Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 15, 1883, Image 1

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    Sl)e Centre A Democrat,
S. T. SHUT IK HI A. K. L. Oil VIS, Ktlitors.
Site (Centre §rmccrat.
T.rmi ft.so pur Annnmln Advance.
Thursday Moraine. November 15, 1883
TII* D-moorAtic mjority in New
York i* 12 000. ami in New Jersey froui
seven to eight thousand.
CI T IZEN of Arkansas object to the
huil iitipi of a railroad, on the ground
that it would fCare nil the game out ot
the country.
Gov. BITI.XR. ol M t**aclius*tt* i* d. •
feate.l hut not subdue.'. Ho announce,
that he will l>e a candidate for Gover
nor next year.
THE inquiry of wnat ha* become ol
fjel.ator John I. Mitchell han become
al'OUt a* latlliliar and frequent hh that
which demand* "who .truck B.lly Pat
ter-on ?"
A c INCRKMIIIN n. investigation, it i* {
intimated, will uncover some dark pr<
deeding* in the lease ol 3.000,000 acre. I
of Indian land to a nyrotii aie ol capi
talists,in which aome aen rtora and mern
her* of congress may appear unplea*
Gov. BCTI.EK, ot M I-rliu*clt*, it IN
aid, ha loat the "Presidential Bee'
that harbored in hi* hat for some time
p*t. We alwa)* believed that the old j
Bay State could not afford to part with !
him. and now Ue ha* (tone and tole '
hi* tee.
THE wheat ,-rnp in the United State*
i reporter! lflO OCX) (AX) hu*hel* le-* than
the cton of |H#2, which i< the largest
ever produced in one year. Theaurplu* j
for lt<B2 "till on hand i* estimated at
•iO OOO.(XX) winch will leave ample to;
•end aero** the water* to feed European 1
Iri* said the President ha* amended ,
the eighth civil service rule to prohibit j
the appointing power in every case !
from making any discrimination* to j
•election* for app-n itra*nl* on account
of |>OIIII<'H! or religiou* opinion* or
affiliation*, so l in ike* violation of the
rule Cause for removal.
EX-*pi lata K-tier i* on hand in 1
Washington .eiting up pint for the
complimentary nomination of hi* party
for the speakership. Well, he t* a pret
ty thing to compliment, hut hi* party '
i* not choice in selection and hi* dia
honored record in the last Congress
m*y perhap* commend bim.
TB* Democratic L*gil ture of Vii
ginia ju*t elected, will have the appor
tionment of the Slate into Congress ;
ton.l District*. We truni it will he fair
and ju-t, and not like Pennsylvania,
gerry m indereil in the interest of party- i
Thia o,ur*e will eventually destroy any '
party that indulge* in it, a* it ought
to do.
G*atiAvr, having banished the Amet
ic*n hog, u now in but pursuit of the
American land *|<ecuiator* and the j
wetern prairies. All advertisements !
off-ring inducements to German farm
cr* to emigrate to thi* country are setx- !
ed and Coiifi-Ctled a* mischievous mis
sile* t • depopulate the Kaiser's do j
Tu* result of the New Yrk election
will doubtless settle the question as to
the candidacy of the Republican party
for President. But how ? Will the
RepuMirans ruminate Arthur as the
prospective power to bring the State
j into the Republican fold, or lonk U|xin
the present r.sult a* an indicating that
Ctrl must g•. We incline to the opin
ion that he n fit.
I* Massachusetts, the Republicans,
on the largest gsoll ever cast in the state,
badotilt 10.000 majority. This is an omi
nous showing against their usual 60,000
to TOOOO msj.iritlea, and marks the
downward grade of tbw "grand old par
ty." The new industry of the old By
State "in the manufacture of human
leather, if a paying one, ia not likely to
be a harmonious one.
TBB C •Biiniiiee ol One Hundred, it
ia intimated, are disseised to close their
account* and disooive. This would un
doubtedly be a great calamity to that
city, inasmuch aa all the political d*
oency it |wvaaesd lor many years ia due
to the independence and aterling char
acter of that organisation. If thia ru
mor be true, the Ttmee read the fuiuio ;
discreetly, wbeu it made peace with the
Judge Orvta'H Retugnation.
Thn senior editor of this paper is re
• ponsihh* exclusively for this article,
and so states the fact in <lkforenco to
the sensitive feeling of the junior on
the subject of which it treats. This pre
face, we trust, will relieve our junior as
well us his honored father of any ent
harrassment, and allow us to speak with
freedom of one whom we have long
claimed us a most esteemed personal
friend, when we say that the an
nouncemetit of the resignation of the
Hon. John 11. <rvi* as President Judge
of thi* (49th) judicial district, on I'ri- !
day of last week, was like a thunderlmll j
in a clear sky. Although there had
been rumors afloat for * one time that j
the Judge contemplated such a step, <
very f-w expected it so soon. "Few die '
I and none resign, KM the language of
(he street, and the phrase that fit a ■
congressmen or a legislator wie freely
l applied to a judge. The action of Judge 1
j Urvis is u matter of regret to the people J
j of this judicial district, and particularly
i to the people of hi* own county of Ce ;
tre. During the nearly ten years he '
has presided over our courts he hits 1
l>een reversed two or three limes
only, though many eases have been
1 taken up. The criminal calender
has been reduced to a tnero skeleton
when compared with us giant pro I
| portions in the time preceding I
i his elevation to the bench. Ills name
i hud become a terror to evil doer* and a j
I strong bulwark, behind which the
| friends of law and order could rally
, The bench and bar of Centre has ever
■ been one of the strongest in the siate ,
and in all the bright galaxy of legal
i ami judicial mind*, no Mar shine* with
j brighter lustre as it judge than the one
; which hu* ju*t set. The liench lose* a
Nestor, but the bar can welcome buck
j tut Achille*. There is nothing negative
in the character of Judge <>rvi, his
j (MMitivene** assert* itself in every linia
{ tnent of hi* face, in eveiy gesture. Only
I a positive man can be a judge. With
'one of the brightest intellects, pro ;
| roundly learned in the law, fearless in
the discharge of his duties, he leaves j
the bench with a judicial teputution i
second to none. No man h.-ts been '
more maligned than Judge Orvi*, yet he j
| has never once raised his voice in hi- j
| own defence, or suffered hi* friend* to I
1 defend bun. We once heard him say !
J that he "did not intend that criminal* !
should approve his administration ol j
justice."' .don, who a year ago could j
find a hundred reason* why he should I
not le on the Ix-ncb, can now give five
hundred reasons why he should Ix- |
! there. We do not appreciate a jewel !
I until we lose it. The self-made man is
j always well made. He take* his time,
i works slowly and r >und* off all the
; corners and angles. He doe* not lala.r
merely for a fine |>oli*li, hut there is a
j firmness and an individuality *tain|>ed j
u|mn the w -rk that shows the hand of !
the master. Judge Orvi* i* emphatically !
a self-made man and indebted to no ad j
i ventittous circumstance* hr hi* ri*e to j
j excellence in his |.rofa**ion. Home '
I imagine that there is a fioiiticai sign ill >
j cance in the resignation—something t
j hidden and mysterious, and are tortur
I ing themselves to find out what it ia
j We are not authorized to speak for him.
We were not consulted liefore nor have
we been advised since as to the reason*.
It is not difficult, however, to arrive at
a correct solution. The judgeship, *o
far a* it* salary is concerned to a lawyer I
of his ability, is a small thing—it is '
absolutely nothing compared to what
he can make practicing law and attend
ing to his private husineas. He had
reaped all (lie honor of the |>o*ition
long ago, and there was nothing to in
duce him to remain. Indeed he could
not afford now to he bound hand and
foot, when bis own private busineas and
hia profession offered better induce
nients to obtain that competency which
we all desire. Ten years more of re
tirement on the bench would have left
Judge Orvia knocking gently at the
door ol old age. He would then have
hesitated long about engaging in the ;
turmoil of busy life. To-day he ia fresh,
vigorous and alrong. The Ore of youth
ia finely tempered by the wisdom, calm \
nesa and justice acquired on the bench,
and while hi* retirement may be a mat j
ter of regret to the people of the 49. h
judicial district, they cannot hulreai>ect
■ the personal considerations involved
end the deaire of the judge to lie free to
think and act on all queeiinn* of what
ever character, unirsmeUd by thejudi
rial erm ne which he has upheld un
'sullied iu hi* official career.
Tho Bod Rock Reason.
The f'i tsburq /'oil inquired of a IPH'I
ing Boss why the Republicans refused
to mike >,n apportionment, Congress
ional slid l.egislntive, in view of the re
cent election, lie answered, wo do noi
care afx-ut the Congressional apportion
tnent ; it makes no difference about one
or two Congressman ; tin* Democracy
h*ve ami will hold a rn j >rity of the
House, quite sufficient for their put
pose, hut tlis* Republican party cannot
ri*K any change in the Representative
{ apportionment without end angering j
i tie election of Cuneron <>r some other
I Republican as Unilad Slates Senator
)\ tint a humiliai trig confession to make
| I lie collsl itul ion shall hp ignored, the
I I'iWi violated, the oaths of members
I disregarded, through fear -d losing pat
ty supremacy. If the D njocrmc party
1 l* hi a tnsj >r 11 y in the slale, w.lti the
{exception ol Philadelphia, ia it 00l an
' indorsement of thetT-rts of the Demo
J Crala 1(1 obtain a j'll Bp|xirl ion men t and
a rebuke to the Repuf'llCan* T lla* It
i relieved the Democratic administration
fr -in it< obligation* to sen that the Con
sinutinn all d! tie observed and till- pen
I pie have their rights ? If. after a fair
apportionment, the Rej uMican party
i sli.ill triumph, iu b- it ; no coiuplaint
! Call he made, hut let theni do it iiccord
{ mg to law anil not stieuk in by evad
; mg it.
GEN. GRANT has written another mn-l
I Ciedltahle letter, explaining the reasons
; wliicli influenced htm. Bfter careful it,
vesligatiuii, to change In* view* of the
verdict ot l he < 'ourt martial ngxinat < ten.
Kill John Porter, and expressing regret
that the investigation hail not been
mole at the time lie nad ihe power to
j correct the great wrong ii.fl cte I up >n
tni-gallant officer. There are man,
t -ii gs in the character of li ners!
Grant to l-e udnnred. and in imne ui re.
perhaps, than Ihe posiit ,n he IM Ix*
en and (lie effort he ha* in >d<* to have
jju-tice done to Potter. During his a <
ui in Ist ral lon he was greatly prejudice,!
against Iti111. and the weight ot In* til
fl tie nee was Cast 111 the balance of Pol
, l-r'f enemies, hut caieful ami ealtu c-'lt
I aiders lon of the case since, tl tVUig lit,
j covered to the eX I'd anient thai tin*
I preju lice Wa* unmerited, he hnd the
; til nlitie** to scktiowlrdge it and the
jc tirage to seek proper ncca-ion to •(<
, maiitl that reparation MI long denied to
a persecuted soldier, bo made in the
| most ample manner.
THE complaint to which the Harris
i burg I'utnoi give* utterance in Ibe sub
j joined |ar*gr*ph, we have often heard,
• and ii might probably not tie amis* for
the Governor, the Attorney General ami
Secretary ot Internal Affoi* to cons.d :
-r whether there are not men in the
Democratic rank* ol ,qual com | x*ts-ncy
|ln serve the state faithfully. H'lnle we I
i are not sn advocate of making |x>|ilics
i merely tire test of olfii ial fiiness, •till.
all thinga l-eing , qual, it is hut/air that j
1 Democratie I ttii tnls stiould diternotnate
) in favor o| D mocrat* against tlrrwe of
ficer* who in.ke themselves otinoxious 1
* |x>litic*l psrii*sns :
"(Nrisin R publicans hsve been re- 1
tsiried in office t-y Governor P<nioii
and hi* h-ads ol department* wm aeat
filla'ion with the tx<a-e* Iras l,a- tie, n
v> rv offensive in IVmxrrsii. Their is
ntovsl has l>een aiismusly awsiie-l and
it I tie* hid tx-en retired fmßi ■ Ifii-e he
fore the election it I* quite ceria n that
there w mid nit have been so vtg
I eroga an effort on the part of ui >ny
Democrat* to a'ay away troin the |xdls.
It is. however, never too Inle to do what
ia right and proper. Tire result of the
late election show* thai lire |>enple <lo ]
not appreciate the lite-raluy of the IVirr
ocratic administration toward its
ical opponent. Civil service reiorm a*
illustrated in the retention nI Repuhli
ran offi -e-holdets l.y Governor PalliMitt
1 ha* been oornleruned at the ballot box.
The verdict ol tire jwopltt I* that those
office-holders mu-l go.
"Thank Ood I"
It i> the emphatic and appropriate
exclamation of the Alexandria, Vll
ginls, Giuue ir. announcing the release
of the people of h*t commonwealth
from the |M>wer and control ol M tbnno
and Arthur.
ALL the c,ndidaias 'or Speakership
will le on band at W t*hi<igma this
week, and the campaign wilt commence
in esrnett. R.ndail's ex|>rrienc4r end
ability as a presiding ntßowr of rastoh
lea* prudence and skill, puis him rn the
lead, with Carlisle and Ong in hot pur.
suit. The race Will be n lively one. hut
R nd <ll is in good condition, ami w#
| truat wilt win the stake.
Kit.iiti HN lois xg.iii obtained from a j
•Vhxi,ingioii jury u verdict ol rl iriiHg,-*
ir fxlsi* inipri-otimeril against Tliornp
on. who wa* Sergeant a' Arm*, ctiog
under the instruction of Congr* **. This
title iliejnrv xwxid turn SCA) (fXJ on hi*
claim ol fiufffxg) ID* former verdict
wa* #lOO tag) ui'on winch n n-w trial
w.ia granted. <>! cour- this sum of
#l,O 000. If paid, nij-t Come out of the
I leaury of the United M Htes lis
Tliomi'-oii only acted a* Ihe officer o!
ihe II IU-e, hr otiey it* lil'iidate, Bui
( vliv should it tu- P| I ? Kllhiiurn W4
I -'ailed I" lore the I|oU-e a- all llllpoitaiit
*it lies* to lel|fy in a case of fraud
■ guiist ihe <i •verniuent. It-fusing to :
•esll'y, lie was ordered into the custody J
I .1 the S.wgeuni it Arm* nr u con Mini .
; omus witness, a* olheta had been !, i
[ one him. No undue harshness was !
barged, and it appears that he fared '
• umpluousiy and entertained his '
I lends royally during hi* confiuemeni
ill'" uigre-a ha* the light to investigate
and summon witnesses, iiceituinly fol |
lows that It has I lie right to require obe
i do-nee and to punish contempt of
ii* aiiiliority. But, it lakes a Washing i
ton j<it i to upset tin* r.glit aioi clear
the way fur any amount of rails u|x,n
■h put.lie treasury, by spe, uUnng
ring* who may be ambitious to grasp
* u.ic of he surplus revenue.
THE Bdtirn >re Aw, ,li cus-ing tne I
out'ixik lor I**l, s,> • Tin-re are ut
lerances in Various Republican j 'uriisl- ,
which wou d seem to iri'licsle llial lli, .
idea has entered Die moid* of some of
the more short sighted R publican lead
er# Dial it would f>e a g.xrd thing for j
litem to go hark IO Ihe "old i*SUea" on
which, up to INTO. the R-puhlirari parly I
wa* o uiiilortniv ssn-cessful. \rcor<ln g f
to tlrese gentlemen '"he *<dld South" j
I# something t< l tilde, arid Die "bloody I
-Ii ri" l* Hgun tolx- wr*vei| at the Head !
o! Ihe 1: puhl|r*n column. 'The tariff 1
lite silver question. A are to be laid |
*ide. slid sectional crn* be made 10 j
; rake their pl*cw. They forget thai !
many thing* I, ,ve h*p|x-ned since the j
tihKidt slnri was in fashion. The c*un- j
trv demands a more progressiv# spirit |
In the prty to winch it will entrust the
next administration. To attempt in sn
el a ol peace and g,xxi feeling to rearm
male t <e dead i-sue* nod brutal fictions
of sn era of violent party no flicts the
country wdl regard as a B-urtoin pto
reedure ol lire most ultra and dleered
, itsl'le kind. Sltouid ihe campaign thu
oj en in the House ol Representatives
it si 1 he the |sdiry of the D-nxx-rals to
kep cool arid let their advt-raarie*
i "bowl down the wind."
Strw York Hynamlfera In linglaiid.
LoNDOV, N ,V. II —lt it rumored that
• lie police have discovered proof# thai
the re,ent exphauotr on the urelet
vround railway Were the work ol New
Y.ok ilytrain ters. Tire rumor t,a nor,
h -wever, tx-en oor.fii med. The pcdic,
; are retiO-nl on the sulject, i.ul seen,
. h.qreful that the clue* winch they bave
alraadt obtained will lead to the del, c
j lion of ihe guilty p, rsour.
♦ ■.
A DIM Hoy. E-q . Of this place, baa
t-Weli ap|x,||ite<l i'reaidenl Judge of the
49.n judicial district, to supply the va
cancy made !<y the resignation of tbe
Hon. John H. o>vi*. In this the Gov
e>nor ha* chosen well. No better ap
poiiitmenl could have been made. Mr.
Hoy coiiihmea all tbe elementa to make
a g.xrd ju-lge I* s#ews.,,g a classinal
I education, a large eX|wrier,ce at the
bar. well grounded in the law. bunrsl,
upright, tearless and independent, Mr.
Hoy haa tbe confi fence of the entire
far and |>e>>j,te of tire county. It ia a
new experience tor isir friend Hoy, t.ut
we leel a*ured that lire dignity and
purity that tia* ch*rwiteri|*,J our judges
in tbe post, will ire rigidly maintained
by Ju Ige Ii y. Here's nur cuugratula
tious. your ii >n<>r.
PaastDxvT Asrirra is fairly ia Ihr
fl -I t tor nomination a* a cndidate for
I!W4. He baa prahahly tbe advantage
of the other candid stes, inasmuch aa
he ha* Ihe entire working totce of hi*
l*riy in the Hnith oiai*ieed exclusive
ly or oliivre-hohlera. to Itoost bun as a
starting (mint, wi.b thousands of bread
[and hulter brigades, throughout lb#
o uriuy. as a reserve.
Ma. Roas. tbe father of Charlie Rtae,
put* no faith to tbe story recently BUM
ed, that his ton was drowned by hi*
captors, lie bwliev* it too absurd to re
i quire iaveaUfaUea.
Final Adjournment.
The house yesterday passed a concur- j
rent resolution fixing the date of final |
udj .urnmenl on December
NotwitliKtanding the clamor of the I
Republican pre** for adjournment tiie '
Rcpuf.licaii hide of the house was neat ly j
unanimous in it* op|>r>*itiun to the pass j
age of tin* resolution.
The Republican* are not ready to fix j
tin- time of adjournm-rii because, a
soine of tlo-ir iea/icrs declared on the!
f) x>r of the liou*e yesterday, they are
afraid the governor will veto the appro
prist ion bill and no lime will remain to ;
pass it over hi* veto.
After all it i* the ten dollar* a day
! that the Republican patriots are look ,
j mg after with the greatest anxiety,
j The date fixed for final adjournment
| by the house give* ample tun,- fur lli
i pa*-age of an appropriation bill and aj
| ]H>rtionm.-rit bill* a* well.
And now what d.x-s the Republican !
senate pro|x-,e ? Will it continue it*
' -eiin w<x kly do nothing M-**IOII or will j
it for once get down to solid and earn -
.--t work - // trritb'irj J'uln! (,f -
IT NOW bwotnes President Arthur'- |
duty. !ty* the Washington r,, sr,|v>-
the Mahone prot.lem. What i* to f
| the statu-of the Virginia R-a/ljuster in i
j t he Rcpuf.lsran National convention n j
!* he to Ix- allowed to it at the heal o:
the Virginia delegation? or *hll he !• i
• xcluded altogether? The President
| was re*poii-ible for all the life that wa- |
| in Mahon,- up to Tue-day last, and he :
inul Ix- held rt-sjxinsihle for all that o
' left now. Hi* finger* have !x-,-n drawn
I .11 with tilt* wedge that was to split tie
*oii.l south. 'The w,xlge can Ix. driven
ino farther —it ha- come m contact with
| in unyieltling knot and can only he re
! moved. Will Mr Arthur nx*i a werlg,-
;ui |s*l? Virginia will Ix- cntitle-d to
' twenty four delegate* in the Republican
I convention and somebody will c-.n'r< 1
j litem, if not Mat/one. D. rendorf or
! Wickham. It will bca mttterof twenty
| four votes between Arthur and Blaine.
I Will the President ohooe first ?
Tux New York S-n rtnark* : "Tin
flepuldn-an* tniok themelve* happy in
that they did not lose P<-nny I varus and
Mas.whu*/*tt*. They are happy Ix'
exu-e New York t* not D mocrstic by
193,1)00 again, l,ecftu*e New Jersey ha
incr-se*l her iVin-K-ratic rosjority, and
l/ecause Virginia'* Electoral vote is now
#BureJ to the Democratic candidate*.
They are happy bs-c*u*e tbey see the
futility of their hope# of carrying North
Carolina *n<f Florida. They an- happy
because they didn't carry Maryland, a*
they hoped to do when they set up the
eminent reformer, Mr. H*rt B Holton-
Tbey are happy becaus/- Mmnaeota i*
still iiepuldtcan. Well, they are lucky
to be uappv. But reasoning fitmeff,*ci
to cause, it is hard to understand what
tbey have to i thankful for. It hruk
to us like a sign ol weak ne*# Their
lUltid# teem to be clouded and tbey are
nut likely tola; in good order for 1884.*'
Xabaue Appealing far Help
W*-gi*oTo*, Nov. ii.— A telegram
Torn K uhmiiml, V#., announces thai
a committee representing the Rea lju--
ter |xiriy will visit Washington in Dec
rtnl>er during the session ol tbe Repub
lican National Committee and Uy he
fore that b rdy a statement ot tbe Vn
gram aituatioa in expeoution of receiv
tag frien,iiy aasislanoe.
A Dtsraucrivv fire occurred in tb*
town ot Suenaudoah, 8 -liuylkill county .
on Monday la*', by which two hundred
and fifty famthea are rand-red home
lets en i destitute. The high winds
which prevailed carried tbe fire from
house to bouse with such rapidity as to
■lefy all eff >rts to arrest it, until several
squares, including tb* business centre
nl tbe town end tbe best building* were
laid ia ashes.
—On M-rttdav a party of Pennaylvan
tan* Niartett tor North Carolina, k,examine
the country with a view to I "rale there
We know „f no part uf our ,-ountry that
off-re more ii.du.en.enti ui tbe farm,-r,
m-a-banir and i*ar man •>! whatever call
ig than d'S* tba state ot N-rib Caroltt.a
It our ptaqde uf snsall means Would oft!-*
direct tb tr attention u> tbe sunny south
In*lead of tba land of deep snows and ter
i rtble cyclones, tbey WotiM have no cause
for regret It ts the land for men of small
moans k> settle in. The people are thivai
rowo, b-xqdtoble, moral and Uwahi.ling
Tbe land I* rlt b in minerals and "Xtranivly
fertile, sad tba bom.wtaad laws broad and
, lib-ral. G > south y-ig man with a
family. ff,r a ibuwi-d dollars you caa
•-cure y-Htraetl" a nice little larta in a de
lightful ctimeta ami oouatry.
TKKMS: £l.."o |wr Ami urn. in Athtuue.
All Hnrts.
It is estiinntet ill.i 1000 women are
practicing medicine in England.
Governor Mtnnernan. of California,
will probably be the nm United States
Senator from thai state, should the
1.--gilaiure be Democratic.
15itnurn h circu made a clear million
Ut year, ol which Btrnum gets one
ibird for the ue of In. name and Bai
ley A Hulchititon t,et the rest.
A cheese lhree f.-et right inches thick
tire feet four inches in diamiler, cir
• uniferericc s aieen feet nine itichea
■itt'l w.-igbir oJ3.'i pounds, is on exhi
' bition in Boston.
Ssvs the Atlanta (Joiutitition : "Sena
ior Ei tun, of Connecticut. *•< the only
l>eiuorat who voted against the Eiec
loral commission Sirn<* d.y a grateful
'•ountry will erect a monument to his
S,i) the Philadelphia Prrti : "Vir
j gltibt appear* to have grown rather too
j i.rge to be worn any longer by William
M.lione as a ctiartn on bis watch
j . usrd.'
According to a censusof S tuthern ed
i tors taken by the Memphis A\alacle,
t ie roll COIUpriM-s two C •plains, seven
I genrr-ls, seventeen majors and 1,2G
•i- neral Hancock s physicians think
he will have regained his U-U >1 health
lin a few days. He w.-nt out too soon
ifter the operation on bis leg.
A bugh python, twenty-tire feet in
o-tigtli and weighing 243 |>uiids, is on
i xhiiiiiion in a Boston museum, it has
i lot eaten anything for five months past
, Ilid |XTSI*teHI iy refuses food.
Travelers in Africa assert that the
•nosl certain cure for malarial fever is
•trong coff.-e, and that sutf rer* from
itie prevalent miliaria here would ex
je-rience immediate relief Item its tise.
Kate. Nov. 12.—A movement is on
| f-Kil to rsie the mm r>f-war Niagara, ID
| vhtch 0 itnm dore Perry completed his
victory over the Britiali, sixiy aeven
rears --go, and transfer it to Cleveland
I lor pr< vervstion.
In the Supteme Court the j>idgment
if the lower C >urt has t>een affirmed in
he suit of G.rdner vs. the Pullman
Pslaoe C-*r Company Mr G ifslner was
, nhbed while asleep in a berth and the
-otnpany is held reponsible.
The Chicago Hrr<il<t thmk th it at the
~raent writing the pyramid of Re| abli
-an Stales look like a "liunk of dough
ith the yeast jsiwder omitted.
! An etlempt was made Saturday night
1 o wreck a train on the Nortb-rn Ceo
| rsl Railroad near L<>ck II .ven, Pa., by
taatetitng a V -ll ar li t the tra( k. They
mly were dara-ged.
j Three boys.one a son of Congressman
Brumnt of Minersville, started lor the
' undness prairies to bnut Indians on
■Saturday morning. They were arrested
' at Harristiuig and sent home.
A aid proof of the political demoraHt a
non brought about in V.rgmia by the
Mahone regime is the degradation of the
judiciary. Dating the late contest some
of the Keadjuster Judges were atxioOg
the most active and malignant tools of
the defeated coalition.
in the case of the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company vs. the Pittsburg,
Voungstown snd Chicago Rnilrosd
Company a special writ of certiorari haa
••een allowed by the Supreme Court aa
prayed lor. returnable the first Monday
ol IVcember.
Chief Johnstone, of the Canadian Mo
hawks, lives in a costly mansion on a
bank of thp Grind R ver. His estate la
•-ailed "Ch tell* wood." His wife ia an
English woman nl refinement, and bit
•laughters have been educated abroad.
A Chicago commercial traveler aaya
that in a small village in N irthern
Mioh gsn be found a notice pinned on
the door of a store which read : "Gone
to buty mv wife ; will be back in thirty
The London Trltprtpk thinks the
time is not for ditam when every night
Urrr will carry bit own ray of elect ticity
ab >ut with him enclosed within the
oont|>aas of a machine not larger than
the watch now ticking in his pocket.
The corner stone of the new capitol
building of lowa was laid at Pea Moines
November 23 I*7l, and the attuctuie
will probably be romp eted within an
other year. It ia one of the beet edi.
fines of the kind in the country and
will coat, when completed, about |3,-
NO. 45.