tjulck Hallway Time. Hock ford, 111., ./an. 1880. This is to certify that we have appointed F*ank P. Blair, sole agent for the sale of our Quick Train Railroad '"atehes in the town of Rellefoutc. ROCK FORD WATCH COMPANY. BY IIOSMKK P. HULI.ANI), Sec. Having moat thoroughly tested the Rock ford Quick Train Watches for the a last throe years, 1 otter them with the ' fullest confidence as the best made and most reliable time keeper for the money that can be obtained. I fully guarantee evert/ Watch for twoyrars, FRANK P. It PAIR, No. 'J Itrockerhojl'Row. All other American Watches at reduced prices. DIQUTON, Jan. 27, 1882. The Rockford watch purchased Feb. 1879, has performed better than any Watch 1 ever had. Have carried it every day and at no time has it been irregular, or in the least unreliable. 1 cheerfully recommend the Rockford Watch. HORACE B. HORTON, at Highton Furnace Co. NTON, Sept, 18, 1881. The Rockford Watch runs very ac curately ; better than any watch I ever owned, and 1 have hail one that cost $l5O. Can rocominond the Rockford Watch to everybody who wishes a fine timekeeper. S. T. HUBBARD, M. D. This is to certify that the Rockford Watch bought Feb. 22, 1879, has run very well the past year. Having set it only twice during that time, its only variation being three minutes. It has run very much better than 1 ever an ticipated. It was no* adjusted and only coat $2O. R P. BR V A NT. fit "•e "• r"' •' - -;4: >'■ •• / FrniswN | REMEDY SUCH AS DISEASES) ITETTER.rrcaSORES. PIMPtES. / R^ISCWORM/ r;;r for 'mspuis # t !4ißar*m>tttir*,*tln„ir> r. t< njr.wrorwat m*. .: •* .n *4 f p-fir :m < r cTaw,n aboul t T • ita; h* i-\ * .t| :tar" At* f f., oron 'tn i pooifir* cur*. £w*V*K't o. MMT U , **i •• f • •rttr| in th* market I " ' •*! n.cir -• r *n i ;tS la / t- J I •' * r>. Pw*T*RA&w.r.-u..R P®H ti 1 6 POWDER Absolutely Pure. Th!* powd*r n*vr Y*rla. A marvel of purity §tr*ngth and wbo|*ntn*nM. M r- , n mirgi than tb onlinary kiruU. ant) ewnrmt t • • >M in •- rnpotitioo with th* raalUtud* of U>w iwt,ibort weight, alum ot pboaphat* jwiw4*r Br>ld only in cam Ltii MA a W4 P>wDta., 106 Jf. i. C'?3R THE PERMANENT CURE OF i CONSTIPATION. I H O -| Nooth#r la no pr*T*l#nt In thin oovm- ft Htry ft C m** pat- m, and no r*raodjr ban ever J.cq-iAIIM the Kidney.Wort a* Cj?ure. Whatever UMcaua,how*Yerot at# * £,tho <***>. thla retawdy vrtl) owcruom* it. w * Uilf TQ TAUS di*tr*wgtn *orrv • Sj * liabOa pUlnt la ▼ wry apt to b* - J "OTjpticatwi witfcoonatipatlon. KMn*y-Wort J *thena the weaken*! parts and qufokly a C|c4Ts all kinds of Pi .as swan when physicians P p.-v-ij medicine* haws before fhi;*d. VJ '*• ' you hare either of thea* trouble* p VtlC>l':iUSE | DruMi.t. S.U * tirmaidiyAvin :tfp WXBCUTORB NOTICE -Intent trtn.t,u.f7 "" lt> RWO. at Ktljh ChuiUn I at* of Patton twi. . Onfre rnantjr. fa, (Vtc'i, h*rtn bswti granud i. th#. und %u |*ato In tobwd tn u> r. nuUi* |W)mwit. Mid Okm* h.vtnt rtMnw tminM Uk wut k> pr Mil Um Mia duly *ath'>rk~l S r ..(tl.-tn- i.l, K R. Cuimu. W-* 1 kmlti rATNC'S I O Horse Spark A'resting •. fortSbla Engtn. hu rut in ft. of Mlcblgun lliw Bawd* In 10 h.nira, barn tug aUb. fTai ibo HW In lcngtUi. Our f> ttorte tee Guarantee to famtnh powvr to ' R* " iKt) fc tof llTiiinck IVwol. In to boar. Our 1 HUof wilt cut 10.000 fee t In Mm* time Oiir Engine. rr ik ARAUTSSTI to farnbh n hern..power on H ir.. furl end wilier then any other En gtw not filial with M Auiomntir t'nt WE 7y yr -TOOTH BRUSHES!— We havo just received Direct From tlie Importer, And which we are offering VERY LOW. Our aim is to keep the BEST (iUODS and sell them at CLOSE PRICES FOR CASH, at GREENS PHARMACY Bush House Block. We have Telephone Connection, />. fJarman \ l> I E ft, do not think, because the cuts repre sent only gentlemen's wear, that we have not Irtvn particularly careful to select an elegant line of goods especi ally suited to you. You will find it to your advantage to call and if we are not able to supply you from our choice and varied stock, it will be a a small matter for us to order what you may need. We think we arc better able to meet your wants than any store in llellefonte. / . , Merchant*, A tlrr/heny-StlMlefonte, Pa. SNAPS FOR YOU ! 01 R \\ \Y of Selling off A LARGE WINTER STOCK AT SHORT NOTICE. $40,000 Worth of Dry Goods Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ac. .t alm -t half price Head this through to the end: there is something that will strike you. I ben come widj your nheckrls. Come soon because we will offer something at ICM than we can replace them for after they a,"Ball sold. We csn't pick up such bargains every day. .fust some chances. llmsM Has Press Hoods - lir s yard, slssabara 30c. < • ■i; ■ I . . ... S a yard. t litngham* Or a yard tS Sua M Sprr td .... 44c i anion Kuan. . - ■ ten yard *. .i CMS as ■ - 4c a rard n—. SMrwnps • aadsrayanl. ri.i t llano-li .... _ 14c a yard k'.l Tsl I. til .Ml tar a yawl. Isiihla-wtdlb Oahro"r* ...... lie ayard. tll-iml Sis k and O'lncM ('uhm.m S7c a card. H~l riaid n lOr a yard. I.lin l. a.iMi ..MM- ........ Sic, All.Wool Oal.mitM, Pis. k aad oolorwd at lat 1-U IWasprr Ihan aayohsr* aias. HiMDm Uorl - S, S aad lisa yard ipolsd'dl S Mnlls ..... - ...MM.—. 71-Srayard. KM atl-cvcml frcttn ,• lie p. On. Pitta ipialliy Bla k llk st 6" sod Tie. Bsstili SI l Mira llmcy BoparMJual|ty fttack Bilk ...... 114. ■ 2 MIS 3 OA I'dorad Silks. Kttrs 11-x.i, „. ..... 7ic,la all Ui* St* shades - • • SOr a yard ap An.a and .n|- ctr ,k 4 pair for. Sir Men . Wool llnsc . ISr. KJeawharr 30r Mrn'tV.ry Kioa Bsamloas all-wool Hiass ...... Ilea pair Shoes at Oru>llalf Price. lysdl** Shots, go-al A Oalf I 00 par pair ' Call Skin - 1 par pair CMMmSIkM Si, 30 aad Stic a pair l.sdi.a flatten Bhoss Una _ 1 CO par pair ap i,*d|.*' lliilinn Shoes, Slnsai veislllr ..... I iO a pair I asdic* llnllnn Bhnss, Ileal Unalitl, warranted 1 Ml and 2 00 latdliw IliilUin Bh.aa, Krsnrii Rid t is la 1 Ml, Wrtoki's baal RorksaUr asaka. Man's Unary Wialar Pants 7