Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, October 11, 1883, Image 1

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    £l)c (Tint re democrat.
S. T. SHUtiKRT A E. L. OKVIS, Editors.
VOL. 5.
©he Cnitre ,i)rmccriit.
Term* 81.AO per Annnm in Aclvnnoo,
Thursday Mornine, October 11,1883.
of Warren County.
of Bradford County.
l>r. J. R. SMITH,
of Ferguson Township.
of llellefonte.
of Uellefonte.
THE ultimatum trick mules of the
Senate still meet and adjourn twice a
week at a cost of $35 per day to the
Tieasury of the state.
IT IS said a company has been form
ed to monopolize the coke trade in the
western part of this state. A million
of dollars has already been invested
in coal lands in the coke region,as the
initiating operations of the syndicate.
IT may be a question for the people
to consider at the election whether the
party of leaders who were sent to the
Senate to perform sj>ecific duties, are
justified in refusing to perform those
duties, and entitle*! to $35 a day from
the people whom they betray.
THE general appropriation bill for
1883, less the increase for common
schools, covers precisely and only the
sum of $5,653,779.68, which is just
$399,589.32 k<i than the total of the
appropriation act of 1881 for all pur
poses, exclusive of common schools.
THE Union leader at Wilkesbarre
has added another column to its usual
broad pages. This journal is one of
the most aggressive and ably conduct
ed Democratic newspapers in the
Commonwealth, and we notice the
evidence of prosperity with great
COOPER had his mules well in hand
at the brief session of the senate on
Frit lay, hut his motion to adjourn was
not so prompt as to cut oil' Wallace in
getting in his protest. Wallace scored j
a victory, and the mules had to hack
nut without a kick under a scorpion |
TifE capita! stock of the South
Pennsylvania Railroad Company
( Vanderbilt,) has IH-CII increased from
$14,000,000, to $20,000,0H0, and an
issue of $20,000,000 in bonds is also
authorized. This is done to insure its
rapid completion from Harrisburg to
Pittsburg. This road it is said is pro
gressing with wonderful rapidity.
THE Pittsburgh exposition building
was destroye*! bv fire last week with
all its valuable contents and machinery.
The loss is very great, amounting to n
million dollars, including valuable
relics that cannot be replaced, and an
endless variety of exhibits illustrating
every branch of art, science and me f
chanical skill. Nothing was saved.
LIEUT. GOV. BLACK, it is announc
ed has in forward progress an extended
biography of his illustrious fatlicr, the
|loo. Jeremiah 8. Black, recently de
ceased, which will he completed and
published with as little delay as pos
sible. He is in possession of all the
private papers of the great jurist, and
is fully competent to do justice to the
work undertaken.
K UKH. SHERMAN, it ap|*ars is de
m terred from being a candidate for the
W Presidency on account of the ruin it
I brought upon Gen. Grant, lie would
v have some trouble, and very small
[ thanks for tho trouble, to convince
[ Gen. Grant that he was ruined physi
cally, mentally or financially by the
| Presidency, or as the recipient for two
i terms of the salary,
Tho Nittany Valloy Railroad.
Tho construction of a railroad by
the Vniidcrbilt company t<> connect
with the Beech Creek railroad either
nt Mill Hull or Beech Creek to run to
Bellcfontc aud connect with the Buffa
lo Run railroad, i- u fixed and settled
fact. The money already expended
in a road along Rull'alo Run, and the
fact that this road will not he sold to
the Pennsylvania company, will com
pel the construction of a road to con
nect with tho Reading at its nearest
and best point. This point seems to
he cither Beech Creek or Mill Hall.
The important question now is, which
of these points will he selected? Il
the route through Nittany Valley be
adopted, the road will have to connect
at Mill Hall. If the other route be
taken, the road will run down Bald
Eagle Valloy and connect at Beech
Creek. Ho far as the interests of Belle
fonte are concerned, it is a matter of
some advantage that the roa'd should
he made through the Bald Eagle
Valley. This route brings tho Snow
Shoe coal seventeen miles nearer to us
than by the other route. Tho road
will be at least ten miles shorter. The
cost of right of wny, SII important
item in the construction of railroads,
would be comparatively little. But
aside from the -hortuess of the route
and cost of right of way, there arc no
other good and sufficient reasons for
adopting this route. The valley hu.-
a railroad. There are no natural re.
sources of any description justifying
the building of another road. N*> ore
deposits, no timber, no manufacture-,
in short, no local freight of any kind
warranting a new railroad.
Some of the objections to the selec
tion of the Nittany valley route can
Ire speedily removed.
< >ne is that right of way will c<r-t
no ire. We answer that from Bellc
fontc to the Centre comity line tin*
right of way has been freely given. In J
the few instances in which it has n,>t
be* if - ' urtd.wewill a--ertthat fifteen
hundred dollars will purchase it. As
for < linton county we cannot sp* ak so j
favorably. For a distance of .seven I
miles there, the right of way ha-* not
been given. The prop wition wa- made
to the citizens that if the right of way J
was given, the company would build
the road and fence it. No favorable I
response lias been made to this propo
sition. We have no doubt that the
j opposition from leading citizens audi
farmers from that end of the line ha*
induce* 1 the company to seek a cheaper ,
and nearer route byway of Bald
Eagle Valley. But why not go to
work and do as the people of Walker
township did, secure ami offer the
right of way at once. They want and
need this rival road. A week's work
among the people of that locality will
remove this difficulty and probably
add the most important improvement
ever made to that portion of Clinton |
county. We honestly believe that if j
right of wav was secured froni the
Centre lino down to Mill Hall that
the Nittany Valley* route would be a*-
j siircd to us. Why should not this he
the best and cheapest route ? It lies
through the most fertile ntnl prosper
ous farming district in the state. Tho
amount of farm products and supplies
annually shipped to and from this
region would more than pay for the
ten extra miles of road required to
connect at Mill Hall. That's not all.
There are still valuable timber lands
in this section which would afford
shipping for years. Still more, Bald
Eagle valley has no ores. Nittany
valley, on the other hand, has regular
deposits of rich and valuable ores
from Mill Hall to Bcllofonte, tho en
tire length of the road. There are
probably a dozen ore operations going
on now. Given a railroad and the
freightage afforded by these and other
operations would be greater ihnn any
road in this portion of the state. This
%tll open to the markets of the world
a new and important ore field. Be
side, this enterprise will greatly im-
prove that portion of our county.
Nittany Valley i* now tho only section
of Centre county (hat i- without ruil
road facilities. For the prosperity
and development of the valley, let
every lending man of Bellcfontc urge
the udoption of this locution. This is
our duty. Then let the farmers and
business men along the road act to
gether at once and secure, a* far as
possible, tree right ol way and thus
secure to their section the most im
portant enterprise ever ofiered them.
When this great enterprise shall ho
added to Nittany Valley, and the link
between Relletbnte and Renti's valley
be made, we may look for tho greatest
prosperity aud growth within the next
t*-n years, that these sections of Centre
and Clinton countn s have had since
their organizations.
lilt Philadelphia Inquirer, savs the
l'ut riot, i- regarde 1 a* a reputable jour
nal. ami when it discusses p ilitieal sub
jects rarely offends by deliberate and
inexcusable misstatements of fact. So
much, however, cannot be -aid <>t the
editorial comments found in its col
umns, in its issue of yesterday morn
ing, tfpon the remarkable *.!' rt of
Candidate Nil** on apportionments.
Here i* a choice extract :
" 1 lie democrats begun by demanding,
*nd have continue i to demand, refu
-;ng to accept le , more than tle-v were
ju-tly entitled to receive. The republi
cans have at no linn* refused to
to a t.nr an I equitable apportionment
of the slate, and the record shows they
have not. Il i* true that they refused to
yield to the democratic plan . but th*--.
were right to do that, becu*. it was an
unjnst plan. When, however, they were
convince i beyond any doubt that
their oj j orients would con**-nl to noth
ing tiiat was equitable, and th.it agrei
ment wn impo-ssbfe, they promptly
moved to end a session r. t'y and
When, pray, did the dem * crabs be
gin by demanding iu*>re than th* v
; were justly entitled to receive? Aud
, w hen have the republican? done oili
er wise than r- fu-e t , agree to any
thing that was fair and equitable '
The JnUfHirrr should know, if it is ig
, norant of the fact, that the d nocrats
j have demanded n thing, and that they
I were willing to give up their own ap
portionment hill- and accept hills
I drawn by repiibln an*. Which side is
it that stands upon an odious ulti er.
j turn, in which there is neither fairne.-
| nor equity, and will agree to nothing
j *.-*•? \\ hi* ii -id*; is it, tin; democrat
lie house or the republican senate, that
j rcfu.-cs to go into conference for the
purpose of adjusting nil differences
i upon any "fair and equitable" basis ,
which honr-t nun may agree upon 7
| Which brancii of the legislature is it,
that now stands in a revolutionary nt
titude ami refuses to act with the oth
er, and which even declines to hear
| communications from th• executive?
i It i* simply sheer nousetise for the j
Inquirer, or any other r. publican
• journal, to attempt a defense of its
party friend* by assertion* so far from
| the truth. The record is made up,
and no amount of subterfuge ami pre* j
j varieation can ever explain away or,
j justify the olistiuatc ami obstructive i
methods which the republicans of the
senate have constantly employed to
prevent apportionments ami deprive
the people of the slate of that equal
representation guaranteed to them by
the constitution.
IN k arc indebted to tho Union
leader for the statement that a stal
wart newspaper defender of the Ro
| publican obstructionists in the state
senate, says : "It is not the fault of
tho Democrats thnt the apportionment
i hills have failed. No Republican will
lay that political crime at their door."
Now, what does this mran ? Is it
an unconscious utterance of the truth,
or cvidenco of a return to reason, and
a full realization of the "political
crime" of the revolutionists led by
Cooper A Co., thai is dawning upou
the minds and fears of those who yet
have sorao respect for public decency
and the respectability of the Uepubli
can party? All this is iuvolved in
the unjustifiable war upon tho consti
tution and the rights of the citizen by
the obstructionists of the senate.
Tho Pooplo's rtlghtn.
1 The right of c<pial representation is
the right preservative of nil rights in
a free government. To deny it is a
revolution, ami subversive of Repub
lican institutions.
Taxation without repre—ntution was
w hat our forefathers of 177 i protested
against, and the right of the people of
all parties to be represented fairly is a
right not to be measured by money.
The Pennsylvania Democrats claim
i this right for themselves and concede
it toothers. The Pennsylvania Re
publicans deny it.
In 18H0, the Republicans polled
114,70 I votes in Pennsylvania. The
! Democrats polled 107,1'J-S votes. Penn-
Isylvunia elects 2* congressmen, .u,-
' Pill votes is theipiota I r one member.
: The Republicans are entitled to 1 1
, con g res-men. '1 lit- J >■ niocrats are en
titled to Id congressmen. The exo--
■ repre.-ents the additional member.
l air apportionment would give the
! Republicans 1 > member-, at m< -t.
l air upportioument would give the
Democrats Pi members, at least. The
Democrats ofTer the Rcpuidican- 17
I congressmen and claim 11. The Re
publicans offer the Democrats ami
claim l'or themselves 1
The Democrat- while contending i r
efjual representation have nevertheh -s
shown a willingness to compromise in
order that the legi-laturc might JKT
, form its constitutional duty and ad
urn. (>n tie tin r hand the R JUlD
lican- have not only • outcd the ilea
of cjual representation hut refused to
accept the liberal Democratic off r >•!
a compromise, and have imp'l upon
the state a cost of P in order
to maintain the pro-nt unfair app r
' tionmcnt.
TIIK vii if I io> CJ-lIAV, The
Pittsburgh referring to th -p< t • h
of Mr. Secretary Stenger, recently de*
livere<l in Pittsburgh, says: "He
showed that in flagrant c mtempt of
the law, the Republican auditor and
! treasurer- a majority of tin- sinking
fund board—have alt- red nround
among favored hank* in tin- state, over
Ihrtf million of doll tr', at • •Inti/y un •<-.
cure/, when the Humes law r <juir -
that this money -hall lc invt fed in
slat*- or United State, bonds and the
interest paid into the state treasury.
This i* not an ancient i- ie, but one of
to-day. In it is involved the continu
ance of the tren-ury ring, a- a potent
factor in tin politic- of the state. If
the Hume- law is enforced the days of
the treasury ring are numbered.
I Never was there nn k-uo more plain
or direct. The Democrats demand, in
pursuance of law, that the three mil
lions of treasury balance now in th
J hnnds of pet hanks, who do not give
a scrap of security, shall, a the, lute
dirrri *, lie invested in state oi I'nited
States bonds. They have nominated
candidates w ho w ill execute the law.
The Republican officeholders refuse
to obey tho law, and continue the old
| Mackey and Kemhle system of plac
ing the money to the best advantage
for themselves and their party, in cer
tain favored hanks, who loan it out to
their profit, very likely dividing with
the aforesaid Republican state officials.
| That ho* been the plan ever since the
Republicans adopied the policy of car
rying a large treasury surplus for
speculative purposes.
Is it best tho three millions of cur
rent treasury surplus should In? safely
invested in United States bonds, for
the benefit of the taxpayers ; or
la it best it should be scattered
among tho forty or fifty pet banks
(who do not give a scrap of security,)
for the benefit of the treasury ring—
to increase its profits and maintain its
This is the issue involved in the
election of Taggart and Powell, and
the defeat of the candidates of the
treasury ring, and especially Mr. Chris,
Magce's clerk.
LATEST dispatch from Ohio an
aouces 0,000 majority for Hoadly, the
Democratic candidate for Uoveoor.
Tho Fitruroß
i Which don't lie, shows a very grati
fying saving in the expenses of the
i state gov* rrimcnt, achieved by the tax
• payers of Pennsylvania by the elec
tion ola Democratic house of repre
sentatives he-t fall. Here are the
figures in comparison with the ex
• pen-ics of the Republican house two
years ago :
• R*t>. Iloow. i>. m tfirnr
I',J • f i.ffi . ! m,.| •!,). 1 -I I■■ .
—•:■ .1 |.- u7 in
* • I 'D Ik ill .it J" ► ♦. 4 HI V.
Jlit , J, U. * otitliijfrtj t J.'IKM*!
• .
I lie ( xj>enK'H of forme r I%rpuUlmn
hou for pre<ircly the mmi items,
I which were
( In 1 k TT | MI.44KTS
PROTEN very dearly the uniform ex
travagance of Republican admiui-tra
ti :i in the house of representative- as
compared with the < -.pen-is of a Dem
ocratic house in Ik*!!. The savings
to the pe .pie in the executive depart"
lie at uinh r a Democratic governor
are -till in greater proportion.
, HON. SAMI ii, .1. RAMIAI.i.'h opin
ion of I'rc-ident Arthur is certainly
: not n fluttering one. in an elaborate
1 pecf-lj he made at < levelarul, last
| week he said. "As to Arthur, the
beneficiary of an assassination, I don't
! believe he has any more idea of his
1 ;<1 uti< -as ( hic-f Kxecutive of this c un
try than mv child, judging by his nc
til.-, 1 liiiik of Wa-hington, .!< !!• r
-on, .lack- a), or any of the whole line
1 of iTe-idents of any <r all parties,
having the resjionsibilities offiovc-rn
: ment to enjoy sixty • r ninety days
i i • atchiugs has-, or playing euchre on a
. ' railr ad car."
What Compromisee Democrats
Have Offered.
Immediately the recinvcning
i of the legislature in special session,
tic Democratic bou-e proceeded to
pa-- the different apportionment hills
' which the ses-iott had l>cii called to
I c n.-ider. It asked but 1-! cmgn--"
rm n wln n it was entitled to 11; it d
' , manded but 2 '. senators when its vole
entitled it to 2 >. it apportioned it
party hut representatives, when
fairness woul 1 have given it The
hou— offered to acc< pt the Stewart
Dill, alb publican measure, a- a com
protni- This the senate refused. It
then off re.] t . accept th*' Jxiwry bill
another Republican measure. This
the -enato refused. It offered to take
22 to 2s senatorial di-tricts. This was
refused. It offered to take 21 to I*ll
-• natorial district-. This was refused
j It a-ked them for new committee- of
conference. These were refused. It
pr> po-<d free r nnmitter - of confer,
etue, half of whom should l>e selected
by the Stalwarts themselves, and to
I whom all f|Ucstions relating to appor
tionment should he tuhmiUed. These
wore rejected and the Stalwart senate
persistently and defiantly refused to
do anything hut try to get s''o a day
for its members. The Democratic
house mu'l not permit nn adjourn*
ment until tlie law is obeyed.—Xor
ritlou n liryi+ter.
Tin: Maryland Republican party —
| the g. o. p.— has like its predecessors,
' the whign and no-nothings, gone into
| retirement. It comes to the front as
1 the "Reform Republican party." If
the Republicans of Maryland, a else
where, would discard the bosses and
iiaosl upon decent and fair manage
ment of party with proper respect to
the general good, they could reinstate
the respcctibility of the old organiza
tion without tho necessity of hiding
under an alia*.
PfHTtol to tho ttomorit.
CI.KA RKIKLU, Oct ftth.
field county Republican convention
has adjourned without a nomination
for judge. J. F. SNYDER.
This means an uuanimous endorse
ment of Mr. Krebs by all parties, and
the certain elevation to the bench of
an able lawyer, a hard and conaciecti
om worker and a courteous gentlemen.
The people of our neighboring county
have done well.
T Kit MS : per Annum,in Advance.
mTO '
yf" - ■
[ The result in Ohio of the Tuesday
. election, up to the time of going to
" prcM thi- Wi due-lay i evening, has
been contradict rv. But, the last
dispatch am. <unce the election of
11 * a iji.v, the Democratic candidate
• for < i .verm r. by a majority of about
' 6,O'H.
i ♦
Tin: Morm.ns have been holding a
conference at -alt Lake < ity.at which
ti.fHMi were pre.-* nt in the Temple and
were addrc-.-ed by the hading apostles
' on the importance of living up to the
' religion of their jxculiar institution.
Ap -tl< Cann n pr< sent/ 1 the statistic*
which show a im-mlnn-hip in I tali of
' j 1-7 _ '1: 22,000 families ; 3o,'h>>births
I within the la-t six months, 12.<sm
! ma", and 1,100 female-; I!, 700 child
n n under the age of eight years : T5O
marriage- within the past six mouths;
•jo opi n,- w members and 781 deaths.
The church organization embraces 12
apostle-, 7>s patriarchs, 1.1",7, high
pri -t, 11 ,<hhi ehh rs, 1 ,7m>o bishops and
■4,400 deacons. Arizona reports a
membership of'2.2<l4,arid Idaho double
that number. Eighty-one missionaries
are app inted t<> go to Europe, ami
eighteen to operate in the United
State-, priu< ipally in the south, for
recruits to colonize Colorado.
Tin: New ork .Von is for Samuel
J. Kandall for Speaker of the House
because he proved himself one of the
be-t speakers the house ever had, ami
because he is disposed togive the pres
ent tar i H* a fair trial. We are for
Mr. Kandall also, because his great
ability and experience a* the presiding
officer of congress will eilcctually
block blundering and making political
capital for the Radicals in lftK4 t and
because his honesty and integrity is a
guarantee against such disgraceful
scenes as were enacted in the lat con
gress, under the shallow incompetency
of Keifer.
Amojnj the prominent men who at
tended the Protestant Kpiscopal eon- \
vention in Philadelphia the other day
wo notice Senator Edmunds, of Ver
mont, Kx-Governor Stephrnsoti, of
Kentucky, Ex-Governor Tlios. A.
Hendricks, of Indiana, Hon. Columbus
Delano, of Ohio, and Ex-Governor
Parker, of New .Jersey. The presi
dency of the convention was tendered
to Senator Edmunds, but he declined
it, with the significant remark that he
wa "not a candidate for President."
Thk trick mules performed a few
minutes in the Senate chamber on
Tuesday and Friday of last week to be
repeated on Tuesday and Friday ef
this week. Pay 13. a day each. Tbe
kicking at the Constitution wa a rigor
ous, but it is well guarded by Wallace,
Cox, and others, who hare due respect
for law, decency aid right. The peo
ple of Pennsylvania are preparing, and
will have something to say upon the
propriety of the performance before
very long, now.
NO. 10.