Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 01, 1883, Image 8

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    (The Centre democrat.
Thursday Morning, November 1, 1883.
(Tosssspo.* DKS*'S. c,xi tslii I" a luil"" '"d nr*,s J 1 *"
-t from tiv i>nrl of Hi" count J. No cmntunk .it.'M
uulM*ccomitit".l bj lbs real uit.s of
Local Department.
Ladies' kid glove?, ut German's.
—Our jail contains thirteen prisoners.
—Notions and fancy good?, at Carman's
Henry Meeker, of Burnside, was in
town on Tuesday.
—Garntan's Bush Arcade—the place
tor dry goods.
—Tno finest stock or ladies fine slices.
DOLI. V Minolk.
—Mr. A. Uende rson Irom Huston, paid |
our sanctum visit la-t Monday, (.lad to
see you, "Ail. though you don't vote our
—Tho house for the steam heating ap
nratus i" Hearing completion, and lh>
ditches are progressing nicely. I ut whatot
t in* electric light '
—One hand kerchief lorn* cot'."! W.
have already -Ml •• v> :.ty ! ■.'.> n r\ In
.an heal it, l>r the money Garnmn's i.
the place lor cheap dry i-.
—An elegant thrc-hut' oi kid glove a'
twenty-five centf. Tho above are no soiled
or trashy gloves, like adr >rliel bv soio
parties. Call at Carman J .
—Theodore Deshner i* excavating for
his new gun shop on Water street. It
seems a Utile out of the way, but then
"l>e?h" has a monopoly of tho trade.
—That annual visitor, the buckwheat
cake, will soon show bis smiling face at the
breakfast table, lie will 1) accompanied
a. usual by fried mush. Welcome, friends.
—Our friend Heimach, of I'hiltpsburg
l as finally surrendered to the little blinu
god Cupid, and launched his bark on the
sea of matrimony. Slay he ha\e a fair
wind and smooth sea.
—B. O. Dtininger and Fred Kurt/, at
tended tho memorial services. Wo don't
know what their religious politics is, but
suppose it is all right, as both are Demo
i ratic editors and can t go lar astray
—That veteran politician, James Scbo
field, ha? taken tho stump again. Jim
makes an elegant speech and always capti
vates bis hearers by bis earnestness, lie is
equally at homo making harness or mak
ing Democratic speeches.
Port Matilda will apply for admission
t. the sisterhood of boroughs at Novem
ber term of court. Perhaps if Matilda
knew when she was well off she would be
content to remain a village.
I'. J. McDonnol. Esq , of I'nionville,
smiled on bis numerous Bellefonte friends
on Monday. Mr. McDonnell is always in
such a hurry when in town, that be never
has time to more than mi!e. But he never
forgets that.
—Ablack bear visited I'nionville the oth
er day, and after a do-a inspection from the
borough line, concluding that everything
was all right in that ancient town, started
off up the road. Mr. Owen Underwood
followed his bearsbip ami shot him.
—A big Democratic meeting is announc
ed by Chairman Heinle for Millheim Fri
day, Nov 2nd Hons. BF. Meyer. J
H. Fow, and H. ( S- htnitr are the speak
ers announced. Turn out, boys, its the lis;
—Tho abutments i r toe new bridge at
I.agleville ore completed. Our friend Wm |
Lyons, of Howard, was tt,e contractor.
The county dads ran congratulate th'm- 1
selves on having one of the most solid i
pieces of masonry ever built in the county. '
Kx-Troasurer Musser, Boij. CJenixel,
Daniel Uentzol and Pierce Musser passed
tbronghtown on Monday on their way to !
'•Green Woods,"' on a hunting expedition
We will wail until the mighty nimrods ol
Millheim returns for our saddle.
—J. H Sand* banquetled the ministers j
attending the Lu her Memorial. We can
imagine the good things, but alas ' "imag
inations hollow dreams'* do not satisly
the craving of a hungry editor's vitals
We would trade our Imagination off any
time for a "tquare meal.''
—Wo noticed Martin Luther in town on
Friday. He ia now a Justice of the Peace
In Gregg township, and signs himself 11,
L. Kisbel. J. Calvin is Pruthonotary,
and John Wesley is practicing law. John
the Baptist has not reported yet.
—The Railroad magnate* of tho B. E-
V, & P. R- R-, have again loon over the
route to Lemont. This looks like busi
ness Mr. Blanchard told us that Presi
dent Roberts was very much In earnest
about tho building of this branch. We
think we can safely say that this road is
an assured fact.
—ln mentioning the handsome brick
dwelling bouse of J. L Runes, and the J
rushing business done by him at E tgleville,
in our last number, by * lypograbical error
Mr. Runes' christian naiuo was changed to
John. Wo beg his pardon. Of course
everybody knew that wo meant Irv., yet a
fellow wants bis proper title, don't hu ?
—lt is with profound regret that wo
chronicle the d--alb of an old and est lma'
b'.e citizen like the lata Elijah Chambers, ,
but it is part of the duty of an editor, and
wi perform It with sorrow. Mr. Chamb
ers had been ill for some time, and while
his dentb was momentarily expected, the
blow Was not lightened by it* being ex
pected. Mr. Chambers leaves several sons
and daughters and a widow to mourn his
oar. He wa buried on Sunday.
Starting from tho village ol Centra Hall,
that nestles right against tho FR"t bill of
the Nittatiy mountain, AND following the
course of that range in a northeasterly di
rection, one finds himsell on a good road
and going through is lovely and U fertile
land. It wa a NEW experience to us, there
fore doubly pleasant. Everyone bus visit
ed Pennsvalley'.S famous cave, • every
one is fumiliar with our journey for the
first four miles. Almost immediately we
Here the Brush valley mountain rises and
forms the valley proper. Wo found our
selves among friends solid for tho Demo
cratic ticket—every time In tin* famous
precinct there is but one Republican, and
ihcy keep him H* a sort of walking muse
urn—a terrible example, s it were. Going
on, we rem bed tho imtnenso double farm
,f D. Bird, with i's big stone barn, and
iben soon found ourselves talking with J.
11. II a/."I, J S. Hoy, and J. J Taylor, all
voting Democrats, hurrying up corn husk
ng so a* to work lor the election
The church spires of
MAlitaONlll Itu
now showed themselves, ar.J this sight,
•oittbitn d with a -ens" of hunger, spurred
i* on. The town did not stop us ;we
went through. Ellis Shnfer had invited us
o dinner. Elli-is tho Chairman of Miles
•iwmhip, anil is making Democracy hum
Jown here, lie knows how to entertain a
tellow, too. ills brother Uriah lives by
him on the next (arm ; be is an old friend
of the Ditvtot HA r. Reuben (irimin has a
fine lartn between this and the town.
Bartges Bros are doing a big business
in Madi-ouburg, one that i growing all
the time. Tbey are fine young fellows
and deserve success. Heiewcmet Dr. Leo,
a ptmician of standing in the o mrouutty
and of personal culture Had a short talk
•villi An .row < h ki r, Jacob Nestlerode, F
II Shafer. J. S. Hazel, tie.* Shaffer, II J
Ginler, and many ethers.
has for its proprietor, Mr Mover. Thi
gentleman ha b- n f ere 1 ,r a -hort time,
but is making the hnue a p> pular on"
The supper we ,-e v"! (bows that it is
desert.-d. Dr J \V II Reh-r ba* opened
lilt ofiite in the hotel The Dr. invited ut
into his room ; it looked like a regular
drug store , everything warranted to cure,
lie propose* to < t'a l : h himself here and
make a name. At
ibat Democratic war h"re. >ni Faust en
I tamed us over night H - charming
I daughter p'.ayt delightfully n the piano;
his wife is a model houteke* per, so that
you can enjoy yourself thoroughly, strang
er. But hang your h*t up. old boy, or
S*m might lake it f<>r as; i". .-n. Ask
Kramer about it. We found in the person
of Sam's blacksmith our frind Charlui
M . Roy. Sam is doing a big trade in bug
gie* an I -leigb*. and expeu-ts to put out
fifty this winter At
J,<. K M y-r ke.-p* the p-t > rtire H
has a One country home, -Joseph Bierly
has a web oi HvatesJ farm in the neighbor
hood. Tl. first man we met in
wa* Hi* Honor, J .dgo Frank, who pro
sitl--d over ;r c urts re ent.v in such an
acceptable mann-'r He i* no I, ng.-r in
business Th" Oram ey Bros, have bought
h m . ul and are inaxing a lively stand out
■f it. Wo made the a (Ua.i.tance of
Squire ('arl in, ar, 1 aha', 1-oine, intelligent
JUS tee of ths- I'eacw he makes And here
we found Frank Brumgard. Frank hasn t
| been well, hut w-ll enough to work for the
i ticket. John Mallory, too. John proba
bly knows as much political history a* any
one in the county. '.Squire C'orman, the
Nswtor of Brush valley, saluted u* and
gave us a smile of welcome. Dr ilillibish
has been very low but seems to have rallied
a little Dr Bright entertained us one
i evening in hi* office, which be has just re.
paired. (' (' DHS* hat taken theup-lown
j stand and is delighted with hit growing
business. He is a pushing young fellow.
The band was out in the evening, but the
rain interfered with much playing With
in the year, this hand hat reorganized un
der the competent leadership of W. H.
Miller. It now consist* of LI pieces, and
plays 12U atr*. But the boys want nass
uniforms, and they ought to have them.
C. Klinefelter tcnchsw lbi* winter. Cook
Condo will take the hotel in a couple of
week*. Wolf's store is about lour mile*
• cast of Itebersburg. L Geislweit is run
ning the blacksmith and repair shop here.
Emanuel is a pleasant fellow, and rixbl
above IL-nry Gilbert I* turning out A
rat* quality of boot end shoe. Gno. B,
Haines heartily welcomed us at his house
and cordially invit*d us to dinner, but CY
Brumgard had BEEN ahead, and there we
had a pleasant time indc"d Everybody
in Bellefonte knows Cyrus.
We were delighted with this isolated BUJ
beautiful valley, and it* hospitable people.
Tbey are inte'ligenl; they vote all r'glit
and straight; they are paying annually
more and more attention to education ; but
above all, they are honest and law abiding
Most of the farmers have built their
houses back from the road, at the foot OF
the mountains, whare they have cool and
delicious flowing mountain water.
Thoae who with a pleasant rest among a
pleasant people, should goto Brush Valley.
We wish to notify Dsn Oramley that he
can find the story to read to bis girl In our
i Tho Luther Monionnl HorviOM, j
I One of thu tii"t tniererilng and Imprea- j
I iv nervioo* wiifn*rd I>r H long ttinv, !
' *i that hflld on Friday lan in uummtiniu- j
i ration of thv four hundredth annivurary j
lof tbo birth of the grout Reformer. Tho '
] Mirvice# wuro hold in the court room, com- J
! tncncing lit 10} o'clock. Owing to the I
inclemency of thu wmtbrr lint hutuu KM
not very w!l tilled at lb( opening. Thu i
ml.lrtin of wulcoine wit* delivered by th" I
Kv. Mr. Furtt, of Belkdonl", who #poku j
of the object of the mooting, nod paid a i
glowing trihiitu to the giant of thu Kctur
niution. Il'i claimed that l.ulhar bad 1
given civil and religion* freedom to tho
world, en oj.cn Bible, und i ailed him the •
father of thu public reboot ayrlotn In I
fact ho laid tit under inch 11 heavy debt ).• <
the great man that we feel like going into |
voluntary bankruptcy in order to < aneel I
tho obligation. Mr Furrt * addre't wa
well receiirvd, rhort and to the J.I inl, and ]
bowi him to be a yealou* follower and '
warm admirer of Luther. Muric vva*
furniihoil by a vary excellent choir, In i
j the afternoon tbo court hon-e wu i rowdvd, •
and in addition to tbo choir the 7.ion l and |
diacouraed tweet inutic. Thu attraction of
thu afternoon wav the nddrcr* ,f |>r.
Morrit, of Maryland Thu K'Varend gen
tlenian might well havo been taken for ,
Luther bimtelf, to tirong a ri emblance
doe* be bear to the picture of tint great '
Kuformar. The Ibtctor'v add ret# tit able,
learned ami eloquent. He carefully re- '
viewed the hie and work of the rna*t*r
mechanic that reared tne fabric <d j.r.iluil
antiam, arid |>oitited out the vital |*jint o'
the reformation, and the caute* that lead
to Luther • withdrawal from the ( liurih
of Koine. In handling to delicate a que*
tion at that of religion* h if, it take. „ j
tkillful man, a man vrreed in llie art of ;
ditj utalion, yet free from narrow mind"!-
r.e wod religion# f.artian>hip, a man with |
■ lion.'tt conrlcliont and the nervt to Ha'.u
I them. lie ill net attack tyilcUit, tot per-
I ont. Thtwe qualification* Dr. M..rr,.
pooetted in a high degree. Hit nd'irrtt
*t> entirely talitfact >ry to a II leboite
audience, which it tayirig a gr tt deal
Dr. Morrit hat leit rnaay admirer in thi
community and tl uld I • return w>, .id 1 ■
warmly welcomed. lie it * thorough
itudent, a cultivated g*r.t!etr.*n and a
Lutheran from bind I • f,
The evening tervir • were varu I ard
interetiing, the court ro..m to perfectly
jammed, tard.net in a 1 I i r. ; a < r.■
pant.in. The He||ef..nt orchestra wa an
additional attraction and the ttng'OK of
Luther'i Baltic Hymn w th orrh**tral ac
comjanymint wa grand There were
j quite a number of the vitiling minster*
who tpok* durirg tbe evenirig anl lb*
'audience wat highly entertained. The
i beautiful tervicu of the I. ilhvran churi h ,
| wat rendered at each meeting. The court ,
roc m. or rather the tp< akrr t ttand wat
decorated with c hoice fl wert. On the wal'
| back of the judge* chair in letter* of gold i
wni the motto "Here I ttand, I cannot do
| olherwite, G-] help me, amen, 1 ' in Ger
! man and Knglith. Underneath wat a
(.tinting ' f I,other and Melanctbon. Tin ,
memorial rt fleet" great credit on our
1 Lutheran friend* throughout the county,
and thowt that they have a ret' n for the
. "faith that it in them "
A rice little tet of [ piecrt for ten
rer.ta fall early, at German t
. —A gentleman of our town, who bat
every opportunity of knowing, tayt that
"Bellefonte it the live*t town without any
; ejeeption in central Penntylvanla ' Of
c unt thit it not newt to ut, but our mod
' ety hat kept ut from mentioning the fart
before Bellefonte it contervatively pro
greattve, (if we may u*e the phraee \ ; there
it nothing phenomenal, and the u too old
to be prococtoui in her growth. She huitdi
nothing the doee not need, and the neodt
nothing the doe* not build, (eirept a new j
depot), and the rctult i that the 1. never
thaken by panic* or ditturhed by cyclone* j
She ha* everything within berelf to be
come great, and it turrounded on all tidt ,
by the e'emenl# of wealth. She hat the
flne*t churcbet, the be*t hoteli, the llrmeit
bankt, tho mott elegant private retidence*,
thu handtometl men, the mott beautiful
; women, the m'tnot tletion, and the larg
net numler of bahte* of any town of it*
tiro in the United Statet.
, Traoftg SC*LU, Oct. 27, IMS.
->*t. j
| tnt tb* we-k end!*# *• Ort 17, '.T.iV,
lln>* lint* lent jet VI .VI |
InooM 4.)y, :
Pre*i*atlj .iorln# l ftar ;,**l.or* :
Sam* tlmt It*l ,-er 3 i*T,au j
Total la I**3 tJt*AB ;
' kaeit tier laal r##r 3 3*l .•>! ]
pnrreae* tlji', t
, runt* r* altar •
Lumber 10* rtrt
Mitral lan ari * Id* *
LBCTt'RK Cot'Raa AH * * l>o* Kt> —The
Lecture Committee of the Young Men'*
CbrUtain A**cialion held a mooting
on Monday alterniHin, at which tbey de
cided to abandon the proposed courte of
lecture*. Thlt action w** taken rather r"
lunctantly, hut It becamn neceetary, at
ther > were not enough teuton Itcket* old
to warrant them in engaging tbe lecturer*.
One of the lecturer#, however, Prank W
Smith, had been engaged, and will deliver
hi* celebrated lecture, "In and out of An
der*onville," on Wedmwday evening, Nov.
7tb. Tbe Committee detire to return
thank* to tho*e who *o kindly rot ponded m
their call In ordering tee ton ticket#, and
lru*l* they, with many olhar*, will not fail
Wt hear Mr ttailh.
H ACTUM sua i\ MAHIOM.— I'erii.er* URN i
buy butking corn, t' P. Y'-arfclc, wife . '
und mother niul Mrt. Henry Ynerh k, have !
t g.illil In viell toil e ffieiid* Wl tint Wctl.— j' !
Hilly Miller ha* hi* il"r rooui | iitcil red '
and a flew lien | nr.n ~,11, „ii'i it n. w n-ady '
tii wait on bi i 1-1 .tu< -. in a j nc .i.t man. •
tier —f K Mi !i-r olue nf Lie good* j *
•I H lift ion, to CM pln< .1 to n new an.j lr<'b i b
tiippl v.— Ibtv I>. 0. Sboeioakr united Mr. <-
Hinry I'ipir and Mi>* Kitber M-yer in '
tho bond* of holy wetlon kon tie < ,ening e
of tho 2olh, intt. Wo wi-h them happi- '
not* The CiUr Bun isn'l v%* in town e
latt week d'tpleylng v*n > t*r.■ • inutic. lit "
gtHol 'it.li and fin. niiitic ea' n'it lie tur- . I
(>*tied .11 tlie .'oiiiity Mr John Hay, Jr., '
| ha* volunteered t > t"ai li tho rudiment* of ' *
I luutic overv a -rn .1.11 in the He- '
| formed ■ hurrh All <i' -iring to lcrn the '
r , line r,thould not n'-gb • thi* oj.|Hr- •'
'.unity, ut nvtructi n .v. ; l*given frm '
|of > barge. H Ycaritd. Jc Soli * ttore '
1 r> 111 it gioaiiiiig iirnler tlie heavy weight
• f r.ew .• nt|. li K, Shoemaker hat '
. liarg.i o| ti i, j rimary tchool in town. VS'e '
, with Itiin *ui'i et* in iiit tirt attempt.
I —(iartrian *| .v c-h lor all their good#, '
hence tiii* f. a-ori they are able to t*l' '
1 good* at the price* they d*>.
LLMV HAM. Notr.a —tieorgn llutt L
I crowded wiih work. The boot* and h**et
' In niaki t are Iteginning t'i have a nationi*'
[i-puUtlon A K Meyer hat 1 barge */l
j th gritt mill in thi place The fur b '
inaket will comparo very favorably with
any of the lav y brand* made at tin- ti.er
.bant mill*— Our bend, und'r tb leader-'
*bi|i * f l'hiliji Myert, bat beconm very I
(•roltci.-nt in a bort time They (.lay 1
1 • .jual to any band in tbe county. Harry '
, Swab and Will Swab are,a* well at the ml
..f our farmer*, buy bu-ku.g ( <*rn —lian
lei lleet tbir.k* tbey have the right man ill
| l h** right (ila*-<i to puth *.ur rai.road •
through. M e hope to n to M-e tba lajld I
.-ngine tteaming tliroiigh our vallev.
M utlin, at priret fur bi '.uw < -r com
| iitltort, at tihrmali '*
When ale, w comet into your office, , |
lake* your eaty chair, j r..p uj. the tabic | ,
with hit muddy b* "!#, •j* • tt tiiba*-< * . uu e or* ' ,
tho P. air, diarrang<* y* ur (.aje-rt and . ,
>tarl* off •.n a long tlorv t-i led y<*u Imw ,
near be 1 ame hitting a i juirrr! **r turkey , . (
tend for a (eilicctuan at un*r, or r'r,l him 1 |
your fflce—it i* y**ur only < fiance.
KAIL ROAT> Nora* —The tur.nal c.n th" ' 1
Beech Creek and Cbarfl* !.] Kail Ib*ad will
Warn bu Completed Thit it * r.eof tbegreal
eti work* *if the rail r. ad eiigirnert 11. our I
County Ihe < Inn* llrolberi are the con- | *
tract* r They run two •' m droit, and i!
work by ele, tru- light Traiot will im
running on tl u r a i by the |*t of Janua- '•
ry IW4. I <
The w rk of litlrib ilir.g t;e on tbf :l
Bellefonte ,v BufTalo Kun r <1 ettl I * ge I 1
| on j I
The K.r.gineor Corp* of the I'a K K
aruttill working on the Lem. nl branch |
We underttsnd ibi l'r*--i i.-nt ilol>ert
it favoratde to the conttru U"h of tbi* r .ad
ai 1 tbe cumt o t 'D of the |'.-nntt a 1 iejr
' road.
The I'enn at '<* have l*e**n eiamlning
the pro(u-rty whic Gordon A Labdl* j
implement tlore i* l.a-atr! with a view
to building a Ifeigt I depot.
—We are t..rry, if w- Mil |O4 clietj, f..r j
tome of our coir.) eiitort, and thereby cri|. I
; jile their b .tine*. but we ar.'t make price*
I" tuil them. NS e aim t* < I many gieaS
nl a mall margin, intu-ad of a fi w at a
large jir- Ct. The uayt of large jr. fiu are
among the pa*t, and th**e who etiil hold
• *ut for th" old-time profit of 2'* t*> '*) |r
cent, will find tbem#elve* left We tell j
the rf-y brtf mm It'i al p*rKe* generally
charged for ordinary g<*odt Our trade 11
far better than It ever wat, which w# coti
-1 tider an endoriemcnt by the )*u*.p|e of our
way <*f doing bu-ioe*t.
At Hubleriburg, I'a. Get Iflh, '
Bennia, ton of Will and Blanche Svhaef- i (
fcr, aged 1 year, 1 month, and 22 dayt.
Lillt* #-I.t o Lrlfhleyed Aa-tla#,
Treeaur* L.,*l-T LY KWOH AL,-^*.
r*m* her* like • *** l,
r.lllb* heart* t*lth)e) *1.4 l*>r*
Rut lh* I'alher. in lII* eiwteai.
Calle-t htm lu*li*lter I l*re .
W h-r* *r *ll m*> meet 4ear Re*o i*.
If lre I*ll.e we *h*ll lr *
1 —bllftMli that th® puhliiher* of 1 ,
the Centre County Hi'tory 1 have brought
, tull againat A. J Greitt, Or. Dartt and J
Benj. Rich, Thete gentlemen object to 1
(>aying for picture* intended to illotlrate (
a comic almanac. We may tuggntt that
*iur friend* Greitl Dartt and Rt'h tue the
firm for libel. The td.a of putting "Tug ,
Wllon'#" picture* in the !!itory (*) and j
calling it A J. (irei>t it ab-urd. But that
i* the penalty for being a gA-at man. Why 1
Jar k could not even pay hia money and 1
take hi# choice.
—The new P.vangelical church at I*e- j
tDonl, Mile*burg circuit, Central I'a. Con- (
fere nee, Mill be devlicated to the worthip of '
God No* 4th, IBM.T Rv. W. K Det.
wiler, Pre*iding Rider of tba William*-
port Diatrlct, and Rev. Je*aa M. K.linger, J
of Lock llaven, will officiate. Minuter* <
and niniiibcre of the adjoining Held* are 1
cordfctly Invited to attend. Quarterly
Conwrence Saturday, Nov. 3rd, In tho nl
ternoon nl 2j o'ebt k. t
-We have |u*t received new Kail |
and Winter Wooltin*. Call and leave 1
your order. 1"
MojrrooMgßT A Co., Tailor*. '
•loTTIN'ih Tttou I't.Vr (jttOVK M 11.L*.-
D L Krebr, K-q., candidate for l're*ideni
Jud *tf |h 'ieariieid llolricl, vi-il'ul
hi* old homo in Kurguton lownvhip Mr,
K reb* I""ki we , 14li ! ■'i, vunP ient of h
D.-inocrvtic mi ory ifi r,!vf, in in]
Novemiter -Ti.e pi Into ir,j, I. t*.-iI,-* tint
ed ; thu i-ailv criqi being Urg-i and ol
giMul yield, but rotting badly.— Till! i.un
crop will nut amount to much, owing to
tbe early froet.— Mr. Snyder be* purciia*-
ed the tOiro of .-lewurl Bro* a'. Slate Coi*
lego, ao our towiithip I<MH* one ( ,f iit u,. *t
energetic ciiixen*.— Mr J t Sample it
alioul telling in* entire >!•>• kto „n ,-H*t'-rri
party . Jim will bn very muub mitted In
our people, 11* bo wu an a. ioliimodatlr.g
and obliging nurrbaiit f.'ba. II Smith
-..1 i i f Judge Smith, and Mi- Sliii> |,u.-
tli 11 ret, formerly of McAiavv* Kurt, were
married on Sunday lat : and on tbu 11 th
b' OUT s luw and Mi*# Maioto Ku'ei laaji-r
lelt tic land of riligiH bii-M-di.'-* lor Ida
elvilaii ol life. Th'-y left f. r their
home In J*ewitoWli -Frank f*ti * rur.* a
*t*„in throhnr. Hu lint threibad at. it
3.', ikkj bu-bel* of wlo at tin* #e**oa. W iio
can beat that''
1J..A1 "lil'lt'i JoTI I.m -John Meyer* i*
buiy huiking c rn. S*y bitcorn t* like
tbe new* from Ohio-good —Mr Jacob
Weber i an ' i ttnpln of u lem[ierato.tr lif
11" i' eiity-three yer* ol ag at.d -till
work* at tl.' 1 .ib.rn t trade ; net. r v. a* tii k
a day.—D Myer, ("al Reily and Tb. tna
Reily are tb ■ bort lutiler*. - far thi*
'•> ti they have killed three Jeer 1 arol
wi unded a large le-ai.—J N. Ditig're, dry
good* and druggi*t, 1* driving n iar •- t,u,i.
to-'' Hu ha* thu only telephone in town
lair dealing v 't< h * tu'.utner# i* bi*
iio'ito J oka W*kn I* *iiii keeping uj.
bi* reputation for o.aiiuf*. luring Li,e bug
gi* and *le!.;be J T Wfte-r, he beik*
after It,u llltefe*!* < j .r • —tf.at 1* li'•
toll * • " jrthie t.—The Lutheran < itif.-r-
U tiw-i-l* here on 1 .edy ard w. i < . *e
on Tburrday evening
—We never u* a. oniitent * divplav of
fail and winter peal* a* ' ,r merchant#
ha \ e i: their tbovr window* and on li e
out*.de of the, r "tore*. Ill* w nderful to
*<e tbe variey. , f brii .ar.t ...or#, tne #r
litlic arrangement f dr.*. gooi- ar.i tbe
la'Ve dop y<-i in ti," re ! • i*rr.;.'.-*
b r dtej t\ If w were iru'nei ww. u'.d
tie ri.mje lied pi keep our h.n.ted u;
in • rder to keep from g ing ir.t*• l.ar.k
ro(,t< y.
-We ..-am from tbe /Uj rfer tiiat
I. lit Ettit ger, a burner Centre 1 .untian,
but now a re- id*f t if Milton w*. jr..
tented w.th a aolid tilvr cornet, (tinnl at
$12.1 The j.e.-enl waa a gift fr. r.-i the
Praebvterian c rigregation, of *f hch nr
Mr. Kltir.gi-r t# a member Wall, a Cen
tre county boy i born ' luck If to f.ti (
In the cojntv ho live* laj ; v if 1 * g •-*
awnr he i* bonoria] by th'"* am rg wh. m
hi* lot i# ca*t .
—The be*t aii* kof br.p Tie Letter
boot a *(iecialty. Ibit.l A Mtaot.x.
■OOIR r I * tt li ' • .lie* aaf !•- ■ I"
1 * m Mdiri. r. 11 th#- r.* wo
Wtigbt fcf t . ill. .I•> .. %( r al >•••• - -fi %l ♦#•
wf M '■* il. M tiUm TrniU-ft *fi<l M •• l rtt.k •
N 'if M |!#*w!.4|f „ I'rllf# t ,% | A
H • .rfrvr f f n w 7 ' *■' I•• 1 9 A' .'-0 • -t c.f thf
r ,f$ 1 -n,-. r. $• r ,ff r.t r t t t.Mlt , ttrl tn
difvt#-',iV"r •<!( '• ! jbt I **.-•' Iltf
I till ' l |w '.#•♦ ft 1' tn
S-ilurday, Sar. 17, .1. I).
I k, t *. II f it#| 1 - r..*• J irl i*
tt# wf it** I#-ii- itt.i |.. Mil
Tlrw irw *1 .if ntri>il Ur. h io • *!
• I l*| • * || f#, t.. t■ 11 t •
" Jlk* I Mb U ■ f \4rt l*/4 *s n • kfrani (mi*
• it# NsitishiH l/n. dfttvl i|a Ami mi A|Mt
IT'-#? r otl' tn| 41*. trfM kit ) •'•*• r ". •s.<! tla
• rtliwf .f> tlc | #h lat of Mai I"VM *. %
*ri ar 1 r •- 4 |*b 1 *••, 4sta*l tl#
cf l?' itdf btftiiilti(Hu rf| tr4 I'll# •♦'■
! 1lk lb*f Ihr-fw f •ltat- m I'gfti#. |# p <'-v.tr
r only I'a "h ti ) 'th .fw| r.f A*.- t I*' 4
M a •#! ffmM t .tw > VI alffi 4t-4 Il.a ?Vth ,
A|fil l?H ar I' . la"r • ( 4liv * r*t b I
ink* In mi i*ti. nni l t )+ a,)d m tli
Ml • *4 H at V • *fj# 1 u
Tir.r* - Ai iM H| tm* until
lh (ffiffUc w i fji I* ;-i1 It# toll
T J li *tt K Mittrv
PUmtir, • (Mr*. tkrt > th |DQ
PXECt'T* K S SALK—There ..II
I J l* tt|n*k| b j n' li •' li e-Uth # ©f
J"lih R"lit , IB tu lii|it| . ( *tilf
t •.!• P
%TI" Hl> *T. KAIEHHm IT. A I#. Ufa,
Ik* per* ■ of • 1 #>a<M, Tii
f l#tit h-itM# .t f h#-4 lead on# l^r--
fc,*. c Vagwn. on# otvrß# nvaf"' . <m# graiß dilll;
OB# Out t •®|db4nf list pi- •' on# |#4f !• .
I.B# forß I'llßlrt ~t# •I'fini; Ba .'li . n* g*ar*.
fl •#. hrrnt, #ir *tr
nala to ritßiiß#t#r# at | Vlr(fc, r V . j
T#tw#* m#B4# kru r <B day cf al
c. i4i.r .
NO TICK.—In the mailer of the #nt-
Jt# of |i Wagnr, Inl# of tk# bufrdllll of
HalUroMl#. der#k*e I |b lb# UflAlfl*' 0*lM f t Vt.frw
omßty. Ill" •|'l't-eoneT tu iW# tA##n -*f #4 I M
• kf"f kinn I Wacfiwr. <! • faf sH#>
And b thr /Tlk. A D . IW, b|^bblbi motif wnH
Bid (vnßoitH nl ij , nnd |wi'*lontioii irH#f#J ID r
ror-UiK- Hh th# Ai *f lt n* h r
•rd that mleif l*a #n *r !.#
fur# t|# irat Ikt tfl |Mll IBM. tb# Mr Bill I## fo*
Ar mod #!•>)t#)v Hv fb# t'oort
NO I ICE —ln lh* matter F the oa
t#l# of J tin l.ifrb'bsm* r, Ut# of I#lh#rfy ton b
d#r'Ba#d. in lb# Or*bßß#' OoMtlof iVntnofM' tt
lb# pt•♦#!•#men! If tb# Mid • of ##H J i'tt Mcbt
banter #nHl. ffiry bUbU#dfn*r •#>*.•, for t
An-I n •. Am ITlb. A D. IbCi. #|pf#i#moait mad
ar>d MoiArMind. Bl #iw nttd ••Bl licßtl n 4#rH#rr<l \ n
ltb lb# Art of A###nMy In #nrb r a## m#<#
•n l |#ufM#f| tbit ntilmra I*# |I#A or •#-
for- th# Arl U* uf n#f t tb# ##n# Mill h# COM
A# ••#•! a I*•**!t* t #iy. fit lb# fUMrt.
iUi. 4AMU A M Cutt.C.O C
VOTlCfi —III tk matter of the e
I v Ut*4f J.'1.8 T CWI. late-S U'Lertt Iwwta*.
.k o'el 1. Iti- H-phtat tWt e CVatr* rxnaty. the
■fpfwi*. m- eV t* tb* W(*'Wor e*l t J"ba T. Ctarli. 4e
e*m*.l a.rr < t*r ntduw, M I'Wl
Aral mm. AH# KtW. X p, lkJ. *pvrl*em-nt rewi
■wl ewtb.meil. at a . *"* pabibwU..'. not** 4 ta *r
<Jhto.ee ltt tbe Art ml twemMj la MrkwMatb
and ~r..ute*. ttut aalwu eirept loot be Rled nn o* be
f.e tb* Inl 4*, ( Mil te tb* wwe will lee*
• rtwM uluvlateif. By tbe Ooart
i3M Jt(* A Mc#X*t.o.O. C.
I j I—<**>e<il*'y on tbe Ru*'" oI Kt,J,b iVwatt-ee*
tit* o# fS>ll..n Iwn., Centre ei.*ly. P*„ der'il. ba'te*
tu* |HuiiS to the e4 retficeL all per**.* IwteMed
lo ibe eetMe ere h> mke ptunl. **'•
■km k 4el 14# <4*l iw* a#wiM# tbe "eUle Iw preeeal tb*
twain Oil tnlbonied M MtUeweni.
B R Cat■****.
t'i— Eiecater.
HcaL'it "It !■ claimed that X*w V'orl
wnm-n l<>k vuutigrr hi llftv that HiiKh'D
women do Ht furt}, i'T f'hi<- n women at
thirty," lor tin- r i'n*<th that I Key h*v
I won taking I'rri/n't for th jmt three
month., hut ll<Vo>i and I tiir*ayo women
i >iro i-iitiiiiiit ijfi in ttijo t, io- entering ojon
the home-.treU hon f'rruna ] got one of
yinir in<k mi lh*> "111. of l,<f* ' from
, your druggi.l n- H j.r-reht, and. H it <)i*
lin\ i' iwen taking /Vnißv M \ Imih.
o|h Hro 111 ot< Hlloflt I Olidlliofl, Bll'l tr. ,1
ilot h"*'t Hro I >>j|>r<>vlnyr Ariel a
I M Wai i. EH
I,i w a*. J'a
i Wil'Ofl, Ml - Farmno it I''| , oil ' 'lo.
io. i to 11 •• only reliable Kea.Jv Mts*ei
i'aint in the market 'Mo* I'ioiomt |*r#.
' pared I'"" ' • tint *nlv *111ri• *r to any
Kendy Mi*"*, l'ainl nod <it i o ( ,r
■ wl, to lead iii it# rtino'lhfi**Hn in wnrhing
HTol du'HfllllH Tilj |>Hlnt It t'UH-HOl.
] liy Ifio manufacturer. **lt •i • I.
within three yea r • I ■
; oniy good f.*i ri*| .lo |.,i,t lot n
j will be pal on If It i-l erech or
Within til" tlfllH ►JOIlllw) It Kill !• Jr,
* our intere.l to <ml and k< o Vt'ilron, Mr.
. I FerUne 4c Co , Mrfirr* pun be*in; i-ltliei
Wliit" lri.ll or any other Heady M:t*d
i I'altit.
A liANotHoin Cot areurtir —Tbrre
i are dangttmu. counlerfeiu tri circulation
|*ur|r.rlu,o to h*i ''Walnut I*-* I Hair I to.
►tori-r. The .lron ;*ot evtdenc* of ita
, great valur it lb** fa I that j*artie. know.
, "IK it great rffi, ary try to imitate it.
K.i I. tnttlr of tli* ijetiume ha* a fae .ir/iil*
' , of a walnut h-af—blown in thegia.*; and
I a Omen |..*f en tbenuiaide wrapper, fli
, It."*.' r*r .a. hartnl***. wat**r, while
lit j , n || tiir [,ro|r rti* . nnwrery to
" ri**t"f- life, vigor, growth and uO.r to'tbe
hair I'ur* lia*r only from retjttintiiil* y#er.
, fir*. Ak Vour druggl.l p It Ka> hl> >t.
till It warrariti-d John, ton, If. llnwav A
Co . I'hiladrlfihia, and Hall .V K'j.kel,
' N• w i "fli, Wnohoaln Agent.. 4-I y
I N'W \ rk Mff
hb" .1 \'nDiJ'rbllt 1i ■■j! j vl'*l t*
;• f n. f 'n v I fi \* i * mutt £9
i ' Ij* \>m Th? Uud- rot urn*.
. t put fum "ft ib* ouUid<'of isri
• * ak. H' i rf - 1 { !jc t nT| b" riifc'll* li '.
Triul LM
. ■ ret VM h-1 St- •*• [y-ir. •* • . •. f||
t! N; *i . , ' >v ■'i, ■. • A i •
l |l II I'f .'I '• b-11 *4 I. I , ' . .Nt
1. •'*
l M <tol' n A ' *• J bft tt a) 4i"
A |'f i T I** i
f i' • ib|-, t, j. b a n.ti" i;i.A|ni 7 . i **
4 Vk 1 If. *i*f •'r. %4 rllts t.fM 1 jj*f M A'i 'I.
J hh f l' Hr.ta fr <J ||< uto4*f t'jT. Kx.f T l fc *
• l vi i... • .*. . QcUMf f'*' •• 41| AI f
T . I**l
J ' Aifrct ft* M , t I not R U O 41' kt.g T
- Alfir l llivlefi ; • R R Co.. 4/0 Aug 7
• A lUtiß t*4 cf ri Jmhi l tur 4*l Aug 7
. ! II I J i, • <' Rr- n 4 A Aug 7
I IK*.
II00 fll
Tr4'. In! ' ' g''. t mrit* 1 Au* Trn*. IAICk, (*4l Bnr.
.-a it# id M .tt 1/iu 4m)) \A N #tttiaf, A 1'
I V - • I. • 4 Vi Man W I •' . a
{ 7 l-l
. iMf : . I Ir.n Gj * B1 • * K R'' #! 4.1 .
, IN Jeft 1 1 *:i
I J ?, I Tb it* u *• "**niU! C'.Timt 't l . 1 5,
• .U. 7 u:
, 4 !!'. r gr* t 4 . • II H> .r* . V'
I I J.*, t i.- *
I 4' > r|u ' J I
J. 1 !•.
4 If Ei'. . #t •, ti U | IU 6i ...
! rl I '> A, f 7 |k.
• Ifettd Htt . t* Ju A IWltbr Hal. -
; Apr f |M
• L' >tnlig Fl* lw 'G • F U'lhini A u
a 4.1 At,,. 1 1 "
v I > g Fir# lu. ,t .*w . If. • 4.
I I Anr 7 Ml •
I Lf > It* Jr.. . .. E T Tuf* T 4> .
i 7 lA.
| li I V m.ng Ir* 1 i*t C< .. r. T T 4.- 48,*
r 7 .v.
Trial IJI
I aid of \/rrt-*T 7 4 11, 1- o tl
* rig t Ua* fti*t Mo.iit ri .f
I ►•..a
►. 1 llrMniilfM Kst *• htal 4 Mi"s.-
y 4. , 1.1 *|rHl T N
uo* cf. M RaeUl.4*. AjriJ
1 T : k *-
i ll'tbUr 4 *• S*n.u#l (Vt.ifff, l£i, Jm
. T
4 J •' |WI x. 44 t-f • A 4l..'*r.
T i-l.
I' M. I A Aim K * umm #*, I'' Aug. 7
• • J%. T 1a unU Hr .• <* I' li e #! a ! 1
"Nil I'M
T J B I *b*r r. R |J Uuvmn i m\, 12.'. Aftril T.
J lfW*lf • I.AAf R t • ..4 April
I T i*.'
I'.M'lKii'Mu l' r -T. • *' t T
* I I• Vt )| .)\ n huA.joctti t.A lo* C 121 Af
T 1 *•.
1- II l> 44 |f At * KilUn*ltii lt tV.. IX2 A £. T
# 11 H f"g Ct t. t>. M (Vbr rl a). '.44 Aug
a T l*w
t I* Com, of ( 'blw o>. v. C go 11
■ . r
• 14 J R Mti*fti #1 tl *. M —• T 1 tujo r. of gl. 72
l s.i T IM.
I I • Bt. ||4i u. ti M r.tsi A) lo* 4"<v. 4.
V 1 7
I it W OutimMi. • J.tti.. MtJfii. I>4
. T lA'l
|1 17 Jab 'I (lII#. rt.O flra*n mi ||JC Jfnt
T liftS
lb Vm\m H AI *A Wm M. Hb'-ll AAm
. T IMt
)' 4 J AlUrigbf A*lu. v*. J *ua. Kr^AfT>Af. ' . ,!•.
, rtm
' l II * . Ktc r fa JA W. Rciami, & Ajcil T
f Ikm i.
* ai JdhnCbtllA Hbl Tb Jrhtj T Irtjnu. 1> Ajfftl
T lftfQ
2* Joa K rmmmmi w Cbgb W A ln.ghf H A), lid 1
4j l T UK
.X J II Itindi r M.tt L M HmJ., 141 April 1
. )k*\
*4 1* Ilmbc #4 ul Tt 0 1. 4fl'*i#otft, 304 April
r I^.
S' Jurvb rir T I'Hb s R U CV> .21 > Apt II 1
?; (leo Xrt|f T* L*lokO<.n M titua! Fire Int. C* . ia'2
4|"tl T Uv-i.
*7. < > ulio Camiity Tb Milbtbborg Bfrougl), sr.l Apf J
r ifts
. I Cbllntitt# VhrOT#T TA .UffiM r WmTOf
1 /<wl A|nl T Uft'
! ivtr-t Pmltb o*tf tv 44 . J. fir M
1 | 4f .til T l*k i
' ftn iOrllbc tb Amo* lfn||iA|t,rl| AptQ
T IKft t
SI I*.M llcr.l ta Pl#r llr*t itb notice, ■
j April T. lis
M 3oitn 4fen An i 11 Jsftn Ltsnulnft. 407
► April T UK.A
U J.*|.ii I, Tfb-f J*n R lKn 51 Aug T \\
M. CliAfl*. 11. writ 4 bl T. P R Crrdnr #4 nt,
41IK T l*M.
a'v C %l KflGr. Tt. b bd I N K A 7 Aup
.V. A 4mm iiron.tMr T. II int If H R 14 Co., ** Aug.
35 Jbfi.r ll.arj Rl t RYr*. M Aug T.
. HQ.
.K 3fbn (isrMirli #t 1 f*. R And R B tt R Oe , W7
I 4o T lu<f
V R -'rl firFbfUir r. i •*>! R R R R On- IRO
. Aug t l*i
4> J 4u Tb". Tb Jf.hn IUbU, Jftirt Aug. T 1441
41. brmli J. Pr#rmwou m. I nM It li RR(V?99
4 tig T IIQ
42 Hngls Adum Tb Aubtln Aug T
41. Jmtwh H4:rf Tb R Aud R R R R Co. R4 Ac
41 • hub W Hwt T% (I uni RRkO , 341 Aug. T
' IftUi
4:. R uud t 4bb*ri*ikin, %* O. W Vm
Vulin k*r.. j?um Aug T iMI?..
4P l.uC Iftul Tb. lmul | II. .met. 309 Aug. T.
47 Wia 11. Hum™, t, 1 u < 1 1 B 0. r.
hug. T l*Wt
4* II 11. *nll r rttatf K'ana,aw u, T 1M
49. mm l fna af, * nro it M>tn H at.
i* 4u K r nv,
!. *vtr >maly u 11n.t.. n Touatbir. *tt AAt.m t .
T.l* to
l tVntr. County *. lUll.i,,ta IWnh. It* ia 4 .
t l*3
AS l>aaM Bh<w4* Hat ra. J*a M r.a nt A.
U. JwN.b A Clrdrr * btwalry W.taou. M A*. T.
T Mb r. stavuem v*. b mH b b Rb Or, 404 Auy.