She Centre Hk Srmocrat. S. T. >ll It J KIM \ K. L. OH VIS, Ktlilots. VOL. 4 Slu Smlrt gtmarrat. form- lI.AO p>r Aunumln Ad*.no*. Thiraday Mornine. Noirmber 29, IRB3. A toi.OKKT) church was opened in N' v Y ok i lif other day. TIIK most ciiminal liluiule ing seem* to llH vt* prevailed in ihe la-l arctic expedition, tinil Ii• tin the inve-tigaii"ii. win 11 have IMM-II poiny mi ut Wash iugton, ilif lIIIIIKII rut fin to point t< (ti'ii. llN7.i'ii, ol' ilit* signul m I vin liu riHU. A Ex-Si N.vrut; (' outiK E SrKSCMt. who, It Will lII' li lllt'llllit'ri il dodged tin- tin 111 lIH in.-, to (flit's iii the slat route cmm 8, i- 8 ill now to tie tiinlei arrest, am! will lie taken to Washing' ton am coiiniiiittil to piisoii lor ei'ii tempt ol° court. E.X v I'KAKKtt KkIFKK seeing tin pr-'sped ot a coiupliuniiiury iioinii a lion for s|H-iiki r out of his riMt'h, ii •- •ui'l, lias t'ouclllilid to torero I lie loin pii■ nt ut to H more auspicious line win II a lump congress may ugaiu Is in a majority. W lIAT a lIH pp v isca|w I lie Dellio crais maile in iioi carrying PrUtisy I vaiiia in ilie !ast election. Hit su |K'osioii ami stoppage ot iron am other manufactories woulil have IHI I charge, to them as the result of thei* •ucce**. Ami sin ha howl! It is frightful to think of il HAKHY W V rri.tisox ami Re* IT my Waul b'-eclu r were theleailin. s|Hukers MI a fiee trade Hireling ii New oik rhurs-liiv night ot la* wit k. Tin v are a luir mail It. it <> i inipiactiealile lioiirluins, one n present tog the D'illiteracy ami the otlnr tin R puhli ans. ''Ui:D In u h'il ami lni|wful" Ton ('oo|ier, Ihe Repulilicail "lui-s" of it k * Senate, struck Ins colors ami suri u* ilere.l uiii-oinliiioiiwlly to the uliim." turn nl 8. nators Ariiholt ami Up|* ' HIHII. Tommy has got a new idea • what an uliimatum is when soiuelssl. else presents it. AnrtlL' , in his message la-t yeai rei'oiiiuieiuleil a reiliicliou o| the •In oil iron, steel, glu*. cotton ami wmih. lahric. F-r this, if he were a DHI ncrat, he wouhl lie calleil a tree tradi 1 Tin- i* -aid. he will oppose tin alr-iliiiou of internal taxes, ami favm n revision of llie tariir. yt'AV, sa'silo I'li.siniigh /'./, lIH no ved ii|Min the Wliin Mouse and a snreil Arthur it i- all right in I*, nn sylvania lor his imniiiiaiion, pinvidn certain matters are promptly atteti l ed ii ; ami to give greater authority a to his statement, he meutioiinl that Senator Cameron had la-en coiisultn' ami was in favor of throwing tl>- IYIUISJ Ivauia delrgaiioi' trwards th< pre sent dis|wnser ol s|aiiis. Thefri'tid I of litaiue nhji'cl to laing traded ii this summary uianner hy the same oh IHWSIS and in the usual way. Then will la- music in the air when the pm cession la gin- to more. TIIK quest 101 l Will present itself a once to the (ample of Bald Kagh Valey front Milcshurg to Beech Creek "What side ar we going to take m the new railroad project? Are we fin progress, development, better markets chiM|ier freights, ehea|a*r pMengc* rates, inert a-cd accommodations, in are we joined to our idol, our maslei the Pel lisylvania ?" To have tin new road ile|s nds upon the (wtiph themselves. If they are liberal, ii they are energetic, if ihey are willing to push and aid llmse who will conn from our rtimmuniiy to obtain right of away, the in w road is an assured thing. But lite peoole ot*R, lletonti rannoi liuild ihe romi unaided. Win let sui'li an iqi|atri unity pa-s ? I seems to lis thai every eii X"li along the route having any •Itsi re for tin general imjiroveiimiii *d our county i annul (ail an olwiaele in the way nl w rival, especially when the pro |iiiou to build it U as tair as this B„ lit-f.. ntc Pr BpciouH. While throughout the slate, and ii -•me tin a-uie ihrotigh'ill our wind* country, Imsine-a is laing curiailei and manufaeluring i slahlishmcnis closing up for want ol ord< rs, tin n are no signs of any c a-atiou within our town or its neighbor lIOIMI. The location of our town in tin centre of one of the finest and w< alihifsi agii< uhural disliiels in •ui state, eoi'tigU' UH to and directly eon uceted with the hiliimiiious coal field ot tlie Allegheny range, and favorc with lite lover tailing water pom i hat e litres iti ami t! ws ihroogh oui borough, has giv u iisc to a divi r-ifh < uidu-try i IIH t is seldom not wiihu •lie ha-aliiy, and which is ever tin -uri t guntai t c of .lull e luisim ss ami for I lie employ meld of lalsir and eapi al. The outeonip of such a locaiioi i- B Ih'loiite prisenls is most appn IMLI'd, nod the IKIIII'I'S thai flow Iron i are moat oltsi i vahlc, wln n all oi In i ■arts of our country are feeling tin •i, cli of hard limes. We enuim ran nine of the hading industries wiiloi iir Isiroiigh ami iis immediate neigh sirh'ssl, at the prist nt time in tic nil tide of prns|writy, to wit : li Coy A C'o's. furnace, forge, •tsllii-g 'inl wire mills; (lie Bellelonlc lIH i iorks; the four lurge lime burning vilua of A (. Morris, K-q ; ih ihr.. • rge lime Iniriiii'g kilns ot M —i* \lexander A (,'.| (r fleih. link* V Co.; the agtiiuliuial mai-liim i oks ot Landis, Gordon A C". ; tin • irittge making islabli-hlliclit ol ,) C. B.irirutr. E q ; die • xiiii-ive iroi • oiks of the Messrs. Valentines ; l!i xe maiiufaelory n| J. K aron Mann -q. The only isiabhshmeiit idle • lug (he large car vroiks which an i process fa change of ownership. IT mo* look- a- if Tom (isqa-r AM is obedient lii-Mlei aids. 8n wart ami /e, have gone beyond the •nduraiiM I their Ibpubliiau following iuilnii fiance ot ih*. eomliiuiioii ami ot • •miuoii dceenry. Ii is aniMUinnl bat !> nalor L'p|a'imao an . Aridioli, •I Allegheny, resigned, ami it i e lit ved that M'Niel, nl Alhgheny. I lid B .gg-, of Camhriu, will follow in 'he same direction. A llarrishurg urrejqr indent say-: "Republican rep ss'iiiaiivea ilii bit thai saii.-l'aetory PlMirtioiiuu ni hill-would havi pa--ed ng ago had ii not been lor Cisq" r's leterniinaiioir to prevent any thing ot tie sort. Only a lew days ago one ot is colli agin a urgul him to raiuseiit to i revival of ihe couleretne commit* ces hut Cisiper replied, 'No, wc don't vaut any ap|eirtioum< m.' Memlars vho are (sair in this World's gisals. vho in I'aci, have noiliing to ih |s nd ui except llieir salaries lure, and who lave been on the verge of waul lor ounihs.are miieb iuveuseil HI Osqer • relit attempt In control tbeir pay, > illegiug (hat bis namre was purely ••ifi-h and hi* siluaiion in life such hat he can ea-ily HH nl to do without 'he salary which is an alan.'ute •ity In many of the member*. "Whether there will tie mora resig •alioua or whether the R- publicans of ihe senate will fiillow the example ret ■ hem by I hose of ihe house, cut |i**e frntti Oaiper, agree on a|i|airttoiinterit and then pas* the Imusi' ■ ppr>>priaii->ir •nil ewtrtiot ti- w Ire determined. But here is a v ry ugly hiding ngaii *t C-sqier and a few of the other set a tors, notably agsittrt Hi aator Biewart." Er OoVsrnof Uun et, • M nns-ois, i • link* ill* It-'* should remnm us iv Arthur. "KTH I TO 41.1 MKN 0> WIIALTVKH "laU NH FMOL ACINN NM lOl NK | A L. JFLRM*T# IIKI.LKFo.NTK. PA.. Til L'ItSDA Y. NOV KM IV KK 29. 1883. Git Them t Homo. I lie K piililii HII |'H|M r*. ami win ially i)♦• I'iiul nrgh (jtizcllt. in tin IIIM 111 P 11l H I kl' ■ e -lII* 111 Hlllngnll'Z In- I), niNratir purl) in i IH ••lIMHMI nun h In Mipn lIIM* v in IHM, an ■ linking ilt>|a ialt- i dinu to revive tin • ill I "liliimlv elllfl" ilmlgl' 111 fill lII* I • lay* IN aiiuik Mini U)MI*P tin- .mull • Till' ulju-t u| I Ilia, i.f iliumc, in ii , m a.-11• I■, in ri i In* >'i-iii iiiml mil- Inlnri-li I In' north Mini llli-mUll '•l v\ liii'li llit-v In in fill il in lut in*-• niiii-au 11 1 mi tiling IIH limi ii.< lIHX 'ill ha* 11 inl ill> puliliiv ill ilu- llnril . i aill i.iii mm pay iln- "I.|IHIII\ nliiii" 'niginli again in in\Mile tin- fluni>• "I 11- MI MI iltin| HI t r-u it HI t'liiiMn CIIIII niliiil liy t IIMII In |n prove ilnii tin ] • -Hllti-r TI NINIIN uri- barbarian ami lIIH' ■< II II II r ami TIAML U'IHI Inn in tin i i-'|ili- 111 ••r i* 11 ut 11 In anv iii In r i-mii i.ullllie*. N'-rilit-ni rri-iluliiy nr la I • 111 ll'inlll Mil: lull fii-il 111 • >ll I lull kll ' I ' I nil.lf again 'I lu-y km w ! liny kimw 111 a i tlii. n- an* ni-rnl* ii \i ry iiiiiiiiniiiiiy ami 111 i-vi ry Male, iiul in ii> ■ |>< iii*- in greater | >ri ilu •ii iii I -R in H liigln-r degree ul \ liiauy. ■ilirlluT ill lit lI I H I outrage*, v i 11 ' Hll • 111 n •I laM.ur I-i -ii II-lll |il ut tin- riglitn ul itiz iinlt i| t lit* ii in I'ttriM ul I*• 111 ■n\ i" Ht.ia NIHI inlu-r iiurthi rn nlatiii. Ii i in!| enough lulu-ik Ml hunin IN f.iri .i-ing nhriiMil in m-arch of crime t 'i-i rmln fNiniuiuniiim, nr pirtv, m tali*. W't- have llit-m li*ri*. O'o-11l uiir diii/ir* in I'liilN'iclphia, I'tlt* uiigh, ur any nther cities nr loan- ii i"U Mailt in tin lITH . nr outrage, m IN It-, nr lIMIMI*. nr hall-it miiHii.g-; •i • • I it mil naiinti.'i in your heart'* con • m, mm your t*ll *-nii• *u in ilu- higln-i | uaiirh iif y ur Itgi-LA'urc MIIui • •limtilUl lull In M't Ml ill Hallif, Hint ihe i^l*i* ul I'iiibun n| thi* IHIIIIII-Hl •t-alih art- iraiii| through the iiiit-rvtiiii n • I -uih litll-iwera a- Malmue. TIIE overt hi W uf Malnim-, the Inilr lyranl Im** -t-t uvt-r the |a-o|ile • •I' Virginia ny i hit ailniiuiatraii. n, rl-iihnl Miih i* authority ami jialrnli. 1 Mgf lu liny atlhllli—inll. mil* In'tnilnl iht- famou* figlii ul iht- lam 11-nry A \Vi*e iih the Kuiiu nothing parly, M hn ai ui e Ii III- hail piitrt in In il Mat It 111 that *IM|P, a* MI ll a* •II many "ilu r : atalt-a, Wi*e iin-l iln in in iht* fi hi Mini rh un I i hi- career uf iliai pro* rip linn urilt-r ul jMiliiii ian* mi i.ll i lually | that forever, altpr nn mat I'-iuml ! laihl i n--ugh tn acknowledge hi- cvi-r liaiiit-il in I lie nr er. In the prcaeiil •-Mac In John S. Itailmur ia Hue tin gtPMt hutmr ul I M-liiig in ilit- ov.r* llirna uf the Millume government, pijiiallv hare ami |iruai-ri|iiivp, ami fnutalpil iii iliahuimr, ami the ituani-ai appliance* that were ever u-i-il hy ilemagngiipa in i-aplure the igimraiit ami iliuUghth-M in the degradation ul M aisle. All Itittiur lu U.irhutir! THE official canva*A uf the New Yutk •Ii i-iimi, lmwa the majorities uf the D nuN-ratic i-Mtnli'lMtpa Ml the late election, - fullnwa : Fr Sweat, mate engineer, 2(1070; |ir Max will, in a* urer. I 0 04; lur Chapin, cunt roller, 10,320; fur O llrii-n, atturney, J.10.V1. Cair, L(- jiuhln RII, MH* elect ill liy the • whitky ami lut wi-ra inti-na • uuitiuy n|am hint, hy IH2A7 majuiity uvir < Maynanl, iX-una-rat, Who MM* a ile jclarnl |>ruhiliii- UMH. J THE I'leaiJt-ui'a MMaga ia next Mohamet VH Smith. Twu ayatcuia ui nligi-'tt t-inml nut •i• -iniin-iiily IH-I'IIII- the i iviliz.iiiun ul In- itill ami new M--ihl llial nf M" iiMini-t ami -I".-t|ih hmiih. M"hurue -1 it 1 1 i~ 1 11 ha* re; chcil il* "hi agu, Miih ail l"*iiig u aiugle eli-iiieui ul it* iggreaaive i-haracti-r il i* *ir"iigi-r I" lay than M hen IVter the Heruiii •IPM'lu-il lii* I-l u-M'h a Hgiiimt il ami ill Kur"|M* r<*|'i"h-'l, ami river* ul hriaiiuii lit-nil F| MI II un the rumly • lain* ul A-ia Ktghi liumlr"! V-HI -•I MAIla II with t lit* ih r~i in ii religion, •in - lili tin- faith ul M ihaim-i • -*• tt I • i-lit-il in i-vi-rv pari uf the uhl M •.rl• I •Ii VI r gaini-il II 11 MI h"|i| i X i*l |tt Spain It i a taith that appval- in ilm I ■ I>*-i -ini-iii hin I lirnliility nf man, ami ' iiflavi* the m-ul ami 1 1- iv u| M.-lIIHII. | I* fun ml, i"n HI i* viif, ign-iraiii-i- MIHI j■in im irn 11y. ihe h"pe nl the tiruri- i ! lie eiuiipaiiiu|i-hi|i ul h nil i. 1 1■ a vt-i■ Itu the M luiiiit ilun im tin* une VH-I I liari-ni Miih il* acuaiiuii- ph-M lire*, il* ' liriHal ili-rignr.l ut all ilutt i Imlv, Inai aiul g-Hi'l in human i autre. T-- tilt- M Imiiu .Inti Muiiiail there can l~ un luiure, ii i* all pr< at-ni with her ■ nut une fay uf *uii*hiiit* eVer | em- I NILI * I lie gh HUH ..I Ihe harem. She T a imre INV in I In* lIMIUIM nf her lunl. 'iv ng uiilv U cati-e il t- lii- II en-tire, 1 " | I In* I M i II *i ier ul M ihauieilnui-ui i- M'.rnii.iii-rn. The twit ti nl J.a- Smiili i- in ita infamy, yel it *Mayi va-i ii 1.1111 in li-, 1111111 nl* |i rri'nrii*- an -eta al •!" fialn-e the IMM*UI (il aiil i lIINII remler* the IMM- i.f ihe I". S a nullity ami |• I wtita it* iuiiimiali y in ! the lace ut the i h ieliitt.i■ v nf tin- i i-~ * M'Htil. Ii Muhaiinilani-m pamh r- In i In- vitiuii* pa—iuii* nl I. ii Hl m II iin iii i •*. .M.-riii'iiii-ni. • lie jirialui'l ul ilm l'J i ■ ul nr\ iiv 11 ixa lii 111, piiinli r* In ITU- V ill Ml |'rt-*lull uf llll" 111 l-l Igliuf Mill. MIIIU-UI ihe rifiiiemeiit uf f) iii ll a F i uiiuiraliiy. Tin* an-na-y ul Ihe cu ■ I-W'lieiit littii-c i ihe at-crei * uf the grave. Thi* i Mmnu'tii-ni. in ii ill'aiu y ii- aei-rel emi-anriea are wn k tug in l.nrupe niul Amilii a. I<* inn- Vella ate I*. tiling ill hy llmUaaiiiU e.eiy lrnin Nurwav, SMi*eilt-u, D- lI'IIM k. \Vah- ami evert pall nl Kur-.jH'. lu N-.rih CarultiiM iln-ir aui'it>* ha* ltti ti |ilii-inuu. T IM I riietr muluighi iiuiui ul nuile |H'i*nu tiring* the hlu*h uf -hatne in a eiviliz >1 cuiu-iiuuity. Wiiere Mill M-irimiui-m in ii* yu h unit iimnh-aal rernli ? Aggreaaive l* chri* iniiiiiy, ati-rt-l a* • l*-w I li. z-al-.u* a* K ynlrt, alio inVa-lea llm hum -* ul j o ni-ltaniiy, MII-I inaiilU the p -iem nf ! mural 'legrM-lalinii into the nun.l ul un*u*|iciiug yuuih. NVnere MI. I u eml ? It rear* il* lecheiuii* |'..rm in c iugteaa ami il !* ihe pruleiti-iU gnaranii*.) lu r iigmn liy ihe inu-liiuimn. Will it • une ilav hulil ihe InilNnii* uf jaiMer in tin- p.iltiic* ul iht- iniiniry ? I|. r i- M.IIU lur euugre-* ut mure iiniatri- Miice t IIMU i M i ill iinkeriiig. Win M ill m|'ply ihe kniie T ONE hiimlrwl Viar* ago ihe Riiiiah I I. lull tlu a k lilt* llu*l 111 NiM ul k j It i tut hi* tail tml Miih a vieiuua rnr -Mill'l fur hi* liume ill the uhl Mi rtft. N-.w Nt M VUI ki ra aie it leluaiing the cenleiiiital ul lite evai'iialiuu MIIII gn MI |M'iii|i in ihe mnfal ul M ilnving rain. Km ly llmuaMUil men liiMrelu*! in the pNinile to the ai ul mitring mimic ul "Yai.kie D.aallc,"&e. Five Il II 111 I r til t huUHtlnl |K" pie j-ialh il Mini cruMileil iaeh nihil mi the alieeia. "diet ' Mini UuV. I'lcavi luinl "revh M i*l" the "peraeah" Mini the piikjaaketa ••I Ni m Yufk, ami all the ill tea Miih in a liumlinl 111 11 • a Mnikeil the pa ll iu|i*lu nl ihe in.Mil lur all it MM Wurili. Many a |an-kel Maa evacuaitil liy ill rkilllul HiMiiipulaiiuU ul the I.giu ttngeitd gtUliy. NIM Yrk ia liappy. TIIK MHV m man lirute enj iynl him ai li, acvuri tug lu hia uwn maUiueu 1 , lie eul hi* Mtte'a tliruat lni-Miiae he '"Haik ileltght in killing her." Thi* •Ii lighl ia i ui eniirely mugular lu tliia claaa nt hruiea, ami liny ilu nut all twida tu ilia auuin, aulnr. Thanksgiving Day To day ibe IV'Sldclil of the L'niteil States Hint the (iovernor of our coin iiionwealih have ap|siiuted for our wlndc (Miiple to reliiru thanks to G d j fir his mercies rod hlceriugs to lis a ! s nation. It i- good that this should j '•. Are we Hot a-a (ample aborla-d in ihe rush lor wealth and rnaierittl blessings, as to lII' lIIII'OIISI i'LUS 111 lire nluiost infinite blessing thnt we tn>w | already enj iy ? flic verv eagernes t our pur-uii after wliai we have no', j 'oakes wlmi we have, seem of lull • or Ino consequence. A hri-athing sjiell i iiinhi -1 a good, a ninleil ihiug. Till •ay is a practical refutation ol j lofi leliiy. Our (a-oplc an- mcrceuari, ire auihiii >us, fuel of show and rauilcur, hut we are u t shams in religion any more than in hiisine-r, •nd wlu-ii our millions go to iln-ii , churches to (imise the (i -I of naiionr i il means that there is uu iuiiiicu | riulilv in it. flic year hn- d ine much for Cciitr j ciuui v. In ihe Icgiiiiiiiig, a pin wemeil to threaten u-, in harmony wnh other section*. But that ha iiirnid into a iin re liusiue--deprcs-ion Our farmer- have ha I wheat and hai rop such a- the* have not ha I ho j many yiara. A new *\sieui of rad jr-ad. lias ex eudi-i 11-elf into oU' . Isirdcis and is rapidly devehip'.ng on- I 1 resources. In many MI- tions of ou< is.unli a new |si|Hllalioii i tl iwing in Tile county *eat is rapid I v growing ii • iic and busiui-ss ini|siriaiiiT, and s rapidlt Isisniiiiig a better uibtket to itie country (ir-slme. The promi-e -• d ihe fuuiie arc uiiliui ted (s.iuliiq to great ami growing husiiieas. TIIK cinte*t over the sjs'akershi, wage- hot and Mr. Uandall lorg> '■head. lie is backi-d up by the 111 dii-iriiil iniercsi* ol th entire couii'iy MIHI by the level beadeil |ail riot n I). ni'M ratii' leaders ot all si'iioii. I' llie > hoi is- wa- left to the I) tuia-ram lIIM—CS. liaiclall would Iw s|M'nk' r t y a lISJ irity which Wotibt Iw simp y MW'UI. NO man in American |s,liiii> stands a- high wiih nil ela-sea n|' out (MSiple as d'M-s HalllUel J. IC 111' Is 11 No taiul of joldwry or corruptim Hiiaihi* to his name. In all hi* ye*r> iot sen ice h ha* ever IHTII known a I ihe wall h'dog nt the Irva-ury, ih ' "ppoin iit of rings, lotibies ami iriekr ti-rs —able, calm, conservative and • blige ii. he is llie one min w'i i i, iiwlnl in ibe speaker'* chair. 111- 'eleelioti to the (sisiiioii he has twin held will Iw an as-uranee to the nuiii I irv that all her variid intereal* an* ; in-Ill* rie* will h; card for. Tha lobhyi-|* and j ibb-T* will have !• lake back seals, an I I) u icrats, ih.n the next preaidenl will le electd by you. Elect II iiidall sjwMker. TIIK land U r the Poaraoh* trembles |at the approach of the viclori"U> ! aimies ot llie talse prnpliet. 'I In •If inn ate Egyptian* are eomjdetely | at the mere)' of the bravest and most | Imrltarmi* eddier* of the ag*. N-uh •ng Inn the inierv nliou of Knro|s an (Miwer can save Egvpt from ciHiqmm by El M'dnli. Na|sileou ailerupteil the conquest of Africa at the bead id the fiuest di-eipliiii'd IMSIV of men that ever e roams I the Mdite rauean, flu-lnsl with a humlrisl victories, and leil hy the greatest soldier* the world has ever seen. The hollow square* of ilu French veterans w ere not proof again*! the des|wrate charge* of the Aiahian horseim u. .The result wa that the laities of sixty thousand Frenchmen : Wi IV left to bleach on the -amis uf the Saharah. TIIK Ameriewn bi-hiqts at Rime are laitig right royally entertained by the Po|w and Caisliuals, Ami are ereaiing a favorable impr*ssion thr 'Mghniii Euro(w by their iude|wudeue and fcarles-iieas. Fin re is no quesiiou Inn that the AHMTIIWII bishops know the iuss I s of their vhiiri'h in ilii* tsiuotry taller than doe* the P.qte or the Gd- I. ge of eanlmals, and it is the |rt of wtisloui lor the Ne ut Rome o hcaik eu to ihe advice giveu by ibwiw. TKKMS: |>-i Am A tit unit-. NO. 47. All Hrta. A great many l{"|'U'>lirsm think very lift ler.ily. xri'l prefer the "Plumed K Iglit" ol M One. fbe rcni.ii report are rcstrly complet •••I, *••! n grea t mmy of clerka mil -<"h *• placed on Mulling order*. Ihe New F.'itfUti'i railroad* killed li paai y-i if.'l p< r-ona Mini iijorrtl >V) Sixteen ol toe injured were pa.aen trf, A oajn haaju-t t*een award* ci t 0 0 i> n (.' . v-Und court W.u>t •I it Cough he H. ijuired iti a Mr* I) | U •rn'l hotel MI that iHy. A mil Into' New Y**rk * dughier has eCUled H Illicit hu-* tttt'l. M ~Ci *ddard in marry Prince P'ha' when 'l" li't'l. in the spring — A'rw V-irk H'ar/i/. Hen* rl or' rge \V lnn, on* of tl. i "i -eii.l.o. liuni In* Hi the lime nf -t adiiUHHi'iii iiit'i Ilir L'lii n in IMH, ■ .till li v• HI I lu l ilijur in the eij y lient of eXCell* 111 lirnllh. Hie -a fa-He N-* Yrk Svn i under •ir l ill |<| fighting .hp* nnr g -orl sailing • iji", • ui they will be splendid slnpt i repair. I urng the reoert Northwest gale on Uki-r, turn —even* I* foundered r HHir ilri*en a-hore. The spproxi if. value it' liu l Hiid carg *e In.* * . e |, (ym(l(j The actual lom of life .gr.gaied niiiet)-three. I'he Philadelphia Ilreord explains hal fanatic I* utudly a nearer ap* • in an idiot ihaiia cr.iy tnn." tint irt llieniily turn who have done .lly Huhlmie thing. hi this world have em "(analtea." The Pre-i 1.-nl h. pardoned Sergeant I i-nri, a lid the people wdl en lorce I he elllencv. alt h *Ugl| M .ami '. aft IO 'tempting In kill a prisoner under hi i| r-l WH line (if the grafral nflrUOea uown to military I >a. A meeting la to tie held at Tnrotlto to •under lUeati. for the relief of death hie • niigraiita fiorn Ir* land. Archbi* e| I.inch si that tb'ae who hate eeii Ilie ou-ei.f I heir coming atid üb • pieril destitution ahnutd bear the • let tiuiden. i o ( *lin are coming into favor I .111. (j leeii V c oria haa art the fa.h HI ill Kiigland, and it ia only a pi e*n nt tune wlien the aeraiceaide and m'l me fabric will lie at) liali enough • AniellCa to .Uil the CUOal faalldlUU* elle. Judge H adly haa received notice mill Mr-. K lie Cna.e thai >li. will !• ieeiii at lua inauguration, ai Coium it- on ilie H hot J.nuarv. !• am i -ill her father. Sa'inmi P. Cna.e. that lodge 11 • iadj uuhllwd Mime ot hia r lie.i basons in the law. N**w Orleana ia making vat pee| art* ii ill a in aniertairi die Urtn'l L-elge of lie Ko ghts ol Ptble, which nnfll ' in Aptil, and tl beloved that •or gl