Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, October 04, 1883, Image 1

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    II)r Centre Democrat
S. T. SHUGERT & E. L. OBYIS, Editors.
VOL. 5.
JThr Crutrc democrat.
Terms $1.50 per Annum in Advnnoo,
Thursday Momine, October 4, 1883.
of Warren County.
of Bradford County.
of Ferguson Township,
of Bellefonle.
of Bellefonle.
THE Cameron mules of the senate
will find "ultimatum" an expensive
luxury, when they settle with the peo
ple in November. The cost of the
article is charged up against them and
must be accounted for.
THE Cameron Republicans still
kick the constitution seventeen min
utes twice a week in the senate cham
ber, for which they expect to draw
ten dollars for each day of the week
from the treasury of the state.
THE Republican ultimatum is IS
REIM RLU AN*, ti DEMOCRAT- and two
doubtful Congressional districts :
To enforce this monstrous dishooes
ty and "inequality," the Cameron
clan in the Senate block legislation,
defy the constitution, and violate their
THE President will have to do some
stradling to retain the allegiance of
both the senators from Virginia. His
contracts with Mahone, it is announced
will not hold Riddleberg as a "Me
too" of the midgit statesman. The
President will have to divide the ex
ecutive plunder equally between these ,
heroes of repudiation.
ceed Gen. Sherman as (Jeneral of the
Army on the Ist of November. When
Sheridan has reached this exalted
position of uselessness and leisure, ho
may find time to do justice to the
memory of that great and matchless
deceased officer, Gen. Thomas.
JAY EYE-SEE is now the king of
the turf, and he has well earned this
title by heating St. Julien at New
York one day last week in three sepa
rate heats. Jay-Eye-See is only a five- ;
year-old colt, and has already made
the extraordinary record of 2.10 i at
Chicago, the next to Maml S.
IT appears tho handsome and dis
tinguished attorney general of the '
United States, is also furnished with a
vessel for junkettiug purposes, and
entertaining his family and friends at
the expense of the public treasury. It
is to he hoped that congress will in
stitute some inquiry into these shame
abuses. If our public men arc
great and exquisite in adornment, they
need not, like Holgate, Ire thieves.
A WASHINGTON correspondent is
credited with the information that n
very ungallant ghost, is in the habit
of showering stones upon the residence
of a widow lady near that city in
tight of the Capitol, it pursues its
unmanly annoyances in day light, and
being invisible to the police, their in*
. vestigation have been fruitless, al
though they sec tho stones fly and
, light upon the widows house commenc
ing promptly at 4 o'clock. The vera
cious correspondent does not pretend
to account for the phenomena, nor
why that particular widow is selected
for the amusement of the ghost. If it
is amusement it wants, why not throw
the missels at Arthur or Ben Brewster
or some other radical who need stiring
Bollofonto's Now Road.
The Buffalo Bun rond is now com
pletely graded—money bus been in
vested in it, and they who have so in
vested are men of push and business
and do not intend to loose their inves
ted capital. The Pennsylvania will
not buy it for two reasons : Ist the
location does not suit their plans of
extension ; 2nd the present owners in
the main are not friendly to that sys
tem. Wo enu be assured therefore,
that it will have connection with the
Vanderbilt system. It looked a week
ago, as if its extension would ho the
line down Nittany Valley, and the
DEMODRAT favored thi- route energeti
cally, as being most advantageous to
the county at large. This project for
the present at least has been abandon
ed, owing to the difficulty, which was
met in securing the right of way.
How will the new linu affect Belle- ,
: finite ? We think now more advan-
I tageously than the abandoned line.
What we must have is cheaper fuel as
; well as competition in freight.-. The
Vandcrhill system i- now being com
pleted up Beech Creek ; from the near
est point mi that road to Bellefonte is
Ifi miles : from Bellefonte to Mill Hall
is 26 miles ami from Mill Hall t<>
Beech Creek 7 miles making a total
of 63 miles, thus giving the Bald Eagle
I route the advantage of 17 miles, being
le-s than one-half the distance fir car
rying coal and coke to our furnaces.
This in itself is a big item. It would '
also hringus lit miles nearer the eastern
< market and give us that much advan
tage in our competition with other
manufacturing jioint*. Tin re has
been - one finr t \pc-- -d, bst our ores
should L>- taken to Mill Mali and l><
manufactured there; the new route
) would make any such scheme almost
| impracticable. We asked ouieof the
Buffalo Itun K. B. men whello r they
would abandon tho ore fold eaat of
Bellefonte or not. Tin y told us, that
in case they Imihi tin ir main lint
through Mile-burg, they then would
■ construct a branch up Armor's Gap
to tap the* ore within n radius of six
or seven miles. Bellefonte is nil right
in any event, and with the comple
tion of either route we can predict for
her a future of busy activity and pro
Wi; have often heard of the rig -r of
Jersey justice, but the arrest of a four f
year old hoy for taking the ginger
cake of a seven year old boy, and hold
ing him for tho action of the Grand
Jury is a sublimity of justice, hard to
realize. et it is said such a rae re
cently occurred. In the name of jus
tice what would become of Robeson
! of New .< rsey if the same measure of
justice were applied to him, for crimes
against the government of the United
■States as Secretary of the Navy.
Tho Pittaburg A. M. E. Con^>ronco
j Bellefonte is fn-t becoming a favorite
locality for conventions. Our bracing
mountain air, cur lovely mountain
scenery,and the size and reputation of
!our hotels all recommend us to the
stranger, and we rejoice that this is so.
Now we welcome the forty or fifty
representatives of the Pittsburg con
j ference of the African Methodist Epis
copal Church to the hospitality of the
city. Bishop James A. Shorter of
Ohio is here with some eloquent clergy
men. The conference began on Wed
nesday and continues over Sunday.
We recommend our colored friends to
have their seion in some other build
j ing on the 7th. Their own is not largo
j enough to hold those of us who wish
to listen to the learned Bishop. Wc ;
as a people aro much interested in the !
work as it progresses in this branch of
' our population, nnd would like to
have this opportunity, to learn what
has been done (for much has been
done) and what they propose to do in
the future. We can't but see that tho
colored man is fitting himself every
year more fully for citizenship, both
spiritually and mentally. It is a great
work, and they are helping themselves.
Wc wish them "God speed."
Public Monoy for Public UHCK Only.
Ttic platform of the IVnn-ylvsniii IJi-m
-ocrstir Suite Convontinn for 1 il>-<-tdr<-s
thiil IT 111, ID MONEYS AUK Foil
"Tho long continued *'"i '■* *nd spolia.
lion of lh Stutn Treasury and defiance of
Inw by ili management make ci"iitial h
radical ri-form M> ihui large funds shall not
be accumulated by Ibn taxation of tho peo
ple and distributed among favored deiH,t.
tori)-* of tile State official*, but that nil
surplus In excess >f tho immediate to-ee--i
-tie* of the State (iovernment shall b in
vested in intere-i-hearing State or Federal
securities until u may he applied to the
extinguishment of the Slate debt
To obviate the "public* abuses ami
spoliation of the Siuto Treasury" re
furred to iti the platform, th<- Humes
law tva-) passed nt the regular sen-ion
of IK*:;, ami approved by Gov. Patti
son. Thi- law provides fur the invest
ment of the surplus levenuc in the
sinking film I, which amounts to over 82,
• UK),iif)t>, ill o-eurities that would -life-
Iv yield a revenue to the state for the
, benefit of the tax payers of the whole
Mate, instead of r> v nue to the indivi
dual ofiiial* ami parti-an corporations
chosen by these officers to bundle the
large sums for their mutual benefit.
, Against the paaaags of thii righteous
and just law the Republican member*)
of the legislature, with the < x< option
■>f two or three Inch pendent*, arrayed
themselves under the lead of < 'ooper
in the senate, ami the silent opp< -ition
of Nile.-, the Republican candidate t r
auditor general, in the hat . Ami
why? first brcan*e it form 1 the
base of suppln - for the r rruptinii
• 1< eli HI fund* from the hai.ks to w hicli
it was loam-d by the Stilt- freastirer,
ami scrotal because it wa- a - nirce r,f
profit to the treasury ring, ami tin
.corporations who had tin-manipula
tion of the funds with whi<!i t maki
their pr lit- with ill any en p. n-atnui
to the state for tii- us< of tl. t<>. In
thi* opposition t > the pa—age of the
law. the Republii au member* wa re
aided by a lobby < rgnni/.< >1 by < hri--
Magee, the author of Liv- v a- a ran
ilidate for State Treasurer. But tin
law pa--ed, and the -peculation i
hlocked *o far as law can c< ntrol men
notoriously r-ckh-* of legal and con
-titutionai requirements, a- th *e who
now lead ami govern what ought t >
be and would be an honc-t and re
-pr-ctable party, if such leaders wen
confined to the cells where wrong doer*
ami public plunderers are -uppo* il to
undergo merited discipline.
The fact is notorious, that for some
years the speculation in Mate funds
has been a scandal attached to the
management of the treasury depait
ment of the commonwealth, in which
its reserved funds have been loaned
out simply to accumulate interest for
the bent fit of the treasurer, his politi
cal allies, ami the banks favored with
his patronage. To correct thi* abuse,
Mr. Humes and the Democracy did
nobly in passing the bill in question
against the united opposition of the
treasury ring, its lobbies nnd vassals
in the legislature. The Republican
party are now in the field with candi
dates for Auditor General and State
Treasurer who were opposed to the pas
sage of this law, and it may be assu
med are opposed to its enforcement,
while the Democracy present candi,
dates in the person of Capt. ROBERT
TAGOAUT for Auditor General, and
the Hon. JOSEI'H POWELL for State
Treasurer, who favor and demand the
reform provided for by its provisions.
It is a vital and important issue of the
campaign, aad no one who desires
honest administration, whatever his
political affiliation, should fail to give
a hearty and cordial support to the
candidates pledged to correct the
abuses referred to.
WE publish the prospectus of the
Harrishurg Patriot. It ia the central
organ of the Democratic party of
Pennsylvania. Edited with great
ability, bright, and always filled with
the latest news from every quarter,
which it convey* to the interior of the
state many hours in advance of the
Philadelphia and New York papers.
We kuow of no better daily newspa
per to recommend to our friends.
Our Strootß.
We are not going to complain of
the condition of the htrec-ts, barring
the result* of the heavy rains, they
w ill pa-* muster —but our interview
with the police officers and with the
sheriff, the testimony of our own eyes
and the complaints of many citizens,
show that not only has there been no
improvement in the recent pa-t in our
street morals, but on the contiary u
considerable if not u serious retro
gression has taken place. This thing
w ill not do. Bellefonte must not .-ufh-r
even the suspicion of rowditn-*. She
HU* IK* n a town of home.*, where men
can live in perfect quiet, free from all
liie care and anxiety which lawless
in -s entails. 'I hi- has been her boa.-t,
and we cannot afford to let the report
go abroad that it i* otherwi-e. We
implore our landlord* to aid us. We
•Jo not think thai anyone of them
would conscientiously ofiend in this
particular. <M" cour-e we recognize
how much care it take* on their part
and how easily it is to he a little care
less, which soon become - the rule, but
they can do much and will no doubt
. he glad to do .- i now that tle ir atten
tion is directed to the subject. Ten
year* ago it wa* really dangerous for
one* to he on our street* after night,
and ladies unattended never thought
of exposing themsc-lvi* in thi* way:
hut the pr inpl and rigid iuU rferrence
of our Court* -ooii hani-hed all such
-•one* from the borough. The fact
that there i* the slightest danger of
their reappearan • is en .ugh to arou-e
• very qui* tly-disp -td citizen. The
Sheritf says he ha* difficulty to pre
vent ladi"■* from lieiug insulted even
on the I Lam ad. \\ • can't tob-ratc
such a stat of thi..g* l r a la uncut*
anda.i z-n brawl* have I>< en rcporltd
in a singe evening. ' We can't blame
our j dire force, it i* efficient hut Hl
tirely too small in case of any emer
gency. ihe magistry of the law must
!>•- made *arre<l even to a drunkard.
JAY-EYI *S.i;, Trinket and St.
Julieu will trot next nt Albany for n
*pe< ial purse to beat "2 1 t.
THE New Y rk D m >cratic State
< '.invention met nt Budaloon Thursday
last, ami organi/ 1 for victory at the
polls iu N ivember. All the different
factions which occasionally internptcd
1 the sucui■ * of the party in New York,
Tammany, Irving Hall, and the coun
ty Dem cracy, participated harmoni
ously in the nomination of the candi
date* to compose the Democratic tick
et. The platform of the la-t state
convention wa* reaffirmed, and the
proposition that the |>eople should Ik
tnxe! to raise a surplus fund for the
Federal Government to distribute
ni. long the stnti * was seven ly denounc
ed and the administration of Gov.
Cleveland, was endorsed as one of the
best the state ever had. The candi
dates nominated were Isaac 11. May
nard for Secretary of State; Alfred
C. Chapin for Controller ; Robert 11.
Maxwell for Treasurer; I)enoi* <1
Brien for Attorney General, and
Nathan Sweet for State Engineer and
This harmonious nomination and
the high character of the candidates
seals the fate of spurious Republican- |
ism in the Empire State this year, nnd
opens a brilliant out look to the De
mocracy in tho more important strug
gle before them for honest government j
in the Uresidential election, to come
off next year. The cloud is breaking!
The lawless disregard of constitutions
and laws and justice, which for more
than one dccado lias so marked and
distinguished the op|tosition to the 1
Democracy, is about to receive the
condemnation it has earned. The
"g. o. p. " in its shameless defiance
having stole the Presidency in 1876,
and bought it iu 1880, aud arc still
violating the constitution, particularly
in Pennsylvania, and robbing the peo
ple of their dearest rights, could not •
expect longer immunity. It must go.
RATHER cool these mornings.
Mn. REALM: ha* leased hi* mug
uificent house iu Washington. He de
fires, no doubt, to accustom himself to
a more humble residence preparatory
to that of the old fashioned domicile
culled the "White House." But Mr.
Blaine is not a<• anditatc ? Not he.
THE Washington monument, which
for many year- has been in course of
erection at Washington t'ity, is ap
proaching completion, and will, it i*
believed, attain a height of 410 feet
before the cold weather set* in. The (
monument proper will he 500 feet
high, with a pyramidal cap of gla-*
50 feet high, and will rank as the most
impo-ing structure of the kind in the
! world. Il* entire completion is ex
piated in I**l. or the spring of I**s.
DIXON, Republican candidate for
governor of N> w Jt rsey i* a judge of
the courts, and withal a very prudent
man. He di - not think the chances
i of election sufficiently bright to justify
I liitn in giving up his judgeship. He
holds fa-t to the "hird-in-hand" while
pursuing the one iu the hush. This, ,
at least, show* commendable foresight j
and <h liberation, and mark* the j
prudence of the judge which the peo- I
pie of New Jersey should IK* loth to J
part with.
I ill Philadelphia H'rord pierces
the mark when it *ays : "The state
-•■ tint' might as well abandon itss3<H ( - !
fMKi appropriation grab. Even should ,
it be forced through, the house is nl- '
mo*t certain to treat it with contempt j
a an infringement-upon it* traditional j
rights. I/ t the quest ion of pay re ;
main in abcyanc until tin w rk for J
whi< !i tin- session wa* called -hall have i
he-en performed. Tin- laborer is worthy
••f hi* hire, but the legislative idler i
!ia no financial rights which the pub- j
lie pavraat r i bound to respect."
IHI colored Republicans who re
cently met in national conventi u ,n
Louisville, makes the demand of the
Republican party that the candidate !
for Nice President shall le conferrt-d
upon one of their race. This apjiear.-
t ' 1"* an "ultimatum." They consider
it due to them, nnd MI it is, for without
their Votes the Republican partv is a '
lie] po-- minority, rivaling the green- !
hackers only R* a national organiza- ,
tion. The colored gentlemen demand j
thi- recognition a* at: art of justice, j'
It they do not get it, what then?
cratic Slate < ommitte-c is greatly en- j 1
oouraged by the accounts received i 1
from different parLs of the state. The '
Democracy are alert and the prospect ,
of a sued sful issue to the present '
campaign i* constantly improving. I >
It i- getting firmly fixed in the minds *
of the people, that the election of TAG- '
GAHT and POWELL is the effective c
means of thorough* protecting tho
funds of the state from the vandalism c
of the Rings that surround the man- !
ngement of the Slate Treasury—that
the "public money's are for public j
uses' and not for the political epccu- ;
lators and jobliers. I
•T> Ih* IMiUir of fh* Ihmorrst ) '
Tho Qrantro and tho State Oollogo "
We were at the Grange pic-nicon the t
top of Nittany mountain a couple of jli
weeks ago, and one Whitehead, said to fi
tie from New Jersey, startled us by an h
attack upon our State College, before g
an audience of Centre county people
we could not understand why he should t
do so, and es|>ecially when he knew no fi
more about the college than a China
man just landed upon American soil. J
I'pon further examination we found a
that the whole organization had at- "
faulted the college. The burden of the n
complaint against the college ia that it d
will not make farmers out of the young w
men who graduate there, whether the fa
young men are willing or not. I'racti
oal agriculturist* it ahall and must turn h
out or go down. They proceed on the tl
theory that It ia a place to teach agricul p
ture and nothing else. The William* d
Grove P. of 11. platform demands "the h
re organization of the Sute College, so ©
that iU exclusive work shall be to give tl
instruction to young men and women h
TERMS: $1.50 JMT Annum,ln Advance.
of ail classes, who way wish to fit them
selves for Agricultural an'l Mechanical
pursuits, BO a* to put our Agricultural
College on an Cjual and aimilar basis
with the Bpecial schools for the profes
sions, leaving elaxsir literary training to
the schools of literature," If this dccla
ration should be literally carried out,
the college would be compelled to clone
its doors in lens than a month for the
want of students.
W hen the college was first opened for
j the admission of students the great
burden of the curriculum was agricul
ture. and the effort was made to make
. it so | radical, that the young men were
to be taught not only how to rni* a
little "hrne, mud and manure together
to raie a stink, clean stables, raise
j pig', Ac., but to cook and wash dishex.
i he then management soon found that
when young men wanted an education
to carry them through life it took
something entirely diflerent, and this
plan waa abandoned because it had to
j be.
Two young men present themselves
at the door of this college, we will .y
each twi nty years of age. The one the
•on of the most eminent granger in the
I county, who is well known to be an in
telligent, practical farmer. The other
the son of an intelligent, practical mer
[chant in-me of our large cities. How
do they stand ' The farrn<-r' con know >
: "H about practical farming, he knows
i when seed time and harvest come -. ho
1 know, how the ground must be plowed,
i harrowed, rolled and cullivati d to pro
: luce good results ; he understands per
fectly well when the seed must be sown
I and planted in order to reap a bourn.
I ul harvest. In short he has ail the
practical knowledge and the actual
[work of the agricultural.si absolutely
grown ,n him as part of his natur-, and
i dl he needs to make him the full grown
1 rnan and a citizen of the highest order,
s a few y.,, r , schooling to train the
| mind to work and think out to their
| full fruition the problems of which be
i has already the actual experience, and
he will go any distance from home
rather than to a college where he must
by actual work go through that which
.0 already know better than any one
j • ■-n !• rh him. Now take tiie mer
ant'- boy. In many tb.ng* he i*
ih- ad of the farmer's son. He knows
■rit tl solid paved street- and high walla
■r> lut he know- nothing of the soil or
! power to pioduce. nor when it is
-eed time or harvest. If he want" to be
an agriculturist it :• necessary for him
to go through the actual work, in order
that he may know that an agriculturist
needs much more than theory. Hut
• uppop neither of thc,e young men
want to make agriculture their life bus
ne, what would you have them do!
I urn away from this college because it
must an i shall turn out ngriculturists
and noth.ng else. Another mistake our
friends have fallen into is that this
college wa founded to teach nothing
but agriculture and the mechanic arts.
1 his was only to be a leading object,
without excluding scientific and class.c
ai studies and to include millilary
tactic*, and this by authority of the act
of congress under which it was founded.
"ur friends also demand that the
college ahall give instruction in the
mechanical arts. The authorities of /
the college would gladly do this if they
could. Hut it will take money, and in
stesd of the grangers endorsing the
Governor's action in vetoing bills giving
aid to the college, they should join in
asking the legislature to appropriate
one year at least ttO.OOO lo aid in carry
ing on experiments relating to agricu!
ture, and the next year fkk>,(>o< to estai
lish a mechanical department, so on
from year to year until the college shall
have become so great that it than reflect
greatness on our great commonwealth.
One thing more, Mr. Whitehead said
they demanded the change of its name
from "Pennsylvania State College ' to
something like an "Agricultural and
Mechanical School." Change the name,
and why ? What more appropriate than
"Pennsylvania State College, ' and shall
not Pennsylvania with all her great in
dustrie*. boundless resources and vast
wealth, have a college that shall bear
her own honored name, and one, too,
that shall in the near future be ao en
larged that her sons and daughter* can
there be instructed in art, scfence,
literature, agriculture and in every in
dustry capable of being carried on with
in her border*. Thi* is the kind of a
college Pennsylvania need*, and thi* 1*
the kind of a college the granger* should
help to obtain.
NO. :vx