Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, October 18, 1883, Image 8

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    Slit fitutw jjOrmorrat.
Thnrsdav Morning. Octobtr 18. 1883.
ColllllMI*0?l DKfcl'fc*Colllntlll lrM Inlil ||#-*, '• t
*4 from *ny jwirt of lh county. No cmnitittlc -iU i>a
I n 'rtinl uiili'u ttCComi>Dlrd ly tli* rnl IMUM* of Mi*
Local Department.
LOST.—A pair OR gold-rimmed eye
glasses bntwwn the re-idcnco of John H
Orvl* end the Court llou.e, 'I ho finder
will bo liberally rewarded by returning to
this office.
—The new depot—excuse u* !
—The now house on Curtin street wit |
soon ho completed.
Representative Hunter sport Saturday
and Sunday at home.
—The survey for the railroad a* lar as
l.emont has been completed.
—Largest stock, lowest prices all good,
warranted —Doll & Mingle.
FurepaughV show people were very
much plca'cd with 15 ilefon'.e.
—The great L t r boot, ■ tho old Bum
sides I oot) u rpecialty, at I' 'll A Minnie
Itout.d i• rk insoles, usal f>" chiv
cheto* or Unit -.ip|> r<, - il by Doll sV
—Jesse Swart* is making apple butter
at a 2-tO gate, with a patent surer of his
Mr. Uhlo is building a new house
below town, a short distance on the Jaik.
sonvillo road.
S. I). Hay, E*q , has rented th house in
which Recorder iiible lives, "for a client,
you know.
Billy Tobias, "We*" Hartman, J. 11'
Relf.nyder, Sammy Fousland I'erry .">to*-
er, represented Millheim at the show.
A big Democratic victory in Ohio and
the big show in town was too much for the
nervous system of Gray and Bailey of the
Now is the c'al pile lowered and tie
lord of the manor scratchelh his head and
goeth down into his pockets.
—So many thoughtful teacher- took
their Sunday school children to ibe t-h w
To see the animal., of course.
—"Several Weaslea. a "Setting Hen
and "Bald Muskrmt" were found in Cen
tral Park the other day. They wero In
dians on a junketing expedition.
—We extend our heartfelt sympathy I"
Col. Bayard, Davy Glenn and Daniel
Mi-Gin ley in this their hour of trouble.
"We've been there ourselves. Shak" !
Buck-eye* are in great demand since
the Ohio election. Our Republican friends
call them horse chestnuts now. What .
in a name ?
—Col. Teller, of the Bush IL-uso, at- J
traded more attention in the show parade
than " Bolivar " or Adam Forepaugh. .
II" •"a bigger man than old Grant,' and
always draws a crowd. Well. Col., we
envied you.
London underground railroads cost :
five million dollar* per mile. Onlrecounty !
railroads cost five thou-aml dollars per
mile and pay dividends on five million*
Tbis dividend is expended in building
elegant station hou<- like that in town.
How grateful we h uld feci.
—The dude-s is as great a r.ui'ance as
the dude. She bnng* her hair arid bang
the piano, and call "Chawlie " her "dealt
She can't tolerate the leit'-r "r in any
word. She twist* and cr-w- her tncuth
into all odd shapes in order t-> g"t th„
.-esthetic English accent.
—Mr. Geo Wolf, brother of Maj John
A. Wolf of Pbilipsb.irg, has been lying
quite ill at the tisrmsn House. Maj. has
been in town for several day*, taking car
of the invalid. We hope the young man
will rapidly recover.
—Onr friend "It vo" Walker, Republi-,
ran statesman from B 'ggs township, was
in bwn on Monday inquiring the full de
finition of "ullimatus ' Wa suspect that's
the trouble with Ohio, she has the "ullt- I
matus" and has 'em bad.
—Aaron Williams when last hearJ from,
wa' at Fort Collins, Colorada, eating bi.f- ;
falo sandwiches. He expected to start on
a three weeks'hunt. Aaron will come back
a regular Encyclopedia, Dime novel, Cow
boy, Seoul, Guide and Indian lighter.
-rM J. Dolan returned from Philadel- i
phia where he went to have a surgical op
eration performed. The operation was a
vrry successful one, and M ike feels rejolc ed
the physicians were able to save the hocl.
—D. H Kustaborder has started a new
store in Pine Grove, w(iere wo can find
the best of everything. Just *lop in and
see his confectioneries, wi'l you. Kusla- i
border is a live business man, and proposes
to do tbe square thing by the people.
—8 >me fellow ran bis wagon tongue
into McMitlen's elegant new bus and put
an unsightly hole near the door. The
wound is dre sed tip, but our genial friend
"Mac" is nearly heart broken, and well he
may be. But surely we have skilled work
men in town that can repair the injury.
—On Tuesday morning, as the work
train was doing some shilling at the Know
Hboe Intersection, John Cox, a brakeman,
attempted to jump from one car to the
other, when hi* foot Hipped on the Irosly
car and poor John fell between the cars
and had both limbs terribly crushed, so ,
that amputation became necesary. Mr. (
Cox was brought to Itellofonte, where he ,
died before noon. I
KNOW. — Tbe appearance of Philip Collin*
in front of the BOSH House, suggested to
your re|Mirler tho idea of testing the truth
of tho rumor now II mting in tho air and
! published last week. WO hailed him at
once: "Mr Collins, wo represent the I)KM-
N< KA r, which has persistently favored your
enterprises in this county, and wo would
iiko to have you answor a couple of ques
"I shall certainly bo glad to accommo
date your energetic paper, if your ques
tions are at all right," replied the railroad
"Are you making an effort to sell the
Buffalo Run road to tho Pennsylvania ? or
have you made, or is any one else author
ized to make any proposition to Ihe Penn
sylvania, tending towards asale?"
"I have noticed in a town paper the
rumor referred to. 1 wish to brand it as
entirely fatie. I unhesitatingly allow you
to use my name in this connection. WU
uivo made no proposition of any kind to
the Pennsylvania, neither an old one norm
revised one. We I avo authorized no one
to make one for us ; and what Is more, wu
hall never make one."
"Well, MR Collins, that is reassuring,
but you did at one lime offer to sell to tho
Pennsylvania, and would no doubt again
( that corporation would offer you your
,>rioe, is that not so
"Since wo have got on that subject I
have no hesitation in saying, that when
■TIR road wai in embryo wo did mako an
offer to the Pennsylvania, which was se
lected. We have made none since, nor
•ball we again. Of course our road is like
•inv oilier property , it has a market valioq
and if any one wants it st our prico ho
may have it. "
We thanked Mr. Collins, and left him
just in lime to meet
coming from the diqiot, and tnsde a dive
(or more information at once "Mr MA. -
kev, tell u* ALoul the road to Lemont."
"1 can tell you very little It will BE
built it the property owners wish it : it
depends entirely ON their *• lions
• I - that I un fiJe 1 But what HIMJIII the
IViinv*lley r--ad 1
"If we get the right of way to L.emont
reasonably, we shall build the road, and
and that is what 1 am coming to your
town to SEE about— the right* of way We
• hall build tho L'ennsvalley ro*d then, of
"Do you want to buy the Ruffal > Run
railroad 7
" No. Proposition after proposition ha*
been made to us to buy that road, and one
was mad last week to LB" Bald Eagle
road, but I can T see at present that we
want it. That route i 'JT miles to LS-MONT,
• bile ours is only '.'J to where we would
| make connection wlih the l'ennsvalley. 1
IM coming up soon to stay a couple OF
. lays in YOUR town, and you can s-e ME
' sgam."
And your dazed reporter left, with the
(••••ling, "can such thir gs he 1 1
— The Luther Memorial on Friday Oct.
'.'Oth at Bdlefonte will, fr..l prc -nt indi
cations. be a great demonstration in mem
ory of A great man. Tn grand old HERO
of the 10th century "OS-MS to enthuse the
PEOPLE of to-day by the mere mention of
his name. The best of V.„ *1 and instru
mental music suitable to the o* CATION will
FE rendered by -ele, I.SL mum tans. TH"
•idJresses will Le worthy of tho cause. A
rare treat IT in store for all who will at
tend. Everybody turn out on Friday of
I IN-xt week, and let all who can, COME to
church in Beilefonte on Sunday OCT. '.ifltb '
—lOl o'clock, A. M
Morning Service, B-nk of Worship,
with Tunes.
Welcome, By Rov. S. E. Furst
M usic.
A .Meets, By prof F, J Wolf, D. D.
—2J r. M
A nthem.
Reading of Scripture and Prayer
1 Addiesa by
PRESIDENT of General Synod.
—7j p *4.
Evening Service — BOOK of Worspip
Short addrs-ses by T'lergymen and Lay
men, interspersed with niuic.
Music by Choir, Orchestra and Brass
bands. All the MinUleriof the Northern
Conference, and others, are ex[>ecli.Nl to be
TYRONE S< AI-*., Oct. 13, 1883.
r -as
f.>r ||* w**-k *r'Jin* JUt <Vt I !,
(Utu* lim* last ytnr t,© V*4
In 7,427.
Prrri-mly during !*•• )**r
mm* tin* Uit )Nir '2,l*l*ll
ToUl in IMI IJVA.M7 •
Mm* tun* liMt 2,1*1 M*.
r>*rr*ft* W. 219.
I-nuL*r 77 rum.
Mrs-;ian*r>tif //t M
—WA mot i<mn <>f lb* momhor of thf> ,
Chatauqua circle of Niltany Valley. Tbe ;
young ladies are getting ' Kulchaw" right
down to the tip of their little fingers.
Their energy, ambition, and love of tbe
beautiful is worthy ot imiution by their
—"Our Man" of the Philipsburg
Journal grows Indignant over the fact that
that thriving town has one dude, and HO
wears a corset. Of corsets a little rough,
but don't make so much fuss about if.
> Tho W. O. T U.
, The Indies liavo come, blessed the
i town with their presence lor three or
I four days nnd now have gone. It cer
tainly was n compliment to us, that
these women embracing in their circle
so much of culture, social position,
wealth, and wit hall so much of piety
| and good enthusiasm, did select Belli
; fonte as an obj ctive point to rally in |
And it has done us good. Virtue can ;
1 not be active without doing good.
, Many of us did not wholly sympathize
with the movement, but ull of us re
spec ted the christian women who were
so evidently sincere and who devel
oped so much of intellectual strength
in their public tulk, so much of calm,
: effective reasoning in their delibera
tions. Their presence here can teach
us many lessons, especially when ac
-1 companied with the news of the gigun
! tic work in Ohio, aa to what the Wo
man's Christian Cuion has done in
'that griut state, and not the least
among the lesson* is tin- one that wo
men are a factor in polities, and hy no
means a feeble one. Tliey will coin
; pel the legislature of Pennsylvania to
give the people an opportunity to vote
1 'yes" or "no" upon the subject of the
Prohibition Amendment. We need
not shut our eyes to this fact. The
agitation must come. The Uuion is
, uot made up of silly, gossippitig fa
1 italics, hut of women of strong sense. J
of money and position, backed hy a
large public sentiment and of a r<li
gious fervor that will not let them
t rest until the vexed question la- de
Wo print the following letter from Mr
tl'ln viiti-r explaining Mime mistakes of
our reporter, so l thank the gentleman,
a* wo certainly do n-t wi.h t . misrepre- ,
enl him smt mist g'ad \ o|cn our -
umns for corr.-cii n
Me. EtlT<> Dear Sir —My attention
ha* been call.-.] to an article in your inue
of Oct. 11th in relation to the NilUnv
valley or<-. Recognizing the value of
your journal • a medium of inf. rrnsti n,
I fe>l -urn you will allow me loi.irr.-i t
through it* columns some errone.*.. in -
pressiuns that y -ur r< p--rt-r r>- etve-J from
my conversati r, In the fir*t place, it i*
toil fa r to th-- opi-ret. ■* t- state that I
i.eve h.-.-n seriously misquoted intajir.g
they wa*ln half the surlei e d- ] sit in the
preparation of their ore., Fuch a slat- -
irent ws* never rna-le, and i false on its
fare, a, a moment's r< flection would d.-rn
Again, 1 - 1-jeci to the word "ineihau.ti
bl'- in r.-f.-r.-n •• to the . xt.-nl of the Cen
tre county ore dep-si.*, for while the v-i.
inn mines have te-.-n w -rk-1 very super ft
. lally and the county in general is jet uo*
tout h.-d, th<* term i neither conservative
, nor truthful finally, jour reporter has
rather drawn on hi- imagination in his la* 1
paragraph, as I ain entirely innocent of
having compared the relative y ■< yiral
heights of lWl.if. nte and olia, or made
any estimates on the future supply of tlo
county s Valuable ore ted* Trusting I
have nm occupied l- much >f your space
I am, %'cry Truly Yours,
K i.'lss n.t.irr.s,
A'sislant Geologist Centre Co.
—We would call the ati-nlion of our
citizens to the < ir nlars sent to them a day
or two ago, in reference t<> the proposed j
letture course for the le-ncCI of the M
iC. A. library. A postal card was enclosed
to each |-orson for a reply Common cour
t tesy to the committee would require a
p,rompl answer. The proceeds of the
I course, if any, will he devote-l to procur- ,
ing more hooks for the free f.Arery, so that
every citizen has a je>rs..nal Interest in the
matter. We will have something to ssj
on the subject of free libraries in general
and of this one in particular hereafter. |
Anssver on your |-otal cards at once
; —The Democratic admirers of the "red
headed and hopeful" T -m C.ioper sant that
gentleman a very beautiful pin for his
shirl-'ront, and the lion Thomas will no
doubt appreciate it. The pin was aceompan
i ied with the following letter which is ei
i planatory of the event :
lloM Tito* V. Coorat, CIIAIRMAR
j Bar STAT* COM. Dear .Sir .• —The Dem
ocrat* of Centre county, having a high ap
j pros iation of your abilities as a political
j manager and boss, congratulate themselves
. over the work of their brethren In Ohio,
and while sincerely rympathiaing with
you in your los, they tender you the ele
gant pin, obtained at considerable ct,
composed of buck-eye and a hair-pin, a
fitting emblem of their csimmiseralion lor
your loss of Ohio, and of Pennsylvania,
which will *oon follow.
Respectfully yours,
—The engineers are locating the ditches '
along our principle streets for the steam
pipes. Won't we look Pbilipsburgy when
the men begin to dig ?
RCMOR Did Senator Praia buy the 1
Washington iron works? Kver/ one la
speaking of it to ui, and we would like to '
get specific information. I
Our Induatrioa.
It seemed two years ago as if this plant
wa-d<im<d. Two companies had failed;
f160.000 had been sunk, and the works
themselves stood blnek and desolate, sur
rounded hy a lot of deserted tenement
houses, a dreary specta. In to the public eje.
M-n of luisifi.-ss apokt-of them a* a blunder,
and when a few couragous citizens took
hold .J 1 th.-m they received little enour- j
Mg.-m.-nl, and no assistance Irorn our capl- j
Ia I ; hut the whole attempt was character
la.-d a ill-advised and reckless. Tin. li'ille
lofilu (ila- Co , J-iinil.-d, to-day have a
capital of $20,000. They are doing a i
monthly business of SIO,(KK) Th.-y have j
practically rebuilt the entire works in a
j.-ar and a half's time. Are making 900 j
Ini zes of glass per we.-k, and can fill only
about the one-tenth of tlu-ir orders.
'consist* of li<>n. C T. Aleiand'-r, I'res .
.1 Kvl<* M.-Karlane, See and Treas., II
| S.-chh-r, John Ardell and John And.-rson.
Mr. Teller, of the Mush House, is a mem
ber of the company, while I. W Munson
is the g. neral manager ; arid to his unlir.
I ng energy, husiri.-ss pluck and sagacity, is
, due much v.f the success of the fai t*.ry.
While hem we would mention C. M Row
er, K-.| , who deserves great credid for the
success. For though not now in the busi
ness, he did not withdraw till it wn* an as
| sur.-d stii res.
Tuesday, Mr. Munion took us through
i .he laclory. Wo first visit.-d the
where we saw Nick M-dding with Stov.-r
mix the snowy sand wilb the still whiter
j imo arid soda, preparatory to its melting
j He uses four tons of sand, one and on.-
half tons of soda arid one ul lime. Tb -n
we w.-nt into tho main
arid saw this lovelo-st of | rm sees ; saw
the long . rim>ori cj In d.-rs whirl in the air,
saw the great chests of the strong men
j heave as they hl<- tlo-ir fragi >• product,
and talk" I to the g.-r lb-manly workmen
The h:..w->* ar.-a fine set of f.-llows Tt.ej
, * r", Wrn K. p. tin- 1• l double thick blow.
• r, the two d kmar.s the two Fable,, S
S Priggs Marks arid Karo- ( nr. j Bry
ant, Marie and D' s.nne, il.-re also w••
•aw our fro-nd, Frank W<*•-. >tl, who re
gretted is nd.j his n't a eompanying us.
the 1-t i) .uhle tbiek gatherer and Kunne-r
Grant, Mi Donald. R-p|>ert. Carotbrrs, the
two Wimrn. r s, S mpkins, ("ark, Itsnker
--.-oil si, a. gßll.er.-rs of repute. .1 tin
S. ibet is the Mast r Teaser ar.d has for his
a**ilanl It —m, Sharp, R-nnifig ar.d J - j
dor. ll* re they blow fi \<• times a week
It is w .rtb any of our reader a while to
visit this risom. We n< xt vi*it-<i
where ih<- patient cylinder must be roost
• I again in a fi. ry furnace, ar. l fialtene 1
hy N and Chas. Fees. Fusser lays the
g. • • ul. II . I is the b!o Ui r, j. ■ rungs is
tto- sh n.rsr .! Strait- n the l. l r I. !< r
Voung Fees s the r. iler boy
Tlt C < I TTIMi Ko.iy
disptaj s the capacity of human muscle f. r
dexterity, in the ra| > 1 manipulation of
the diamond, by lb" two Claras, RHPVW
ar.d (r-afit They cut the glas- into every
sir. l Tlx- gla>s g , t into lh<- hands now
of .lotin I'lckle, and I* packed for the
is a l'J nurse |iwer engine, skillfully
manage] hv Daniel and Jaine* Kane.
This su| | lies the fie -ssarj air dralts tor
the furnaces, and will run the new sand
i rush.-r and wn.hcr This latter wilih.ve
a capacity of over 4 tons prr dt cm
is one of the most Interesting department*.
H.-re the great J'ts, in which the glass it
rnelp-d, are made out of the fs.-rman clay,
by the facile hands of Charley Cbost
The f'lt hold ".ffal (a.unds of glass.
Koonta assists turn. Turn Jennings treads
the clay, and is, by the way, quite and
artist with his f.-rt, making beautiful an
lanciful figures all day long Adam Wane
superintend* the mill, and J-hn and Rob
Wail*, are roller Isojs, The yard is kept
in order by Hull, Toner and Fraaier.
Mr Munson s|>ke in the highest term*
of hi. *0 employes. 11 >• infsirm.-d us that
glas* was advancing rapidly in price, ow.
ing to the shut down in most of the lacto
nes of the Coiled Ntates, and that in any
event they ctnild manufacture glass in
Beliefohle, owing to its marvellous posi
tion. "F .r," says hn, "we get our coal
from Snow Shoe, our sand from Howard
and our lime within a stone's throw of the
works, all within the county, a combina
tions of favoring circumstances r.o other
works enjoy."
We left Andy Lieb posting books and
theiheiifT telephoning orders for carloads
of glass, feeling that this enterprise is a
—The fine old country botna of Kx-
Sheriff Shaffer was the scene of a merry
gathering lest Saturday, in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. L. A. Shaffer, of Bellefonte.
The relatives and fri. nds of the young
Couple gathered for mils*, and that
genial gentleman and staunch democrat .
lien Shaffer, gave them one of the finest
d inners that man ever sal down to. Your
correspondent knows whereof he speaks,
for he si there.
We always notice lots of customers a
the popular hoot and shoe store of Doll A
Mingle. Their goods have a reputation
second to n<>ne. Fair dealing and low
prices i* the rule here.
Julia BbifTb&uer
llrfutu to Wed a o>um, and Suieulft W,th
a ltui'T.
CONNEI*IXVIM*k, I'A ,0,-toIKT 10
Julia fShilliiHii.r.ii pretty little f>.-r
-mail laa, apt-il 10 year*, committed
sui.idc by .'lilting her throat with a
rii/.or, at Bridgeport, a village about
ciglil niil-s north of IN re. The in
quest, ||. 11l to day, developed the fact
Dial it love affair was at ilt,- hoitom of
; if. Home y.-ara ago, before the family
J emigrated hither from (xermauy, her
parent* had engaged her to u cousin
i named ( harl.-a Hlniriiauer. Since their
j arrival here, some mom lis ago, Julia
| made the acquaintance of <,m; John
l Hider, to whom the full in. a-urc of
| her fr.-sli young affections were given.
M.-r faih.-r, hecomitig aware of the
state of the case, attempted to force
| lu-r into marriage yyith Iter cousin, ini'
I she .le.-lined la-lore the Juaticu to re
ct-ive him ior a husband. This so en
raged the fath.-i that he heat h-r. j
Crazed hv her trouble* the girl ended
her existence a- above. At the inquest j
to day, her two lovers la-came involved
in a war of words, which nlrnusi caun
to iilows ami violence over the Corpse.
The csr w--rks still siari-i idle. N ,
bu*y hum of machinery disturb* th>. d-r-i
-z-u.s - t that part of town. The -.uri-J of
hammer ar-d .bisel, th<- voice of the steam
engine, the cheerful buzz of the circular
1 *aw are all hushed. Hut hutllie** g.l s (Ul.
\ The rib man shaveth notes, and I -ar..-lti
; money <-n rnoritgsg.-s s of yore. ID- still
balb the ir,t.-r.-t of b per cent, of the
|s--iple at te-art.
We hope our people will not get nut ,
"f J-alieni'• Willi tlx- lew bridge, a* It wa*
a bigg- r tiling than any antteipat' I
It ha* furnished a great many ' lia-alt f-ir
lh>- different fa| • •* in t *r.. ar.-i wid le
an ut.failing well f..r future generations of
local editor* In tbrre J.-ari il will need
paint, in four a new fl .-r, in five t - le
tightened up. Thank* I r the n--w bridge
I —The T.-mple of Justice has now a new
pa nUd r f If the ( only D I* w 1
giye the fa-e . f Father Ti- R- ■ r i--r a
nice < oat--f i-aint, gl 1 bis hands ate] th
I! man cfsra. t.-r- that if i ale tl •• b
to- would smile j -a-antly en the |s p -
wh-t I -k " an* .sly to h in f r inf. rrn
t ri a* t■ h * Tempt" /i if. N w. d-i' ,
—Dy Weaver and Jim M.C ure have
|w.stp--n- ! tto-ir le-n-flr.*, parade and j■ 1 1.1-
tee Tfial • right, Is y * The r ■ ■ -r*--)
'• 1 • It of tu'e. the w ' gr Wf-r* ar
• tia vi• .- sh-**• |- *r d 1 1. ' k -s have p- rut.. th- 1
| 'damnation bow -w ws out in Oh Why j
It* afat, a four-acre I t *i h d all the
j Repulu i ans in the H i k-eye Male.
—Mr Mmk it ha* eg a pst-nt pave
m- r I Is; I in front , f I.is Curtin *lr. -t
hou*c simosr to that in fr--r.t of the new
II i office building in I'biiad- ;-l-ia. It
liM-k* beautiful.
That ele antly dressed. A'-sth-tic g- r -
lleman that stands at the -r,lr' . - of I'.-le
K-icbline • llil.iard I'arl.-r, i* the - gmsl
from which • -. ar Wi 1 ' r- pi--d fi - ■
turn.- "I'et.-" imp rted bim Jr.-m Kng
-1 land.
fiver ten thousand peop'e atterde.)
the aflerniH-n [a-rf.-rinsnce of F.-rrpaiigh '*
show, and about tw-> lh--u*and were st the
evening perf-irman-e. At lea*l el.-yen
, thousand fie-qde witn<-**eil th parade,
A Pink.-rt- n deteslive att-mpt-d to
a're.t two pi. k-i-a kets at the station - n
Thursday even.ng. On. he caught and
ban t-d over to Chief Montgomery, the
other escaped. The detevl.ve opened fire
on one but the fellow was not bit lis- rt
-I'irrud the fir.*, and a young war seemed to
be on hand.
WALKER JOTTIRO*.—Y'our correspon
dent tbatik* John Djhlis for the In>f r..y-d
condition of the road to Zi->n, h--w dc
lighlfu' to p**s over the aforesaid r--ad and
not feel a* if a young earthquake wa* Con
vulsing you internally.
—We had the pleasure of being enter
tained a few minutes a' the borne of
Andr°vr Kreamer, F q , of Hublersburg,
and meeting bis bright and interesting
—Tho Lutbersns are building a hand
tome chur.h in Snydertown. Wn just
hope that the souls of the congregation
go up to Heaven like that steepia.
Wm. Harris ha* tbe cigeest geese In
the county, we believe. He plck.-d a half
a pound of feathers from each of the flmk
They are the Touloia.
Doll A M ingle handle the I-est makes,
and challenge all conq-etiiion as to prices,
1 quality and style. For boots and shoo*,
iry tbem
tUIXW - Kt'STKNIUIRDE ,-AI lh i<-sl.<.c -t <R
l.,Ws's fallier, Oi'l.Ha * 11tls. two l-y R. v li a.
la.sn. Mr IMlv.'f * SR.* -.1 lI*RI|B|S>S, s.t*
Miss Raauls J K-al*sl*iel*(,-f Ossi.s r-ssl*. Ts t
(ISMAS— *AXOS —At lh M. E. Psn.n4r. in
eir-.mf-'Wi-. I*s ,m® Re. tsnda-r *TK. llwCI, l-y R*
H Whlli.sy, Ml r>ank <><•.■' .of Htsim'. fa.
tn RlMsac Kssea, ul tkelU. Cealiv Owiii>,
FoßkllT-HAtl-V —A. M E. fsr.*e. In St -.*s
lMn. I*a . i St i 4 I*X. l-y R- W R Whimsy,
M.. AAIIII.SI F'-stu. <-. Mlao Farwscs. ass. Allen*
I'a, to Ml** Altn Is tUIIV. uf 00-Us, I s„t,s rows.),
-We have lust received our new Fall
, and Winter Woolens. Call and liwve
your order.
MotTTOoxiaßT A Co., Tailors.
J V n-a.-s. n1 itis estals ot llsnty Myse. Is.s
o. Mllss ("U itsKl|> Ths aaUi.er
In sasks aW. ll* i KM. "t Iks fan a* la lbs ban.** nt >h
*<v..*l-I*l-1 lu sa-< sssona ik.es l-ally .niul. <k*ve
*.-, an* fc. est*n a**-nesmsnts I. any. w 111 ss* dlo
lbs AalH at kt st i-nuw. ai at bl*A<sln HslleSot...
m. S.ntsy. Iks Wk dsy ul K-.s-n-l -i, ISltt, si Itt
u'll-ak a a .uf S.W 4-y . lien sad wl st* all le.u-s
, ls.stm.sd e*.y .lUsd I. .ks,
A l4l. Awdltei,
Co F C'LHI'TDMI, (J —GrnlUmen : Y#>ur
tnhmhl" I'rruna L th" I-T inwliriri# I
ever U'J X*' r FKI7 KKMAM,
C'<M>k|""l Fll'llnim CI T |*A T 1
Your I'RRUNA L<r I rirl 1 AND Ljrtr
troublm h"!p NI. VV I' IW'.AN IMW,
Kal LF V"R|XMI| | o.
I wA vuil tlri with PAIN IN rny <
pH i|>ll at lull 111 tin- heart. Willi |f'-al I w i*i i*
irie of th" el.,ma li. I'rruua l>il"iii|; wiifl
-1 (JXFN Lr Nl* Jon A L>"* AIIIK j
SliaKpliiirjf, A l-fhiny i,.1 , J'*.
1 HAVN hn'L llv. R nifrip allit for ihrea
JI-ar# ; I ihoiight I WON I hnV" IN rjnit
W'-LK J 1 hn V " INK I'll I*" I/' I E I F \ I.YR /V.
runa '|| ain w> 11. 'ln RKA hfokli, '
| <ll4 VVV.txrn avenue, COY Pa.
A-k your ILROIFTFINT LR |FR llariiuan A
BOOK Oil Hl'- ''llia 111 Llfu Iffkllt
41-2 C
Wilnin , MI Kafnlii- AC', I*L) atti'D*
ilon T" TLII* *FI *. reliable IC-AIII M-I"-S
I'alnt HI tin- innrki T 'MIX I'lnf.llß I'rt
|lAFl D I' . *• • . MIL .11 ~||, R lit any
J LL-ady MIL", I'n ■ ' ! 1 II ruaU PURR'
; nrid du'ahihli TNI. | mill I> GUARANTEED
1 T.y til" ill n i til n't iff I t t" Irn I: "T ; eel
wilhtrt IHRM'IRAI" 1 LI. -iiarat,U-< nol
I .'llly I" F" I I I L'| 11 • J ttl" FAI II T but it
IWI 1 II" |.II'. rn. ii II Tll. ul j ( R„I IT i,r JA-XL
within th" INN- RPI'I iij.-') It will T," TO
...R LIITT"H loin 1 atul W'LUI.n, Mr.
I nrlari" ACO , )."?•.R" J ,R.'HATING • tther
I whim IT-a-L - r *R,v nth. r REND, MIL"d
A I) A ST. K not . F'OI M r.r.r KIT Tl.".#
an* OVI F. R.PU. . ,U I. RLI-Itr HI ■ ir< ulalioO
i .RJAUTII'II BR ■ WI. nut L.-al Hair Re.
'T R.-r. Th" nri'I.IF""I "Vld'L..E YF ITA
GREAT V* L it" ia-'t lint jnrtl"" know.
KI ii B" 1 " . | |h. rje ~I .r,r hn' A fnc 'WILL
•I n walnut || A! -blown IN thfla; and
n 'ir. .-n IY-af • n the out.ld.- WIU| |-r. TH#
R—L/.r' I I. a- harm!"** a- WAT* R, while
| it | 1,"..."..-" all TIC J RO|*RII" tie. e**ary to
R- 'ton- 111... Vl|..r, growth and " I'.r TO lb#
Itn" I'uri'ha'* "I.iv FROLLL .TTMA/E J>AR*
A-k \ jr ()|IIIFI'L-t |. 'it Ka B hot-
T■! la warrant"! JNL.I'I I, II . W\ A
I I'M ad".[ BIA, and Hall A RU.ltel,
N' A York WT. ■ al" Air- fit* 4-1 v.
WTiff. *r Hillk ■ ■ *• I I- ITN FTIAIMAI Mrt
£, I. lli mar : I : , ! 1.:,-..
A a A.. .- . |I . .t ( I:L 1111 -I
; I ♦ F K *• '' * * I"l ITI th# |ri I
J lb' f V I-.1 I A V.NIUI A I' , N.D
i - "I '" ' '•' '"•! "*II* nl IU. Vatiialluaa I"4
' t' '•' ' ' ' ' 1 "•! R (U4- • ' ii
•' 'J • T * toll' Iff ' , | J • J*
j t>4 • '
lr, ER f 11.. *{.F RR,.A.R
I I ' MIR,., mt, ) till Kit- I tK LT
*1 *0 '..MI , U I Ii.RI. •II TI!7.
MKFJUN I M W •R , ~F L; % alAf.I. . JL I TSL-
In I' H I a. J -f • • • tit# ! !hl
' ' " ' * •
t -R < . II . , H!, VI r ■!* I i > . T !#f,
V L !•* '■ii II • .. . . • ~f tlr*
• FJ - !<• ( UR: J 1 \ 2K KLI -
I 41 4T
F A . , irfl AM. Out} TM* I
J ft L ®LR L
Itl' JD LK I S •* U RA- A
A' U V 't V 5 !*
t ;2 2lti J MU4* lf*kU.
V/ 4 I. ■
. , 4- I Iti 11• ITI fNN R . .I .f ITI-.
ifr|ititnY ' ■ IT -'..V ■**■■■', NI
B L' 'T II••♦ it TF.FR T -•, ■I |U '• F T at 2<'Cl " K
LI" •RIT-I . F SUT'C 11 * ) LL DAJ of N> MS
| I#r 1 **4 *III FN lITUILFR I ?|J*F 11'4* !• ~ ( FRIITT.*?T>T% T
I*4 -1/ <.f UTl'la •-F llat.F I I'. *IT * K it*+-r£ OAF-
H * *IU— OVT B;I I LOR. vi-LII II T. 1. .
' | ..'T-T 2 I R.'A RN gtiAK R. . r> 1 ( . J >FF B.
!if• | kti N iim .. i '•* #-.} iti flm riU ktR
, i tilt i* Nf llM|if.tMl t l -l!,|t'r. IMr
iI! • . * • - f • WT R R, . IT at. I • URC OC> BR<1
j f Ih ..IJ ITFRW.
S I . , D (p, ?; ..TIL A I}
I.id MJfr flfl*
A IR'l ! IKR * / TIT* •!*< ' •ND II •*1 4 KY
I a . *! •>! MF H t-H'f . F *R " •*♦
'WI I it. GOAL •'!• M cltitali it. tb- RE LA taada
A1 W '
JMT ' 1 tftlffio' J Oft 1 1' DIK. -F . LW .fr| I a ULL A • !FRAFRJ
|I MI '. i - rvtM 111 • I m Ila wll < rii nti
tbrtltj TIMUF.
h i>n.
A fa'TN KIT nl* In I| CRTIFT* FC'T, R-.
I. .!,)* • 1 UHI- wf IliOll.H ■. Ilt b. ir. of'r\4
K • J b T< Nimtin Jan** v ♦ itinr aitdiil
rot Tbl* •• * r <4 ■* n ti Urn
j TIM> r•AI • <-ir flii'-L Tt fitllft)) 110 WR.4 tb*
1 IM *. tt) !• *-• nf tt.-tiiiil |% u A Hl# t ith
, lnrtL I . T* urd M UII l 1 nFT
tkg* OFT thf |'F a ftllM
C luu Jt.,
Kl* ttfon.
Huntingdon ounlv, S*.
AT>* R. • AIC *T - .1 '*. in .-ON.J*: .*rR lth
I ♦'! in <4' FT at FR t LL •■' ftittiNltfl C I IF. T A 111 I It* THT
lb MR It'. ~F T.F A< I of A* 1. ill * | I ' Vad ATIFUM
7 a fi lk* T • I'■ -1 A > ALT )T .H'likt# lII# t * ft*)
Jltditwl I miiMt* of tb* < • ti'tott* llilt t-<|tl3i*4
til tit* • Vni'ta<i o " It I* brfa'-i nnlkrwl mi l d*
rt*4*l tbst Ila • I tea fT I • !• g ilia- *4gllla' trttH cf
th* CVftttt f th* (itvilirt t i rftlr* 4 lluntirt|rd<-ti.
CMVn|arit<a ilb* ball b*
* F*alh'K
|.<r tb*Ortirl* of frctr* A rrgulnr t*-*i of tb*
C ti't of Cot. m n rioak of Ot*r an t T tmti*r nt4
(*t>*rwl Jil n < rt ' Mia|. m
ktfl • r (t| l.ati* ( Oitfi. ahull he lafiiti nd h Id. h it
tb* < n't il. o-* |n tb* UfMoftgb f lbll*t 'tit*. <*t tb*
4i> V| t)4a f J mill ft kp*i Angit't ki*l N-ifftataaf
.f *t b )MT kt 1 bvh A M . 'iMh 'f Mid l*ikt to
I fltttina- I T FWTBML ' f I• •• Wa. b*
f.at tt>* i tinly of llwnHtii do < TL" F*T TRGOUR
1 t*n "1 wki'l aatl'tfr ahull t*gttn kt-! Ii W ft ' thft
I Oftll |l n* tTi lb* of II Mllttngd* ft (ill th*
w i M tadkl <f Ikh • Ih!#f ft Ib* latftfriftl nkf. to Oot-
It ift n* h* k |**tia4 tf two w*lit to wbtrb t*n *lf
WTltk tliaW itl)-'l tit hidMlflTT |A i lafr ia*l|fr<i *h)l I*
ink la- rloTn-iid* A a4 li"raif' tb* t rtTOf
1 lion** in tit* i-its. . f If ttoiiti|{4 ••, oft H * 24 M f4*f
otr. at If K * 4• H .( KFCL tR •to R■ ot*FT
RANAR*. INNAK, 'H* F * |-T •** Nl it • ITI'L Itvdi' T O
•hub Hint |a* I't law tfi id* in **i4 f •< !• 7 i<*
('.MftiM' FFTA ftftdth' M.*nfl of tb *bl wo rl
ti* ar* t i rtnl t dftr f' m tb* kln-rl
lit* n.mM • ur r-k iaa-*i -f tr-atil Jr am t*>
nnitil*T 'A twnft t buiT f. a*rr* M firand Jun-ra tot
TT.# fir t W.-ak* 4 *aar B of kkl-1 t*rtiK. Hid K |>4Tl
'•* l*tt at4 Tra *m* JatoT* t tb* of ♦*, for
tia* FTTFRL Waw K f Wftrb iaf • I T• I (TT* kW<T ft FTAO'L of
T'or'ar Jnt- r to 'b* of tMitt -ad* t • artta
raJntoraf 4 ih* anund wa k k(<vb O wtd|ifiti*,*itd
tb* M> nf* >4 twrli *blt* üßtta* i* 1'••*ft-.tto r o
tto mn* dintiMl I y law Atd br ih* nitt-ntnir of
tb* *-aM jntora. tt* holtotft <U-j* and ri tlt f tb#
awW i*hitu In tb* r*at** <ira r nn'itw ar* <iaw t 4
IMUT to tb* *H*F iff and ) *ry NITNMHA|(IN*RA i ß* |r PR
otlla ai ttnir* a ?njitk(i l > law Tb# -nr
* and t bfk# of # ur* nf th* *at4 *natloa am di-
TXlnl to mk# #ai b In tb* b*M<f|ijt of |>ab
£N at.'L In tb* R*lT* DI UT a A wrta IN R*T<,F. # L#-
O-T. to tb* n*it T#M of MAN in tb* aH onnti
tnay I* NNRAMA.RY t TV.N.J.IA wib TBH V#TL#T. A
(<of*jr (4 H- O DI F ahall !•* |a* ikn# t#tr#
|A*ITATIBA"4 In tb*lwttf <>' ITAITITTN^D*. and la
thr** n* |.T*' It H#>t i> tb* tvw< tf of t *a 5 |RW.
••I a FII D *T tblrtf 4aj IWA*iUt"it |T#*THII|{ Iba
tb* It 'lditir of tb# 11-KT raaftat ANDF R TBIA ntdat In MFB
of aat'L F'NTI"A TB# I'M B •M.tart OF tb* AWTTF OF
IFANILFT.DON • diiwinl TO *nt*F tb*- 4*ctw LA fftM MF
on tb# CVafttlnnattr H.RKH M TB* C.ait O' I TFTTW-4
fiona .4 aabl mallf and TO mk* owt and
D.F tb# ML of tbi I vrt*F t OWN A MM a in## and
EIANTTNAT of Ikiadartw <• ha T*an*n*TTML TO 'N
CAIFTFI of R*atr# BOM to H# #N|OOD and FF MI BY Iba
ont# of tb# < Vwart of t .MIMM PL<*a.
Jta N OHHM. \
Ctttlftnl BY
R##NFF#R FWM tb# B*E"V4#* tboCVnatt *4 C MMM
F I • oi T * ATR* . lIATF H* ITB day I A H.
41 It MvOwatttrf