught' i —he si KJ not kn w. In order to snnd underneath j tlie water'all to pt. V- li -Ua'* gelling • Irrncli* d be h i to wear a su.t of yel •ne oi!-kir.* of the rn't untecotning •ex in-, wtni • * * b-d i*t h, t t rrl .• h it'... it, tvli e;, (ie loj rd tone • f li.a audience c-rer thought of wearing b lighter.. "ne of th< a mo*t charming women ot odnn times. Mm*. Rrn h-rdt.hit, h awever, got photographed' in it with Niagara as a sort of uuprv trntioii* tack ground. ] California, the |>.relist part of Arneri ; ca. was beautiful a**ihe lor.era in S| t>ng. There, and there on'y. cii i he 1 • a rr.aiiy nl! stie city - not Sin l'in eico, w uii its at<•* p streets and glaring i vlilie houses, but the city built bv the Chinese, who c -me over e;thi r to build rilw*v* or dig in the mine*. Ther ] were lo'-ked on u* very conim n people in 1 a gteat many brick* weie thrown lat tiienv (lsughter,) 1 lit tiiev Crr' frorue a rce << aitistic. a race educated ,ti iirh traditions of I e .uly, that the) h oil for themselves a beautiful little , jcuy, vv th nairow winding street*, li, ; villi painted paper lanterns. What •v< : thr v did was Iteaittilul' and what . ver Iwauttful, thing they had they, . u*eil. Aairdctt rhilbren seemed to be pair •in I prercriou*. nnd tint might be 'owing to the fact that the only na 'lon*l game of America w the gen e of | | euchre, wiii li could hardly, if indu* triou*ly praoliaed.lend to create nnd de j veiop a fine or manly physique. These I children, however, grew up into very 1 i charming pople, the American girl he ' mg one of the most charming despot* j that it would be thought possible to | | And living in a country with free Ro , publican instilutiona. Hhe was often n ; most delightful oasis of unreasonable I ness in tbe desert of common, sense j The only well-dressed man in Amerl. ca had very little childhood ; they lef school at fourteen, bsd two or three successful bankruptcies by the time they were twenty, and at twenty-one were millionaires—irieA 7\WCJ. Texan II ta M.VSTKK.— A boy near I'oughkeepaie took aomc paint and fixed up a dog to resemble an eecapey me nagerin leopard. And of course the dog felt bad and hunted up his master and went to anufflng at hi* beets, and the master went up a tree so quick that it absolutely astounded the dog, which set down to wait lor the old men to descend. It was a cold day; the wind blew end the bare branchea rattled and the old men shivered and swore for nearly en hoar, till finally the dog , harked. MAW* a woman who does not know ' the inaltiplirat! IS. You want. | Notion*, n Roots and The B Slios*#. CHEAPEST STOKE < irocs-rif*, i in Provisions, Centre County. Pish. WE y. WE RUY RI*Y IN FOR LARUE CASH , QUANTITIES ■mg anil g<-t and can the i buy DISCOUNTS , CHEAPER OFF. that way. GIVE SPECIAL US am lIARGAINSj A For the next | CA1.1.. .10 DAYS. COBURN* - PA. • i *•. I{uick K.iihk.ii 1 imt*e /'rv t i * V / ' ./ r. This it fo en: fv (h it %rt have <*/'/•- J F~ ro /'. itfair % • r tf.< in/. ' t<*tr Oi /, Train li:ia t ll'n' ' .*V t • Kixir '.it W XT' n (Vi*jsr. RY HosMEH P. II i"I.I. \N lb - c Having most thonsiM) tested t l "' Rock fort <,i'J|fk Tiain Wurm f, ,f tilt Wt tlirei* v■*r*. ! oil. r tb<*ir w i, t',. fu ie*i ronfidence a* tlie b-.t mi'l* aft tu -t reliable tinn* ket-jH-r fot tiietnouev that can bs> obtailtesl. / Vy•! , rf* ' t v H . 'ir ni aa* A" /• tit.A/ri. Xo 'J llr' fl . I.njl It'-'. Aft •-''••-r ArmrifttA HoirA. t M r< ■ pn ft. Diunmw, .'an. 2T. |a*2. Tin- R .ford j j W llcll leolglit felt. VZ. I s "'.'. 11l till. V.TV vveil tbe pt*t year, lining *et n ] ;on I# twice during tl.r>t tune, it* nniy j **tia "M '•* ing t '.rt e m.t-ute*. It ha< run vrrv touch t'etter than 1 ever an tici !••. leif. it Mr a* no' a*t#.t). R P. MR V A NT. ADVIC3 TO MOTIIURS Aft tirti fit liigbl awl UtUt 4 wtrigt In thm tltola, •*; • H oit, i\| iHW * Mill* - taEhut thr world. Prim k^rrwu ! Mth. .%-7-tf. CANCER CURED. I No ittwa.e* tiaVe so ttiur. ugtiiy t>*!H-il I the skill of tho tredi al profession a* • cancerous affection* and a* they have al ways born considered incurable, it ba* been thought disreputable to adopt their treatment a a specially ; ami hence physi cian* ha*o neglected their proper study. But of late years new and Important di coverlet have brought forth a course that n >w proves successful in any ot it* form., with certainty, without the ute of tbe knife or caustic plaster*. We have a treatment that is comparatively mild. It I* not poisonous, doea not interfere with tbe healthy flesh, can be applied to any part of the body, even the tongue. We take nothing for our services until tbe cancer is cured. Addrees DR J. HULBKRT. KagleviUe, Centre Co., Pa. ; The eldest sad best appelated lastitoUss lor obtaining a It us hi— Edsrauoa. Far circulars add ram. 1 P. DUFF A 9()ffft, Tt* lafMt a hiMal m*aim IWatist km, for ' taraa stadsat heaWs hsinSn fcr sort, lrolaia< aa nUt susitljr hta aw oa tawsltil! tawaart ap maettesl djttrn la oa mbws MW. fist rtrrwlMaaSS—p. fa—■ Tbt hwgea *>er>**. US* srtaaw ysbttsW. A w*t fcr hMkm.mttPMSa Vmiaaai was lit psatU wl seronstsal* Pn ■, pI.W. 13 1 -- *£> ' Fifty Klcigha at and below cot, lit liarirulT*. You'd be rurprieed U> ee tbo A|l hatid-<>inely trimmed in ret. M vol add pluah, for s'-'0 and upward*. Thwm •leigb* niu*i be *ol, Mid:'' Yea, I will iljou will hr;njf l>. llai>t)UM." The "trnstor far brought. U prescribed a lea*p-ionlu 10l I'erunti every linur. She began lo improve from the fhtt dote rhe took, She told me to-< ay *he baa never felt better in her life than the doe* now, and that the cannot nay too much fh-(•. 10, IMS I ; I have a living (tit tle** of the virtue of I'rruna in ruj wife, who wa* aaved trom death by it. I cer lily that ev.ry word on page 30 in I>a. II AKTM a*'* hook on l he "Ilia ol Life" ia true m every particular. 4H 2i T. 8. Eotai.iwc. ff&Ks t IfFr /wUWfcKG FMAIISKJS F REMEDY SYC}J ,, S DISEASES! I TrmiMTCH. scucs. rivn.es. / WE mmpnw i t •JBltxsvjv L i.TLitiiJ 1 •' TT • • ' f. vr ■ r nt •'• * ■ t< J •* k i ' <• rl. i * " f tl t | .;.t' *-f '-■ :' ne IHL .%• * I 'V" t' 1 ? ;• i m ■ .a.JI dktfSWSL to 2 ' I ® iVorALW.;? t -w '••r.wvY'V r**V N i : v?T ~ I; p ! i POWDER ' Absolutely Pure. Tli* j' '' ttiri*. A >"'! cf | ,t.e, ,1 '.-war . ww* V ,* | n ..# kill i nt J •(.,.. I- •<•<>) in ' .fef-otttfoft aaiilk 1v- *ttlt.:HF ..f !wt L l* situ ur j*.,.. *(* |. wi - i th ilttiil hrtALlUft *• I* 1< l h V Esmsssssm LWr the permanent cure crjil ; COKSTtFATFON. 1 E' 1° I ?to other die*"- ' ImTrsutdilimiwi -]B |- pry*iCm*. l?*.. a.a 4n* nt - S ew.i>a c. o; -BW'.jd r- a' r fcje-uve*. Vh*t-r iLaoaoim.hcwetTTcb:". n, -!tb* rmrc. U, irami*aril.' orrre."ait. Iwl T 3 PILES. f | t U>* are .sanntpar niai- :AhO |t!~ rr* t'l k!->dlrf T. a rvr-i *rV—> niy. -. .-.a* - r i-.4 wKic ifcla*. bare twf-(—fiuXwl. jc Kl >• tTTJxo.haeawCwe. fi' • —." "-a J USE ro~^~s^ .l/r.i, H'/i if ran on Aoa opened Ac 4 a '•O3UJ m fire IJIJSB HOUSE, and t ridte* lo announee lo the ladiet of Bcilefonie, thai the. ha* jut! rrcrt ini an t mmennte STOCK oi the laieM trimfcr *fyles in BONNETS, RIBBONS, BIRDS, WINGS, ' PLUMES, and all kind* •/ ittilinmy Goods. Mrs. Wkiltman has soloctsd *my 'jj thing with the greatest oare, mud feek f asmtetd thai eks can JUw the laket novelties imjaehien, and meet the wants j of herpetrene immmy portim/or.