Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 03, 1884, Image 1

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    8. T. SHUGERT A E. L. ORVIB, Editor*.
VOL. (i.
xEUe Centre "Democrat.
To mm tl.&O pnr Annum In Advance
Thursday Morning, January 3, 13G4.
A Rr.rtTBLICAJt paper in York ac
cepts the amendment of lilaiue to
Barkers' tax distribution bill. He
likes the whisky tax amendment, in a
tuoral point of view, of cour.-e.
TIIK Teutonic Bismsrk, having
waged unsprupulous war on the Amer
ican hog, has left the question t€ IH
settled by his Gallic neighbors. AC
ter January 20lh, 1884, all iniporta
fTmns of hog meals into France are ah-
HP* 1 ' solutely prohibited. A fellow dare
uot take a ham sandwich in hissachel.
IT seems that Bellefonto is not to
have a monopoly of the patent knuck
les, as Bridgeport, ( nun., hail a prize
with iron knuckles the other day,
which for bruality, was only exceed
ed by the brilliant campaign of our
„Yu slugger. Well toe 1 1 natty of be
ing great sometimes tails on the inuo
TIIK miseioH of Geueral Negley, ot
Pittsburg, and his associates of the
Union Leagues, to overthrow and
drive the "bourhona'' out of the South
is the great enterprise claiming* atten
■ tion. Th bare mention of Negley'
B> (Union L-ngue will have an alarming
M. effect upou Wad • iWupton and hi- 1
Hr bourhoii compeers.
TIIK lion. Dudley C. Ilaskill, a
Ilcprescutati vc iu Congress from, Kan
sas, died in Washington, after a lin
gering illness. lie was a prominent
Republic-all member, and i. is suppos
ed bis diseaso originated from over
work in the last Congress iu the tarill
■* lull, during the fse'olo health of Judge
Kelhey, when the work was almost
wholly upon the deceased.
, Tft sanguinary pistol fight be
tween the Democratic faction iu New
t Orleans, last week, will scarcely IK*
I availahU to the Republicans for
I "bloody shir£ capital. It was a mere
7 fansUrjWtfrel for the Gubernatorial
nomiuqUon between the McEnery ami
iu which the Repub
licansyd negros were not allowed to
and needs no meddling on
the part of the opposition to render
its condemnation complete by all good
citizens of that city ami elsewhere.
(SPEAKER CARLISLE has been tend
ered a reception by theComra on wealth
Club of Philadelphia. The ivitatioos
was mwdferthrough ex Speaker Randal 1
and it ia understood baa been accept •
ed by Mr. Carlisle, to take place on
the of January. If oar repub
lican fronds continue to hope to see
the friendi of Speaker Carlisle and ex-
Speaker Randall get by the ears on
(he tariff question, this mcetiog will
ar, probably dispel the illusion.
X* state bat introduced a bill looking to
4 restrain* of oar pablic lands being
gobbled up by monopolies and foreign
xl syndicate speculators. Quite enough
of fbat kind of thing has already been
done. Ibd we are glad to see some
rooT*fHeut made to bold tbeae lands
for the people at fair prices,
iosteEd oOpubjecling them to the mer-
S 1_ monopolists.
elsßlfon (pais of Houtb Caro
lina, which IIE* m ennobled the De
partment of Justice, tinder the present"
dnde bead of Riat 'nstitutiVß has
|f again fixzled, shnplj because tk^
was nothing in the eases to
I them. With a zealous I lepubficaq
. judge, and Democrat excluded from
the jury, and every needed Uppftttfff >
on hand to obtain conviction,
, proof to satisfy rjpyiAwgOfrdg''
Ajfe and jury that any ohst were
K thrown in the w% of AfpflrVpptfne
H elect* on privilege to all.
•~L |
Our Paat, Preeont and Future.
With this issue, tho DEMOCRAT
enters upon its #/.r//i volume. When
the paper was started, five years ago,
it was belie veil that there was not on- j
Iv room for a good county paper,which
! would advuento the principles, and
'! support the nominees of the Democrat- '
1 ! ic party, hut also that there was a
*'n cecmty for such a paper. At that!
1 . time there was hut one Democratic
( paper published ut the county M-at, j
j and the proprietor of thai paper de
■ nied that it was the organ of the par
| ty, or under any obligation to support
■ any candidate of the party, unless the
editor was pcr-anally satisfied with the
nomination of such candidate. In
pursuance of that declared p-dicy, that
■ paper refused to supp rt the nominee
' f I'tir party lor Congress at the pre-
cording eleclicn, and assisted <>ur plit
, it-al enemies to procure his defeat. The
„ DEMOCRAT WHS not started in a lit of
spleen or ill-temper, or to puni.-h or
injure the editor and proprietor of the
_ other paper, but to supply the want
felt bv many leading D.-moeratn in
; the county, of a party organ which !
would at all times aff>rd a b mi file
| support of the parly. This the DI M
f oCHAT bus ut all lines euileavuii.il
i> | to do.
I j In the commencement of this niter
II prise the paper had to conteud w'uh
• ' the id- a put in circulation by tic-'- iu
tcrestcd to prevent i*- success, that it
: would not he permanent —that it
s j was only an ephemeral thing thru
' would la -1 only nf- w months. Time
; has refuted this 01-jvctiou. Agaiu it
a was alleged that the DI M-S KAT was
• , started for the sole purpose of making
war upon certain Denim rats of the
t j county wh"se course had not nut with
• the approval of the f< inders of this
' paper. The course >f the pajier dur
1" iug llie live years of its exi-teuc-O ha
e | rctuled Una charge. Tins ja; rhe
t made war on no Deitmcrnt, aud has
never tailed to give lull and gentr
! ous support to each and ev ry caudi
- date of the party, win tin r such caudi
i date was the personal choice of the id- ,
e j itor or not. Nor has the columns of
r the pa|>"r been used to promote the
r . nomination of one Democrat HI the
1 jcx|>ene of other members of the par
| | ty, hut at nil times has given to every
. | aspirant for the honors of the party
i) impartial and fair treatment.
!) | For the generous support given to
r the paper iu the past, aud the largely \
I j increased patronage it is now reeeiv.
j ing from the citizens of the county, !
| the editors returna their thanks.
In the future, we propose to improve
( the paper regularly and rapidity. We
I inland that the DEMOCRAT shall be the
be*t county newspapei that ever has
been, or ever can be published in Cen
tre county. While in politics the pw
( per will be Democratic, a large por- (
tion of its columns will be devoted to 1
) the local iotereets and industries of
I our county, without regard to the poli
tics of those immediately interested.
We shall also endeavor to furnish our
, readers with the fullest epitome of the
( newi of each week, so that the DEMO
CRAT will be a complete family nries
[ paper.
, We have said that the politics of
i the paper will be as heretofore, Demo
, erotic. We do not mean by that, that
, it will blindly oppose every thing
which Republicsos may propose, or
, abuse all persons because they are Re
publicans ; nor do we mean that we
will defend everything which persons
• claiming to be Democrats may do.
' On the other band wo expect to
hold every person who is put*\oto ■
'office by our party to % strict account
, ability. The doctrines of the Qtoo
i cratic party is that public
i must be honest, capable and faiUrftil. :
If any pretended Dcjnocrat has obtain
-1 ed an office by profexsinaf to posseas i
these qualifications, and in the die- <
> charge of bis official duties has failed
1 to exhibit th£tn, the DEMATRAT will i
i be the first to censare, to give the i
party notke of the dishonesty, inca- 1
-^i l *
♦ Y -
parity or unfaithfu liters of it* scr-
Vll fit. Strict accountability of, public
officers to tlmro who elected or up
j point id them, is the only safi-gunrd
! in ii Republic.
Wishing each noil every one of our
I numerous patrons u 'Minppy New
i Year," we will labor on to ileserve
1 their commendation at will as |>utrom
age. Tin: Emmus.
The Tariff" Tirndo.
Since Mr. Carlisle lot* I>MJ elected
■Speaker of the llom-e of Ilrprrciita
live*, the Republican ami a lew Inde
|M inlent newspapers have continually,
inteiitiotmlly, and without jud entire,
charged that the Democratic party i
the parly of free-trade. We have cot.-
eluded thut tlirv do this because they
do not know what free trade ini-an*.
It they will c>amine the subject thev
will find that free traile i-i "cniimii r>e
trie from rmlrictioin." ; free int> r
change of eouiU]<x|iii'm "co'timeiciui
reciprocity." KMC trade, ii will bo
MWII, would even knock a tnrilf lor
ii venue out of exi-teuce. T i sttv tl.it
a tatilf for revenue only i- tin d> *
trine of the Democratic paity is a*
1 f.iidc as it is to say that tin* party i*
f"r free trade. The tariff a* u- Iby
tin* llipul lnao jutty In tui I*l up,
make rich and power ul in mojmins
by adding t i the burdens ol labor, i* a
great inonstroeiiy. "All Hint '.to i
i* not gold," nor is all that i< hid
dipt under li.> theory of high pro;. •
tion, protection ] We have How in o;e>r
atiou a tariff fiaiueil by a U- pu'iiu-nn
' (Am/ren* upon their uwu term.i. A--
cording to the teaching and Ik ii. f. t
the llepuidicari party ivi ry I ran h of
husinc.-n ought to be t xcccdii . 1\ ,x
JH.TOU*. Ln'oor should IN- in d< ni't. 'l
ami well paid. To prove it at lmi
ll<~* it dull, and trad'* rtsgn int iv
in*d to quote only a !• w t< l< -re. n
from largebusiness and nninufa orii
Piria.-irii';. Dn . uib.-r !>.
1 !>E rail .IT parirueut ol TIN- I'.( - ..IR J
Bcemer Hie. I Work*, at llo.it.- id,
shut down to-night, throwing EIGIIT
hundred men out <>t emp|iiyni<-ut. An
drew < 'arixgit W AS ititeri IEWE.I and fa
led that the I'hlg. r Thump • II WOIK<>,
at Braddnvks, which imply* TIME
tii 111-aml nmn, wiil follow Miit M M
month, utile - arraug. nn-I.t* are • T!lc
te.L with tit" EMPLOY ET tiw.OK I T a
small reduction this winter, or until
trade improves. The IOM on running
at H'io U tou for steel rails, he said,
; was greater (bail the of the inter
est ou money invested in cn-E of so*-
pension. McK.e, Anderson A (Vs
] mill at Reaver, L'a., cioseil to-day un
til after the holidays. Tbc Manches
ter Iron aud Steel Works will suspend
| operations on Monday on accouut of
scarcity of stock, throwing one hum
, dred and fifty men out of employment.
The puddling department at K lonian's
Superior Mill, which suspended four
weeks ago resumes on Monday.
llot-MDAYBt HO, December 20.
The rolling mill of McLanahao,
Smith A Co., and the Ilollidaysburg
Iron and Nail Company have shut
I down on account of lack of orders. It !
l is rumored that they will start up in
TRENTON, N. J., December 20.—A
reduction of 10 per cent., without no
tice in the wages of the laborers in the
New Jersey Steel and Iron Works,
has been ordered.
READING, PA., Decemcsr 20.—La
borers on the new railroad at Corn
wall struck on account of a reduc
tion in wages from 11.50 to |1.30 per
CINCINNATI, December 20.—The
establishment of J. P. McAfee A Co.,
hardware dealers, Celiaa, Ohio, has
been closed by the Sheriff Liabilities,
are 920,000; assets, 913,000.
NEW YOKE, December 20. —A. Wil
lct, a real estate agent in this city has
assigned. Preferences, 942,000.
Roctf ENTER, N. Y., December 20.
| —Donald Gordon, an extensive dry
goods merchant in this city made a
assignment to-day.
NEW YORK, December 20.—Brown
son, builder, failure was an
nounced yesterday, bad fifty bouses
under construction. Bis liabilities are
It seems plain to as that a high tar
iff ia no guarantee against business
depression. Before the great panic of
187!T rfnd jjuring all the long pe
riod whfjjffiit lasted we were under j
,%jAfff framed by the Republican par
ty and in full accordNrilh its theory.
- '
.I, •
E 1 ~T • .
t - .<*-
Great labors rikes uccurri'd in 1875 j
—1877 ami in 1882, nil tinder Bepub ,
| liean rule nml a It piihlicun tariff. It
; the tariff prut cts labor why then did .
j these strikes occur ? It' the Ilepubli
i 'an theory is correct, tailoring men, j
, why are tho shops closed ami you now
; in want of work ?
i I utlcr the facie doctrine of high pro-
I tiction, to ills, litiiitdiieg and maitufttc
lories are run at It git pressure for a
j year or two, the nuttket is over-forked
| in every brunch urn! line of buM,.e*s ;
| there is no sale for any comtuodity.
i i iicn shut down—turnout the laborer,
, he has hud a year ol prosperity ; now
he can starve for the next six in- mi lis.
The doctrine of the Democratic
party is right. I nner it utnunp lies
are imt fnbtcjvd to the great ii.jury
Htid wrong ol' tin- Inboroig man. "We
fuvor tii" tariff lor r.vcuuu limited to
: tilt* necessities of I tie gnvtriituetil, ceo- .
nomiealy administered,and so adjusted
in its application to to prevent urnqual
bum incouiagi* productive indut
trie- a! home, afford just cur.j* i -;tl;<>ii
to iuiiot, out not to create or f -.i t |
| in.mop...lT!. i ins is Ibe litti'lollg ol
the J>morratie parly on the lapf!".
\\ lint is tiie need i | revenue? It i* i
iiccessaiy t > ari on the goveramt nt,
ami lor this purpo • more than £.' ..
ot),Odd ia needed aiionudy. .Vb-disb |
internal revenue ut.ivly and hi litis I
vu; amount oi fno iey in- n.i-id bv n
luir, just and Kj-titJible tariif that wiii
liistir, ol':' ii ig , aud hud I Uj
Us almost iii iio,.oln'._ .~r j.oi i liori aim
.ol indiisii I- - win liav.' uinj'o' pro't'Ci*
t"U, uiid i.iis r wnl tin i con'.i ll u i e:n-
I'l'ivmerit Htid jot M utini' ration
Mr. ( urliie v> ry jntiy v, "u"
have in. nh-u in rripplu g the gto-vri,
>t our iu'iu-trits, is.it rirnplv scaliiig
down tin itri'piitii ol tii<*:ar if m-Ih t
o!e, wIK-re tiicy arc urterly cut ol pro
p-rtioii 11 the ileniatnl ol that grown
Alter we huv aim 1 , stisid bvanoal
o.wi.t uioti ifsd.is tn""oie fat tv'
not he Asks,! to ti.iko them bloi,te,|
<>iir n oi ntoussuplus t vi nui s ate i.lo
.i< ml and upper -sive." This i, J J T,N
that lit" most cut it*,.vert the editor ol
in- Hellofoote /,' p ,1, ',<-. in, ouglit to
! uudorstaiid it.
I.rtlhccs ini'u and tiewrpajHis In
fair with ns, with the laboring iom
and ti c lidustrics of the o intrv.
TIIK action of Mpcaker Cfarliule in
placing at lite licad of the Com mi I tew
on Foreign Relation* our distinguish,
ed ftllow townsman, Kz-Governor
A. G. Curtin, meets with the hearty j
approval of the whole country. No
man in the forty cight congress is so
peculiarly fitted for the position, both
by education and taste. A practical
education, acquired at tba Court of
' Russia, where be became thoroughly
acquainted with all the details of the
, Diplomatic and consular service, a
I large acquaintance with both the old
and new world ; a mind beautifully
stored with tbe needs of our country
abroad, he brings to the work a clear,
bright, vigorous intellect, and a thor
ough familiarity with tbe service such
as few men have ever bad—We may
expect practical and beneficial reforms
from this committee. No consular
stations will be erected for noedy po
litical retainers. Tbc Governor is un
der obligations to no one so far as tbe
appointment is concerned. It came
unsolicited. It was the clear fore
sight of a level-headed Speaker, seek
ing tbe right man for the right place.
Tho fight between Mr. Cox and Mr.
Belmont had nothing to do with tbe
appointment, as tbey were not thought
of for that place, by the Speaker, al
though both were importuning for it.
If the selection c£a chairmanship had
been left to the Governor he would
doubtless have selected this. The ap
pointment in eminently fit and proper.
The |K*)plc of the twentieth congress
ional district congratulate their mem
ber on thlr>ppointmcnt-
TJIT Congress wipe out the official sin- 1
ccures. It will do a good and '
largely on tkv*aide o%conowj. I
Letter f.otn Ex-Gov. A. O Curtin. !
The following miter Irons Ex Gov- j
j A. 'F'urtin toHaniiK-l Giililnml E-q. '
of Boalxhtirg, I'n , will he loutid of in
ic-rol to our rend'. r.
WAMitNurow, I). 0,, Dec. 20, 18<
Dr. AI: Hut: Your letter surprises inn j
u i little. Finn the time it wc* first
[ proposed'to oi-i ke a railroad connection |
Utwrrii 11. ili-foiite and Spring Mills I
have lieeu u i-ousiaiit a<lvacate ,f the
pi'jict in its • very phase, ami have ,
, made ri-jwated trips to Fhiladelphia
in n.lvoi.uiaig it ; had the promisis of
the lai pretwh-iii (hut the connection
: to L'tiioiit wnul'l he made if the con- j
■ necli in to 11. lU t'iule were tna<fe. I
I <lo ii't h -licve ii i ih!e th.-it tln-rec.iti
hea man in Bellefoiite w!IO 11-M>S lO'
|i!iir. in-h : iai!r< ad coniicttion, a- i'
j woui-i i.i nr.- tin value of pr< petty
' ami hi v !>" add In the population o'
tin. ii. ti.iiud it would he vcrv rclfi.-li
in :!.* j" _#o of IS.-llefoule it they fail* .
el I . do < vi—ything iu tluir porter to
inai ' ti I- r, i:road connection through
•he Y; 1- y -o as to accomodate the in
-1 trust tool the j vOp!<- on your side of
lie inooiiieiii. Not only for such riu
.oi : ! ..vi- 1 advocated the uieasurc
hut 1 hii-e on intirol iu tin- loads n
alo. t. i. >• if 11, ii.,- 1,., .d liable and a.
inu-it-ti.! i ! real e-late in the neigh
l.i ii■ i' .i , B.lh ioute, and I mrclv
ilmtKil hot { r K ; tl.at the farms owner!
lit Mr-. W li-ou, and now the only
prop, i ti nl In r Io us. could he hrcught
iiiUi mi ih<: aid -uld for a |ii-c thai
- wojit- give io d • to the Etftis of liv*
i-L'. Ti'V in-- i.ot tl.e only per- ti
to l.e Irt'i t hilt ti hy tut h ccuucctitm.
lln are many others in IVinii-valhy
' who w .el l.e iq .iiiiy h' lilfitUtl.
Win II I coii-nler ti:at the jwopleof
l'.-i i svail -y omit r cxiraortl.uSry cir
cu -tarn suhttcr.h 1 the money
locate ictbe mad tolscmoat I |
F. el n ; TT- 11, iudi J'l. tot of any
iut rt s. Is .i. -. nsihie to the justice
whi.-li they h • rve fit in tin: Pennsyl
vai ia railroad a- to tail to advotatc
tin- i ttuip t tion of the road. It *s
under the ii ;r..'sion that i kr.- favor
ing lit" r til it> L< motil ami at the
an.- time holding tin iVun-ylvauim
railroad to their ripiatid promises:
ih..! lif i-d.the wsulnim id VOCES |
' tiigtSi finishing of the Medio I A--
IU.-II; wht u the lVuna. reiir<Nid -houhl
com tin lire to liiiish the t<>ad from 1
Spring Mills to that poiuL That 1
was |>erftctly right uuih r the impres
sion iu ofiering that resolution, is now
It j
demonstrated hy the singular turn
they have taken iu reference to the
IN nnsvsllcy road iu demanding $25,-
<KK) from the people who have already
paid so much and have been so long I
without the facilities of a railroad.
I will go to I'hiladelphia to-day and
have an appointment to meet the offi.
rials of the I'enoa. railroad to-morrow
when I will lay the whole subject once
more before and endeavor to ioduce
them, if poasible, to withdraw that de
The result of my effort will be oom- j
municated to you in advance of my i
going home, but I can review the
whole question during the two weeks (
recess of ( ongrem, all of which I will j
spend at Bellefontc. I presume if the i
Fcnna. railroad refuse# to withdraw (
the demand that a new company will be
raised to make the road from liemont 1
to Hpring Mills which they have held 1
so long and which under the law I do 1
not believe they can bold any longer. t
My impression now is that a railroad
will be built from llullefoule to 1*- (
niout : and juy htqie U, notaitlistand- (
ing tbo demand that the l'cnna. rail- ,
road will lie induced to build the road (
from that point to .Hpriug Mills and I i
will do all 1 can to aid this. I
Yours truly,
IT is announced that Stephen W. *
Dorscy of star-route memory, is again *
in trouble and that his great cattle '
raochc of 70,000 seres upon which "
browsed 4.5,00) head of cat'lr, is in {
the bands of rcc ev -r. H
TKItMS: |.,i Atiltam-,ln AtUtn:ir.
1 Hi. N'*w Orl>uii up* * jiH jp-rs
icverrly criticine tho Tmmy
; incut'* rejection ~f Mr*. M in, Miller'*
application fur n li<en#c nr matter of a.
j steamboat, the ground if rejection
' being that the i a wmiMii. She Itatt
tje nt her life on the Mi'MsMppi, and
her hohuiiit * ugc jiut B'-i ituled her
learning all the inlricm-i'* of that
[great iiHtiona! highway, f*u'* i* twenty
year* younger than her Ituthnml and
lew navigated hit limit lor tome yearn,
and all the pilot* recognize her t>kill.
So constantly hat tin- lna-n ill the l:oat
that twonr thret; of iier ehihireii were
horn in iia cabin. |f. r daughter, n
pretty girl of sixteen' at*itta her in
iiiaiiagiiig affair* in th'* ('nptaiii'u
newest craft, which it t av; atimj tho
bayout that are tributary to the J{ rk
and (luai.'hita river*. 'I I<• ngJ<! f'ap
' lain i* compelled to tp. id timtofhi*
lime in repose in the cahin.
Senator Van Wick wants to 1Cn077.
Mr. \ an \\ i< 1; prevented a r • olu
liori in the senate cu'ling on the t."rt-
Ury of |!, i r . j oi vto lornirh copied
.of tiii vnui hiT and il'- ti* of eX|M Uto
I lor rjH'Oial < r e-.-ir,;iiit attorney* and
d' 1 1 ct IVi*tk it h ! >■' t:i Oil> of t :,• ptti I
it. c 1.1 • -}.b i:j March, l!f"il. lie
ruto wair* fi .nt! <• -cctvtary of the
( interior, copi, * of Ml |uj*rv relating
t tli • attempted transfer by tha T- *;v
I'oiC.' railway toiopuiiy of the .Vri
:o a, New Mi xi<i and ( Mil inia
land grant* to the Sootloiu JhieiSs
railroa l.ai Irel -• • :- of any m ;llJO
rial*, brief. nr letter* rclatiug to tho
matM r of land grant* or tuUidi to
* s* ail I'-'iU rulntiil.
Young Mr V.o t. rtalt 1.. been jtl
*—i {! *io>i. err by i.i < .refut
fillirr. Toe yon- g jnalrmt* l.<<iili
t,e ah!* to "fntUe hnth < rot* m •*•>" oo
that tain, but lie* fact that i;r iimi vg.il
IO l nesy'' ti. b five tin.** that
* mount in tlojt H nitujr tu nrba
rt|jer tii kit i .r confidence tii >1 he
wait do to.
P.-cse Opinions.
The Brabford AVj . n t*vrr of abol
ishing M 'i.o no-.a even at lit* cent of
The I'nited States hnl but one In
dian war in f **■.'! and that a< a teiy
tmall alfair, thunks to the ek.>ll ol t;< ne
ral < rook. 7Vi'aar.J
Mr*iro *prt>l ltS3 in imbibing Van
kee enterprise and en rgv, May tbeaw
. qualities quicken her #lugg ih blood.—
The Franklin lispatisory would be
to bare the government reduce the sur
plua by paying the border ciatma.
j The Pittaburgh THrpefsk thinka them
it law enough in Pennsylvania to punialv
i prize fighter*, but the officer* are i
| fault.
Sf. To* Tncit doeen't *tand vary
i high.in aoeiety bat *be u a goodly little
woman and doeaa't cam to marry again-
The Coooellaville CWrvraoapncta thak
Mr. TUaine will diaeover that letter writ
ing la dangerooa for Preaidmtinl enndi
The Sunbury /Vaewrwt Uuaki tbe
membera of the 1-egieUtare will not he
judged by the people M tnoch by their
vote oh the aulary bill as the aaomh
they tnke from the Trenntry.
Maud 8. U uncrowned. The gelding
Frank ha* beaten the record and ban
brought It down to 2:9j. Heme of the
watcbe* marked 1.-f.. Wlnthip, the othee
horve, made MaudS.'t UmeS JOlln the
second beak
Our legislative committee which ban
undertaken to investigate the Slander !
Oil Company iv having jaet about the
um luck whivu lefei the genera) gov
ernment in its pitMecuiion of the Bte
route thirrrv. Better atop it end save
the Mate # money.— Aluohj T>it*uu.
The republicans of Pennsylvania aak*
before the election in this atetn Inst No
vember thai e victory for their party
would insure prosperity in mill, factory
and furnace in our com moo wealth. At
present thousands of Iron work era and
miners are out of employment. Labori
iog men should not heed tho story
the republioao party will circulate in
the caupagß of IMl.—£uifc Arj*.
NO. 1.