Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 15, 1883, Image 7

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A Combination l>ralre<l.
Waatod—A wif who can hamllo 11 broom,
To brufth down the roba-nIM and sweep up the
To iiutkp decent bread that a fellow 11 Oit 1
Not tho lion iblo compoun.l you ovory wlicro
moct f
Who knows how to broil, to fry ami to nm-t —
.Mttko n cup of goo<l ton anil 11 plattnr ol tmiHt;
A woman who washes, cooks, irons ami
An 1 .ewrs up thori|is in a fellow's oM hrcorhos;
And makes lior own (tarmonts—un item lh l
s grown
Quito highly expensive, ns every ono knows {
A oommou sense cresture, and still with
I mind
To tench and to guide—exulted, refined;
A sort ol an angel and household combined.
A Itussls ii Itrlital Tour.
Count Sherenietieff, a Hussion, is
celebrating his honeymoon for all there
is in it. He married not long ago tho
Countess Hoyden. He hired the
steamer (Meg, which is now taking
them up the Volga. The Drulina
steamboat company, tc which the
steamer belongs, receives a payment of
1150 a day. In return for this sum
tho count may travel when and where
he pleases. Many wedding guests ac
company tho Count and Countess
y Sberemctieff, and there are also on
-v-ard the Oleg a band, twenty singers,
a photographer, a physician, men and
women cooks and a numerous staff of
Whit t'lovei Are to n tVoinnn.
A critical observer makes this sensi
ble remark: "A woman's glove is to
her what a vest is to a man." Precise*
Iv. When a man is agitated or per.
plexed he at once attacks his vest but
tons. thus giving occasion for a certain
very expressive slang phrase. A f
woman's ver-t does not admit of this
sort of "pulling down," but her glove
is always a source of inspiration and
a refuge from any embarrassment.
She smooths on the fingers, rearranges
the buttons, drugs out the wrinkles
looks critically at the fit, and does a
do/en little things with her glove that
betray or allay nervousness and quite
sustain the truth of the abovo quota
l'hlon !\ofr.
Sleeves grow tighter.
Hustles continue to increase in sire
All shades of red and pink are fash
Olive and tan shades are exceedingly
Very little lace is seen in lionnet
Moon figures are found among ttie
i late designs in silk.
Humming birds now loop the dra
pery of many Parisian dresses.
Puffed sleeves in Queen Mary style
are seen upon new French dresses.
Narrow brims and short backs pre
vail in many of the new style hats.
Tapestry or hrocatelle silks form
parts of the richest velvet costumes.
New round hats have stiff, high
crowns and straight or rolling brims
Colors as well as materials contrast
in the Paris costumes.
Strong contrasts that are in har
mony are the features in winter mil
Draperies are being .caught up high
on the sides and finished with cascades
of ribbon.
No woman of taste now wears arti.
ficlal flowers. They have gone entirely
out of style.
**" Combinations in two materials are
largely employed in fall and winter
A very select garniture for dress
trimming consists of embroidered
velvet riblion.
It Is predicted that velvet and mole
•kin will rule out the long-nap plush
I ">>f last season.
The fancy of tho moment is to tuck
the front of the bodice In the form of
a square yoke.
1 lady's cloth costumes
as popular, and almost as costly, as
those of velvet.
All drapery, both at the front and
back of the coming costume, is exceed.
I ingly bouffant.
Many new buttons glitter like
Jewels, being made of colored pearl
| and colored metal.
The blouse-Jackets Bnd baby-waists
remain in favor; the latter lieing neat,
simple and attractive.
Astrakhan plush and beaver in its
color are tho preferred trim-
for winter wraps.
Fancy aprons are mado of all *#ts
■ materials, lace, velvet, silk, satin
and fancy gauzes.
New brocades In velvet have in-
I P dented brocaded figures of brilliant
colora on a somber ground.
Winter cloaks will be very long
I high on the shoulders, fitting close,
and with small ottoman sleeves.
Surplice folds and pointed waists
will 1m worn even in the thickest
fabrics, such as cloth and velvet.
Strings are used a little wider hut
not as long as formerly. Velvet faced
with satin has the preference.
Popular dress trimmings are velvet
in the piece, velvet ribbon, applique
em broidery, braids and galloons.
A strikingly military effect appears
in the new plain coat, rolling collar
and cuffs and largo metal buttons.
Twine netting is becoming fashion
able, not only for tidies but dresses.
The netting is made to admit of rib.
bon being run through it, and the
effect is happy.
Dates Worth Remembering.
Plays were first acted at Homo twen
ty-three years 11.
Horso shoes of iron were first made
A. I. -18.
Stirrups not made until a century
Saddles came into use in the fourth
Pens first made of quills, A. D. ♦585.
< Jlass windows were first used in ;
I.inen first made in England, 1285.
Chimneys first put to houses, 1236.
Lead pijies first used for conducting
water, 1252.
Tallow candles used for light, 1290.
Paper first made from linen, 13<>2.
Woolen cloth made in England, Fill.
Introduction of the art of printing
in nil, 1 120.
Printing invented at Meiz by Hut.
tenburg, 1150.
Printing first introduced into Kng
land, 1471. (
Watches first mado in (Jerinanv,
1477. " ~
Movable types used in printing, 1510.
Telescope invented by Porta and • |
.lansen, 1590.
.lupiter's satellites discovered by
I .lansen, 1590. j
Tea tirst brought to Kurope from
China, lflMl.
Theatre erected in Kngland by
Shakespeare, Ifio:!.
i ! 1
Clocks lir-t mad in I'ngiand, 1 6AB.
Thermometer invented by Sanctori*
ous. 1012.
Circulation of the blood discovered .
by Harvev, 1019.
Coffee first brought to Kngland.lo2l. }
Wine made from grapes, 1095.
Rricks first made of a moderate size.
| 1625.
Printing in colors invented, 1026. I
Newspapers first established, 1029.
Shoe hm kles made. 1080. I
Pendulum chick invented, 1 630.
Sugar cane cultivated in the West j
Indies, 10 n.
l'.arometer invented bv Toiticelli j
\ ariations in the mariner's compass
first noticed. 1 'l5O.
I tread first made with yeast, 1650. ,
Ktro engines invented, 1742.
Steam engines invented. 1749.
Steam engines improved by Watts,
j 1750.
Cotton fir-t cultivated in the Fnited
States, 1759.
Animal magnetism discovered by
Mesmcr. 17-8.
Daguerreotypes made by Daguerrc
. in France, 1839.
Telegraph invenbsl by Morse, 1-12.
First trans-Atlantic telegraph cable
( laid. 1858.
Commencement of war in the I'nit
cd States first gun at Fort Sumter.
Centennial celebrated at Philadel
phia, 1870.
The electric light chiefly developed j
by Edison and others, 1870 1877.
The telephone Invented by Hell came
into use, 1878.
The Brooklyn bridge opened for
traffic, 1883.
Life in San Francisco.
The people of this city, like those of
Paris, live largely at restaurants, says
a San Francisco letter. The number i
and variety of eating houses are re
markable. They are on every street,
; and of all grades and finish. The pro
prietor of one of the largest told me
they were furnishing from 4000 to
4500 meals per clay. I know of no
American city where one can live so
cheaply so far as eating is concerned
as here. Housekeeping is more ex
pensive thnn in tho east, as rents are
very high. But restaurant living is
reduced to the lowest possible cost.
The result is that hundreds of couples,
together with much of the single ele
ment, hire rooms and then take their
meals at an eating-house. At the
"Poodle-Dog," a dining-room patron
ized by wealthy people and those who
desire to lie numbered among the
"tony" ones, it Is very easy to run a
dinner up to $2 or $3, but at most of
the first-class restaurants a good dinner
can be had for from two to four bits,fa
lilt Is five cents) according to the vari
ety of dishes desired. A lady told me
her breakfast usually cost her five
Outli Taking In India.
Many of the most vivid of my recol
lections of my boyhood relate to the
trials of prisoners. I remember I
used to watch with rapt interest tho
administering of oaths. Some of the
methods were very remarkable, and I
was always eager to see tho various
witnesses sworn. Tho Christian,
whether Protestant, Boman Catholic
or Armenian, would, of course, kiss
the Testam nt. But there was the
Mohammedan, sworn by the usual in
vocation of itismilab, or Haliman, cr
Itahinc-en ("In the name of Hod, the
Compassionate, the Merciful!"), with
the sacred Koran, wrapped in cloth,
placed by tho attending moollah
(mosque official) in hisextended palms;
the Hindu, by fixing his ryes on some
water in a small brass vessel placed in
a like manner by his guru (family
priest), containing water which did
duty as Hanga-pnni (water of the
Hanges), inasmuch as some muntras
(prayers) bad been pronounced over it
by a Brahmin; and the Chinaman,
who was sworn by burning at a taper
a narrow slip of paper on which were
written "characters" containing, as 1
understood, an appeal to bis deo-a-i-d
ancestors. I have the impression that
the Parsec w hen dealing with Parsees,
also swears by fire, but in a llriti-h
court be is put upon bis oath by kiss*
ing the y.end-A vesta, bis sacred l>ook.
I am not sure, but 1 believe that 1 am
right in s;ying that I also occasionally
saw a man put on his oath, as is done
among the bill tribes of India, by crush
ing in his hand a leaf fr-.in a tree
sacred as the dwelling place-, among its
branches <>f sylvan die-ties, who are
thus invited to crush lnm and those
belonging to him should be- sp. ah any
thing bu: the truth. The—c- re-minis*
ecnees belong tothe- -tr.i t of Malacca,
but there* i- now throughout India
proper, one establishes) form of legal
path. This arrangement is ha-esl on
tin-a .timed fact that in ill it- r>-*
ligions there-i-a re. ognition of ,i-n.
preuie dietv. With the more- intelli
gent Hindu- it is well know n that the
multitudinous divinities acknowledged
are really but various forms of tlu- one
and only eji-l lara • r De-va. The
oath differs, however, in th<- form of
Ms commencing nttestation. AH j• r-
S 'ns profe -sing Christianity, whether
native or foreigners, "swear," while
others 'Solemnly affirm."
The following is the oath:
"I swear (solemnly affirm). in the
presence of Almighty Hod, that the
evidence I shall give in tins ease shall
be true; that I w ill n>. i! nothing,
and that no part of my e viib nee shall
be false."
This is re-garde i a. more explicit
and complete* than the- ordinary form
in our l.ngh-h < eiirt-. and a- sj <. i.-illy
meeting tlo- part • ul.tr elire-ctions in
which e astern witne IS e scape- fream
tlie- obligatle.ns to lee truthful ; I' it I
believe the gene ral impression among
English eilli. ials i- that the- ei.'itllas such
has only in tbeeao-ot a-mall minority
any jeower in insuring true- evidence
Farragtit's Self-t'onepiest.
Admiral I'arragut's own story of his
ne-lf ronque--t is exceedingly inter" -t.
ing. "When I was aleout ten years
old," he says, -*I accompanied my
father as < abin leeey t• New Orleans,
with ttie- little- navy we then had, to '
look afte-r the* treason f Aaron Hurr j
I bail seime epialitie s which I thought
made a man eif me. I could swear
like- an old saih>r. I conlel drink as
stiff a glass e.f grog as if I hnel sailesl
round c.ijh- Horn, ami could smoke j
like a locoimit i ve. I was great a'
cards, and feinel e.f gambling in every j
Afte-r elinner one- elav the father
turned eve-ryleody out of the cabin
lockeel the eloor, anel saiel; "David
what elo you mean t<> lie?"
"I mean to follow the sea," WBj
David's reply.
"Follow the sea"' exclaimed the
father. "Yes, be a poor, miserable
drunken sailor before the mast, kicked
and ctiffeel about the world, and elie in
some fever hospital in a feere-ign land."
Young Farragul was sobered.
After a moment's reflection be said:
"No. I'll tread the quarter deck, nnd
command, as you elo."
"No. David, my boy; no lnty ever
tread the quarter dork with such prin
eiples anil habits as you have. You'lj
have to e - hange your whole course of
life If you ever liecomc a man."
"My father left me and went on
deck," said the great Admiral Farra
gut in after years, as he tolel tho story
"I was stunned by tho rebuke, and
overwhelmed with shame. A poor,
miserable, drunken sailor before tho
mast! kicked anel cuffed about tho
world, and to die In some fever hospi
tall That's my fate, is it? I'll change
my life, and change it at once I will
never utter another oath; 1 will never
drink another drop of Intoxicating
liquor; I will never gnmhlo; and, as
Clod Is my witness, I have kept thes*
three resolutions to this hour.'
An Indianapolis inventor is trying
to perfect an electrical headlight for
liM'onioti ven.
A new rille, eapahle of discharging
three projectiles at a time, lias been
made in France.
Some (ierinaii chemist is at work on
a substance which he claims will su
persede giitta-purcha.
From experiments at Caracas, Ven
ezuela, M. Mari ano concludes that the
sap of tropical vegetation circulate*
completely through the plants within
a period of twenty-four hours.
A shark of the genus Sycmnus ls>
according to Weidcmann, phosphores
cent on its whole under surface, with
the exception of a hlack stripe on the
neck. Its hack is non-luminous.
j A curious fact has been observed
! by Profs. Ayrton and Perry: Soft iron
| when heated between a red and white
| heat ceases to be attracted by a mag
net. When soft iron is bent between
| red arid white ln>t iron it ceases to
! he attra< te<l by a magnet.
I'nder experiments inabe by n
French chemist it was found that
trichinae in the superficial parts of
hams, etc., maintained a very prolong- j
ts| existence under circumstances j
which would he thought likely to <hv
stroy life.
M. Pastuer believes that cholera is
pronounced by minute organism of
some kind, but the germs have never j
yet been discovered. He has recom
mended the I'P nh government to
send a special mission to Lgxpt t.
study the generation of this dreaded
However beneficial as exercise, no
amusement is free from <lrawb,vks.
In a paper entitled "lb-marks on One
Form of I. iiu: H Knee," Or. Manned
Moullin, assistant surgeon to tin Lon
don Hi.spital, bow - that law n tennis
player- are liadh t ■■ pe. ul.ar forms of
knee spram . which may be painful
and difficult to tr- at,
f racked earthenware should never
use.i f,,r domestic purpose*. It is
a safe rule in g .ml h. :ig to
break any frvttired st<>n<<-ware t,,
j'leeiw and render tbein unfitted for
any employment as utensils. In a
paper read before the Academy of Sci
ences, Paris. M. L. IVyrusson demon"
-t rated very cl<-arly how the germs of
cholera, ty| lend fever, and similar dis
eases may be pn-served and cominuni" '
rated by even the slightest crack or
' -sure which may le cau-i-d by verv
trilling aci .dents to crockery and
linking a Pottage.
••I Ismght a cottage over there,
en l '!'," rcmarkisl .lay Oouki, as we
sighted a duster of toy villas close to
the shore. "It was of the (pu-en Anne
unit r, furnished. even to the cricket on
the hearth, the builder who sold it to .
me asserted. The plumbing was es
pecially perfect. It had, in addition,
all the modern imj r viicrit-. hot and
cold water, gas. stable-.graveled walks
and the green grass kept growing all
around by a movable fountain, where
a tine rainbow playel, for two cents ,
an hour, 1 think. The lawyers said '
the title was perfect. The deeds were
p:ie-<s! atul 1 entered into possession -
on Monday.
"Tuesday, a New Jersey plumber
presented a bill for his work and the
! improved fixtures. I naturally told
' him it was all paid for with the house,
, and show ed him my dee la. He dix
playeil a mechanics' lien, which the
| builder had given him. 1 refusisl to
, pay, and he earne at me with a sheriff.
| 1 saw his sheriff, and well, I paid
; Wednesday, the ga-lixture man came. '
He brought his sheriff and went away
with his money. Thursday brought
the furniture dealer. He had been in
formed that I had refusisl to pay any
more liens on the house, and he carried
the sheriff in his wagon to help load
up the things
••Of course 1 paid him. I, didn't
want to si-ethe sheriff of a great state
handling a lot of furniture like a com
mon truckman. Well, to make A long !
story short, all that week and part of
the next my cottage was Imxieged
with carjenters and workmen, from !
the man who built the gravel walks to '
the negro who put down the green,
grass. They all had mechanics' liens.
The sheriff lived in my front door-yard,
and I lost more credit with neighKirs
thai. I have ever sinee l*-en able to i
regain. 1 >il I pay them? Well, yes
somelxxly hal to. Hut 1 drew the line i
on the movable fountain. 1 said they
could move that back to the store. I .
avid I didn't like its shape; 1 want is] a |
different make in fountain*. No the
sheriff took it awav. And that is one j
reason, I suppose," the master conclud
ed, musingly, "why my green grass all
got gray and died in tho next two j
Th oul'a |lt|ool> F.nrintr
will* nn I itllaii I hlef.
One of Jllll's comrades tells this
Tory of the noted scout's duel with an
Indian chief: "it was just after the
massacre of Custer," he saiil "Bill
was with fjen. Miles at the head of tho
scouts. They were trying to cut ofT
Yellow Hand from hitting Bull. Farly
in the morning Yellow Hand rode up
at the head of a war party, and chal
lenged Bill to an open combat. (Jen.
, Miles and others tried to dissuade Bill
from accepting the challenge. He
replied that a refusal to accept it would
ruin his prestige among the savages,
and that was something he could not
afford to lose. He told Yellow Hand
that he would fight him. The two
armies were ranged less than a mile
apart. Nix mounted scouts accom
panied Bill, and six mounted Brule
Sioux rode forward with Yellow Hand.
They were to open the fight on horse"
back with rilli-s. Their escorts drew
aside, and the combatants dashed for
ward. Yellow Hand began to spin
around Bill in a circle, and Bill began
to circulate on a circle himself. Around
and around they went like swallow ; in
j the air. Both white mm and savages
: were eager spectators. Kach comba
tant had his leg over his horse's fore
shoulder, and cadi w as swinging head
: downward, awaiting an opportunity
j for a fat;d shot. They fired so close
together that it sounded like the crack
of one rille. in a twinkling both
lmrses were biting the dust. Bill waA
as sprv as a cat. He was on his feet
before his horse struck the ground
ellow Hand was partly pinned to the
earth by tin weight of his pony. The
two men Were not over seventy feet
apart. Before the chief could extrL
• ate himself, BiU had shot him through
the lsxly. It was, however, a llesh
woiirnL Yellow Hand gained his feet,
drew his si alpirig-knife, ind went fo r
Bill like a dene n. The Indians were
yelling like hyenas, an ! Miles' t r< opers
w ere rending the air with their shouts.
ellow Hand's knife went through
. Bill's hunting—hirt. barely scraping
the hide. There was a quick strug
gle, MUSIC lain .rod breathing and grit
ting of teeth, and Bill's kiuf.- slid
between the chief's ril*, and pierced
his heart. lief. 11 Lf. lcss on the plain.
In a second Bill encircled his. topknot*,
and yanked the scalp from his head.
With fiendish screams the Indians
poured down "O him. But old Miles*
troopers were there on time, and there
was as lively an Indian fight as was
evi r se-n in the Big Horn country.
Yellow Hand lost his scalp as well as
his life, and his soul never reached the
happy hunting-gi' iiMl."
The Jnmho of < rickets.
Throughout the whole territory of
I tah the < ricket is one of the common
objects of the country, but there are
cricket-and crickets, and it is just a
well when in March of the best article
to "sec that you get it." For a con
sideration. therefore, I.will put the
spei ulator on the track of some of the
grossest locusts that over devoured
green stuff—locusts, moreover, that
squeak when pursues!. Foots (Ainerl
ran JKMUS especially) are very partia
I to what they are pleased to call the
| cricket's merry chirp. But the poet's
cricket is the* insect of the domestic
hearth, a pale-coloml ghost of a thing
all voice, and with an irregular mid
night appetite for the kitchen cloths
that arc hung out to dry lcfore the
: stove. The I'nites" cricket is very
much otherwise. It is the Jumbo of
crickets, and just as black. It lives on
the slopes of the I'tah hills, among the
sage-brush, and when alarmed tries
invariably to jump down-bilk But
ix-ing all stomach, and therefore top.
' heavy, so to speak, the ill-balanced '
insect Invariably rolls bead over heels,
and every time it turns a somersault it
squeaks dismally. To walk down the
hill side, driving a whole herd of those
corpulent crickets l>efore me, used to
amuse me immoderately, for the spec,
tacle of >o many fat things simultane
ously tryingto jump down hill, simul
taneously rolling head over heels, and
simultaneously squeaking, was inirth
' ful enough to drive the dullest rare
The American.
In the early days of the country, the
colonists usisl various designs as an 1
ensign, but usually the regiments of
tho colonics carried the flag of thccolo. j
ny they represented. June 14, 1777,
congress provided that the (lag consist
of thirteen stripes, alternately ml and
white, with a blue union 1 tearing
thirteen white stArs. By the act of
, January 13, 179.%, the flag was altered j
and made to consist of fifteen stripe*
but in 1818 the original number of
strip-s were adopted, while the fleld
was to contain twenty stars, with one
i to be added u|ton the admission of any
new state. This la the flag now used
as the national ensign.
A nnbj'n Death.
flm littln hand that never sought
Kirtli * worthless all as aanda,
I vvimt Kilt h/u ilealli, God a servant brought
'Jim littln hands?
j W/!Bli; but love self-silent atan<la,
| f>ve, that Jewl eyes at/l wing* to thought
To •/■arch where death's ditn hearnri ozf/auda.
f Kro thb perchance, though love know tungbt,
Klowcra fill them, grown in lovelier iai/ds,
Where lunula of guiding angel* caught
® 'ilia little bamla.
J When the head of the family accl
-1 dentally ba< ks into a tub of hot water
. he can be said to be pa-boiled.
lt nitiht not be supposed that the
1 member* of a brass band are all truth
' tellers because they have no lyres.
Mary had a littiw hang,
J la color wua mit/ieiiM);
) Now Mary's heart i* tnily sad,
For bang* aie on the fi-rice.
The young men who are on the
lookout for a "-.oft place," through dia
■ like for honest, hard work, can find
i one —under their hats.
1 A bright girl, born and raised in
! Virginia, saw a church covered with
vines, and remarked: "That's what I
1 used to be." "What's that ?" inquired
her obtuse escort. "A Virginia creep
-1 er, of course."
One of th l ' .saddest sights in these
hard times is to see a woman with a
five-foot husband trying t/> alter his
pants to fit her six-foot son.
! "i'a, what is a fool?" "A fool, my
Son, is a man who tickles the hind leg
of a mule." "Does he ever fin/1 it
out, pa?" "So, my son ; he never has
"'Tis ever the way of the foolish
fair to die fur the- one who does not
care," sings Klla Wheeler. Ves, hila
and it is often the same way with the
big brothers of the bullish fair. Week
after wez-k they go down to the burlier
shop and "dye fur the one that does
not care." Such is life.
"I tell you," said the bad loy, confi
dently, to a group of youthful friends,
"my neither may seem small—don't
believe she'd weigh more than I do, in
her stocking feet— but her slipjxr is
heavy, though, you bet!"
A bright little girl was sent to get
some eggs, and '• her way back stuin
bled and fell, making sad havoc with
the cunt/ nts of her basket. "Won't
you catch it when you get home,
ttamigh!" exclaimed h/-r companion.
"No, indi-wl, I won't," she answered.
"I have got a grandmother."
Young lady <just from boarding
school, at dinm r table) —"I'lease, papa,
I'd like a leg < f the roast chicken."
I'apa- "You liave had one. my dear,
and your brother bad the other."
Young lady (in a sprightly manner)
—"th. sur/* enough! a chicken has
only two legs. It's a duck that has
Itif.imnn lloaxcs.
Hoaxes a* a rule are hateful things
which exhibit maliciousness rather
than the int-llect of their perpetrators-
A writer In a rz-evnt inaga7ine mentions
two conspicuous for their malignity:
A young couple about to lie married
at the synagogue in Birmingham wire
, startled by the delivery of a telegram
from London running:
"Mop marriage at once. His wife
and children have arrived in London
and w ill cine on to Birmingham."
The bride fainted ; tho bridegroom
protested against lwing summarily pro.
vided with aw ite and family, but bad
to make the best of his way, a single
man still, through an exasperated
crowd, full of sympathy for the wrong*
ed girl. Her friends found upon in
quiry that they ha/1 l>een duped—prob.
ably bv a revengeful rival of the man
Whose happineas had been so uncx
pecteilly deferred.
A more curious and more malignant
■ hoax—for the perpetration of which
the author, if discovored, would have
been branded with infamy—was prac
• ti/sxi, apparently "for the fun of the
thing." ujHin a Parisian lady whose
husband had gone to China on busi
ness. One day she received a letter/
dated from Old China street. Canton.
"Madame." said the writer, "I have
to announce a mournful event. Your
husband, taken prisoner by Malay
pirates, has 1/een burned alive and hie
bones calcined to j/ow der. 1 have been
aide to procure but a few pinches of
this powder, which 1 enclose."
As she opened the box. a strange
Idea came into the head of the distract
ed widow; and sending for some snuff
the mixed the powder with It, piously
determined to Inhale all that remained
of her lout spouse. The first pinch,
< however, brought on such violent
bleeding, that a doctor had to be called
| In; but the lady died in a few hours,
shortly before the arrival of a letter
from her husband, proving that the
story of his capture and calcination
was the cruel invention of some un
known enemy.
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