Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 08, 1883, Image 6

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    (Crntrr slfmottat.
\ |
An organ that ban ju*t be built iu
OrroMny is brlirved 10 be the lrgo*t i
in existence. It count* 174 register* j
and ia worked automatically by an () . 1
to ga* motor of fout-horse-power. Ila
height i 20 metres, it* width 11, and)
it* depth 10. It* Urgent wooden pipe i !
10 metre* long and a cubical capacity |
of 2,000 litres. The instrument is to tie |
set up in the Cathedral at lliga. For
the St. Stephen'* Cathedral at Vienna,
the *nie builder* are to construct a !
still larger organ. The well known or-I
gansol B nton, U.tn, and St. Petersburg
were built by the same men.
Csptain A. P. West, of L-esville, S.
C., writes to the Fish Commissioners
that he recently dretv off hi* carp pond
nnd tound that the infant carp placed
therein three years ago hud grown to j
length* of from twenty two to twenty j
live and a half inches and weighs from
five and a I,all to ten pounds. This is
vine of the many laports which show
the remarkable adaptability <>l tins ti-b
to South Carolina waters. "The carp
furorr, of course, still continues," say* a
local paper, "and il it remain* very
much longer, there will soon be as
many carp ponds ns cotton fields in the
North Dakota's coatof-arm* ia a
shield draped with the American tl g
depending from the beak of an eagle.
In the back ground are a range of hills
and the chimney of a smelting-furnace . !
iu the center i* a river on which is a
steamboat, and a train of cars are round
ing a bluff. Beyond i* a field of wheat
and corn, with a white man with his
plow on one hand and an Indian with
hi* tents about him. Both Itxik upward
at a rift in the clouds, where is the le J
gend, "Fear Hod. aud take your own
It is said that gla<* is gradually be
ginning to the take place of wood and
iron in the construction of bridges it,
England The inventor makes blocks
of glaas, which he hardens by a sperisl
process. In solidity it is sai I to leave j
nothing to be desired. The expcri j
inent* already made have given surpri
sing results, and the cost is below thsl ;
of bridges of wood and iron. More
over, the glass cannot be injured by in- j
sects like wood, nor rusted like iioo.
In account of a want of cemetery act
commudation* and the proximity of her
burial-ground* to the populous quarter*
the Municipal Council of Lisbon has
passed a resolution by which the cau-e
of cremation will be advanced. In
times ol epidemic* cremation will here
after be made compulsory in Listion.
-hough in ordinary times it will be op. j
tionsl ; but once in every five year* the
remains of iotsrred bodies will be
The story is told ot Senator Vnce, !
of North Carolina, that soon after bis '
second marriage lie remarked to his 1
bride : "My dear, I'm a stublorn fellow t
and you mny anticipate trouble. Now.
in the beginning, while I am übmi
• ive, 1 want to give you one piece ol
advice. If you follow it, we will g.-t ;
along mighty well. It is this: Make
me do just as I please. ' j
The estimated power of a horse, as
applied to machinery, is tbatof liftingor i
carrying l.'iO lb. (voir.) at a rate of 220
feet per minuie, or 33 000 jxiund*, at
the rate ol one fool per uriuuie. When,
therefore, a abip is spoken ol as "4.000 (
horse power'" it means that them. 1
ehinery ha* a power of carrying 132,- i
000,000 pound* (58.2<Jk tunai at the rate
of a foot per minute.
The King of Starr), who is only i
a boy of twenty years, ha* allowed his
finger nail*, il is said, to grow until
tbey are more than a foot in length.
This deformity reduce* the monarch to
a stale of absolute helplessness, and for
that reason, probably, tbe Siamese re- '
gsrd long nails as one of the peculiar
attribute* of *ovrreignty.
"Ye*," said Mr*. Browntmith, "I j
want a good girl, and |*>**itdy you
migbt do ; but have you had any ex'
perietice ?" "Ixparience, t* it?" re'
plied the damsel, resting her hand* on
her bipaand tossing b-r head in the air;
"ixparience, is it; faith, and haven't
Oi been in no less than twinty families
during the last month 7"
"Why didnt you deliver that measage
•s I gave it to you f" asked a gen I
man of his stupid servant. "I did the
best I could, sir." "Yru did the best
you could, sir, did you ?" imitating his
voice and look, "i'sbaw I II 1 had
known that I was sending a donkey I
would have gone myself."
A couple of pickpocket* followed a
gentleman for some blocks, with a view
of availing themselves of the first op
portunity to relieve him ol bt* purse.
He suddenly tuaned into a lawyer* of
fice. "What shall we do now ?" asked
one. "Wait for the Uwyer," aid the
General Bonecrans-
A (hforrtl Mttn J Anficn nf the Hii/It* of
II i.i It iter,
Qenernl W. S. Kosecrans, Chairman
l of the Democratic Congressional Com
mittee, is in receipt of a letter, dated
| Oetorber 17, from Mr. I.ee Nance, an \
intelligent and well informed colored i
resitlent of Washington, in which ihe i
writer considers at length the receni ;
decision or the Supreme Court and the j
status of hi* people a* affected by it, |
Mr. Naneo believes there are other is ,
*ue of more concern to the colored j
people, tar more vitally involving their i
true interests, than the social and sen |
11 111 etlt it I questions pased upou by the '
Court, lie says: L
"Speaking o' myself, 1 would say I
am bothered more about how nnd where (
lain to gel the money with which to pay |
tor a square meal than I am about |
where I shall eat it. I want money. 1
will take it, if you please, in tho shape
of bright silver dollars and yellow gold
eagles So, reason, as I firmly believe,
fie people who are behind Douglass,
Lang. (on, an I other able men. They
are concerned about Other questions
—questions ol great moment, which
do not lurk far in the dark, and |
and must inevitably come out aud I j
r>e discussed from top to bottom and j
down .and up again. Among them \ j
is this one. whether or not a people ' ,
should be heavilv taxed—taxed to their j
great detriment—for the sole benefit ol ■ (
alarmingly adding power to industrial i f
enterprises and vast private financial I ,
concerns in which they have not a re-1 (
verting interest." I ,
Mr. Nance also believes in the legal
and political equality of the races. That j j
i firmly established. He believes fur ! (
liter that the races have a common (
identity of interests, entering into all
pursuit* ot life, and that it become* the !
colored man, instead of watting hi*
strength and sacrificing In* indepen- j
deuce in an absurd lniggle for social
right', hicli wi.l regulate theniselve*.
to look after his own material Welfare
by the same method* v.tnl for the ssine I
objects that all other men pursue. In
other word*, be wants the colored man
to nsert themselves at the ballot lw>l,
a* white men do, for the protection of i
their property and the detcne of their I
borne* aga'nt the encroachment* of
corjHiration j-ower and political cor
11l reply to till* letter i ieneral K WC
cratis says, ill suhetnnce
"Your people* cut* to independence
and respeet is strict attention to edu
Cttiou of the ohil Iren F.r*t el.m*h
tary. sufficient for thetn to be *ble to
read and write, and next for industrial
mnl mor l education, so they Can lie in
dependent. Democratic good will will
be better law sri'l a better gUarintee of '
equality of right* than snv that ran be
gotten l y contention. The moment
the colored people |e*rn to vote con '
scienltoUsly and to irn trade* and '
liusine**. allowing the brighter one* to '
tske higher education a* they are raps '
tile, race IriCtion wrl disappear. They '
will command tn respect of their while
brethren o! the producing clsoe*.
, r I
Refaain ; to Wed
•Strang/ <' i i* •( of a Itrul/jroem ft at Phil '
Nr. a II vr.N, Conn., Oct. 3. A large'
congtegation wn*gathered in the(,'hurcb
of the Sacred ileatf, flu* morning, to !
wo nesa the marriage ol Fogene I.ynrlo
of Pliil idelphia, to Miss Catherine T,
Mul cfiey. airsngement* tor which nave
in de unusual stir in llie younger circle*
ol the Catholic population for several
dtys past. The bride that wi to fie i*
the diughler of a prosperous Irish'
Aiiiericn with a aids circle of friend*'
The pesent* were numerous and costly '
and the floral ornaments tn the church
elaborate. Nine o'clock was the p'
poinied time fur the ceremony. A few
minute* after that hour the clergyman
who waa to officiate dismissed the amai
ed fii*nda nf the biide with the an
nouncement that there would be no wed
ding today. Intimate* of tbe tamtly
hastened to the home of the MnUcbeya
wbete it transpired that Mr. I.tnch hnd |
at .he last moment reconsidered his in | |
tention of becoming a married man and s i
hnd disappeared from the city, lie had i
courted the deserted young women for
four year*, and appeared devoted in bia
attachment up to yesterday, when he
failed to arrive here until several hour*
after the time appointed, and then act- ,
ed in a strange and distant manner.
Member* of the family noticed that he
apjieared troubled about something he
did not care to explain. Tbe suspicions
excitvd, however, did not intertupt the
m<rri*ge preparation*, and hi* nonap
pearance to day was a bewildering sur
prise to the bride and her friend*.
Lynch formely lived here, and bis many
acquaintance* rati explain his OundUul
oniy on tho ground mat lie wa* without
sufficient resource* to wed, and had nut
the courage to -ay o when be found the
wedding day at hand. It ia known that
he <eli in* abiding place at an early
hour this morning, and he I* *up|>oaed
to have returned to Philadelphia.
A Startling Prophesy Fulfilled.
The other day, vviuli* 11 party id news
paper corrsapondeni* were seated in
the Office of Judge Advocate General
Swaim, there WHlke I into Iho room n
neatly drm-ed colored woman. She
looked the general firmly in the eje,
and xsked : ' II <ve you found any more
work for me, sir f <i • rieral .Swaim re
pi led that he had not. The woman
turned abruptly around and left the
room a* mechanically a< "lie hud enter
ed it. General Swaim then told who
alio wa*. The Geueial, it will h re
mem he red, WH< one ol G irlield'a warm
et and deareat friend*, a prominent 1
member of the "Churn Cabinet;" and
man whoerjoytd the late President *
Indent confidence.
lie anid : "Tliiu woman came to my ,
house the night before I'ieaident Gat I
field was inaugurated, fiom Souih Caro ;
liria. She permuted in seeing toe, and '
when he came in ahe entered preciaely |
n> you Saw her a lew momenta ago.
hooking me full in the lace, and never '
taking her ejea from mine, >he said
ahe knew that I'remdent Garfield i<
lobe n**a*mated, apeaking earnestly
and without any hesitation. She raid
the I'reaidenl would ho killed the day j
following, while on the way to the • *p
itol to take ttie oath ol olliee, and ahe
had come ail ihe way from South t'aro
linn to inform me of it. if! course I
did not believe there w,t any plot to
kill the President, hut I could not help
being impreaaed by the wonran'a earn i
estnea*. A lew day* alter the 4■ It o 1 j
M trch ahe came to see me agnin, and I
Called her attention to the !nrt that the
President hall not been killed. "die
■ai l that am true, hut that h" would
he assassinated before long. Her call* .
numl>ered onie half doren r more he
fore Garfield war ahot by tiuiteau. ari l
about ten daya alter that "he came
again. I had been *o busy in my at
tendance upon the President that i had
forgotten all alaiul her and her pr"pht
*y. When she elite ret Imy room I re
called l>oih like all h, and you can
imagine that I via* somewhat ►f• r11-< 1.
>he aid ipnetly that her | redirttnii
turned out to he ttue, and of course I
acknowledged it. Since then I have si ,
cure'l odd job* for her, now and then,
to do acruhhing in the pubic- ho.!
flings."—/! J'oa Tr.nrlrr.
Judge Block'* Bad Memory
The late Judge .'ere Ha. it was ve:y
cireie- in money matter* An in i
d lit i- related by one ■ h. n tun vie
friends that i* character it ic of the tie id
juris!. • Muting the titst year of Judge
Black'a career a Attorney fienetal.'
sid my in tor m vnt. ' i < frequent v.
itor at the Department of Justice. I
Wat young then as a lawyer, slid was
very gl vd to hvve an opportunity ol
listening to the conversation ol so gr. it
a lawyer a I udg* 111 at a . I hie morning
a man enterel and It.tn letl a piece of
paper to the Attorney General. 'I ear
me," he sat I, running hist! i g-os through
hi* hair, '1 thong it I It t t pit 1 tliat t
fore." 'No, sir,' said tli mm. The
Judge reached forwafd lot la>• check
taiok. hut, no! finding il at once he put
lII* hands into hi* pockets and fuiliMe-l
around for sonte change 'Ah, h ' what'"
this.' lie s<id, unfolding a paper and
comparing It will) the piper in fiont ol
him. 'You internal liar,' he exclaimed
excitedly jumping up and aei/;ng the
man by the collar, 'here is your own ri
reipt for thia hill, dated only ten dar*
ago.' The man |>erlormed a war 'lance
around the office, the Judge acting a*
chief instructor. Ill* heel* frequently \
came in contact with hi* head, lie was
filially kicked into the at reel. In look
ing through hi* de*k the Judge found
three aepernio receipt* from the man
for the *ame account. 'I twlirve that I
wa* horn to be rwmdied,' aid Judge
Black, ruefullv holding up the retoip
Startling Probabiii iex
It i* esti ualetl that the United State*
will c nttin 150,000.000 |*op|e fifty
yean hence. The natural increase of
population, as judged bg the tahlea of
ttie pa*t, in conjunction wtb the *wel
ling title of immigration from Kur- |>e,
will acomplish this marvel of national
growth. When luiure hiioiian* record
the fact that the Annrican cnlo ie*. 3, !
000,000 people, developed into a Uvs> ub
lie of 160000.000 io a century and a
half, it will read like a tale of ihe' Ara
t'ian Night*." Rome at ita zenith had;
no *uch a population, nor one *o homo
geneoua in language, apirit, intelligence
and a*piration. Thia will be the might
iest Republic of all hiatory. Figure*
alone fail to convey an adequate idea of
Ita probable vanities* and |ower. Ita
population will be equal to that of the
German Empire, F ranee. S,i*in. Belgium,
Hwitterlaiol, Italy and Austria combin
ed. It will be a match in war lor the
whole of Europe, or lor any other quar
ter of the globe. In ibe achievements
of peace its promiaes to exceed any na
tion extant, or that ever rose to wealth
and ipendor.— I'kirnjo /nln-Qctmn.
Giar*aiao.*r, u> MO than reality, make*
Hi*o happy, ami can make them wretch- 1
ad. |
The Mormon Question
Jlawmiximfafk a* un./ ttpMemt - (As WteA I
f \immmiionrrf.
WaaillMhToN, ' hrtoher dli. 'lhe I tali
Gomiuisaioiiei*, in their second annual j
report, Hubiiiiltod to day to the Secre
lary ol the Interior, say thai "a tn-tr
riage law enacted t'V < .ingrer" -.voirld t>e
all efficient nuxllliary ill the "Oppression
of polygiimy. It is asserted and g'-ner
ally believed by rion-Murniori* in this
I'erriiorv that plural m-rii-'ge i* siill
practiced h<*i, in seciel. We would
recommend that •' ingress eliact a law
declaring all future mariiages in tills
Territory m'll and void unle-a they re
con 11tn'ied and evidenced in such a
manner as hull he provided bv tlie
The Commissioner* Hl*- *iitiffe| that.
| OWitlg to the peculiar stHle of nil 'ir in
j Utah, the Termors! law of woman *uf
I tragi' I* ivti obstruction to the -peedv
! solution "! iho Vexed que-tion ol pi
i lygamy
••It has been asserted' I It" report
'continues, "that polygamic marriages .
; have increased since the pass ge ol
I lite 'Klmunda Act . on 'ihe con
nary, we ln.vr the iq inion "f msny
1 M -rmons and run Moriuon* that they
have comparatively decreased -mco t •
, passage of the *iud i. i v't'-r tliiligenl
] inquiry We believe the latler col. -uvion
to lie corrsct. But the I'i ih 1.-*g *la
lure will havethe opporttilniyof *m-'y
ing thecountry on this particular sulj'd
! by passing such n public marnag" act a- j
that which we have suggested to ('-til
grt—s. By ihiaand sucli other legist*
11 n as we haV • indi aled I lie, will g v
lbs G ivernnjent assurance ol floor loy
alty ind patriotism, an-l avert a con- |
' test ihvl ca i i not hut re-uit in the,r dis
King Alcohol's Sway in EnglauJ.
To gel a |U*t ids* of the client of
King Alcohol'* away m this realm, vonr
frailer should see and stily G.-Orge
('ruik-h*nk's pvtniuig -f ihe \ .tion*|
'ivllerv on ' I lie Drinking Custom of
Sa-iety." The picture there diawn
11 ares ihe I. urn an he i rig from ' l.r i ra-lle
to the grave, >nd reveal* him in all the
vaiiou* soi -al vri'l foisiin-ss r--lsli**n n
life, if not with a glass „ h:< hrnd.al
ieal With tue Opp* r l Ull I tie* f-r llltoai'
r-vl.ng fel|s-hoier t wiihiri i vr reach
•"i il k-hilik • tn as: erp • i ' i- a '-II won h)
of Stodv • • . iv lisa V tl, i( arl. I>UI
living and even •- ij -I interest attsch
In ,t t'olll the t t ' .at It Is s-|-|iy true
i lie {atnilv domesjic, :n negotiating for
a place, in pi res * Cvrrtnily alter ttie
dsiiv qurn tin of Is-t-r allowed a" al*-uv '
ttie wg.-s, winie m high* r file ihe prac (
I .e n| di iiking is MI generally Itldulg
ed, and up to •( i.' recs-otlv was canted
io *ucu ei e#s, t ii is not long since
the ro mien. *iy ol speaking of one |
much i he wins*! Inr liquor wa to re mark
l Ism I h<* ws "as drunk a* a lor I.
W lii n a vis 11 is to lie o a In igbl>or < r
Irirlld, the lirsl t lUtlesy ex ten fed is Io I
art out the decanters, i r to l.ritig n
pitcher o! ale or etoot Irom the cellar. .
at; t wise betide the reputation h>r ho*
piialtty of those who neglect tins frin
nf welcome. In business the toddy ot
g a-io' hilts rs prepare* the wsv fur a. '
in oil very t/srgain, and another drink :
sea!" the Irstisaclion. The SVerige I
Kngllsbrnan must have lII* first sip about -
lU o'clock in the morning, when he i
take* his lunch. Then the dinner an<l
supper must fa- washed ilown, and "a
ter IS out ol the question.
The women of England drink a* gen
erally aa the men, and with as little
conception that mere is anv harm in *o
| d"ing. I o see ladle* ol refill-mmi r< •
gal- ihem-elve from brand) fla-k- while
traveling on the Irstn* is a S gill that
sorprisea only *t rang-r, a aii-l liiou* vii-ls
-t the 111--St respectable ol lls ie six do
nm scruple to aland w illi t heir husl>an<l
at the public house bar. and even to
; ake their children to these places.
A r* "ti 4Uiri.**l Aiftii ftntl |
i b% m aifli r 1I)<J an*! •*! wf ff
i 'lti| t-th > If a*, end at ant got a Mil# *f !
Ma* HiMV't'i gtfttr r>t CitiHrii
Tirm It* i* inckl' aUbi*. It ill rI• t
tha p>f *itl la Itfffvfff tW Q| *v It*
| m thavo iha-va Uno niwl%ka •N>it It. It rqr# 4>t
, tmtj anl trrh***a. thaal'marh Md Uo
•la, rtiraa iiv4rottr, aottwtt* th# jjutl*. Mw** Jtl
famtnatt<>fi qnil ftlM U> tha
ovotant Mu tAiau> t fo*T*o I'Mit^*
a TtHTSHXv i | lww*r>t lb* U*t. anH la Ika !*•
arrij'tion of *>fv> of tho oMrrt tfid M •*!
; <*!*•• ld rturas-a in thw UM an l to ft* a*l*
jby oil dragfUta tkfi>nglvt lb# ld. Prica 'i- f aoto
i i t*oti. M*iy
Swayn-R'x PIIIM -Comfarttos to the
Thousands die fr-un neglect to prof-rly
treat I in| ore tllo<|, C-'H'tipatten, Dys
pepsia, Malaria. A|"plaiy, Liver, Kidney,
11-' art Ih*-iaw*~Dropsy, and Rheumaltsin.
Hit to the debilitate,), burJelied with sUeh
seri-iu* sickness, are anseienl|ously re
c<iinin-nd ".HWAYNK'B PILLV' whu-h
Contain medh-tnal prvrjiertlti* jesse**.a| hv
no other remedy. Hent by mail for 116
cent*. t><>* "f 30 pills; 6 boxes, $l. (in
•tamp-) A'l'freas, DK BWAYNK A
BGN, I'hilsdelphin, Pa. Sold by Drug
gist*. (5 Ply.
w Vf a uHl'uuinrx,
Ne * Br." Vstb iir Best. £
3 *ll Ik* iraadart Wssl XsWlrlass fre. 5
S srflelV-as sn-l rami I? Beeipsa aerarsMj r
■ prsfarsd. rraams.Bheatds* Brace*.*♦., Or
IS * ll
/■'ii niture.
Bull I )<>g Wins,
uj- jo
Nobody but A Fool Be
lieves Advertisements.
ol jo
It i.i'nt 'rue that It. It. SIWNfjLKR
A '" , oil Ft P.Mrt'HK IreloW Cost,
nithoiigh they have said no more
than once. Hut It. IS. Spanglei
V (.'•. iki a<-|| nil kind* and
style* of iln- la-st Furniture
at an AHVAV V. of a
small |e-r cent wliich
jttal give* the firm
a*ulßc i e o t
amount of mon
ey fo pay
Witch hills
H it- 1 cloth*
ing, not "lie
cent tteyuni thin.
Now some fool will
suy that's a lie. Hut
v.e refer to our Iroanlu g
h"U* MII'I wash woman.
We liav no family HIPI could
not keep any if we hx-l. Wo
Bell so i nr. VP mid CLOBK
I that vvi- nev-r exiea-t to make
any more than what we have at present.
0 0
• Wf Sell a Walnut Suit for
533 and up to SISO.
• * •*•♦..*•.
We seh an a i m j-i iuil
for S?3 50.
We sell sclid Walnut
Busk Cits with plate
glass fs: $32.
We s?ll LOUN2ES from
S3 to $2O.
We sell Side Boards \ \
i from $9 to 40.
We sell Chairs from S4 per
ha"f doren to $lO.
We sell Cain Chairs
from $5 to $2l.
• a
We sell Parlor Suits from:
:$4O up to $l5O.
Call to aee u at our Furniture
Ware Room np|i*iie the Hush House,
Bellefoute, ami if you ain't pleased we
will piewent yon with a PAKLOR
Itching Piloi Sympton* and Cure.
I h- yni|)luiii re iiM.iatuie, lik*- per
!<•>, iiiirtiKM lliliii.g, lih rea.etl , 1
•cmiming vi'ij •ll.tremiiig, |<nritrulr>
ly at flight, '*• Ilia no it |.||| Will iiio Moi
T"* li"K !'• li'l about I In- reeluin ;11 ii
private pari# ro anmetim** aliened,
11 allowed in n,,ge very r !
•uli> f'llli.n. "SWA YSK'.-UIN I MKNT
i- . pleaaaiil, mil i- A l.u for loiter
I toll. Hall kill Ulll. Scnlil 11 end Kit elpO
•no |,.| tier- hell, I'.Jul 111 heo, nil *'*aly
•ruol) Skill lli.ea.e.. Me ||9 t,y llii.ll for
•Vl c „le; 3 t...*e. II J', .Infill., j.
A11.1re... 111. SWA Y.N K A MIS, Pi.u*.
•|el|i|lln. Pa. Sold |,| Drug.iala. aly
GhSI.HAI. I.vs Ulnl I UMMI-.|(|N Agt.
iii lleliilite, |'h.
Ofß e- |ti liw.k Am elf f ,
| I llf lulluWlUg I 'iltipui.R n J. jiicm.au t, ;
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U""* Pbil.llel.ibl.,
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W"Tnaa Tomato.
Cok.hk.ti.it Hartford.
Fka-i Ki.i.R. l.irr. \ A.. .n. HartfordJ
nwi utb^r*.
The rommiiMon bmnrh .) m\ bu.iie
i- r-remi.g mi .tier,,,. i>r..,n-rtie
• 'III tn L'le.'J advantage, a. I l.ate fai lli
urn fi.r dl'ti mug .if hnu-e., land., eU , oh
• (je'.icr kfi'| fnfT'D*
| >i:nnsyi YAMA
FM #rm urj.ft. tap tmltr 12. !fcfc3
Till# If ti i a* ■A if. ' l. f !h U ef I-oac
ful Mltfcfol a;**t* ? u* er.tire A'lrgLn.t
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I AMOlihi'H "kf*e ff ur Vuri
full Me tiff O if*. of f',K it legj*
t Tte t 41- rtF I'VA Ut.CM kr h.* !!•'• jr*r#
eert, f . !<•• r>;• the ft *| ■ ■ t*r* of the fcomti
|r <V.tiree „ A'lHK'l (Tilth (t/ NAlt KAL
IllPfillV ' < lIKMINTKY A*tHIJYs!CP, {4/
t h ft pf'fj 1 A I. < ft K*l. IB At rr*ltc *•
A ilit.ft IPM I Al(OI m (lirn.iti,t
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tfilitarj 'i'i'l ♦ rjii ffur U'4 ltd
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• t'M'l' f Ind} frtti' ial
lif I Ul *• r i-tb.-r it i to.nil n'ldre#*
Gt * ATII RTOV !>•.! art.
tVA * 00. ft
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SINGER MACHINE ever offered the public.
The n'ar-ee rTif tryfeee. |g f,/ r. I* yW ' <
the ft>] e ||| h •' oi r l l 1 rf the trtj I • |re
UetnemUr rdul. t nek <• If. | uM.I J •
h r nre n < |e Bi l.tne After h tfig tb-.i.>J it,
jf it ikR a. I • r rt|*er . feluis I' |. fee l tTOf
et[#riv Con Hill jemr I- in. *.r<l rat >•(*, of
Ur tirruimr* m-4 i.4a A
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Ko 17 N Tat. hr, ri.l.n4eljhui, Ta
findrn ,M! ,tf# •••** *• * s u -
II fik ] I ;•*• i • •• r i tt* HA
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. reijiiliel W ill fwi ii|h wi etef) 11 11 g >H -ii> lie
oakii It f rino UdN tumk> • imerli m feiet,
• * • •fJ a'Tte ffiek* great Keedn if
tiii.na •! eht h|• • i* t ■ le cf*al Ja t alt the
1 iitue, ri(r for t*'tl'bUre In N II At LI ft A . I'utt
• 4 Mine Ml If
/liimiir.* (.nrila.
V ■ ttt<iet Vi al > *ll .nl H^nk.
•ttiohkluM Ha.
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In t*rutan • >ea kiwi
BKI.LKIUM k. HA l-lf
tacaiee #e|oa|t®
A fd AI )*• i a tara#t,
Ifinrunni Notn*;
Hut and
Oot AernHtlea,
tit id and C< op©n#
itin A Mitu,Preldel.
i- t* fnmtttT t aahle-r 4 tf
h C. 19111, PmH. At ntaaie i aeh'r.
tllegh.lM t IU 1M..11, r% 4 If
Si • nrrlltl nrnii*
ta row orrcaiKe
IMaiu or Fancy i'riiiting.
We have unuauel fecililtn* for printiaf
MTOrder* by mall will receive prompt
Mr Printing done In the beet etyln, on
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