ADDITIONAL LOCALS —Our colored brethren nro trying b start a brass band. Boys, you have ai editorial blessing on the enterpri/.e. (b in and blow, you seem to luivo gooi lungs. —Cal Brackbill gave his native towr a abort visit before taking in the bound less west. We wish hint a pleasant trip t'al, if you stay away nny time, you wil hardly know the town on your return new railroad, new depots and new fac tone*. —Tho Adelphio Orchestra gave at entertainment to Jacob I, yon, one o their number, a dance in the rooms va catod by the family of Thomas lfurn side, K*q. It was a pleasant atlair. A it was Jake's '2lst birthday the ntusit was epratis, but it was none the worse fm that. Why need wo send away tc bock Haven and other places when wr have such orchestral talent in town. riiitrorm of the state Patrons of Hus bandry, We continent upon this editorially, orR PLATFORM. The enforcement ot the constitutional provisions of our government, state and national. Kqtial taxes on eiptal values—and the assessment of all visible and invisible property for local government. M iking it t oriminal oll'enee for mem bers of the legislature or olli -ials of the sta'n government, or j i Iges of the courts to nceepi, or t -I rntnpnuic* to ofl'er, free passes I • pu' 1 c functiona ries. Prohibition of discrimination in freights on railroads between individ uals and localities. The introduction into the public schools of primary agricultural instruc. tion in the Natural Sciences, that will he of eiptal advantage to the children of all classes. The re-organization of the State •' .1 lege, so that its exclusive work shall 1 e to give instruction to young men and women of all clss-cs, who may wi-lt to fit themselves for agricultural nn-i nta chanical pursuits, so as to put our Agri cultural f'ollegeon an equal and similar basis with tho special schools for the professions, leaving classic literary train ing to the schools of literature. Quick and direct communication to farmers the work of the Hoard of Agri culture. The investment and interest on the public funds in the State Treasury, to the credit of the state. Apportionment of the state by con tiguous territory based upon the popu lation and industries of the state, giving the people the representat on guaran teed by the Constitution. We demand that the legislature speedily do the work for which the about and do my own work, I was completely prostrated, 87-21, Mas. Marv Stuart. Quick Hull way Time. fioekforii, Hi. J,in. 1880. Thit it In rerlifu that toe have appointed Frank /'. JUair t unit agent for the. tale qf our Quick Train Railroa.t Wu'tchri in the, town If of licUeJouiC. Kockford Watcii Company, t BY IIOSMKR P. IIULLAND. Sec. „ Having most thoroughly tested the Kockford Quick Train Watches for the ' Inst three years, 1 offer them with tho fullest confidence as the best made and most reliable time keeper for the money t that can ho obtained. I fully guarantee every W'ateh fnr two years, FJiAXh' I'. It LA 111, 1 Xo. 2 Ilrnekcrhojf' How. , All other American Watches at rriluretl priect. Dioiiton, Jan. 27, 1882. x The Kockford watch purchased Feb. 187'J, has performed better than any ' Watch I ever bad. Have carried it every day and at no time lias it been irregular, or in the least unreliable. I cheerfully recommend the Kockford Watch. HOKACK B. HOKTON, at Digliton Furnace Co. TAI S TON, Kept, 18, 1881. The I locklord Watch runs very ac curately ; better Hunt any watch I ever owned, and I have had one thai cost $l5O. •'.in rccommon I the Kockford Watch to everybody who wishes a fine ' timekeeper. S. P. HI'BHAKD, M. D. This i.i to certily that the Kockford Watch bought Feb. 22, DT'.b has run 1 i very well the past year. Having set it [ only twice during that time, its only VRiiation being three minutes. It has run very much better than I ever an ticipated. It was uo* adjusted and oniy • cost $2O. It. P. Hit Y A NT, \ ital Questions. i Ak tho most eminent physician I If any school, what is the best thing in the world for quieting and allaying all irritation* of the nervous complaints, giving natural, childlike refreshingsleep always And they will tell you unhesitating ly •'Sonic form of Hops !" i llafter I. Ak nny or all of the most eminent ; phsicians : "What is the best an I only remedy that can he relied on to cure all disea* es of the kidneys and urinary organs; j such as Bright'* disease, diabets, reten j tion or inability to retain urine, .and all | the diseases and ailments peculiar to Women"— "And they will tell you explicitly and emphatically "Buchu." A*k the s.ante physician* "What is the ntot reliable and surest cure for all liver diseases of dyspepsia; constipation, indigestion, billiousness, malarial fever, ague, Ac.," and they will j tell you ; Mandrake! or Dandelion I Hence, when these remedies areeont bined with others equally valuable \nd compounded into Hop Bitter*, such |a (t 'enflu hi n. rtu '. t SHCIII.I.It l" t'O,, A vorrrn, llnsh lIIikI., Ilt/lt/ttitff, I'n. NEW GOODS —FO II TII K Sl'lil.Mi am! SOLMEIi TRADE!! \N e lutve MxlftTOKd to get the I* -t of every thing So <>ur Hoe, and now , liave wine really CHOICE GOODS. FIXE CREAM CHEESE, Extra Lirge FRENCH Till SIIS. SELECT OYSTERS, SWEET POTATOES, LARGE RIPE CRA SHERRIES, PR (WELLES, IMPERIAL lIGS. HEIGHT NEW LEM OSS, FLORIDA O HASHES, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, Kvajioratril DRIED PEACHES. A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. I'RESEIi YEI) PEARS, REACHES, RUMS AND PRE SELL ES. PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CONFECTIONERY, —AND— GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds toi Wo invite the people of Centre county to mil and inepcrt our NICK GOODS, which cannot fail to please. SKCIILKII A: CO. /toll r Mint/lr.- /loot* ,( linn* BOOTS & SHOES,. Inf 0 0 "i(4ja IWe are now ready with an immense ; stock for Spring SH • Hummer. Oar stock is more eaten g j VOf an ,| hrt|cr w . lecteo thnn ever. As \r I * LADIES, J3 MISSES A CHIL i DRENS LACE & \ BUTTON BOOTS. 1 MEN'S BOYS A YOUTH'S LA C E BUTTON A CON GUESS 8110 KB. MENS A BOYS ... WtL Heavy lIROGANS A PLOW SHOES. Wo aro Solo Agents for Reynolds Brothora Utioa, and D. Armstrong Rochoatcr Bhoen, for Ladles MIRRORS and Children. , These goods are well known throughout tho whole country, anil scarcely need any recommendatioo, for style, fit, and rpialiiy there are no better made We Guarantee Everything we Recommend. Ladies Shoe Polish-Will Not Crack the Leather. Doll & Mingle, Belle/onto, Pa. AVip AdvrrtlrmrntH. 1)1 libit ' SA I.K under Prom-dings 111 I'ititllloli —My Uitu®"f Hiionl' i Imkcn) out of tin* Court of i'oiniiiou I'li-m* of 11l V to N. 11l n| Aug Tnflii, Dwiii' \ lili iilli" ia |iliiintift ii 11 * I Jnliti IT wi'b • 1 'I MO if* f# ihlhiil* ami to inn iliri'i lotl will I- ut itiiMlr an • , at lII® (J.urt lloua® I• tli" Ik"".; W ..| It* II.•! •!••, mi Hnlui ilav trt. I t, l ii'i, ih® following |nii|i*rtv t< wit Ail Unit • • itmn mi* i* - ii .a jji' 'r t **ll • 1 iiii*iit or t liiwl "f Jatuei J. tlrnwly, north, wn-at I MO | • In*, l •toliii, tin 9" •• lv I iotIII 64 , ••aat l-j |-r -rli to tin- plio • "I iM'iiiniiiK uml • • iital iiliik I a md •; | i i. • I ilTowmM" It Hit - use mora "i lew*, Willi till' ii| I'l itmill' I*a. AH lII® Iron i i o rthil mini i.ila lii, on ami upon nil Hint cflf tniti tiio t < r i>i< <' lutol aituat® lit M-nioii ! tw |> , ( ■ nil** i ounty, l'. ,ulj liuul* <;Mt om-( orlli pint of all tlntt •11.*11. ti vt ..f 1 I Mill mtl|<*< •• ill M" en two , f •• t ni-l I • Uti'l®*! ' Ii th' I •,i tln li'.-!* f-l iim'tlv f Sat lII''I Hw ' •o tl • v ■ I .hill- I '.omul if ofl-'l In • 'lit.® i" uiif) ,i :• |)in II , i- 1*24 A . . mtfd it I >.• i.\\ ui \ 'I" in i- u i ■ th< i- wilti n, hi • f fr*• In '!'•*. ' ir • * u li ~,H a* to li/ tnii"'ami •tit) hw i) mI'I or® ami mini ml*. 1< riua liot'h km n ''iy of Ml-. I t*H<® to r-iiliO' o at - u"c •< * > 'i ' *l ' 'lay. Hum i 'a 'l# 11 , I'i ll"* •' 1 1 1 M\ Kb. |t r.i fi'itt" H. ;•! I mI I*- . | Hiinif! |)l -libit' k - \ ! .11 uiu! i l'i"' -dings 1I•.T ! 1 ' ' th- i -ort t > n.U" - I'lon "I • <•" only to N . ; JA * > '1 • . : I *1 . I II i • V .UI I - I ni l l * t I'liioti I |r Mroi,. M..-ln®jm 1 v im. Ih- i •• V' i .ft" ■ • i J i i.r .* T"i*• %, hi# , ! •;!•■ en* ll* MII, uli'i lioiii/ 1. •an t l<; -ti .at th® ' Oft If til IS ' ' !. I' • ! ''• 'II |Ha Hi i\. th iHi v fi r ir, Al2 * th® f,.!! J : i ■ tl * '.wit •' ' ' -hl|'of Ituah. ' ."inlyf C -■•• m. IM H. ♦ l'. hn)l -\n i. im, I* .tin h I .in : rt- i .• I I! - l w I' ktlntiitiii at • v I'M* *. Ilirftf* lv !••.' -t Jo t. a'lr*' >, • • h f/7• . wit 'i•t I® - i a f-**i •h m• ' * hit f rinan aut. * • th ,•-a t . j. f !• ■ t a |*.*t. tl" " -i rt. • a*! 41 i t - 1 J.fwt i 11. w.-i j. I I, * i th® ■ ; . I .I.' . 111.-, I I.- I. .11l I Ui"K ">li..|. All that < m*waif® ar> ! tratf Urol • it, f t"nlo| MO 1 4 *o-l f.'l® af I •' ! aj '. II . .*■•.■' • . • ti. ' ♦ • th %•!. *• i• * pn. . ti.. II - '4 J •' I' tl*r - ?vv ill w. t iwtvftoa • * J *t Ih • • .1 • J. oh ."I • ail ft' ■ I. rill * wot . |. h®* I i t . th". • hy Jmol i lia. an 4 4 II rtll ' t .'J I 1 - t ||| .''' . . " t! - apputt*lii. a , !•* jai I ! . !.rti i!i" of al* aii'l lII* haUo'• li: • t* I t■ ■ on", j. ■ at „ is aft' rn • n fa ami U 4 'I*'II lOin r. ) Tll<>- J It N K I.K IU li* f ut*, S'j.t Ivnii, I*- I •*!, r iff V t'IIT< )K".- N< ITU K In thr /\ matt, r f Ik# ®tUt® of Otofgi ll*rf r 1 tl.® uti'l*rala*i.® ! an au lit r a; j nt 1 l-y lb* mi j hana • -ft t ' rntf* - '.oty t i.-*r *4 J-U ,r. r*|>.rt .*:4*: m t' * r * . • . r-a! • tat® *k% *r I It Kmat*u*-I Il*t*r \) jr • -Sluje* it j artitio*. ami t. nak* *fiatrll*uti f lb* . f..- .la it. th* han't* • f th* a. Mi at );• in Ibllrfani*, mla> • ? at*-! may attrn l. I I I.ln b*• ItS I* A --Sat f OARDON NOTICE. N "tire i. I ).■■■ . • John Chan u ' i.' * 1 M *-*t*Tn p. i it* j- Hary, wll < ti ' t ti.® It I*l 'l' • i n at tb* 1 m*"tmg of M"! I- lln - . t-uil-. * I*- , !• > iI;TN> i, Jk !i. n r 1 H AT?'T 333sJ>a. A choice lot of' (Jerniun Mule Canary Uir.LH in foil song lIUH jwil bf u re ceived by uh. We are alio HEADQUARTERS FOE ITLLCI) CAH ICS, lirack' tf, I'atliing liitli'-F and everything in TLIIA line. G O L D F I S HFor S\n 1 e AT GREEN'S PHARMACY, Bush House Block, lllil.L.Kl ONTK, I'A. WE HAVE TELEPHONE CONNCCTION.^F^^ /. tiiirm II <1 .s hii'm \i ir Store. RR FV, ' •iD. Carman & Son. C. \ T> I I: S. 'I I LED think, HCCIIUF tin' cutf r<- J -R< • ;I! only g< iitlcmcn - W-ar, that we have not Keen particularly careful to •■led AN ELEGANT line of GOODI C-JH.'l ally "litui T" you. You will find it TO your advantage to call and if we are not able TO fupply you from our choice and varied ctock, it will he a a -mall matter ! >R u- to ord r what vou may tied. C think we are LU'ttcr able TO me t your want- than any -tore in Ikdlefoute. -7— ' /, lON .1 to.. Mi rchauts, .lltrf/hr nt/-St., IlrUrfonte, I'n. | I I-TOF (LOT)DS AT HALF I'RICF. ! /. Y <> X A C O. ' • ... 1 ■ ■ .It 1. 1 - IT!' I .I'HOO ('• (.1,1 [NIL" ' t , f f >r * .1 I \ A VIM! • 1 M • > • * Ila • * •. T : .•. .M• •f . Ifiltai'il M• •11 *I • ft 9 rt R F TN I HR.TN® I4 TIN® HLIF? lIHI* am NG th-m. I pair MI RTTTAWASI • ft 08, ILTLMI || 71 H- •' 1 * 'FV ■■£ H! ... F 1 '•"% *IARW}I* r* 11 I > . FLI 1 fll ' CI •rn*:: I I >Uti' PAT'T,t L/ithu F'■ • I DF-W H. " 4 ... FI v WC*TII FG .v n® I t M'IT •IT KW I*l *HH *I . IAM 4> * C lIII.DIIKS - ML"! TTOSK MALI IRH K FIT;' K > ' r ■ } F| Wftlkil>| MEN* FL <♦ ** I*. T.W ... V . I I PAI'NT *F T J **r " J I < • . .. ] .. I i • ' ' ~ • M ftultor, UH .R ... 4V. M (Ml. T'A'' ' T LEATHER KI. HNTI ■ •, | M*n' LIGHT RA*|m-F® ail W I Pant® . 1 *. * ► M * 1 I• I *. FF a *• 1 Pant® |Q| * 4 <•' Mn • all • 4 FHAG NAI RAT " 4 << Mn® IHNK Lifra IHTT ALL*®" i **FY ffr* P*nf* v •* r< Marked I)o,rn to Cod. II r ore OrerHoeked. lll.F>nii J. ."-P I M!" EIT ,I.n <• t> •• TI <*> * .1 1.. 112 MI. F* ' HPNIT*! <*n!<'L4l A ' IH'r M '< Pnit 1' N •> FI 2'• A f* Itta Unit® at 14 ••• th*t I* Jut! half ptir*. A L*W n-ARLY all W#RF flla. K I'LAG I *'. *l*. wh*T*fll". A Htri'TLY al H • I I'M® IRUF-NAT snit F I ®l***RB#ra $1 *. T, (Irani ARTNY Suit*, ITLUW, ail IN *•! II •, ®|A* WII®R* 113 flu. HU K IN*C Ral MI,IT® |§ o*< wi.. r® ff liny * and Children'' Clothing One-Half Frire AI alt WAD MITMTM' BRM . . .. I IftlkVfiMViiffl A WP Hm Macfattorfall .... . :.<• N. m C ICTTY >— RTAC lOLTF ttrtt ttnilN*tNfil*. I" 1 it 4•MI .... G OAnvltfit PAY *> WRTRH F TA If |MN T ILL TUL if ahittMNildl LH>Y'• rtiita, 1•t >IT 4®ar*. ail H.i SfffltORTMPI /he." flood', Shirting, A r., at One lfalf l\iee. Fin* ( FM I I Mfttßg. ■ *UR VIH r* I.' Lr*®# PMIC * 1 RT, 1. ®Urwh*R® ! . ' It® FLJTT**'!* at .n HALF " T'L. 1 *u VI AMUW IK RPVMI 1 9mmm HI ITNTKM FF Ann(h®R '"t FTRO*A<)"4 |TAT*®I . ....... .„ \l> ■< *LARWL" * TN Ikitiiii® Wi'ltti Alptfcaa.a F®W I*4l yrt ...... .. 1U / <). L J "'® One hat of Embroideries About *2,500 Yards at One-Half I'rice. TB.I!PL*R I'>• "I firm .LOW WHL LLE-Y *r* .rla.lly wtrlli, lower Itnr our reluonl |OIC. TO 12 14 N '*> >• M U TO TO 4 7 * M if) ai .M M " ON* 10l of Cr|<> lull, END, * Cell.r. S"R old PRIOR T.V. Everybody kntnesby this time, that our liibbons are One-Half of Other's I'rices. Sash Editions 0 to 8 inches Wide 25 to 40c. Cliild', R'TOUR Mel* ILIW* 1 Mir tm ON* lot of .11 MIK V|.W*l tod BL.RK TANK WM.N ... .. SIR • FURL *DW.L ..In. TI A | M Child*, * MTWW, Il.* - ... 4 pair Lr . -Iwwliww lor Sl: NII FOIt S • L E 8. L YON df CO, I'h ilnilfliili in It rn nrh. THE PIIMMU BHANeiI U.OTII I NO STOKE, 2~> Allegheny Street, ifi;uj;io\ri;, v\. Lew in, A Co.,, I i 0 • ♦ j this spaci; helonok to! i-rw:::