(Julek Itnlhvnj Time. flock-ford, 111., Jan. fSKO. t This is In certtfy u ' r " vr uppainteil Drank /'. lilair, soU agent far the sale "t nur Quick Tram Railroad Watches in the Intra 01 Bel/efoule, BocxroßD W TCH Orartxr. . BY lIOSMKit I*. HULLANIb See. Hiiviny rn"t thnrouuhly tented t!* Rockfont Quick Ti lin Walche* fur the lant three yenn, ! otter thi*m with Iho tullesl confidence h the b*l mailt* Hint iuohl reliable time keeper for tlx* iimney that can b ohtnincd. / fully juaranlre every Mat eh Ice tw years. FHASK T nr.ei lN, \n. ij Itrnekcrhnfl [lnto. # Ml other A nieriean Watches al reduced prices. Pkiiiton, .lan. U7, The RookforI watch ptirchu*eit Feb. 187 i*. ha* performed better than any | Watch I ever had. Have carried it | every day and at no time Id it been irregular, or in the leant unreliable. ! cheerfully recommend the ISockfnrd Watch. ' IIOKACK It. lIOIM'ON, at Diphton Furnace Co. Tai nton, Sept, I**, lhlSl. The KockTord Watch run* very ac curalely ; better than any watch I ever | owned, -<1 I have hud "tie that eo-t ♦ 150. t'ati recommend the Uockford Watch to everybody who wi*he* a fine timekeeper. S. P. 1117 Bit A Kl>, M. I. This ii to certify itiat the Kockford Watch bought Feb. "J'J, I*7'.'. ha* run very well the p i*t year. 11-tving net it only twice duiins that time, it* onlv variation being three tuinuien. it he 1 run v.*rv much bi-tter than 1 ever an ticipaied. It waano' ad unted and only cost $_U K. 1". HK VAN 1. A etc . I eivrrHnftnrnt r. IT LECTION PROCLAMATION. oon s.tvr tiik roMMnv wr.u.TH I, Tlionta* .• Iti ' 1 . (lull Slirifi of the • . tiiiitj ' C#uir-.t iuirnotiw#alltt f PmiiM'ta MA. >1 ! • rei v &i'k* ktmwti and go# no: # t. ti <• •I* ..(• . f t!•* • miitv af*>rvw*id. that ur|< tluu will In- . Id in llto •Ai-i uuty • f CMilr-. tin 11 Mil AV. NO\ KMIIKi: I'or |!I* ptr|eiw of n|. 'tOJT ti# |aw r • -ft J- r A lilt trnrral *tl lit# c mit*iriw#Alth . • p mojrlt • * m 4>n# p#r*n for Tr avuter of 11*• t uim.i.w %lth P#nn-> Ivuit. On# p*ro fir A#- * il I f V * t :rt# ' Onli# l imit 4in# ponmn f.-r T"itr* I Al' rrt. v f.r Onto One p#m*>o fort%ionty Murv#v.r. I aN• kandty niki known %i**i .It# ■ #|hntl simiofholdingth#aforaaaid #!##t nil •, • Bo' if IT' *b( I * At* n 111- •. la t \ ( I are 4# full*• *# In *• if K"f Ih# tnwnhip fMm - \\ •-^i#r r | •••'!• t • lII# puMi htiw# "I l|#firv .*hfer > lit \*r ■ I For Ih# townvlxp f ll*-*.-* Mwt-r.t j it t at the (It,|,if- a. h'W.I hi lav 111 VV rf l. .f v* ,nt renin* 11 aI * l"if lII# t j "t I* ff• r ■*- lh#fn |r'ii l A: tii# I'd' |.< In t.#* I l. II Hnl.l, At I'-'ttrr • %|J; F.r (h# Crn II" \ : r ... t limj ■ idkool Fr ih# t..an*tii| i f ' M nth#ni jf# tin ♦ *t (k# I'uMl* • .wi "♦! i \ J Ft Fi*h#r. At l'#tin If tii For Hi# t"o*hi|( ■; t ,|| , n ll.# h I |.t •( Fob th# townhip of F#ri;nr.n •>•l4 piwinrt, n iu. ho 'l lintjte at |*lf# IlrnVr F r iU- f wn-lilp **f F". --n *| r ml. it •rli" l ho(|# in lUii' 5 * ill# f .if ti tnwnh i of II *rri# >n th* *• '• ••! li. tja \J | H aU'iikv I Fr f>io toWOAhlp f pAtt n. At tFi# ho ! tl t wnh.pA of t |pffi| iwl ftn ii thai mif man Ha F"f ih# t"wnhip - f WalW* r In Ik# of * • I f. ti • at Ilai I'rF>tir|f. Fi Ih# l->r .ii.-h rtft l t'.wnhlp f If AfAnl, At tk# •fhuftl of MI I ' 'fi 'irh. F r Ih# t .w.au|. of lin* i. irtl.#riij r•in •At th# (' 4*l ?tr#M-n h •' Ii n- F'r tfi# |. wcMkip of Hi*h #nlh#rti pr#r-in t in lb# fli -(I h'HiM iri Hi# vi•• of •*#!(. F"f th# tivn)ilp of l*i -m ?>'#. **at#rn pnrin-t, ! iu Ih# oh.-4 hoi># in Haovr F'r ih# f iblp of Fri w Sti •■*. *#v#n pr# ? % lo Hi-v ht#'l hmiM in i* vilia fc ' >f \| >tiann for lb# t"nhlp of W*rimi. At Ih- h i## r J .#1 Kim.- in JwlAHivillr . F h Hi# le*r*>uth *1 llllwbVf| #t |)m • •: | .# I iti I V r tii# |<(n>iip rf fl.gg# 'north#! II prr m l -it j pnMi-- arte-4 h*m## known •• lU# V%Aik#t #*!• •.i I. *n# F p tii- in#nh>p >f U •ootk#rn pr#iiii For ih# tovmlilp of ilul*n. At !.•• Hitt#r iHil# •rhelilt !•# F*r th# town#hi|'of p#nn. Af th# pohfle h->u*e f Wtiium Nnwir. F•( ih# Uir-Mtgh of M Ih i At lII# •. hl h ti# ai KmI#VIII F .r th# i"W n#h!{i of U orth. aI ih# •' Fi - I f. n## i P#rl MaIII U k-■# th# town*hip of ltnrnM#, At th# h •# f J K Bo*k Fyr th# town*lill of I nriin, At th# hi h' 'l*# t V'nl"tivill# For th Firt aihl **r>la #l th# lec ngh of *p* urje. Al h# Arg# pni'lk •• h'| h"h ( t r in# I'liild A#rl I th# l-vrmgh • f |'hiii|*hrg At tb# ain*tl piltflic aii4**l hoti##. N'XICk :• aIo h#r#f' |irrn, "TfiAi #e % r*#r%m #%#• ntln 4 # ofjadii c f b* p#a#*. |. . ah ill hold An j Ap|>inttii#nt of AIM profit .r I .t uni#r th# g-#rnni#rit uf th# I nttml mat##, of of thi# j*l#i#. | or ol any cit# r im.-n- rAt#l iliairo i. h#(h#r A • on. niion#'l ofli-Af or oih#rwt*#. •nHordlaAt# • fhr#r or i ho i or • .#ll #• #ptojr# l m.d r th# Id *U fiv# |.ict|tlv# or Jtl4kUkrj liwparirnerit nf Ihllflhl". or of ih# I ottait pi**##, *c of AI . * iljr or iroor|- r <■; diatrn l ; atid Ai# • tiMt #v#ry mrmUr of ( ..r htAi# h#i(iat inif#, Add .4 th# a#l## t i.rr rnQi nrotmril ofnny ctj or t.oaiinl**k>#r*i#Altl. • lid tht no fiiAp#4'tor. Judg# or th#r ofti r ..f an> *ti h #!•* tlon lial| h# #llj(ih|* to nay o#r# P b* Ih# i foled fof, ' At All #l#rt|ona h#r#vft#r k#lif ind#r ih# (# of ih# CoNiniouwi'Allh. th# poll# #hj|| !•# o|#fu I at 7 oM - k A. BP And r|o#rd Al " il'* ha A |> Hi. TirKF.rs r* HK \)rf.r. /Tk# '|HAllft#l #l#* t'.(* will t-k# floth # nf th# folio# . m in. net* i l—My.a^pratmUlan liltktiny nf Maf la* A*. "An Art r#guUftng Ih# *f voting At %JI •l#cii*OA in th * ##vatal roiiiituw of till# Common* wealth " Sar.l. fUlt#nArt#d Id th# and linn## of K#pr###nutiv*a vf tk#tntntnoti w#wlili **f l>tiiM)lra ai inlien>ul Awmlily n#t, ao I it i h#rrl.y #nft#f by tii# anthoi Ity *4 th# #wcd#. That th# *|Ual*ftod ;#r. tor# of th# Mrv-ral rvxiiiti#* of th** t ommonwinillh. At ■ll g#n#rl. townahlp. Umoigh and |*# I*l #l#riior.v ■r# h#r#hr h#c#*ft#r nwthoiix#*! and r#<|ilr#4i to ?ol# hy U'Mh, pniit#l or written, ot parti* printed or . ( partly written. a#*#ral|f a# folio#* IH.# tick#! "hall MhWar* ti,# nam pole # Of *' urta votial for, and to •# U'#|.*d ontaid# "• J toll* iar* . hiim t|ek#t ahall #mhr*r# th# oani#* **f all ofnc#ra to Im* v#i#l "mat#,"on# tl<*k>*t #hll #m hra/# tk# nam#* **f all th# off)r<>rv v <•(#•! lor. in*-hiding th# oUraof A# oa hw and M#nii*>r# *.f th# A-#nildy. if *ot#v| f*rr. ami I*# lali#l#d "(>.unt ' on# tik#t -hall amhmr# tk# nam## of *|| t< a„) M p oftb -ra *..t#d t*.r. and ahall h# lah#l*d 'Townabip; on# Itrhfil ahall #m brarrw lb# Mbn if #ll horowgk 'm. #ra Votrd lor. -and h# lab#l#d "Borough; ' and **ch . !*aa vhall t-e ilh|wmll. i w\ in p*r.i" Uln arel'f my IwnS ku-l w,|, .■ hit m. in Mlet—ile. Ihl * h -toy nf IK I-.I r. in Ihe yr ->f tmt A Lortl One Tbon*n to, and to r#j>ort adfar.c#r#nt#. If any. wilt a Hand to fth# dot!## of liia Appointment at blgfHre|n l!*t|#fonf* on Frida), tb# 'Ath day of So*#nl#r, #r to i o'clock, A. M..of a#ld d#r. wk#n and wh#r# all j #rtl<-# ' int#r###d may ithtf if tb#y •## proyr, IMt. * * Anltb*v. ExcelsßO p. M'f'g Co. f, m. (TB.\!>i: MAltK.t ' (wi'cat Out Sale vimimw 2 AT AM* mcr.ow Cl isr Tin-: i:\rini: STUCK MIST nr *•"/,/• nr. UAItIH.ESS OF (1 IS T ID Qt ll' 111 si Sl's Big Bargains in Suits! FOB MEI* FHQM Al 50 CI' WARPS /.-p • I SP TO I TII S SI'ITS AI. MOST CM v .in.! j AM.DIN \ *- CI.D I lIISC lIMJ IM II *. OVERCOATS FROM $B.OO UPWARDS, \l.I. WOOL MES S I'ASTS FROM I'D WARDS. THIS STOt K OF VLOTHtSO Ml ST /OS I Til I I J 111 SOU) II Ell A 111*1 ess or CO\r TAKE UQTICE, . Kverv $ 1 .00 invisle-1 in j>n r< 'i:. - "ur S. re v.. .he••*llit 1<- • 1 i i tCHANCE TICKET to win '.ii i tli* ihree huntlu'mc (..IFTS to be 'lruwii by I lie luekv number* which i *•. Ist. I'rizc. < llie 1 f-tilth nil' lle-l-li h-I, J ul' l I, h- :"I I. -lit I 1> • 1 -1- Edclomcl NY:i-Ii Btau' .1 t - "lie < ..t Rocking Chair; one Towel Rack. 1•;• • : D.- • A **• * ni.• i. 1 - imy Stivi (!, imilnti'tii !"■ ufi* —*• Murh!- 2 VSIKHS. Ml /77 I'n i l7'o/ >. LARUE RIVE ('RA XR ERR lEX VR! A f-.1E1.s IMVERIA /. I /OS, P.RHJIIT XEW I.EM<>SS, U.nRIUA nRAXUb.s. I*iiieev* PajM'T-Slii'll AlmnmU. 1 MiiHiiatcd DKILP PK\< lIF>. A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. PRESERVE!* PEA PS, PEACHES. PI. I.Ms ami PRf'XE/.I.ES. PLAIN CANDIES. FINE CONFECTIONERY. \ nli- GOODIEIS of all Sorts and Kinds rWo invite the pe.-jile ol Centre inti'v to call anil ill.J.rl <-ur Nl< K XiIKIDS, whi< h cannot tail t > plea*' itf SKCIILKI! ("<). Ihtll .r Mllii/h •• Hants ,V ! lines TDIi ii UDDD Root or Shoe TRY Hu— i—awpii inn ■ i n.■u:wx-a■ IXII,I, A HiN HI .I L, j FOR Sty le, Quality and Cheapness. We defy all competition. We have the large. t Mock -and bought for cwh. and well 10 per rent, cheaper than env >Pre in ihe rounty. ttur oI: R spi:cIAI.T RES. - ,* lUT\'NOl.!k ; iIUO'R, Ciiea and I). ARMSTRONG'S Uochevter dine* for Lmliee, Mi-wes and Children. Hathaway Mould and Harrington h Fine Shoe* for Men. LIEISITIEIR B() OITIS, THK Iv IXCi Ol'' TI IE .XfAHKET.p We have a Shoe Polish which will not crack the Leather, as good as tbe best and only 15c. I MILL A MINGLE. Bellefonte, Pa. ■* > $ ! A. : 3MALL POX '%> 11 n terrible Mcourgc to any community, nnd every powdble precaution rhoulil lie tui in to prevent it. rnvHgc*. I lie invent igittioiiH of Hcicntint* Imve rliown tliat the inostei rutin preventative in thorough vaccination. We ar<- happy to ntinoiilire to our fellow citizen*, tlint herealter we will be ahle to furnish tin in promptly with lr< -!i ami reliable vacine, direct from the j>aucß<'ter Co. viit i ii. I'.ti hi, than which there i* none better. wi: \i;i: si>i,i* ,\i ;!:nts rou ckntiik corvry a\ i > iwitk i iiIMM -I'ondi-.M K QUEENS PHARMACY Bush House Block. 7": have Ccnnccticn. I>, Cnrni ii it ,s hi'' .Sew Shi if. D. Gn mi an <£• So n. * \;• c: s, >|o n>t thiuh, h enu-c the ( Ut- r> :>re •••nt on'v pentl< men'* w< nr. that h ivi me I•i n particularly careful to •eh ct au eh . ant line of good- e.pi<. I to t V'ti w ill find il : t or advantage [ , call and if w are mit abb t>. supply y..*i irotu >ur ai I vari'd -! h. it v. ill he ■, i - I i " .* ! r :. to order wl a! v u * inav |id Wc think • are 'wtt< r abb* ton •t ■ , : r want- than any *P re in Hellef ,nte. i3T"~I BUSH ARCADE, !•■* '" f*' jfcT -I] Bj 1J1.1.1.i.i <>\ ri, J'a. eSt -iß♦Si ' ; m M. -tewl fiffl fc!. **> ,jfl I imi .1 Co., Mrrrh'lntn, .t fhr/fit ti y-Sf., Itrtte funic, Pa. I I- ! til- lit M |- A i HA I.l* I'll ic I ' /. I''/ .V ,[■ C (J. ' ' *'. I ' "'• '•> . •.*!• > I i• t ■>>•. j i ■ "'■ I • 1 " *• • " •• c.r.r.-t. ,i,,i..H'r 4,1 'I "it II.!. a .-It, J. • • !T. t * life. j!.s lUt, .m i . ' M' - r II ,r,. *i ■t • -> • r. ...1,.. I I ■ I ' I ! ! - .. II ... j| - ' ■ I| .1.. Il el f . , . . tl .1 a .10, I. OI l V . |, a I>|, .. .I . : M il - A I III! I 11l *> - lIUI.I AT oar. HALT raicr 1* •• I n re i • •• .. TV .lata ).♦• J| . 1.. ..I , 1... ' 1 I I. i.fKfe Wilfe • -I. .. , la* <• I ijv' >i ♦• j ft B' . • f. tl' |- -u ty 1% wlVinjfe Ft-•" t*#r •• J I•• . - ' . . • J o.tl • >.l A. ... ...... IV. iutt u flif- ... 4.V ... .. 4U " a bt# hb ' „ rstv • • I'a't f Kt' T- } lUtlt. r. • u llf! (Xli • , I. * I 1 | , • ' Jln r-r.w " . V'- •'!'.• I %" t leathw. Mi||ar* „ i. +tp 1. 1 I •'! - ! . irn> ft* • A • I ■ *' • • I (## t M I IK# t>,*?■ j *,(l !!<.*• lift. II tl •• Me-< ... ... ... . ] (111 Hwabrr* 1 :-• I I * ' I ' ? '■ H'• '.J I'UKliiO I ; r . | < • • (.. |.<: * s*. V.I st UlTlllV*. S\ |M II AM rui r J BU'k PnU tfc t)vbm 1 M. .mm W •%. ffe . IH J M*** * Mir 1.1 r* all •'•til* . | M- • * I *' ■ ' " I 1 * - I I'wTi! a ... Jin 4 ■*• INmci ill ti4 Dlfm-I .. • Min i |irk Kttti Uwf) all vul f*t| Im • , , Mi • W | I'tui* ► * ,, !mi !0n Im t>*l tn 4 <, 5 Ott fot 1Vto i ar OSF. LOT OF VFITS ALL WOOL Our 1,0 l of Pork- it - Light o!i Wool (ofimcrr Suit* Mnrhfrf />otrn to CW. He nrr Ovtrntorkrd. 11-fet.i Roll 0 r. ' t > 1 1 M fiifl <|oa to AO. if, no ■„,! ,.■. n I JIJSO. , fe.III .loan t ? o(Mill .v.fern iof 2A, ; A Ihrt N.j utMlaMttmillMlh •"! hall |o. • AO- a Marij .11 Waal i, 1 .|. c t.l f H a| a bar. Ill" A Mlrl' lly ail Wiv I fCi- lMa >n.| tlall ll,' HI .| M aiiata ||-. 1.1 ,r.u I Air.it >il Bill., all W lIIHOD, flafefert. 113 Id : nifei-k m.iten.l 8u11a... A 00. ling* and Children* Clothing One IL, If Price - I An ail Waat MmMw ViM IM<|MtkwtW ' A ~i> tin-Mill. Aalir Anil IWlilai atiH I M A Tr On. aioa Aalx-r Bait. a. .V.i .laa hr. 01 rhil.lran a Anufl*Hl 1 ' ..• .|.„ 11, .1111., Kit . 1T,.,. .. ; gj Ila.hiti 4 .V> Ife., . aalla. IQ lu U faar,. all wonl a *• . INihiiMiili Ih rA* flood*, Shirting, <{'r., nt One Half I*rire. tlni-Oia.l'il Alilrtlna V .la.ah.ra I2. . 1,. Ijl. a9O IthMNfealawM aa,MCta,TS * It,M, t WIM An ihri I 'I |WW*< MM lAr .laaah.r. Wl • with** lt Vf,® It> 12'yT *|ewhnry .10 Ib.ttMf H 1*1(1) Al|.w. f* l lt )M ... J3. One Lot of L'mhroidrrie* Ahnut 2.">00 Yard* at One-ffalj- Price. Th ii|M*r tin. |>l prlcnih'iw ahal Ih.y r artaally amrlh. hia lla ear radnrwt prlra. M It It ' IA an .i U M tt & T . 10 tit sn at *1 j* te lB* M r>f Crap. Bella, Cofl* k Cellar. SOr felt prir. Tic. Everybody i noir* hi/ (hi* time, that our Itibbon* art One-Half of Other't Price*. Sa*h Itibbon* 6 to 8 inch** Wide 25 to 10c. fblW*4 IWinr Mtfi* llow . f wtlr U IM# lot of w|) Hilt* <\.l#>rw| wnd ni< k RiMutt tfr A •, tnl wwlww 1 J t <4>> flt(\ / ■ I d. " J / v, I Vrt'j / r r H tP r i i 1 | | I w I* apron In it.' : r> wjjh an exltti -iv- a- - rliiftnt • f Fall & IViiitar Clothing, a:. I r -. r jfij lv iuviic* the public to rail a:,', fj.vniri' r < legant Suite ami O v . r ( nt. t r Men, Youth, Boy?, and Children"* w< n manufactured Ibrov tra !•• > T i'. • material, and in all Myle- to j>! a-H. (, or .. : M n'- -uiu- in Cuta nay-. tk■ I'linc- Alberts, Double Breasted < !!••, He ver-ible, Chen cl>ilia nikl lhavir Uverc at- arc Su perior, and Invite Altcntiou. And i) vr ;,t li k litre. Mcu and Ikvs, art v u going to fretie this in;- r, • r not Why, of course you're nut. *1 ou nr..-! have Winter Cloth ing, and what yi u want i the llent in the Market lir the I>>w ept I'riro. mi have p t your money b"iKNtly, and ..f r..uiv you want the nin<-t have been pleasant and satisfactory, and in offering our 1 hanks for the Literal custom hereto fore given us, we renew the pledge upon which we Marled out—Fair an j> JrsT Dr.At.iNr. TO AM.. IiKMKMIIKR Tin: FINEST AND CHEAPEST CiOTWINC, IS AT THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH ON ALLKUHRNY STREET I.F.W li\ & fo.. Proprietors Ilcllefonte, Pa.