©Ut Centre ;sOrmcrrnt. . - —— BBLLBPONTE. PA Til If OKNI'HH. OKUtlb hAI is put. Usbs.l vsry fliurwls) morula*,at llslliioiits.i sunt uat>, I's range—Oaslua .ud'e #i "b ll ttul |*MI IU AtlVttleCdk OO 4 LIVJI I'AI'KR-dlifulflula !*• ilUmti of ibx 1* lit it |M**||l*. sUAtiv Wltblb Utrf Uiuuthv will Lv coil* •ivlr#a lu ao S.i N|WI ww-111 HI lIBAX'IIIIUUAU uulll 4rrArttf*r 4 Ai4 *t optioo ul yuHitUn vil lUCOUIlt) mutl • |>*ii fo ll* IH . # ,re..'t, % .f.w ufiuk. us leucMh *utrril>*r* !li • eni • v'oj > Cr* ol ch*rg Oar *ircttlUfu. uih ihi- uu • •..illf r*4taUu 4ia |>rvaublt u>*itifu lot KuvrrtUliik v| u taeVf 111' 1 un"l Atiii'lr lAttili !• '"f JOlfl WOllk a j ir ,*r*pn*J lu |t nit *ll Htu4 ol ltu.k<* Tr-tat OuiMUirnUi iirlßUug, Ac .iu h fin et tvl* tut! III tuwval \l| h.ivrrti-"litMir m !**•• iwria tttuiht** lln f r UH nr-i thr* *• reut* * liu (lit wli *4dllktti*l Itttvrtlou i*prcUl BdliCM u li ii' a. K.|ifsrt*i But ••• I'• *:! Ho* K h "iT it > •> >• 111iu>• aln t rnl |* r llu* 4 liberal m !• to *tivrti*!tiy* I* • k*t|urt*r t.*l >t ir.or yA*r, r'llow: I u <* - 4P4C11 uCCVriBP. jJjS J C* *• Inch (vp 11 1 ~ * iin* t> p" i \f\2 Tea iiwhis T I I 15 ViirN i'f bce , I" i . QMrSarcolitm . . -n. . - -' w H %lf • umt - 0, - .ma • ■ * M •I* g Itr • htm * 4if-yA*rl (uritii •• 4 r.. vs i •r*{iiirv>4 • v t >.u | lu *rtfoA W ithlu • M.- than &or#ol*. Hi i;a|* S/• li lit Art* ulumci Ijcrat* ticueral (.runt s Letter. GIVING HIS HKASeiS* DIIENDINd GI'.N ror.TVR. New YORK. November 8 —The follow ing is the lull teit of General lirnt' letter to General Porter, bm Hy men tioned ) eterday : A* there is now some discussion as to tho probable reasons for my change ol mind in regard to your case, now |>etirt ing before the people of the f'uiieu States, I deem it proper that 1 slioubl give them myself. In the first place, I never lielieved you to bo a traitor, as many afL-cteo to believe, i thought I knew you too well to believo tor 01.e moment that y..u i would accept the pay, rank and com mand you held tor the purpose nt be traying the cause you professing to verve. Then, 100, your services baori suci. a theory for a moment. Rjl I did b. • ! lieve that General Pope w* so odiouv to some of the officers in the east that a cordial support was not given him by them. I was disposed to accept the verdict of a court martial, coui|>o*cd as one which tried you was, some of the member* of that court I knew person ally, and bsd great confidence ir. their judgment and j istice. ! supposed you had shared in I Ins feeling toward* Pope, sod while not more guilty than others, you were unfortunate in being placsd ! in a |aw>ition where *|>eeiticti<>n* could j be made, showing this hostility. After the close of the war. when I j wa* requested to read your new defense 1 read it with the leeling al>ve decrif> ed. Al tiie same time I read the other , side as prepared—or furnished—by Gen Pope. Tin* gave maps showing the |*i sitions o( the two armies. *ul>t*nlially < I as shown by the first of the disgraui presenled by Mr. I. ird, of San Fr.nci* i co, from whom 1 copied in the article in your case—and did not indicate the I pre-ence of any other force tbnti Jack son's. Then, too, ii ap(>eared that you 1 had aciutlly received an Older at about five or hall-pvst five in the afterroon ol August 29, to attack the enemy' fl .ok, • and lhat, 100, at a time when a tierce battle wa* ranging in front. I wa* first shaken in my views, how ever, wtien such a man as General Trr ; ry, who unites the lawyer with the sol dier, and a man of high character and ability, and who bad believed a* f bad, and possibly wor-e, after many week* of invesiigstinn. should entirely vim ica'e you, and he sustained, too, by men of the known ability of his colleagues on the Board. Until in 1881 I re esaiuined ' for myself, uty belief wa*. that on the 29th of August, IBf>2. a great battle was fought between General P<>|e, com mending the Union force*, and General Jackson, comm tnding tho Confederate forces; that you. with a corps of twelve or naorc thon-an-t men, stood in a |>o*i lion across the right fmk of Jackson, and where you could r**ily get into bis rear; that you received an order to do so about ft or half past 5 o'clock, which you refused to obey because of cloud* ol dust in your front, which, you contend ed, indicated an enemy in sui-erior forca to you s that you allowed Pope to get te-alen, while you stood looking idly on. without raising an nrra to help him With thi* understanding, and without a doub* at to the correctne*s of it, I condemned ou. Now, on a full inves tigation of the facia, 1 find that the hat tic was (ought on the 30 b of August. that your corps commanded directly hy you in per*on, lost a greater percentage than any oilyrcnrpa engaged ; that the half-past 4 order of the day before did not reach you until night tall | that \our immediate superior had cautioned you earlier in iho dy thwt you were too f ar out to the front ; then that General Pope h id cautioned yog against bunti ng on on engagement, except, uml.-i -uob circumstance* n* ho desired, and itoil in iniv ovi-nt \ou niut to |>ri>|iHri-it to fall back behind Hull Hun that night, *hero it would I'O necessary lor you 10 h to r. ceive audition; that Irom II o'clock of tho 29tbynu were confronted •>y a lorce of twice your own number, of whom presence you Imd positive i-roof, while General rope did not know nl it. Thin last fact in shown hy the wording of tho halt-past i order. It ill reeled you to attack tho enemy's right, and to get into hit tear. General Pope's circulur of the morn iiir of the 29ih said that ticneral L>-e >ia* advancing hy way of Thoroughfare i G.p, At the rate at which he wa inov ing ho would h up on the niirhl of the -iOih or the morning of the .Hal. In his • alimony before the court mutual, vhioh tiled you, lie raid, under oath, that fie iiid not know ol the arrival of la-e'a command until 6 o'clock of the .9 h, an hour and it half after lie had liclated the order for your attack. Ilia ; c r> ular and testimony prove conclusive 1 v I lint Johnson and Jackson alon"wa f lie eoemv he intended you to attack. Your knowledge of this fact, as well as ' if the fact that you had another force. ! • pule double yours, in adduion, in your front, would have been sutlicienl jo-titt cation for your not at tucking even d j the order had been received in time' j Of course tilts would not apply if h bat j lie had been ranging between lack son j slid Pope. At the hour you received , i in* order all was quiet. This very short, hastily written and incomplete summary shows why and j when my nund underwent u change. I nave UO doubt now, hut the change would have taken place In 1M.7 it 1 had iben made an investigation, I r.gietj now that i did Dot understand your case then as Ido now. Your whole life -ince your tnul, u weil ss y.ur service ; oelore, disproves tho great burden ol ihe charges, then sustained by a court j martial. As long as I have a Voice tt shall I*' raised in your support, wuhnu, my reference to the Heel upon uie or i other*. Your retoratioii to the army • triply, I would regard as a very made ■plate and uijust re| di*meed hut to be con fi.ied in a penitentiary, and when there it no doubt of their guilt, anil given l! their pay for the ycr they were out nl the *ervice. 1 csn see no reason lor your having less. I br>|>e for you s thorough vindictv ion, not only by Congress, hut in the minds of your countrymen. Faithfully yours, I'. S. fiassr. t Million Ifiillurs Depending on the l-etter M. Leonard Caae, a uiilliontirc old Laeb j elor, charitable ar.d eccentric, died in hi* city several year* ago, leaving, b- ' side * handsome legacy for a school of i applied science which loirs hi* name, a Urge pro|i!y for hu heir* and nest j, of kin to qiiirrel over in the court*, i hie of the suit* now pending in ibe Supreme Court, the Court ol last resorl, hinge* u|>on the letter's'in tiie nil nl"*. Too other decents of Leonard Case's mo her claim a share in the ps late. Rut the slaluies provide that un \ der certain conlingencie tho estate n| | a deceased person shall pass to the neat j of kin of Ihe blood of ancestors Irom j whom the estate came. If the word "ancestors" is to he construed in it* ' full force, the defendant* of Mr. Cae can obtain their lull share. On lite ; O'hrr hand, it i* claimed lhat the letter at tlit end of '"ancestors" crept in to the statutes through tho careless, n * of some printer or pronl reader. Toe case wilt he beard in the .Supreme Court before long. The propetty in volved is valued at 91,000,01X1. — t'Uvi land I*ttur. Poisoned Bologna Experience of a Family at Tipton, Pa.— 'MI t'Ki'd /W. TIPTON. Pa , November 6.— The falsi ly ol C'ullen liaynea, ql tht* place, con sisting ol hi wile and three children* weie badly poisoned leal night by eat' ing bologna sausage. Mr. liaynea went to Meritiown, a abort distance Irom ibis pUee, and purchased the bologna, which wa* served for tea, all partaking of the meal eic-pt two daughter*. Atavut half an hour after the youngest child wa* seised with terrible cramp* in ihe stomach, and violent vouiiting fo • lowed. It died shortly afterward. Mr*, liaynea then liecante deathly tick about midnight. Two more of the children were neii attacked, and becme delir • on* and rolled on the floor. They mi fared terrible agony until a physi cian wa* summoned, who administered emetu, which soon gave them relief. They are nww ant of daager. A Millionaire Colt rid, An Eitalc of f '.'. 0110 (HKI Eulht to on Inmate hi the A Ummi Pruon. An Albany. (N. Y ) di-p*trh to the No* York Sunday Tribune, **y* : Clerk It iwerj, of tin- Albany IVniteiiintry, who rriitimzea tin- mini of pri-omr* in • but institution, today opened tin* fol lowing (flouriu, ilutoil of N-w York, November .'l, atgned I'lrirb, Vin S tier A Ulrirh. anil n-ed to "If iron Robert Ifoiinm, Albnny IVnilentiHry '•Krifirnl cablegram informing u* tboi y<-u It ml fallen lirir to 111 ■ e-nue li ; patch WH intended WHI buy nt (lie | lima j ill>(t aline*. lf>* it nliort hikl | tou', ha* light h-ir, blue •)• hii'l * pl*u**nl fnce, ami i h German. Ilt porirait adorn* I lie gallery ai police headrpinrter*. ami lie IN "wanted" ai varioua place* in (lie rouniiv where lie ha* sure# ae fiill y worked iff forged check* for large amount*, lie w.ra con vicle.l in tlii* city for utteiing worihle*- check* in September. IM-2 ami wrt *enleoce>l to the peniteiiti ,ry for two ! yenr*. lie m imps-one.l umJer the name of Herman, which he tod*) tHiei| he a**utueil in oriler to ahiehl hi* t family, who are wealthy ami ii flu< ulial | German*. The I', iron It.-innieiii, to j W llll*e title ami ealate* he ha* *UCCeeif- j eil, w* hi* uncle, ami the primmer lie | a wife and children nt Fiankfort on the Main, where he win burn. Ill* career, a* re veiled hy him*elf. i- ! i romantic alutoal Imyoiel la*lief llewa graiiuateii fr>.m 11 en le Ibu rg I'll Vet'lll al the age of IW.-nl) lour, a a -urgeon , in which profeNiion he gained r | ui i Hon. Coming to the Uoiied S ate* in I ' |H|")| t he enlisted iti tiie Ar my of llm 1 ! Colon, ami Nerved personally wnh >ur rem anil honor throughout the war i \l the cloe of the rela-liion he w.i a' ' t II he• the man. Money anil '.wxtirie* haye come to h'm in | ri*nn from tinie to time from i ! perron. in New York Coy. Sarieylnga Vwßaalr, lICRTIWODO*. Nov ft- Kir •ever-l 'lay* pa-t • corp of er.gr.eer* hi* ••'•en engaged in uryey ing a rou'e throng), thi rounty. it i* *a •I, of t lie new V.n ■ 'lerfnlt rilro-i|, Thu* far they hare met with hut litile np|>o*ition from owner* of the lan'f* through whnh llieir ■ line paue*. Yeaterday, howerer while pa*ing oyer tlie land ol .lohn M- Call an ju*l op|*o*i|e this city, tliey encountei e for bringing this u'j c.t before lite pen I pie. An acre ot lea plant* under comli tton* ordinarily favorable will yield , throw thousand (*>olol* of tea. Ii void j at a cent a pound it would alill bring in uiore money Ihau the u-ual tun ol crop*. Tea grower* froui Imli*, who have via iteil ibe South, expre** the heltel that there are localitiw* near tlie Calf (* *** l wlirre qii.ntitle* ol lea could be really grown.— Paubury pott Mb Srt antoM, the l.m o • London Hipttai preacher, la drain bed a* brown skinned, low browed lug cheeked tugged trained man i alout, ol mediuiu height, with iron-gray hair, aboil, brui ting ami unp.rted; tieard and inou*- laehe cloely Ir,turned | wealing a "i'lince Albrrt" coat and black naval, with nothing clerical in hu appearance, not looking lor all the word like a vil lage black*mtth with hia '-Sunday go-to meeting" clothe* on. War ia • leaky tub like a poor lU lot Ccau* it dooan'i bold good. I'eiiiiaylviuiia. The nfß -i t| vote il the S'ate ha* no' yet been reoeiven at the *tate dep1 Will. , ' * - . >■ i tu ty • j M 'id in , 7 •* 711 j > I Nui,A.a. .>. J> I N'flllU ll'ff'Nli I •' ije i •'* rr W • i I .... | •••• | • * , : I'lb N e. * ll' ' lr . 4 | f | k'lf !•• • 4 n . dfi%*|ef , I u< H, j Mtliicii | !*U-'|U It af) (i a J 1 ~ |T. >*, 1 4 - ' ' • hi' I \ ntb K '. H mgi.., t , i !.... ... ~4 ! d '*i,i, f. Iu i 1(4 1 | #. i || l "" I {•■ .a.. T .!> j. J . ' ill .*,"l 1 . . ! l-.r*lilj |-.... i l |., A '•ooil story, .4 FafAif v.- Alter a /r a7 ,Vr , a, WanuiwcTON, N .1 N ifnn>M-r T —ln I Sl* I u 111*11 I, alio .1 11 k . 11l 11. Wa t' . I lain <>l a Calial I*l*l on I lie i,..e r*lil. in l*'.l he uiade a long *• UII. iii \ w \ -.1 k, .luring which l.ia wile *n<| fatm ly, ** lieaid an*, leli.Vr-l, w-re itrown e-l at • alß**uqtla. I' ... win e on tlie r j n*l .lut'lig a llerliet. lie went to ('.li 'mill*, wlieie he Ula.Je conn I* I*> le money. Lately he I, , teen in Ine I uited siaie* s ri.e. v rue HlUe kince fie met a tnali Irmu New ferpey wini had known bull | rmr to IWAI rill* mall fl*p|wl|e.| 111 i- .ny-l-a Hon lo refer to hi*-i .ughter a* yet In ing ami on tbe canal in N< w .let.*,, ' .I.y tired i.y t.u trn ml'* *loy Iliat hi* j.taughti r Jnaephllie wa* alive, Mr I•, k'mati ot-l*ilie.| leale of at<-iire lor Ihiee inoiilli* and • ami- e*t. A'ter *earching tor Mime time aim g tbe M-.ri IN ami f.r| e*nl. he luui.d lII* liaogbter. who IN Ml*, s oum n. 11l till* I'l.ce. He out. % nice.l Iter Iliat l.e Wa. her lather, Mini * he loun-l her ' p.air. he told her to pick out a h"U*e in Wa.hlliglon 111 whnh die would like lo live. Sl,e clio- M- a huu-e belonging to M"J it flay I.ml. Her fattier at once wellt loll.) lord, Brkeal lII* pllCe, and on learning II w,. fj..'oo he at once (•ought Ihe lioll'e. A I let w *|.| he loughl a (joining pr 'ifit) f• r flfi.tioO He • ade lil. daugtilei to coi.a.der the pi.re |,ei home. lie he may conclude („ -lay hi Wa*hinglon, ami engage in (>u. ilie*.* here Ohio HeMat i* the reaon dial Mr. Thurman |fr*it* in l>er t I. !' *ll i-on. j .vernurof ilu-cmnm inwealth ol IVm.- •vlvaiita, do H-C Muinend l'hur*day, tin _"J Ii -I .y of N veiu'.er, A ! a. ... ; l.yol I lialiK-JlVlog ami player, |t,i I g i lie pa.l y .-nr our - (ate ami i-milii .-••lii.tr> lot- oin .rv•-1 u-ly exuuiii. d 'rum <•>.! unity. \\ •- li.ve cmitiiiued i ,-re*e|ve r.-l ill-Mia ol cm.CM.td w.lh * colli.liUliltie* 111 lin-n. N.I part of out people ha- been -eiiou-ly '|ecl'*d win I■-a• Ie I. I It llidu-tiiea have IlilVei and our harve.t* been ••ounlilul. flu toll 111 tlie laflorer I.a- li'#l t.e-|i 111 Vail and the reward- of Ihrilt ure every when or.i.l'.- t. i umull alnl di..eti*i* n* tinv* been averted .pi le I ha. dwell w.|i plenty. n.| out r- pu-dic of aiate. ha c •titinued In live li. i lie niuluni t.i -In - , -tl etiona of the people, fumncience ait I r.-a-oii Hlike H-.u-fi that Hi-'-e 1.i.-. ■ eg- h*V- I 'll le.uft.'d ft-"III dun.e> . , •ui nr.- due to tin- itfeic.'ul g felne* 'be (Upti lIII' fi• ei ul Ibe iiniv-r-e. Ttla tliey may ) i- . 1.1 . .itiii.ue.l lntiig<- *• -boulil mat,ileal a grilelu i-pllll et Hi * i k.givmg io tlwir gr.cu.u- <> • i 1.l pr-IMf .r I a.t I trig- ►II-MJI-I al.o, add d. V.iut i-l.treity lot tfieir Cut. HllU.tlce, ami the Hineil->r at l"li ol tl • lot ol tlnw- win m mi-fur une .ttid p'l* • rty O, pree*. the om. lil u'e. the utien ~|.i)e.| *r . Hn- urick.n ahould fi y teiiii-111 -rati..- loom player*. I.i c 'I. f-.r lilily , Itietetote, wiih tl. UOltnlUl .Uiullll *. tl-'Hulled I.y Hie |. , j- *• lie- ..! our *i ale. t . ap, 11. aell e i I day -of 11 ■i. k* r I Vlng ami pr ••t. 1 leui- (l.ia pt"-I •Uletl 'li Mho SI i uck Hilly Muhune. 111. >jU. •'ion, • WtiOktiu k ltd ly 1' I• • •on * w lii. li for J • af pioy oke.| i i | t lull- ml ing- on u- tj*i ulaii.oi. -e< ii e.| Oil I . lay M'.i.ut to la- .11. . -e ..- •>) all •,..!> | UII il g ,u.I) . "W In ■ in k il.. - > M ti im i',l t|,e io pill lii ti,e laH.r i a*.- I.a- ) i..irt,.Hy ma'te a c< o. fe.a.un. ije I* Mi. W.• I - I 111 I >og. a i'elef.l urg to' a. C.M.I, Hl..' Ilia I IT i.-e a*, j u-' iy aCcleiHa a.. leg - i. aim to cle .r . way in llu- Hit on, wr..uml the |-i I*, "miiu.- ..ne.tiuck inn vinh ntly uh tin- 11glii liaii I. a li < tit an* ed It to ellike ti i.eial M |• lit y coupoal Willi ' Wli 1 Wa* luniu- ' lak>. 1 • place ti. to . 1..M li. thanfc.lo the.|*i row ike traiiknek* ul Mr. Ling win. Hie u*t of o|yt.| I lul-h hi*, headed by "'V 11.1 KIT . I • A A IF IHIN . ,N - c i-• J. 1 •>.. . ■S..VI | awl ICa I g>|.lU ha" CWUgbl 01. toe Ai utl-r Hub "II I -tyle of •Ilea* a lolh.w. : -4 1,., Al.o tl. r liui.tMtd went lo Hie < u,"*iai I t • g.-t lief p.air da ugh le; a-one gum ; hill w hen *he got ti ele the CO|dear*f Wa* bare, ml lII* made |,ei p-e>r daughler a gown. I lie goWu hu 1 110 .aali on.'iwa* iua.fr in qu>-er I*.limn, ainl base I.mil the *h>tulder il hung ; 11 w* Olade ul pule Willie, to be Worn m the nlglit, an I then on a nail to tw illing. Itol 111 tlie-e -Ulgt| county '•air for litahmg a >tk 'pull 111 which 1 here were were .VtO.IUI piece*. The rewatd id Inrfu-H) I- alw-y* ruiplivltC. ' I.IAP ASTbAT," it* lll fellow who WM loi.tiii.g m ben rooat rviuarketl w hen lie ft II allot paltering egainal Lie pauUtiouuw. "Wniiss i* the tw-naiuwT" e*ket| ||,e pre-*uiati. "It baa not be 1 sine foi •cms lime," retorted the "devil." ; n Mil f Juror. Clio (-11 • * tun lr %♦•<• j 'lfor h Tf •♦••• ii ilrritvn,'ijuitit'f*"l Hi• * I r ill* wiij'urnHif court t# o lit li.'l o|| ||m ,'J I || Jyof Siivhiiilm r i.c*! A I). iHc.J : '. I)*rl'). II Km it ik Kr! #., II UMU fi-n, J *sf !•>. fiuiili #!•. - lit >| |ll || ( - \ iMlul'itto I. V . Will,l. .I„II j. A l I j.i. M/fl/ II l !•*.(• |( •>< |. flitb j, I' I ( J I rill <|HM.Oig Xl'fl|.M) . •llr.H.lr, ♦ IM .|U|l< 11 II It II ( Nib... Mb Ml, jiu Of*-**, IINI MM H. 1-1. 'i i i U$ II tl • i ' ' l n li-tit Alii Ja*'ii*-.'t|il • in l'i ii>| 'itn, lit • tir) .•••! < - ti*al At ' jf I < >i f>ti, ' J A Pl-nta-i l.llM I I , | || v|• 1. 11 I rf||>.|, t i>4i | liuiifil M r!<., Jurun ir ifau of (| i iittf viiiiit C iUII, l--„- litiiii|< -it tor l-.uilu ■I ol N iveilittrr jt**l, 1 5, tt in I. Jl 9U. < milt.. It -gg, •i n t k,IW kv I Mr- k -.utU O "h*. K llv k.-., II .a 0, J, I I 1 'I f . fV- tC J 'ill' It ! J I' 1.11 • ft J ' * -•♦ i.- I'lil I I M^| 4 . Kimf Orrgg, i. II until, r 11•• r, II itu .„. • ,|. r.lw n ' .. H. Mt - - r il ill i. I —,u il m .*, r I/ i• i II . . • • f J ~ .|| I.MM. M n- " H Ml. I I . t. I Ku^ll, ib* /* Mu..h M'.lt.H • a-l-r ..... || u „/ ' Il *l *- I, iU I'll ..if, 14 l| >ll Hao, *I t I K 111 '■K lUla||, lu . limit*-! I# . 'a-1..**l I'f.tl H k • > HMI ft* ' • W. i■ •t, b .U> r. I II.. > |i ii# Ik.w. 11-' ' I H - , > . .Mi.,, k U.lfck. >. U.M. I' I 11 ♦ I * i • .'Uiiiu, . vi>. Mm i,,i|. u, 1.r1.1t IWUI.i Vt kr. J Ir. . |. . II ttMk.Ui I • 1• . . | It im .1, Ul|| i ' K U i>Ml* II + M I * I. I. . f KfclMt, . U.• . Hu-1., W , . It./ I * II kl. . lUi • II Hi w , til ,i. . • ; T k - ' • ■ ■■ •>.- • - f . . ii • U M 11. ... i . ' i I t. dr vliU, IM I. . fm ... tr i r # . , •11 1 ' " 'I '. •. -ill . K. *o.. r", . • M..M • ' M" !• ti, I' It W. !.1 ( I'm) .1, • !*•••(, 11l t fl.>ll|M> .. g . .1 || V y L'l't •% I, • ll.Mti ..♦ \\ I'M | M.r.l, I. Iti unl-i . . I • ... I /Ik i- J\|i *. it . H I/, - fli'ii It • *N • # 1., i i.i. f _ . t fl| 1 I' ~,*1 , "I V ,i. I;, •' ' ' • • •%. i. i . .k. it, >i it ■ i t. , r •it 'iuiini'l. M *.., ■ M i.iiituitd , • it - > ii .1 i I H". .*,l i u.i< *• im *• M.i V, . k . . ' •I i K u-r a- k n. II ai, • I'lM liMl uilf Um, i ► I •• J • • • i •II i. i - * lIM . . J || j I J, %|,|. .1 II .k .. . It . r. , . k t i N 4ft •-' I J H 1.1 I. 4 f k /. .. ' - .Ik M . I I ... >r . llt •%.-.? H>l • i. Vk „u ~ r . . I. I r HJ I > g ,* iu* . . i i . . < < i - . > iwiur*. • I' J , . !*'*• J w M, A •). . . I. . I M-t ► • Hn.r / Vi; 1' iA N> tut |; | .-A |,|:. y J . * . • * '• ~l| *• 'i *! !• I . .. IM M' <1 Mi i.f Ik* to I I.MI . 1,1. . .u. ' II . - 111 I • M. II *| I >.t II ... .I* i. M- ,1. I Ml .c. ,|.^k •b* Mft*l. - l I f*l:i II ♦ 1 !. • . , \..ru* r. • II 1.1 . . .1. * . . j 1 •• i H , M M " * . ; H(L.t • I • ' i • ' • • I 1 I • %*f , (m.IH., V ' M.. t.f.Mj k..d • Ul|f f Uktd f .1 III; I s ( | 1 - • • - i. !| I—' • it' '1 I. .in i; >, tU t | U aul •* 4 If* 1 ' tki-'I m t . mI •-. Ml (■ ' f.H -i I * iMt.'l* • J* !• !.*. • i AuU-i • J t at," 4 (a. I - ki - *. ; Tbt. w a * i U. • # .4 % tr. t I • • 4 U1- , V it*- . r . art. I•/-., 4. •Mi I , - .(II J I.f. H to.- > I'- Mi ... I. .H j ' • ' - I H M*t . t • . m.4 mi -L Al 0 4 f.r . .• •- Ik.*. . fr. . iy |. ' 1• • • IU * 1■ • ■ 1 i• • 1... 4 H I • J . \ , , | Jll • \ ' - • Nm Ttf-V* r,> *AL ! ,#■ .,t i.m |,4 tk>* ' ■ 1 - • • • • 1 - • . • • '••*:. tttl I IflHWtoM l "la| • mi. I f • 4HI 11 1. C t*4l * J' 4. | fK tJ (rift \t if iilrrrtiHi im at. I Si mm POWDER - Absolutely Pure. nt* n.rrj fan.* A..( |.hH(l i*t.to. k ii, m( W.r* T<+t. ft.i a | i|,,k (IK k' • ••••I •MI ••. I- 4it -• , mihtiif WMilM'i-l' ..I .-• *■• W.- tltmto j |4.tM|4.T*| |R. - M • .ri* |-A WallMl \ t CANCER CURED. N- (llMKir. ... Ih'.f.—.. tfl.-4 >h- .kill .*1 ii.,ii.'l a. taiHi-itHi. ill il* ti. Mini m ih.-) li.v. al. *>l> Ih. i. tiniu. I.d it., tii.l li . it ba. in-ti lit di.f- |.iltl- |.< nit | ; n..l h.iKT ( ln.i . lai.. hiv>. pi-t'l'i 1.-d tl..'lt r —udv. Hut .f lair jur. ••• nh-l lMi| .UNI d* ntvirli. h.t. (..• lie hi l-.ni. a 1 iiitM- thai n .it. 11"..I uI in aat it it* f--'W , • llh trrnlwf, MlilMml lltr ur i.f tba t-r nti-lk* |.la>t> r*. \\V hat# a 4 ,r.-iitii.-iil liiat !• I-' lti|Mtrali mild. It 1. h->. |tiM.t..Hia. d > u.-t liii. it. r* a llh H ih>- li.-ilih- fl -.h, 1 iii 1.. i||.it.ii bt >.T iri ..i ih- h-.i ilii iha • ".! "4 Jißwa MMikm. ItaMrr at Clam V *>li,k-ft. • Cl.t. . fM. baa khM •a Ih. -Mo. • tk. ft ih.Mt.-ia,> l ,h. iVi. >4 |\ at an- fi-.. I -al f ,hr l I'M., aad thai aaM awa-l alll ha MMkl tor r- alnarttai at lha aat, wa at aaM Oaait. 4.0 H Rf Ik, u A rmthaaavary.