the Crnfrf fmotrat. Thnrsdav Morning, October 11, 1883. OoElMPOMDNl Minp 01 write'. Local Department* WANTED.—A female servant to do cook ing and other housework. Apply at tho riwidcnee of John 11. Orvls, oaM l.ynn st —Hurry up tho water main for I'urtin street. —lt is timo that chestnuts made tlieir appearance in tho markets. —lf you want flrst-cUa music to danco by call on the Adelphic orchestra. —Have you noticed tho grand display of autumn leaves on the mountain side 1 —Ot course nobody come to town .o see tho show. Only "a little business," you know. "Now is the winter of our discontent mado glorious summer "by the great "I paw " show. 'We will bet five cents that Nowty can't toll which is the gable end of lircwv t'urtin's house. —Milesburg heard with profound sad ness of the death of Mrs. Daniel Boiloau, Friday, October 6th. —lf tho new railroad is built up tho Bald Eagle valley won't our neighbor" Milesburg, feel happy ' —Jack Love. Esq., is once more with us> strengthened for his profes.-ional duties. We are glad to sec him back. —Thirty new houses built, or under course of erection, in Bellefonte and vicin ity tho past summer. How is that for pro gress 7 —Kev. W. •>. Wright spent last week in town. Mr. Wright attended the funeral of Mrs. J. D. Shugert, a member of his former congregation at Mile-burg. —Equal to New York or Philadelphia, Henry Harris furnishes tho most beautiful burial robes at lowest prices. Equal to anything in tho metropolis. —J. Fearon Mann has greatly improved the apearance of his residence and grounds by chopping off superfluous limbs and cut ting down some of his shade trees —Newt, has reduced the running of a daily to a science. It is this, gentlo read er ; giving the name, of thoo getting off and on tho train as it stops at the station, and reporting the moon. The Adelphic played it sweetly again. This time at tho Logan hose house. Every one had a good time. Ask tho boys if the Adelphic isn't about the best little nrche-- tra in the five counties. Mrs. Julia A. Hess, mother of Mr* H. Y. Slit/.er, died at the reidence of Harry Htitzer, Esq., of this place, Thurs day October 4th. The remains were taken to Boalsburg for interment on Saturday. After an useful life of 8" years, 6 months and 22 days, death came to her peacefully and without pain. —Come now, Joe, can't you find any thing witty in your own noddle any more ' The ide of stealing your last joke out of an Altoona paper and taking the credit on yourself! Our faith in human nature is gone now. True it it, the joke wasn't particularly creditable, but we thought it original, at least. —Saturday's Daily AVvs announces it self as the official organ of the moon. Hereafter wo shall be informed as to each changing phai' of her lunar majesty. Now, that is as it should be, the AV,r will make a good dutch almanac and if its 'un ary be confined in this way, the public can congratulate itself. —Col. Wm. J. Kealsb of Philadelphia, dropped in on his friends, on Monday. The Col. is in excellent health and spirits, and is as gonial and entertaining as of yore. Few men have had a more varied experi ence than Col. Health, ho has been an in veterate traveler, and is one of the most entertaining men we have ever met. Noth ing escapes his attention and he has the happy faculty of seeing the ridiculous tide of everything, as well as serious phases. Long may he wave ! —Tho aesthetic McMillen has astonished Bellefonter's by the exquisite (we may be allowed the adjective) little "bus" be runt to and from the trains, and the elegant baggage wagon that accompanies it. We never taw anything In the omnibus lino equally beautiful and comfortable. It is a model of the carriage builders' art. Well, its to "utterly too too." Wo just give it up—can't describe it. Just think of it, $l6OO invested in an outfit to carry passen gers and baggage to and from the trains! Pleasant flap was the scene of a very pleasant affair last Thursday evening, viz. the marriage of Mr. John Harrison, Jr., an0 to '."O feet, aiul the pipe ore veins average under 10 feet." "Is it possible ' This is greater than wo haJ hoped." "You must not mi-understand me," re plied the interviewed. " Y'ou couldn't run a plough the whole length of tho valley and on every acre plough up ore, but it i* practically a continuous belt and an inex haustible one. Tho ores are of three or four different qualities as they appear in tho different rook horizons , then also some are clayey, some are sandy and sotno mixed both with sand and clay. These all nec essarily require a -lightly different treat ment." "Bo you think, Mr. d'lnvilliers, that our operators are developing the banks in i the nm-t scientific manner 1 " " They certainly are not. In too many places I notice that they are ws-ting at least half of tho surface deposit. ' "Well, what ale.ut Pennsvalley v " Just here I would like to make a state- I ; mcnt. I understand my opinion concern- I ing this valley has been somewhat mis ; quoted. The west end of Pennsvalley has magnificent dejioslt* of or- and present! a I line field, bat IhAMMim run Out in the i eastern enj, towards Millbeirn. Tho rail road, built us it is to Spring Mills, ust touches the edge of the ore field. "Then, if I under-tand you, you nvan ' that the Pennsvalley road stopped at tho , wrong point to develop*! tho ore "Exactly ; it is a good field, but not us extensive as in this valley. ' (Here the Snow Shoe train began to backup. Geologist d'lnvilliers app-oared visibly uneasy, but w>- continued.) " Just one question more Is there any bojio of finding larger deposits ~f iron further beneath tho surface than have yet been looked for 7" "Of course that is uncertain ; but Sco tia is UjO feet lower than Bellefonte ge..b>gi. cally, and th"re is no difficulty for mo to believe that the Scotia deposits lie under us. Any way, there is enough raw mate rial In and around the town to keep run" ! nir.g for a century, all the null- that can | be erected in the vicinity. Now, you must excuse me, here is my train," and in another moment we hail left the room, he for the Snuw Shoe coal fields, and I to your sanctum, happy to make my report. Snow POINTS.— W hen you buy your ticket give the exact change, or if you get a bill changed look at your change lefore leaving the ticket wagon. Keep sober. Keep cool. Don't crowd. Don't punch the animals. Be careful of little children. Don't stake money on another man * game. Don't push, crowd or jostle pxsople on the side walk. Don't buy your ticket* from "ticket ven ders" on the grounds. Don't rush into a crowd to see what is going on, it is dangerous. Don't joke with the clown. He is a hired fool, and you might possibly givo yourself away. Don't make any display of your money. I f you buy ten cents worth of peanuts don't hand a five dollar bill to the fellow to chsnge. If you are a young girl, and alone, though you should not ho, repel the ad vances of strangers. You have no need to make acquaintances that day. I)on't buy show lemonade j it is compris ed of three things, water, sugar and lemon. The sugar and lemon are the unknown quantities. The strictest chemical analy sis has failed to detect the presence of either to any appreciable degree. —ln order to avoid putting our collossal brother, him of the Millheim Journal, to shame, wo will have to be more circum spect. Our big brother over the mountain takes such a lively interest in us, that should wo stray from the path of editorial virtue, it would cause the "blush of shame to mantle" the already florid face of the Journal man, and that might cause a panic in the metropolis of the lower end, a* brother Delninger was never known to blush. We wilt, brother D. —About the liveliest place of business in our vicinity Is Colebecker's hotol at the Milesburg station. Our InduHtrloH. TIIK MII.KHHUIUI I HON WOItKH. A dosiro to investigate lod us to visit oiiii of our oldest industries, ono that has lasted threw or four generations, and has furn iakod onploymont for ninety-live years to our labor. Wo woro Just approaching the olllco when we saw Frank McCoy, ono of the present owners, prepared to drive away; wo hailed him, however, and told him our desire. Mr. McCoy at once invited inves tigation, and introduced m to the gonera| manager, Mr. Kddy, expressing his own regret* that lie could not accompany uh. Mr. Kddy took u llrat to the furnace, an M ft. bonch, built substantially of largo stones, with a capacity ol l<> tons or more per woek, for cold blast using I'K) ton* of ore. Tho furnace is blown to keep going tho SKVKN FlllE I'OltOK. Kacb lire runs four tons (aneliony)of 2,tflt pounds. llero the "pig '! made into blooms—an exceedingly interesting and nice process. The blooms are partly made into boiler plates, which have no superior for reputation in this country. Wo next visited tho puddling furnaces, which nro three in number, the trip ham mer and the muck rolls, and next the lIAIX MILL, one of tho features of the entire plant. This mill is furnish'd with r .lie, to pro* duce any size of merchant har iron in com mon use. Tho l.nrs are used for boilers, cutters and planing machine* A • inter esting ade; artruent a- any to tho spectator i -IUK (if lUK MILL, where the bidet* are rolled through a train of H-inch rolls int" all sixes of w ire j rod, from No. fit • ,-ineh guage, rounds ujuares, [-inch, I" -inch. This train has a ( maximum velocity "f revolutior r minute, and the long n 1 i 1 tw.*t ar, I ; writhe in the pr like iivu g erpei.t*. ; The wire rods are then taken f the WIRE MILL, a hero th'_v are drawn into all > ! ; screw wire, from No :: t . N u* , guage, and into wire, all grade-, to No 1' j wire guage . The tr w \ai r• ■is ui 1 by , all the lemling i< rew maniils tur'-rs f r ' linet and best work, and ha no > iperior : j,n the market. It rival- ' N rwsj fr i carriage bolt*. The Sarah ,-a Na'.i nal Screw Convention pron in • 1 the p* | .rt I | of tl.e-.< works to have no su|-.-rior in the 1 1 United States ar.d it deserve- the c > mpli ! j ment, as it* bs endure tho severest te-t> 1 I known, t mo of wh; h we ■ ur-t!v. - saw , I applied. W * IKU row Kll ! furnishes motor for the w-l. d establish- ! ment except f. r the "in. train,wh:- b ■ r .r. by a line I< ■ s hore.; ,wer • n ;in", with Ik- j ft. of | ar. IL 1 ;r.( h belling. Mr. Henry Dyke is the < • m;- tent re r that mar. ag'-s thi beautiful | c f ui< banicurn NOT KA. One of the mo>t pleasant a {tamtam we made in our vi-it was Win. K .'ton. 1 who runs the re in • .ch a buxines - :.aj llilly is a valuable a tant t Mr M 1 y Israel ('outer has charge of the . ;t >. • w -rk an 1 L Fult">n ■ f all the . ~ir ■ We ha-1 a pl('>ant chat with M i.ael | SbielJs, the pushing wag- nmaker Mike | keeps all the big ore wag r. in repair, ar.d j d'M-s ail such W'-rk In g.-J -Itape | The blacksmith shop should be visited j by every one. Wo learned mm a! .t hoeing a mule with Alf Fmilh in a tlv• minute talk, than we knew in - ir life b-- j f .re, Jim Hutler is his able a -utant y ,me one udd u- that Smith i the pi icki , est smith in tho county. Wm. Comer is the heal --f the wire mills. The works havo t-*en running since lkH, and are now in the mod prosperous mndilion, giving work t>> 17'. men, and having a national reputation We en', y-.| making tho acquaintance of the workmen, for a more business like, pushing and gen. tlemanly set of men we never met before. A fact, speaking well for the management, is the length of time many of the employe* have worked here. John Kline, Thomas Wilson and Wm. Wilson havo managed the teams for thiity year* or more. Jim I.auver has been here for forty years. Tho*. Miles, p,os. Campbell, John Thom as, Pat Martin, skillfull forgenien, all own their home* and live in ease, a* well a* many other* I had not the pleasure of meeting Jon Shield* never leu cinder* accumu late. Bill McClenahan ha* charge of the hack ney stable, filled with extra stock, that he know* how to use. Mr. Kddy ha* our thank* for hi* kindness in showing us about. Wo have long known of him by tho roputatior he enjoy* a* an excellent manager, a scientific musician and a clever fellow. Jaii. Breaker*. —Tuesday at noon, as the turnkey of tho Bellefonte jail and Miss Dunkle went into the prison to feed the in mate*, four of the prisoner* made a rash for tho door, felling tho man with a blow and upsetting the lady, in their de*perat attempt for liberty. Norris was captured at once, but Al. Bower* and two desperate horse thieves, Dave Hicks and a Swede, suc ceeded in making their nacape, and are yet at large. Sheriff Dunkle has been away, but every effort to rocapluro the roon will be made at once. —Philipsburg i* ready with her steam heating aparatu*. You can be lighted by electric light, heated by steam, entertained by the Board of Trade, and amused by everybody, when you vlrit that enterpris ing town. HTEAXI HKATINO.— In Clearfield, tho at tempt to beat the town with steam, so far_ ) in the season,meet* with succoes and every- i body's approval. I■. •• 1 N ; , Sunday. II w plea aril f r h.rn t take ' this s'ep 11, the Jr> ence • ( his BI UN- J friend*. Kv'-ryb ly weh tn'd Palmer bat FIFTEEN Y an I (, .r CITIZENS t great inters-'t in th IBU-ISI' -- dei.L - rat "RII •( THE CONFERENCE 1 luring the PAST WEEK. Th° ('.,urt 11 M never saw a larger , crowd than OR, Sunday aflcrnoan. .I nes 1 'delivered a s UL- t.rr r • app -alt - THE Y ut.g ' iergy, t 1 strengthen TBERNI- IVE* ;ri ; th- Il"!y Spirit. The ordinal: n services | WERE it.ful. There ;S not a religious B<>ily in the CNIUD Statu that can sing BETTER than th j Pittsburg Conference. The Hev. Ashhurry PREACHED a G 1 ; lorrrn-n in the Heformed church in TLIE j evening. Bellefonte will WE .ME them all hack, and gladly TO - 1.1 TII s: R Mm HI A I - The reh brat n iof the four hundredth anniversary o' I.uther * birth is mark" 1 with great demon stration* in Kur ;>e and America. The memory of the hro r-f the Reformat: n ■f the loth centurv is producing a grand rally of Prolmtanl* in every civilizM and christian! ol cuntry. Luther and hi* tremendous w. rk are becoming lietter un derstock, and are more highly appreciated, a the year* roll on. Friday, October k' l th, has been fixed for a grand Lutheran mass meeting in Bellefonte. All denomination* are earnestly invited,and fraternally urged, j to tse present. More than twenty Luther an clergymen arn expected Rev Jno. < Morris, D. D., L. L. D, of Baltimore, President of the Lutheran General Synod in the I'nile.l Stale*, a scholar of great reputation in Europe and America, will deliver an address on Friday afternoan, October 'Jbth, and will *pak in the even ing, among other*, and will preach in Bellefouto on Sunday October 2Sih. Prof. Kdmund J. Wolf, D. D., a native of Cen tre county, and now ono of the professor* In tho Theological Seminary at Gettys burg, will deliver an address on Friday forenoon, and will probably also *|>eak in the evening, and preach on the following Sunday. Excellent music, vocal and in strumental, will be furnished. Programme and further particulars will bo published in next week's DEMOCRAT. Get ready to spend Friday, October lifith, al Bellefonte. It will be good for everybody to attend. TTROXK SCALER, Oct. fi, LFIM. mm. fsit lh w-* W.ON. a, r.x,iitl. tMa)- tllus tart | "'I.EW Ini re*— *i?R rmtl-n.lj ilarln* lee J"*r JUMJW WWS tlms l*M Jrnr (tncrwiM e Tirtst in IM a i |t ?'??s tuuii" tin- Us I s -si 2,1*1. it*. Uismw 3MW. mam tauwavs. I.nmt-r D* <* Mlscsllnneous ' ' —Mi** Mary Proudfoot ha* a very co*y littlo refreshment aland in Central City. Niwtii Annual Meeting or the Women Ciiiiihian Temperance Un- j, ion or Pknnstlvama.— The Union held j its llrKt session in tho Court House Wed nesday, Rt '.l a. m., with Mrs. Francis L. l ' Swift a* President, Mrs. Ellen M. Watson '' Corresponding Secretary, .Mrs. J. ]{. Jones " Recording Secretary, and Mr*. W. 11. il Woods Treasurer. Over 100 delegates H : preaent ; 5500 expected by Wednesday • evening. Tho devotional exorcises were conducted by Mrs. K. D. C. Mair. After a the formal opening Mrs. John Robert* 11 madu tho speech of welcome in a very v clear manner, to which Mr Annie Wit c tenmeyer made an eloquent reply. The J enthusiasm of the meelin - was intense when the President mud the telegram that l'rohihltien had carried Ohio, and many ' eyes were W"t with U-ars at the joyful ! s new*. The following is the order for the i | succeeding session I j Till RHfiAV. (NTuIIKB lllli, 1- M'/RHilts • tot liefotiuiiil Kirf - i*p| Mt* tif.UaijM •* f %.#,?, .1 f ill#*- ] i .If Ii r Mifuilps ll'js'sft I ' i.f. i f.-'Ulitti, \ -hi'u 1. f Nm lio*iii< # ii. l t . It -{**, rt - \ PtiO'htij; ( villi lit ill is- 11 • ISIMc IfrmDiig .... Mrs. 11. H'. Km Ilb AtrttMObW *Mltov. I'M * r.-l } • ' *•-• Ml*. Iti't Jfr < njli'-' I t | ~4" ' fjn i tj'ifi ' >:)) t fir h f II- Jr fll I i- * .:-t an I the b tis Lew in's ex- ! tor, nve c iotbing store. I>on't you forget it. It i' the j ur." t i .r '.aie the best g .- at the 1 -s t rsu < a!! ar.d see bi 'lock of overt at- sr.J fail and winter j suit*. T. lay ai g day Dr. t Belief ab I (""I I £ Th i ' )•< us .a the w rid m " ir I ui. Ar.d then the brave ladies ( ten.j ranee. wo gvey. -j a • t r •. xI we n. . d rj.eed with jour w. rl. . —The ii r.d anniversary of the boyi i rat,- ' ■{ It " Y M < A.ul. 'ur alter. - -.. in t' thi* most excellent Institution Business men, help it to j - ij- r ' And the A-. - iati-m library, the only public library in the the t wn, m).<- it ten time* a* big Bel .i f r.U- m it !e more gene: us. Lewin'i clothing mart . n All'-gbery Ureet i. newly iu ked with a large m.j.j ly of all kir. !• of seasonable cb thing, mad fl 1 -if tl " be t mat' rial, arid in the best style* , which he will *ell al the most reasonable [n> ei. Call and • xamine Ho ir stock. j —We saw John G Urs.le drive into twn with two beaut ( j1 hays hitched t a hs:. I- rne buggy J- hn i* cne c.f the luc ky ■ men of tiiis w rl l and take* thincs easy I>r Mi Kr. tyre, of 1, <-k Haven, vi-it i c-rhi ( at Fillmore thi* w.". * "lleapeil la Hi- holloa of til- |N itiltiTfiri !.**•• J tr T \ +€-l" t tK* Att \ i tht n' ' tt* tr* • ! High Sheriff Dunkle and deputies Harper and Hoislcrc nveyed tw • lunatic* to Danville on Tuesday. ! — Our Jwi3i merchants will clo*e their itnres to-day. The cl< rk* will take in the ■ elephants. Kill TOR (,'RNTRK DkMCm RAT. Ibnr S\r Please find shipment of coal sent over B A S. fv Branch of Tj rone Division for wee k ending Oct. (5, IRKI : W'—X Pr-si ulj T- uj I |n l**s • ii 12.7ca IVi.hlii In I**2 I.IU i:T,2* 110 ' •* 14..XP1 I c., i tic D-f iv-ase ct*s ranoets. Umh-t > Mimellaa— llot *E anu Lot For Sale.— A desir able home ran he purchased, situated in the village of Pleasant Gap, adjoining properties of Mr*. Gorman and Kckenroth, on the Lewistown pike, thereon croc led a two-story house, good stable and other out building* For information inquiro at the Centre Democrat office. Ppertal .Harwich to th- Usw >eit —The dispute that arose In the meeting ef the Pa. It. K., held in Philadelphia to day between the management of that Co., and some of the stock-holders of the Bald Eagle V alley, rhnws plainly howinsineore they have been in promises made to our people of Pennsvalley in regard to the com pletion of the Isowitburg A Tyrone. The Pa. people desiring that the Bald Eagle Valley contribute to the construction of tho proposed branch to Leinont, and the laAlor company refusing to do so unless they of the Pa. company agree to com plete the unfinished pari til* L- and Tyrone, coptending that without that con neclion the brvnch would be unprofitable. The Pa. company have several times re cently refuaad to assent to this agreement and, a* our informant learns, just postpon ed further proceedings. A<:< OWNING to the Committee of )ue Hundred'# official declaration, Democratic administration ba* raved :<> the city of Philadelphia alone ff'-'.'K),- H)0 j)cr year. This, in the firet month# if dov. I'attinon'n incuruhency, in of itself a fair record, but when it is con sidered that by his alertness in watch irig the interest - of the whole people and arre#tinH unwarranted drains upon tiie resources of the common wealth, amounting to million , the re cord is brilliant beyond comparison. Ix-t the Republicans continue, if it makes them happy, to call liitu "watch dog of the treasury," in view of the shameless wa-te and wrong which preceded his administration, the ap pellation will bc< on' 01.e of honor, to receive the higln.-t plaudit- of the j atopic. —-The report of the Sial,"i,iti:> < ■ inmil- U" "( the r.y I' nf.-rrr, , which ' 'jrivcnc<] at I'm 1 . , i'n , ,-'ej l. 2' Is- 5. itiwas MTki 1. Alt" I ■ I. M st„j|. jr. A.I • * SUti 1., >1 11 I. 1,. ' Iltit.lttift4:m, ' A *1? I J' 't. 1 liiii. Hell. t lit. 1: .1 llununal. i J'oft IdutitfU, I j !'!tih|}'!tg v (net,.,' ti f'i i. H - M . HJ H -N. |\ K. tMt.r J If fctnitli # I' 'trturf, ( Aitili, J U i lf* fprlDt* J A < T'iwf"t, J l.nndia I a*! "ah tji, U W } < W. |Uvr j *?<* S UlfTt.i't hr*t *• u \ r MtrWtm - Mti!*- Wittnotr 4 ' J 1- M.llsr j htt,..l, I. Ith.-t.-t II k* **!, J: No , 1! ihlajwhuni, v. ii M*turn. , > W I'fafW, W If Miuglr - I ll., Timbrr, A I's- t, ' J fwiihciiM. | Ituraahif, J II IVtwhiitf*, j I .*uuu, J t Ihw*. : ht uwy C f. k, !t. *■ \\ i. cur-n I. Hint! t i uri' t I* ;. j Mi I It . ti.. : IMtstnrt h, hu. linls. V |( Sunk. ; A11..1... J I. int.. 1 w....... ,t n ra . MoOum. n r M i 1.., I W <*Wo. l':. l. A I. I ..lil - ' -1-r.i fb.: I, c. I. .OJIIO' llruoksille. C It 0n,1., r f M I. sin* I- •< M 1,. .1. I CMohabotE. &■ I, V E J A >. . Mo >. J t 11. !-T • I have 10-sr, us.? 2 11' ; Hitv-r,. t>r.<| bare i <<•!ted treat Ist < i,t ft m them f- r liver jf mj lainl. rd malarial f.-vr• They are ■ superior i alt oil' r m—t• ine ;-2t 1' M DA UN K —We have '.-t receives! .ur row Fall and Winter W<- lent. (.'* i ai.J leave j y. or order SI OUT. . MttT A ( .Tail rs. THE Fat n- >i Int. HAHT m* ■> Ac Co —l*l>-ae sen ) me a lot of your j l—.ti on the -Ills of I.i I -o.i a great j •■ ... a- if-* ,t i- ■■ ng ine great go,-l. V u,. t. James WTATT, .I'. 2t f-tsutentille, Ohio. —Willow, M Par as* A Co., cwll hit< n li >n to the ii.y f. .!.'<• J.-s it Mif 1 Faint in the market The p .ti r Fre ' pared l'uir* j n.-t -r.% u; , lef.-re j • a,.eg , it her j white lead or any ether Heady MmJ I Faint. All a wok wot s Cot arenrrn —Thpre are danger. u ci .;nt. " |er sack, " —) *k l'la*ter,(rtinad, per tea. t ad / SKI'HANS' COURT SALE. " ' iHalt tf iota It ■ I.S, Isle of rpriiut town ■ hip. det'4 Itj virtne .f an erter Isswvi out ef the iirptiall'e (Vmlt nt Centre rnant.T. Itnee will he anM at ibe I marl llonte In the bum. of H. U1 lo'etorfc in the utter noon ot ISalni-laj, the l'lh 4ap of No*aa l-er, t--'I. a farm sitnate In S|.| In,. trp„ C-sle c.n.01 J, r . siljoinlnt Isntr of Henri Rnitinvt, Ike. rr- tirtrk. Jsmea Urnilen hi-in. A. never faillnc welt of water an 4 aiatetwa, amt a Urge orrhant of thrtnr bearing treea S"t T" suit port haaera, from 7\ to 40 arras will 1•- (ti 1 of fnna tke northern eml of the farm and ndil neperntety, AtAi. \ liwct of land adpnning Ibe above and h anded by lands nf James (loot, in', Mn. Andrew J. hwsrtr HvWak and "Iberw, oontalnint sir ns and 4 perches. This t. *2idrct.r limestone land, alt Ilaared, r*nces good and la r—wl aisle 04 cwlttvstton, lb-re s erected • bss ami *rn. Aijsa A tract ot wood land on Mtiaov monntains I-ewnd ed l.y lands of John lloviser. tsaolet Calahsn Israel (Volsee, and Qen. W Imnetwrer, iwalstslaf IN sovs and k2 psrrhsa This tract is welt rs.vered with yown* Uiitny timber. AI JO, 4 farm situate In hue lap. Centre oonnty. Fa, leoLn J.y lards of l.aoaa. the heirs of IV.yd Krlte, J. 4,8 Kimae. Jaw hrmas, cvwtataia* ahoat *. acrm TH.S It a (nod and essiaWe tdgc fartd. Trn or BAU t Owe third on iwalrmstb/W, afoj the rnsidus In two e.,wai pavwsents thmewner with Interest, to be emwred bt jodgeiueet bende and *st* tare on Use premiers. Ansa lint, (' |s si A Jr. Kt.sntofWs