-Iljc tffntrc s*s3, £lcmocrat. S. T. SHIGEKT A K. L. OHVIS, Editors. v 01,.:.. (Tlif (£ nitre Jtraocrat. Tor ins II.AO p-r Annum in AAvmo*. Thursday Mornine, November 8,1883. A I*ARTY of twelve men are about to leave this country for Jerusalem, to assist iu rebuilding the Tcmpie of fMomao. THK Ciucinnatli people are not ex- i cited over the gold fine in Clermont county. They have undoubtedly heard of "Salted mines," aud do not enthuse over Ohio's gold mines worth a cent. 808 IxeiKKAOLL, having disponed J of "Hades," and banished all fear of j that institution to his satisfaction, is How lecturing against the Supreme Court of the United States ou the ; enormity of its decision on the civil i service law. A FATAL cyclone visited Springfield, Missouii, on Monday last, in which live persons were killed and thirty | wounded. Great damage wus done to buildings ami other property. Many bouses, and among them the Catholic ' church, a brick structure just erected, w,re entirely demolished, and all in the track of the tornado more or !e* | injured. IT is reported that Judge Folger, the Secretary of the Treasurer, is to be appointed a judge of the Couit of , Claims, to supply the vacancy made by the resignation of J. C. Bancroft Davis. Kenneth Rayner, Solicitor of the Treasury, is also said to bo a claimant for the office, iu virtue of a promise made by the late fraud Presi dent for the first vacancy in this Gourt. I How far Arthur may feel bound to . honor the contracts of llaye is vet to be aeen. JL'lh.e Bi'TLKK, of the United States District Court gives a warning to postal writers iu a recent sentence imposed upon Patrick S. Clark, of Houef sending through the mails an iu suiting jsstal card contrary to law The card was written to a man wlm I the prisoner lielievcd huu blighted > his prospects. The law im|se*a pen- i ally, in the discretion of the court, to one year in prisou, or a fine. The j Judge chose the latter, and fined the offender $lOO. I IT is sa'NL General Su-edinen, the { brave old soldier who died at Toledo, <)hi, Mine days a_,o, was a poor man, and that active measure* are being taken to provide reiief for his family, I aa well as the erection of a monument ! to hi* memory. Tire friends of the grand old hero of ''Chicamagua" j eh mid see that his family are first lib ) erally provided for. No concern ahout the monument need be apprehended, j That will Ire sure to rome. Neither his neighbors nor hiscouicrv could af- I I ford to fail in that. r I* the aWnoe of Congress, Wash- ! ington i always in condition to have something to cover the dull season, j .Recently it was the star-route swindle, now it is Kilhorn'ssuit to recover dam ages for alleged false imprisonment, hy order nf the House of Representa tives. He was a contumacious wit neea, or rather refused to produce the books to uncover alleges! frauds being investigated before Cangress, aud was placed in custody of Mr. Thompson, the Sargeant-at arms, by the authority of Congress, who confured him in the | capitol for some daws. For this in- I dignity ho elainies $350,000 damage L ns the lowest sum that would mrapen fc sate and heal his wouuded honor. We Hbelieve Mr. Kilborn does not claim |ptbis nice litlla sum as an additioo to p his private fortune merely, but to vin dicate a principle in law, that a roan's ' private pefiers and businesa are sa cred, but however that may be be brought suit against Mr. TUompeoo, (be officer of tho House. Tho Chancer in 'Eighty-Four. The election returns of 1882 and j 1883 do not of themselves furnish an infallible basis on which to predicate the result of tlri Presidential election of IMH4 ; but couple these with the j fact thst no perceptible reaction has j since taken place, and that the changes of political sentiment thereby 1 indicated have evidently not reached 1 their culmination, and they become sufficiently authoritative to enable a reasonable forecast. We have only to satisfy ourselves a* to the direction which the popular current is taking—the depth ami force | anil meaning of it, and the chances of ' it* diversion in some other direction I —in order to foot up the probable rna j jority of this or that candidate iu the next electoral college. It will appear, uot only to the I)em | ocratic raind, but to the uveiage iutel j ligent mind, whatever its political in- I elinafioo, that this current is setting towards a revolution ; that the feeling \ jo! the country is becoming riper every i day for a change, ami that the cry coming up in many quarters to "turn ! the rascals out," however much the groiesqueuess and extravagance of the j i expression may be scouted at, will prove to be in reality the shibboleth and inspiration of the people. There is everything in the attitude; jof the Democratic party to indicate harmony of action and success of! achievement, in the coming Pre*iden- ; lial year. There is little to warrant the lielief that the Republican party iu its next nominating convention will i conjure any spoil potent enough to heal its rankling sores, to conciliate ; its factious resentments or to exorcise I the spectre of tbe Second of July. The Republican party has more than fulfilled its mission. It has over , lapped and ovr done it. To rai a sectional iue wilh its own Supreme court on the Civil Rights decision •eems to be its only alternative. The tendency of things is toward a new deal. Even an untoward result this week I'll Virginia or New Jersey or Peon-, svlvania would nut prove it otherwise, j Au untoward result in New York is so far down among the improhabili- I tics that it does notenc>r into tbe cal-1 culation. I But what does the figures show ? [ That nineteen States with an electoral vote of 209 may be set down as I)em- j ocratic beyond a doubt. We include Indiana, California, New Jersey and New York iu the list. We concede to the Republicans fourteen states,! wilh an aggragate vote of 118, iuclud- i i iug Colorado. Massachusetts and I.li- ; nois. This leaves five states with an electoral vote of seventy four to be | | classed as doubtful—Connecticut, Ne j vada, Ohio, Pennsylvania aud Vir ginia. To make it clearer we append a table of states and the electoral vote ! of each. DKMOCRATIC STATUS ' AWSama M Nl**r*iri ) I AffcflMM 7 Smw t.-a-v .... „ , : A S- Verb V> • P .rth •'•r-.ljttw || i Florida. 4 lotb Carolina V ''•wfbk 11 T•■•••• ... }% Indiana 14 Te%i ... 13 I ! K •atvtr by ... 1.1 West Virginia ... ( I I. Kiiea* a — . Hwj lainl II T"lal MP 1 Hiatalppi t RKPCSLICAN STATES. or-lora4. I Nstirasks A , llllaits a !•*. is nrfi. _. a i S Bh.-ia UI.M 4 i WSIM t Vhml 4 I SiuihwlU ...... 14 Wtoo-nata 11 | Mi nM;liHla M This is giving generously to Repub- ! i licanism and doubt. It is claiming ! < for the Democracy nothing more than ' they are sure to win.— Woihinyton < IT is said that Prier Baldy, Jr., tbe J leading dry goods merchant in Dan- i vi lie, baa failed. His liabilitite are I said to be $112,000, and that be baa 1 confessed judgment to tbe amount of •♦5,000. M *o sad Kstable ars trump now. < They have Lins? aad Miles I "WJL/AL AND EXACT JUSTICE TO ALL WK.-J, OF WUATAVKK STATU OK PEHHUAsIIIS, kKI.HiIOU* OR CoLIID AL."—JHHrso* BELLEFONTE. I'A., THURSDAY, NOYKMREH 8, 1883. Official Returns of Centre Ccunty--1383. [— -lass A j::,r j P •*" s *■ - f" 8 7L '' I'ISTHfCTr. - w k r ~ 3 <* - C. 39 I .=• ?! ? 7?■ I • 5; F!* ' I !' ; ' HMHiiO: I *7* l 5 1T til ITtt ifi lio 121 17b 12V 1 I H-llrl- lit*. \b '• bw , Ia Hi M rj, a ' i\N v\ 11A KM ll> 1.2 VP I IN N. ID I.! !liw*rl ♦.l BT 7 •< 4, f- j ,* Millheliti Iwtotigb K"' 'l* l/i VI f' 114 lit j Milrst'urg l> • rs*jcll " • ~' n • I" 41 •' '•> 1 Ist 1 ;s ♦; :i 47 ; n : 4, 74 Pl.ih,-'.Uf g. ..'it 1 lUfi |*t l" ll |s. | |., ||p. ) ;UI I'M Hl' .1" 4! :S I'tibrttt llle Ktr ugli 'I I : fft 4V IL"DIIW{ U.ward tuwi.abip ,L L v t ! M ■. - KH lUlf Mw.o twp 42 7'. 4 7- 4 > || a , llainws twj>. 1 H * •'* 8- .'I b* .'7 <7 '2' t west 11l 71 Hi 71 I Is 7" 1 tr.i 71 lloat-.Q ti.wnabip 4t B7 I .7 4. • I 4 4 , llafrU townabip .. K K K'7 15?' 11 *l.l T! Uhvrtj lu!. ' 4". 4- ski- .- 4 . 10 I'lltUti tow I.ship 4V s. 4" w | 4. I'run townablp 14-' h It* 142 • 1 e 14; * P*-ttvr tap, I'I tb I' l '' 4.'. |4' 141 I |U W.Qfli 17 M 1 .4 * 142 F- 1 RUSH TWJ . B FT)I 7 I 4- | 4 • 7" 7' 4 " W'TITFI *4 J . 4 ' "PRINT I' *II*)IL| I" - * 1* % . ' I"4 !' I'" 1.7 1 . )41#, iHrib 4* tV:' £, • t *.., th 1"' ; 4 I"' t Iti ! | 4- DM t Taylor ts.wbabip '-j F* l .1 12 t I'uioti (oaniblp "v 7. ft a4 5' a' *' W'b#r t- wnsluj. '*"* " IV'' '■* '** •' I v I WiMTUI I4VR*U)i •* • " ** T? 71 T-'ti +■>'* •• : x'. • . .■ yt-.-i Turn the Raauala Ouv The Commissioner of Revenue, Mr. i Dudley, haa commenced ofx-ration* on , the outi(lo roughs, called Pension At* ! toroeys, who have been preying UJWII I the public reveuu<*s, in getting up fraudulent claim* for pension*. Much | evidence ha* aln-ady been collected J showing the method* of thee" raeal-. J by their circnlam rent out to soldiers, j soldier* widow* and soldi"'* liii'iren, I whose addresr* they uuftin tin ugh , postmaster*. Hundred* of these ir 'ciilar* are now in the p i of ! Ditrict Attorney Oirkhili, no i - w a design 011 the part of the* agent- to oorait fraud upon |K>niun claimants or induce them ta cotnit fraud* upon the government on |irnraito to i astonished t" iknow how di>eetly chronic dioa-c -rau he traced to diarrhote rr 'ither I other alight disorder* incurred while iu the atmy. Even heart di*l sheep, lieu l!ut!r had !,i* nth r eye knoiked out in the land of the IM W'rim. Theie H> little choice Ur the of the ljy Mate,, ither endorse the horrors ol Tcwksburg or the "Pink eye of Butler. They thought they would rather have their paujtcr.. vieilined by the j, mr houv official* than have their spoon* stolen by the orphan liutbr, and we almo-t sav amen. I h.-v hav. hlso carried the utile devotee) 10 the murder of lie" I te-ii*ele-*A w omen, once eat led "The land of stcH.lv habits." On the-*e three little rrui.il>* gei.eroilslv droppe-d hy a victorious I>. itineracy, the Re publican roister ha* sei;.*l wild avi.ii y I. .rii ol political starvation, and now he 'talks over the Radical l.aru \ur.l with hi-, tail f.-ather* ail plucked sunt, hi* wings elip|K,l, hi* pin feathers dirty with politico corruption and not enough tl.sh on hi* little body to hide hi* 1M.1.1W. Tlii* p.e.r hiid had to be lifted to the Republican t.-nce b\ •StiniKi, who, digtist.d with the mean lies*, poverty and tilth of the fowl, -x -claimeel, "Dar y.u are, ef you can give • lie little crow, do it and dc 1 I„< t ' the sou ml of revelry and mirth bo heard in every Republican barnyard. Iwi the band play "Maryland''and Marching through Virginia. TIIE good citizen* of Philip*burg are complaiuii.g of insufficient depot fiicilitie* at that place, ou the Tyrone and f'leailTebl railroad. They say that the present dcpit i entirely titeuue and persevervuea we have succeeded in getting a large, cuiumudioua aud ele gant depot building in anticipation ! SUCTION NEWS. Our Bird Crows Proudly! Nov \ork, Nov JC M-y, Mitrylniit] niid Mississippi Have Planted tUcir miners on the Dem ocratic Ramparts. Butler is whipped iu Massachusetts, j Rat.-at dispatches place Virginia in it. I lie Demoerntic fold, if so, billy Mahone has goue to meet Benny But ter. Mas-a. huM-tt.s uud Virginia eat. clasp hands over the graves of Billy and Beii. Peiin*yi vaiiia i* Repuhliear. by about 12,(rfMi. S Davi* Page, Demo crat, i* defeated in Ppiladelphia for ( out roller by 1,7 * 10. H.-udrix is elected Mayor of Brnklyn. Mo- Rnne .* majority in Mary land w ill reach 10,000 to 11? 000. Huntingdon countv ele' ts a Demo cratic Sin r.fT. Ibe returns are rneaere and scat jtering that majorities are only esti i:.Ht-okiug bevond i-ur own state, whicb, through the colored Vote, i* naturally R -publican. > find securely anchored iu the llem-. cratic harbor the state* of New York New J. r-.-y, Maryland and probably \ trginia. states which the Republican* w.-re loudly claiming. These are grand rvults. While every Derno ' rat aud true iVuu*ylvaoiati WI*IIHI the i<-ult iu this slate might have lka*ii different, he ha- no fears of tin future so far a* the election of |Bff) i* colic, rued, [tit-re will be a Demo cratic pro-ideut elected, and he will take hi* scat. The result of Tuesday's electi i|ier admiui-tra tioii of the atfair* of hi* state NEW YORK. 20.000 Di-nua ratie Majorifv. NEW JERSEY. H.tXfO Detn.N-ratic Majority MARYLAND. Democratic Majority. VIRGINIA. 1 o.OOt) Demils and the p*ir ne gro bandages up his battered head and bind* up his wounds and shouts for the gallant little leader who las ar rayed the two races in a struggle which rau only have one result, and that re sult detrimental to the colored people. The one man entirely responsible for the riot at Danville, Va., is Billy Ma hone who misrepresent* the grand old commonwealth of Vi giuia in the U. |B. Senate. When will the colored man cease to be the cat'* paw of such Mutant demagogues a* Mahone aud ' Riddlcberger * THK N'itro-Glyceriue Brigade i* again beard from in England, and Iyomlon is greatly rxcitad over explo sions in an underground railway, a few days ago. It, of course, is ascribed to the bloody Fenians in England,uu der inspiration of the Fenii ns in thia couutry. Bome color is given to this •uspicon by tbe .brag aud blustering of O Donavan R .*a, of New York, the fool impracticable, who propose* to represent the Fenian Brotherhood, acknowledging complicity iu tbe out rage. But he is a mere pretentious braggart, and liule, if auy confidence ran he placed to his statement TEKSS: SIJ>O |4-r Annum, in Aflwintf. i All Snrln, M"unt A'l urn* m VV.aniriginn I -rr. lory iabout double the height ol Mount VS aahingfon in NV. Hampshire—lliCiO I feet-and was recently ascended by a large party of tourist*. A package which betrayed ju,.;f by * J | .ny.ieti. u. ticking within, na* over hauled HI the N•• w York foreign mail on Wednesday ati'l found to contain two line gold watches. Rather ticklish ' buainem, I hi*. I he new machine which haa ju*t been tested i n Surnier county. S. (. , will pick cotton at one "evenl h the coat of j ick Ml g it by hand A difference arm.anting | 10 over f lOOCOOOO in the wbole crop of i the country. , The electric light tower, which is | -bortly to U erected at Me|| Gale, New i Vork, will ho o> leet high, and the ,• nght equivalent to that of ft,ooo candle*. ( I Jr. .Sleekier, of Orange, N. J, haa f great fa 1 111 in the elHcacy of inoculation H with equine virus for the prevention of car!ei fever. Ilia experiments thus far _ nave proved eminently satisfactory. Mr. .Moaea W*aaernun. the head *torr keeper of the i'.nania Cinvi company, wa m >.n I rancivco the other day arid . r. ports v o..• J the line when "be w.nil a in the aoulb and that's a aign I ol mild v<- .ihi r which never lai!. - Ihe >1 ri H r 1 g .v. rriment i lo t.e re; re , ented at the New ft lean* cotton XpC „ Mt.on hy a uumtwr of nn-rrhania tr.irn 1 Damascus a city long celebrated for ita cm 10a goo i. ilk, broadcloth*. *d dlery, r infeclionery and <-o*p. flie firat curia gnmenl of cotton in b.lea ever received from Hotiduraa arrived wl New ti lean* last Monday. It con.rated of rune balea, weighing at>out 4 pound" each, and about two Kurd* of the product of five acre* of land ; ('apt. Tatterann ha* invented an air •hip. to he completed next Augu-t, Which will cro* the Atlantic in three j days, and the inventor .inures the " ' world that with it "mankind can com pletely discover the North and the South poire of our globe entire. " The J proepeel l( el here. I enough : the real; ' ration of it may be lu.t a* thin and ' airy. t ; A Ruari.n writer h-* ju*t returned . ' frutn Siberia, afier being exiled mure . ] ISG2. Hi* name ta SchrtniacbeUki. I j I be cause of bia being permuted to r •ume hi* position in the world 1* the difficulty experienced hy the people of Silieria in pronouncing In* name. They think that they have the rham j p'° n <•>• at-home mn in Dooiy county, 1 Georgia. He i .evenly six year* old, and ha* never in the whole course of I hi* life spent but one higbt from under the roof ol the house in which he wa* ; born, .nd on that orcav.on ha dtun't aleep a wink. j A Philadelphia lawyer, too proud to 'allow hi* friend* to suppose that ha pracnce* in the divorce court*, adver lists. ' Misfit marriage* a specialty." Kich curl on the bead of the statue of ' Liberty Enlightening the World," detined lor New York l.arU-r. i* three tunea lugger than a man', body, i Sorue Florida orange tree* are bloom ing lor tbe third time this season, The Winnebago Indian* on tbe Gov -1 eminent pay roll, in Wisconsin have , dwindled to 1,174, of whoui 624 are females. I'lie National Capital, according tow Washington correspondent, ha* coat over flOO.OOO 000 since it. incorywrra 1 lion, an 1 the eliwnseaot running Iho , D -trwn Government ranged how. f.tlO. *MUU aimualty in e.rlv ye-rw to (even ot> eight m-iliona in 187£-1g75. i I lie Immigration asswetation of , lornia announce* that there are *ttll open to settlement in that state nearly 45,000.000 acre, of land. NO. N.