©he Centre s)rraorrat. Thurdaj Morning, Hovembir 22. 1883, OoSßSSro.VUSHCS.t.'wntnllllli* • j* 1 ' •d froßi *oy pert of th* county. No onimiiuk M lDrt thn laet couple of Issues. It i owing ■ af a dofect in our presi, which wo are ■ Memedying as rapidly a* possible. PA —Recorder Bible admtnutored the oath ■ ' of office to hi* honor, Judge Hoy. * —W. 11 Criaaman, of Snow Shoe, gave ua a call on Monday. Come again. —Judge Uockafeller, of Northumber- I land coiinty, presided over our Court*. I —Cheater Munaon. E-q.,of Phlllpaburg. ■ paid a flying viait to town on Saturday. ■ _Spring, gentle apring.ia fttolln around late. The gal might ho caught in a alortn R„bt. Brett drove into town on Tues day be bind a pair tf beautiful iron grays Ed. F. Oarman ia again at home. Go to hit atore and aee what ho did in the City The new time does not effect us nia- teriallv iwo are always on time—at our meal*. —Sol Schmidt, of Philips burg, strayed into town on Thursday and shook hands all •round. 1 —Tho iron work of tbo new Oh, I we will poatpone this local. You all know ■ how it ia yourselves r —The Steam Healing Company is niak- I ing estimates of the cost of heating apara tus for the Court House. \ Judge Hoy opened court on Monday with grace and dignity. Uia conduct on the bench ex :ite# universal respect. —The professional card of Hon. Jno. H- Orvit appear* in our columns for the ttrst time to-day. Tho Judge evidently means | business. —Judge Hoy sat on the bench for a short time on Monday, and seemed as much at home as though he were "to the manner born." . —The wing walls extending from the I abutments of tho r.ew bridge do not com pare favorably with the solid masonry of the abutments. —James Caldwell's team slipped into one Iff of the open ditches. Fortunately there was no material damage. But bow care lea. to leave the trenches so unguarded. —One of the attractions at Sullivan's ' "Shiel Agar was the Adelphic orchestra, which rendered some of their choiceet music in excellent style. —We were glad to meet Wm llulton and John O Neil, of Hush township. The boys were here as jurors. Call and see us whenever you are in town, boy. Bo!lefyiv &... ■ Our Industries Tii r J cniata Mining Co., Limited. It was about twelve o'clock whan we reached "Tow Hill." What a metamor phosis In two years time. Whan your re porter drove over this same bill a few years ago it wa.i an ahsolulu wilderness of small oak* and pines, not a habitation near. Now wo see a big plant put hero by for eign capitalists, with twenty or thirily houses clustering around it. Mr. James Pierpoint received us charmingly, and in a I few moments invited us to dine with him j in the largo hoarding bouso of Henry Bin- j die. Just here, we advise any waylarerin j ltin Barrens, tired and hungry, and seek- I ing for the luxury of a good meal, to hunt j fur Bindlo's. Mr. Pierpoint then showed j us the works. THE SITUATION. The present company has leased Tow | Hill from Lvon, Hhorh A Co., paying them j a royalty of llfty cents a ton. The prop, j "rty embraces within its 600 acres the fol ! lowing ancient ore banks : "Bed Bank," "Calif>rnia," "I'ond," "Boll," "Floyd," J ind "Hannah Furnace,' 1 and li>* about j three miles south of Sturmstown. BISTORT. Centre county is indebted to James Pier- J point for this Industry. In the Fall of ' 1881 he investigated the bill, and thinking it a good one, obtained an option from its j owners. He then interested some heavy j capitalists from Pittsburg and formed a company with a paid up capital of $60,000- The Bret thing was to get railroad connec 1 tions. This was done by building a two mile branch to tho main line of the L A T. railroad. Water was obtained by sink- ! ing throe wells, averaging -'l3O feel in j depth, and having an average flow of 126 gallon* js-r minute. PRESENT MANAGEMENT. James I. Bennett is chairman and A K W. Painter Secretary and Tre.surer. The | Board of Directors consist* of these three gentlemen, Harry Oliver, Jr., Jno. \\ f Chalfant and James Pierpoint Mr Pier- \ point has entire personal control of the op. | oration. We welcome into our midst young I men like Jim, that have the capacity to j understand our resources and tho energy t" J develop them. J A. C. Rider is the Com- j petent book kee[r and also overlooks the j company store. TIIE PI. ANT. Notwithstanding the present depression j in iron, they are making If*) tons per -/ire. ' H- nry Milburne is the general foreman | It it a remarkable feature of this plant that from the time the ore leave* the earth, j till it is emptied into the car, it is handled ! ♦♦ntireljr by machinery. The elevator i ■ ' frightful monster ; the way it rsge* against the sleep bank in front of it make* your j hair alm*t stand on end ; hut Mike Kng- i i loaded cars run by gravity to the washers, I j where a double elevator lifts four at a l lime and dumps them The ore. after leav * ] j ing the washer, is separated by a screen' j the larger lumps being passed slowly be- ' j fore pickers, tbo smaller lumps to thegigg j Both parts then fall into the car and are ready for the market. Mr. Pierpoint it j ingenious enough to utilize the water. N--t j * gallon is wasted. It run* from the wells, I i does service, and fl >ws into a mud dam,! j where it clears. A large pump, with * j j rapae ty of 1000 gallons per minute, forces j | It hack to he constantly re-used. The com pany employ* 80 m"n, John Welsh is I foreman of the bank. Machinery is the i main workman, however, and the com- i j pany has a valuwl servant in Mr Wm. | Wagner, the master machinist Mit.*3)mao Notes.—The ladies hand' social met this week at Mist Bella Camp beH's. This society was organized by the ! lady friends ol the hand shout two months ! and have been meeting on Wednes- j i day evening of every week since, making j fancy work of ail decriptions, with the s ' intention of having a fair during the holt | days. They have a fine lot of work done, I and those desiring to make handsome Christmas present# will certainly find something to please them. They have en gaged Mr. Carr's room for the occasion, and are looking forward to a good time.— Mr. and Mr*. Wm. Adam* are visiting frler.ds at Hlormstown and Philipshurg.— Mrs. F. M Buffington came home last Saturday after quite a long visit with her daughter, Mrs. J. Elliot Ross, In Hcranton, Pa. Prof. Cuttle is here this week arrang ing some cboica music for the band. This ) is music of tbeir own selection, and we look for something extra fine.—We under stand that Mr. l'letcher, architect, is logo to Florida with Mr F.lse to put up bis building there. Mr. Pletcber can do it.— Milesburg has two dudes—Miss Blanch Crawford, now Mr*. Theo, McCafferty, paid u* a flying visit one day last week The Milesburg Baptist church has added a cornel to the choir.—There is a man living at Central City, one of the minor Govern ment employe*, and a stalwart of tha old school persuasion, who la silly enough to think that at least a few people believe him when he tells thai he was offered $l,OOO for bi* political influence in favor of the Dewiocratlc party. Poor, silly, sUunented soul. Th* aaort illiterate person in Bogft* township knows bis influence would not be worth a half penny. Too tbln, entirely ; for we all know that so far as truth and veracity Is concerned be ia far below par. —Evangelist Walls I* still m town. TBS BkLLETONTE ELECTRIC LfOUT Co. —The company, of which Mr. Uoo. Val entinu in president, ha* HI last ••itumeil shape. Edison's agent w< In town last Haturday and entered Into articles of agree ment with our town capitalist*, giving them the right to use the Edison Incandes cent Electric Light. A couple of days ago wo were informed by Juinei Harris, K-q , that tlni stock of the company is $24,000, and that o i Monday morning all hut $2 'KM) had been taken by our citizens. This shows great confidence, at least. The rest is going rapidly. We are informed that Mr. Edison will himself take any stock that is left open. We can say, there fore, that all the stock is now taken. The company goes to work immediately to build their plant. The tlrat thing is to construct the necessary power, and then to wire the streets ; and the beautiful light is promised us in the near futuo. It is net the purpose of the company to light the streets at present, but to put wires into business and private bouses. We may ex pect to see this by the first of February The only remaining question in the minds of our people is this, will the light itself prove a success ? We have gone to some trouble ourselves to inquire into the *ub ! ject and find satisfaction wherever the in- I candescent light has been tried, as in Will iamsport and Princeton Colleges, etc. The leaders in the new improvement, as Mr. Crider, Mr Jenkins, Mr. Lmgle, Mr. Val entino and Mr Harris,have investigated the light personally, and are thoroughly satis i tied of its its success. t —That great respecter of private rights, and protector of "the life and limb" of each and every citizen, the Steam Heating Co , j neither fi l's up its trenches, hangs cut | danger signa • or puts a walk at the street crossing. M' one who is not a tn*mber of the club ba any right to bave a key to the boat house; and we advise the young men who have secured keys in some *sy to krep away. The (eviple living in that vicinity are very much annoyed by the disgraceful procwed- j mJ perlicsyw | rou down Ann. A Word to the wise is j i sufficient. I —Never in the history of Bellefonte has , thero been more work and improvement I of ail kinds going on tn all parts of town ' This is an evidence of prosjierity that is patent to the mst casual observer. Neil yar promises even greater improvements Labor is now well (.aid and constantly I employed Within sixty days work will be rommenoej on the Bellefonte, Nlitany and L<-m--nt railroad The city of Belle fonte, with its fifteen or twenty thousand . psaiple, is a thing of .he n"a future 1 —Mr. K V d lnvilliers, who has been i engaged in making a report of Centra county for the State Geological Survey, hat about completed bis late rs in this field ' and departs this k for Philadelphia, where ho will spend the winter season in writing up bn notes for publication. Ill* address will be 711, Walnut street, where i lie will be glsd to hear at all timea of any developments bearing upon the subject of his survey. ITRMS from Halves Town*inr News is scarce this week. Hunting season has barely commenced with us. Think John J will be He has his gun in excellent condition now. j Wild turkeys are reported plenty in tho mountains close by our place, Kumor hat it that L B Hlover sold his farm, lately bought, to Benjamin Stover, this township. Hope it may be correct. Benjamin Is a "b-Hie" neighbor and this would bring him hack to where h was principally raised. P. F. Bonersox is just crowded with work, making and repairing guns, A*-. He is also a splendid horse doctor, which takes considerable of hi# lirac. Jacob tloman, formerly foreman on the J. W. Stover farm, j* going to leave us and return to his home at Farmer's Mills, but understand is coming back again in a few weeks. We could not get along with out Jack very easy. At last lower Pcnnsvaßey is to fcave an enterprise in the shape of a roal wine. Mr Hummeri from Aaronsburg, In com pany with two gentleman from Hbamokin, have bon prospecting a short distant from Woodward. The party seems to be interested in this pari and feel confident that coal could be found. This would be quite a rtnvthy for lower Pcnnsvaßey,iuil we Efcpld suggest that they go to digging at one®. . PAT. -We have iust received our now Fl eod Winter Woolens. Call and lttve your order. Railroad No too. The Bald Eagle Valley railroad at a meeting of the Director! last Thursday, passed a resolution, agreeing to endorse the bonds of ih Letnont branch ; in other word*, to build the branch from Bellefonte to Lemont and another branch of four in lies dowm Niltany valley to the ore tianks, within the year. Provuittl, the Pennsylvania Univh the IVntisvnllev rued 3 - , from Spring Mills to intersect Ibem at the end of th mountain. The Pennsylvania railroad held a meet- ( ing yesterday, to act upon the proposition of the Bald Eagle va'ley We went to| r-s j too early to hear from their action. We have every assurance from Mr. Irvin and Mr. Blarichard, as well as from Mr Rob ••rts himself, that the action will bo favor able. Gov. Curtin presented the proposition to build the Lemont branch. The Beech Creek railroad. The iron bridge has one tier up. The workmen are on the second tier of the creek bridge near Mill Hall. Tiie road is being ironed be. low Bench Crc-ek very rapidly. Above Beech Creek town tho road has been bal lasted for fifteen miles Both tunnals are about completed. Th" men go through them. Home side cutting- and some stone masonry is all that is needed. Steps are being taken to get the right ol way down Bald Eagle, for the extension of the Buffalo Kun railroad. It is reja-rli-d i on the street* that the road will fa- built at I once, if the right of way can be obtained It is estimated to cost less that $o me engin eers are no .more fit to tse trust**! with a locomotive whistle than a negro ia with a dinner g.-ng. But asside from ibis, within borough and city limit* this old-time cus tom i being abandoned all over the coun try. In S"ine localitie*, notably Saratoga and Nvw York, it ha* been abolished by statute. TTAOKK ASS.4I.IT-, Sot. IT, I&&1. T"*l f r th- • k hat Jf-, Jo, #r. ■ ®42 M-IM* lIM* LN TASR M7|O Derreas* gj j Pr*o*i.lj -lorlng I-• y*wf . if',A'V Males timls*t tsr , )V v. bursas# IVJ-tX T'-UI LA TKAL 2VNII| S*s- ton. last far l>-f... Usui orair* raic-ar* Lcmi-r X car* Miw.llaDw.ut 13 - The s|>e< ial week of court dwindles to nothing Judge R->ckafelier came here to do nothing. Our reader* may think that something was wrong. But tl wa* no. attributable to any negligence or carelesst ! nets upon the part of our officers. The | court unfortunately cot.flu-led with the U- S. Circuit court at Pil>burgh, where most of the witnesses and some of the jurors, mnrerred in all the cases on tho li.t, were held. It was unfortunate, but could not be avoided. —Heflator I'eale graced town last Tues day with his prasenc®. The Henator baikcd a* if Euro|e had ac-rewd with him, eTen if he doe* prefer America. In a short con versation, he lament-d the frightful mis take which L<*k Haven committed In not having tho new road pass nearer the city. He expressed the hopo that Bellefonte would profit hy the foolish example of her neighbor and bave a connection, as it now lies® within hur power. A NEW ENTERPRISE. —CoI. Bush do •••rres the thanks of the citizens for his push and public spiritednei-s. II now pro- I poses (o have an immerse agricultual im- I piement manufactory locale hero. The idea Is to buy the Car works and locate the new works there. The plan is not yet in .hope, but it looks possible, and If it is successful will give employment to two or three hundred employes. -—James Milllken, K.q , has furnished bis (few borne op J*ynn Hi ,Ina b. autiful manner. We are glad that Mr. Milliken, after having traveled the wide world overe aa k- has, selects our town to be bia bom, a. iart. Tbe cboirE is a compliment to us, while hi* culture and extensive reading makes him a valued neighbor. —Dr Wells closes bis labor* with us tn day. The Dr. is an earnest, eloquent dl. vine, that stirred our (ampin to the depths \V feel asured that much gierd sued ha. been sown. But WM claim that Dr W-||. was crippled in his work by the condition of the atmosphere in the church. To our minds, it is positively ridiculous to irnp.rt a revivalist end then put a load on birrs | We noticed every time we had the pleasure j of hearing him, that fully one-third of hi. | audience d -z- d ; in other words, they were I stupid-*) by '.h" heat and the carbonic ga. I and other slutf in th* air Hi* eloq-ien-*- I was wrt-led on *lf*ep\ men ari-i Woman, and ; what he has done wa' done in spite of this Frank X. Lehman i* running the Bulla House in a wy thai tbe people like When you arc at the table you have befor you ju-t wh*t you want to eat, and it is the la'sl in the market The Butts II -ij.e i equal 111 the best hotel in town. F ,\ L-hnian, the proprietor, lias bought back from*Wm. Brown his b--er bottling otab lishment, and has beer now b-r >alv at his j stand. le-hcnari will deliver it to an\ quarter of tbe city to private families. F. X LKIIMAN, 4')--0t Butt* House. His Honor Ju-I<* L*rimer bat so fsr l recovered fr-im his illr.es, of the la-t f-.u ! ' months, as to make hi. appearanc® on our I 1 streets ihi we. a. We are heartily glad p, ■ say to our reader* arid the people ~( Centre county that the Judg- it on the r-.a-i v | it-.-d health although be travefs slowly During hi* Bine*- h- lost sight of t-i. right 1 eye. We ho|r that our friend inay ie .(-ari-d many years to h family and friends. —The Lutherans of Hnydertuwn and I Vicinity Will hold a Japanese Tea I'arty in the aft-rn-a-n and evening of Thank.- j | giving Day, Thursday Nov. The | supper will consist of r- kit | -g, r- I turkey, chicken, oysters, ice t reain, cak , A: , arid a Japaneaa cup and saucer wtl !tc given with i-- h su(-|rer. Every b--dy j '.* invited to attend, Prwredi f--r the ben i -fit of the new Lutheran - hur h. Bellefonte Grain Market. RsLLirvstt N *.wler IS I,*) ■ OORIFIRLK4 I7 I K KJB M* ACV W!il hIU, |rrf f] j wit, 1 < ,R© —l*4*f V " EtlE-llEe*!. (sWV illlbfi. ... j bvkltci ,V j IWrW t \+r LUeNs I, t} wwigLt, *0 X" ' • •• I I .ft *w*i. |rt-r .. .. 11 mt wlNilwiitb i"-f lkM. ftsllw " 1 I'wf k. | 19 I'lMHf gf"bJ, l-G tub <4 l> ProrUion Market. t| 11 at t* r Hrtrlbtri. \| RLFLKSD |#t ISUUESI) J CbmiM \*-t . ...... ir HEIII |sr |t frmah |sH(tr ■*, Clilf |)r Pq4 .... f CIIMEWf |.f 2( f s.untr } liEbil I'f -TVvwr...... 1 ICunrE, # if %r ' Uft-wJ ... T ., 17 Harvsfj ... J2 I.Elf ? I r le-.lt; 1 ... ! . • • EVERT LEITEK - Cot TENTS-War- ! saw, J. ff.-fe.-n C-> ,Pa Th- swelling !- 1 all gone, iam as ws'l and natural a- I ever wa* helore I was erilerg.-d 1 art, d-- lights*! with Prrunn. S P Hilar ER v --n i. erlll improving in health - Your Ptrvna ju-t th-- thug b-r him W list'Eß St. Mary 's, |'a I The large Chronic Cleers, of filt—n | month* .landing, are entirely healed ' The swelling, pain and itching have all subsided, th- leg is h-sled, and I an perfectly wrll. I'truna is a wonderful . remedy W M friffith, Ashland, Kv If you d-eirs health and to save rn-.r-- |-y, a-k y-.ur Ifrngglit iut Dr llan man's "lII* of Life 4-V'Jl I —Wilson, McFarlaii- a t->., call alter-- ii--n to tho only reliable K-adv Uilsd 1 Paint tn the market Th- Pioneer Pr-- |>ar-d Pa's• i, n.ii -nl\ sii|x-ri.-r P- ar.\ K-ady Mu-s, Pairit aool fiul rivals pur. whit*- b-ad in tt stina-thness in working and du'ability. Tliik paint I* guaranp-ed by the manufacturer- re-t u crack or (**-- within thn— years. Th- g-iaranP*- is not only g-a-d f..r repim mg the paint but it will b*- put on if It h--uld crar k or |-ei within the lime |a* 18-d It will ire i< your int*-re*t to raß and see Wilson, Mr- Farlane & G> , twl.-re purchasing either white lead or any other Beady Mixed Paint. A Danoerops COINTEKFEIT —Ther> are dangerous (*iur-terleii* in cir<-ulaliot pur|M-riti-g to b " Walnut I>-at IJair K •lorer." The rin-ngart svidsflc* of it great value is the fact that parties know ing ile great effi. ay try Pi imitolf if Kach b->ll In of th-- -genuine has a fat eisni it of a walnut leaf—blown in the glass ; and a Gr--en L- af on the outside wrapper. The "Kslorer" is as harinb-e* as water, whtH it ( os-essee all the pmperliaa nw-su-sary to restore life, vigor, growth and *br Pi lh* hiir. Purcha-e only from rttpontihlt par. t\*. A-k your druggi-t lot it. Ka. h b-.i -lie is warranted. Johnston, Hollo way A Co., Philadelphia, and llali A Ru- kel, New York, Wholesale Agent*. 4-l>* EXTRAORDINARY R EUVCTiOS. THE WEEKLY POST, A HAmiiiHiK for | pr-r In flnii* Tit* %ir I**4 till 118 thn m-*®! Mirrfnc •n1 liitviMfi riEtil,trfr llkrly, nf t|vn*t t n ll Eiil M*f lie Afsnf (%!■>". Hi until miiM tlp •'rnns'lniif (isnklufi tNMi vtll rut* into m ; th® *JIE In t#h inrtim f*r th n minml *n; thn HM -f th* Knti n*l t*. munlnntn 'n*- K-lt-tk n. iwiwspr-pal-l fl's'tn |-il el S)s s sr i—p-UL furat lor wsi|,| a A,l tfrres I lis gal IwU-rs, JANE* P. EVER E CO. lEI Wood at. l-ltLUWih Pa. OCR —.Siuwljihe din >• Mrg tnk*u • ■ ft* nur *trp-te arid lb* diU'b** filled, but IMi. fiir.i*. i m lltilw ib* wrtif for *e*r. 0 r •"#• wt-rp Ind f.-rin*l v, n w wiih ib* mud ti ibrm ih* 9r#k*n •I'm#** HfirJ their fKwition, ib*y *ri v frightful. Tfuljf afd w* long- / uttering | M' *| l*. J Duff's Mercantile College. To tinpwrt 4 Prrlim| |ftiain* VAut tllwfi !** I# nmir rarhf| wiili (f mi 0r.. IIMT aim I'UfT •e..lu-| ( ., Sn it Frf i h At4iiur Tli bMk •'uOr.t li here U'Hili.* f.r •! b a training • r i'olll) lilm lorn lin fen pr*r /, lIIUMW Hiaai t |4 l# .|a I || < | .f * ii'uui* mklrN l'"f J " •• pi Mafi i fcimJ .j i,y ||i|f#r A 80, piifi #•! in oilnriJ |**g*a Till- Uf|i | w >tk oQ lII' e>4*tif 4 4 laia'- nntflfiu *ri*e I H. OK VIS. *' • ATfiRXCT T-t •* U* I'Mitr, .'a , <>m a lII* C -or. >.■)., „o lb' a -,( F oral • Ihi i Mm, j/ 1 KOA I. NO 11< K Mj Fu Chart** llodfe ,i, i lit* vfb H- jv no I, Prank* n |W l.e an 1 Anna .• elf*, an ) ' hL tine 77 |um ||- foil af* tide!.) i> f.fs -| ilat ~tj tl.e flat lay .| N f#.l*w-r A | . I*H3, J.• |tb ( , •i*t. of I ' Jl' Hrr | •>,) i| |, n.-fiUd lo J*-in., io || M < .nut | j•f i ■ lI.MI r, I'.—r 1 I 'O.M anting l .rill tba I * }l■ >• fit* •.wi,. r'f a < -r lam ititwg|. „. t*/| iff ! tali I ritual** in f <>t| r f ■ |.|j i * u.tj (*,r, / I UII.IIIK *• a/f* n #f- n l~a Thai am.! lat | t.4 \ t ar-tr wiiii I rart ai *nty <• f 1 fl I J 1 • I tli a I •t*f if. It i • if I, \it , . • * *• l l.t • 1 , io4 J I 'Mt. J •I* Ullkl, *f t" l||. |*l t, t , f I What* • |#..| Ih t, U't aft r4rf •if m j" •f < - it •> t , • M ) j fr| H foflb 111 mM n I■ m| ,t a . n | . | j I •tqiairlin %"i t'i- ml |ii„rtf*yi-w •Ht-t-r l.nn .• I J| fl it . tali w ran** wj il ui nyKi, t, a o l i* S * I . j Il M 'w-if|*t A ' *• J I.Q llafj.tf rt fa. 41T A; • 1 |4 . J 71. • I".- • J l,i. RH- *.4* l. A|*tl T ; 4 I I h injtfe • W 4ru • - ,;tf K4 AT. !•••; J J h. YI'•!r* 9r t Il'tiwr i'-.; Aof T l*lL7 j ♦ | H Owl* .•• A 1 • l *• IVftb. K R 1 4* A U|f T iKfti j A liauri, ua f f JaObr* I* lt*. 4 . Aif T IMS. II I J ..4 Tom • nn,i. J fa) V| t. .11 ' iMIi 4fe* 4 N !••. -itf, 4 t IWCI I 1 I tan ) A*-* ' Mr> W |,itf . i ai. 117, 4. 1 Itffl I H 41- ' oB A - Mi II i .-a I | m J*r. 7 lf> H- b . fl ; • J to tiofif firw I. • ' Vfe J F ►),.. al.an. ' Jar. 7 ♦ l| t|.i.,riftft Fira, Hal *► W 1 t *i A| f 7 7 IUtH Ifai ail >1 i.i , ta J A Hrur rf il, K|, l|r r |fa%!| I t< ri.n.f F*in lb* €%*.,*■ K Giahani A f . 4.'4 4 |f 1 Imi ( U lj' m.| Pw )m Co ,*. r.a. f 11 ant ,r.f *. 4/!, I %tg. T 'MC ' II t>o uong rir# !r. Oa., nR T Ttiirti, 417 Atf / T *** / lilml LUt ' ' ' J oil ' S . r •I ■ 7•• !•. s I 1 < in**. t,g Mti tb* ft*i N4t(b) v.d'iajtuf i—tuil>*r I^4 1 M v| tia v* l*rir# A W,IH k-n. I.i April 7 I*- -. . Alr ii. Mrtatt ua f M Bur.krl. 42. At fil T lk> 4 llunlet A Dr*4Brf *•. *faimuwi CrotK*r, 12J. Jao T 1*79 4 J t I4w k oa* i.i. ** Jobk A llniitmr, 41.Jt T Ml k. l M A In. m F ritam '■*■> • 16 Aug. T MM . Jafe T !.*• r.fenti f.iri *• 4 F. Unci}), •tfcll, 10, V 7 1-1 7 J It I lab* n. R II DunrAu. t al IV. April T. fe l*r.tf I J TroaUr • !**' R> ih *t a! 247 4jril T ifa*2 Lrvt*ar4 Kbonr ra, fVt.ii a R H C- 170 Atif T. MM I" t 74 || .It • *• r.a Ir* 111 Aug f Ml % It l 7* II Hi r* killiM.loi ln IV. , 1 i A8 T. mhm 1. tiger HTf f t I M ♦ *bo H|l..4< An f T I^-2 li < •' i I Ontr* O •. (Y T • ahip.ll S * i K>.' 14 J H Mntlarrj at ai a. Tl>fmfta..n ei Al. Tt R i 7 IMS I J ICil ii |>l>ar*on Mi.u i 4 N I.* ( . VA ( I M fli I* Plw fVrar.f *t ai ti 77 rr, M. *L il A o i 4 M Ja.. T lKkrt ¥ ■ 1 J l II 77 M< *ir r* Ja* V R. aati 22" April T l*Ai /I John Cart in at al r* Jho7. Ura* its April T I Mil li Jor.a Kraamr *• I'baa 7A Allf1gbl rial I *>9 A|> H T I Kit a J II *ai( ra Am<*a I,- iioigrr V * Apt.l T \%K\ 31 Ia* id llnr.t ii Peter Horat eith 39* I April T IkfCl l|M \1 J*4ti Neamao el at ra. John Tarn itg. 40? AlrtlT I da mJM LI J'Wpl. t v.* tra. J.dm K !•. II Aug T |Rv7 *W 44 l"krir lirertl rl al • F. B * rnitf e4 al, *'> C. 74 *eiUta ra. K and fl R K II CV 47 ALfl T I Stt. • Adam f*eniJtie ra |l and R R R R Co. K* Ai.^Afl 57 Jam "a II amy et al ra Jrffrwj flay r*. 92 Aug T 1 l*M. > John OarWhk Hal ra B n1 BK R R ('• , 107 M • ■ ' ;- .W n.vUti M> l aiiatio r R and BUR RCn.lOO ■ Aug T Iha-I 4m JAm Thxmaa ra J>tbn Rrr. 3* Ave T I**2 SS 41 *r*tiJ lu tHimg ra H arg# M. Parl 330 Aug f I**. M. tVatre Uai.li ra llnapm T"t*fcada el al ra. Juhn II•■*•. HOl^^fl T - 1 ' ,a A Cftder re Stanley Watw.a, M 0 fl M. 41. MUftgini tg. $ at. J B fl R 10k, A T- |a*7