I'fofettniouul Curtli*. 1 M. KEICHLINE, * • ATTOBNTY AT I.AYV, lun-r.ui", Pi. Omre it N.w OtiLMMu. Prompt ui.rniiun !•> oull.rtktu olaiuit. -T' tf HA. McKEE, • ATTORN KV AT LAW. (iffim North High itrtrt, o|*|>odta court hum#, Beliefuut#, Pu. HflA RSHBKRGER, (Suocowor • to V*CIH N K. Y- AT- LAW. HKLL..H.N m, p\ Prartlces in all the Conit*. Ufiiro u t pneite Court 1 hous* in Kuril's building. , tuny .i I.) P. ■. KAfTtROS. W. r. ftKIPKft. I I ASTLNGS & REEL)KK, ■H ATTORN KYA AT I.AW HKLLKYOSTK, I'A Offl •••on Allegheny street, two doors nut oi theul j fli f occupied by lata Arm of Yo< urn A Hastings 4<~ I WILLIAM A. WALLACE. DAVtb I. KBKM, hiiit r. whuci WFLUAM r. \i LACK WALLACE A KRKIIS, *' LAW ANB COLLECTION OMEN. January 1, ISs*. CLKAKYIKLI*. PA L-LLIS L. Oil VIS, '> ATTORNEY AT LAW. Of KICK oppiUt, Pa Mop Via W. conir Dh - .* national Lack V 1 7 1 y r r C. lIIPPLE, 1 a VTTORNKY AT LAW L'l'K It A A JiN. PA. All bnir.e promptly attended t. 1-1 j \ \V.\i. P. MITCHELL, T" PR v Tl( M 'k . KTOR, LTLK ILAYEN, PA , Will attso I to all work in CLwrGeld, Centre and Clint n eountus. OKlce opposite Lfk Haven Nati r.al Rank. 20-1) UK. FOIITNEY, a anosssv AT-LAW. >—■, HKLLKYoNTK, P\ 0(1 • oCn*!*wl to )-rwruptiy. i-I : WILLIAM MrCULLOUGII, YY ATTORNKY' AT LAW CI.KARYIKLD. PA All hnfln*4s prom{.tly attsn !*J to. 1-ly Hk. HOY. M. D . • OSfV Hi Ol >HI StMMM ih fp F rtn-" Law.Mica. BKLLICruVTt.. PA. Rpar>*; attautloo to hurgY-ry an Cbrnnic Dllrasi. Ivi A j nn. JAS. 11. DOBBINS, M. D., PIIYfICIAN ANI* Rl'HiiEuN. i/fl' AH* gh*ny J*t.,o?*r /.aigt*r's I>rujr >ra, ••If HELLEFONTE. PA nil. J. W. RHONE, Dentist,can ba found at his ofltca and r'-sldaoc on Nrtt id# of High atraaf thrsa dor# Last of Allsfhanj, PMMIh Pa. IA-I) L? P. BLAIR, L • jr.WKI f!R. wsTCftta. rtor-ts, AC. All work naatly Ptocntnd. On AUaghsny tr#t nndar Ur'ckarh*'(T Ifoua#. 4 tf m A MA 1 k y 'I ■ an# /# ut n*aln' Wa will start you U*n. sicusa T • rß (o.rautood. 21- ; I __ If'itMon McFarlane f Co., Hardware Heater*. "W".A. IR, IE J WILSON, McFAHLANE CO.. DRALRBfI IN I STOVES,RANGES HEATERS. * Paints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes, I' -V • AND BXJII.IDEAS' ALI BG(I*!f T B'fftßKT, . HUM HP' BLOCK, BBLLtfOHTH. tk. k TRAVELER'S GUIDE. - I HELLEFONTE A SNOW SHOE K. il.—riuiv•Tablein #orct on and *ftoi Mu> , U. laid; Lttaws .dnow Hhui ft.;iu ♦. M.,srrtT# ill inll font# f I.l* * Loaves Htdlnfont* 9. 12 A. M., arrive* at fiuuw Shoo ll.jft a. M. Loaves Know tfho# 2150 pm. .arrives u, tolUfout, . ! Laavas llvllsmnte 4.4N v ■..arrives at Knw Khus j 7:2 ft P.M. K. 8. ttL A lit, ilsll'l Kiijietililelldeilt. I >ALl> KAULL \ A KAIL i' i4> J Air.— iiu.-lln#, >i.y li, I8J: I M..i111. it,t**ni' .iiiiai. Kip. Moil. T • i M. . H do Arrive at l y runs Leave,.... ; w .i ado 0 0 LsateKaat J)tutif Luav#... i "64 n-i " \kii •• ... 74V *iu o4 ' b I'J •• iwiti hagln " ... 740 h i, f i t 42 tt OS •• l'l\ •• ... ,61 h 6.1 BIW bOb " Vuwl.-r •• ;64 a vt| o .? n <*o " ilaukaU " ... 767 a ~j b2O ft uO ..... " P M it artlm M hI i 917 •T 12 OAH " JLILINU " ... H SI .) '> io lo ~* 22 4 *• t 111 tin M ... •1•lo 19 I l> lid •• Muurit %gl# •• ... 9I lo 2.1 .. I . 4 ii " ilua il l ' ... '• f lb V 2 604 420 .... •• " . I 1 ID ,01 4 1 " Iteci h C esk ' lo 4. : 4 ftj 407 •• Mill Hall " ... 6-i0 66 '1 4a 40l • t leiuiiiatuti " ... • '• 11 ui 1 4 4ft 4 IkJ ...... Lork Haven " ...I'l t II oft I>ENN SY L \ AMA RAILROAD. JL —(l'hilad* li'LU auu fcr is Hi vision Oi. and ! itir t> toi 1 dul, I**.' . W KnTWAHI*. KIIIK MAll.lr.tr. : II •. . j. . " ' llirri.t'uric 4 . aiu 11 " \S illiauu*|turt S4oa in u " Lo k llaven 'j 40 an. " " II u.t m iu •• arrive# at hi Is 7 4 j: NI AO A A KXI'KKPM #*•• *hlll#l|.hls " ll *rrisi.ura •• II •• i, •• •• U ililabi*|>A r. uj, „ M prrivss pt Msnovu : . , ;J Pass* ng#ra by this train arr.- u pel;#- f ut at 'l'| ri. KAtfT UN Elettrs Philadelphia 11 * u. 11 ri •:r * . , j. ni • ** Wtl!Uiu~| rt 7 Ift|> u. H arrives at l#och ILirn.. ... Kl. yn. K.AsT WARD. PACIFIC EXPRESS leave* I M k llavsn ... f) 40 a tti . •* " V. illiant*pt>rt . 7 • rr, " Arrives at llarrishurg II ftft a r. 1 Pi n di iphla .< t.i n n ' DAY EXPRESS lave%lt.-i . ... Mp. a m *• " l.u* k Haven I) jii au> i •* iliiarns|'ort i j 40 am I " arrives at II srrisLurg 4 l"i. u> ! 4 Khi lode 1 |du a 7-o p m KB II M All. IPPVPB Ksrpot ...... . . m L K llaven 9 i- y m 1 *• U illlti4i|iorL. II |, b, j • 11 strives at llarttsl *fg a 4ft aPi 1 M " Ph lads) phis 700 pail FART LINK leaves v Ulun..; -i \ : , m " arrive* itftianil ... ||fth " Pi •• l|Ma : . bi Kne Mail Wrss. Nif gar Ivj r** rst, |.< k tta%> i Accumrnodati* n Vlfsl afei uy K.vpr*# Ks*l. umi ci p> unsctD ii-\t Norn am' tU/ ! ajthl. .II I ' R.trains for Wilk-*l arrr si i .< rridnr* R U Mall 8 st, Niagara hxprssa Waal, BI . Rr ' hsnrsas 44 sst. Bld I illn • ,• . \ ... i i mslsrlis*(onntiofi bl H tili*lo*i*rl aitb ft i | I U trains ii< rth Krip Mall W. •!, Klifira £tf H, al Emporium with i. N \ i p K K an I pri'twrwi villi \ V I: I. | Porl.>r CtTi Will Ftiß |>|Ml Pkil*4likli • v- IHWMVIOI Kltiiri Ki|if •H. M i .-• Kspi Wt, PM)aMph• *; r<• KJ>I • ! In; i; ir : • j KI;.|4. -•—| ,r. AT#..- - 1 ii'ght Iraloa \\ tf \ Ku a;* Oati'l B|^rlb(Di)cßl BEST AITD CHEAPEST. T***o Weekly Newspapcrp !'< r th j Price of One. AMI Titr IFT I>Mivr Lo'. U\T. j Th* Hartial■< rgWr ut Patr.t* *i* \ . , I pwgv lMl M'l rwUl®. a ifmtn **..!* ,f n *d. I 'i aiirr ll.an ant ntho p*|r |*l I; i .. . j •I' * inatrwrflt-- 4' i •>(>•>'t~ : k - ((<••. r,| it \ l tiiWiriit Pifti th|l y | Amu • a 1 •*1 ?•!***. 0 1.1 T! HI X Vt. 7ha W rnit PAT*! TAT T \ \ * W>UY • 11l |r *r#t t# 4. * I *• 'h WI.HT htuji#: 4i. l • p) , , ,j . ,* • , Rrcwtl, p( mM r r • 1 iim Hiiai PaT*;t ■ iY> '| ... W . k % 7 . :. ! • r- •.r<• ''J < I . • - I | u f tl * <* r. Tll r. N A 1 1\ PATRIOT l th only m'.rnn u pj'f fotMi.hr int'i -lata • , Hal, rti* unljr p;.r .nt-1U..! PInU * j.l. and PIIIM lgh *,ha( gt t1... I, ( . At. 'lpff ami t' t h*a a jfn*tal #|w tl t. g'Atn. il l tha ,4,1; -lot; that jm- h t .. 1. j. t i I Promt It.. . r I) . IM.iU lr'j 4 '. Htw Ywk i- • Tha Pint Pifltfl - '• tfntly irnpc < t.nal 1 i. |ortiiiiiii wttli-n 1. lat m month. nni .• now r , ,1 n || ai •itpathir in •• n.i t.. tr* .la. 1 111- la ■ r l#y mail !•.*• jar in a Uf, . r•: H If.l I al'l 1 Ml fan • | t.QO fr His in lllw ttoca; $1 '4 f..r th" ut utlia, in Itati • . ~ni f.f in* m*>nlli, Th ,lu c.a'a ft • I*l | prai'i win .u* rlnta ..f #. MVi j. r .. \ a nam. |fal I* in al* m— Th luiif P* * • r at •ha fliiMl|.|il iKtili lUoir l . - in-La; n n rr, t"1, Will Im> aatit . 4 > 41 to ant f r $+ <> 111 ' . : . v•• ui.n . .... It I Alt? and Wuxi? Pair i r In ratiiilllrig m- n#' 1 •al4eripili) .fml | -• wftt a tuun-y .4-r, .•. draff. A 'tlr pAnuT pi ni.Hiioo rr dJ) Maai r f*rtir7. Ilarrialitirg Pa. 111 f CI T! 11/ Inrl vy I A | / I I lull pot.trf j. Wo.fTrr a groat rhanraU mail m >n4y. Wa aatit raant mii. • Uya and gtri f work for ut right id flt. tr awn I f k An; .1. ran thaw .rk properl fr.m Ih# lirat Mart. Th htiMnaa* will pa> m m th• kxp.nai*outfit fitrnial.rM fro Koof4 h.. r-ngagK. fail tit ntaka m-n. y rapidly Tmi ... r|M..t y.t. wh"la tint" to rh* work • f only y oir *| ar mo'nrnn fall In format ion anl alt that la • wni f.o* An lraa *Ttaat?i k Co.. Portland 4 4;.j, lift, /., Y'ANDKIUUIT 1101 SI:. V lluiawMjr,liunlulll) mil poll *hM< l wll t •t• I ,) ur- | .|' (|| I . I f 1,, Vt V . . HI II it I , • 11(1*1 l ! Ul let • tilliwiol • f */. . Mil..- ' I >, |•;#. -til J J I >ASSMOKi: 1101 SK, 1 CoiiH'i h"iil ami h|in •• Htri-i'• i'llli.li'-11l Hii. I'A Good Nmli 1 I ■' a .| tmi rifh t kill Ul.|lnj. if utln I ... tl JAMK& PA MORI Pr< p. CWAN no n:J„ 0 r Jianw:/ Coyle's NKH I.Y in n INN u, f NIIUIVHHI HIP.% A flint CIAM II • 9FTL> I- T.-T.. | F GOOD TlRT< * • in -I MTI' T| ( ; A K.MAN'S HOT I K, V. 1 I 0 .'"I il 11l 1.. . I I', f i Tl It Ms il I'l II I. V . ■ !I. I . .1' .1! prsii HOUSI:, 1 1 I 1.1 II I ■ ' |. V ( ttltMl- • !-! I ,% 11,1 ;♦ tl • ■ . ■ . t • • II . com' > at r. * .! . i? . I n iii't u I > ♦ n * . -nUtif Goat W H IMIH I- , I >!"! IS lIOI'SK. M.I.U K'M ! 1'... r j. X. jsthman, 'J ropr, Tl I" i ' . ► ... • -if I r it i |r: M I , rut. rfx'ttin ' i * ' • It • " . .> • ; \VIMJIKIM lIOTKL, A * NILUIttIM CI ' . W. S Ml -hit, I'r j r . •• PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. Oood tr ut ?}•,. I . ' > i ' " • \r.l run* to w\rr> (14111 At til* M. A li ) * i 11) xi%tioi; Mill t, I it 1 fitiklio *1 r •i* J>in•* . i .)* New Lrockcrhoff House. ! >!UK'K KUIIOKF 1101 S'l", II ♦ 1.1.1 .. i- r C M. *! I 1.1.KN, I' r G 4 Kr •+ : *. • f ! .! Tr • , OtllbrMMAt Ijo; f*. i 1 pKNTUAI. lIOTKI., V K. I *THY • ' Tr. r A. A. Klli| \,\\ A K Kit. I' m tore I! TtlATtl - rJi •%! w Al ! TUAfN ♦ I'll -In t --r r I ®| J Wm* ' :K Y„ ' \ i : ' t I r *> i *5 1 i • - * > V !•' U2CWiffcA. S ~ . " ' " IJi *2 I I - * I f | ? Vi . . I O •J * I o 1 to ' r |- * fcrd* c • I ' ' " a S •>• > • * i.. • 1 i • 2 ■ MNM V £Z if > .f'i r • .( i jj . ■ . <* . • r q| - . -,v , r." § i (unMi(x>:i .. ai.ii rip , ui- HEALTH IS WEALTH! ML ft, < *,*t Itltt |t9M Id tVliflltt, % *• • *• •'*• . ri . * r- • i •*!••* '*• I i M-M |- -• UMII . ' I * I .1 r., . . r „ . „| W4 f ■ n • •• i ■ | - 1 • it*. i -*• ■ r • • *• t i * i • !'•••- I #1 • 4 - • • i fJ. .. ,• , R6, . fftlt < u r- Iff f ■ W" CUARAHTCE EIX OOXCS 7 . V. •• •<* *- H >* f VI V>l•*' 1 tw I • •.'f .. / • I*\lU Jb r ,*r * r* " IMritl l'A r;.' rri%t i. still I4t rwu...- EISMCI* 6 MCf4OEL3ON, 33Q tnc Clroi>t, Fti.tr >l;:lil', t>n. /ttIIITAUNG ® FORAIISKInS I Rcmeoy suchaj Diseases) iTtTTER ITCaSOBCS. PIMPU3. / \CRY9PC I A.* j/t WRING WORM J THE FOR mm PILES \ lhl, Mm Mif | l *wim [■ mvllnf aKfsl lhi.lum ih|.nt,w• RMISI4. A* fWm, mwnlril • '4 mi-., impii Ointaaxt u 'H">il. i la n)r krilrla in Ut, ntaikat A.i.| t>f ilrugsi-Kar landMina in 4 BM4t.fi U. AiMr>M,Pa | Jht (Cnrtrc iDcmoctnt. Kli 11KLLEFONTK, I'A . NKWB, FACT* ASI> MCMIKHTIONH. lUI KATIr,.!! W>l.rl M Tut IRTH.LI Kvtry Jtinnrr I H /,,* annual r Jjifririti r Uuieorrr* aiim'thinji uf cn'.itr li'i itr. it ami irml tl (i. thr •'Ai/ritullHrol Kdilur <•/ lhr DKMIH KA I, llrttefonlr, fern'tt," th.it othr, tarmrr* t/iuy hurr Ihr hritrfil <./ it. I.rf cummtnirnlinnh hr I tmelv, out I be aure thut Ihrtt at r bi trf nnit writ /xiintnt. Ftedlnif Swine in tlio Autumn. Not PI) many UOJ/H are futtcil now , in iiiiiiiuiri Mini winter as forme Iv, wlii ') lilies wine markrteil '\cluhi veh in col'l weather because only then ; could |.ac a kin1 thr e liun > . r day. iin tfe <•! ier liar i, it is said that tli' l . ,f r< after action ; j that it not given Hii* peiio'l of r. M. H i \ six ;i |u-e \ gor, and will fin-illy ' refuse to work s' rill ; and that whtn j '.hc-e oi'.'u s "re ealbd upon to .'ii ir lab ris out ol pro- Ij 11 r!ion to ! .it ir r it, ni.d this must | I become -i. b lilaletl. In cases of Uiis | j Kiml. i v | er iei.ee ; i. i oh*. r atinii fur- I iii'i tiie list solutions, ar. i tin v i •d for swine i* greatly enhanced tiy eiKiking or grinding ihcm. Il i* nlvantageous to cook an occasional feed of shelled corn ; and it will well pay for the grinding to keep the j *lop barrel a third full of meal, and stir tire barrel's contents well before Using. Turnips ran be sown on the i ground occupied the same season by early potatoes, and I have seen most excellent lots of hogs fattened on boiled turnips exclusively ; but hogs cn make vtr) little use uf them un less the) arc cooked. The same is true of |>otiitoes. I have seen |nita toes worth onl) ten cents JKT bushel! there are always potatoes too smsll for market and borne use. When cooked aud thickened with bran or meal, potatoes make a splendid food for swine. Combined kettles and surnaces are manufactured for the express pur|iose of cooking such ar ticles. If the farmer does not feel disposed to purchase one of these be csn suspend two large Iron kettles from a pole sustained by a fork post at each end. In the winter, slop should be wnrmid, especially for Pi llow to break the monotony of a corn diet in another perplexing proh * (era. Tlii# is a trouhleaome prolilcm to the awine.rai.er in the ataten bor dering on the Ohio and upper Mishis ttlppi rivers, for here corn in produc ed in BUCII abutidaricv that other cro| Muitahlc for liogp occupy but a small, exceptional position. I have already 1 spoken of tumipH and potatoes. Kyc . may lie aown in the earl} fall, and r w'll afford good pasture throughout , kho full and early winter. Though < miieli pastured, it will wtill make u i( , good crop, and the grain is an excel lent food lor hogs. \\ u raise pump ktns exlensively among the corn: j they do not inter fere at all with tin ; corn or its cultivation. They are not 'great tat or flesh formers, but are good mcdii ine for 'atteriing time, l r nig gently laxative in their nature. Potatoes arc a good corrective o! ll.r .. too gn.it oilintss of corn, being I r cornposeti Isrgeiy o, slaich. The proper age at wiiieh to falteu IN ( -till another piotilem. This will d> i pi-tid i uliii I v upon the eircumstuuce - of lite feeder. The tune is past for growu.g a hog and lattening him at lernntd. lie sliould be kept fdinost r> >lv t"i in:.i..i' throughout Ins ea ( :'i. l.ailv iii.itiii ly is deuirahle. 'I in- .I'.n.r lie hog i- marketed, the h -s imi. from 'i.Neast ; but it never pav* I i rnati.e' a hog not fat. 1 wouid -ugges! that from iiino to lif ti . n luoiiUin :s I in- pi oper age. Ail l. as .in answer to unoM - r j robleui, i Would *e',v tll3* shot' feeds, W l.eii Complete, are the b— t. — < irn ■ii ,■■ll ,'lf /on. Cn-uji But' r I 11teeri hi.'! '• li cel.! I ,!ti ri* thus referred to by a corn -ponilciit of liie (,'t darburg Wis.) A" e "li ai diiU > t an I buihier s i I ny lu . n. n w.o w.tii'.i'l a tine building pu' up. thn; la nevar u-i i line, lev. I, I - - a . •, . ■ i u •. ;• probably wonldll"' •- ' the I • >< ven of the most ignorant. I!ti' it is no more absurd to attempt to l' iiue a tine building witljoi.' the use of the prop* r tools, tf. itt to attempt to make uniformly , 1. " i -ittei or ehei se witliou' tlie lie of tfie* tliermoiiiele-. But that is the way tiie must >.f ten cent and Mulling '•utti i is made. The mass of the but ter 5,,; | |".s for luff prie. . year in attil ve out and at all seasons of Hi - v *.r, larg y e-.usi 1 by l>eing cue ; tied •. ii.e wrong tempi J itufi . by pet otis t', ; . stingy or bio stuj I to nv< -t thirty .. nis lor n good t \et• . lie.meter A Va: atioll of five dc gins fr• -tri lie s'ai ,ard or j greatly injure*. < .tin r butter or ' i liee.y, iiily it | < omtDOll to ni I glie ss w 'lrn ten or fifuen degree*, wfien fei litig the it rnperature with the hind, flic utieotisi lOUS condi t ion ot UM body, and tbe state of UK atmosphere, an I our exposure to great heat or cold, lead* even i xjerts astray. t nlike most men. a ther motneter never lie*. And unlike most men, when it does lu, it lies only n ; vi ry little, and doe* but little harm." Waato in TJircßhtnK A careful (Jerman farmer has test ed the waste from a threshing tns. rliinc or rublx", as it ia called, which takes in the bundle sideways, so ns to admit of its laing rebound, lie ran ttie chaff, which was supposed to te free from grain, through a fanning mill, and obtained twenty five bushel* of rye. This was twenty-five |>er cent, of bis crop. It proves that in the hurry and heller skelter and "hurrah loy a" connected with thresh- i ing machines, especially the itinerant one*, there is always a considerable waste. t\ here I Spread buckwheat straw to mulch the strawlierry IH.SU, the buckwheat came up thick enough last spring to seed the ground. An! economical manager of a paper mill once said that they obtained 16 jer cent, of the cost of the rye straw in the rye that was in it. They always | threshed the straw over before using it in the mill, and in this way reduc ed its cost. The lesson to Ire learned from these facta is obvious. There shuuld.be less hurry about the thresh ing, and the feeding of the machine should be slower, in order to insure a a more perfect shell of the grain The owner abould see that the clean ing mill ia in good order, and the shelves are kept clean, otherwise the grain will run over and go out with the chaff. ~ | Earth ai i Winter Protection " A coverin gof earth rnny often be "! usefully ernj. loycd to protect pi >rits 1 | from Mvt-ro chnugea of temperature ; during tt]i* wiuter. Newly planted H fiuit tree* should have a conieal '' mound of firth at the baH, which * may be a foot or a foot and a half ( high, and o narrow that it will abed 1 water read tly. This answers neverul 1 purposes. It i* well known that the '' portion of tlie tree where the roots u join the at;m is e|Kfcially sensitive, ' and a covet ing of earth protect* thin. ' besides, it answers l>etter than a ' stake to pr -vent disturbance of the ' tree by heat v winds. Anolher bene -1 lit is tiie protection it aff .rds against mice, often so injurious to jounv trees. ila'l hardy and doubtful ' haidv plants of all kind* ; re l*rtt< i ' protected by a slight covering of " earth than in the old rneihod of ••-traw ing," or surrounding them "" w:th a thici: ' overing o. 'truw, which often HTjolhera them, ) growiug min with roots i upon one side only, to ailow them to In* laid flat, and the !•: arc wi !! co \ eyed with earth Ttie lender kinds of raspherrh .* arc protect' I io this manner on the large plantation* along the Hudson river, N. Y . win re inan-, acre* are annually enver- I. Tie."" une ■ answer* for t-iei r ro-i* which aic Mice eifully proU ( ''d by lav ing them , down, covering with a low mouni upon tin-top of which -on* arc neatly lai l in sr eh a manm-r a* to ahi-.l the lain Herbaceous plan' intheflrwer j g trden, ol don'oifi. i,ar iit <•**. *n i! i , h:.\i i -night iii i I o! earth over llieto, fust cutting l•. . the items No ih >JtA this tnetiiisl of protection luav he applied tommy tender an.] I;nil hard > shrub* aril other plant* *li. ii are now takers tin and place-] in the green-house or th<- cedar for ■ >.25- Fattening Ain i-rnp t.nki ;> we.l, we . have is mm-" tliat way, and must of u* u • looking forward to the • lill-'m.i holidays, when we ho|> to - help cli-wi t a nicei\ hrowned turkey and discu** its met its along with the many olio r good thing* pr >v. le 1 at . that lime. Turkey a arc undoubtedly profitable to rai*e when they have Usn reared on proper principles, which means plenty of foo I. care and • xcreic. T tie re i a great difference of opinion in regard to fattening tur kev*. but experience has shown breeders that the be*t way to get the greatest nutnlx r of pound* of flesh i* to feed the birds all they will eat, right from the time they batch out until tuey are ready for market. Tur ki \s cannot li ar confinement, cspec : hilly in fl K-k* or singly, and sho dd never be confined longer than a week or ten days before killing. An or dinary rsiil pen is one of the best for that pur|K>.*c, for they like to be on the ground. At this time feed princi pally or cooked on soft food and plenty of milk, if you have it to j "pare, give occasionally hard grain to keep the TRAWBt,KKtES.—The Giuntry Gentlrman gives the follow, j ii.g advice in regard to fall mulching. "We think a timely use of Hie hoe and steel rake quite important in clearing out all weeds previous to mulching, and unless the soil is quite rich it would Ire well to apply coarse and clean manure as a mulch by the first of winter. Hains will wash the enriching material into the soil, and the coarse stuff will remain as a cov er. Whatever may he applied at a mulching, either this fall or next spring, it will he important to clear out evary weed which cornea up through It. tJood slrawhcrriea can not be profitably raised without tome labor, aß d it would be more ccon omicwl to cultivate one equare rod clean and thoroughly than half a doaen aquare ruda full of weeda. If labor la scarce, make the plantation smaller, and a model for ita me." #