il)r Centre i&% tHmocral. S. T. SHUOKHT .V K. L. OK VIS. Editor*. VOL. 5. . triif Centre democrat. Tirmi II.AO psr Annnm In Adnc. | Thursday Moraine, November 1,1883 STATE TICKET. TOR AUDITOR GENERAL, ('apt. ROBERT TAGefore the lainy weather set in. COOPER claims IVuusvlvania by 20,000. Niles, affecting to believe him, proclaims it. It it very satisfac tory, at this early day, to havo the ex act figures, but it is not safb for our Republican friends to bet high on Cooper's accuracy. This was demon strated last fall, and is likely to be more than demonstrated this fall. NEXT F*turday night. A. Wilson Norria and some other fellow hy the name of Eshelinatt, are going to dem* lonstrate to the employes of the differ ent iron works in this county the prac tical benefit of a Republican tanfT on • charcoal iron. They will also explain the advantages to the people of keep ing two or three millions of dollars in tho sinking fund without interest in violation of the requirements of the Humes' law. The Eloction and tho Tariff. From the close of the war every j time there was nn important campaign, ; the Republicans have set tip a cry ! that the success of their party was 1 necessary in order t<> have R protective I tariff. Although from 1805 to 187-> j they had control of both hrauchcH of I congress, they did nothing to re arrange the war tariff, or to afford the protec tion which a well regulated tariff would furnish our manufactories. The I Democrats had the house of represtu- j talivea from I*7!> to 1881 and the senate from I*7l* to I*Bl and no re ' duction of the taritf occurred. In the 1 j last congress the Republicans had ' I once again a majority in both houses. (The taritf of I**3 is the result. 'I he tariH" on wool was reduced iu the in terest of the great woolen manufac tories of the country. The wool growers of Ohio have been heard from, ami John Sherman and J. Warren Keiffi-r are •■adder if not wiser men. The tarif on charcoal iron is reduced so as to leave our manufactures iu Centrecounty without protection. Thi* in the face of all the promises of 18*0. j Let the Republican manufacturers of , charcoal iron iu Pennsylvania imitate j the wool growers of Ohio, and resent this treachery to their interests on the part of the Rt publican party in con gress. This is their only wi.-e course ; for if they still will blindly follow these leaders who have betrayed them, they can hope for nothing better in the future. Tnr. Republicans -eem to he in des- I perate .ear that if Ben Butler is re elected Governor of Massachusetts, he will of necessity he the Democratic candidate for President. They niav as well "possess their souls in peace" on this subject. He has no mora chance for this distinction than the "man in the moon." We are too well supplied with distinguished and high toned statesmen in the iJemocratic party, lo freeze to one who has flirted so desperately with the Republican heifer. Ibnjamin makes a good g,,v ernor for Massachusetts—the right tnan in the right place, and ntay in time restore the old commonwealth to respectability hy continuing to expose Iter "Tewkshury" and other enormities, j They had better keep htm. They . need all the courage and manliness he learned in his association with the Democrats before and after his set vice iu the Federal ranks. CoEEECTICUt has discarded bcr character as "The land of steady halv its" and may now be called "the land of steady murders." The one thing they do successfully there is to mur der defenceless women. The one thing they cau l do, is to discover the mur derers. Another murder, equal in brutality, has been added to the Mary > Stewart, Jennie Cramer and Rose 1 Clark Ambler list. Of course every man, woman and child in Connecticut will have a "theory" or "clue", audi while they ure busy Themriring" and "working" out the "clues" the mur derer of Julia Godfrey escape*. Yea, verily, everything is refined and "rul chawd" in New England. CHEAP ENOUGH !— A Northumbcr- j land county fair one who brought suit for breach of promise, testified that the vascillating lover had kised her 100,- I 000 times during the engagement. , The jury awarded the plaintiff dam- I agoa in the sum of 81,008 00, which is ' •bout three cents a kiss, thus giving the standard value of that article in Northumberland at that sunt. Cheap eoough ! WK do not see any reason why so much objection is taken to the dec!- ! sion of the .Supreme Court on the civil rights art passed by a crazed Congress. The Court could not do otherwise unless they voted themselves a set of imbeciles. Resides, all that 1 there is in the decision ia the reduction 1 of the colored man to the level of the white man. "KtjUAI, AN'l> EXACT JUSTICE To ALL MEN, oc WUATeVKIt STATE on CEIISt'A"|ON, hi I.tutors on I'ol.lTlf'Al..'.li-Sern-n BKLLKFONTK. I'.V, I II L ItSDA Y, N<)VKM I'.KK I. IHttl. Dinttict Attorney. Next Ttictiav lite people of <'.-litre county iniist elect i.n nttoincv to pro secute the crittiitmi cases in our courts for the tn-xt three years. No office in the county is of more reul importance to the taxpayers ; ur npo.. th • proper enforcement of this criminal law tie* pentls not only the p>-aco and good order of society, lint to n great \tcnt the cost of our court* t<> the County I Treasury. In the pn-t we havo had j faithful and competent proM cuting | officers. Alt incompetent or corrupt • district attorney would he an uuniitli i gated evil in tho county. It It" was 1 incompetent, the greater and more ox* j perienced criminal would eseß[W' con viction, for the reason that their I shrewdness and i-xp.-rictuv enable-* them to rover their crintt - to such an extent as to make it much more difli | cult to convict, than it is to convict n i novice in crime. It he should be c< • rupt he will not proecute any crime in good faith, hut will settle and at ' range with the criminals so that they may esca|x- the punishment due their crimes. We do not say that Mr. 11. 11. I lar.-hbarger, the Repnhlieau can didatc, would make such nn offirtr, hut he is inexperieiici J and untried, while the DeitiiH-tatic candidate, NN . ('. Heinle, E-q.. ha- already served three years iu the ofiic- ami lIICJK -PIE know they tan trust him. CHAIRMAN Coorii: niu-t IK- in DE ls-ration over the <.tiil,s.k in I Vitus yI" vnuiu, or he would not b- guilty of the folly of trying to work up a tariff scare by the election of a Dfitj. -atic Auditor Gen-ral and State Treasurer, which can hare no possible m-aritig upm the tariff question. Even if tie caudi-lates w- rc rampant fr< • traders, which th'y .i n , U nt. it could iie.t put the lartfl in any peril. But there i cause for serious apprehension to th<- ( friends of judicious tarifflegi-luti >n in the revolutionary course of Niqper attd his ultimatum n*-ociat'- in the Senate, which plait s the entire Con gressicnal representation of !*• ot -vI vaitin in a very great JMT if, hv their refu-al to apportion the *iate j,,r the election (>t numi-rs of Congress in compliance with the eommaml of the j constitution. The fact t-, C*io|M.'r'* tariff scare t* mere bosh, hut the other ji one of serious iinfiort. That there i< danger from the roure of Cooper and his cnm|cers in th Snati . wo have the authority of Senator John Bbi rman. which certainly, will not IK discredited hy our Republican friend*: i "Senator I/tird, of NN'esiniort'laud, iu a speech the olht r day, quoted Sena tor John Sherman in -tip|Kirt of the thielrine that under the apportion ment law of congress Pennsylvania cannot l>e represented in the House after March 4, 188-J, unless the state jin the meantime be redisiricted. i Sherman declared fr->m his place in j the Senate that when a law of emigre * ; required a reapportiontnent the state i must comply with it or h-e its reprc i Mentation." lUK IY*ncfller Intelligewee sav* : "Maj. IL-ihert Tagger I, the Democratic candidate FOR Auditor General, when A mere stripling joined the Union I ttriny with SEVERAL of his brothers to 'lo battle for vottr home*. The RP. j publican* eloquently prate for jtiatiee , to ami the promotion of the soldier. ! ( Now they have an opportunity to I choose BETWEEN the soldier of the • ( hiekahomitty and of Gettysburg and one who hail served half his time under Queen Victoria and the other j half under Chris. Magce." THE Pittsburg leader of Monday publish'* an interview with Chairman Brett nan of the Democratic county committee of Allegheny county iu which that gentleman shows that Can didate Livney, as bonk keeper for Cm troller Snodgraa*, failed to make (he controller's books balance hy 8218,- 000. The charge has created quits a flutter Eutoog the Pituhurg pollti | dans. Sometliiin: V/rontr NN lii*it it become- nice -t'rv for the law officer of the S'iKtc to institute pi'CeedingM lototnpel the Treasurer • of the State (who, with the Auditor (ii'tnual flttil S.eieturv of the Com ' t fiimiwi, compose the hoard of Sinking 1 "tiitd < 'l the people of the ( lawb character and difiunee of legal restraint which went* to govern the public official* now represeuting tbe | Republican party, and may well de j tuatul et itiUh rt fl clion. The solemn • •fill- taken before Almighty God which officials ure required to sub -1 scribe wlteti entering office must lie viewed hy the Republican officials ' its a mere bagatelle mere meaning lei- Icirni i ntitled to no r-s|K'( t in colt '-cicitce or duty, else why is it made the duly of the Attorney General lo i commence legal process to tequire :t! e-e Repuhlicau -rate official* to I oliey tin law to ptovide for the safely land legal disposition of the stale i tun-!- ttnil-T an net expressely passed |l( r that pur|.o ? This in-tance of official dilitiqucncy and difiaitceis not a solitary or exceptional rae, and tu'.diii to the present disgraceful and i si aitieless exhihition in the senate of I* -titiM I vauia of di-'iliedienoe to the plain mamlates of the constitution on the part of the Republican Diemlters "( that hisly, should dcniatid the tabu cc-ti-idcratiott of evt ry honest citizen w-n n, in the exercise of tbeir sover eign nglit. they are tailed upon to , ci-t their Ikilliil* in approval or dis approval of their servants, This |x •J- tut tit <• t*. ittw , atitl particularly to the nouniato of the eonstitution, ha* lco t *> long overl-xtketl by the pro jd". The i-ue is now made and comes t-i that |siiiit, ami ought to Ik* met promptly ami intelligently. The Democratic candidate for Treasurer anil Autlitor General, ( apt. ROIH.KT TAI.IIAHT ami the Hon. Jt> MEDII POWELL, are in favor of the prompt execution of the law to invest the money of the people in the man n-r pr- - -rified |,v the(it nenil A-o-m idy, s-t a* t t ti* rive revenue in interest tor tin benefit of the people. Tltev al-f> favor prompt and unconditional execution of tvety mandate and arti cle of tbe eonstitution. On the o:her band LIVMEY ami NILE*, the Republican eaudidates are opposed to the law. nnd opposed its |>n--.tgc t and re| r-s. Tbe object of this fair primarily, ia to display the varied product* of the South. I UKMOCHATSOF CENTRE! I urn rlh aroony 1 the miner* and laliorer* employed alxtut the mine*. Accordingly ever* , Republican who ha* receiveil the word t i* pawing it around, and the workman i* told tiiat if the Democrat* are uc <***ful in the iatc all the industries ot > the commonwealth will Ire paralyzed. . and p'lor. miserable wage* will be paid fhe Jireord Republican) ha* takei up the cry and a[ pea la to the working men in double-leaded editorial* to I* 1 ware of starvation if the Democrats ( are successful. False alarm bell* have an often rung ; out from the bf*o machine, that it ran have v< ry little effect now. Ih-*ides j the tariff i* uot in the present is*ue t and the laboring men arc capable ol detecting the fraud. IN order to distract public attention i front theinfamou* revolutionary move rneiiL* of the Republican leaders in tin senate cf Pennsylvania, BOM Coopei I ha* i*uo per Annum,in Aduinff*. Tho Two AddrcHHCH. Say* ibf Htrruburg Pairiol: "J'.os* ' oopcr hi* finally concluded to issue an address to hi* parly. And uch an ml •Ire* ! I imp w ** whan the chairman of the republican state committee needed only to give the word to bring ettry re publican voter and worker into line for the ticket, Then one blat upon bin ♦•ugle horn *n worth ten thousand men. Hut now tho boat in obliged to beg and lie and he and beg in alraoet hopeless despair of getting any response to bin wretched and melancholy appeal, ! The very firet | aragraph of hi* address betray* hi* hopelessness, for he know, that the tariff*is not and cannot be made *n issue in this canvas*. He starts out knowingly with a falsehood and be then piles another on top of it by asserting | that the governor h*s undertaken to co •re* the seriate. Tbi* latter charge ig ; too ridirul >uly silly to require even a de | nisi. As for theclaim that theapportion raent bill* offered by the senate are fair, it is sufficient to **y that it* faUity is proved try the fact that those bill* would ■ give one republican voter the same |*>w -r at the election that they allow to two I lemocratic voter*: in other words under those bill* 23,000 republican voter* would eleet a congressman while 50,000 democratic voters would be necessary to do tho same thing, with a similar pro ration in the election of senator*. "Mich i the fairnes* of which the bos* undertake* to boast. A feeble attempt to reinforce Cooper ha* been mde try a handful of away I tracked "independent* ' who have *lo '•sued an address. These men "crooked I 'he pregnant binge* of tbe knee that i thrift may follow fawning " They have made apretenae of fightingf'ameroti and tet with the fact perfectly patent that 'he apjrftrtionment baitle it the life and ieath struggle of ''nmeron they turn in with the enemie* of the constitution and give tbeir countenance and support to tbe revolutionary course of tbe ulti malum aenate. Nay more and worse. They propose to put Nile* and Livsey 'n ihf board of Sinking fund Commit •ionerswilh the certain knowledge that hey would follow thecxampleof Meatrs. Lemon and I'.aily and evade tbeexecu uon of tbe Hume* act. the most thor >ugh and sweeping anti ' ameron reform measure that could po*sibly be deviaed. Hut better things could hardly be ex ,reeled ot a pol,tic*| crank like Whar 'on Hf these "independents" is in fact chief y remarkably for the paucity of name. • ppended to it and iu lack of signiture* •I tbe leading men of Ibat faction. The conspicuous absence form Ibis ad Irea* of such names as those of ex-Gov rnor Henry M Hoyt, Charles S. Wolfe, Levi Bird Huff*, Thomas M. Marshall Louis W. Hall, to say nothing of Sena lor .fohn I. Mitchell and dozen* of prominent independents like him is -ignificant indeed. Wharton Barker'* ittle coterie would probe bly have help ed Boat Cooper's canvas* more if tbey had preserved a discreet silenoe. IT i* an open secret that scarcely any of the article* of ordinary household use were found in the Kaecutive Man •ion on tbe 4th of March, IMG. Tbey had mysteriously disappeared with the -xodu* of the Fraud. What became of 'hem its* much a tmatery now as it wa when General Garfield wa obliged to purchase the necessary outfit to on tertain a tew friend* at e "family dinner. The ridiculous dinner service for "state occasion*." which Mr*. Hayes ordered at a cost of $3OOO, had not been die turbed, but. in expreeaive language of one of the new inmate*, "there was not a napkin to be found in the house." Kvery tiling portable and convenient for use had taken wmg* and flown away A'ew Pork >%i. Jt'DUE THIHMAN, the other day speaking of the many effort* made to account for the result in Ohio, "hits the hulls eje" when he placed the real cause to the fact that the people are "tired of tho rule of the Republi can party. The same influence i* in active operation in Pennsylvania and elsewhere, and tho same rr*ult mar be expected. i—i ♦ 1 . THE Pattieon administration, which waa predictid hy our Republican op ponenta, would deatrov the business* interests of tho State,