Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 22, 1883, Image 1

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    Js Apr ' 1 / f - " v
-sl)i' Centre Democrat.
S. T. SIU'GKKT A. K. L. OH VIS, F.ditois.
V()l„ 5.
JTlu (Centre jDrmotraf.
rrmill.6opor Annum In AIUMBCA,
Thursday Morniue, November 22, 1883.
THE Postmaster General ufCanadu.
follow* the lead nt Poatmastc; General
Grrsliaui, in excluding lottery circu
lars and ticket# from the muili.
TIIK trial of James Nutt for the
murder of N. R. Duke#, will come up
in the Fayette county court on the j
first week in December. The services
of Ihe Hon. Daniel Vnnrhoi'*, of Indi
ana, bus I wen secured for the defense.
IT is said that in the state of Texas
forty two million acres of land have
been devoted to the use of schools and
asylums. This extent of ti rrimry
would he several millions greater than j
the whole surface of Pennsylvania,
with New Jersey and Delaware
thrown in.
THE New York Tribune says "the j
issue of legal-tender notes in times of j
peace would he uneon-litutioual." We
have no higher law in this country,
and what heeonies of the Supreme
Judges' decision appointed to declare
the issue constitutional some years
ago? Is the Judicial oaih less bind
ing at one time tliun another ?
AFTER SO many years of continued ,
service in Congress, Sunset Cox repu
diates very justly the idea of enmpli ;
mentury ballots for the Speaker-hip
He only wants such ballots now, as
means business. The three leading
I candidates, Randall, Carlisle ami C,>x
having each,according to their friends,
sufficient Vote' pledged to elect them*
complimentary ballots will not be
counted as compliments.
THE New York Hun is again to the
fore to say that Mr. TIB fen is not a
candidate for the Presidency. "Devo
ted a- he is" remarks the Sun "to the
welfare of the Democracy and still
anxious to render everv ivis-ilde scr
vice to the people, there are no cir
cumstanees under which Mr. Tiiden
can be induced to accept a minima
SENATOR MAIIONK is out with a
long address to explain the crushing
defeat he received from the Virginia
D .mot-racy at the late elections. His
failure of explanation is about as
marked as his fai.ure at the election.
It is more mi attempt to flirt tt.e
"bloody shirt" in the face of the peo
ple. He com nenees with the most
unblushing falsehood* on the people
of his stale and ends in the same
I strain.
ed from duty by the Goininissioi ers of
Pensions, the other da,*. Mr. Am! i
Ames, Secretary ol the II .ston R >ard i
of Medical examiners of the Peiisi n
Office was dismissed for the ton close at- -
tent ion lie gave to Ids private iuteress
to the neglect of his offi..rial duties.
The charge is that when pensioners
called with good cases. ID* would say
he was busy, and refer tbein to a cer
tain lawyer. The lawyer would di
rect Iht m to file the rase*, nml inti
mate that by subscribing for stock in
the "Kngle Orderlc** Company," of
which the Doctor wa* president, their
cans wotil l secure immediate attcn
| tion.
PRESIDENT ARTHUR has just niili- |
gated the sentence of another cominis-
I sioned ifficer in the army and no j
I doubt be did well in doing so. Hot
Kit might now lie in order to show some ,
Hclemeucy to a non-commissioned one
Hpf more bumble pretentions, who is <
Hindergoiug a very severe sentence in ,
Hhe |euiteuiiarv. Very few persons, .
Bf any, would find fault with him, if i
releases Sergeant Mason from con
g| emeiit. He did lorthiiig wor-elhan
Bike a random shot at the a*sassiu i
111' work places Mr. Arthur in the |
chair. He can have no i
against the |Hior fellow, who only i
Ski to emphasize his disgust for the . <
Bin of a President I
Moro Rail Roada.
: Relletonte capital is growing less
I conservative every duy. A couple of
I mouths ago some of our gentlemen
1 raised $lO,OOO to invest in Steam Heat
ing ; last week other of our business
men raised B'Jd.oOO to put in the Flee
trie Right. This is all right. The
DEMOCRAT is the last one to discour
age loeal progress, even in the direc
tion of comfort or luxury. Rut the
| other day wo overheard a rising young
j man remark, that "lie th night, when
Bcllefonte could put ever s">o 000 into
-uch enterprises, she certainly ought
10 risk something in new factories."
11 is a paradox, ihai we should guthei.
every comfort of city life, and lie e in
tented to remain a village. And a
village we shall he, a- long us we en
dure the monopoly of a single railroad.
Grant tliut that road builds three or
tour other branches into u*, but is that
| enough ? We welcome the proposed
improvements; great conveniences they
are truly, yet freight tarilfs will he
| just us heavy ami the companies, th t
| do not pool with the railroad rings
just a- unable to cope with their more
lavored competitors. R->ok at Rock
Haven, Ivrone Huntingdon and Hoi
liduyshurg, they have plenty of roads
of the one kind,) hut they are ami al'
ways will be little towns. We can
j have an opposition road to connect
with the Vauderhilt system at Ileech
Creek, by getting the right of way,
with the guarantee that the toad lie
'complected within the year. The
right will not cost $">,000. Will the
| town, which ha* jusi given over $ >O,
000 io sti am and light, hesitate a nu>
ineut at this crisis ?
TLLE New York lime* shaking of
; the result of the late election in Vir ,
I ginia oo doubt r fleets the sentiment
jof the host element of the Us; uhiiuni 1
party when it anya : "Mahoue's defeat
I is a matter of congratulation in the
. North, however much the way in
which it wa- accomplished may he
disapproved. In the first place, his
treatment of the negro voter has not
lieen, at the lioltom, any better than
the Hotirhoi,- He has fomented the
race feeling as much a* they, and his
|M-ople are by no means innocent ol
intimidation. There are many other
Republicans who know, though tins
may not deem it expedient to say -•>,
that Mahoue's treatmeLt of the oeg roc?
ha* Is-en ii finitely wnr-e than lhe\
ever experienced from the *R >url>nn-,'
and that Ma hone alone i* guilty of all
the 'ruee feeling' that has lieeii to
mettled since he became aAsiWer in
Virginia |sliiics."
THE Phil /-Iphia C->mmittce of
One Huudr /claim to In* in |Mi**e*-
ion of ' ./?* of extensive and bold
frauds upon the lialh ' at the lateelcc l
tion iu thai city. That committee ha
<l one noble and courageous work in
the iuteriwt of reform for several years,
and it is to la* hoped will not now
shrink the new duties that call u|>. >n
them again to step to the front iu a
vigorous defense of the purity of the
ballot, ami the prompt prosecution nt
the vidians who corrupt it. The |sij>-
ular elections of Philadelphia have
heeu too long stained by the nefarious
methods of the boss rings, and its re
sjHTtable citizens should sec that they
arc not continued by their indifference
to the puuishments deserved.
The Pittsburg /W say# : "The stop
page of some iron mills and the de
creased production# in others, it is to
be hoped, will fa* temporary, ami is
susceptible of easy explanation. Nev
er before in this country has iron been J
sold also narrow a margin between;
the cost of production and tin) si lling {
pi ice. There is adi mini-lied demand
—possible what may lx< called n nor
mal demand—and a productive ca
pacity iu excess of this demand. That
there should f>e a tendency to lower
the waves ami decreased production is
one of those inevitable law* U trade
from which there isou escape. 1 '
formed, with hcadipiarters at Cleve
land, Ohio, charged with the suppres
sion of Polygamy. They have issued an
address urging organizations in all the
cities, tow n# and school districts in the
country to get up petition# to Con
| gress favoring a constitutional amend
: menl lor the mppressii n of the abom
inable institution. Rut why this
round about course of a constitutional
amendment i* adopted, when <'o.igress
ha* ample authority over the territo
tie-to meet the case, is not satisl'aclo
i rilv explained. To this movement,
the Do-eret .V in, the organ of the
Mormons in R'tah mutters thus :
"The im|ioriant viial chiracier of ifie
Ic-iureh ol Je-u- Christ of llie I,ll-r
' l> v S*inis i nlinont ilemonvirait d Ey
1 iii- wole pieml and corn),rein nsive op
|HI.||I(III io 11, winch i* making #|u-ril
*>o| unjij-flv diM-riminatinv legislation,
school-, churchi-s nml politic- and oili
er orgaliil tlion* >ire all aiming • h-ir
*haH* al ihc Mormon* wnh vindictive
ilirust sml deadly purpose. The war
l*re tia- been both open and secret. Eul
it appeir* dial Ihe slat- in llie back mo
ilut nfieramh i- likely lo he laigeiy in die
, ro|Hin o ranee, judging from the iniiia
I • <>r undergrouioi mgania tlion esiab
h-lieij in Cleveland. Such movement*,
; heing connected Willi H subject of (Kip
ular luleresi, have a propavalive ten
! i- no, and it would occasion nosurpri-e
I I ihe example of die Cleveland anil-
Mormon secret antagonist* would be
mlhiweif bv men similarly ta-rii in other
icon# throughout the Un-I This tri
oi)i situitioo of # | ople seeking to cir
jll init their honest conviction- of right
is ex hi hi led, tnle t here is a corresiajnd
ing mani'esi AMOO of the atwnce of any
•enlnnenl ol niignanirnu* in thebrea-t*
ol tlie generslny ol Ihe people uf the
•ouiitry at large, who either look ujein
■he s),-ciacle with apathy or exultation.
II It (lie Cllliniiiatiori ol Ihe suhlle move
nent will t,e distress and distructiou. '
Tin: rascals sre always on hand to
inke HilvHiiiuge of the generous pro
visions made by C'.n r r-* f-r every
g'*> I purpose. The law* pns-ed to
promote settlement of the public laud#
and fat iliiaiAt the arquiailiou of com
tort Mile anii)as in she ir .untrioaa jse<r
ami uceily, i* made the rncanu of sy#
euiatic Irauds by s|K.aulatoni ami
thieves, so to necessitate the re|M-al of
ihe prempiiou laws. .jH-cial Agent
of the (teiieral Office, *avs the
i'iiiciuiiuti Tim** Star, "has found that
: marly one-half of the public lands dis
| po-ed of in uny one yiar are irregu
larly taken. The lauds thus obtained,
he sajs, eventually fall into the hands
of the settlers, hut ihey are obliged to
pay 'sweat money' iu order to get
ihem, ami this puts the |ir man to a
■ isadvautage and retnrd* M-ttleiieut.
Among these laud sharks purjury i#
viiiversal. Affi lavit* to anything and
••vi-rytfiing are fri-ely made. It ap
(wars that the only practicable way to
clean the rascals out is to rc|x*al the
preemption IHW. This was attempted
HI (ougri** last winter, but the Sen
ate objected. Tin* winter the General
Ruiid Office will furnish ('or gr-ss such
facls about land swindle* a* will Ire
likely to convince tlint body of the
wisdom of putting a stop to pre-emp
i >ni."
JuiMiE t'i>x, in the Circuit court
jof the Disi— ' i #ct aside the ver
dirt of sf!(l.v§ B nrr awarded by
! 'be jury in 9 HI
case f..r fnl*<v';- J jrl ** K: 1 •
iMiirn, it will be remembered, refused
to tysiify before a committee of Con
gress, and wa? committed for con
tempt. He brought a suit for dam
age#, and the case lia* been twice
tried, the fi #t time obtaining a ver
dict for $lOO,OOO, ami in the second
$OO,OOO. He ha# moved for a new
I his valuable agricultural monthly for
December, eame to hand freighted
with unusual excellence and lieauiy of
contents ami illustration#. It is a pub
lication of great merit, and we take
pleasure iu recommending it to our
burners a* worthy their attention, foi
the Wealth of information 'U
ed from its columns,
in New York by (>range Judd
pany, at $1.50 |>er annum.
THE snow is two feet deep in the
mountain# of Huh.
Tho Spcukornhip.
The three gentlemen, says the
W nhiii|jt<>n J'w>t, who aspire to the
chair of tlie Speaker of the House
have arrival in Washington aim be
gan their canvass. They nre distin
guished representatives of the Democ
racy, and would each do honor to the
position. Mr. Randall has In-en Sja-a.
1 I ker during tliree Congresses ; Mr. Cox
and Mr. Carlisle have held important
i trusts, and are universally recognized
as leaders in the National Legislature
All three are aide, experienced, incur
-1 | rnptahle men. The Democratic partv
I is honored in such competition for the
! great office now in its gift.
. j However, only one of these gentle
' men can he elected. The olhrrs must
I J lie content to servo on the floor of the
House in the pots in which they will
il* placed. The question for the Di rn
j ncratic caucus to decide is who is most
■ worthy to he made the Sjx-aker. Mr.
Cox enters the arena with the great
and influential delegation from New
i York h( his back. Mr. K udall is
, declared to In? the favorite son of
Pennsylvania. Mr. Carlisle is luarti
ly endorsed by the Representatives
: from his own -talc and the great West
j No nue of them npp-ars r* a sectional
| candidate. Kach has supporters in
j Ih North, the Kail, the West and
! the South.
The House must decide among them,
on the hroad and impartial basis of (-r
-| soual fitnesa for the (motion aspired to.
The men and their records arc known
to the country. If only needs that the
| jury which is to award the prize shall
. Ire thoroughly familiar with both.
Indications For 1084.
The New York World give* a col
umn of test votes in debatable state*
jU'tKayeara precesimf the las* 6 ve.
presidential elections to thow that
these votes distinctly indicate the heal
ing of the public pulse and an- really
ibn moat important evidences u|Kn
which to base circulations as to the
results of the Presidential contests.
This year the Republicans hold the
following state*, either hy present elec
tions, or, where none have been now
held, by the latest contests :
Mwwaa' hn*tu K i-nblfran nj rlt% i >**o
, I■ lbs)o it) /M
|l limsi*. ft, ti'-hmii m*j flty eai
t'NM)IUlii lUi t)Mh an m ) t|J I7
Mlttti • at Ma )
Hs.'ttr eau y 1.4 u
('•miiMtkvt.lUpahllrak nsj -ntt :
The Democrats either hy election
this year or last year hold the follow
ing of tl.ese debatable states :
Net Yof% fwrw w-ati |t*j fill l*ff
• •If .lh-tternfM r Jl)
i I'aliMnit, |t< Hi/ f n>*j ■> it)
H.a ■••in 11, V tie n. )t f. s,r
|t a wraur tit.) nj 4 n
hs' -w lr'Hi rah nia) -ty 7
Inlian Ihntor ati >uij'-rlt) |#
Sf Jsrjst. IHti . < .tt. Ms Ofilt h •at
<.!ovit, .. | srtii (ri||( tn<) >ti y i
Msiimfftlk tisajur il l . .. 1./UJ
The changi*s thai have taken place
are significant, and show that the g. o.
p. is going with cunsidearhlc celerity.
Ex Bf.!Jatir Di.zkmxiki , (repub
lican,) of \"irginia, shaking of the
late Ma hone manifesto, says : "That
every statement or insinuation that a
reign of terror exists in Virginia is an
infamous lie. He protests agsinst.
having his property in the Old Do
minion injured hy .uch falsehood* as
are m'. foith in the Mahone address.
The election, he adds, was (traceable
and fair, and Mahone was squarely
and honestly beaten. If the Mahone
ticket had received every vote east in
Danville it would not have changed
the result. The riot was unfortunate,
but it is attributed directly to Ma
hone'* (Meuliar methods of conducting
the campaign and the iuflamatory
sjieech of the redju*ter Situ*. '
Mi*9 A una Die kkmson ha* left the
' Mage and entered into an engagement
with the "Knights of Labor" to speak
ill their interests. For that purpose
she has prepared a lecture on labor
under ll title "To the Rescue" which
she prrqiose* to deliver in all the prom
inent cities ami towns in the country.
will open the Cooveutiou
at Detroit an the lHib uf December.
♦ ■ ■
TIIF.FI: ia now 687 prisoners in the
Wcsteru Pelteoliary.
The Oovornor Hollo Down a Moun
tain in a Buck a Embrace.
Kditor Dcrn, of the Albania Trib
une, who accompanied Governor Rat
: lison in a recent hunting ex|>e<liiion
| iu Ku Ili van county, givis the, follow-;
I ing lICM-I iption in ihe Tribune of how
I the Governor used lii# gun : "Rvery
j b nfy appeared to be anxious that tin
(Governor should have the first shot. |
jJost on the other side of the bridge
! where the 'Fishing Creek Coofedera
cy' fiad it* headquarters,and right on
the Da k where ii# fort is said to have
la-en f>uilt, the Governor v.-as siutiou
eil. He did uut have long to wmi un
til In: saw ihe monster of the forest, a
ten pronged liurk, wiih unth-r* like
an elk'*, coming directly for him
j*l hey looked at each ol her for a run
1 uieiilaml then lost ths.r leni|a-rs. The
Governor,wiih hislrusiy hrcech-loader,
In gun Io |siur buck slu>t into the lace
■■l the noble animal. This only served
to enrage the buck the more. The
space between the two rapidly dimiu
i-lied, the Governor all tie- time |*>ur
ing shot into hi- antagonist's IHC AS
the glaring eyes of the buck raim
level wnli his enemy's HIC' a* his hoi
liri-aih fanned his cheek the Gnvcrrior
reinenila-r-il hi* strength—for he is H
|siwi-rlul and well built man, standing
-ix tcet two HIHI one-half inches in hi
siiK-king-—threw down his gun ami
grappled with hi# fierce <o . Then
began the tog of wai Down the sleep
mountain they rolled tir-i one on top
1 ihen the oilier, Isoumliug from one
steep elilTto another uniil at ln*t when
near the fool of the mountain the (> iv '
| eruor succeeijed in gelling the right |
! fore fisil over one of the prong# of ihc
monster's antlers, thus entirely disa
j tiling him. Alter treeing himself trim
the animal arid taking a long breath ;
be drew forth from In- bell a Irtrgi
hunter's knife and stabfasf the fun k
to the heart. During litis great slrng
gle his clothing wa torn to shred* and
lie looked more like a tieggar than a
i Governor. A "mile hovered over his |
countenance wtien tdd that he wa
'ihe chanipioii d*erslayer.'
The above account of Governor Pat
, tisou's hunting exploit mut be true for
one cannot doubt bin courage, or the
; uniform aexuracy of the sterling journ
alist endorsing, when hi* imagination
! is not particularly drawn ii|Nin for n
seiisaliorial paragraph. Rut to u* the
story look* very like to those given to
| the public by the fieby amaturcs of the
trout streams m summer.
A New Road Diwu Bald Ensrle
We have tried in another article to
impresa u[>on Rellefoiitc the im|>or
tancc of urging the new road eut r
prise. Rut is she alone interestc*! ? i
Not by any means; not even as much j
so a* Mileshurg or Howard. Relle
fonte i# more iudepenrlerit. She has '
a chance to have the mad down Nit
lany. But it i otherwise with B<>gg, |
Howaid and Liberty. They must
gci it rioir or never. We propose to
these localities to form local commit
tee* to obtain in the township the
right of way. The reduction in the
price of anthracite coal for one year
would pay for the effort. The two
iron work# iti the valley should head :
the movement. One week's work on
the | art of the people will multiply
their busioe** op|M>rtunities nt lenet
two fold. Our pa|>er ha* urged the
road to Ire built in Nillany valley, for
the sake of that section, but that seems
I impossible just now. Ivt us see wbeth
!er the lower Bald K.igte lown*hi|>*
! can secure the prixe We have this
lo say, that in either event a mad
will be built to Hublersburg any way
THE boom of Blaine ami Rincoln in
the West, will probably have the ef
i feet of drawing the "I'lumed Knight"
from hi* hole in Maine, before Arthur
gets all hi# pins set for the nomination.
Wlieu these champion Republican
leaders lock horns, we may expect
again to see a little life in the dead
i carcass of the "grand old party.''
When the children who attend public
l echo its in this Slate have subscriber! a
! sufficient number of pennies to erect a
monument to Thsddeu# Stevens, be
cause of his efforts to establish the
system of common schools, it will be in
order to vindicate the truth of bi'lory
and erect a similar ono to the memory
of George Woff, who. as Governor, was
the real author, and exercised thechie!
influence in the passage of the law.—
HasAington Potl.
TKKMS: $1..*0 per Annum, in Alliance,
All Mrl*.
Judah I'. Bei jiin in talk* of corning
hack to thi* country *n>l returning In*
rt*fci'lf*f'o49 in Srw 1 *t l*• hn*.
li-h-gate Singlaer, of Maho, think*
thai Nft |).ria.d Htnl Wallace a* a Pres
idential ticket would please all hand*
nri'l might carry Pennsylvania.
In L-e, Man, on election day, the
Selectrnr-n <-riforced i|,c j M w prohih.ting
*ny person going r,e*rer the ballol-boi
than ten feet to ee how an other Csat*
liia tote.
Colonel Jerome Napoleon H napartr-
e I deal (Ixtjgli-r will make lier 'lel.Ut in
A a-huigton society early tin* season, at
* hriluaiit entertainment to i>e given hy
tier father 111 honor of the event.
A I'niU'lfiphi.i irnfairier "can *fe!y
aeert that f r one bottle of claret drink
hi 'flat cil) five year, ago a 'jimrtercHtk
is drank now I lie wine ia gi a•I u * liy
neoiirning fvopular all over the country.
Colonel Jerome Bonaparte, who i*
new in Baltimore,wrill in K few data take
up hi residence in Washington for the
•eaaon. twenty French nervanta have
recently hr rived f fo tn Pari* lor the
W ashtngton houae.
Gov, I art' •< opened a colored people'*
Mate fair in Rrleigh. N. C , the other
-lay ; and said fie knew of no S'ate in
which Ihe colored people are doing 0
much for themelve and none in which
-'I much i being iutie for them, a* in
North <'aroline.
Mrs fieorge Bancroft, the wife of the
venetablv hilorin. reached her eigh
lietfi birthday U-t week, "-lie i* describ
ed as a very pretty lady, wonderfully
w<ll preserved, and. indeed, much
health.er than her b .-I *nd.
Mmager llaverly * fortune*, say* a
New nk let.er. are once more look
ii g bright. At the annual meeting of
the mining companies in wbi-h he ii
interest.-d held Im-1 w.ek. all the mines
vre reported to he t n a payable basis.
An illustration of tbcActivity in cottno*
iianufeciunng in the Sou'h is tr>idcd
hy themiH In R tne.O*..whin>| ia. drsub' 1
led it* mschinery amce Its nr .
■uonths ago. It is running n gbt an*l
lay and is forty vlay* behind it* orders. v x
Kllery M. Andrew, the ghiOGbde
'"U ter of the Northwestern B.nk.of
1 oicsgo, told his wife of hi* ditrlicuon
T.e evening, and the next day the good
wounn promptly notified the hank that
ner husband was a thief, and jailed him.
• 1 *ing to recently discovered frauds,
I'>i uiH'ter 1 fener*| Grrshara hasiasued
an order forbidding postmasters to
liirnih lists of names of ex l'uino
soldiers and others supposed to be
•-untied to pension* to pension claim
atlorne. ..
W, A I'leder, ch*irm*n of the Ex
i eculive t'.nnmittee *p|Knnted by the
j' sitored ('invention lately held 111
|I. •uisville, lias taaus-d a Csll f-r a
iUrettng of the committee in Washing
tm. on December I'd. toconaider matter*
of interest to the colored race.
(ten. Grant ha* pist bad made at
j Hartford *n improved machine gun,
with a capacity of .VjJ shots a minute,
' which lie propose* to send a* a present
to the Viceroy of China. The laiter
will find it a handy thing to have about
die hou*e in case the uitimttuin of the
Mtrrpn* Tseng i* not accepted by the
At Lexington, Kv , wa establish the
first lo (ge of Fii-einasem in the great
Weal, \ iveni'wr IT. 17**. It* otiginal
charter, yellow with age, i* still to be
seen there. C tlonel J.w Dsviet, the
, prosecutor of Aaron Burr, so a mem
b.-r of (hi* lodge and Grand Master ot '
Kentucky when be fell at Tip|>ecanoe
in 1811. ,
The R-adju*ter of Virginia are in
the dump*, hut tbeir slock of impudent
audacity remain* undimini-hed. Tba
announcement that they "will demand
recognition and friendly counsel'' from
the leader* of the U--publican party
cornea over their late A Imnistrauoo
allies like the cold wave that ia sweep
ing down from the northwest. /**< L _
The schoolmaster at R*d Bank. N. J.
who liaa been arretted for cutting a
gash arroas a tvoy 'i face with a heavy
ferule, justifies himself on the ground
that the scholar Was a ISihT (ohm leach
er and a fl igrant violator of <o*r I 800
The better thing in such a ease would bo
a small Gatling gun, which could b i
mounted ob lha master'# dea*. It
would raska a cleaner cut, and have *
more permanent moral efleet.