Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 20, 1883, Image 1

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    She (Emtit ifttls jPcmocxai,
S. T. BIIIUKRT A. E. L. OH VIS, Editors.
VOL. 5.
ul'.t Crntrc grmtimtl.
Tormiitl.AO pnrAnnuratn A<l vnnct,
Thursdsy Morning, December 20. 1883.
MRS. CHIUSTUNCY, the divorced
wife of Ex Senator Christ iancy, died
the other day iu New York insane
from mental and physical prostration.
PHILADELPHIA'* new postoflice
building, it is said, has cost the gov
eminent $8,000,000 in its erection.
It is of course a magnificent structure
in all its appointments.
A RICH gold liud is announced to
have been discovered in the Rocky
Mountains iu Canada, a mile north of
Podmore, which is repotted to the
Department of Agriculture as au im
mense bonanza.
DUBOIS, Clearfield county, was
visited on Sunday last by a disastrous
file resulting iu the destruction of
much property. The losses arc estima
ted at 875,000, and comparatively
little insurance. We sympathize very
sincetcly with our Clearfield neighbor.-.
THE Republican senate caucus re
pudiated Muhone by defeating bis
man Gorham for secretary ot the
senate. Gen. McCook, of Ohio, was
selected over Gorhain by a vote of 19
to 13 after Mahoue had made an ap
peal in bis favor. The Virginia boss
• has lost bis prestige and kicking is
now in order.
SPEAKER CARLISLE, it i expected,
• will announce the committees of the
house this week immediately before
the adjournment for the holiday.
He will then probably escape to the
mountains or hide himself in the
prairies of the west to avoid the curses
of the disappointed during the two
week's Keep.
B THE Harri-burg J'alriot compiling
V from the figures of the auditor general,
demonstrates that the expenditure- ot
1883, shows a decrease of 8705,891.98
i-ost of running the state gov
as compared with that of
ic In-t previous year when the
vernment wa* under control of
Idican legislature and execu
.ll iu departments. Assuming
0 as the cost of the extra res
eleven months duration, the
show a saving of nearly a
million over the expenditures
Republican management fur
le session of 1881. This may
lidered a fair Democratic re
e not to be ashamed of by the
acting reformer.
Republicans of the senate re
> gratify the Virginia senators
lection of Qorhnm as secretary
body, but as n salve to the
J sensibilities of the rrpudia
to hold them to their alliance
le administration and secure
ites fi.r the future, they were
jpon the following committees
ne. Chairman of Public Build -
d Grounds, memlier of Naval
tf Post Offices and Post Roads,
CI neat ion and Labor.
iCrierger, Chairman of Manu
-7 member of Railroads, of Pis-
Columbia, and of Engicmed
TOB MORRILL, of Vermont,
educed in the senate a hill to
for a commission on the sub
the liquor traffic. The com.
is to Ire composed of seven
,not m-re than four of whom
long to the same political party>
idvocatcs of prohibition, whose
shall be to investigate the
c liquor traffic, its relations to
tod taxation, and its general
ir, criminal, moral and scienti
st id connection with pauper
inte. social vice, the public
tnd general welfare of the poo
•I also to inquire a to the prnc
suits of license and prohibition
on for the prevention of in
toce in the several states of the
Lottcr from Gov. Curtin.
WASHINGTON, Dee. 16, 1883.
I am quite sure that since my return
from Europe, I have per-i-ted in my
efforts to have u road from Bollefoiite
to Spring Mills, and in justice to the
people of Petinsvalley, 1 proposed and
1 had pasel, the motion of our Board
! to lend credit to the road to Lemoirt.
I Provided the L. A T. U. U. company
would iron the road to Spring Mills,
j It is unjust ami malicious for anv one
| to attempt to pervert my action. I go
,to Philadelphia to see Mr. Roberts
1 and may get the demand ('25,000
' withdrawn.
If the Pcnna. Co. refuses, we should
. j consider the propriety of extending
the Buffalo Run road to Spring Mills
nnd locate on the graded road. Tt is
impossible fof the locution to he held
I now, and if the Buffalo Run project
j- not practical, suppose a new charter
he taken.
All thi- I will sav to Mr. Roberts
and will be home soon to see all parties
Yours truly,
A. G. CricriN.
Gov. Curtin's letter litis tbe right
ring. We nur.-elves never doubted
his position a- to the Pcnnsvalley road,
but some have honestly mi-understood
him and some have maliciously ued
this opportunity to damage him before
i the people, and for this alone we glad-
Iv publi-h bis square, direct statement
of bis position. Our honored towns-
I man lias always the welfare of this
community at heart.
Aroorica's efforto Fall.
J-ONIXIN. Dec. 17, 8. 15 A. M. —
, O'Donneli was hanged at ***2 riflsHt
this morning. The weather was of
the most boisterous and squally charac
ter. This did nt deter a large crowd
! from assembling on the out-ide of the
prison in order to catch the fir-t new
of the execution. The people began to
1 gather a'oout seven o'clock, one hour
! prior to the lime fixed for the execu
tion. The previous arrangements re
lative to the exclusion of members of
the prr-s and outsiders were strictly
enforced. There wa not the slightest
hitch. O'Donncll was placed o:i tiie
scaffold a f w rniiute* before eight
o'clock. He was calm, collected ami
seemed not to lie in the least alarmed.
ID was given an opportunity to
make a Speech hut refused to say
anything. He wn executed at 8 :92
and ilicd without any apparent slrirg.
gle in a few minutes. The black flag
was at once hoisted. Among those
who had congregated on the outsido
was the brother of O'Donnell. He
was associated with a large number
of workingmen and was during the
whole time in a more restless and de
jected ronnner thnn his condemned
brother. He excited the sympathy of
almost the entire assemblage. There
was no demonstration of a very bois
terous character, a* the black flag
was raised to the staff and the execu
lion was announced as having taken
AT the meeting of the Republican
National Committee in Washington
last week, Chicago wns selected as the
place of meeting of the national nomi
nating convention for President and
Vice President, and the lime fixed for
June 3d next. This is supposed by
some to be in the interest of Arthur
from the fact that the committee de
clined to entertain the proposition of
Mr. Fryc, of Maine, to arrange the
terms of representation giving pre
ponderance to the certain Republican
slates over those of the certain Demo
cratic state* in the choice —that I lie
refusal to adopt the proposition of Mr.
Frye settles tbe bash of Mr. Blaine, ns
Arthur comes to the front with a solid
Republican representation from the
south controlled and operated by the
office pal iimage he wields,
i Off Ithe other hand, others, notably
the N> w York Sun, believe* that the
organization of the Republican com
mittee with Seiintor ( hnpio, of Min •< -
.sotn, as chief, ami the location ot tin
! convention at Chicago, wu* the join'
j production of Ligan and Blaine to
'capture the Domination from Arthu:■
I It will doubtless In- au interesting
I 'scramble at uny rule.
A l> met of Protendorn.
The Harrishurg Patriot refers !"
L 1 the impudencesif a pretentious h
of men, hailing from the northern nml
- western cities, and whom Mr. Gre l\
> j property diMguntul ns "blockhead ,
thus "A lot ot meddling hypocritr
-1 killing tln iu- Iv< - the 'L'uion L ogin
r 'of America" not nt Wu*hingt n on
- Wednesday In-t nod pa-.cd resolution*
- to the e fleet that they would nml. r
I take to correct 'in>uihnn misrule' in
l the - nit hern stale*. The fact that
r ' their meeting -curred on the -aim
day on which tin- Republican national
, committee n--, mhled i- r itln r r-iguifi
cant. Ii slows that the < <nvciii*iier
: of iho memlicrs of thi* sniveling i if,.'
wa-/carefiillv con-idcrrd. Tin v ore
/ •
tali <it Is* rno nib. r* of tin* II pit • an
I national committee or B pub., an
politicians who -. -•l, t 1 1. capi'.i! f r
I the pni'i -■* of griudii ,* nn nxc in the
I me-ciing o| that committee, 'i lie fact
• i- the 'i ni n L ague.'as at pri eut
■ r-i n-titui'd. i* -imply an organizaf, II
of Republican offic-holder-and office
■ ; hunters.
The idea of that organization r.
forming anything i- to, absurd t > he
treated of iu serious iariir*t. It ha*
always lie< n a stumbling block in the
wiv of reform. It existed in New
York during the Tweed regime, bu'
the Committee of .Seventy, wi;h
. 1 baiuuel iuiat.*ii4R •*.-<
, at its head, had to lo organD'd to re
, form the city government. It m .ihl
I the politics of Philadelphia wh< n tin
fraud* in the Gj- Trust, and Hi hwnv
department and tie R< < nrd r - oil ■ ■ •
were perpetrated, when corrupt >n was
. rampant in every liraneh ot ih" < y
governnient and when the debt of tlo
city va pile !up to fixtv mi!, -• ;
r dollars. Its silence gave ronn nt and
some of tl. who are now pnimineiit
in it* councils could tell interesting
, tab -of the fearful mi-government ol
that debt rid l*n municipality which
re-ulied in taxation that f.-r a lime
amounted nlmo-t to conf.-i nti.n. It
wa* not the 'l'nioii L'-nc i,' Imt the
Committee of One lluidnd which
undertook to reforai the government
of Philadelphia.
"When the southern Mate* were
j under carpet-bag rule the 'l'uion
Lea cue' was aciivc nml untiring in
promoting the p-dicy of Grant'* ad
ministration which gave over the
liberty and property of the people of
those state* to the rapacious plunder
ers who backer! bv federal bayonets
seized the control of the state govern
merits. Do the-e contemptible dissem
blers imagine that people have for
gotten the hi-lory of that infamous
attempt to pillage the people f the
south and to reduce then to a politi
| cal bondage so degrading and hateful
that Republican* like Charles Sumner
I and Horace Greeley felt constrained
: to raise their voices against it? In
, : that wicked and shameful crusade
against the southern people the 'l'uion
I League" had it* full share. Fine
. fellows ore these snuffling leaguer* to
, propo-e to reform the state govern
ments of the south! Iw them mind
. j their own business iu their own state* j
p anil in their own eitre* ami towns nml
. they will have employment quite suffi
cient Let them reform the Tewks
hurys in New England, the election
frauds in Philadelphia, tin corrup- j
lions at Washington, the plundering j
of Mahoue in Virginia, before they
, preach their crusade ngaiust states i
i which areas independent of their pro
i posed interference as Maine or Illinois,
, or any of the thirty eight free and
equal republics which constitute the
■ federal L'uion."
i I
V<* W \
' W.iy Wo Got io Jto in L' tinn
Let our I Yniisvallev fritnd- mnik
i li;- 1 .
("I'loN* 1. I'r il run '<(/, ,1 , TIi!
lIIV Oiilnnol i-OtnpiiliV 'it ||i. ( , I nil' II
•mmMli, wliirh has In.ivil i r m::vh i<.
ttr tinil In complc;< il ritilrt ml,
yviihiti 111* li IH: prc.-rt ibnl lv tin- law
applicable thereto,-bail Ia v* a | riod
I five \ oni -, iiimi 11, i!,ito • tie*
pn-nge i 1 this not. for the m[-;* '.ion
lil the same, ami in H<l*H in 11 <■ r'-> >•
orih r | >■ it hI of month* lor tin h
twciilv livo mill- or 11.11 *i' >i al |.i r I .t
ittuilv five mi!- , by vi• i• I tb I
raiir>:i<i hi.all ixi 'i I li ' v mi - in
• ili J'n i,'l /<• - il.a' it-1
t iiiilroail '• lIIIJ .11v -luill, at tin i xj.ira
. lull <*i oiio yi .r fr ail t •i; :'o i ! lI•
pn--agc o!' li.i- a *:, la- tla ri a't r
' lurtln-r entitled in tin 1., i. (it tl.. ri-nt
iiih -- it -hall llit ii have < \|a ini*d, ia
the haat'u n or roi Htni' on ■; it
i' all, inciti'ling i*x •ii : i' - • ■• i \
liu.il , tho hutil of out* htllnln ij t . ill
• ami Itiil:ir-, it the length i: tl m* :u
til. oi the .-at I tullr<■ n| -fit I i a
iiiifli a- fitly luih -, ami n jiroji ,rt; u
ute [itirl of the-ni l hum .! tin length
of thi* raill tunin line-In'! I }• ■ t an
lifiy mih: An't /*" ' ' further
I hat tin- Id-hall iuurv t" tl.'' I li:
of Mich corporation# only, u- t-!in11
li.iv n!i* *! • a in* |*• • I ti i • "*. i in*
! tho ox. •: II j ' **i-' 'u'i i l!
('omtnonw tilth, ami such r. *■ Imil. ho
nre excrci-ieg any privilege hen b'*
conferred, ami within six ni nth* inmi
the ilate ol llo* pa-.igi* <t tin- n-i,
have iluly accept' Itl provi-mii- "I
-ai I ( u-titu' 11, in *h> tuant r * t
scribed liv lav,.
Arr ROVED -1 In* l-t day of Jam,
A. I. I**3.
ll'nT. I 1' *TI I- iV.
The nlsve wn- nia<h* a In.t tiii- year
hv our prtHt.l leg'.-laturi. 15 thru*
n •*ai!> r* v**!* I ngai:. t it, <j ,
hut w. are not (irtaiu. W tiaut l>
kn iw why our |* njile * r<* n >t alarmed
in lime, not n note <>• yyaruing wa
rn.-' 1. Now the citt/* ns o' I**m
, valley may understand why the IVnit
"♦vrfT*!!:** T! Tf. U ) i* 'in!. They
have five year* now to complete tie
mad. Win) tin- a'*. 0 been slipp'd
through MI quietly, t . intir* i ad
would have been compW !< 1 or have
In ent r'eiled. We are : v. |* wcrl< .
Pat! lean's Inve'-Mput ton
( *\ertK*r i'alti- >ti la-: w - di
pat( lied I** the auditor pnu ti the f*.|
I iwing significant con nun i* iti* n
II iiirti-iift:'., I)* c. 13 1 i
Hon J'!ll> -I I.niiOn, ,1 II it it e I.
rral, ftr'ir Sir. I'i* -•* furnish the
executive department nt your earliest
convenience with an item,/ 1 state
liient of the e r.pcndiluri - of the . m*
titigctil funds ot the e.':ate and It u-e
of representative* at the late extraor
dinary -■ --ion of the , era I a--* '*• ly,
showing the name- of the persons to
whom the money* ol MUI futid* have
lie II paid, together with the amount
paid t*> c-nch. Alt" n -la i ient * >t
mining the mum - of mi offi * r- and
employe*, including tie j of the
hotie and senate, !* yyl. in moneys
have IM* n paid forscrvi" during the
-aid se-sion, together with the amount
paid to each.
Your- very respo* 'fully.
Uotii ttr K. PAT rt*o\, Gov.
Between Patli-ori and tho legi-'a
turo yvo have no difficulty in taking
our position. We ate f'.r the Gover
nor. He i liomst, lie i fi arl*-- and
he is conscientious. Tiie legi-lature
deserve* none of this prai-e, but ha#
proved itself a deeper di-graee to the
commonwealth than any >f it prede
re*- ,r. Prom the lieginning it has
iriffid ; it has per-itenlly slefieil the
constitution; it# entire existence has
lieen a continuous perjury, and its
dissolution a scene of little cupidity
and of shnmcless greed, surh as a !
hootblack would blush to manifest.
We sp* ak of this body n- an entirety,
yve gladly make ome itoNouAttt.E ex
ecptions. But has ever nu linnest,
reforming executive been cheekcl by
ns mean and petty n lot of legislators!
And now Pattisoti intimates that the .
accounts are rotten and asks lo have
them shown up. He is looking after
the rats. We know of no specific
charge, but we can believe anything
of tho legislature of 1883-4. The
people will hack you. Governor. A/I
our cuunly papers sustain yon.aud for
Heaveu's sake go to the bottom.
—Holidsy g<v<l, at Z.llar* drug store.
Tolerniim liriofw.
Miner-ill t!:*: Ti.inl. Pool have de
i-iiled t i -:n! <■ oil t! JOth in-t. un!e—
mi ndditi'iiial quart' r ;a • nt pei
1 h i- '.i*| i- paid 11 iin by the. *ra' ■i -.
Lite ''oinjitroller ol the ! urreiic}
has an!li<ii i■ 'I the l ir-t Nati mil
I 1 51 ul. ol ll* *i.■ r*l. Pa,. I** begin bu-i
n • v.illi it capi'al of 000.
All of t! '• :in.* *iv i- iibmitted in
i!'* ii iin N rri-towu of Jam - ,la< k,
ior y\;.* murder.
Il i • nil'** Kln dive ihr* n- to
. resign and leave Lvgvpt- * The report#
of il: I.' Puel.a - siifi'vait: revivi I
Out ili-crcdif d.
I • I M ii' li are -aid l < havi pf -is
ii* y I. >111 1.• .* *1 th'* Madagaseau
;* ol* ! \ li' inar un I .M ! ini'ou.
I- : ' I'l 1 li, ti A r |tiq*a ha- In i n
vn: i! t! * 1 hv t!i- • to.iii.
H< ii ri * fur! 1 it, li.,* v.. il kn ovii
I r* i.i b lii-lori.in, di I ye-n rdav.
Hi -rb * I.i, ad", I'ren u poet
hi 1 nuilior, <li* *1 vf sterdav.
A I .1 an. ini.ug th Chirn -c linmi*
graii ua* iip -'.ug ! .rt..* r rc-tr!
i* b en agieed uj II by the
Pa* li (' • i ii If. ". n a*. I yyii! I>*
/ ; :
I k -'.ai' Ifepartrnent ha-received
'i m l!. I '*••! > ali - * •.-u! a' Isr* •
n. ' ■ ro. .a *. • p -of a letl< r
-•■ nt t* Pi • H -msri*, by the < nan -
b r of ( imrnerce of tliat place, pr e
te-'mg a.* liu-t ilie- prohib : nol the
. imp. rin*. .-nr. Am ri< an j ik.
' i ... 'I - *. si. ,|• t.
: i*i .** ur ll* 1 I'** :un*r. n w visiting
, P • * nitry, -ns t . N yy Y*ok *
tor k * m ii) damage- f*; u*ieged Hlh-I HI
, treating In- b"-ture t.ti prehistoric,
ancient, n ii val and modern tin'-,
' in a spirit of !< vity.
I<ev,l I. t a: I i.i father,
i.i-t, i n*.: :* i in Wiimiugtoo of
murder, yy .-e ->ntenc'd yesterday—
:i -on t" b ha *1 and the father to
life-long irnpri- mnicit.
Tl •r* v * JI I : * ir, -in the I Hi.
ted !*:al - r<*p i rtcd sinri; ' the yrck
pa-t, nineteen nn.re than the corrcs*
ing yy k . I#".'. iuni eighty four
more tiinn ill same w<*i k of l* s l.
Ifuring the current year 0"1>23
iriiniigrant- ha\ arrive tin the I nitcil
I* -ialed in N wY rk that
Clui-iiancy vsa- hound'd to death liv
- *mc men yyh name* have i. *t iH*eii
It i generally c m ider - i hy rail*
r >a*l m n that a evc re yynr in fare- to
the yy<#t i- impc-uding.
It i- reported from Hue, the capital
of Annam. that King Hicpbma ha
In i n |**>i-on* Iby hi- servants nt the
instigation of the <' linesc. ( Uher re
ports hold France responsible. The
maiidarimsof A nnam have proclaimed
war against France. Iteinforcemcnl#
Itnve been forwarded to Admiral
A solemn reception will be givrii
tho American bishops by the pope
previous to their departure.
In a speech at Liverpool last night
Sir Richard Asshcton Cross strongly
condemned the extension of the fran
chise to Ireland.
Baker Pasha has given it as his
opinion that nt Ica-t lo.tfOO troops will
be required for n successful campaign
in the Soudan. He also slates that .
Kgypt is unable to supply that num
i bcr.
John Bright, in a speech nt Kiigh .
ley last evening, declared his opposi
tion to universal suflrnge, and said that
he would endeavor by nil possible
menus to maintain the forty shilling
| county ftanchi-e.
A commission of inquiry to investi- i
gate the causes of the recent Orange- I
| Nationalist riots in 1 Londonderry sal
yesterday A number of persons who
participated in the riots were summon- j
ed ns witnesses, whereupon the Roman
Catholic* in attendance left the court
in a body, protesting against the ac
ceptance of such testimony,
TKKMS: £1.50 per Annum,in Advance.
iii !>(,%, uf the I/ouisville
< '<wru r ./<,nrii>i/, rn<]i |j- l!i platform
lur.i.ly creciiu-ij to hi 10. He MJM
iiitl ilr clamor about free trade is a
ttepublicun invention that lie advo
a!<- tax reform, not free trade, and
■ long a- two hundred millions must
' di eted through the custom houses,
here ran he no nich thing as free
! trade.
Additional Local.
■' h " i- almost here and per
ere * ,1c youi pllreiih.v)
1 *'* 1 wii it they are to be. If
overlook tie- l,i-rty, w#>
■' 1 ,v things from which
•t -i lcet |u <tt the right
1 lid not '-ir a momeiit
v< " !■ - .'tain the idea that we ha/1
' "tit other improper
■ w ' '• iirittcr. U c will com
•nil. i-Mi 'lv lady and gentle
'• -'•• t ■ 1 ' a pair of gold
• die; ill i gold li. aded
tt'-i '<!u r all that, a neat
11(1 i ' ' h'-.r, in the stick would
thing f • - jroung gentle-
V aid aw .itch, chain,
i : IJ. -hilt or "leeve hut
* * 1 urd- n<-l with the
ilf • he,. I and exhausted by
'• . e her tstile appear to
. in: . . (••a et, cantor,
i. •d. t ikhet. * ivia, forks
v • 1 t- .ng thiA * back to
ueth ng (or hi rsonal
■ii ;i ■ x| rticle
'il l i I elasticity to her
. t wav. any of these articles
"• I i. - to h mi" who is
ue.e t!,<-s<- i ire, but per
t' • ft J -1 : j-r ate article out
c - i would i><- a fine
1 • ' .en. King*, of course,
understood, and an opera
■t I In- t liing. A fan of
: i die r it have, then whv
'. u _• I Ii • Ine one, but a gold
!,. ,t plea.e better than all
•a pi- napkin ring might be
de-ire. \ boy's watch is
i th.ii • ' r i 1 -v. insures steady
I ii tualili and prompt
t; : n • taincl jn no other
A i • litih- clock for his room
w-uM be ! n'Xt best thing. The
1.11'• ! delight mostly in rings
r [a rhapd a silver cup,
i.i ... i sjMn-in. but to make
• 11 •• it shouhl have
< • • !. and f<r the
I ' ■ s. Ip tureen, io" pitcher or an
• ,!•!-. i. k would But we will
I • :<•'■- .el l that .mi of ttie above can
! i procur> 1 at Frank P. Blair's.
I i-t w<- n w<- informed the people
' 1 • ' nte m i vicinity that Lewm
A <"■>.. i i etois of the popular Alle
jh< ! i sire- t i 1 lliing house, had the
l.irgea) sto. k of mens' and 1-oys' over
ai n f'Vntre i inty, and they cer
t nly li I large tock. We hardly
kti "iv i-t how it happened, but
ring 1 i idi-.v and >aturday they had
Mich .i In ivy run on thee goods
that Mr. l.ewin* was compelled
to take the late train on Saturday
n gilt for Philadelphia and send hit
goods t > t xpress to Bellefonte, in order
to meet the demand of their customers.
The gaods csme promptly to hand on
Tuesday morning, and illustrates the
I set that it will he a "cold day" when
Mr. l.ewin geis left..
t'sll ear It. and you will get the very
latest city styles.
You rarely ever see as large a eelec
ten of ChriMmas gOods aa ia niw on
exhibition at the music store of Bunnell
A .tikon. All their organs and pianos
hail to be removed to make room in
order to display them. The moment
you enfr into their store you almost
imagine you are in sotn® fairy and
stand rivitod to the spot for a moment
ere you seem to realise that everything
is real and not imaginary.
—As people pass by Sands' window
yon bear them exclaim, "Oh! look
there, isn't she sweet. **h! the dear
little tiling." All such remark* are
mvie about the little lady on exhi
bition in Sands' window. She ia to be
chanced off. Don't forget that for every
dollar'a wor'li of toys you purchase
yotl get a chance
—Special reductions to churches, Ban
<fsy-schools audi festival* In candies, at
—Graham A Son have the finest assort
ment of Udie's and gent's Holiday slippers
In Bellefonte.
— I —ill
—Holiday goods at Gorman's,
NO. r>o.