Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 29, 1883, Image 4

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    ©lie Centre grmocrat.
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_mgmgggm——— ——————
lUbel ovary I'tiurs.lo) morutua.ot Hollololito.i'olim
ouuuty, Pa.
TrJitvtd —'liiu #1 4 'U
II out IU advauca.................. 8 OO
A LI V K PAl'KH—davutod to tho iatNU ol Hi
wbola pauplo.
l'"/iu.iils >od.i at lbln Ibrcv imnitlis will bo con
• I lero.i iu advauca.
, , i Will . Mot-eiuiuuvd liulll rrrnr>
pal.l ic|il *1 option ol publishers
(•aparagulagoutuf tbo uouuty until La paid lorn
ti| % '.
yrucunuM u IPO IMII üb rlbet* wll
• *>ni • fr* >! charge.
Oar *lunr circulation iu*k ihU |pl * uu
• uallt r*lIbUIt •ml yrutttbl mwliuiii lot .tu vt*rtleiug
W •(!* the uivyat auiflt- tA*si 11 lw t'f JUb Huiu
• r.( r* ir*|arel Iu ynut all *iuU ot lk*.k I'rat l
I'r tluiuuiprr •*' >•' LULIII|, L< , tu
On .l iljrl* *nl at th lu*ai |*mmll*l rat*
VII flrwrtitemeuts lur \* u-rtn tliau (lire* month
20i*uta llua far tho rtrat tlirer IHMTUUU*, una
c*ut* * llnr foi i*cb aiMitiuuat iuortluu
auttcioiia-hal* mora.
g liturUl uutko. l ' ccnU \>r llnr
\ libaral Imcount U mail** to I'Tloiu *l4ortnlUg '
lb* qumrtrr. limit jr*ar,ur yar. *• follows:
One Inrh (or I - lluaa thU t> |*} f • $' If I
To inchaC 7 l' l ' 1
Thr I tic he* I 1 I
Q i iriar column or Inclisv) lb. '•
II ,lf C.IM I.M |.. r I" 11. hr.
0,.-. T • nai.,.l ;• - l
V •r.'U" I*' 1 • >'•! |-l.l lot l'pfuf '
MMioa. -leapt •. • .rljr r.,n1r..rl -han lislf-yrsri
p.y.i. .1. ii .'vn,- .• f.|(iir.*.l
e-livi-'A' Navies % .-Ms i t" u h Inaarll*'
N ilhli * n.*rt • < r th* *o • ••nt•
Hi'itno SoTt'-r- h* lltorlm colanni I6ccr
pur Mna.aarh n*rtln
President Hnrliai.ni!.
Ctl \KITV.
Pitchman's loyalty will receive a rn>
proof in tho autogriiih Ipilrr which i
here puhliuhril for ihr first time. !' ww
written ju<t after the .lefeat nt Hull Km
to the Hon J. C (J. K-nne.lv, the mat
who estaMi-iheiJ the CVnU' Bureau, iu
who waa one of Hurlianan's moat iuti
mate frien'U and adviaers :
24. 1861. —My L)<*ar Sir . I have receive)
your favor of the 2*2 I instant. 1 feel lb
deepest sympathy for the surterer* ii
the disasters sustained by our troops o
Wednesday last,but am not discoursjfeo
The spirit of ..ur people will meet lb
emergency with Grainesa and v! :
They will fly to the rescue, and in v
tory will wipe out the memory ol delea'
I sometimes feel strongly tempted i>
leave my retirement so lar a< to lake a>
active and public part in assisting !•
rally the people of the country to ba l
tie in support of our lime honored an>
glorious fl sg ; but the abuse which I re
ceived from the Republican j mrnall it :
consequence of m letter to Mr. S.-aton
editor of the A 'utional InttHiytnctr, so
monishes me to desist, but my opinion,
are freely expressed on all suitable oi
cations. I feel no apprehension fi
Washington, and have great c uitidenc
in the veteran commander
Scott) By the Mewing of 0 id, my hesli I
has been almost perfectly res lore. I ;
though I regain strength but slowly. I ,
have no news to cnmmunicite Irom tin
retire<i but agreeable spot. Pleae r>
meifller me very kindly to Mrs. K-nn.
dy and the whole family,and lielievem*
to sincerely an>l res|u.ctiully you
friend, JAKES Been in AN.
To the Hon. J. C. (i. Keouedy, IN ssl,
ington, I). C'.
Mr. Kennedy is a )|e|ighlful islke
and when I aske>l, "What kind ol
man was Buchanan?" he replied : "Tin
purest, kindest and apparently lliecol •
est man you could meet. Ue was hones
to the core, very retiring and very ohm
liable. Whe;. he i> elected to tin
Presidency and first took |>oses*ion
the White House he said to me • 'Mi
Kennedy, my duiies now will engros
my whole time and I will not havi much
leisure to devote to charities, but I SMAI,
to t|>end every dollar of my Presidents
salary over my actusl expenses in char
ily. and if you know of any woriln
cases I want you to call U|*tn me with
out hesitation-' I did so, and lam uie
thai not one dollar ot his salary accom
panied him when he went out of tin
Wiute House."— Cleveland Leader,
• -
JACKSON, Mich., Soveinber 22. —This
morning f.iur |>ersons. namely : Jacob
D. Crouch, aged 74 a widower; Henry
White, aged 38. son in Uw ol Crouch :
Mrs. Eunice Wnite, aged 33, daugbiei
of Mr. Crouch, all of Summit, and
Moses Poley, aged 26, of Transfer, Pa.,
were found murdered in their beds, all
having been shot behind the ear. It is
supf>o*ed that they had been chloro
formed first, each victim lying as
asleep, and an odor of chloroform was
noticeable when the bodies were dis
covered. Mrs. White was also shot
tnrough the left arm.
No claw to the perpetrators of the
butchering has as yet been discovered,
although tracks around the house indi
cate that a guard was placed on waich
while ibe terrible tragedy was teing
-enacted within. Crouch was a wealthy
ftrmer living seven miles southwest of
Jackson and the owner of an extensive
sheep rancbe in Texas.
It would seem that the assassins in
this case were ambitious to see how
many livea could be sacrificed in order
40 effect a robbery.
The Mormon President.
The President talks with quiet assur
ance of the luiure of Mormons. The
Cliurch is increasing in numbers hiiil
ihe .State in wealth. Tin-re is this cloud
which rises over the United Stale" mid
is even now logger than n man's hand,
' "But," the President says, "we have at.
vnys tied trouble with the world, ttnd
i liings an- not nearly so had now as t hey
were when the blood of Joseph Smith
ried freshly from the ground, siml we
Iriven out by Christmas, went forth be
yond the bounds of civlixation to found
i home and a nation. When I used to
go out us n missionary and. tr onpling
hrougli some remote, unfriendly i nun
rv, did not know wheio I should get s
iusl of bread for my supper or a cover
d corner in which to lay my head, I
o-ed to pray to God, and I always had
iiough to eat. That i< what we do now
*, this time os trial. The world i
gainst us, but we trust in God—"
And keep your powder dry." I said
• •inking of the skill with which tlo
v.-sk points in the sirnorof the Un ten
•tales Legislature had been picked nu
•r attack. "Ves. that is God's will,'
he President answered, in the grave,
piiel tones he h< <1 spoken throughout
We shall do our best, and never giv>
• p the fight as lung as a man remairo
lining us. Hut it will all be His dire< ■
ion. and wiih the cno>ciou*nesa thai
• e sre pleasing Him."
I have throughout given the Pren
tent's view, in his own words ; hut m
lescripiiun could convey a just ides o
he quiet assurance and lone of simpb
"Ii fide rice with which they were spoken
I'his Wesimorlesnd German evidenti*
><t faith ola kind that removes mou< •
t uis, and H it i" in messure shared !>•
• Ibis people the final struggle will
•lormoDs, upon which the I'nitcd Male*
.re ben, is likely to prove a tough oni •
(l,rr, /■ " lon Ihii'y Ark .
I'uglliTr II on gate
WASHINGTON, N"Tember 23 —Chid
Brooks, of the Government deieclivi
•rce, in hi" report, speaks of the re
n.rkable succes during the past yeai
o overhauling offenders, esperislb
•ounterleiters. Hut there ia no inn
nation that even the slighel attention
■as been given to finding out II .wgsie •
• iding place. Not a single den of C"un
erfeiier* has escaped their vigilance,
ul Howgate's whereafe-uts i as great s
oyaiery a* ever. An iropretinr
•revsiis that Howgate's hiding pi <ce is
veil known to the Goverinenl oftic al-.
nd thai he is not disturbed for consiu
rations which aie paramount.
It ll"S long Since become the settled
eliet that the Government does n-"
i*h to have llowgaie brutight to ligh'.
fio many others would be involved n>
he tale he would unfold. Howgal,
vas permilled lo walk out of prison sua
ndc himself, for reasons strong enough
o prevent his being brought bark. !•
•is hiding place he is stronger than tb*
•vemment. rtieconideralionA wluci
rolerl him are greater then otH -isl o'
gallon". llowgaie is a government
el. lie is no wretched culprit fl-a-in,
mm | ursuit. or biding in ih*mnl place.
■I shun ihef.Ceol man. Of U'C tlo
ejairt hat cine to be credited tl,a
lowgate is provided with a telephon
•f hi* own. with which to commumrai*
villi cm.fi ietitial friends and order op
iood thing- at will.
As IT ip| ear* to ihe New York /. caisv
foil there is a painful and ominou
learlh of Presidential candidates in lh
Republican party. "There is no re
-on," it says, "for sup|io*ir) g that Artbu>
an succeed," although he app-ars lo
->e working svsternstically for the nom
inaiion. Ex Secretary .Sherman "is in
more ahle now than he haa ticen her
• ofore to command much following
■senator bnunds is not s candidal"
•nd would only take the nomination
•inder protest. And so it might go on
hrough quite a llal of IC*A noiafde ,f>u'
quslly amliiiious aspirants, lo make i>
eiill plainer thst arailabiluy is jut now
•t a discount. The heart ol Mr. Heliuix
• s apparently liowed down at the un
promising outlook, and he looks lo new
men and new issue" hw relief.
The trouble with ihia view is ilia)
new mn and i-aues, m t-ridly d)fl'*i
enl from the nten anil isaues now hefote
the country, imply a through reorganis
ation arid rn'Vaiion of the grand old
parly, which can hardly be effecleo
beiwern now and the next Hej uhlican
National convention.
War IVriaia.
PARIS, Novendo-r 2^l. —The Chineoe
Amhasaailor haa informed the Hriliab
Foreign Kecreiary, that war is certain
Iwtween China wnil France. The Gov
ernment is diara<ing the advisability
of dispatching 7.U00 more tmops lo Ton
quin,tu view ot the possibility of war with
Cltlo*. It IS staled, however the, active
exchange of communication* is going
on between Maiqui* Tx-ng and Pr tne
Minialer Ferry fur tbe purpose of find
ing a fresh basis for negotiations, ll is
asserted Chins, has made a proposition
she shall retain ihe north bank ol Keil
river, leaving to France tbe south bank.
Uotvvti lb-sign*
I*II 11, A I>Cl' l'll lA, November 21, Frank*
lilt It. (lowed kin A issued ii circular dtticd
10 ilny, in which |i announces In* in-
i PIII ion of resigning the presidency of
i lit* li--nillnn railroad at the ex | iruiimt
' nf k>i< pre-ent iprin. HP recommend*
George 1).- It. Kt-iin, the vice |>ro-nl-rI,
A lilt NUCCesaor. HP txke* lllii" step be
cause lIIP company bus surmounted nll
'tip difficulties of the lour PVPIIIIUI
In hi* circular Mr. <i iwen nay": I xm 1
glad In bp aide lo ALLIIOUOCP ibnl HIP
OPI earning* of the poiii|iany lor the
■•u-rent year fending Novpinbpr 30) al ;
••r providing lor *ll tin- lixi-il rb irge* j
•AT 111 bp PI|UI| lo seven per CPIII. ll|ion lIIP
preferred mock and luliy live |>< r cent,
upon tbe common slock o| HIP coin
■ •any. A* '.IIP lIPI earning* arc pledged j
o HIP |>nyment of out*tanding inconip
| mortgage biuoU (f'J 4.14 (KM)) nuch bond*
must bp TP tired bpforp a dividend cull
••e made lo tbe shareholder*. I enlei
mill no doubt, however, Hint Hie out
• landing income mortgage tmnd* CAM be
provided lor out O 1 the proceed* of the
• ther upcunlie* available lor the pur-
I ~oe arid the ml 1 plu A of tbe net ewri
■ iig* over the fixed charges carried 10
! lie credit ola d vid-tid Hind, and n
' lii* PVenl it ia | r diable that HIP Opin
| <>n of 1 lIP ntiM'kbolde r* will t>p taken ai ,
j ihe forthcoming annual meeting upon
1 lIP question* ol HIP paymenlol a divi ;
lend and HIP proper amount tbereol.
-liould ll|i be done, I will vole all pm
e* ItUMlrd lo HIP iexeepl when other
*ip direcleO in lvor of a dividend nl
wen I y one per renl. (Iwing 1 bree v ear •'
11 ream I gaily '' u " upon Hie preferred
lock and liit -*• percent.upon the mm
oon aloc k, believing tbe semi-nnnua
11 \ idetid* of three per cent, eai li upoii
' the latter citi hereafter le maintained.
A prominent official of ihe ffeadlli*
J load said to night ibal Mr (ioWen'a re
irement FROM HIP premdency did no
ecenaarilv imply Hie total
J 1 m connection with HIP r>ad. Ii *
••I|l"ldered probable that be would r
-1 <in bi *et in HIE DIR clory , and |io
J Illdy led I some executive position II
lo* management of the ronl, THOUGH
milling bad vet bien ngreed upon
Ant* Hip ti.Velollxnt ha* leer
0 ripped of Ibp greatest portion of 111
• ant domain II ban l come the Inl' iot
■ ( l-uth parii-i* to put into ibpirplai
ornm inont aolemn declaration* again
i iiiy uiorp dooai ion* ol ibepuldic land*
0 railrool corporal ionn. A o opportunity
n now off-red '>r testing bow niu h >u ■
•erny there 1a in Ibene party declara
j tonn .Top Spi-reiar* nl the Interior li •
j efuned lo grant the appl Ctlmn ol the
a-iuibern Pacific Itnlrowd I,'omj any for
1 Iraiinlet to ilnelf ol HIP lanrf grant ' j
lie Texas I'.Clfic Company, ami Inn
urnP'l HIP whole su'-J -CL over lo (' HI
g res* for itn rfeci-ion. The amount O
I and in rpieniion i If (Mil mm acr-n u,
.'IP Ternloriea of Ar 2 lia ai.d New
M-lico, and it value ia entrusted a> ;
#.'.*> IJIIO.dfM). A rlenaion of lllP Si Cre
I ary would not have *elt led HlP quest 101
.n 1 lore would have been an appeal
I torn it had It been adverne lo the com
ptiiV. A Congress grr ted Hie land |o
Hie company. An f >ngr-** gr<nl>d
, Hie land 10 the IVxan Pwc.fie (' iiii|nny
II will fie for Congress to determine I
• heiher tba company can Irannler the i
grnt lo iI A •uccennnr* wuhonl com
giving with the condition* origin illt
imposed. The fact* ;n ihp Cae *•
liene ; A grant of tbi* land Wan ninrfr j
lo Hie T- X* Pacific Company to aid in )
Ihe construction of ihe line ibrougb A• i j
2 >na ami New Mexico. The compam j
p. er n.a le ny roa'l in i hee Territories '
IHIF, of c "Urnp, never EARNED Ihe land !
LULL, nevertheless, Ihe IVgaa Pacific i
•M leftook le iranafpr to the Southern
Pacific i * land grant, ami Ihe latter 1
ompany claiioa the laud on ihi* tub
•nd on HIP ground I. ai it conairucied
lie Imp in accordance wiili the giant
The Southern Pacifies claim might be
|.|aulble enough but f'T the lacl thai
the comptny ciialtuning a line
hrnugb Ariaona and New Mexico, and
aould have conalructed It had no
ompromtae liren nia'le with ihe TEXAS
Pacific Hut for THE rivalry of ihe South
ern Pacific ihe Texa* Pacific would PROB
ABLY have BO IF On* line ami earned the 1
land. The grniee did not earn or own
Hie land, and, therefore, could not tram
fer it.
I he action nf Congress in ihia case
will deleimine juat how much honesty
1 here ia in the professions of pariiea in re
gard to tlie bupltc land*. On the one aide
in Ihi* controversy ia a great and power
nil corp. filkm, ahm* agents have not
(•pen Very strut ulouain then operation*
M Ihe lobhiet nf Congress, and on Ihe
other are the people, 10 whom alone
there > CODA belong. N> land thai baa
yet lieen granted 10 a railrod corpora
Hon ha* erer reverted IN TBE 0 vern.
lIIEIIT. and it will go hard with Lhe M-.vol.
En F ICIFIC C ■•up any and it* agenia if
1 bey do Dot find mealia In buhl llie*e
land* OIL 1 bell tliUJ*} claiui ol tiWUeiablp.
I'ktU lUford.
Mull In IT • Awful Mud.
WAMIIINUTON. NOV. 22. — The grand ad
\ veriixcd acheuip of banding over Hie
IVnnaylvania delegation to Arthur ut
jibe coming republican convention lia*
! fallen tho ugh owing In the failure of
i the ball breed contingent* to re*|inml.
(J.tay and M -gee, who very shrewdly
1 name it .lay 111 advance lo arrange Hie
preliminarily of Hie conference, paved
the way ycalerday and give Arthur
point* x* lo the matin* r of dealing w Hi
jibe imlepemlelit rcplceiilalive*. It 11
all went lor iiuiiglii, 1 1 liy and Owiper
were up I right ami eai It ,*ml wjied lung
j and anXK.u-.ly lor iheir new allie*, (.ut
!in vam. Stewart telegraphed that F,ee
wa* engaged Hi n law suit 11ml Hint lie
would not come without the V lialigo
.|al*'*mun. Tin* li|a*ted their liope*Htnl
j upet tlnir plan*. Nothing COU.il be
• lone in (lie direct.on ol hxrinooy mid
celling out HUine and tin* pari of ihe
programme bad lo be omitted. Ifu'
Ilu re viere nindiy lit Ile pickinga lba< d
*< believe*! inigbl tie net tiled and
Cooper and IJ'lay *el iil.nui lo gel I to til
I'liere *m Hie I'lkma judg'tnp. Simon
■ 'ariieron had fieen liere l*>r Stephen K.
Wilaon, of l inga, Inn S. N.-wion Peitia,
| ol Ciawfor*!, wo* lu-re and joined t.'oop
ier, ami <2 ,M > for a Vlil In llio depart
melil ol jit'liee lo urge hi* cbnili* lot
( 1 lie pla< *•. It wa* louri'l Hint l eai-l*
WiUun and Pettia, ex '.'rongr*'**iji*n ' 1
. tiler H1.. 1 lour olber*, m-ku g seven in
ad Irom iViinay Ivaoia. *lrsited 10 w.i
Hie ermine 111 the lir - If t*nilory. Tin*
■ null 11 •11 cll y )f candidate* w. IhIHI *r *1
the gel) I le men w re g Veil I o under* I ami
ill.l l'eiiiiy Iv . ni* * oold not get lie
coveted plaCe, fi*l that II would goto
lilliu* I '.*•*.r I'.uimw* 1 lie Ciiluiiili hi
o.alor, of K ilaili'i o, Michigan, who
having en defeale'l for congress, Wat
ml ola i it* and must bate something.
' nop. r tell al 4 o'clock ami n*y at Id
i tin* eyeli.ng. lb fore going iy *aid
"Telegraph to y-ur paper thai I h*v.
O-eli lit lour department* and gnl nolle
log. and *in gong Inline mad." //trre
. t.r.-/Vifri •
AS |MI I; II I N'. I 111 A I KVUKII -
The liitil ol the Allll*l r*.iig ni**- in
If. *loli, which *in led .Saturday 10 i*
veidict bo llie lit 1r ut luw, dtrv* lop
' c l s*imi* l urn.u* Itn* ol luoiily hisior
lb* In ir* u( luw • I AOl gal A r 111*1 rung,
widow *.T ex (ioverimr Armstrong.
•11**1 to recover uleotl JtoINIIMM) tr • 111
W.irr* nli Hi.*lg. |I. 1 oiinisi rai "r *.t
1 lie oiuie, wliicli, they cburge*l, he olt
t.ilncd Iroiu tlx widow wloli site w.i
-d uii-ouiid luiitil. Mi* Armstrong
it** 1 ighiy six y* ut* ol Hgi at tlx- lion
d lx r death, two jour* tig , and Mr
Itbxlgi-lt bu I bel li her IXHII ot lilisl
oe** lor leu *.r twi lv* \*r*. ll* r in
*oiix- wn üboiil $ IU.IHM) a tear, and
•lie lx gun In allowing Mr lihxlgeit ]d
1 jx r cent, comiiiisnioii ■ 11 ail invist
ix-nl", hixl ev* 11 on the pur. liu-e ol
.Mild* Mild sll x k I. *l* r oil I tie oil I Ixll t
•egUll to give 11111 l sin il *ll bsl H lI IIX
or--eiils u- f I'MNfl at a lime, ami in
I .■*?♦> she de*dnl I" him her mitre 111
• oil., tor lift Hiring this |w-riod
Mr. Arm-trmig h*d I* r Iv the n*<*>-
RT IP* ol lite, alld Mr lilialgeil, ill xd
111 101 l to the pri rely r* wauls already
1 receiv**l, •< rurelnl to charge his
: palroiu-** wilh the limtllest Item* '
Tamils supplies, even in a tew jx ntix s
a irih if I* aor a aicgle candle. ilx
j heir* claimeil iliul Mi*. Artn*tr**ig
<*u* of tlmtolllol lililxl, uud Hhxlgett,
1 while UiluiilliiryT Hie tai l* IMII-*I, PII
! I* avoreil to show that six- wu- ol aoiiixl
iiind uud mi* not itinltilv influenced
: riie evidence showe*! Him Mr*. Arm
i *ir ug carried 011 u d*s|x ru(* fliriation
when • ighiy y* a> old wiili a ninii liv
ing nptxuii'e to In r, nod wiihcMt-a lobl
j liow she sli*l down -tuir* 011 the llir—
-1 rx-lc* und p. rforiniil other thihli-li
; uo'ic*. The jury foiunl fur the heir*
; in mll hui one o| the *ixfixti deerla ot
gift. Bio gelt, who wu* u hilitew
j oiHn ot SIIIMII 1111 ana h. fore he kn< w
! Mrs. Armstrong, i* *'rip|eil by ihi* 1
i vediet of the large |tm|wriy whteh In
hud *0 thrifiily uopiireil through hi* j
business relation* with Hie widow.
Ax Hliiioi* woman tim •>! M irgaiei
K ititnna. wife of a Well-m do farmer, got
mll al her hul.and ten year* ago be
anas be I t smne money *he lirougbi
him. went 10 bed aaying she wou d nev
er get up or do a stroke ol work, and
ht- been there ever since. Site fell lited
three yeara go, aiß.te l lo go 10 Hie
hrpikfa-t laMe, ti II and broke her ank-
I •. and ha* not left the sheet* nince.
She ia a* ero* x* a tiear, scold* every
thing an inch li>gh, keep* a broom han
dle to |K>und the patient daughter who
w iila on Iter, and know* all llie go*ip
and *cnd*l going within thirty riffle*.
AN organ whiiMi na jui lieen built in
Oermanv la believed lo tie ihe Urgeat in
exialence. Il c*unl* one hundred and
a-vent) lour register*, and i# worke.(
*uiom*iirally by gaamnior of four*
h** jKiwer. !■* height I* twentymo
tres, it* width eleven and it* depth ten.
It" lrg at wooden y.ip P fen metre
long. and nf a cuhn-wl capacity ni Ijro
ltiousi'>d litre*. The iii-tiuinenl la to
tie *e| up in lite cathedral al K V*. Ft
•HE SI. Sieplieti"'* catliedral ot Vienna
lite •ewe figildei* are so >ti to con.truet
x •*• ili leraer oig-o. The well known
< rgan* of it talon, I'.m end ii'. rrtrri
turg weiw built by the same turn
Mre Truth Almnt Tlrglna.
1 BOW aoßTiir.aN nt i'i 111 ir'AN* Krci ni A irii
MA HONE*! METlinb*.
"If the Noit'ern paper* will onlv
! put.lisli the fact* in regard to Hie condi
' tmn of affairs in Virginia," said Hon.
John (inode, tale memlu-r ol C >ngre*s
1 from Hie Norfolk district, last night. "I !
'do not Honk If. HI llie eft' rl ol Mi. Mx
hone 10 'fire Hie Noriheut tx-rt' will be j
j succeaslul.
"The people ol Virginia are as quiet, |
peaceable xnd law it-iding a* those in j
any .Slate in the country. A man who
goes there to live i* welcomed, and i
Heated with the u'tnost cordiality *0
long as he conduct* himself as a genib
' Y"U read, of course, Hie re|x-irt of
Mr |t/ ndorl' reinxik* lo a re
purler, which Were published last Wed
liendav T"
"I did, and endorse them thoroughly.
I know ol my own knowledge iba> wliat
; he **y* about Hie Northern men now re
•xling in Virginia tieing oj pose to M
none and hi* nteihod*, i true.
At Ho* lime Hon. f-ppa llunionj tin
•••I Ihe |.arly win) Weie dl< u*ilig llie
N'irginia suualion. " fix- war," taid tie,
' wa* ovi-r eighteen year* ago and I f.e
beve ill" atlempt 10 make llie people
at Hie North Honk lhai il is mill going
on will t.e a failure. I kf.ow some gej.
tiemen who came from tbe Nortli 10
Virginia lo engage iri l>u*ine*s, who
*ere If.-1 üblicaiis al home, f"UI wtien
1 hey appreciated the manner in which
1 Mahone wa* running the (.oliiics of ihe
j "stale and especially Ins methods o! HI
laving lb" colored voters against Hi
whiles these N-nhetn It—pu• beans
, .iii| ly said : 'We cannot Hand tin*
We were Republican* in our native
"-tales, but there K-puHi•ariisiu d.w—
not mean anything of tbi* kind.' ">0
ihey either refrained from voting 01
voted the Ib-mocrxlic ticket."
A Mat* which, like IVnnsvlv-nia, is
slltioti ceriaill lo yxill over fKJO OUO 10'es
■ t Hie ro-xl rienl.-n'ial election, n 1
where, " *•" W'* ssure<l bv II e I'ltila
lelplita ' llie diff. rence tx-iween
lie two parlies on * lair lest i* not tan
percent, of III" Vole, ' may Is consul
•■red ** one of the d-.u'.tlul Slates in
which llie I'-niorrals li*V- a good figlil
ing clt.tuce ol *u< Oea.
The v .le 1 *t al llie late e'pa-|iori w*
I ai-ou* kHOlKK'less ibst) 'he Pieiilei.lt|
mis in Is*.", il I* esiiinaled lo I* k'T.'t
IS| less I hat, lite legal vole. 11 is al.o
<•) Is* noled that I tie lireeiibark Vole of ,
In- y ar u mu. li I > itian il.ai ol last
■ ■ ar, * tile I lo* I'roliibitn.n vole i* much
greater, arid both will be facloti ot nxne
•r |es un|M<riiice in ihe coming N •
1 n-nal ■ oiiie*i.
Ksideoi ly. 1 he* l , not King mo be safely
prediraled i-n ihe recent N-.Vetut.er
re. ul s %• 10 w tial sjiape tilings Will |a 'it
'll N v-mber, InnJ. Much will dejwnd
upon Candidates—much more. |#rlips,
•II over Hie country than upon plai
font*. Tnw tendency of Hie pul-l c
■nio .wlo-re 01 her issue# r> no<#liat|
ly <l fined, is to ul>slitute persons for
P bcies.and 10 • xercise an iridependetii
ju Igrix nl m rep.cl 10 lauh. There
I re. any Sta'e *her< Itie ditf-ren<e
.■el seen I lie Iw.i |S|lu-s q(| a lull vole
• s * stn.ll as TI IS iii P. HUM '*ania is
lirly debatable ground, an I the J) ni
•crat-y should enter Iheieon with an
-olbusiastic and deiernuned purpose to !
permanently occupy it.
Tilt New York A'..a editor declines an
inviiMMon lrm "It It Have*, President j
; >f ihe National Prison Association," to
••ecoine a tiiemtwr of that society, foi I
these reasons among other* ;
In the fiisi plan , we have noevidenre
! tbal Mr. IT. Il Haves is in tact Pre an )
lent of the National Prison A-oxis
ion, and therefore ii"t authorix-d to
■sk us to j >in. It Is true HIHI tie " gos
liim'elf as Preanleiit, but in Ida c****
dial signifi-a nolhing. F T lour years
| rie w* 1 in the liabii of signing hiniseli
s President of llie I'mled Slalea, an j
• >tUc lo wuich he wa* never elected j
li lie did not scruple to lie then, he 1
would hardly hesitate now, in a mallet
ol much imparlance. W'e rhou d pr
u-r to sou 1111 il • llie returns before lak i
•ng il for granb d lliai Mr. K H II >yea
•d Unio, has right or title to call Itini
•e|t President of the National Prison
A•■ nation, and to ii vile us to join
How do we know that he has not trad
Himself counter) Itt, and that our five
dollars a year are not wanted to sup
port his fraudulent pretention* to •
stolen officef • • * We have the
great ear oon Icm pi for the character ol
Mr, It R. Hayes—-a contempt impna*i
ble to roe-sure it wilh word# and al the
aame lime preserve the outward forui*
of |roliirnec*. We have no desire to j i
associate wiili him, Intimately or re- J1
mutely, even in diacmsionol the prn|>er
treatment of crim n*l*. In associating
ovsrf!vr with tutu in any way we 1
should consider Utat ye were doing a
yn rmaneoi injuiy to our self respect. 1
ARNOLII Sf HAirt, German historian I
and witter ia deed at the ege ol 64. r
Frank Jxima Dying.
I'EAT li BO- ! 1.1 *Hr To CI.AIM THE NOTO
■ lUtlt HK-TIRS DlklllT.
ST. LOIIB, M-. N> ember 23.-Wnrd
fniiim lioin I• ir|-1•• (• <i*'•. c**, M init
Frink Jatuea, I to* noted train ml.her, ia
dying in ill* j til i ln-rf of rotikumi'iion.
| <) If W-ilO IIHB ..fell |he I til InR ■>-<)• I llHl
j lif la ftt -m| I a changed Miico iheirialat
j Gallatin, and I lint lif haa tio| only lout
|it great ilfal ol fl-kli, I* u t lint hemic
' nu'li iiii• I other •> ni|ilnii'a of cnnuoi|e
: lion. The handlt on lliHt 111 Ilia !•<•-
lift ilii* lower muria will liav-f a chance
IO decide Ilia Caeer. I.JI that l|f fill die
if (ore tm II ol i lifin if hi Ii ii ml.
NoiwittiaUinlii.il tliulm-i. however,
in* affiua to dread if inn brought aw ay
•mill Mia-ouri In face tin- indie 1 tin-nta
In 01 lif r .Sulfa, I', fif roiily i. lip ai ai.u
i" If iti(c ukf ri in Moiof'tiiH, wlifii- the
Younger tarya. Ill* o'i| conir-.'i-, ale
j Mviow lile Bf nif tiff lor ilif Norililirld
'•aok robbery. At one liitif In. I.ail on
ilif If uf Cut lotiifry indictment, on
• Incll lif ia now rig trial, wa
fixed hi f if> (01. Mod II aaa thought lie
WoUid gIVe It HII'I get out 111 jail. Ilia
wile had made arrangemftila in uke
Into out lioine Imiu Indf |.fn>lfi ce
• lif li lie • brought ilia n lio.n Kaiit
aa Cilj It it.d*men were in fta'lioi aa,
i.ill the deleijdatil shook hia head ar.'l
-hml :
*• 11 won't do; it wr.uld only excite
ilif | ijl.llr ai ill tuiil.fr ag* mat roe and
oilier indict nielita woud l-e | u-hfd.
No, I rilU-t Walt 111 jail iwhlle longer.
He If lifv f th it il li.- la hi.j j tied :n
ilie ItiUf I ut in d lie will have no
inula In aland in Ml anuri
Ik i lo- li-at ot a |... 111 ir* I r>.ideal the
winds of Hide jf tide lit loeri and j >urna!a
iiaff innre we-ghl with ihe tld, king
data fa ih m n ilif •>nie uitfiaorea Irotn
jiartiaaoa. f lie f'hlladel|.hia /,/ ijrr ia
inif of that cla a a ill | t|.fia, and ai'ftka
lou-t MHierriiii.g the loud, hitler, and
uialirioua allegation* made ag-iti-l
'i I'attiaori: All aliernj li I.e.rig ma le
lio Charge the co-t of the extra afai n
10 O -armor I'aMiaoii'a arc, unt. hut
Una ia a abiding o* re| > n-d i. I that
will not la-ar examination. Ji could la
nlattlfd W|l ti ju-l aa much If,taon U| on
i tie clet k • ho ni >y have oO| led the rail
Under IliatrUCl lima fioui |,|. chief It
ain the uialldalf of I lie n-111 U< inn
and the i I-gleet of Ihe If gl- ia •U' e lo do
ihfiraworn duly thai one fiod the
CHUaea tor ilif fXt'a aaani-lii. (j. V. ||,or
t'a t! !on, IO 'a, ailing ill. I. glaUlUlf 111
• air are, ,ii. a rit|.l> >l,l Oi> aworn duly
—to en fori fthela w • I lie 1., g>lal ure
that tll-.de II I arawari I. r O rn to If ua
! the Call, at, I co|, i U -1 lor In' t.ll a IO
neglect 11 a du<y, Cannot n. at.ill
'ea|inn.iiny '■ r (to- a ir of moio y
tijain the Go*cnor. nr < n !,• r j-ar
in the l.'.glala Ulr a>C.|a- iarliata ul
die r-a| RTnait. I iv. T e <> it'-rnor haa
done hia du'y n- thing tu .ie nor Irn,
hut ti* it her ll,e It- I uh.naoa ol the
Senate nor the I' tinh rait ol tiif II -u-e
hate dolif ffuir di|iy.
a am ni bmi, im->-T t<> A cxitr aunt
mm MM. tt in.
Kilt, Pa. No eni'.fi -- A iragic in
ICI lent liaik JtlaCf yealeruty a Gteefie,
In tl.ta ca>uny. 11l wli>ch 11 Uf to r-IHII
aa dl"| laid. Kite 1 r .ke . til In the
aloieliou-f ol .1 .111 I. tit, totally >!•
alloying lliftn. lining i lie j.mgte of
the I-Oi Caglail ill great fXChell'flit wat
: CaUwii by I tie dlafoVe I A thai lllltie l-Utn
' Ing Iu Id dig ibtre *a> a Child. Il Wat
I Mr. Lxviy'a till la- daughter, who had
! tieen Hit —l•gHi Ihe nun lu* I-mi and could
riot If found Ilif l-arellla Were ai-
I utott craty of't the teaitul tale ttiat
ibreaieiied their hetoved one. I lieir
I lie I tl At a a l(>o ||i||i II r a 111 HO tlaQifd
ni,|j, who ru-lifd titavely into ihe
11 lilea. lie waa gone for eeVeral
mill met. At lal tie emerged Irviiu Ihe
' uI Id log a nil I lie child and ct awletl out
ot the tl inilOg deldla I UI lied alillnat lot
•T I- JI. lie Will die. Show era ul jualact
Il If he ell heß|if il U|>"tl htm.
I— • Mm*—— —- -
IT It tugg- t't-d toal ad the | u'lie
a hool children ul P- IMiay It alii •, ahall
fn'hon ■ reMalti Sahl d ij. give nli( "
jfiniy itiward* a tuonuiuetit to he
letei'leil 10 the memory id Thadd' Ut
ISo Vena, the lather of the ColUIHot)
School Sytteni ol Peliiaay Ivabia. At
there ate tij.waida of half a million
acbiaxl children in (lie State, enough
money Would lie real l-d liou audi a
movent- til. to t'utld a tst'tal ttalrly and
enduring luonutttrtil to ha name and
A Fattiu lUAeiiior, who haa |iteßtcd
a niartiine tor the u-e ol Concent rated
aoltr ray a at a general tuotlfe JttfVer,
hat ael uji threw ot hia tuarbluea lu Al*
grtm lor the Fietich govern air til. lie
It how Carry lug on el| ruin ma el the *
(•land of PuMjuernliee, near Uyerea, iu
FrallOe, Where be It Ihreelllng lotllajl i
Colli and utalng Water t.y Ibv actloU of M
Use enii't rayt
As Kgyj.iitit aim), IOuOO-ircng com
niainiro hy au Kngll-h officer, named
llicka, baa heeii rut A.ff ia tb< feet uiao,
in bouituu, f'Jf the foi-ea Of Kl Mvhdi,
kiiowu aa the K .!•* PlOydtei, i'tir Eng
I tali gitverulurul la j.rubahly reeyoUMhlU
4 ' f* ?!
ur lii if m UMcrv.
• t r