Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 08, 1883, Image 4

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    flit Crntte grmocmt.
- mrn •
liah! tifrry rhum4> morning,M B#llrK>aU,(itr
county, PA.
TKKK.I-('Mbln dranr Si L0
It nut pold in dvur. ............. UOO
A LIVK PAPKK—tlavoUtl Co Ihe lntr*u of ih
wfcotn |MHpU.
t'y uit-ata in*d within thr** month* will ho cm>u
■ J*' - I la adrauca.
*. , !*pr wilt o Jlarontlauad antil arrtaragcaara
uai'l cacapt at option •! |iab!lahar#
'*tara £oinf|out of thacouoty iruat l a paid for In
Aoytraon procuring ua trncaah acbacrlbara will
* aant a copy fraaof rharga.
Our •ataualtf ciKßlatli u uiakaa tin- i*apar an an
ally raliat lr an t }imaiahl uiaditim lor aurartlotiiM
Wa bara taoatampla f*<<ilttl' for JOtl HOHK
*u<l mtm jr prd to print all kluda of Hook*. Tracts
I'rogrmtaaiva,l'artwi.OoiumnrcUiprinting, Ac ,In h
fla*t t jrU and at thr loMt poaalhl*- rain
\lladaarttaamaula lor lkntbra montt*
.0 fnta par Una for tha flrt thraa and A
cmiu a Una for aa< h additional Insertion. fipoclal
ooClcaa ooa-halt Bora.
C.liiortal n -tica. |A ranta par Una.
foicai ioTlca,n "Ca• olUßina. lOcantapar Una
A HharaMlaiouut la mada to paraon- ailaartlainy h>
H*> qnartar, half year, or yaar, aa follows:
* <*i -
•r*caoocrriiD. 0 0 ;*5
ill 5
• na in. h (<*r I.' Ifßaa tliU typa) 4 |*U
Tay ••• 7 I I I*'
,'hraa Inchaa. I'M I ' '
*4 lartar column r Iti- haa ?•*
Half tv ]• u .a r • in* It - .* i'\ A
•hi . , illlßt* . t ■ I *
*' :• rn i I artl"' n r : 'v t I— j • 1 r I • fore f
• uficap •• • . • ' wba tiftlf*)
uvii<aii>>iii'luv ' - • icqU.frtl
v utlOAi s•. 11 ' • i.i +%•-h ioMrtioti
1 ''M'ncnaart.-.'! tLan raota.
•I-. <IXP* Ntrrtra* haadlt'r.alcolUßOa I cant'
i-r lina.aa laaartiuo.
Nutinnul News
Washington - , October 30. —The com
missioner* appointed under the anti
polygamy act in their second annual re
port quote the recent act of congress
and say : "It will thus be seen that the
duties of this commission appertain
only to mutter* of registration and elec
lion and eligibility to office, while the
punishment of the crime of polygamy
is left, as under the former law, to the
court* of justice." After refering to
their effort* to curry out the law and to
the opposition thereto, especially by
the elder Mormon* they s*y " as to ll.e
declared objects of the act of congre.s
a* therein set forth, so far s* appertain,
to our duties, St is not denied that th.
opera ion of the act ba* been eminent
ly successful , that is to say, the jmlyg*
mists have all been excluded from the
polls and from eligibility to office. Con
sidering that during the twenty year,
since the ami j>olyganay set of I*6'.!
was passed the (lenallte* of that law
Uae been enforced against not exceed
ing three persons, it would seem that in
the enforcement of the present la*
against some twelve thousand polyp,
miau, who bare been excluded from tb
polls, it must justly fie regarded thai
the act has been fully <nd successfully ,
executed. Reforo passing from the
topic we deem it proper to observe that
no person well informed with regard to
Utah affairs could reasonably have ex
pected at the passage of the act that
there would be an immediate change it.
the political situition nor that it woulu
cause an immediate effect in destroying
the practice of yolygamy but the act
must necessarily have a strong influence
in that direotion. The very existence
of the law disfranchising the pnlyga
mist* must tend to destroy that intlu
cure whenever it is understood that tin.
h to be a permanent discrimination.
Those Mormons who have ballot* will,
after a time, be conscious of |*>wei
which they will be unwilling to use for
ever at the bidding of those who have
it not. The fact also is that it will be
necessary to the preservation of the
political influence of the people's party
(* the Mormons style themselves) to
have a large body of their members who
are not |>olygamista must tend in time
to weaken the practice of polygamy,
tor every married Mormon who take,
but one plural wife loaes three votes for
his party—bis own and those of hi* two
wives (woman autfrage being establish
od by law in Ulab). Another consider
ation, already adverted to, the influence
upon the young men and rising gener.
ation is entitled to great weight. See
ing all the office* of honor, trust sod
profit, such as delegate to congress,
members of the legislative assembly,
probate judges, clerks of the county
courU, sheriffs and others, many of
tbem quite lucrative, held by monoga
tnist* while polygamisU are wholly ex
eluded, the aspiring young men of the
territory would prevent an anomaly in
human nature if they should fail to be
strongly influenced against going into a
relation which thus subjects tliem to
political ostracism and fixes upon them
the stigma of moral turpitude. '
DirnciLTA or tii situatiow.
The difficulty of the situation can he
better understood from the fact that
among the orthodox Mormon* of Utah
polygamy i* a part of their religiou* faith,
and while but a small per coot, of tbe
whole adult Mormon population have
actually entered into polygamic relatioo.
yet all faithful believe io it a* a divine
revelation. Tbe right of congreaa to
eu ( preaa this greet evil is undoubted.
It is equally plain that tbe dignity and
good ifame of this great government,
among the natinji*of theeartb,demand
* such congre*aional action as shall ef
factually eliminate Ibis national dis
grace. If the member* of the present
. 'eg' stature, all of whom nre Mormons,
bit none of whom livo in polygamy,
and which convenes in .lanuary neat,
fail to adopt measure in conformity with
the act of I SSJ for the suppression of
polygamy, this commiifion will bo pre
pared to recommend, aud congreaa will
certainly not dolay the adoption of the
most stringent measure* compatible
* with the limitations of the con*iiiniion
11 that nioy he considered neresssry for
'• the suppression of this great evil, in
* regard to the law of the territory con
ferring on women tho right of suffrage,
m the commissioners say, without expres
* sing any opinion on the quenlion of
women suffrage in general, we are satis
fied that, owing to the peculiar statu of
' affairs in Utah, this law is an obslrtio
tion to the speedy solution of the "vex
od question. ' The report, in conclu
, s on. says : "It hn* been asserted tha'
pilvgaiiiic marriages burn increased >
since the passage of tbe Kdinund* act. |
<>n lite contrary, wo have the opinion j
of many Mormon* and non Mormons
that they have comparatively decreas
ed ; and after diligent inquiry we be
lieve the latter conclusion is correct."
Suing Mr. Ileusel.
HsAbronD, I'a .November 2.— Just be
fere leaving his hotel to attend a Item
• K-ralic meeting here to-night the sher
tl served upon Chairman W. U. ilensel
a summons in a suit brought in tin.
county by fietectivo I'.. .1. Wilmolh to
recover the >lik*l reward offered last i
ear by the ltemocratic Sute Com
mi I lee.
With regard to the suit brought
igainst him i 'hairmsn llnnsel says the
tacts are that la*t year poaters were put '
up over the State off •. ing. in the name
of tho Democratic Slate Chairman, re
ward* tor the conviction of person,
guilty of violating the statute* again.t
•nbery nnd corruption in the use ot won j
| >-y at elections. \\ illmotb got several of
ins associate, to come on here from
Buffalo; tbey represented themselv,*
as Republicans to a local tax collector
>f that party and induced him to give
them ante-dated tax receipt*. A* soon
as Wilmolh got one :*ued to himself in
ibe name ol E. T. Johnson be arresied
be lax collector, who was indicted and
flead guilty, but has never been pun' !
.shed Wiimoth claimed frIOOOoI Hen
■•I, who declined to pay it, maintaining
, that the offense was not covered by the
•ffer of the Sute Committee; that the
I tax collector had never t>een punished ;
' that he suspected collusion between the
oarties, and that the whole scheme sn<
; * game of money making detectives
wbodid not discover any elctiou frauds,
out simply set up the <<>b to t>eat liie
committee out of the reward. As soon
*a be crossed the New \ork line on his
way from brie via >alamanca to 'lay he
w*. met by Wilmolh with the writ. In
his speech to night, alluding jocularly
to the affair, ilensel said the Bradford
jw-ople were so hospitable that be w
I dways glad to have an invitation to
visit McKean county, even if it came
trom a Deputy Sheriff and wss returns
nln to early as the fourth Monday ol
Ths New York 7S'<ane concede* that
the Democrats arc sure ol 1.'3 electoral
voles next year, and only need IH more
to elect their candidate. By some re
markahle process it make* out that the
Republicans are "reasonably sure" ol j
151 electoral votes. Connecticut and
New Hampshire are. it seem* front this.
' reasonably *uro" Republican Males
Rut the 7ViAunv admits that there are
seven states which may be called doubt,
ful ; California, H elector* ; Co.orado, 3; ;
Indiana, 15 ; Nevada. 3 ; New Jersey, 'J,
New York, 36. and Uuio i! 3. Well, it I* ,
natural for man to indulge in the tllu
•ions of hope, and the Republicans
1 stand in need of such consolation as
i they can get ; but if they really expect
> that the l>emocraU won't get at least
' 4S votes out of these doubtful states,
' they are destined to be more surprised
than the Republican* were after tbey
heard of the result of theOoio election.
' A* a matter of fact, the Democrats are ;
1 sure of more then 153 electoral votes
1 ; sad the Republican* are sure of being
1 ! comprehensively beaten.
i fiENESAL Nhebnan haa received house*
and other present* worth 950,(KM) since
he became General ol the Army, exclu
siva of the $40,000 worth of diamonds
t given by tbe Kuedive to Mrs. Fitch,
and since divided among the General s
, daughters. For the post fifteen year*
> he has been paid 917,500 a year, and be
* will draw this salary until bta death
, Oh, bow he ought to lota bit country I
The best breed uf cattle la tbe ona
which answer* our purpose the beat;
I sometimes natives meet this require
, i tnent better than other*.
The Civil Service Humpled.
Q >J. Young i# Col lector of Kevenue in
the Fourth North Carotin* district; E.
K. Dudley w.ot * deputy under hint ; J.
K. Hilars is u congrrmniNn plaot from
that elate. Ho WHH "beted hy the Ad
tuiniairation and in barmony with it*
peculiar |>olicy—the poliry illuatrated
by the support of Cach in South Cnro
Una and Chalmers in Mississippi. A
, few day* iigo Ml. Dudley received a let
ter from liia superior, Collector Young
of which ttie following ia thw rnoat tun |
lerisl portion
"Hon. .1. I". o.Hara baejust heen to
i nee me and iuni*in on your removal. I j
! hope you and your IriemU will appreci i
j iite ruy poriiion mid tin- partiality I
i have afinwn yon *> retention an l(lll|!
I against the demand and wi-li ol our M. I
it will he observed that no complaint
j IN made of any luck of capacity or fide!
j ity. Tbo Collector coolly l.ebeada the
| deputy for no other iei- u than that
lua bead ia demanded ny <'Tiara. 'l'he
j removed deputy be* wultrli a long lei
i ter to the Collectol, in which lie ruy*
I n the last pnlitj< l eotnpaign, u> n-u
al, a convention of the li-putdican pat
i v assemMed al Wilson, N rlli Carolina,
in thia Congressional li*lnct, for iliei
jpurpose ol nominal ing u candidate for'
'J.ingre**, and while si.id Oonvenl ion I
Wi.a in aeaaion a mol> t<Mit; charge ol
i that t.ody and proclaimed Mr. O'llar
! ita nominee, fie being a man of nolo
j r.oua public record, I did n i support ur
vote for him.
i The beheaded of!i ai furlb r remark* >
I to the collector
You ask me t<> "pie**#' work up all
Unfinished bil.ine*i by November I "
My otlice i* in order, and my work up !
j it the clnee of hinunc** <>l each <iav
j Unlike yourself; your I urinex* i tup
for the tnontli of September, for your ;
1 deputiea have not iieeii pud off ye .
| No.williatandinit. you have "kept tin
• O long" again*! the demamta HII.I WI-II
ol "our 1/. ('" (three uiotilh*,) you l.aVe
not paid me for near two month* *ev.-n
' more dantnu will owe me >wo mouth*
• alary September nti'l i i.'tnler, I
have rlrven in lamilv to provide for :
I iho Government sent >ou tue money .
" 'lie la-I dav of Aug.ist in pay lor Sept
| What do you do with tot money ol
' your deuutiea
Mr. Dudley *do ray* in hi* letter
I *ll*ll aetnl the I'rest. l*n I of tile I'hi
I ted Siate* a c tpy r.f our letter to me.
'hat lie may *•• what ktr.d of civil scr
vice reform one o| In* collector* ha* in
motion imiinn in* dei.utie* m the
i "old N->rin Stale," and nil tiougli tour
, Utter i* marked "IVrwin*!," yet f fe*l ;
I it my duty, for the **ke of civil • rvic
■ reform, to have avid letter published
' that tile good people of the atate and
1 country may read it* contnta in full.
i If tin* cae were $■ xceiilional it would
■ I
not he deemed worthy of .penal notice
■ n our column*, but * it turniahea a
lair il'u-tration of the manner ;n which
the Civil aervice i* managed in the
•Siuth—eajie. i*ily in HIIMA STATE* which 1
the AdminiPtration hope* to capture by
it* coalition d.algw -it (fiotlld l>i given
wi Je publicity.
It i* jiO'*it.ie for th* Administration
to buy the up|>orl of purchasable men i
hut in ao doing it must iro-vitaMv lo*e I
the reajieet of goorl rmem in all part*
of the country.— M '.ukirjUtn J' u .
How Ibe Mint I* Guarded
"It would not l>e healthy for a burglar '
to attempt any ol h * trtcka about the j
Mint," <Mid Colonel A. I.oudon Sn>a
den yesterday. "Ala>ul year ago I
cau*e I all tho mu*ket to IT changed I
to repenting rifle* and aeven hot c*r
tunea that are darling*. Our outaide
watchmen who patrol the *treet* almiit
th" place are well aupplied with fire
arm*. In fact, they are walking aiae
nat*. We can readily arm every per
•on in the building who can handle a
pistol or a gun. There i* no trouble
apprehended that I know o*. and I can
not divine why the Secretary of the
i f'rraury h* ordered Catling gnn* and
I carbine* for the mint*. I have not re
quested anv. because we are sufficiently
armed. At thi* time there are being
turned out over a million of tan lard
dollar* each month, and we frequently j
: have $! j.000.000 in tlver in the vau l. j
Hut it wuuld take a little army Willi
.Canon* to gel at it.''— Pfii/adt(pkut tit \
I cord.
A Latum Sanaa M*< IHNIS. —The Wil (
: tiling..oi Star *aya the greatest triumph
ol inventive genius since the invention
i of the on ton gin ha* been scoured hy
| < 'h*ilo T. Mason, Jr., n nativeol Sump
ter, South Carolina. It ia the perfecting
of a cotton picking machine, and tl will
do the work of the human fingers.
Hetealter cotton iii the fields can he
gathered eaaily without the negro'*
help. Tbe patent is owned by ■"
Charleston company. A teal waa made
ot tbe machine near Sutuler a few day*
ago in tbe presence of a number or per
•una, and although the cotton was very
wet troni tbe long spell of wet weather,
and had been open and ready lor pick
inglully six weeks, tbe machine, which
was operated by one horse and one
man, harvested rot ton at the rate of
titer 21 Hi pounds an hour, wlilcb would
be al tbe rale of 2 000 |W>utids a wot king
day ol ten bnura. Mr. Maon ia tiy no
mean* satisfied witb the present work
ing capacity ol tbe machine, and change*
are now being made which it is believ
ed will incr*aee Its capacity to about
4,000 pounds of seed cotton a day, of
three bales of lint.
Loudon's Excitement.
A Outrage in an V'ndrrf/roumi .
LONDON, OctoberVl.—Tho excitement j
over the explosions in the underground ,
railway last evening 111 very great. A (
large nuuit.er ol police a ere on duty ell
iiigtil at the varum* stations and guard
ing tbe line. A heavy lorce w* alio
employed in watching tue ll.>u* ot
I'al li.in.nl arid other punlu- buddings. ,
Workmen have been engaged all night
lat lit.lad street station, removing the
1 'leliri*. Twenty eiglit pel son* who were
j injured l.y me explosion were tukeu to ,
j Hie hosptlai. 1 ..ur ol them aie aeiioua'
! ly hurt, but are expected to recovei- I
I In- other* were able to go to their J
Homes during il.e night. Ali available .
d.-lecuve* itre engaged in searching fir
the purpelrnlci* ol the 1.-rtible on I
1.0.Ma1N,1.-toh'-r .11 —The excitement
Is uililbatex collCfl llllig till* "IpioSIOUS.
All day l.o> a lIMVO been . lying specials 1
witli the "latest i.nw* ol tliu great I - • j
tnan outrage," Londoner* aro tinani
inous in putting Hie blame on the Iri.h
Nationalist*. Ttie .Si. ./■)..■ liauttc
'The culprit* will he found among j
the Irish patriot* and the instrument* I
1 will bo found to iiave been imported
troiu the United Stales.
.Mr. 1' ivitl * le.'ture in.-re**.-* tLe so*- i
pi I iob. He said "the buttle must ho j
| lought in i.nglan-i, arid lought it wi!l
j surely lie. '
As nt the lira" ol tho Tl.Ubnix I'a.k
murders, nnti Iri*h tlir.-at* are mutter ]
jed 111 the Stre. ta. Tin* bead of the ex
plosive department of the War i iffi. e
•T.l* iloieted for hui.ra with th'ijluii.e
The tunnel* 'ir-- gu .fled bv soldier*
.ui.l police. A raretul •earch Was made \
Oil th" scene .. f the explosion at i'laed j
• treel V hole Wa 'ound in th" hrit'k ]
#..rk, not Ur,"- tin.o a tuan's bat, with ,
crumbled inaaonary Iv.r.g aUiut. There I
ere no veni Ut iii shal ta in the I unn< I. 1
therefore the explosive must t.avc ITCH
Carrie I bv fi itid or thrown Irom tl.e
window rf the train. The gas pi|T was
iw:.|*r| in; . the •aspe of a large hall .
moon. Ino telegraph wires hat.g in
lesl-M.ns along the wall.
The ol!i,,als rn all convinced that
H.e work wa di ne bv Fenian*. They
were warn* I by the jolice three months
ago that such *ri oulr> ge was rn.— iiLs*t•-<1
in America."
v r K-lward Wa k in, chairman of the
Metropolitan Ku way inspecle*l the
wreck. Handkerchiefs, hags, hat* arid
! umbrella* were found smeared with I
nlond. f here were large ( niche- of
j l.lood on the ri or* and on the broken
loors of the railway carriages. 'l'he
rubbage heap, heilig atislixed, gave
scraps of plaster of pari* and bits of roe
islic siibta(ice. Tfie (wisser.ger* de.
-crit.e how tliev "*W an inten*ely white'
light, then (ell back stunned, and were i
carried tt.rough the tunnel bruised and
t.lerding. half dead with terror. There
i no lo the (Trpelrators of the our
rage. All the detective* are busy. Tbe
, haunts of Iri-h Nationalists ar<> closely
; watched. A sott of pame reigns in
j I/<M.don.
Investigation* made hy scientific ad
j user* to the War Department has-e le*l
lo the conclusion that nitroglycerin*- ]
m some form was the sgent u-ed is |
both esses. All the persons injured ;
w.-re in the last two carriage* of the ,
irain, and it is now known that of tbe
l hirty wounded person* who were ta
ken to Nt. Mary's Hospital, four are se
riously hurl, but, having (.eased e favor
able night, are expected to recover.
The other# were able to go to their
homes during the night. There is now
no doubt there were a greater numter
of people wounded than at tir.i *u|
po*e<l. a large number having been at
tended hy private surgeon*.
General Sherman Krllrrt.
I COMMAND or Tits AMM r ta *\*rsxit th TO
J WASIIINOSON, Novemlier I.—The for
] mal transfer of the command of the
army from General W. f, Sherman to
Lieutenant General P. 11. Sheridan took
place at noon to-day, at the headquar
ter# of the army, in the War Depart
, ment building. General Sheridan sjent
the forenoon in making himself so
quainted with the business ol tbe office.
Shortly before 12 o'clock tbe two
highest official* of the army railed on
the Secretary of War—General Sherman
to take official leave and General Sber
idan lo report for duty. The transfer
was arc* mpliahed quietly and without
any ceremony whatever beyond the ia
suance of general orders notifying lb#
army ol tbe change of onraimanders.
In hi# final report General Sherman
advisee Cingrea* to adapt the system of
post* to conform lo the leoent railroad
devrlo ment in lb* far Weal ; urge*ex
tra compensation to the soldier* for ex-
Ira work outside of strictly military
duly ; believe* Congress should tuakw
provision for the transfer ol regiments
from remote station* to home station*
after a reasonable period of aerrire, and
renew* lotmsr rect-tnendation# forar*.
organisation of lb army.
I liHiikxKltliiK I'rorlHmatloM*
A I>ay Af>fjintriJ in f7. .<-4 /„ ftjfrr Tfutnkt
to tKr. .Su/nfmr Jluler.
Wt*i(i %\ t• v. Oct'-her '27 The I'rrai
'lent ha* iaued 1 h'- following Thank*
giving pioclarn ithm :
fty the I'rriiilentnf Ihr I/,, y, of Amfrw J.
In furtherance of the ru.totn of 11 in I
people mi the ( toning of njrh ynr to
engige, u|M,n m <l* act u| in lor (list
purport, in a apecml festival of praite to
the II vi*r of all good, I, (.'heater A Ar
tbur, I'ie.ident 01 the I nited Slate*, 'lo
hereby dr*iguate Thursday, the 20 h
•I ly of Nor ember next, a* a day of na
1 tional thank .giving.
'1 be year which i (flawing lo an end |
i li> been replete wnh evidence* of !> j
tine goodne**. The prevalence ot
health, the fulneia ol the hrirveat*. the i
-lability ol peace and order, the growth
of fraternal feeling, the rpread of intel i
■ bgenco Hn(l learning, the continued en- |
I joyment of civil an'l religion* lil-rty, !
all then, and count lea* other Mealing*
are cnu* for reverent rejoicing.
1 do, therefore, recommend that on
' the (Jay above appointed the people real
1 from ther Rcruntnmed labor*, arid,
I 'Meeting ill ibeir aevefal place* of wet
•hip, r jtprev* their devout gratitude to j
j'iod that he hath dealth *0 bountifully 1
with thi* nation, and ptay that lliigrace
and favor abide with it forever.
In ivilriea* whereof, I hereunto et
inv band, any cauaed the *eal ol the
I'nited Mate* to l<e afliteij.
I > >tie at the city ot Wellington thi*
'2f>t h day of October, in llie year of our
I, .rd one thousand eigtit hundred and
eighty three, arid :n the Independence
j it the Culled State* the one hundred
and eighth. By the l're-idrnt,
CiiMTra A. A*TUI *.
I i- 'arnici 1. T. FariiM.ui r*rs.
M-rretarv of Mate.
fraudulent l-and I'ateut* t ancelled.
ItiNVtk. Col., November J.—'l be IT.i
-! Ed Mate* lit* brought auil lo the C r
1 cuit Court to cancel *i*ty one patent*
to land* held t-v the' dorado 1 -oa I and
Iron Company and other* in I-oa Am
ma* county. I*he p*tnl were obtain
ed ibr 'Ugh the I're emptioo U* be
I tween l*Tl)Mrid |a74, an<l were 1 *ut-d
i Irotn the i'uehlo Land < 'tfioe. it w*
afleiward clicovered that the patent*
iiM I been iiregularly obtained, the pa
teiitee* lieiug HctlCloU* |>eroti*. Iell
ninny * 1111 roduc.ed in almw that the
1 Ileamer and H*-wtver of the L*nd <tf
ti,-e were partte* to the Iraud. The tie
1 iene claimed that tlie deed* were now
good. graining that Ibey were fraudu-
Ilently ot'tairied. because they are now
in the baud* of innocen pirtiea. Judge
! M'Oary. 111 liideciion Ic* day h•• il ad
veraly, an'f rendered a decinon in lavor
of the crnplwioant, winch cancela the
title ol 2W' acrea ol Valuable I an'f.
A Miracle
Whenever there i* an eitraordinary
occurrence —■ lc*ni lUliiovera child
I without burling it ; a mechanic falla
j irotn a third *tory window, and in a
I auelt after he i* at work again, we are
1 wont to c*claim. "what miracle !"
j Sl. when Mr*. T. S. Krerline, then of
I A iegheny City. Pa., had been ick with
conaumption for a very long time, had
' been told by veveral of the beat phyai
i .-ian* of that citv that her time w *
I out for < few h'tura. that "die mut dte,
md when f'Ut the u*e ot hut one bottle
>f f'rrvnn in a week * litne placed her
j on her leet again and made her the
! I|erlieat eater of the family, all the
I people amund, a* with one rej tiring
'voice emclumed, "What a won
ler'ul miracle!' See page 30 of the
• |II- of Lde " Your Druggiit will give
you one grati*. 43-2t.
• t iFoa IH; ?RP.¥AN[NR CUKE cr
' H Ko**Uwro #%' • > rr*T*.'#r lin Ihi* <
r . . , * ' t ? '' .
I* r* M f Tf>J Illda*/-Wrrt m •
" ( VT. after rlfc# l* -#rr(*..*#
iu V*, 1...# rTrOu-®ll. I
i nG * rTQ TJLU EUlroMtAff
•>' k' § is T9TT Cp% to b#
~ ."fri ru .xi #iCico .iguion. R.i!- f -Wdrt,
e... .*7(r ftßft^Ttjft,
1/ > * -;f y ,*i haw- v f V .M tro'.o' •
prpl.TcT ■JTTI USE i bruntste Uut'
t tvi fi |Lw -wyy m v ;'■*' 1 f
MJ(mCE. —ln the matter of the ee
i ' ff n X of !>• twrnogh of
E#| lofooto | n lb* <n.bavt' of i*ntc
>\J, th" I| |.nt*wn- 111 lo lb td"o ..f >i4 | H.
W*l I*r 10, M vtra K *• *trt, f*f
An ' *•'+. Af 77th. A l . IW, •i i rmteeme'ni rvo4
e l •! , nM pßHttMltfrti oMacnl i m*
(dt iai o Mh iho Arl of A mhy In mrh mam nA
alitt |f* M4. that anleai atoayihM |*a |M <r lo*
f.,ra th iU of uit u-m, the Mm* ||| t* c
flrM-4 a ÜBOIUIHj Ht tha <V*trt
I )kUU A. c or
NO r.U'K. —In the matter of the
__ tat* if Jhn Uih<b*>er. lata of Uhortj tf era
•hip *4. In lb* Or* baoa' CVvOfi *f t'aotr*onm- tf.
th apt** tha vM m l aatA J .bn Ugbt
ham* r. fnm *4. XefJ UffktktßiM. atfoa, for |M<
An-l '•, 27tb. A. D . I*l not
and confirm# I. n •*. an| MM.Uc*tt *n ontwred ta ac
r*>rrior Hh h Art of AtH-wHy In mkh r>ai nade
ami pn-rhlid. t.Het anlwa* atroptl>ai h* filr*4 m w (♦
for# th# Ar* <U ( * of #tt tar.a, thr aaa># aht he roa
ftra>#4 ata*4utrl ( v lit tkr (Vwrl.
43-31. Jam## A M CVAI*, C. 0. C.
\TOTICH—It" the matter of the ee-
L a tat* of JnkK T l"Url, Llhartt Vanulav.
a*,. *wt. |. I*. Of, a*n* (Van olO*tr- w-aaiy lb*
*i, n( lo Ibe Wi4" of Ml 1 J4ia t curb, *—
m 4 Mory ('latk l4w. a-r **<*>
And i* Au* Clk, A #. IU agftralMWi-at mad
oad naliwd. at *1 *ad ealdlcalton otd-rad la ar
o*di*w *ltb tk* (W g * wawiMy ta net raxa *ud
•ad MC"d—l. 1 bat aalM* *l"WO"a* b* *tad oa o* W
*• lb# *ri day oI avlt *ra> lb* aaa will b* •
• wa*d atwolaMr. lyluCwn
Utl Jm 4 MKXaiv, C. 0. C.
YVANTED. — A grocery ralewnten
II fev I'ealr. aad (Vadl*l4 Oo*. Ool> ib* who
bat* comaaaad .T ibaabot* OwiUw. bawd *r|<| wtlb
i (Oiaiina ♦
rco JM> A M, Wbiil*at grant*.
*o* Martb M*V
. ant*. rmiiyka.
I.l*t of Juror*.
The following travente juror* have
been drawn, *ummoiied and returned *
for the tpecial ailjnurned court to he
held in Bellelonte on the | Monday of
November next. A. I).. Ik*'};
P.rl*>, llK*i"j,- f. IMMW
J A W'rM.ai'l, II .ward, A J #('/ r^i,l . r J
J (<n.i* Jr .Un-it, *n,ill,, or-,v I
DJ M\* O.rr. • tjrtta, 'aloi, lUio, M*"oa
I> A WiiftWlaa. rt'a w ITilaoa, Mail Maae,
1 A'l ,l|'lt l*e-l, lb-llrfr,iil* KHtlali *|ya.(, p Oar,
.1 g- I'hlilial'Ufg, 11.1*,'1l. >. K*li*l'o,lp
I **w It IMb !■*, *it( m — w
. yr I/m Ok, Vr*l Wrbi-r. Half*.
I K'-'-li,epdng, II II 0.n,0, .'.01,,
Audf * (irrjrg-. r, t I j * • ria
I eUr Kei.vf fit*-, K KiUfuriii', Potl^f
V* || IUll.v ( J 1,1, tjVrll H'*.
i Til-# hf), l|#lf b'eih t>*iif#rl r < tthu
fW If ftefuel W,.. ■ -fbtMl A\Ta;.. T. ., ~ , g
J A •*"< • • I J H • l.ii
Ihrid HvrtAll.Ur* /, M 01* ci. flu , rh-#,
Juror* for regular ti rri. of '-juarler
. Se*ion* ''ouit, beginning on the fourth
Monday of November beat, J">*. a*
o*A.t II *'-*(.
) C f /fe*#r-A T urthi H 's \\ I t#r k, B', ,
W UMIUMUI. Ofogj RII * Mr |
I J A ' r #r. 11 J It .-rn.il,
J P Tftor, II••* :*, j i |v i**,. tub*.
| I' A Ce l|ef# t fwtt ti. J U • • ). t at,* t/|py
I V. Il'.d.ff)i*i . • ii', • II y . .1,
; fcllle t Mile#, I || ..i r rim • Of#**
! J IhtklrreuO lluM'dtt, - ¥ 1w1.1.y IJ.nu,
; < H y #ry pAliof, i. | J'.(,# fvttii.
J.otf M itf.o ri V* rth, *¥ C ~11 llu*f',
| W . Hli*eef Vf < e ||| t ta-f p, . ~ |;,afc 4>
* lhllrl'illA, D II IMb. VUrf'
t*rt..t it t *4—lrr •tf#
! J K Btr *TI Hu.l,. ttei.irl ll.ft-,. i:il-a,
]U A Ftfift, v% I• K v llnrrie
W VB el.nerf, H nlke-r I llartey ll y ( *
II H-.erf 111 riH. J V% e-wli'ifig H'lith,
J J llAlUltk \Nlkr Vt !.,, y, 1 it)*#l*tlf
I llehf; Pil lldini <rK-i - (. -l!*ge,
IJ fl ll . i
I 4lnilip,f#riiN>h, Hm | r
1 Mil tMaiff Riliir, J Lmilln *H * •
| Utt4 Gvufrr bUtlj, • 7 CfeHeri'h. lUiteloiU,
ll* nry K' t II |rryu#g|
jJ K l-e*fh.-r. ||• >l* %*d .1 / |/.i M-fluji.
; k'lllui i>( r#i| ll<.t ti, W J ]t, in}ott, I' -IM,
' J I HMll !• I (i . I', .all M i* Ptill.tig' UfC,
J\% Hut.kL. Ma .... ?| H' Mi If..
tA \ ' I f.k ii. 'MM „
!fc T I • .11 • II 11 -
I nhooAwn I r. J L M . •.-% HdMoaU
j Jaoul Ml ■ i •
,a H ' tmrn '4. *t #v J ll* r • H- M<*r
<#.*> •h*m.iet M.I r , I' |!H. M. , I'.t
!iN| ' h II II I • t; ' *
WU * Bam :. r'* . fibs*, f Wn, 11, !VJ ~..
II Htim, IMM * > I i ■ *i• • u
?A<rt>t ;t k #•*- . >v n
'* 1* l-ei*t r. K-,.' • N iif ',Tjhif
kA <i llei uj•> h I Dph>. 7 w®u ( Ki.'
II Iktlb'il Uii * B ,fcef I |{ i*|i*(t. 11. I - ijwbl Iw'g,
j JSfhofteitJ. B*!i f *..U M If. * * • |V Jle '*Z. #,
j 4 U UOtf'<(i#l M llil.*T, .1 M f.ii -ir| I'oltH
| llrtrt H*# H . 4 lw- hi l. i-rtj
I Htu tit (♦. . * M.'l . Mslkvr,
M I. Kui*fV I . I -ft* f. i J H '"4 i t# l' ilipat ur
J'*#r V b r- 1. H i t.'f J I *t~f lilt
I II J I'r u.( llkii-v Jll.r I J| Mil.#.
I W U Ciuaß. Itoai R f
jJ H A #ati4#t. I • JAW til Ik ;*,
j w /ifub'C" "UI tturubaj', f I |rt, j*
i J It 44 .If Mil##, Ki/'-etl | ■ t W.U r,
I'* I-'i j# , it' • f>l r, K J''r )rm** •
Imttd K-*,.. I.HeiM. ( Jf t . #t • t iafi't. IW Jiff#,
j J ' HJ ■. • e*a, M ,e.t *i J r •i • ' M
' Ma-elry f'*a*i*f < -ll* f, t| M ( * K'iti
On I'll A Ns' roUKT SALE
r f J t t, K ■ • < * ■ * * • f ' • i
j tMp, 4#l '1 Rj tl !ti .1 el. kef Itl ill t-l .f tb#
I UrfiMft'i I ■ ■ ' ■ tn ■ w. id t
the ( tti |1 ik* in lh* lb ' ■f K' lief- (,' || ' l< i
s k< m-
I Idf, im i fcf Jliitr tb fpfif ttrp (*-.<-
' !• . r H rj I fc. llM|i Qm
f. b r * - • *i- • a • •* •. L l •*
I fit*!* rj • (lAitiltg : b- ' ( I HCbm.
I hi* AS • f*r w ' li rt I*', vat*
1 . n it. ; * *r> • t : • f ♦ * peter
# H'' a #• ' ' e! f *Mj J.f*f * t . • UTii
| <f tloillj *#nin# t **##
s * | T M • . • kv. •* If • a a Via
i I# - at "i f . it.' Wtfbr ft ♦• ■ . i,'. . farm ALI
• >hi #
A IPi't fle r IJb . rr> g lb* l*" #n I ♦r.i d 4y
I!fi1 of afn*- v*4't. • felt* Ar.'lrevi J * Mi
'larta, .r h ar.d ff I -r ' #•• i#f ' a **-• and 4 p#r bw
TL # t a e*t •\g I c. h *#fi*l Uut*+
■ #ul 111 ff'e'd tlal# e! fkihlrafi t
A Iriwt ' #'*dj ot, \ \t%r % t * ta-r.a l^nnd*
#d t'| J-Jd ||i m r !•• .• • I*4*!:*! lar%l
I* r r*#f, atl fl*. V 4 te4t*-|gtir ' *t tjr la #ff-a
|>U id. pti b# 7bt Itn/t | I ' #iiL
tuccf thrift) t)krr.
A f*nn mwie if r* (CM* r#ntr c tjntT. P,
f.t land* i f (Mr<i l.u a*, tb# h-ire (if |V-\d
K H*. J -hr> Nt man Jen# S'>nc. < -ntattiir g about
T7it* i a g'*A *t*l Umral'lv rvlge Urtu
Tim* ni-i i Hi# th rvl on < httt, t i wt4 tb#
rnatdu# In !#•• eqwl antn#l |t •#*• th#reaft' #• itb
• iateiwt l • ovd b) jod|f* t##jt b nu* #nd a*wr*
. U(* u tb treir-!#*#
Arm HOT,
C laaML J *..
E# cm tor*
,' ,f ftrrrtinrinfnt.
y , w ovaL wtaq jk
Absolutely Pure.
Tbt# |*tA#r #eer tiriM. A ciwiel <*| frtititf
f #fr#nirth and • h"l#nv#r##a. Mar# <*••..n.Wal thai
tie# "fdlßAf) hlt4. and r#iM U# ##td In f #* jvWtw*
•lib t*# mvltiitxle of lota taaef, abort teffhi alia of
phoa|*H#t# k Mo#|# la r%na Kotii Rai
, *• Mbttw l' W#ll*#t_ W V
Nh di#ea*e* have an Ihnruugbly h*fll*d
the thill of ihe no-dicai profp*>ion ai
rwnceroti* a#ia-ti<>n* and a they have at
way* been (airi*Wet-d itu-urable, ti ha*
heen thought di*r-|iulabie u ndopt ibrlf
irealmeni •• a |N-clall> ; and heme phv*i
i ctan* hava neglected iheir proper *tudy.
But of late year* new and Important die
-1 covert*, have brought forth a courve lbt
n ia prove* Micceaelul in ny ot it* for.,
with certainty, without the u-e of tb*
knife or r*u*tic plmt-r*. We bav* a
treatment that I* comparatively lutld. It
i* not nniwinout, doe* not interlera with
i the healthy fl-vh, can be applied lo a*T
' part of the tealy, even the tongue. W*
I take nothing lor our aervk-a* uetll lib* I
cancer ta cured. Addr*** ■
Kagievtlle, Ontre Co., Ph. ™
XJOTICE it herehv riven that tba
1" Deal arrowM af J.ae *ltMkew, IrwWa* tt
Clara V Mllllkea w> Clue V tram, ka* Wwa IM
I In (Iw .die* "I lb* C* ih,H.arT o the (Van at Ca-
I atr„ rirwa la aad t* Ibr <**•! ef (Velta aaA iSat
**M amaai *iii a- yaiaui tmt a atiwaUa. at tba
ami lavaaf MOeart. -..raw
J. 0 riSTES,
W# fnikwataiy.