Sht Cfttftc grmocrnt. Thursday Morning. Ootobtr 25, 1883. 1,. llll|Hliaill 11. *>. • eJ from any jmrl of th county. No cmoiunlc I n *riei at-companlcd by lb* o*m of to* wrllir, _ < Local Department. Mr. Joseph Baker gavo us a call on ( Tuesday. John Lann has abolished tho "moui- tache." i Kllis Shaffer reported everything al right in Miles. —Tho Howard Hani visited Kaglovillo one day last week. K.quiro John McCloskey, of '"urlin -trayed into tawn on Monday. Water commissioner Strickland is ' busy laying tho water main on Curtin street. J, L. Sj'angler and D. F. Fortney are attending to h-gal business at l'liiliio hurg. —Tho Logan hoto house is draped in black in rnoinory of John Cox,one of its late members. Tho .-ixth new house on east Curtin •trect is under roof and will soon ho ready lor plastering. —Chairman Heinle WM looking after 'he interests of the Democracy in Philips burg ibis week. Mr. Davis special Pension agent has about complo" d hi* work in Centre county ile goes toCieartield next. Mrs. 11. C. Weaver is visiting her friends in llarrisburg, and "Cy " feels worse than ho did over the Ohio election. —Our correspondence from Marion township coming in late last week wero crowded out. Come again. —The pick-pocket arrested on show day was discharged on a writ of habeas corpus' No evidenco to hold tho fellow. Representative# Shaffer of Cameron Deitrick of Lycoming, and Hunter of Centre, were all in town on Saturday. —A meeting of the County Committee was held at the committee rooms on Satur day and very cheering reports were made. Inform ,be General Secretary of tho V. M C. A. whether you want a season ticket for the series of lectures proposed. Dr. Swnrtz's house on Penn street j shows itself above the wall. It will he a decided improvement to that part of town, j —lsrael Dachau, of Gregg township, J rested himself in our sanctum. CaP again Mr. H. our latch siring is always on the outside. Bellefonte sportsmen are the terror of | barn-yards that contain turkeys. We ad vise our country friends to shut up their; turkeys. —Joe, why didn't you keep quiet about | the crowd on sbow day ' We just wanted to mako "them Lock Haven fellows" green with envy. —The McVeylown Journal hoists the name of B. P. Butler for President, Surely our friend Conrad is spooneying on the Presidency. —We understand that the "Colored Band" has already mastered three difficult 1 pieces of mude. Wonder when they will play in public. Liberty township was out in full force • on Tuesday, some fifteen or twenty per sons being in attendance on an audit held at the office of A. O. Furst, K-q. —Jake Cole is running a store out at Goleville and is doing a nice business Coleville will want a borough charter or demand an union with Bellefonte. —"Bully ' Wagner killed a poor little wild (?) turkey. The boys say that it bad mu-b in its crop. If such is the case, bow came the mush there 1 Let Mr. Wagner i explain. —lf the party who got into our office on 1 Saturday night or Sunday repeats the op eration we will give him a chance to board with Sheriff Dunkle. A word to the wise is sufficient. —Ground was broken on Lamb street on Monday morning, for the diuhee of the Steam Heating Co. Our street* will be in a very dangerous condition until the pipes are laid and the trenches filled. Mr. D. 11. Kusterbauder desires us to say that the report that he bud gone into business in Pine Grove is false, and he thinks the fellow who reported it was light in the upper story. —George W. Wooden, of the St. Elmo House, Uoutzdate, and proprietor of one of the finest livery • tables in the state, wa in town on Wednesday. Mr. Wooden is a brother-in-law of Charles Smith, Esq. —Manager Sourbeck expects to have a first-uiass dramatic company hero before long. Tbey will play for three nights. "Macbeth," "Lady of Lyons," "Cucreua Borgia" and tragedies of that alass make up their Heperloiro. —Lewis Hess, Esq , of Phihpsburg, was in town on Friday on business. The Jus tice reports Pbilipsburg as booming and the electric light in splendid working or der, all the street lights in full blast and no flickering. —Wm. Cullen and A. V. Cirpenter. of Rush township and Pbilipsburg, attended the meeting of the County Committee. Mr. Cullen missed the early train and drove to Fort Matilda and caught the 10 A. M. train on the Bald Eagle road. —\V'. B. Shaffer, Grim 4 Co. have re turned from a three day'a hunt. They brought home the finest doer ever brought to Nlttany. It weighed 211 pounds. Grim shot him, and *ayt it I* an Ohio Buck (Eye.) Our Industries. THE lIBLLEFONTE NAIL WORKS, t.lMlTKt> For some time your reporter has lulttho desire growing stronger within hit breast to visit this most recent of our town's im portant industries. Accordingly, last Mon day saw us looking al the ground, which but two years ago was a marshy waste, but now built up with house, tenements, a Hoarding house and the nail works them selves On entering tho office we wero most politely received by Mr. Arhenbach and S M. Buck, the book-keeper. Our old friend Muck kindly showed us tko plant and made us acquainted with some of the lending workmen. HiaroMr ANI> DEM KITTION. These works were established November 10th, IKSI, the company com-istingof Gen eral James A. Beaver, of Hellefonte, Messrs. Wm. V. Emery and 8. Achenbacb, of William-port Gen Heaver is chair man, Mr. Emery secretary and treasurer, and Mr. Acliunbach, who it a thorough mechanic of long and varied experience, i general superintendent. Their works are located on Spring creek, three-fourths of a mile below the Bellefonte station, eloto to tbo railroad track, with a switch running into the works, affording excellent facilities for shipping. Tho works were erected in the most approved manner. The rolling mill is 125 by 125 feet ; the nail factory 75 by 40 feet and the warehouse 125 by 40 (eel, tho whole covered with a slate roof. Each department Is provided with all the most approved appliances for successful and rapid work. The rolling mill is supplied with eleven furnaces, and all the iron lor the nail mill is made here, together with considerable merchant bar iron. Tho present capacity of the works is 9 to 10 ton* of bar iron and 12 to 14 ton* of nails. Tbey are shipping 5000 kegs of nails per month. They are all packed un der the eye of James H. Stott. MOTIVE PoWXH is supplied by live separate engine GPO. Rogers is the trustworthy engineer that runs them. One of them ha a capacity of 500 horse-power. John Stott. formwrly of Reading, is tho foreman of the factory, tie is a thorough nailer and a most com petent mechanic. THi; ROLLINU V 11.1. ; is supplied with a muck tram, nail plate | train, and a fifteen-inch bar train. Chas Kane, of Crescent, is foreman here, and i Geo, K*>e, Itkewt-e of Crescent, it the j roller. Iaac Wyland and .!• hn MvGin : ley are respectively the roller and catcher 'on the muck train, and 8. B. Wyland i catcher on the plate train. The beaters in , this department are Geo. Rowan and Adam Ginger. John F easier runs the nail plate • litter. When we entered THE RAIL NR.T'AATMKRR proper a frightful clatter assailed our ears Here were thirty boys, each at his machine' making nails of ail sizes, from a three penny fine, to a six-inch spike. It was all very curious, and wo screamed to Buck for information, and he held his mouth close to our ear- and screamed something hack. Wo k new what he said must be all right, j and didn t dispute it The nailers are, R. Caino, Albert Stott, L 11. Gumporr James Stott, John Hsir, John O'Connor, J. L>r.gacef, James llolston and A. Tay lor. These gentlemen are competent, and piovo it by the growing popularity of the Bellefonte nail. Geo. Lambert it the fore man. Capt. W. T. Fitxgerald, late of ('res cent, is now the foreman of lh blacksmith • hop. To piack away this enormous and increas ing pile of nails requires a thoroughly •■quipped roorta aiior Mr. O. At wood has under him three as | instants. It is a sight long to be remern • lred, watching Atwiwd's deft fingers play ing like lightning. A couple of minutes ago here were a few sticks, but presto, and 10, stands forth the full made keg. REMARKS. The works employ 140 men, all told. They are contemplating vast improvements in he future ; and having Centre county ore at their disposal, are rapidly attaining a national reputalioo, as they are shipping to every section of the I'nlwd Stales at present. They have been a great addition to Belle fonte, as they have introduced pushing business gentlemen like Achenbach, Em* ery and Buck into our business circle* end society ; edded thirty to forty pleasent families ; caused a new iron bridge lo be built over the creek, and given a great impulse to building. PHIUPSBI-RO M KETIJSO. We hope our Democretic friends of I'hllipsburg end Rush township will turn out *n mass to the meeting on Friday the 261b. So brighter array of political orators has been gathered together this campaign than the gentlemen who will address the citizens of Pbilipsburg. Each is a host in himself. In addition to the speakers mentioned in another column, R. June* Monagben, Esq., will be present. Let everybody go and hear the Issue* of the campaign diecusaed by those able to preeent them. —Dr. Rhone, President, and Wllmer Crow. General Secretary of the Y. M C. A., gave us a call. With two such of ficers as these the Y. M. C. A. is bound to flourish. Mr. Crow states that the Y. M C. A. Record will hereafter bo published monthly. We suggest that they charge on* cent per copy towards bearing the es pense of iu publication We believe it has heretofore been distributed gratui tously, ' " ** *" —At the annual meeting of the Y. M. C A., on Friday evening, October 6, !Bfiß, I the Hoard of Munagersol tlio year just < closing, were re-elected, viz : I President, J. \V. Rhone ; Vico Presi- 1 dent, W. I. Fleming ; Recording Becre- ' tary, Charles F. Cook ; Treasurer, J. YV. ' Gephnrl. Executive Cammlttoe— U. S. Keller, \V I H. Z*llore, F. Pott* (IriH-n, G.-n. Jetnev A. | Heaver, Clement Dele, A.S. Valentine, K. ' F. Shaffer end N. S Bailey. At it special meeting of the Board of Manager* on the evening of October 15, 188.1, the different committees to attend to | the vnriou* department* of Association I work (for the year just entered) were e- , lected. Io addition to tlio unml commit- ( tee* the Board filled a long felt want by , creating a committee on music, which wilj , bo founo added to the other committee*, in , the following list, vi/. : Devotional Committee—A. Daniel*, j Charles K. Cook, Jamu* P. Irwin, John A. Rankin. Committee on Membership —W. I Fleming, I. A Hchaefi.-r, Frank Hbenton, Newton S. Bailey. Harry Keller, J. W Oephart, I) B Bell. K-'Ceplion Committee —EJwin F. Oar | man, Washington Reese, Loon Oumfert, Franci* Spenr, John W. Barns, Wilbur F Harris, Harris Mann. Employment and Boarding Committee | Isaac Mitchell, .lames H. Molt, F. \V. i Crider. Library Committee—George L. Potter, ! Joseph M llelfotd, Newton S. Bailey. Commercial Travelers' Committee—J . C. Meyer, John I. Olewine, Harry Green. Lecture and Entertainment Committee —W. S Zeller, F. Poll* Green, Clement Dale, Gilbert Beaver, Kills L. Orvts, D 8. Keller. Committee on Music—Jamas II Hl"lt, L. A Scbaeffer, R A Ltird, John 8. Muser, John S>mmer*ille. ZIOV SMI Sl'Bt'RMa —The iludes wbo assemble about the church doors during our protracted meetings should b tmc*ri moniously handled. Mis* Lilly Fi*h*r,of Boalsburg, i* ([ending the week with her uncle Phil —Mis* Mollis Cites has finished j her first month's teaching at Zmn Thus far she has given excellent satisfaction e Mr Albert Sh*(f-r, otherwise known as "Ponny," after many sct.r - tifir experiment* at "high farming dui ing the past summer, say* sugir bei should h*T an ear'y start, and plant* ihould not he set out later than the mid- I die of June. Every body in the country ' are commenting on the good road between j thi* place anJ Bellefonte, and well msv they. And right hern we will remark that John Dubb* understand* a* mu< h i about lurcsisful f*rrnir.g as he doe* in rnsk ing good r<>adi.— Prof W W Rtij*rt, >•• of Centre county 's best leat hers, will cor duct the Forest school near this pl*<-e the ensuing winter.—Our worthy townsman, Martin Brumgard, has been nursing Dr. !* 8 Fisher the past six or eight days The Dr. ha* been confined to his bed w tb J a seve attack of illness, brought about by overwork and exposure. We are glad to say that he is con vataecing —Samuel Dee- J ker, the model farmer of this place, was busy making hay last week The yield 1 was good and of exrellent quali.y. —Owing t" the want of spaco we are compelled to cut short our interesting let ter from Penns Valley. Wa give below a brief synopsis of It. "With lb" advent of the railroad came all manner of steam en gine*. St'-am saw mills leveled the proud monarch* of the forest at the feel of man, and now the what and grain crop* bow t<> the might of the steam thresher. Tturo are five steam threshers In Potter and Gregg, and ot them a traction or road en gine which travels on iu own volition. The Ladle* Missionary Society of Cen tre Hall and Bpring Mill* is flourishing The OctobssT meeting was held at the house of Mrs. Tbuma* Jamison and was well at tended. Robert H Duncan has returned home after an extended trip. Esquire Rishel tied lb* matrimonii' knot the other evening, the contracting parties wera Mr. John Foster and Mis* Christie Taylor. Jacob M'.Cool has moved into hi* new palace. John Runkle is assisting Messrs. Wbit mer ** tor the week sailing Sat Oct , 1 Isas lifts last JMr a.'.,s sr. tarrsaa* l*i Prsslsosl* daring la* •*, 1,203 o*7 Sams tin* I set )sar 3 Uu-au* Derraaaa 2V.312 Tout la IWCI 8.2*1 uM Sue Uas* las I |*tr i,&*' Dsnssss 8T..T31 eras* taseiars. Uabsi 90 cars Mia.-Hanson* 213 " Cicitr RboPEMro —The church at R<>** appointment, Half Moon circuit, M' K Church, after tborougn repair, will be retipened on Sabbath, Oct. 28, 188?.. Rev. E. J. Gray, D. D., Proidnt of Williams port Dickinson Seminary, Rev, George Guyer, and others, will be present and officiate. Everybody Is misst cordially In vited. W. R. W'NITMBT, tmtlor. —Mr. Amy, city Recorder of Allnona, •pent Sunday with Mr. Albert Owen at hie residence in 8p Ing township. Mr. Amy I* an twtofligent, pulDhed young gentleman, and certainly posswsaM the confidence of the ciUaeot of the Railroad . City. . I A Jaust Tiinoi'ott tiib Lowxk Bam Eaolk. Your reporter, Messrs. Editors I of thu Dkmovrat, iinjellod by prlvnK! t business, and th desire bi see soil become 1 more intimately acquainted wiib one of Centre county's fairest section*, started last week on a couple d day's drive, snd wishes now to give you some of his im pression* snd experiences. Nothing hap pened to impede his onward earner until he reached Ml. KAI.I.K. Hero the road wn blocked by l.ig farmer wagons, nil in front of John 11. Leathers' cider mill, and it wa* soma time before open way was made, In the meantime he had a talk with the genial It C Leathers, who described to him hi- sand operation*. The sand of Leathers' Bros, is, hv the wav, the ; cheapest in the .State, and no Its in the glas jM>t* one-third quicker. John was too busy , filling cider bairels to talk with any one. , So off your reporter started along the hack j road and found Newlin Hail, our F.x-C'om- | tnlsMoner, busy iri the corn field Newlin j told him thai Democracy was better th.s ; Fall than the turn crop; and niter be looked at a few specimens of maize, and I then reflectsd on tlie Buck-eye State, ho thought so too. When lie Struck Howard i night had fallen, hut that kindest s.f loots, Jioi. A Woodward, entertained y■ ir re porU*r on hi* farm. '1 he \\ mid ward fnrin ha* become a model, arid shows whet i ealcd agriculture -t Weber A Co. are doing an immense bu.l nrss. Lie us Una w. re so crowded j your reporter ha I no opportunity t*int*-r -view the niaOag. rner.t ' me A I k *r ilso dou.g lug work. T. •• Sy racu-o House it now r ill by Ja •!> < .k . a ..J la- t.i, no on* of tin- most inviting | '*. t n . >■• in tb I . ; •• jof thi* vicinity Th" iar.d ri. -l r.. tI " f rgotien, It :• the j r O of If. aa- ) ai i j this is right, for a netter I k:i g Set ,f i y t Iln their new umfortiis ran t! e t ,r, ! And their rnu-ic w . d make an >rd nary Ir 1 I turn gr j u tb* bost-bul t viliagein the ,ounty Jn ■ i . Klines' new hruk i, nie IS a IM-.U!*, and I in* store room 1' e. n-tant'y ft ■ I with j tusp.niers. ttir ■ frier.!, .1 A .ig ej , has built himself up a big tr,!o and at g reputation, and t* a g.*-) example of what a Vour.g |. j-ir.ess n*n• we have dr..j [*•.! I 1 ■ third pers- H We ran int" of th" f st dinners a*. I> B HUM*, that s<*>n sat i-fled the craving* of a hungry sinner And we had a similar *B|! I i in.l is* Voices, all 1(1. mher* >.f the Y. M ! '■ A., tliefi lollowed thu reading >.f the Pro.- 1 idem'# report Owing to tli . ir.m .Jd- 3 iidence of the President, Dr Rhone, the I 1 rejeirt w* r> *d by (' F. < 0..k, Eq. 'i he ' report of ti.o Devotional v'ouimiitc.- wa* ' ' read by A. Daniel*, at.d show* all , ' amount of v..rk done during the year that : is truly wonderful; and shows that we ; have right in our rmd-t sn organization I , whoso work tor go. d cat, hitr.ily b>- esti mated even by those familiar its 1 ; working". The report of G. L I'..iter, l.ihr*rno., and of .1 \5 f.eptiart, 'J . t„iir . r, are V i y tnts-re -ting, un I ll|ee t w . de. ) nrtruent. fc d fin*lll .1 e'd P> rhiip* the j most inter. .in.g r-; . rt* were tt.o-e < | Mvst.-r* 1\ "11.-r and Swartz, of the 1).. i. l lt atii'h. '1 he little fellows r ..d in a < "r I distil:, t tone W. 11. prepare.] rejs.rtv of their r. .p.. live t '*n i.e. .; work, and excuud the admiration ot tin e pr* -> r.t by their eool, d> iih. r .'<■ and . urnc t manner. Weil doll.' . - You have crowned yourselves with lio. or tn 1 your cau-e with g! rv A g"ti "r, be It it anniversary of the V. 51 I A. a- o.hj oi th • ui ot enjoyab.c c. ... n* all rd 'iifiei.ui, n.f Belief nt< .or a long time Ck: tub llai.t. Notk*.— A I'enr.ryiv*- ! n. IS R er.gin •r. >r | • l.ave !.—u 5,.: vey • . g and making <-lim...e !• r the Csunpie 11. nof tba I'ci.l., vaii.-y road.—Davy Moy j >-r fia- mull ■ I the hotel i irinerr !tiut he Kes pa fir-t-i ass t. —SP. it an I Mio .p a.-e making .. • rn-, •.■T ti.ut consider, i * gem. it d.-tntiutes the ph •>, hat- and j *til# the • rn a', the >.io" llm. . an.l It y u tok ' Van a! >.l it he will tvit to. *t ' .1 iiu.n and gr nds the . ni an \ t ,'i - . pri of iiu.h and uu.k at • . I. r.-t olutioii of the wh.-'is 51 r V. • A " f. w re the .r, i. jyir.g 'go J* -I no K n. iy r* g ilat. - tf.* tiuie ! r t..e iaruor. f...t.r Kor.sol the lU t rfir is U i woattby editor in the > - Tto l an ;s " Jpjolvd w a ter !r. in the I ■ , at i as tl.e i 01.- ta.n 1.-ad Is Col., d rat . htgL- r than the '. n, .'favily * ~lies the place ■fan ei ■ h i... s. Jj,u p— i Jn u. . rat. meeting a*, a 1 si.. f. i.las to 1 -• .a' Dl li g. ,ioi .- 1 the <•!,. rg. i , men • : in." P<* n J li 55orr*y > if.. . ■ y orug store i . the vaiy ,fr t. t*jring 51 IB* I' •; r v < - ilf A i ai. J.'s f * ha .'t l . tl ;i. '..-1 \'l '. I the lf live f e w ICI. tl* gets !M ' i.r r.eW t.riin < i g 11*' x n. f C arii n c me t , l.r. ught a lit.' ..f Callt - l" '. w u \| I n, . taX. s the hid. horns and tal . w •) of vt, • f-'. f(• r .'ir friend L ■ -• r, !t: • iu j —Tl.e N .rtro fit (' .ifercfae fFt e -\h .l C.t.lfal I'. lvar.ia meet in (the Lutheran church st 8.-aisburg. Tues day evct ng •' U-l" f • If.b. to. ntinii" two day s, id.-ing Thur-day rung N. v. 1-t T .1 ni. r.g th| lit" ar.d ■ rk . f st*r. lit. L ith.-r, the inuw rtal reformer of the Inll century, wtfl • dtscus*>i during the day s.-ssi.u.s, ar. i serno-ns pr.-acbs-d the >. v.rat s-vcnitigs. Children's meeting Thursday aflerio- n A large attendance and an inter.-t g time evje- '..f Ail are Itivtled id v ti 8 |t|tv, I'm*;. - 5 e are lud- M-si Pi Mr John Bhow i rs.d Bprir>g towtisbip, ro-ar Pn-a-aru Gap ' tor a fine bead of cabbage weighing 151 pounds. it is a split,did sjuMnieii, and ,). vr.efil U.Mr Bhoa l.aVe a oc f.ster Defl.o- | I > ratic Mi.-ettng or. Friday Clrairman Hen* sei and Mr. Davis, of Lancaster, and Ex- I It..* Curiin L s.kout for a big time The | D.-m.svraU are awake, sure Ju-t imagina "A i 51. K-e on an Indian pony, sit revolvers Us bis belt, and a Wi:>- h~t-r rifle on bis shoul der, starting on a buffalo hunt. That is the pen-picture fe have of the boy. -We have just received n.h new Fall i and Winter Woolen*. Call and leave y our order. Mortoomsrt A Co., Tailors. MARRIAGES III.A" K-rnvTT -n Was I'|HI. oa Iks l"lh . * ll. leaws of U* bride's |*eenla. Mf. ||*r,} R *.k "f Mafrtaleirg U Mlsa l.lros M of I ribMiUllf CANCER CURED. No disease* have so thorvmghly tu ffl d the skill of the medical profession as cancarou*iiflWtiona and a* they have al ways been coii*ta. r. d incuralive, it ha* te-'n thooghl d*r. jeiuible to sd-pl their treatment as a sjwciaity ; and herne physi cians h*ve neglected their proper study. But of late years Hew and iin| runv dls coverie* have br. ugbl forth a course that n 1 w prove* successiul in any of it* form , with certainly, without the u e of the knife or csu-llc plaster# We h*ve a treatment that i* comparatively mild. It i# not p..|son. his, d.e-s not interfere with the hea.ihy fl.-sh, can be applied Id anj* part of the fnaJy, even the tongue We take nothing lor our service* until the cancer I# cured. Address DK J IIULBKRT. Kag.evtlle, Centre Co., Pa. XJUriCK t* It-rcliv that IIM In a..t *oat or s*r"* nutikse, "k p'*rl, Ili'llHlitt I'D , I'*, Vour ferttnu h.r lwll|feltii|i mel J.Svvr trouble* help* we. W J' IlKAJifciy, Kt blVrr|joil, t). I w* ruff- ring with pain in in) < pwlpi tnllori tit l he heart, with twin • 'i if nf the *t-iiim b. I'truuu t tlnti •/ **,t. m|i Mht t t thren r. ; I thought I wou'il hiv to quit *• I . I ININ-Ultcti L laiH.i oil TII JF /'• I 'tint iiuij am Well Til"* Oka ■ ill V\ ■ t.-r tt hvefuj", A lit'Cticnv t'nj- I'u. A-k jour 'lrugifint (or llr Ilurlmun b elmu l' lit in tlii*. tin r Ii i'. . i'f.- l .m a , II, '• I I'v-ri.o . . -art to "■ ' l' -r ttr-iwi ;i and , • r to'ltie hair. I' .'■ ha- ■J Im -I, Tt- .. • - •r. !■• At. j.,ur tit -i-tft-t p., p. r . n'bot tMi,l, 1 I t r,. 11 A- I'',, ~ !.■ ,1 ~ 1 |J . i p, , M * Vork Wtoi ~-i . A genu 4 I* ET4TK -• tliltttauiw I li. f te. t.| I. A* t lIJ tT •*? • f . , ?< . t, ■ ■ u • V I rif • i jN i 1 • J ,| t+uul it th* pkiMtMi .4 li< • -t-t. I •ef . ft | l Ipje.t ii, J-h<"tTl : lII' ! M Mi N • 4> • ' A l }' ' al ! tt ift • t!, f• ai at !U* 61*4 ,' ''"'.'ii ' , i ' ♦ v t .♦ •'i I t U • Hr I Jt ■ * ■f. . * j X !• If ; 4 Jt, a, • r a- „ • - •. - ' !'* • MV, -a'M, I II it t • ' 1 *lf *• l-t -,• Ma l.ej, I-f I Met t A I u-a W li, • ! y \ . j ' hi? t r ,ku . ait ■ t ♦ t •, j.i. t,U f tt,;* II •r .far! a, a-tal* t ' .Tt IB T , , ?t I M f .K ft**.***, \ I a; 4! r.H •{ e. ' • ,{ t|,^ • i 7 !•',* J I I >1- I 4 S 4t KV-r. \V AN i i;i> \ t ? rKNtv '.'--man 77 ImV< ...... !?•.,.■ BtMM INMWi a, jff .th r*Ut W— t a ' * VI < *•*'* j f -r b . '+m. Viti a Jaij hi. / vUIM AN>' < (H UT t-ALK. \ Ft . t At f i. J' i • t* ■! a i* T ' I i f 'hi • f • - ' f , t fat i•. • t Ml li .'I (M '■ • B. af . • B la*- %ff ' • : 1 Hat til. tat '• ' N '. i fA . ♦ .g ll'l.'J K t•• ii „ ' 5 -at • 1* *tr ' t lilt 1* a! IT,|| -*}i 1 . 0 i. * ' tin* I dlllHli I : { 1 I> a'r * ' faf fti ftftlt a ia* J" . AIXI, \ |*a t f \tk- k ! * a ' *>■ a* J t 4 t r Ul % '4 J* . • • • M !• J iU-u e taf .' t- a >4 t 1 i a #tt : * ia. * I f-'tTfd frfi • frl a si g" • • *lUl <4 'ullM-U ll St r I< * •' U Sf N ft a- r bMum • ( r IJ w • r.l J tin llftilMf |a 'I * rial t it- r a; ; •' W I. i *r#r lai' • g 1' . a t# afc.l ;* !.<• 7ba tflhft • a!J r JB % Bi t tb i'tt A l#o. A f*n ii IV >ntt* !• J, Tr-ifra •'* J% pa. !• ut ial 4, t laci4* 4 lUiid iti a*, the hii l i4u> d K i*t J bn N ttiuh Jhh* \iti,*a. ' tila : trig |i, { - „ r.. liif ... £ in-I.h'! l.r, Tt 1 "* "A1.9 •' lilt* ' ft >■>. r,,d tha to*. Ib* in !• f4ai annual |Tin '• tlianaP ,r atb j iritMi*- 1- if aa ura*l !•* ju ig'* nl •• t> la a „d . r lag* "la th |'fnnia*^ AM II T. lUL JR , ll nt tp. li tint inc lon ounty, ss. And n, Atifft)*! 2J-a aiih j ••!<( in t4*iiit ti * l tl> < mniawi ii -fatill|ll > " lII* larl % ofda-rrad atld d* (tf* j il.i tb I'm !• t •fldi'.r; i'li* ufol*' ftiitii Iha •' BUI *ba r-tpitlita < • * f ,|f# i,d MtinlirigU n. f .nt!•*' tg i It• 11 l*a <)|4kml iliatrlct, ahall ia> aa loiitiP* the < < of Cantra A tartn nf tha C '!! r f t IMnaa. of Ojtf and T*fMir*r and UaiiMli Jaii tialitari, a t v Tha prat ufeUi l*iw "f -aid I ahail la lagun ai d I*4.Man at th# wri II"Ma in tla Uih ifb 'f ttantinrd"D on tba lf\ M udaj of Ika. *-nlar # t|a j ia, M >ar. t. mn tinna for a pa'd of two wo. ka to PlH'h trm atf • fit* m-w iau* nrt- It,. ia t* tba iDT" of llnniiitdd •!<, r n tt a i 4 M- n U* •f hitfuaM Ajriil b'l'tamt" r and li-af •! *wr|i % ar.Bt U ti'fbxl 4 Ml Mark of aatd tar < • tlal of ill ratl-r* tßatiwa. . h4T|f.-4 ulH..,* |)i| ti. ji. ttb*at a hit It lit*) I# It) law tri Ida in aal.l fttfltf) Tl a £mrj C mint*t..nrr iur rta*i to drnw f m tba aboal oonUtnfnf tba tiantaa 4,t Jnrufna jMinal of <*ran>) Jwroa |* i|*a nmalft 4f t an- j b-tir to affWa aarnrt4 Jtih.u f, 4 tba fit t wraii* of Nib of wild tanw. ami a |ana| of t*a|4t and Tra ana Jumr* t" tba nnntlwr .*f 4A. for tba flrt tab .4 aw 11 4A aa*l IrftM, and a |an*4 of Tratanaa Jur< ra to tba nntuUat *•* tbit| *it t>. ntta r. Jnt..r f.r tba aotx-nd a. b t fna'b m'wl l.rioa.and tba Ml till f oaf Ii of Nk! (Nrtillllir | ditartad tu *n, m iitharn , ttira*'Oil I t )• and U*t 'ha -timm t*og o! tba ftd Jttori, tba Prr-llwtftU'j* and rirb* of ibw mMtwnto tti tba naftvijn. mnia* ara diiwi d to laana t too bat iff •iHhb*4 it. ti own f; of fVnirw. tf a of tbirtk 4*t* tv iwwadlng tba tba b"ldin of tba flivt nntt u*d t tbi oidat In aa