THAT conservative journal, tho I'hila ilolphia Ledger, in discussing the claim of the Ue|)ut>lican in tho senate to a representative in c ingress fur in excess of tho Republican proportion of tho voto in this state declares that Mich n principle is a "thing of the peri, con demned !.H it hud Wen hy national and state legislation, hy enlightened pro gross in public opinion, and by the wholo drift of our public a flairs." ■SAVS the New York llor/,/.- "Attor" ney (ienernl Hrewstorwill repair at once to Washington and make ready to re reive Lord Coleridge. Mr. Brewster's coat of-arms, his ancestral shoe-buckles and aristocratic lace on his emit sleeves ought to make a pleasing impression on the mind of the great judicial lord Kngland." Ncrwfusness. The moment there is danger of irn pairment of the mind from excessive nervous exhaustion, or where there ex ists forebodings of evil, a desire for soli tude, shunning and avoiding company, vertigo and nervous debility, or when insanity should ho implicitly relied on. But it is never well to wait so long tie fore treatment is commenced. The esrly symptoms are los of strength, softness of the muscles, dim or weak sight, peculiar expression of the faee and eves, coated tongue, with impaired digestion ; or ill others, certain powers aie only lost, while they are other wise enjoying comparatively good health. In all these I\should at once he taken. 21. Oitick I'liilimy lime. Rockford, i '., Jan. IsSO.l s SO. Thi.i is to certify that ice have appointed frank I'. Illair .note agt%tfor the tide of our t^u- ck Train Baiina t Watektt in tkt turn nf Relief ante. lt, See. Having most thoroughly tested the Itockford 'Juick Train Watches for the last three years, ! otter them with the fullest confidence as the best made and mo-t reliable time keeper for the money that can be obtained. I I'uUygnaT inh ■■ every M'.itch for tiefiyear*. FH.[NI\ R. lILA IR, A',. 2 liroeLcrhnjf Row. All-ther Ant'r in Watches at reduced prices. 1 hotiTov, -Fan. 27, l s>2. The Itockford watch purchased Feb. I*7'J, his performed better than any Watch I ever had. Have carried it every day and at no tinio has it been irregular, or in the least unreliable. I cheerfully recommend the Itockford Watch. HORACE B. HOKTOS. at Ihghton Furnace Co. TAI NTOV. Sept, lv, 1-sSI. The Bocktord Watch runs very no curately ; bettor than any watch 1 ever owned, and I have had one that cost sl.">o. '.'an recomtnond the Itockford Watch to everybody who wishes a fine timekeeper. S. P. Ht'BBAUI), M. I. This ii to certify that the Itockford Watch bought Feb. 22, HT'.', has run very well the year. Having set it only twice during that time, its only variation being three minutes. It has run very much better than I ever an ti -ipntod. It was no* adjusted and only cost $2O. It. P. BUY A NT, ONE voice all ov,-r the lard goes up from mothers, that *ays, "My (laugh ters are so feeble nn i sad. with no strength, all out of breath and life at the least exertion. What can wc do for them ?'' The nnswer is simple and full of hope, t ne to four week'use of Hop Bitters will make them healthy, rosy, sprightly and ch-erful. .'IV 2t. \eiv Aitrrrtinemmt*. r MXTION PROCLAMATION. HOD SAVE TilK COUMOVH KAI.TII I,Th-"ma* J ftmikl". Il'gh Plieriff of th • *onnty of r*ntf' mi awn wealth of do br*hy link k* n an I (fit • re* at th* *!*• • f th* -einty ai rraaid, that an * l* ti<*u fill t>* l. -M in th* •aid r unt/ of Centre, on TI'KADAY, NOV KMnITI I!. \s.<2 K r fh* | .- ;• •♦* '! tin.; on* j.*r.on f-r Auditor (Literal fth*C m i n* tllh *f pr nr yi*ania One i' r.m f..r Tr* rearer of the Commonwealth of PaftMjlt *t t On* i'"fan i for Are *ia # * J -idg* c.f th* f otirta f Outre ristinfy ON patsM I F Mrtf • Itlvrgay AN oua CM |l||, Oti" |• • - n f r< ■ Mir.' v >nr * * y--r. # I al*i !ifflif mik* kn.wn au l sir* . li< • that th* tiUren of h .Mir 3 (h af>r**n 1 *!* th>n in th* •**• rai fcrook,ti ami T .* within lb* roan If of Outre nr* follow* f > ail: For lb • t • it• I• i|• bf If ifro♦ | lb* public li..t|a# -if fffj.rr .*h f r. In A*f ■ htr V"T lit* IxtMnahtp #f lltior-a. Kiateflt t,) -ll lb* (raMir * h- I b 'ti* in M' .s-l-aitr ! K r lb* I ' Vfibi|> of Nt th* *cbon| |iou* In Atonwiuwii. for lb* iftnabi|> of Taylor, nt tho ho-ia* *rs i.d for Ib il |Mirpo*ofi fhe |>r |i*rt| uf l*sinsr l Mrrr\ni*n fid llir lowntltip of MIIm, ill lb* Klin*| bona* In th* town of ft*b*r*bnrr K f lb' t arnabip of I* t* r (Jfortbrrn pr*- nrl.; lb* pni-iic bona.- „f f ,i ,y.. r< | n Ootrn lUli for lb* tnffiiahip of I' .ltrr (Jknlhrrn pr*rir<,) t at IN pnl.ib I fl If. Itnbl, nt l*otl*r'i Mill*. Pir lli fovnablp of (Kortb*rn yrnriud,) nl Ifnrmj "• CIHMI boa** I'or lb* townahfp of y J 11. fi*b*r, nl I'tnn Hall for lb* townabip of ln tli* o hool bona* nt Lmont. For lb* townabip r.f F*rg"j >n (obi |>r* In* I,) In lb* or hool bona* at I'in# iJroff, For lb* t'iwnbi|. of Forattooii (n*w pr*bi|* of spring nn-l B*tin*r, at th* (' lloti** In H ll*fotit*. For tb* bmnohlp of Walitor, in th* rliuol fiotra* at II iiblrmbnr For tli* Iwniinh *v.t U ggi (north*ra pr.ind) ni - neb .l hot)** known M tb, Walltgr tchool II f |boa For th* tnwmhlp of II g|r (wntNni precinct; at the pnnllr nrhml bona* In Feotml Cltr. For tb* twift|ilp f llmt*!*, nt lb* f*ll?*r Dal* Who" 11 town*. Ii . 4 For tb* townnlilp of iVnn, at th* pnbll* bona* of WillUni Milni. 1 Fr tho borough of MltlliMm, at tin- acliool lioun* o|iiM>iii> tb* Fraiig*liral clibra Ii in nubl Urougli. i For tb* townabip o||,|l>*rty nt lII* < brat I lioun* nl Kagli'Vill*' For tli* tou tialilp of Worth, nt tb* ' hool boun* nt , I'ort .MntibU For tliv towimlilp of Ibirtial'l*, at tin- lioua* of J. K. I ll'mk For lb* tow nnbiji of < iirtin, at tlif n boo I lIOIIM* near It o I sort Mann. . For tli* l*oroitglt of rnloiiviltff ami tb* townnlilp of • Union, t lb* U*w •< b*ar*, wlio nllnll bobl nnjr ofli< * or ap|oiiitiiiiMit of nny profit or ti ut uiob r tb* go*riilu*iit of tli* l'ntt* *d tinil*r tb* l,*irlaln ti\.- K\ - • ii Ufa nt -tn h tary Prputw nt of in- it it*, or of tb* l"nlt*l Hta.*, or of any ' ity or im or|Hirnt*<| 4 Jlntri t; ami alno tlmt *v*ry in*itb*r of (Vmgrwa or Hint* Koglnlntur*, ami of tb* ■*!* t or ootitnton roiito il 4 of any city or ('oiiiiiiUlout>iof .tny lnoor|Hirnt* *b tloiiofthlit'otiinionwpnlth; nml that ii fimp**tor, Jmlg* or other olf)**r of ati) i Piirli •Im tioii linll b* cligiblo to any office to b* tb*n voted for " At I'll eVrtiotn !i*r*ft*r b*!I under tb* Inwn of tb* Ooiuiitoriw*altfi, tb* |MIU ahull be opened at 7 oVb* k a. in. nml bho I it! 7 o'clock p. in Tit KKT> T< lIK \OTKD Tho qtMllflal tlretori will take notira of tire follow, ing net I Aa-o-mhly. approvml tb* 12th l*y of Mtr-li l -M'. **A N Art regulating tho modi f i OHM -t -n , *l*i tjoim in tb* general roiiiitlf* of thin Common wealth St'. 1. lb it *iinrtrd bv tb* Hftidt' atol Ifoiia* of i:. i n m ntotlvt - of tlxiGutintmoiiwialthof Pannaylva nla in li' tc riil A--- mt hno t. ami it IF li*r*bv *nn' IN| • by tb* authority of tb* anm* That tli* lu iftti*'! *l*c. I t->r* of tb* n*r*ral • iiiito** of the Coiniii •nwraltli. Nt nil g*ii*ial. towimhip. In. tough ntid ; * ml *l* Moo* ar* b*r*bv b*r*nft*r aitbor|/*l atid i*|uir*l to vol* by tickeU, print'-sl or wrilt* n. or prt!> prlnti dor jutrtlv written. • • v*r Uv clanlfl*d it* follow* Oi.* i ticket aliall einbrni * tl* nam** f jndg-n* of court* j voted foi, and t b* labe!*l otitai l* "Judicinr v . oi* ; j tick*! •hall embrace th* inm** of all ht r* olb> *r to I I eotrd fisr, and label*d 1 gtata II tahU im i r M • Mia ii IBM *of oAcrn vntad for, I I tha office of flenator and Slatrb**w of tli* Aaanblf, it l mini for, ami lie labeled "CoUntt ' ri* ticket ebnll ' etnbrar •* tb* natne* of all t*wn*bl| oflf -r* *-t*d f.-r. and •hall be latieb"! 'Tow n|tlp < tie ticket *ba|| eni- I tirac* th* nam** f nil l-r u, b officer* \.€*•-! tor, and Il 't lab*l*s| Hid " i ll • U%* abali I-•■-d*|-'*lt • d 111 * |*rate ballot IK.%** tiivn Utobr my iintid - I wul. Nt tiiv •■fib* in I n*i i.-f oit •. thN fob day of tictol v n tlw vaar of our Icinltto* ITiou*niid Fight lluudr**l nml Figbtr three nnd in tle *t* Homli' I VH! Kigtb year of tb* lmb |?eudence of the 1 NITI-D M *I-. THOMAS J IM NKI.K. hheriff of Centre County. t • - i DMINI-THATOUS NoTK'K.— 1 . V I *t. t* ! ndniinUtrnti non tb* •*t *t* of Snrnli J Wiltkuna, (colored lata of follftmtr, dtrraaad, bav* i ing I seer i u r it***l to tb* nml*rigned, all perwni* In d lt*d t < MUI •■•Uti' nre r. |ii*Hit. I t ■ Oiak* |Myiuent. i and tlr • • hiring clnitn* again*! Ill* *nt*t* nr* r* i iu**te*l t* |i • • tit tli cm, duly aufb'iiti at. •!. f-r •• t tbfnr.n A1 V IN HKUT. • 37-M Administrator. I RI)I rorrs NOTICK.— in TU. ' * V matter ' tli" ' nl .nt< f W If *'• rmmn. IM ne* • f John NV Mi Si In tb* < ottrt •ft < mnion pi,-jvi ■ f C*ntre nuty. N". January Tertn. I"*-' Tb* undersigned, an Auditor appointed l i aai l Court, to m-ik dutribnti • of tb fntt Uln tb* hand* of tb* a OH:ntaut t > ami am ng tboM b k 'alt> entitled tb r. to. will tn** t th* pwrliea in mt' r*at at hi* fb. •• to lb* l.rough f rt'db iorit* on Thursday. th< 1* tH da> of Novambar* Itfo,at Iff o'clock, a vNti and wbava I all partiea ut*f"te*l may ttrr I. II A MhKK, i :r- tt A . lit. r 4 UI)IT<>U'S NOTICE.—In the i A \ Orphan* O art f Oaatf aaty, la thai!• lof Wlllhua Wair, liacwaiitj, Tli* soNnlgNdt ao . aodltor appoiatad t • anMia liatrfbatioa -i tha fhadi ' tu tb* lu>< Uof J M. Itlair. Trtwte. j j-uiite-I to *di ] th* real • -Ut* < f •ail dee#nd*rt, t" and among !tb•* I ,;atl> * itltbd t r" ** tb* tame, an 1t bear I af , j pss tjj, ti .■,* *t *pti * which may t * fil*.| v* 1 •ti I Trw'' * •"lint, will ti**l tb j *rti- int*r- I j wt*d at I M off •i• ibibf-'.t* on wadnaaday, th# j 34th 1 • ' r, A. I. C- at I -K . V P. !. liar ) Auditor SC.CH I.C.H t v G rorrrs, Hush Ilousr Work, Jliitr/ontr, I'ti. NEW GOODS FO II THE Sl'ltixii nnil SUMKIt TRADE!! We huve endeavored t<> get tlie very IH--t of every thing in r>ur line, ami now have some really CHOICE G OO/W. JIXE ('EEAM CHEESE, Extra Largo FRENCH PRI MX SEL EC T O Y.S TEES, .S WEE T COT A TO ES, LA EC E EWE CEA XJIEEEI ES, EE I SEL I. ES, IMC EE lAI. Elf IS, ' HEIGHT SEW LEMOSS, FLOE I I)A OEASGES, f Piinrovt I*i|Mr-S!n'll Almond*. Ktiiimrntcd RIMED PEACHES. A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. I'EES EE YEP EEARS, PEACHES, EI. CMS and PECSEI.LES. PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CONFECTIONERY, * —ami goodies of all Sorts and Kinds tstr We invito the people of Centre county to roll ami inspect our NICE r GOODS, which cannot fail to please. !- SMC I r LKU fc CO. f I toll ,T Atittf/lr--1 toots ,(' .' horn FOIR, A. GOOD Boot or Slioc THY —| KGItL - KESKsI-g, |— FOR - Style, Quality and Cheapness. We defy all competition. We have the largest moA— and bought for caeh, and sell 10 per cent, cheaper than any store in the county. •er OV E 8P E CIA LT IE X. -tt* REYNOLDS BROS., ITtica and I). ARMSTRONG'S Rochester shoes for Ladies, Mioses and Children. Hatliaxvny Sonle and Harrington * Fine Shoes for Men. LIEISITIEIItI IBIOIOITIS, THE KING OF TI IE MARKET. We have a Shoe Polish which will not crack the Leather, as good as the best and only 15c. DOLL MINGLE. Rcllcfontc, l'a. I ' k. . . A .s\: . JVrw A tlvrrttenirnf. I >L BLM' SALF under I'ro • ••linjr" 1 Mi l'arlltl'ii I') illtiif <( Jumttg ,1. (Irwwly, norlli .U , w.-1 ."4 nlO |.* n li , to RloiK N ; UiTN •• IHI >t IONIAN! LAIIIII, MIMI nth*-r* aouth •*". wi*Ht I*l pan t> •*. to §*l •■ *bl nrh**r. TILT H* T* •: , • M-I P'-R 11-" TO H !••*'T 111 ILI (, j 1 .1. I: .. 1 ll rn . I, 111. "I , . "It I- J I. I < I t-, t.. lli |JIH* l I" 'tiling Mid obtaining: ;n* r R aii'l |TFIT'IiHiM*I nnl iillowatu *••* lie tlii' WIIIU 11101 *• or |pt *, vtllll |||M | t.-liillii • tt. All lif iron oti- .it.iHulrn iaU in, *n unit u|Hn all Unit t-fftwin tr*o t r pio* *• of Urol -llihitf In ,\Urlofi Iwii., (Vuifi county, i\, ;-i, Itilttg toada of iotutMuui Itoynr i n tin'iiurtli uicl Alhrlglit, Lauc'lou A Co., on llo* •oiitli fil * turning two A 1. with 11 : .lit of I"** itigrr**, tgr*••* ntid r*gr*** to *lig nilti*-* hihl •• r v iif auiU Iron or•• im*l triiu*rula All ihr Iron orr-HIKI luiiii'rali In,on and ujxn tin undivided on** I iirth jHift of nil that • • ti*l•• trai tof hill 11 •Itinitf* 111 Martini twp . it! •. .aid t • undi-d -h th 1 ■ |inl- t r o.i rl v .f Nwtlih'i l**< 1., ■ tlf **l by •unnutil ••ontwlfimg rri'i liiof -n I- >hd Lt-ihg lln mil* nrctmi which JhoHi ck lif tit Idih >i lb* :-t|, .1 ,V . f .fun*' 1- " an.l It |.|. I it! C. • Irn Hllty. 11l !. . I It •i. 'II | *;'*• I-1 A' . Kli*litl 11 hi • fii. \t.| t. Win \ Thon uamiulli j- Mh rtghi l Ifw In yri-M.. grr * and 1 ••g"* to til. , with* 1 i-.rriynw.iy n.t 1 . nint lulu* i.l j Tt-rin* rttnih' known on dm of Nil*'. hut* to t'oUlUl**!)*"' • Oil V. • • I ttiol iltl Miriui r'a lir 11 . I III" 4 .1 I'l NKKI, j Urllcr■•tit*-. -• |t 1 'tit I I I>I Hl.l'' SA 1.1! r I'r>•■-I 1i 11 JM iii !*nrtfti • |:y tlrlin* r*lwr >- . I out of I till' C •ft "t ••loth • I'lt .• t.f I ' lilf 1 'OUty to No. : T 1 .1. ,r% T* no. I* I V li I fty iih'l H!| .-rt Ml:> lo I " ■ t C t J .in •T. I. <*n • nl, .If. - i I'lt. *ti **t.l li.i • Mt*"Vt - A'* lh-p. M'\ h". TH IhU* d .. ." • .1 I J.tlo lir iflkM, lt witf.Hiol w • It •it*l St:.*io I. .• w if*-. • r.* f UiiU. **> !r* • • Iv ; 1 1 . , M| to nal in wir, flr bMittg(inw dim i • 11.. Mnii. t i Uitt 1 • nit II n- • to "*• I".i- orII t !'• . f t- . h MUlliltV, U • I* Is -is) 'f 'l' !• Iwf# A . i"* l ih' following jr- |" rtit i -rll All thit- •1 < 1 ti*. tof lah'l Rtlii'it* u 1 1. ' * h •hi|. of liirali. rounty < Mtr. ,Ah I I '< sititil | twit to, UttAdM and dwcHlud A- Mtow*. t. wit It gihllil'K Ht Aw hit. . thrt, I ) r< -i 1>. ■I.I I M.iUt I'lf *• \ ">i!h t." .w. • t •I'l •• Is— t• I 'I ( it,.. t>| John v. 1 man • * • ulh • 1 I .Mrlo t" *1- —t; n.-fo • north it "Ml 4M |Wfrlin ' t. A |*t. th n* • 1 orth •' • • • Ihc |>lA, •• .1? toulAlt slsg ■" H* ' • • ' • I.r !. , I if. I •. 1 .:.t ~•nr It. r ti a. 1 liow !..'ihg tK- I , Ail Itot ■■ 11 lin tmaa iig< " I Inwt of litnl oltoatH j in tlr |oi*lif, iht> A. 1 >'- <%! *• •>.I. a lj"iir ,. I# . .S -1 . 1 . |,i .1. 1 . •.Si * • WllltA "AW, i |t*ni •• aouth '• - . • *• -11I•'■ IM •• A J..- • tin • J MJ . ! Khtlrr If • * *• • j-1 i • ,t. M . -• th 1. • A 1 J. ■ ' rt sit ruM i 1 rtli 1 , waat H H ptftbM to a port; thoncr Uy Jaouh j; - . unr% north I •.• Ml W • pan h •t" tha I 111 ..f t ginning c tiUiMhg 4 rr* • I 1 pi 1, * with tl" |.j*irt*-h Jitf r * 'lt-rni "1 wl' "n*--h*lf •1 thw j>tir■> t ■■ I • (Ml.) oil • thttrti.A! J* >f **!• Hint lit* ' .i "• ** )t*Af tin rt. *ft• r with lnt*i**at t ' • si- .!> I 'hJ •ml h> rt' thw ! hah t• • .. ii. i. > I . - 1 k iti aftrrii .f •i I day. Mtrrirr'" Mm r. Til". 4 JIM NKI.K Hi h . t uta ( ltpt IMb, IM - " lIISITOU'S N ITK'K—In 1110 X a Mttff liar tat !!• uti'l* mlgna*) AII A*, lit* r a; "'tr*t I \ th* phwua*ouft of Cr ••"• I ; adtmncta, uctftaiß itMmni ? r *♦. h ikwradtnt'i r*-al Mlal* l •A avrt'iol t>. Kuiattucl lltrtrr I ) j j r*t li||f lr j.Aftlti n. a I t. iitfc* *1 :• trat ufi • f tl. fuh'U it| tli** l.fth'U • f llt# •-lrnihi*tr.t' t f CAIiKS, i.rncketM, liatliiug I>i,licH and everything in thin line. G O L B r\r S H F or S\a\l\e AT GREEN'S PHARMACY, Bush House Block, li:i,i.KHi.vri:, l'\. WE HAVE TELEPHONE j If. (iiirni li <1 ,S mi's Xrlf Storr. PH ■ ate IP 35 ! iiwj D. Gnrmnn & I. A l 1 1: V arti.111 ur 1 y curelnl to -••hot an . I.gunt line of good' especi ally suited to you. Y< u will find it to your advantage to call and if w are not uhle to supply you from our choice and varied stock, it will he 11 n small matter for u- to order what you may need. Wc think we are better aide to meet your wants than any et<>r<- in liellefonte. BUSI !.)(> Nit Co., Mrrrhntift, .i 11 11/ lnii t/-Slllrllrfoiits, Fit. I IST )F G K)I)S AT HAI.F I'IUC'L ' 1 A 1. VOX A C 0. !/•>#• sr :# ( V t. • m runnir f(tm J t * v*f4#. t 'a r *d wriii cf |.tfrrii. f; I front.' i" wMia* *>. f < • t tto ftutoh out a •'.?*-••, a yard ! |r. Mmi'i fI; M- | HaU ...... f. "* V* <#s 1 larwh* r f1 . I*. M*i. • lur II*t f) *- -ttb f * V rnn %*f} lIW Atiff iial* a; ■ g Ihna • - ' S*w**t W rkthf hh**Mi ft *, f| I - #U' i * IVn •"• •<■+ * ifhtll •' P**!, • *1 * nU* ' •*• k *. • \ .■ t ft t f_ •. icir, a'S . t N| *. • l*w* ? iMthrt to *' 1 Ir*-a* . fl '• wi-rih f . : t.\lll> k Clill.trßhN !* Hll"f> \TJM llAl.i PRI( K lAI . I n* h ICf n*t Wa k. ff •*• ..... .. TV *la*hM 91 • ' IsA'tG* I 1C to. A* fl ••• f " Mto' iTflfli Uaittf HaiMii; Chi# . •• 1 . . Iva/tew* I in* N* thill 1, \l Hiking Pl**** - I V ... h, • T..* 1 * fhr* flfw;- ?• i*tol W•iktni Nh*t w f ar fiwtt. n Vklkih;; *'<•* '• |A * M , ft** \t Hiking M -w f 1 *♦ 1 . ( •• V *. |r.f 1 •-* : 1 1 pat* nt I MtMf 1 ; toi Chilli %#!to toti l-e T, ) fintf* nHW ...... Tv AN. " •' . 4v. •* m ;n* liutloo fttow ... ... l '*M Isea'b'f Ki lT' j Hfll' i 4* " pAt'ht UUOIAF ffrrlng . . , M ... ... <I**HRRW 1 Mi*** I ntf n f*h• ■*** .. .. * A k 1 . IA-hrw* p.uthf* Phm 1 <4l A 1 . 1 A ;•' Bio* hi <•* Ic Kitf I, All IM I* 1 *v llm imeo Wmmu ....... • iluttoft M !•**•' hHf Pott f! WW I <*• *tw*},cfr 1 ;. UdtoTMb Unit* Kb*** •>,**• h t< I • M* n • P io fh *m .... |) * lw i,er 1 Ti Ml N 4 < LOTIIIN•* \T "NK lIALP PUL K Mti'< t|>ilnf Rott'< IHikk finh T. rtofbet* 1 \i • . 1 . Pant : | • Light Gastfutotoilluurd Puitoi | tha'i tight CiHdmfr alt tnwl Puuto gub M * I'U li all w i lHg 1 al • 4 im Mr * lik Ritra !!-*' *ll w. 1 **j fln |*n| 4. • , Mou* 3 WA I l'a* |* l'm 1,.| w 1 Pant* * rbtly faded. ' *t n ... 4 *• t % f,,r > t . . i> O.XE LOT 'IF W ITS A 1.1, WOOL (111- Lit of Il.trl t off II 111 ('I- ,rrr SniU Murlni li. tiu / M> nrr ()vc, it trial. floor, Suit .In* .. I. |T ft®. lllMfril^.nl.fS., l fIS StiM }"'-1|2 ' 1 f • ' 1 S'to • nt 1 •' AMliff Vi Sot, "• .n ■ Sl' \ ' ■ ' 1 1 . a ~ - • f v W . • in.', *n w...i lino., amkmfin •>•. Rhirfc IM.g'.nal Sol* ..... sv ,|., T hmt MtiK>, l,i ft.,'.-mo. 11l *. 17 .11 nnl ... arm.lw.h.r. • VI /Or** (,'ooile, S/iirtitnj, A'c., at One Half I'rirr. rii. OlvtM Slilllln.' V.!. . ' aaiHA* . . . ►, in, it rimahT" lit, i. n ft-5,.1m..| h.U . ..•• l-.iv. IwawlalwaWMiwi |, .iMtm Af*M;ro\ii:, im. , Jjurin , *S' fo., 'J' I I I !(P I : • # THIS SI'ACK l'.KL