Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, October 25, 1883, Image 4

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    SliJ ffirutw grnwrrat.
rII K CKN IKb utkMwiHai n nun
•**!)? l'liun*U> morning, *t lirllfluulr,
(<i>iut), I'm
T ;HMi-CMblk Sj JjJ*
11 uul iu advance. * OC
\ LI VH PATKH—dfolid tu lh# lulnrMU ul il
uoi. iul* vltbUHhrM m*ntb will c*u
-01 |r*l IU MIIVMUIU
will •• .|roiilluud iidIII rr*rtfeM*r
I tul opiiou ul |ulIUIr
ol Ibicvuiil) luiMt 1m I'Mid forlu
vuj |*rnia |*rK:urtu IvncMh •uUtcrlir in
• ••lit cu|#y bnrg
i.ir • .IrcuUlD" mtkw IliU |M|**f * i*
n . tll> rolUl'l* wii*i prultlatilr iiiihlimui lor juvrftlMhi#
•%'• ii*v* lli UImI wiii|'li* '* 114 ' I li'i Jl'U MOIIH
•ul rt* ~r |trl to |riul *ll fctinl* ol llut ks Tri*u
fi a, I'lMlnri 4\llllHT Ul |irllllllin, Ac., iu li
fl | af UU 4 tl'l *t I hi* lWl |iUMllll* r*f
\ll i l*•*rli , iuMiln *r a I••m. irrm tliwu month*
S > .<*••! |**r line fr tl" *lr-l llifrt- lurrliul, ami •
c ut-. •% llur fui each additional iurtlou *lw-Cl*l
I mora.
K liiuri l iiullili cattta |Hr lltin.
, . „ r .. *- *•• ..liiuiii* |o cnlpff llnr
\ 1|1.n%l liwuunf • mad* l |nron advartiaiug b
lif q4iartr,hl. jr*wr,or yi*r,*• followt:
| m •
iF4c ooorrun. i 9 B |
On* Hit h (or li llura ihU lyw) **'
T#u li b : 1 " 1 1
1 iri**- •n< '••• I l " '
V i r>i .'luiiio " H-' K>
li. i . ulmim HI 10 • •
(i • ii Mn "i ICHM) i i&'Aft l>*
/•ri'lw* % lvrfi|4*inMii i "t J'*- |M 'or l-*frfr
■4-tio*, c#|l • •r itrart h*n liwlff*Arl %
ptviiM .t" u Uanr %•. h.wjulM
|)MTI A %'aiTl. * ' 't | •" *"Vb lU^rtlol.
N -tin * Utrrl 1 ''cm* lII*.
\oTKr* lit- iltairlw riilumnt Iftrani*
- rt!l '
The Riim'- *>hiwn t'p.
I'laiv rAfTs which v..rRs siiocld rtad
(SpM-1,1 lo Th, Pilll.nrch I' -l J
Milton, Pa , Octol-r 17. I'liare wa
larj!i lurnout of 11* l'*in<>craoy of thi
soriion hi ihi- |>lep thiaevoninir to hear
Mea-r*. Goriion an.l <liou-a llio
i,uea ol Iho campaign in lliia Stale.
Ji iih of then, rie ended the courae of
Got. Paitiaon in calling the extra e*
nion to apportion the Stale in oheiiienre
to the command of the C institution,
and handled the Kepuhliean oiatrue
lion lata without gloves. Their remark
were frequently applauded. Mr Gor
don devoted his effort entirely to (he
elucidation of the Legislature situation,
in which he clearly showed that the
Ih-mnrratA are right and the Kepuhli
cans wrong. He said :
SKAAToR cordon's speech.
Fellow Citizens : When I wa*ked j
to spe .k at this meeting I w* 'equeaied |
t.v the Stale t'hairman to devote my re I
marks principally to the aujeel of tlie
apportionment conte-l and ihe extra I
aeaaion of the I.egi-Uture. I mean In j
atriclly comply wuh that rerjueat, and
thnugti the ►U' j.-ct may not tie an inter
Cling one (or a popular Sja'ech. )et If is
a tno-l imiairlatil one for the people to
lie inhumed at'oUl. 1 tear the u jeet
ia not as general'* uinferatoo.l as |i
ought to he. A hrielly ua jMi-aitde let
tile review this question.
This is ifie first campaign within mv
knowledge when tlie Voters of the Slate
have l.een hrooght tai-e lo taee Willi the
•p.- snon wfiether their ('.nstitulion or
a decree ola papy caucus is the sirring
er. It has la.eti no unusual thllig Ini
const n ul tonal principle* or questions ul
cotrstrucliori to he involved in |ilitical
contest*. In -m il instances fairly de
I.stable prupn>ii ions upon which
ihnughtful men differed have f>e*n aufi
milled for decision to the people. In
all Mich rs es, however, the -up|airt sir
the Const it UI ion and nhedieliee lo it
hsVe heel! admitted as uncontested du
tie-—'he disCU-MlOna lias proceeded
upon other lines. Now, however, the
naked iSMie tiefnre the people is wheih
er tfiev wdl justify a party thai deliber
ately, and tor parti-an purjio-e*, dt
of.etis the mandile and re-its the ex J
e< Utinn of ihe Const it u' ton. I purpose
showing thai slrip|a-d ol all ill i-ipies
and deceptions lliis is the simple and
important l.|| before the pMiple. F-d
the purpose of an orderly presentation j
of this su'-jecl I shall first discuss !
th* constituu'inal command, then llir j
constitutional ohligtlliui restilig upon
the Legislature fur obedience in ttiat
comni rt I. tlien tlie delitierrte minner
in winch the Sialwsrt Ue|-ui.|ic*nshave
refused to di-charge ttieir ohl.g,tmn*.
and last the reason for flits disobedience
and its result to (tie people. I shall
embrace what I iiavelo-ay within the-e
five prominent though'*:
Fir-t as to the cumin did. That there
m >y tie no question raised a* to the ac
curacy of any words or statement ol
mine upon this subject I shall go to the
toun alu head ami read the exact lan
gilsge of the fundamental law. Tlie
(Constitution adopted by the peiq.le in
J74, 111 the IXlh section of tile 2 | „rti
cle contains this direction to the Legis
lature : "The General A— emhly at it*
first sea-ion after Ihe adoption of this
('oust It Ul ion and immediately after -sell
United Ptlaies decennial cen-u> tha/l
portion the .State into Senatorial and
tteple-e.iiativp districts agreeably to the
provisions of the two next preceding
sections." I ht- IXili section, it will la*
observed, is a clear, direct and unronrli
tional command that the Legislature
rhall do a specific thing. It contains no
qUiliHoalinn.it leaves nothing to the
discretion of the General A*setul.|y and
is couched in the most direct, positive
and mandator* letms.
N iw as io the obligation resting upon
Ihe Legislature to oliey this vital com
mand nf the Coostilution. There is
first the obligation which arises Iroro
the dune* of cilisen-hi|i In the ab
sence ol any more s|ieoifit sanction the
duty which devolves U|am all rmtena lo
obey and maintain the law* of the land
would ntke it an imperative oMiga ton
that legislature Should observe ill letter
and spirit the command ol the Consti
tution. Those charged with auilnuily
and entrusted with power by the people
are the last who should (alter in a laith
(ul obedience to the law. - They are
trustees, whose dutle* are clearly d> finer!
and solemnly enjoined by ihe written
instrument Irom which they derive their
power* and wtitch create* th'-tiu-l they
are appoioted to execute. By ordinary
honor and common fidelity then they
are pledged lo obedience. But the peo
ple for wise purposes have seen lit to
impose upon t In-ir representatives higher
.nd inure -oleum obligation* than i In*
usual incentives lo duty that inspire
honorable men and good citi/.etis. To
the obligations of pat riot i-ln has been
superadded the most solemn claim ol
leligion. Ihe people have itllpo-ed
holy vows upon their servants to obey,
-upport and defend the Constitution.
Every member ol the Legislature before
Ire entered upon hisr.lhee look and -lit
-crihed an oa h ol which the foil iwing
is a part : "I solemnly swear that I
will support, obey slid ileleud the foil
s notion of the United Slat, a and the
C.riiktitutinn of this Commonwealth. ,
-nd that I will discharge tile duties nl <
• ity idli.'e with fidelity." Thus ever) j
legi-lalor at - lids heloro the people |
ji edged by oath a* honor to obey, sup- j
jMirt and defend a particular ii.st rumen I. I
ihe command* of winch are all plainly |
• litten, publicly known and mole on ;
iiiislakaldy clear To stlrh a point, j
iherefnie, is this is-ue brought. Wei
have a most important and londaoien j
tal command imposing upon Legislator* j
i duty wi.n-'l they have specifically
sworn to lu fil—lo wit, tin* duiy to pa s j
q.porlionineiit laws. We find that
nil) unfulfilled and lllrl command tin- |
iieyed. I now propose to -how I hsl
Ihe disobedience of the ( 'on-11l u> 101 l t-v j
uc >lalwarl li* publicans, ll is been wil |
till, delifierale and for parti-sn purpo-e-. j
I |>urpo-e showing that they never ill \
ended to o'.ev it At this se-sion. that |
lie) have resisted every attempt to SI-- 1
ore its obedience and that uii.eaa their i
sale— conduct is condemned by tlie |
people the Constitution and 1 iw'ul Gov j
ernmeiit ol tins C'-imtii'inwealth wid
utfer a mo-l serinU- an I-Isrmuig -hock. I
The propriety slid wi-dcilil iit tlie call 1
•or the exira se-smn ul the l.egi-laiure
Ido not mean in ili-i us. I lie 'lovenor j
of tlie Uomtuonwealilt found the organ- !
io lai* nf the Stale twice neglected and !
Ilsohi-yed by the (ieneral A-emh|y. i
fie had in a message communicated
early in the regular session Called the |
lltentl -n ol the Legislature to the lieg.
ected duly, and Urged upou thrut Its
l.ertoruialice. 1 h-regstdilig liis adilto
nitinti. however, tlie 1..-g stature again
>lj.lll!lied l|a se—ion without o'-ey log
tlie command of the lundameitil law.
Ilui)-ell sworn to obey and defend lite
('olislliui toil, all I to 'take cafe' ttiat
liie laws were "faithfully executed." he
refused to become a I'srly to I e Legis
lative disobedient e and promptly re, all
e.| the General A-semtily to perform it*
• ■a'h IsiUlid Out) Tltal act nl Ihe hx
ecuiive needs no dele li-e or jus'i net ion
at any laid) 'a hands It siittid- out a*
the brave and Isithful act of * Governor
WHO Would lull suti-f a dellbel ale il. fi
I itire ol the Constitution to pass ins
Ii views unchallenged, and whoexnau-led j
•II Ihe jsiwer given him by tlie |*w to '
ieo.il lo the (.erfonnatice ola neglected
| iu y the delaultnig repre-etitative* of
Ii he people. I'ltal prompt and heroic |
I performance ol In* duly i-y the Fxi cu
| iiye needs no apologist. Il eoiuuien I- 4
11-elI to the Spprovuig judgeiueiil of all
lliuughlful Well slid lovers ol tlie con
*titutinn. li I* a completed a. t. It
wa lolly COltsumaled tlie luonielit the
Legislature toei in extra *e—ton. From
i nit moment ibo Ksecutive and hi*
■el* ieased to ls a lacl- r lu the •I-
Inrl to have the Cm-l U utmu obeyed.
I lie respOUßltilllty then attached to tlie
lllellltier- of tlie I."glslsture. Let us
•re tiuW they have lil-t that fe-poli-i
When the extra aeion fieg.n the |
[Jcuio. ratlC llouae nl lte|-re-i liiati*. e,
Willi reasoliatite |-/tiuipln-s-, ps*-ei| a
.Seualori.il and Itepri selilallte aril a
Congresaion-il Aiq*itliotinienl foil, hi
•cc.irdtl.ee witti their ouiy u* con
oiai.ll. d by tlie l'ontIIutlou. and sent
iurui to the ."senate lor concurrence.
I'rifairiles* wis never charged U(*ui
| i hose toll-. I Hough the K-puhiiCai.S
wouid not agree tu thetn, no living
lUSII, etther out or in the Leg.si,lll e,
.'Vf rt ll IhtW**' bill* fl* Ui'JdHl UT lilt
lair. I'liey all lu iy recognised tbe
nutiierical nU)ierioriiy ol tlie li pulni
call part) 111 fills Mute -lid MliCtl) |
•ailltoimed to tlie coll-l it Ul tonal rules.
I'liC bill* all give the It put.ln all* an
• liquate, derisive and certalu 111-j ility
of neiialois, Iteprcsehlalive* slid Col.
grrkaiueo. i lie I temocrala dot not seek
iio pass partisan lulls. I be) trstiklr
| admitted they were in the uiliioriiy
■ slid only rieiuanded a representation
! approsimating a recognition u( ilinr
ouinner* lu every in-lnnce the l'-n
ocrallc toll- gave a decisive ru-J *fity It.
teilli Houses and in Congre-s 10 ihe l(. •
put'llcalia. I liuae lillls tile Itepubllcai-A
ol Ihe Senate aiueiuled by sir tH tug out
the provisions passed b) the II "U>e and
inserting u scheme ut apporltolimeut
I rivately concocted 111 a CaU. Ua ol (lie
It-pUlulc ill M-naiotlhe glaring li -
justice ol ttiat scheme I shall leler to
(terrain r, The IIoue refused to con
cur 111 ttie aineuduirlits made lo their
• dll* liy the .M-iiale, Ihe .Vnsls relued |
lo recede and each liod) appointed
committee* of contereiice to end.ayor !
to reconcile lire difb-tencea. In llio-e i
C dlliuitleea lire I'rlUocrals off.-ted to '
(lie It-puhl-cans numerous plana ol !
ajusliueiit, all of which made large Con
cession* lo the latter. I here ntf.-r*
Wi-re all rijeeted. Ihe KeputdiCalis at
letiipted no aojustmetil. I hey i lidelil*
I) sought liohe. I lie) otteled no prop
iisilious at any time in the least d tl'i
ing Iroiu the .Senate ameudmenis.
They adhered this to the .Tenatoilni
Caucus scheme, voted agaitial all prop
o-|iloos made l>y (he I'emocrats l.eik
ong to a leootieillatMiii, ml the cooler
lence coluillltteea re|*illrd to llleir res
pective IInUH-i their inability to agree
and a ere til-charged. I'hua w*s the
first stage in lliedrad luck readied. Ihe
Democrat* til lire Ib.use ami Senate tie-
I it- vin g, however, thai further •tf'.ria
should fie ill ad e to obey llie law, sought
by Various methods to liave other colli'
lliltlees composed of new meiuoer* ap
iedntrrf to lake the ifllfereliees into Con
aideraiton. Fir tins purpose the ll<>u*n
has repeatedly, at least six linns, ap.
p Milted new corn run tees ol conference
and earnestly ami respeciliihy leqdest
ed lire .Senate to d l (tie same. Ail of
tliefle requests the Heritie refu-ed. Cue
Keputiitcalis ol that ho-ly announced
that they w.>uld not again meet the
House ut Representatives lor the | Uf
pun. uf aojusting the eaisimg ditferen
Ces and Would lint Cottier Willi the l|uU-e
upon the sutjeel at all. il was her*
that the Republican "ultimatum" ws
given to thn <liv. Tim Republican Sen
ators SHKJ tliov would PH*a mi hill except
jl cotiiiiiiw-d tlit- Hiiietidmeiits limy had
agreed upon in caU'll* ; thai unle-s ill.-
11,111*1' Hl'l'l*|lll* I I lll'sl* iilllHllllllll'lltrt fill
law at all nlioulil he p.is.ed ; that Ihi
wit* their ultimatum or fi..l decision,
ami that tlicy would not cmi-ider, di*
cu-a or H'-cept MOV hill trained hy lit.-
Ih-lilorr ilii' ilou-i-iind would not int
i lint hoilv tor tlit* purpose ol ■•iiM > tni|i
any such legi*hiiin-i ami pa-sed renin -
i IOIIH lor timailj urnm.-iit ol iln< A--*-m
t'ly. Regardless nt llo* indignity lliu>,
pluced ii|ioti I 111-11 l lilt* House Hiinlii Hint
again tv tit It almost Ii it tn 111 ••ivi (r O!-m -tin i
oumu-.H hi order that tin- Coii-tiiiilnni
lll'ghl ho obey •■!, lie-" II ghi ii n. I cin |.|.
, lit" Senate to >t|• | <<■ 1111 cunnill tees in
| talk livi-r with them lilt- point* ot dili'-l
U|-on this plain statement of 110- un
j disputed I.lola1.101 a ol lln> i-xira Mi-srion t! -ill
i no-ill otl it Ii t to ho iinnei-e-.ry, 11 make
up a liotoiy ol ■-Ii iiiio ; a chapter nl l•
j Itopni ; tho record ol n politn-.l crime
i I liavo not in tliia •taloiiioui *,,ughl to
| do tuora than recall event* kno-vii alol
I ack tiot b-dged ol all tit.-n. I>> thev
I not di-< lose an unproc- dented an-l
til**st dolili-raie ami wit-aed purpo—
i upon thopirt ol t-i r-ain ol tho 10 ro
| aoiitativon of the pooplo in d- loal the
| execution ol lhouptoiito In**' thov luiv--
swnrit to support, -by >n I dolet *1 ?
I'llf facts alone as stated show I hat limn
| till- ho iti |itillllln-rc Was no purp'i-1- oil
j ill- pail ol I ||o tntlisgeo, ot too |{--pt|t
Itcali pally to portllll Ihe pa-a g.- lit tli.
| ipporlioiimi iil Ims - itial tlioy Inyo
!aI•• I • 111 V <loloati-i| V. | * K*yorn-lil that
i prmill-ed to opoi! III), nay lor tho pan
! sage of MUl*|| lan*.
It liavi- In rtoh-ro not sought to r- f> i
j to tho particular* ol tho Vnttous Mppol
i 11<-iinioii itoll a presented. It ia tint a
!<pi-atioii now ol no- relative in. rlla ot
■.l ll font hllla. It la i-lily ii ipjO'tnni
I whollior alii hllla at all aliall la- pa-sed
! In brief, however, lot too r- lrr to ono
|or two (act*. Foal, I wth to *a* lliat
the dispute over the (' ingies-inn .1 km
IS a tnoro tie. epti.ui, Iho o* joi-iiv•-
j point with tho St.lwarl K-phKln-siis i
tlio I. gt-latuie. I'lto) care nothingalaiiit
-Congressmen ; h it In uoßoiyo Ilie |ie,.p|e
i I ho> h i tro I rt. 'l I-11'Olitino I tio •)i-i n. Km
to I IK- Cotigre* Knial ' ill-. S iiainr I'.in
(Htiti'i lorin oxpiro. 11l Min n |*.'i ||,.
will roino up lor ft- -election in tin I. i.
ilaluroot that year It | p-iriKiiiiii.-ut
lis* ran now he deleat*-.| I, a r. .-lor I ion
will ho dolonnim d hy a I.- gislalure
chosen under tho proaout Mpp rii.it.
in- 111 Wl.ll-ll aU 11 a 111.11 Tory Woll, Ha l(
ht twice aireidy put htm in Iho ITm
! oil Slaloa Son 10. ll allow all I lawlul
.p|irtKil.lll- 11l 1-hould ho pa- O'l, na 11,0
'( ail.slllut toll C-ifliiii tints. hl-chsin.s ol
! re-election would la* very mini. N w,
what la tlo- Kill . || rod ly tin- It-pU' li
ana— Iho** ull IKI .1 11 In "h< it I- >.nl. I ?
' 1.-t 1110 rotor lo In- Sonntor it *.ru.
I el|o|iio ha aample luoioly. Toe lea- IS
Kir Call-11l lllolla I lak- U I lio I i • I Ko|.|
llanciM-k loir in lan I. and una Mr.
Ndes, the li-puMic m rmdid I <io 1.-r
Au'lilor lionoral, h>k in Ina siie-rh
and II ha-l Ina approval. I In- >1 .lo Sol.
air |. r,>nip'>— "l ol Ii -1 iiioiiiK. ta. | iio
!{|*l u 111 Iran a i (I- r Ul Ik ol I 1.,--e tits! rts
and lak.- ,'tj |. r llnlii-o t. a. (i.111.1d
had .17 lNI I 111 jnr.ly 111 I'. III.| ly l. .
i yer .1 mi ol tin- 111 J •r 11 y r-1110 Iroiu
i'i.lla-1. l| lua and An* yliri y al-mr
llio.oiwoe tin I lo- y vi- ah ml tin- win.to
K-pU'-ll.all HI j -flly a-.'t ll aTo 111. |oat
tno ot ,S (iirioiili illv.do I p -In ir dly.
N.i* In-p .Wor-ouril P. yf. |I J *i-nat ,f • -
iol wiucli tho KopU'illraiia i aKo 111 ami
yilil ll< hut oln- ol lilt-li I- y. iy
■ I U'-llul. Now lair 111oI■ Mould .at
t<iat Hi- rrmaiiiinx '•'* v natnra .hull I
hoov.lliy illy ilo*l I*. I a ooji 111. pal 110.,
hill lli-loa-t ol Ihl- lII' It-puh.l. alia lake
ami yIVO U- Ifi— IllUa a11..-
a-olln-r I'J out .'id >oiiaiora. | |,o 7fi I'll
ilollKK-rala o' I'll I I.l'll 111. mo k V-H
1 < lit I V 'J >"tl -lor. 111 I 1110 I**l Itoptlh
I trail, h. In Alnyli'i.* ti.r di.tl'l Hp.
initiln ana tako all tin- 4 ■ nat-na ami
I In- 4J t' *I I • 111 a r .1 y.-- lln ill o. I In fo
a|i > iih* ■ii a, ii ,*i Kit ,i a.-iioino that w.iraa
•Urh loaull* t 1110 I' mu'lalaa-K- l-u*
Jl) "HI nl i 0 I in- Koptl -IK alia oll'or on
ly 17 ami out- dnui-Uul.
in tlo H tu-o the n | l-t Co t at.il
yiroatcr. It it oil *ll lo of any r Ilill .t a.
I to iho liUlllto-r ol dl'irina la tNo fart
lltal Ii" lawa at all aro pa-a-d an I 111-
I Ooiitlllull-itl la ui uK-yo I I it.i tint a-k
tin- fwoplo to .at that olltior ttio lloiiio
| erata ot ICopu'ilir-tia are r yttil in ili.-tr
! till la. It I. pi I ilia lo I hat la l| It aro w r Illy;.
' What I -hi a-k ta that I hoy .It'll eon
dotun lh- R-| UKlican p.riy lor llio do
lila-tale plot It ha oil to red into >i pro
j yotil ant I w- at til Irmu toiiiy( paa-o l.
j A plot that ta a auhveranin ol tho rot.
I atliull -nal COK*'riJ'-l|i'o ol 110 1.-td-la
j turo and a 'lafiitice of tlio lutidatti'li
it .1 law. I a-k them alao to a-y that
| Ih-IM- wtio lia*e alianl nut f■ r llio law,
for llto t aiii-iiiuiion, lor lit" ri'iita ot
1 the |wnpl--, afiall rea-elTo lliolf apptoV il.
If yotl Wih I.—yf I-1 - t"l a lo ho It-'ll*
oat ami ol'oy llio law approve ftnwe who
liaya-f.-tie i. If you wi-h In tea Cli ill*-
otiedietice lo the Cotiatltution na a vtr
tUe then 'it 1 H id .peed" lo itioae wlnl
are now dlaolieyiKyt In. organic l.w. It
you do the la'lor, liua.iei, ynu tieml
I mu coiiipl'in if iii Ho- luiu'o you Ii .<i
other pnUa ill your lawa d> fi-d an-l oili
er rontinalida (ilao* ryo'l The people
lliusl Ii at reayiect Ihe Conatll Ulloli the 111 -
aelvea |l they Wl>ti other to, and .up|"-rl
itioae who aup|niri 11. ll they do nol
do itna lei Ihem not caiuipladi of ti.e
. .a ,i.I
RIPt-BI.ICAXS tot I r*a r K THS Sf'iXl
TII aa tiii. v nut.
WaaniaoTn*. O.ttobef 18.—The nrgro
la hk'-ly to be iliaonrbantod by the way
tlie Kepubliran lea>ier>, whom lie !■
fieon ■cruatO'lte'l to TojtaT-f H tiia nlU
tal Inen-la and prolectora, apeuk and
art concerning the deciaton of the
Uniled Stalea C-iuri doclating ilie Civil
Kighia law unrnnaliluiintial. Tlie ne
gro will naturally expect to aee lhr-e
leadera tear thoir gartnenu it I bey do
nol reni their floah over the decision.
At the Very leaat lliey will exftecl lltoru
to prepare a new i-aue having lor itaob
ject what haa failed with lite iaw'a tin
conititulionality. Ilti. he will tie dia
appointo-l. The are
goiog to do no auoh tbing. Tho rea.on
ia, ibo negro ia nol the voting factor he
ont-n waa. The game ia not aa great aa
it waa. 11l hite n * (dale haa l.oen car
rieil by tin, colored vote. No atuiii in
held by the rotuied vole. Why, there
lore, ahottl l the Itopuhlican leadera (ire
up ah out tiia t-.ouri'a dociaioii 7 ludi
vi'itiilawill li.-gin at onro an i.gilation
lor -in Hiiu-ridro'-tit to tint maiituiiott
-'•curing what the I iw haa fnh-1 to a>
, euro. But 110- Republican party will
lake no intercut in it.
"Wo ivi!! g.-t the work done through j
a conali* tit ion i| .imoiiiliuent," nuid an '
onlltuaiwaiir iniliviilu.il lo Sonaior Hen 1
llarriaon. "Not at tilu-e," reaponded
(hit .Senator, "It look an urrny with !
haymiolia t-i upon tin- tjou-titutioii (or
I in- w.i an.ci.dolent". Ti.eproapecl now '
ia tint mourn.g lo an ln.it!'* u.an, an it
acetita lo tin-, lor thn >uim' of your j
No lar as can he nacertained, the lle
pul'licana, neither in or out of the ad i
| lllllii-lration, are greatly exernaeil. Ihe
! 1.-glo haa 10-l Ills (Mill I ical Value to audi
' all extent that he aeetlia lo have low
II lot..is hi lliat 'pint ter,
W rallii.gtoi. i- the abiding place of a
great liUitlhet ol educated ami inlelll
gonl ii'-ytoos, many of whntil rank well
with th'-ir white follow citiietia in their
un-i'-r.landing ol tiia- l.teadlii ami l-iic
ol tile decision. ll WHO wholly UL.ex
p-cled l.y them, .m l at |io-ci. I liny
citi only declare how citvi di.wu th-y
: ate
I here are tin a • among tin* Uepubh
! 0 in lead' I • w lio talk ol lit I tig the heal la
o! the people again ul.out the negro,
ami tlie thing will on attempted. Hut
that powder la Wet, urni no expio.K n
will lake place.
1,--if I-VI i.I K, II ,-loiier Is. I.lured cil
2- lis .tie lilgli y 111 tiglial.l diet t .c Civil
t-gh'a don.| .ii ol llio .-Upieuie I'outl,
.and iia% o c ilh-I a mooting .s.iurdiy
night, tin- 1M h, (~r the purpo"-. a- ti.oy
• ■>, <.f *!• uouncitig ttio most ll. lam us
doCI.I-ill nth-i-ling tho righla of the
American < ii,isn yet mad'
At liange Neeiliil in the Irrastiry lie
purl Mietif.
i. | isl repr.-'ontaii t, a* I I; • | u' licn
l.oaa rule are oppo-itr- in tin- | eliding
elertioti. Iho l'< ln-H-racy f .tor.ng tlie
lorill'-r lid Hie Ko| lit lican r -nil lot- .eti
tin- littor. The I'-it lostown /' . -i'
iniitii-f'-, s'. i, thai th- , if.-.er- in tho
I'rea-ury mi-t go. I hey hste tha i'
-p ill -if the po-iplo'a mtliev until the
•a • p y -r fi <ve il'h-rruiii. I that it mu- 1
Ceae. Ihe unit .y tins call !w done
ia lo elect .10-opli I'oM.-.l State Troa-u--
er. For tl.a- y \<ai tin | rt)'*K'-)
haa • eon <ll -1 f: ho I—t emm-g c rtsin
link-, without pay n-g to I lie .to orn
p'-tu.y for t lie II f it, while t lioy t role i
o|-on it, arid inane la -go| rfi I'-y th l • .
mean* prnate banking tn-tiiuit'n
mske-ey.-ril hundre-l I l.oii--nl doll, r
a year off the taxpayer* Tiilo profit tf.e
f.-l.ka have in l.ati-l to lle in corrupt
ing i l.e hallo* ls*x. Tlie elan- K nol Mr.
J'..**. ll will rhnn.-e tliia -y-tehl 'I lie
Repo l lican party ha- -'-t It* face like
tei | Mgam-t • *pts| r - pr*--' t.la< n. I l.e
R'l U'-lirsti Sei.ste ha- l-een in aeaaton
nine ill ntlia nrnl ri|.|rfe# alt r-p|M*rt|on
mont but the nio-t i nju-l g-ir nt i* ler. '
Wlt.ie I tie roK-l.liit i■• 11 iimk. - t ol.lig
t -ty on tho I.- gi-Ut ure lo .-| (inn ion Ibo
S ale at Ibe fir at • --ton -Itor tlie cen-u
--ball tiav Isrn t.ikoti, ttio RoputillCan
party Utterly' Toluae to ili-ri.sfge tlie
r il.tl<Utl.*l,al illlty. lln y -talol aa i.b
atruc*ion*''-, and violate their oatti o, |
rdhce. H|| their 'boulders red >ll the
ro*|Hir.ito|ily. and it *• a fearful one. I*
te justly s,-td that the Mi'j-ctof repr--
-er.lslh'ti gos->dowtt toll.eery lout. ls
lion of iur government. Ihe cot.n.tu j
I lion Ititetnla that | p- riH-ntn- nts *(.all
t.o j .jar j that each p-'Hy -bail have n
re| r- -entalion iirc*r<l*t g to its atrengl h. :
j and whenever this is not ti.e rs-e you
•to violence to our form ot government.
What I* tn-n rats contend for lliisyear
i is cptallr important l Ropufdican*.
f>pl 11 r- pte-oiilation was Ilie key note
•it the R vnluii-*n. The S.-nale slan-ls i
I in tlie attitude of hostility to this clier
talied American principle. The people
j will not sustain them.
Av exfra-irdtnary story cony-a form
F'ltnn, a little vilhge alout f<** f mile*
!r"tn New Haven of a hlth-Vexa i -usetl
forcement of nl.solote Sunday laws. It
appears lliat theoffi-ersnt IFi I a town,
where former afenip's hare •-•• n made
to ei, force the old |awa, announced some
Weeks ago thai lh- y Intended to punish
ponplo wlio tonk S-itol y *1 rives f-*r
i ( lo.asiire. .1 oat mttsi lo the villsge stand
| a Itunfa-r of hickory tr-es. f,isl Sun j
! ifsy lire grnllhd was covered wt*h HtllS, i
1 an-l the ofll -tals. reasonttig that person*
driving past would stop to pick tliotn
tip, alatioi.ed Iwo fattn r there— as
they claimed—to arrest eyorv one who
snipped. They man-lied all Ihe pr a 'ti
ers otr fo a barn vrd. an-l kept h-tu
rfioro to ihe t<uiu>w-r oi twenty all day
long, H dr **!mg rail* tailing a pari of
the time. H*x Ot the prisoners we-e
ladies, and one of them, an old lady.
cotilraCteil a cold. 111 the evening all
Wore brought 1 rehire a justice of Ilie
peace, an-l those who were fortunate
enough to l- able to give a bond v-r
-told lo appear 11-11 day ; lb# others
Wre held. I'tie farmers who engaged
oi tltla Sutniav sport are sat I to be well-
In- 10, Ii waa au uut-oropping of latent
Puritan tain.
Another Hualiiiigtmi Ai-nlreraary.
A cejel.r • I ion is cohtempliyted by the
people of higonier liorough. Westmor
land cot n v. Pa., of tin- engagement in
which Hem r.il lieiirgo W.i-liirigton ran
"lie pr.-iite-t risk of losing h<* life, na he
oxprey-od it to U illi im Firidiey, a tnerii
'"■ ii i.| ( ing'- aa from thr.l <iistrK-t when
lie WMH President, Thtt buttle took
p iar-1- win-ri he w.s in command of the
Virginia contingent and had HCCOtn
jpimii ij I .irf.'-s in N iv.-rii'.ei, |r,.'ik hi
jwlncli time h wus ac .lot,e| in the f'r..v
ji'.rr- r.l \ irginin. I fie account of tins
! i-ngagi-tiK t.t i given in .--jiarli*' "I.tfc
| niid W rilii.g- o ii a-liiiiytiiii,' but tlie
i'-XH't locilion of the I, at tie field ha* t<>
iihi iiik- r--(tiaineri unknown. It lathe
o'ject ol tho-e ngiiating tin- matter to I
!i l ili-tiiiitcly locate th* hatlle Held,!
•IK'I, upon the celebration of ihe corn |
Utg niitnversary. to lake -tr-pa f>.r rai
-ing h fund lo permanently m<tk tlie
I spot wnli m iiioi.uiiieiit It ia iiinre than I
prot.ahle lliat the spot. Miff |,e found ]
near old fort l.igoi.K-r, of winch t.ul j
little remain* to mark the huiotic snot. I
—-V. )', I
A ICt-ntitrkufili- ( a-c.
I'll llnßTUav / >fttr Mr I nrn in- j
due- *f i . , i,s ot uuty to the -uliet .
tig l >in tke a brief alateiu- rit of youi J
ii-iiiark.it 1-- cure of iniself, I was *
-t.o-t int-eral'h* sutleier front Hie v.r ,
..lis atitioy it,g at,-I distressing diaeaw- 1
ol detK ale p'-r-oi.-, *i.|i-|i I'auasd Uie lo |
II- I-Olilii.e.l to lIIy I I-'I lor Ji long tun.-, !
la-ltig lo i w. <k to t-y'ti I,ear my weight
U|,oti -lly teel. 1 Was treate-i t.y Hie
in ,t tej utaf.h- physician* in our city,
, I- | || alol .-ill *.;> lltg I hey could do Hull! !
,|ig f..r n. -. I Imd gm-ii up a.I 10-pe- l
..I ever Keing well. In tlu* condition I ,
'•eg ■ n t'l l.iM* your a I.'l, I all. ;
ill >st 11 ra | i.y 1 , say, h lfiri-e til'fiti.s I
Was perfectly Well—entirely cure.J wilh
• rut any aj pl.uh.es or support of al y
\ ur- truly, M*s llkn*v Ki.t.it,
No. .'< "I -Cot t si reel, Milwaukee, Wis.
4 1 Jl
A' rr- .h/i'irflrrrii nfa,
l.lrtl 1.1.t
>■lft *t +■ k• t S t# in •R X in • - THM ug
. %l a, . !.!.* I x • - r. * * If I'P.
I l fi ♦••tk H.M..1 i II . ia: „ I .j .♦ N • ;
. • VI ' th *• J ;tj il>,-r AIT, i
A, rf. T -
I • IK. t* . It - - 4.1 r. T . !'•
I w I l J— . • W 4 .M O •• r *4 Au- Ts
, Jk-i
) Un t I' t#r # I r J|| Aug T I**l
l H IMn tlf A < • (| H- I Ufa HO \,4
i , I*M
• Vfir ! r. U4 .. A. IT M K R ( II T
! I^-.
11l i . I • - I. h • .i. • A <.g 7
i- S 1.4.,u, 1.. ' a# Jmw I* il't 4 . Aug T
, ll I J ■ .. • 0t • I ' • * Ah, T
***** Aarift
Tfl-I l *t '-fi-. H.,* \ng fit* lKkk, rg„ a . t , j
f .1 '• . - lat flf T—|l Iff. j H I
i I p " - I J' - A4 Vn W ! . f !. IIT.
1 Jnu r . :t
. A if . . | 4 - W K . * at .
J-A. I.l'- ;.
J -t.nl I *• r, A a Ny-ftur I (T,f il. ! fcl , \{J%.
Jm* T I *. fc
4 Ii ' <f iff Pt Hi .• ll M*fd tit IQ. fti.
.fa, I
Is. tkd2|.f*| sf A. J r tk S>t*Uftn. ft*'
f l*>;
II •..,I f, f al A • W y lUjlf- lfJ*.
A I -I. I ' ' r l-^ai
I•- •< , -'ft. • t 111 , J A lk'*Atf, | , k
Ayt 1
• I • •; I •* f • R Gain th A c u
4.1 i. Id*
1 a 4• * I • < A. <;*, c. lUitif., 4^:.
Aug I I i
. ' !-.♦ n; hf In* t . AI K T TaU.i 4/6,
Aug I -
If I ' " ii k If* Irtft * *• y. 7 rvt'ii 4sT, Aii(
I I- .
BLt( uiplff IV'Ktttliftjji
r - • I.a i r ,1 ,ti. r | Ml .wj ut t
II ■ •< f -r •-<•• - f 1 . Itc I -U"| t N
I*l a . r rn m g VIIM'IM >•
| iit t fl All's J I - Ifftltt, x| m af" rl* •MI !•>
■M NtVUM 4|l '•* *hj. Awil *t |<) lit smr. | ifi#
... fll lap | • • |ft . • I I . $ •, !• . omt u f
ta > I - I- It, la • I ••Utg I - •i I
V fir .ft. I.iu ..•.; -Of leiteftolil *f mit <f
la' I *flul# • 1 >4 "I f la,' . (Vulf* t -utftt I'l ,
• - t.i -i . 1 - !. "I" *ll !t*sitii.t[ • a
J- -*t I • It-W ft- > k ti A-f fbvttrg If U. <1 .-I
Jifii'A J .•! 1, -r li \ , • -*i V-ft *. |tl |h4A lim, b>
• 1 *ioa , lli' ff •- ) la It f aatlaAftJ Uu It. AI <1
a•A t> fa Allli . A* . I #| jar .*■• . ), .|J 1 n-f .
N- fi • It .* • a" -ja !-♦ lit A |* I lIfI If
4 laltlHg If *fcH 'A • I' • * fj iftb et . f>(| |Nf
ti t lo "hf |.lait i lt*|l|)||)f: Affile l>lailllbf(i*U AHA
Ml 'I • |t* fia*t- -• *1 a *'. al lltf Mia* ftf.tr* f
ftllh f lia- eplxfleiiall t*t
Nil l|a- if it • ■ m *1 Ait I li'-Fal • *1 . < fl Af* I UJ- n All
llta Ic lAI >1 H t <*f | it-.* *-f ktul •iftiAta* If* Mat 'un
tl* .A- Itlff I •-' r'w.A-lj rl4lfl(t IAAt-fa fist tlA<l>A|j
li iff 'IA A lt II 'lilt A I A 1 ;i fc |i| |AI 1,1.-11 ft A-- tf|
II • 1,1.1 •tt'lf Nil,lf At* a 1-4 ailil llglil o| fn
| .r. .. - A- a l*t di INil*a At.tl lAffA AAf
Am A-4 If t<ti art w aim! u,|l-VIAI
All Haa If n f a AtMI ml • PaU Ifl, '*n ftti<) tl| a>fi |)|A
mi lift < ! "I if 'lf |<A I t| All l4t ♦*ft A! It • f' f 'it
lAlfl sfAital# alt MM. - Ita |< af < --#i t (mm <lm| lillt
fatl I J AAfV-lA 1"t tllff| ft RtilllPl lAlk, lift lb AKftllty
AaitllA af) | , ttrt-afflltaf Aftl „ f. luof* sf |a-aa All<S lts|. g
l|<- l*te |* it*ia, <ftla •li Joint If#, ft I A ileftl *UI | ill*
/'! it 'iA> a| Jot. lAAt A o'l P** I i|a-,| | | •f)I *A < dht)
| l il|( • k II I 4.'4 A . gTatliaaft A'* 'I ', ft AAA <1
I* Hill A | I 'tHAft AMi Mill* fft Aft aia rift 111 ol Iff* Id-
IJT . , ,-|Aa Al- 1 r* fit ajtje lUliiA Ml|.| <AM A ft •Ay
4i*l of a Mft l tuiftftal*
I*-fin* In• If kinrait tt <l*t t.f aalf.
Pa in i*4ii t-it. *AI .'Ull it, f * . f ft*i-| laT.
CNlllf I* Orflil. I 1 II P - J ill Mitels.
V- I pklol* Pa-I'l I'.ail# IWCI j MtAtifT
I >1 libit' .SAIiK uu*h-r I'r.M-a-sNliugs
1 In I*AI If l|s*fA —H> bit IAM* •*1 All Ofilff iatlf'-tl .-nlul
ins i *atol ' "imit'.ti I'lnm - f Olittft rmmt} to No.
; JAU lAIA Ttftn. |M|, ftit-iAm y i| ior*y Ami
H lAll Mll lift I r|ftMl',ra *>f ftr.. .f J.nna I^rf)
altl, *|a * *At| rui'illff ftll'l IrftAlA MefefA, A •■#*! 1.-^l'
rl9ii, ila- aiim- W A#i afh**a AIK) JAIIA AifafDiA. hti
ft 11 A, A Mil w I*. |l -*• Atl<l SUiatrl* li"l>lVia. Ilia ftitft.
AfA IMa nil afllg. Allll In tflft ill' All At| All I tftt|**ft*lt to
|At 111 AAIA. M f I't IIA A • I*c ft IA Af I till Alftl la ftAl ltlfrtft. At
111-. < a lift llfHta# Iff tin- fs- ftrtl.h .|| Ha llfttoOtA f|
Mfiihki). tlfft I Alh ><aJ -f Ik lolief, A !•-, tlyft
tail tal • tflft |'P |iftftla Al tl ftll
All lHal -fttAiu tTAfIaM iAti4 ftltnAtft in tbft tfi
• tii|i of Hdftli. WMlftiT l A •nit-ft. All I Plftlft iff I'- itnca |-
A A (lift, ll Ulfllftl ftll'l 'lift 1M a* f il|trAA t.l All lie
flfllli || Alt AAI ftll ft "l flfWft la jr ft*|tll|ft of J AiM*
MtnitftOfAa A A-ll h . I*,' , .a| 1| fl-ft ItAf tall (XAI
tll-llftlll J"IH y iTW*! -fl A* # Ultl Ift-Af* . ftA- £J*<
| A>f < In iii A |**>l . |t.ftAi • ti'| Ift Iftai 4|f| |# n Ik*
AI A I*l*l . t ffa-f ti*A nil) 111 tyO M e( 14.1 |t* tvbi a In tU
|.IAI A I- |iiiniii|, it'iitai Hift A* t-AA Ati-I I*
tadi-ftiA I'M* til ntlAft i.|ftfirt) llfAfntu Atnl b--
I i*f fitft A"fb* i
All tl*l * * rAftio fii*ftiiAfiA Ami Irsri of 1%n4 *ttiui*
ift t lift Aalft ll"lli|i, o tlilfj A O'l Male f< f -<|. A juAJflf
iflft All. '4* AlwAft *t ftt fIM, •-ft* Mi II l-ft At Aft bl' A <Mk.
lfA||f-ft AUth 4*4®. ft% a-kl lilt* il) A |*A ft; Iba IM a
II Ja'lJ* !•*• I fftf ft'*t aft % ia.,nth AiftAt .1/0 i# t < bm
f.a A|ll . IIMIM* AhlAlft Jft.Nsit {(|>a|l aftftft) tl.-fl*
.lAs* , e*| /V* |- f Tltftft tt A |ft.| ; thftWft \if JA- ul
limiiAfl a*?p; i il .'•t<|( Ci . aA*l l/i |n rr H-ii 4-i th
|*t<M a nl lo *i utiing: i , *btlainin( 411 tcfn aikl l&J
|Atchft AA Hif I lift ajrpMftetiali' e
1f nift it AAlft —Atdft-hAlf I*l I lift l-nrhAtft Won ft) •♦
lar |tAt| t.AA flHil' MIA IA -II a.| *wt|ft wllJ f|A | |f)rf |ft aafaft
)f*Af lliffPiflH. nlih lulftmat |M left Aa-rnrml |y l-ua*.
Atnl ifiorfgag# on ttfft i-fftlNlftftA
Pftift la • I tiiAA.Mftftoft Al JiM it All In AftPftiaifl of Aakf
hHi in'a Omrt. THit.4 J DINK IK.
1 • lilt.t.. P| Ihli. IRKI. Phftfiß
\ ir.M i xoricK.—
2 \ Irfllen of MmlnMMtbrti Itf) Ihft a-|A|ft of PAfh
Hll||lM,M 'fHl Iftlft of Hrllftf aftlft, C>(tftAftft<l, IA
hift fmuM to ihft nto! -ftai,(*|. <), nil |f*dn
,$. lit ftll In IftM ftftlolft fttft b luaka
A*'l 111-*" Haa in ft rial n* wftAlttal Ihft Ntlilf <• fft
•iw-fttM •* |dftWßl th m, ftiilf •AflMiiilmM. hr (
tfftmftttt. Al VIM HRlV v
KM. AtaibDtmtor,
I/KI of Juror*.
The.following tr>iver*e juror. b*o
been drawn, oummoned ar.d returned
fur ilio o peri a I adjourned court to b*
held ill Itrllrliinlv on tin- .'{ I Monday of
November next. A. If.
I|MI |brU>. II Kttit.g Krxtt*,n,
j a Ww*l r|. II • •f'J, AJ • /
J •" Ji ''•/ lamu tafili
** in M !'• ll*#f. • ufitri, • Mitui llaiinr, Mmho.
H % Is i . IV Mil-m, lujf \|
I'M I ll* li* f-rfit*- It ■/,. ii r tuu.|. f- l
J F r*e->ti. I'lil K i*rf Nn)
Mm llnti.'fj. It.ul*. h II C m.-I,
Vlu I."' '"•Vjf. I" I llnr.lt, -
l*" H- I'll Wptll.tf, II II OalMMll, M Ollli "
Al 'lff" I'offiT, N hll|rf|lM , fKI I'M. ft,
J. C'.-l. It- I ef |j|r. A KIU t'lli*. -< l|rr
AA in . lUtikifi IVllei'/fjt*. uin K< Hir I'i.tli)*iiurir,
AV || l'hlli)> iJ*|t|.- Jit lift <1 Neil K*ili
fli'H (f1 'Ulf 1 I I N'l f>H|frr. C'J ||| #f
VA II rufimii. - . Wflto*. A V 4f|- ■ .r. ftiihimV'g,
J A !*t"rf Lll"'if, J |l lU'lefo, I'att'.u,
liV|d Uurirll. %i Hlrhtl, fit <jW |*hfjft.
Juror* for term 'it '/i.nt.r
-fe*.ion* Court, l.'-i' ■ ■ in/f l!ie huili.
Monday of Nuveiij'./er next a<
j follow* ;
',►** i< t' .
o.#fi.nri C'urtlti fk.jv*. | VA j/*
, V\ ||. k iiiwlt. I# r lf, K lf> Hr.li. II
J A • ft .-.is J It lir.-ic,
j-I' I nr. •r,II. f. f, J i |. I t..
! I* A mIIM*. I V\ • * t.tmum
,!■fl m. !• n. . I|||( u i , t '
j t 'I- - V.fT .. Mil— y lina'K
i J I.ii H.i.i'.ri, ie,f. r If .fit.
I< AA k <rr ,j Jaf ,I' .| . . \\ ~tUi.
I Jm in* vj n- • VA f|, VA y #•.,> . t iC'j.f,
IVA - A), l.-it t I'rtff Mrr |.
VA llM.jm , |V! t. . - M t„ U a |k,,
1 ft tHI Jtl ft*—l? tm
J It I' ' f, lUli, I'mi i I Hatter, *1
!I ■tt-uiftfi. I'ft.ii, VA It k . ||,trti.
AA AA •• • i r r VA 4lk-r, I llrl ). Ik'iCfl,
II M Is..* . f I 111 ... , j w -"III 1 , VA • > 111J,
j J l* |.f Kft Uwl.tr, A |>4l |a I' ||.wjf£
! Kn -- • I' • IKK If Sm,
J .■ li ft.*" ll*. < • s|b<l rtli|i*t i'o'Uf,
"• I ait. I*i , AA in *{.}£•(
Jul.l i. lan. > VA *|k f, J |/w'ln •,ll"*w.'l,
I •!■] I I "it), ' 1 Cj.ftnh |S* lie' i/tt I#
H • >I. A 11 .1 ~% u
Jlt !*• 1 1#, t• II i*'"] /I* ;*, Mrii.ii,
! Vlllln -ff f ria III! U, VA J It, u, Iutl r
J • . .. IH M Knftl . u \V U t. Ci. IIM) IM.
JAA |(..i.klr.lUit* .. II H- v M i„ (ttJ
U A . *l. ■ I, i ..!*, J H 11.. ,n gg
jKTIm i•. 1 1< •. t*. wi § i i 'i..
*bif l.t t ,r, J | A|r ■ ..Mfc,.
J - A! g II ||
I f# ft f• • f I •. • „• J II t. | r j. j
•! *.,r. M|. 1.. I* IS VA„. J.
. j I*. *1.1.1 It. ,* .. t|f. II II VI .\ u , 4i f #
AA I, *•.,„[ *: • e rI. . . r W . . I . I -.1
I ll ' • K Iff . •,.!. |. • . * fc.
Iknilil J'ft"ft*— 2%U ui
i# AA 1,. i rr, r, I'. t - S• * I. . I. !• I< r.
A . 11. til a i I I• |f. 1 A*.| |l k|l
II Iki'i * AA m-k.fi • It * u.tetd, I.
•' - '• II Kt lftl ft... M #.
J- # f.utt. •. M ! •, ,i J M . '*c I' d'*.
j llr. fi 11.-* II *£•, >1 I |..l*r!
j U f, t ... —t . . .A| ait A! ak- '
jA| |, k. t r i li Clif|4a Bli hpt urg,
J ,I. I > IS. ! •<
•I J • lU:r •# J ll.y l Jr M.LM,
W || . i iw. . . li . i* k
' I'. A• I s. . I r . 4 4 A*. •. r |; P 4o t
U /.!■'• .* b I :.r IJ# I I f ft.. \ | Ij •e r ,
J II f Mil.- n HI |/.|| Waiter,
' ;i M ' • > <•' fa • r. K J (>*tf Ifjrii* t,
K - i +ns >• ffcrxtUtxi.
J' * J V|. . I .1 m. k Ml' .
W ■IMlf.-MiM I •< M t „ hu.l
II A|-T K 11.
ton ler'u! nod iiit>ieriou> rural ire |>ow
• r H d\eloj id *)l 1-lj i. *ll \*| i.-d 111 It*
■ >|wr*iiori* ili*i no <Jiea*e or ill
lealth r<n | '-ibh exot or rci>t ill
|eiw 1-r HO I iel |< !•
II i-riil- *- lor i. e rno*t fr*d woman,
in*ilot • r n *Uen rliilo lu ute.
* I lto-t*
Ar; *1 ii - r t h- t. JI t
F>re%f .oil ,-ire up ' |h>.iriDi
!■! I' iphi " m l oilier kidney dix a.et,
iiver i oiti|ilaiiii*. n-vre rnuflu called
• in-iim|iiion, live I.e. ri cured.
W llieu (.ill* I e*' I r r I . I '
Kroui Hff.iny of neur* a, t i rro n
lie**, * Ueiuloe** and r.iK Ui d.o tea
i" < ii i*r to * omen.
Pimple <lrHwn out ot *h*t.e fro n ri
crut-i*t o*r | of Ho. uo.alim.
Ii flemm* or* ami ci, lODIC, or .uffer
in*' Irotii .colul. '
Km *i|iel%* '
--ell rtieum. tilood jrfiioninp. iltapep.
•i* .itidipeMlon and in fact aluio-i all dt
: ea-e trail
N -lure !• tie.r IO
11 *V e 1.e.. n cured h 11 op Hlter*,
pr of of wloch c*n t-e found in every
( in I in llo* keowri world.
; ==
.Yrir I tlvrrt isr>Hfnt.
Absolutely Pure.
T>n (Rtftfikf U'tet rarlM. A *rtkl f |mr(ty
Mt •Mirth ni.it h >(•'* '*•• • I t) X.
the It f li<l falitiot kilr| ill < >t*|i*t<tM ft
• Htf lit* tttiilHtntlk .f l* !#•!. ikfwi ftltttft . f
|to(iink |i*dm A<M .i!t I* mn Rottt Ri.
%n t* m* I * tr ,|t . \ A
oUer il— jefTUm tn Ua mo- ■
uOoMOpanon, and c mWrk.ew'.
' rjaelled ta. wleliratvj Kidner-Wart Mac
Um MM. Oil. I IMljvri crvewiilli. la
•i PILES , Tai " f"™** *•- { .
J*li mtMWW tt. eSm •
■jtcm* alt kind* of rm wbra pip Mil— £
•land MOdm ha*. hHbr. (aUad. {
A Ut>l I't Mt'S NO I ICE-In tba
* 1 m.o.r .* ,K. XMI Meaainf M Coma.,
Wlineof M, W Hfl. la lie l'< lOi nawi
ple. ,4 (V are* cant* *e. • Jne..e Ten., IM*.
Tho nr.4- e4,j....l a* A teniae |4*ai*4 l-y MM I'eaH,
i tn m** .Mribailm .* the fuel- la lie r.ao4> <4 ih*
aer.rtin f nnr . . ant aa..M rh*-* htM{ e.l.ih>4 there
in, trill Mel the fair Una In leieeM at he • tor la the
hnermah rrf IMlrJhnte en Thn-elty lh I >th 4aT n|
Hoeeaaler IMS al lo nrl eh,. • , rrhaar art* ahar*
XI p.tU*a lalaraatnrf Maf ataaaet. H. A-ftdfttt