iElir Centre grmotrat Thuraday Muruiug Hoveiabcr 29. Hft3. • ibr > "• • writer Local Department. —Kiiar IJofterman wat choien Furvman of tii** tirniid Jury. -Ei-K-c.rder W. A. Tbl ulk. ol going to Oii'K"n next year. _U .n. Andrew Re.d,uf Mifflincounty, . it attending court thi* week. —Conflable IJii! lii*i Mud •!' b Hun kin, of Snow Shoe, were vi.ibleon our .tr.-eif —The new d-|'t ill be thirty by O'ty fart Mi.d will boon the vaUfidu of the rail road track. Lk Haven ha* a new Bu.inrw ml leg.-, but that'* nothing when compare with Meant h' at. M-j Fob-r wit* in town yefterday It lube Ineti likH the M-JT, that Hink. the big im-j ttie. in I*. nn-cailey. JMIIIO. L'"|.o, of Snow Slow, ha* bui hi inn-11 a now home already W hat i i tiro to him. Jim tonic* up milling every tiinn. Kill- Shaf.T, of Mile*, ha* b.o • ► ho*. ing hi* plea-ant lace upon • ur 'lr"'t' f lb.* In-1 three or four day*. Elli* i' on 110 grand jury. j,,hn the Grocer, ha. a bran rplinter now delivery waiion, ono of tb. naletl and m l ta.ty in town. Grocery bu-im*.* if giMnl. Langtry i* pmnminced "Lawngtry by tho.o who ape English nmimnclalini . She war pronounced a fraud long ago b semiblo Am-'riranr. —Serg-atit Maiton will rat turkv will B-'lty and baby today. We'll B-Ilt baby won't b- a* happy a. Betty. Win will take u* up T —The K liron E eclric Light Company will commence the erection of the hou for their plant .a.n. It will bo located i j Water rtreet, near Lmb. —Ground war broken ye.terday a' II irithal'* Summit, on the B *h Creek A Clearlleld railroad, for a dej-il, r..uiirt hou*e, and riding*. So we were informed by Jr Fop*. Eq. —it war a mean thine to rtoal brothe | Tuten r horre, and if we knew wo wuh tell. Tho m*n that'* no an enough to >t- a *n oditor'r hor-e i*more than "y aller dog he i* tiai mean to hoot. —Th.. Medical Sa-ietT of Centre count had it* meeting iu the parlor, of the Bu*l U ,ure yerterdaV We (to ho|W no vpidemi will fall uja>n the people in the near futur. There if lotnethitig fearlul In ucb a com btOfttinll. B-1 efont. V buino.f men fhou'd bond all their ener ie toward- recu'. ing the rigt. of way for the railroad from our town |. Beech Creek, *nd WE have no doubt it WO be done, a# the Board of Trade accept-■ the proposition by rueiluli"#. "llrewy Curlin • h.'iire lik Qieen Ann." At l-at ihal'U what • heard a fellow at the other day. Ou recollection of • n-en Ann" i. Wa. Indi • tinti Arid vague lor ui lo ?*nturtf opinion. H ,n. Win A Wallaca will delive the Honorary oration at the Sillb AluO ver.ary of the P ice Literary Society Sulj-cl, ' P nn-yleal.ia " We know ot no man who can hand'e that ru'J rl in • mo/ts maru rly tnanner than 8- nator lla lace. —The new bridge if not quit- d promenade* ai. protect.d by all iron railing. Altogether it i a big thing lor Mu-htoO. Our phtician* fotiieltnie* get into tin wrong bnuw. We heard of .me going int. a hoUee on Hi*h.p ftreet the Other day banging up hi ht, and Marling up M-ir to rev hi* patient, when he difcoVered the be waf in lh wrong h..ue, Of our-e bo • p|ad"gj wa* accepted, but the j-.ko leaked out. Candidate, for the dill rent county j office* are making tb-mrelve. agreeabl. to their conMlluentf thi. we*k, and w. ■lU.t ay that they are a Bne lot of genii. • men and our jwople cannot go wrong in the .election ot > ffleer* fielt fall. ll* might add that thi* little "boom" will ft..' C"t anything. —O-.ld pr.aluction* of the Back Bill*, Dakota, f>r month ol O'tob-r, are a* lot low.: 11-meftake 511>.43'i; Highland. fBft,9l, Ib-adw,. • •r l>. St net, $W 349, total, M 4 HoU The "Black Hill." ha. become lh larg.*t at.d •teadieft gold producing di.trict in our country. lion 8 T. Bhugert, nur 8 nl..r ediu>r, left on Tuesday evening for Phillp-burg, where eijie. u to eat hi. Thank-giving din* Her. Mr. Shugert h had very little red from hi* editorial late.r. in the last Ave year* and we are glad that he ha* ki|>|--d off to the coal metfopoll* for a little re* great lon. —II the Steam Heat, the Electric Light, the Belief.i allolial Hank Safe, but in a h.-rribl. -light. We turned to l-'k at our fair -..m pan ion hut .ur eye# were blinded h, •I 11. Co mud. A voice whi|ajred, "K♦ ■ ■am, I will return. In a few moment* our right wat re*turi-d. .lid there before ut tloud the no al lovely feature ever printer laid eye# on; who#. harm* led the imagination of a |mel, tei ,ithal an eipreteion of adnee# on her ouiiteiiaiice that b-ui h--d our h--arl "M - itllie it Faithful, the Guardian .Sprite'..! .o U r fountain and town. Y-m heard my lory when death, in the rhape of S. II Co mud, (hreatne that low) had me in hi* ,inmy embrace. There i- little to add 1 have guai ded tbete fl I lie and valley, •it 11 la 111 and ttreaint (ur tb--u-and* ol ••art againti all manner of ill, and you own 1 have protected for ninety y-arr I lave ie*en all |iwerful until recently ; •thing could witbrtatid rue. 1 And my • ■artel ; there It no power • (J'lal to a S. II ,'o. My uefulnet i g.-ne. Adue, my ,ind d- llvi rer, adue, Tne H H Co i> ■ .dy without toul. Ik. n..t w#-te y..ui ■reaih in profanity. Orin and bear. ' farewrtl. 0 f ao-taia aait u.wn. 0-1 lb; fry vigil 1 toy , |Tr. at m> le-ro- ..a Ibe I U'k I-.WB Oa tliy f .ti|. Ifr| ai l it-i tle.ia 11-at * She gillie. It refilled a dream ; but io, there wat the I'dog raft and the va-t ea of mud ; the y awning docile- ; the u< . ..rotecled efiwring- ; the Ci-tirpicUoUt h me of dang. r rignalr ; ibe great w.aden .Iff, acf.-w tidewalkr, and all the |iara ,diernalia of a great corporation Sadly we wetided our way bono-, a tier man, -ut the victim Ol S U Co mud, alid health utirely gone. Til F.LKTttc Liomt Co. —a rumor on be rtreel., that tb.. rioam Healing Colli ,-any war alaiut t-i • flj-dn the fedirofi Ci'll • pany front further o|>rnlioii, by legal pro . . eaund ut to Interview an • ffl er oi ■be latter company He told Ut that he bad lawn a*ti red by ibe li.rm.r |-arty that n.. attempt In thai d rction war contemplated. The • fJSeer furth.-r told u that hit partv wat not at all alarnod, that the querlion wat already let tied when the charter war granted. The Electric Light Company hat pu'- ehated John Wagnvr'# lot on Lamb tlree, near the creek, and the workmen are air r> ady working al the loundationt of •be buildingt The brick layer# are to b - gin neat M -nday on the brn k work. The whole building call lie pfi-|-arcd for the -lynam-i# in three week'# lime. We have iwen told that the company will be pre. pared to light th U-wti by the Irt ol Jan* u#ry, (-erha)e ;by the 10th of January cwilatnly. The wiring of the ttrwt# will not delay them, at that can tw woeowplirb ad while the other work L being d-m. Judge U-iy 'a charge to the Grand Jury it Mid to have been a tchoiarly review of the origin of the Jury ty rl-m. and a trirar rlpMtltll id the Uitf renl crtmr# known U our law. The dutiee of the Grand Jury were eaplained in a forcible manner. The charge wa# very favorably reawuvvd by the bar and other# who tetj.iaU WooDwahb ITKM. -Weather warm till* W'Vk. La-l *n k we had nice rkaling nri uur mill |it>nd ; lh boy* bail aJ■ 11 \ lime.—Thorn** Moig, (he new cabinet maker, ha- hi- .hop ready In accommodate people In the line of bUe furniture, etc. Mr C Orahdorf quit* larinlng In X" • prihg. Her nil William laker charge 111 the old farm laac ir g dug Weil In reek bin fortune, and Mii. Orand rl in going Karl nil a Vlrll, and we (irerlime In liuiil a he|| -male. W hope rhe will be niecarrlnl in her nld age,— Mr. Harvey Wile laker charge Itf the W. Wire fatlll m il r|irillg Harvey ira very iiidurtrinu* tnuinl man and lllnlerrlandr farming C W ll 'rlei man, tho merchant, landlnrd, farmer, butcher anil burr liunh-r man bar eohlracied In haul all nf Mnlz & Weaver'* lumber fmm .1. II Burner'* rteam raw null In Woodward. It ira Wlnler'r jnb. Muckle and Shraiuler are hi burr leainrlerr. We ihllik he cnuld lint have gotten belter llieli than they are in thi- part nf Kgy pi —Uur liimrndr were nut hunting, alid they wer unlucky. Mr Henry Mu-rer, the Unrr uiark-man, wounded a hear twice and they did n-'t get him. lie *>• that it war a very large the dng-|aa if* Heii y, ynU niu-t take latter aim the lie 111 line, nt elre ynu will Inae the tadt. — J Wi lir MH - | •er, the mail carrier, comment" d un M *n- j day innrning, the 111 11, tn . arry the mail | fr- m Wiaa|ward tn Cnburn, ln-tead id I Mll'h'lm. It will b-m fit the earl-rn end ■if I* tin-valley verv much in mail matter ■,l the mall fmm the werl will la" "i||e day •arlb'T. —The tax payer- nf Heine n.wn-hip will pl-a*— b-*ar in mind that S ilniimn will deduct fi-'e percent < tfihelr la! il paid belwiadi lhl and the 17 h ■>! I) cember. NfcW- But KAIL*OVD NuTKa —The pmpnrttinn nf I'hillp C-IHnr m build the mad fmm Hdlef.nte In Baah Cr eg pn,rutt lb right nl way can be obtained Iree, ha- re eived I he attention "f the li .ard nf Trade all.! will act u|*'n it at nine. A'tiv mearurea In get the right nf wav will In •a-gun a* **rn a- the Ma ati->n i- Bid ti d which Will be thir week The qi.rtl. n will fa- a.dved Wllhiri twn W a k- time. Tht .Vi'friny I'u'/ev R<*ui —Mr C dim pm|r'a tn liuihl a branch, nrnta inner |..wn Jiuuny, any way. Thir may tend l" lluliterrburg. Thir pr> jvl rbnuld la" a 1.1 tar much at |"0"lb|e, ar It rrrver ,lm<>rl all the requirement* •' a through mad ilnwr. that valley. Thf Ptnntrnllfy ft-id -In -ur la-l b • lie We gave ii'ir reader* the action "I t' e It.ld Eagle Valley road nil the Lin lit l.ranch, ai .1 pmnu*" d I" give th- a. li ui • Hie IVnnry Ivatila on \N • dnerday of lan week N -Ihit g d'Uie Ih-l day nil lb ■ uljecl nt the IVnn-valley r.iad Pre. . lelll K-da rtr bar h."tlß"d ibel'entre conn, tv cnmmlttee, C""tlrirtilig "f Hort Kr.ll Kurir. and " th> rr, tn go t.. Philadelphia ">i Monday, l- M, tKM and cn-ull • ' h ih- K- ard .if the lon.pany ti the mlj n • f the cnnipl" linn of the r.unl t"" L inntit from Spring Mill* We b""|" In he aide p. give our reader* mmothing d* fli.ite hri 1 week. WoflflW A Kt> IT fUa J W , the rtager, j nat hla eye tied Up, the • fell "f feUl'iry trie king-Boh, the li.unter h. p|e r outi (.lain* of t" mil. h work, he think* of g-i -ting an r-i tan", t.i rt -w ny-t. r* and wa-ii lithe*— J. C. ha. order-d If-n the Miller In gel a car h ad nf fl uir ready P" hipped l" the Weal India l-landr, faH Sol ha* twa-n gelling the two |Hjnd tur k"\* pretlv lively—G-i". E wa- met the .■ther evening with a but dl nf r.J. Uak •ut h.yr-Wui K think. h wnl le.ard at W"a| ward, and h""t wak thi*— lime* t *ae 20 cent* Will It mid another lun't |"-le, U" i* that Wi nam? PBITI.IT ..Jl ,w, yung m-n, tht* i Thank-gii ing l>y, a day Ml a[-rt by the p.e.ldet.l •■I ib- Uniual M*u and the rnnr )**r tn-rrw—* ' '**" T'Hel la l**T haw karlwi j**r ___ D-r—. " t*mlew r, Itw-ellaa*. at *" -George Waehingloti aa nut in full force tn N w Y .rk H- alP*nd.i| the evac. uaibm. II- •- around tbira alvut one hutedrud J wn ago. Board of Trade. Th" It anl "I *l*i N< ll' tiii'i N"V 20 1883 IM O-11. Ilav.r'a A III) Hint f"Mli-11l ill B till" lit Twenty or thirty tiller n>-iil •ii - n rij.n ainliif It 11I• • Hint vai i .• I'n Hi" aiiilif till* It.i lll KIKIH, wt fi* J.r.-if lit i I"* I chairman rend ih" In h>*li.f : IU LI KKI.S IK, I'A . N -v 22 88 (Jen /letter, I) (J Jtimh, Jlt .S7. tttjr, I ..(/ i.r/i i n it/ the it i./ Tt title (i kvi i.kiii.s : 1 hi I Imi il h fnnii ill'* It.•••rli Clw k, C i-mrt.-il unit S inih Wi-.tctn rmir.-mJ near ll"cch Clr.-i k Kt It'll' f.llll', Hint ihl'fH C'hll'H' 1111 If Willi 1 lllf Hull. f .NUI H.HI It ill il . HIII rnilrnml. I'ri.v|.|.il, HID IMI oary rifhl "I *) f". Utril Nl.i| f.inrnfil"cd, fn*. i.f N- lIIIIT ilii run.l "r th" It 1T.1.. It. HI ri - will b" i.wii it iir cntilfidled bv il"' I'l-lIU'J I vniiin rallrimd ciiMtpmiy , but will five jiiur |. ii|l minih-r llm lr rmlv and lrnid. I will ••••111 ii'iii'H wi.rk n> Vii.ui nr ill" right I.f wnv i- UMil mnl i- -in|.l>.|i. ih ■ ri.nib ali"ndy fur biciiii'v In j Jim, IWHI1 W HI Tin l •u'Vi-j "r I •vwtb>ii wil l 1 h* i >.in jil.'t. it tlit" w..i*k nu.l |ivrti" ii ii I irtf land* thrnufh wbn-h hitr.-al | a* l* 111 *O w hr." ih** r..n'J will In* Ima ,"U uf , built. V ry r.-jvifnliv. Fkv k MI I.ilitULlk, |HT I'll llt |l C "II iII -, 8 tji'l O i nil.) il 111 I I J tlllfi lln I', n r. .11l 111 i i. I'lrim, .1 r , m..1 •J..tin II Or\t Al"t thi* vliiirt •|i-rl >il tn vimt .MI 1.1 - i.f mjri. iillitral i ii|.li'iii.'iil fnu|.. Mr It i-h i lb- mjNi.l ..t ill It .iil li b-nii th it f. nil HI •it - Inff" w..rk. Ui till, (.inc.- Il I aikn j.|..b • lilt). Th" j ir v h* ii|i t" till* UWN" ' i|l-|.J. (1 the lull., wing bill- i.f ilij.i l in HI. o*Miiriiurtw nhh v- Datii"! M--w n I'IIMTU rt X J lii.l \| HI Will"' l).(..|.d*ni |il"n.| giiill) m.d •')'"in--d Sam" V-. Tit "Ita- Il W", wanll aid twill, ry littii.rstti.iu- and tbw enmity t>. |.nv M4ii" v Win It." wall a-rauM niiil ti I l--rv nii.l iimlti'"tiii"lit "I n Iftlnlit. Ti uv lull UI. riil"iit |.l" wwdiy. S.tii" t • Jmii" M Intf rt> mil I'n rii k ti trliv, aauli int iwttwry Titt* MH Sniw v. .Sirnil |*.nkn"V. Ircniy, Tiiu I.ill Sm'. v David Hi. kw, ni nlii.y. TrU" bill |'..w r ,V S-.11 hnvt* ml I <1 T" lh<-ir ,"" -t. k "fun.. K> rilhing ih.l I. lwnli(iil, n-'W HI Hniijtie in b.-U i>r h • I-NII t. ( .unit iri it. ir if• | I in It ."H*. Ar. .1" li finilt lii.l iii"v-.Nf\ t*. I.* i ih" p.".|.'i - of IVi.try . i.untv ihl itn-i It• • |> th" l "l N' -t . h-n|--t s.. |y ih. tn tint LUIKKN T"WMHIIR IT*M Qii' Clial-K" In lb - liniw|.h. f" vtfNtn -S- r-r* fnl b i: dint at thi-"t.d-f ih" cttn y in ih" !ai f-w *•" k-. ai d bilk- r.- it-timi afraid thai h"< ■ h"l"r rn.k* it* *|- | | war a in-- ai,*ain —T b" hmititiy |t"l V i a iti" 1 I.a. k la.t Thnr.da) rath.-r iiaiiiawaltil. On" uf th" Jiartv -hi a m.iflf..u I war j |w)•" which (if.iiil "ty. but it a( • ; (war. that lb" rtHid- nr- h -I fatal, 'nr l.rtitn niad" b, m aj", a 1 d lb" buti|"r. cati" h..nt" with !♦■ tn-al than th" |i*ik with th"irt. I'AT. —O . Mithday, iii -rnti r, ah .tit 2 a. v., Th" .!• r>. atiil d"(it at Martha P.itnai " | wa> d".trn\id h> fir". Th" Irulldtlitf w a a laf<" nkr and ••■ U-rll a- a -latb.h, • and |*i*t . fit • A Th" fl •• •<- lb" w rk uf ah ih""tnllary . and th" ra-cal war .".'lt rilhtithtf d.iwh th" rat'.'nad ah-nt ih-- ttitt" th" hiitidmif lirn.d and th" !• • |." a- Mr Thnt • hd a lar tia-k uf < ta a d '*ty "f wvanly th.-uaahd elfar. on hatid. - laa.h •ml fr tba odi.nM lrrn|.r t. - nifht, th"* will S.'ht firav-ly f.r llllidf til h"lp Ih" liand at.ihf, 0.1-h"* ii,ald"itr will ."rv" ciitniit"r in ih" n."i a j |. rut ad rt \ I". Th" I" .lid ""ty ibltif livibd Ik tkr lirrl viylrtklll !•" "k haid ll* l|i iiiir iiilnbd hatid, INIJ", '•" ( Cbi.h-a ...I", ti'-n. from ih" in-"l vl.hralid .w tii|aw"f* will I" r-tid"ri"l, and alt kit' f merry a mrrlaf • ladl. tl-nry W.rf It •-li"r mntrhwl in •i ■ cburi h III) Frfl.y rijlhl that Ii" ■ikliifittiiklr "iii.tluti tc lm tit a *i Uktim tnat iltilil f. n"*-|i|i"M to kf"|i III" || ihllcililiirnlinl "if hia aflbrtt" ami mnr m nta, ••Ac tialy." hrwid. ''il la t . ti. w ( *11111" I.f 1..utl m. (11l It 11. 8•I|| taa I ha" a tlltlfl t", and I •Inti't I'irr uNil ••** •••. MRS lIF-I.VA Latciiwoob. lie 6-niale iii|..inty lit Waaliiiigt.iii, la eltarjctl ailll t |.Bikerllt*"a 111 lite |tfid aaii.ll ill (lil|ei;lili|( lite lIKMH / of |teliai.iter ami retaiuinif l. Tits cane h* lain (ilan-il in l|ie itatni# •* 11.* Oiatriel AITIINRJ LOF |TRTT'BNNIU IF M* )**!< * UiV" thn "!4mr rtpniiglnd II.IIUKI" ri airing . - Iny. -'l'll.- |irt(Jl i> will IH> i'p-n t<- lY ft"tll 11 A. M ( In IMI< r u , Alitl f .UI r " i I" -11 P M W in Onllimiih ht U-I-H i|..ifirf Kifii" n'utit ii.g I r K A. N I ** "I UII Mi'U mill ll'ii*.i, Hii'.w HIMW J 1111 M I.IIIE, K-RJ , FI'TURII frmii i>i Cniiid'-n J I" fl'l rnt Jin \ nil mil'". Willi ll'- yiiilllK mull. —I I II 111 nil ll' lln \nu I' • Iny ih'll llli' Will (III! ) Inki' lurki-y In (lII' ) llllin*," y..u mil .■I II d"Wli Hint In; l> ' illllnl" uli Hl* lui k'-y —if InnT —rt. v 'n! liuhiJrMl i'*i hnngi'" lIIVM IMM-II n-king u- nli 'UI lb-' |.li"ii'Hii"iinl iky mi Tmiilnv wv.-iiiim NV.' giv* ll up. A-k J 'tin W 'gnnr nln'iit it li. I.iK" Hr.'w, nl Sn-.w Sh • t In tuki' n Wllig 111 Tlmlik-glvll g ilu k u f uirk.-y in Ki'ili'tniil", ' w.' *nw ilm yung in nil mi lb" ti""l y i'#i-r'lny. —ri iii"ti"1 ii 'l'inm in In'niiiil'll Z 'ii Mr Clint Vlill.rih.iw i| u-mrny m (mrimil uf c'"l A In* Mil-r nl Hiring lnwiirtii|> ltint f-r tinnll I. nt> any - thing W" bin ili in ill-• rnyi.ii liii" f r n lung linn* III- Dili y A'r•* think* il i. building H'T< RIL 1.1 inllnii'l" W M, wn min I M mrl'l nlmiil 11. (ill'* U' III" 'III' lull' ' ; "I II- li'-nr ill" n r.'i'i'li "f Ibe lm .Iii"lIv. nlnl w.' nr.- .Mil.-111. I'll- U U \ M h•• I• I n ' invntilii.i. 111 ill - C"i.rml 11,. rn ll.ui#", Ty mm , I - .Iny Thuri* win U* n |*raii" in iii" in 'in n g ll nl know wbt"h' rll■i I- f. .lit*' will '*• I IRGI'LY RI'IIRWI'IILML ■ F I"*. —Tim vfii-mn lurk- y it 'liblnr thai WA- Milil l"r n '(.ring lnr-1 will g.-l nwny wi'h I Ii" | nli" .1" "I " J |inl*r • Inlll' I inr Uu l'l"i"l, l| yirtl mil I gIV" lllnlik- nl' r lII* ■ nil lillil J li t In' |it"falin. -Nil w" k ih- I'imliy it nn V| 11" S•- l"i \ wnl iiir ii nli g.-l thing- l" lb" |'' - pi" nli Ki I'lal niitl Snlurjny I'l' 1111 l tur* nl.'l ill '1 nl lb" "g I |iih W .11, w. hn> •* bi nid ll rnl'l Itm ' I ruin ! U'li' <1 I" <-ni 11, will ll"' ngnl' , nl <1 in. di-ulil ll I'l Imly will |ul tli nli n| |" mm i nl ll"' I'l")" ' lltii". Th" kluii ih l' by h-rimj i hun h In i** mi ill K U|"li mir r"*Jl'k "ii I llUfl ll '"All It WHlll' l" k it* * w wllll n |n r il"l I. 11l A " 11" I I All ll IW ll ll A W• - mm. will *IA i. >1 -hiv, ring ...r Ih • r -gi . > I .1 I j MIII nl"', AM I li"ll fill Hit • ih" |.. w I.- fi. li"m H. T " ri.ti' I. l'-r in, J 1111 Fini.k X L binmi i rutn.nK th 11 Mi'" in n WA\ thai li." ("-..J. I" Ilk- IV li"ti v"U nr"nl i Ii" in lit" y .*u ii At §• b-l" r • \...| j I'l Wll .1 \"ll WAIII I" 'AI. AIM! it t iti" in-.t 111 ih" mark"i Tim Hull. 11 '•*• l . ■ r laittlinc mini, il-tin" nt. nli. 1 tin* •" ■< T I."w I.if rn'. nl Hi* -tnii I I# hinnti will illl**r II I", any i|unrn r iJ ITM vily T" |l'l*A<" Irnnillwr ►' X I.MIMAK, 4#,.*>■. Hum- II u-". MAHHIAUCS. WMI I HI N I'l K—• l I • b I'll" I*i" O ' MUI' S . i,.l I; J ■ K r J I' >}' "T A"j.A Ui MIN K 4 It."A ' I l'.n 1111 l DILD. MI-IKI.- Wr W ' II Hi fc.'.r" M.b - I It. " A' II" '4* ' I It ... II ..... I I.f It I. . wlb'W .nl 1..A .I,it'll .1 I ... A' Irnt.ri) l-n ki) lib r4i"W I iI kb I ..k \ 11A AllkK"l - Ct m < !ll *' V\f 4fMlnl (il ('III . .... tl "ruvltlut. 4.rki. m.'rkl) • ) l|*.|.ri 'If|I. f• 4|>|i|*a lllpi, V ."Mlll'i !'* Cliffltr*, irtnl I"*' a*-*-!*.! . >0 IWmit |#-r !•••'! .. I rrnwti I'tilfrl |*f .... /' I'hu k* u s*•# |n#n-l '* Cl|W |wf ... '•rtllllft llAlH* ffff l( J 1U".., l||otl IfM J'• If ... . ... ........... .... ....... .. • p rial Of. Imflbf) ... ftrl. <••...*! t 4 U11...|i, Mi Knrlmi. i I'.i., ml '|.ii. lull t'i ill** "Iti\ r.' I'"nil i M n-d I'nllil 111 tin- Innfk"! 111.. |'|.i||wf l*r< - (infill I'll" * I. lull ill* . 111.... •. r 1" nny It nil * M I ••■. I'nllil "Mil lilll tlial' (Ilirn .Hlli' I•'. 1 in it. Iliiii-.. in lit nhil •!il• nlit lit \ . Till. |.mill I- tfunrnlili "d ii* llli. limitiifm lllfi'f- I."I I" i .hi k ■ l I .'thill llir-n- |I.RII Til" if .inrnlit".- I. li"t • 111* ( ( r l"|iim ."if ill" (.nil.l lull It Clll In- |.l|l "ll if It -h "111 . tm k "f (n • I •Ithi II ill. 11 III" • (•"• Ili• I |l nil! In. t" *"'lf lll|"f".l 111 mil nllll W 11*. it.. Ml*, fnflnll" (*" , In*l •. f " |.ll|i I'h'll 2 I I'hfr *l||l. I"n'l iif nil* "llii-r If-n'l* M I "ll I'nllil. Kvmt 1.1. Nik ' n I "Mum -ll." m, .1 It f- •. C. . I'n I .*"■ lI.If " .il 4f"ii . Inmn. . nhil i mum • I llf h I "ll nl|l. I'.rmi'i. ** I' n(| il'.H 111 ■ u I- .illl IHi( l■ • jf t. li.n.lh Y"ur I'.r-Mnn ju 1 ih 'hu if I. • li u \\ 11*1 KM Si Mm * I'n Tn. liii if" (,'hf. I. t'i" f. • 1 li l-* 1 i" 1.l ll- .1 n |.|j iliif . nI •• •Ilf -I * I" nI. *J I'll" •*. 1111.l nlli nl"I I i liiliK tin * • n I • u'nl.linl, III" "If I- ll it- lf" h n 111 nil I I" •* In' I • , n-k *. if lluifflil !if I>r ll.f - 1 I. "I I.if" ' 41. I i:<. \I. NO 11 K I J 1.. I livtf* * •' 1 ' •I i ■ iti - * fc M Ik' ti* awl 4ltm iV >li l ' l ,n. M i w ltd fl* nff *!•-* % .. ift ' that *•-- i| fUj <♦ * l !•>.• f I'hMfi 'lilt 1 ith ti*l I,r i • Ilifi n ti>r f > *t-l U* ll *■ ••■'l •* ' 'f .| .|tu~ 1 I • rf I • Hl •? * • '*" "* " ' * !•-• Ilfnf •" i ' •' I I , | i| f ||, t ||i f H• ? ► f* '. • J f I Hi I*ll ■' *I, t.fl. i • r - *♦ *' <• ♦*— || ■ 1 n r-qm. • 1,4*4. • II- . tfttlkllb U '1 •• n ' I lr.| M \ If * I' , • y -*1 ir 1 in 'U-4 H k 11 r-*" +^ t i , n <.* -.IH ' v • i* " i'* Mltflrh -.f f .I * ! Tif- !• fIM M litli f IMltNftll •• • I • f, 'l' 1 ' '•!** .1.1 | ll'i i <- **- -..1... t l-r M< If t . ,ti.ft I,1. •. I li.ll. • M •! •■ 1 f • r - ' g >. >- i t * ••' >'*** ' • t „i ... Til . Mi l'm t mm tM m If t " ul• I 1 " I tl , IMI 1114 ' • V' ■ % D I HnL i T 115 J IH NKI K 4m- :?| ■ml Iff ."f 11 l.l! "I I*'" I. I * ** ' I * n.I I li .1 f. 1141 *"...*> Trial tIM 1..f \.4 . - m \ n \mi t tt.- t,,j ■ M il ti - vi .. i- ? i - I i 1 VI M I. .n . i 1.1 l*r A Villi. 4 ..! k|.ti r - tu Hfitmlt ii# iff M K k• I 4i, |t>! r ')>:* 3 lift t*r A fit. i:|. f i fat tAW I£l J* i t 4 k>tk "4f I t Jhn I 41 T I**l I A4li K CH im **' t. T t. Jms T |y4-.m srrt* >;i • li f 1144" J. 1 •'! 10. \ 4 • W1 ? J H k.4.*i ♦. R II l*ix• |t || * %.*• Jm • V 4 R ai,. 22 A|*il f 21 J iliit Cartiii *l •! ra. J h '. L* •*. 17k T ,tl 22 J t.a kriiftf a • tiM 44* ||*ri|flit H•< •** * I M T 4" • 2' J II n .•4 H R R R fR, 1W A.g T 100 * MI i h 17* •*• ra John W . ti. **' Au* T IR*A 4 4f>h J ••'**4wtt II kl H h 0H • 2fio T IOM 42 llH.kt ROatVta ta Aa , * nn4 I. lniill,.0.*. "A \ nlln ,• 2-1 *, T. I*l A i Mn. r, a,i n HuH II nn.t,• In* J, a T * 11. tlwnn. >• fl .ml I II I I O. CI, H A T la .1* * U II II .\ .11 n r—tft SM* n 2* ■* T lU I* *•• I'n H— nl, 1. U ,|. n. **•*!■ fl .1* xw .n ' mm 0 * . IM.V* ll—nl. *n. 11-M T--fcdilm U An*. T. Inn* m,li. I'unnli < 1>!W." *-f-|k iM An*. T. 10*4. W li.n—l Rk ■•<. i nl • JAi km ~—1 4|. T. I—it. M J.|' * Cli4*r.., * T. | AM. M il. r. ."inn. *. Inilllt a IV,<** *NI f. IN*.