®lte Crutrr democrat. Thursday Morning) September 20, 1883. Co*R**t>o!nKNrß,rotiUliilnK imj>rt*nf now*, •d from any part of tha county. No rommuilc*tk>* lointixl union* accompanied ly the real uanio of toe writer. Local Department. —Judge Larimer is improving in health. Sixty now studonl* at the College up to date. —Will /.oilers has a three story bird cage with a flying machine attachment. —Judges Iloy and Furst both registered at the Ward House, Tyrone, on Tuesday. Kvcryboily that is going away to school has started, or will start this week. Reformed church festival cleared SIHO on their three nights. Good work for the ladies. John I'. Harris has sold two lots on I'enn street to Burgess Fleming und Dr. Swart/. Lyman Heck returned from the west last Saturday. He caino east to "grow up " with the girls. j. Dftlo wishes to announco through these columns that " l'lumbs will not fetch him, yon know. —Who can take Miss Sallio lturnside's place in art ? She leaves a vacancy not readily tilled in our town. —M r*. O. W. Bo nnell, formerly of Ciintondale, is visiting h, r si-tor, Mrs. F. K. Bible, on Howard street. Town was lively Saturday, tho streets wero crowded ; no grass grow that day. Why can t that bo every day ? —Happy to hear that lrv. Hagcrman will still spend some of his time with us in town. Congratulate you, I rv. —Kober is sweating nnd twittering still over those diabolical Presbytery notes. Bettor read the Holy Writ next time, William. —Col. Bush is fast making the one end of town look metropolitan. If tho other property owners don't look out he will have everything down there. —Artie Brown slipped down to Balti more to take in tho Oriole. Though he bad to sleep on a hard sofa and rough it generally, ho had an immense time —Mrs. Heubin Valentine and her daugh ters, Miss Anna and Miss Carrie, left town for Baltimore en Monday. The two former will be visiting there for two week - —Thero is no place like home, wo heard a young lady remark the other evening when she was on her way home from John Beezer's, were you do got tho best meat in town. —A distinguished stranger last week told us that Bellefonte couldn t invest in any thing more paying than three or four handsome funerals. Bather cool, wasn't it? Newt, didn't know that Augustine is the fellow that fries oyntrrt. (thought he wa a big hug in history. i Very appropri ate, Newt., but -till V"U look stewed rather than fried. Master George I>avis, who arrived a few weeks ago from Dublin, Ireland, and employed by K. Brown Jr., & Co., treated us to a fine lot of peaches one day last week. Thanks George, come again. —ls all of Bellefonle's waggoning thi winter to he done on that frail and tempor ary structurejust being erected over Spring Creek ' If it is, insure yourself, mar.,and for heaven's sake brace it, at least' Mr. Davis, Special Examiner I". S Pension Department, who ha- been in our county since June, reported at Pittsburgh under orders from the Department. We hope Mr. D. may lie sent back to this field. —Andrew Curtin, Jr., has started the reform in building. His will be the first and only heuse of the new architecture We need a change, and his pretty little queen Anno will add to Curtin street very materially. —Wtn. Jenkins has shown what a pret ty home can he built on th south fid" of Lynn street. His new yard makes his house exceedingly attractive and cozy. Thero are no nicer lots than these in town. They had better bo taken in time. The boom is soon coming. —Tho Daily AVies has our thanks for its cheap advertisement this past week. Per haps, if you borrow a little more of Joe's fun, you will seem a little livlier. Wo will send yoO our " devil " to write up all vour pioetry, too. If he can't get off less dis* bolical rhymes, just cowhide him. —The family of Thomas Burnside start ed for St. Louis yesterday. They will be much missed socially. Wo regret that the family's connection with the town for gen erations is to he thus severed. We hope it is only temporary, and wish them happi ness and good fortune in their Missouri home. —" Larrey)" Curtin returned on Friday lost from a two years sojourn in the far west, whero be has been engaged in stock raising. We examined the young man through a field glass, hut as we could dis cover no concealed deadly weapons about his person, concluded that he was not the regulation " cow-boy " after all. Welcome home again, "Larrey." —Wm. Colyer, of Tusseyville, paid Bellefonto a brief business visit on Mon day. Mr. Colyer is the founder of a new town and calls it Lumber City. He thinks ail Tusseyville needs Is better railroad facilities to give it a great impulse. He and J. L. Spangler, Esq., own f>oo acres of tho finest oak timber lands In the county. To properly develop this will make things lively. Three or four parties aro negoti ating for the oak. . /.lON JorTlNiia.—Everybody is doing > one thing and that Is soeding. Everybody is talking of only two things, tho frost that killed tho corn and damaged the crop, und the railroad. [ Martin Bruingard won't talk religion, ' won't tafk politics, farm or anythings else; doesn't euro u cent how Ohio goes, what he wants is tho railroad. Dave Kolt would rather give you five minutes of good talk on tho Vanuerbilt ( system than sell a yard of calico or a quart of oil. Just try hitn. lie gives as good talk as ho does groceries. J. C. Zimmerman is getting just a little too energetic when ho wants to turn tho Lutheran church into a flour mill, ('line, there is such a tiling, as too much enter prise. 1 John Dubbs wants a little more business ami less politics. Higftt, John. S. F. Dorman wants more room to branch out. Well, old fellow, you aro going to have it; tho railroad is going to ' give you room. Of course a stage coach ! town is too slow for a pushing lullow like you. I)an'l. Leech's farm is badly cut by (he road, so is Dan'l. Lut/'s. This ought to bo i remedied if possible. Hope the engineers ; will look to this, its too had to spoil mch j farms as these. Zion will have a boom yet, and so it ought. Nice placo to live in. Plenty to eat, ore—why, it i- just incalculable. Fine farms, jolly, hospitable wive Wo would like to see one go aa ay from Sam I)•■■ kor • hungry, or resist Hancy's cider, or Joseph Garborick's apples. Bight in this little country villinge :- ! the best hand in tho county, and the best 1 instruments, too. Belief nto can't have a ! blow-out of any k.nd without it. Tho boy- ! had a good time at Philip-burg. Well, a they helpt ! to make it, We aro glad they had. I>r Fisher i always moving helping the sick and working up hi-large praeti. ••■ Sorry we can t have him at home rn< re. The D- om-rat would like to have more locals from Zbrn It i- a nice name t- a[ pear in It- columns, anyway. A pap*-r can't be too goes] those time* NOTES KHOM SCRIM. MII.I <>ur little ity, notwithstanding the dullnoi- of the time-, keeps m ving right a! ng. Bui. line 4 are going up in every directions, Mr. B-: Smith of Farmer 4 Mills ha 4 -••cured tie' contract for tho masonry < f tho Grange Hall. Me-sr 4 Gr, vo A W .If, ! .n.l-r dealer have the contract 1 r the - ip-r structure. Spring Mills Uui m Sunday School, on last Sabbath, by a unanim . v.-.-d id-l to keep open during the winter. This s* lead win h colebrat'-J it- semi-centennial several years ago, alwar* cl -ed during the winter sea- 'n, and It- or, nt aeii u ' may bis considered as j arlly, at lea-*, th fruit of a dis- i 4 -i -n "n •• Evergreen S.r lay Schools" during the lat ('• mty • inven tion. The summer visitors'have all left f r their city b ene. The family , f Bev. dame- Will u, D D , are still at the D < ! r * father s Mrs. Margret Woods i> la: 1 up with r sore arm. Prof. Boh 4 s-!ect -< h 1 ri- .■•- th;- week. The Pr f tak< 4 charge of the Mifllinhurg h 1- at a salary of *7O j. r month. While w- are sorry t see i.jm leave we nevertheless r ■ n e at bis having secured s go I | sition. Since my last letter, one .f Farmer s Mills citi/ ns, Mr. J hn Ilagin Sr., has g<>ne the way of all things earthly. Mr. Ilagin wa f r mary year* an almo*tion -i-tant attendant, at Bellefonte market. His presence tlier.. will be mi-o-d by many of your ' itizen* whom lie supplied with meat and produce. More anon. * * SIEM r.R OOPEN —With pain we pub li-h the death notice ~fa young friend and christian, a former < itizen of Belle fonte. Spencer ' gden died iat Friday at St. Paul, Minn., after two lays icknc*, a vi< tins to pleuro-pheumonia. He left this place to engage in business in Liberia, Africa. We need not think it strange that this young man should seek that far off place. Hi* mother was teaching the go*pel of Jejus Christ in Africa, and the devoted son chose to accompany her rather than •übmit to the separation. Some months ago his many friends gladly greeted him once more upon our street*, little dreaming that it was for tho last time <>n earth. This death has an clement of tragedy not usual. His mother expects soon to sail for Ameri ca to join .Spencer, not yet knowing of his death. What an awful reception awaits her I The childless widow will have many tears and prayers from those who know her here. <>R EOR Hriiooi..—James llamiil starts next week for Ann Arbor, Michigan, to enter tho Law School. Harris Orbison left on Monday for Pennsylvania University. Ilia purpose there is to study medicine, thus preparing himself more thoroughly for missionary work in India. Miss Emily Harris will be in Cincinnati! attending school for one year. She docs not expect to return until June of Miss Anna Orvis went to Clifton Springs on Tuesday morning. Her third year at the Foster school. Miss Carrie Valentine, and Misses Jen nie and Mary Valentine, will attend their old school near Baltimore another year. Bond Sommorville is at Lafayette. James Hughes is at Princeton. James Alexander Is at the State College., —Jut look lit AI • tartiiiiii '* now hat. —This in tho *ua*on of cold snaps, elec tioneering arid John Kolchline's tux dun* - Wan tod—A decipherer of Hiurogly jdiic* to translato tho Daily AV am ' joko on Augustino. —W. F. Boeder "llittod" to tho top of tho hill, and in about oncood in his now and olcgunl homo. Low said it win worth whilo getting married to onjoy tho strain* of a norenado by tho Adolphio orchestra. —Jam©* l'roudfoot tho cabinet rnakor, of Milesburg, culled to *OO on, Jim i* ono of tho bout men in Contro county. —J. ij. A. Kennedy, tho jowolor, call Newly ■ toich rl:t. ■ I. vyvr, old M hi. —Robert Larimer, our effii lent ooopoei. tr, left i. aw day rhi w home in C ! earfila rife ed bat be'* a victim. • —Those wl, , wish view of their h mo. of different part* of the ' >wn at. 1 the neighbor!., I, who wi-h j fur < f them *„h- ■ nr.! the-.r families at the 11© .; rati , and gotten up in c l style, go r ght ar- ur. 1 t the ol ! ( imrnlr • II >u*e at. ! ask ! r J >hn 11, yer y Newt., we hear 1 of the ghot on H ward Street, but we d;dr t think much ~!., ,t I! We g■■ ,1 ngl t away that it wa, y..i sp king around f, r g .*i| H.r "de% 11 * ~ ~-nt aci epl, irtl. ry.lcw-vT. He ivs th„ , j .re white feet Jth ■ ter" deatroy* any urh belief. He could stand it a 1 lut that 11. F Keller this j late, ai d a graduate . f the State College, ha* ) a-s-1 the b©t examination ! f, r* the evil ©r to, ,rnrnts*i r. am ng ad , :np©tst r* ' the I*. S and ha* K . hi* reward a clerkship in the Treasury Department, the first . f that grade lb n.-a < n lit t the t wn and we congratulate him. —W. 11 Cardner cam ' in fr.un Pit!*- burgh recently to see hi* friends in How ard, he c uldn't leave without making ui a call and renew ing his sub* r } 1:• n IV < are s,,rry to have such a go I yi ung Dem ocrat leave us, hut it wa* l st f r htm He 1 has now a mot \ al .able j n and mak ing his way t-> lortune an I p,--ill- n no st l rnh stone*. Tlie man or woman who would rob a grave of it* II ral tributes, or deface or destroy the monument that marks the las', re.ting place .f the dea l, i* l , mean ' to lso called man or woman. But the Hiithoriti' - of th" cemetery are derelict in their duty; they are r©*|>"n#ibla for this vandalism, as their attention has |,i*en called to tbi* frequently by the /i/.,i ,t —We have not forgotten y i, I."*, you need not think that a good looking, hard working, upright young man like yourself, a Democrat that I* one on principle as well as birth, and a working Democrat besides, can lakn such an important *tp a* mar riage and we not chronicle it. Tuesday, the lltb inut , tho brilliant appearance of the residence of D. Mrtilnley, Ksq., the agitated but beautified appearance of S. D Kay, K*q., and the noise of serenader*, all told u of tho happy event. Just at 7 P.M. under a horse*hoe of lovely flower*, stood D. A. Shaffer and Kebeeea Met) in ley and the guest* listened to the beautiful service that made them man and wife. Wo con gratulate them both and claim not the mantle of prophesy when wo foretell a happy life and one of honor. Mr. and Mi*. Shaffer are at their borne on Spring street. Law is right when ho says "life i* real, life it earnt," and so ho t* down to work once more. Mr. HhafTer has taken tho right course to win the respect ol hi* fellow men, and it will tell should be ever need their mpport. SHOT, HUT MOT FAVAIJ-T. —Warren Lontberry while out gunning near Union villo last Tuesday, hot himself in the foot. He wa* carrying both hia dog and thagun. Tho animal attempting to get loote caused the boy to looee hi* hold on the gun whfoh went off In the *lrugg!e, emptying IU oon tenia fn hi* foot. The wound i painful but not fatal. Dr. Dobbin* i* attending the patient. Lottor from PhilipHburig. H 1 11 H. Piiii.ii'MiiUHii, PA., Bopt. 17th, IHtcs. KOITOHM CKNIILK DEMOCRAT :—ft* *' come and gone, and I'hllipshurg, alter ,j, week* of preparation, and ono week of . solid fu( notwithstanding throe day* of dreary rain and mist, ha* settled down to tl busino**. Jlasl the weather boon a pleas ant on Tuesday, Wodnesday and Thursday as it wa* on Friday, tho crowd would have ' been simply awful ; as it was it was tiro- c soino to work one'* way through the com pact mass of people that packed tho street*. " Wo never -aw a* many " tired " men in " our life at one time is* there wu* on the street* on Thursday. ' A wise man on a crowded street winolh bi< way by kind ness." But we left the wi*e man with hi* "kindness HI 10 o'clock, A. M ,on Thurs day, near the depot, and Marled to " wig- © gle " our way to a hotel. In tho afternoon we nw the wi-e man with In- two bottle* of "kindness' safely anchored on the pave merit near Halo stono bio, k. We smiled on tho wise man and p i-d on. Philips burg wa- ! ■ neb-d many year* ago by an ] eccentri,-, ! ! I.i. ;li*hman, HurJinan Phil i;-. wbo-u old man . partially bid- j den in a beautiful v'f w ' "f inagrilfo i-ntold j oak- ar I p:.ic n a bill to the right <•', < Pre-,uci-lo *tre,-t The man-: ni-• no ] the relii of Mr Pbili| ' time, which ik it. n good repair, being occupied by tho widow | (Jen. 11. • 11 ale It i- certainly ■ne f h I the mot delightful country scat- in < ..r , < 1 cunty, with Its broad v< randa, wl !•• ball, , | ar.,, large, airy r ,rn. It i* an : l<-ul 1 Knglish home,t, ad. ',, iiir. OI,D rim.i FA I in iu 11. Mr. Philip- h.:!t a church, wh .h i ■ -till standing, but in a very delapi- : ' lat< i t nditioir. What menc ri- • r.c ' ar, .r, 1 the .a-.r.t. l ld j lUUrtd build- ! ■ ' ■ircliej window* ai i vestibule ' To us it ' hr ,ghl h. k the mnny day* < f child!.' d with it* lr. f I- y* and girls, passing • ir- \ erently in at the u r f * hat eight'" n y-ar* ag wa- t nnd'-red an •Id cl. ireb ' N-w, alas, the "wa'!- that • h•• •! '.'tin t tr ad "f th la y ar i girls, n w grown 1 man). lar 1 womanl. I, are as -1!< :,t ' a* the grav, - that ur round them or, a! 1 jet We believe the voter* annually ■. " t Church Tru-t'-' . w .'. sc d .tv ; to take i are f th" old building. In tin o grav- sard alia' h< : '. ■ the < r ,ri !. : a rn' ' Hl. ' lit c: t.d t the mem TV • f liar Jniai. ' Ph. IJ -. the {■ ■ b-r of Ph. j.'! urg. Mr Philip- built a •• w factory at the I wer i ■ r. '.ft wri, ! it it has been in ruins f r I many year* Philip-burg is a new t"wn, with all it* 1 * :•■ Fire ne can 'rj >y himself letter. I On ir arr.v a! m'. wn rusbe-l for a , hotel. Disaj; nntcd at the first and see ,-n 1 we : -,a y *< ir<- II) an ! bard, but ! many were le>- f -t mat' All ,ni l secure ' board at the hot. ■ "r re*Duranls, but a 1 b**d, c:,s- fur t.bair was a luxury ,n , ' which wn laid a tariff, high enough for j rot', ti ri, lit r'wly a tariff fir > >-. .r ■ ; v. as w discovered afterwards. llir. HA' K". NV'di.'sday s rn e* were v ry interest ing Th© track wa* in excsdlent e ndition and the timo made wa* g l. The tr- ttmg . race was llnishi 1 on Thursday afternoon Tno time aitua.lv ma le in i ne heat was i k' but was given. out as k • 'J by the judges. The (race wa-, in our humid" j opinion, won hv "Felix, a* h© cam© in ( ahead, but you know th© race is not alwsy to the fleetest. The running race, one-half ( mile and repeat, was w,,n by "Annie A Thu*sd*y '* ra< es wer© won by "1 m Merk ley" and "Patterson." nir. V KIRRAH- rt< ->t< ( Th© Veterans picnic was a grand success } in point "f numbers and in the abundant-l and quriitv of th© grub. Th© address of i ' welcome was made by James Bryson, Ksq., j and wa l very fin©, although we did not ! j havo th© pleasur© of hearing it. (sen 1 Beaver, Col. Hastings and D. F. Fortney mad© speeches. The early train from Clear- ' field brought five or *ix hundred p©ron*' 1 and every train, waggon, buggy or carl 1 that cam© into town was loaded down like 1 a city omnibus. Manv of the buildings 1 were gaily decorated with flags, bunting and evergreen, and arche* of evergreen were thrown across the street* at various point*. At about II o'clock tho parade , wa* formed, and alter marching through a the principal Mrcel*. arrived at the ground*, hungry, tired and muddy ; but of course old soldier* don't mind that. H©an soup j wa# th© novelty, although the tables wer© S breaking down under the weight of good * things. Tho soup wa* the " regulation " , bean soup of array life—three beans to a !l gallon of water. It would bo Ureaome to give the affair in detail, suffice it to say that Pbillpsburg wa* equal to the occasion, as *he always I*. rI MO lIA Ml '. We noticed on the street* people from all pan* of the county. Candidate Brett, # W. H. Fry and Commissioner Campbell v upheld the good nana of Ferguson. J. H. M Ifolt, John U/zoll ttiid mnny others from ■vnow Bhoe successfully navigated tho * ■trnel*. But Bellofonte wa* l< tu-r repre- | tented than any other j>art of the county. , That old "Vet.," II K. Hicks, t,,.,k in the H sight*, but would not march iri the parade ■ because the ktr<-et* were not in good condl- t lion. J'rotbonotary Harper, liistri't At- ! torney Heinle, Hhoriff Dunklearid Iter ord er Bible answered the roll call for the j court bouse. Col. Hasting* and D. F. j Fortney were the guest* of the A, it., ( and did the blowing after the band* jiluyed ' out. Philipsburg band* have more wind i t than the ordinary bras* hand. We met 1 tho "unsquenchahle" Van Orjper on the ' stref't and betook u* "apart* and toll us , conlidentially that he could talk again-t | j any bra-- band lie evi-r -aw. Before we i got out of his ' lutein *we were < ■ r,vines I t of that fa t. \'an was selling huggb-s, and j wn venture to *ay that ho sold more than any man in town. People buy thern in self defense, lIOTKM*. We wandered ar. und to the '•!-war, Hon-e, kept by "'ir old Iru .'. ! Bar ney Coy la, Her© wo found avarytblog ' in apple j,o order, although the 1. . >• w a packed fr-rn cellar to garet with g .est. Mr. Coyle is one < f the mi t gentlemanly landlords we ever met : full of good humor, and ev.-r attentive t > the want- • f hi* true '• II table i- a lie ile hotel tat and W" si.-;■• iI it showed the g 1 ta-le : Mr- Barney, wo will r. t ! rg> t y i when Hi t wr. We next dr j;•I in • n .Jame Pa- ra re, and smiled n I. :n with 1 art if a palc-fa' <-d-mO' ri *rri>!♦, a- In ■ ■■nt y ask 1 u to take a l! r M • hardly ever i i, never r' ( .■■ The ra- r-- 11 is • f tie !•• st i. j, ;n town, ar.d it la:, ilor I is the j rihee of landlord- a' fin'- llK: '..-h g'-ntieman, the a t '". Jim ,s w rti, afi ut three million*, and you < an imagine lew the bouie is run ar. i then Jim, like Barney Covle, is a - .id Ikni's rat We ca din 1 Al. .1 m a- 11 .r. i him "wr.i-r of the !.t.- I hardware s'. re in town. Al. w..l J y , anything fr in a t'-Sth j kto a steam saw rn..l. He is ; l g a fine 1 . an ! well • may !■ r he i- on© < f th© io -t i. mm i.-.ting fel lows we have met. The • L y j H ... .]. r its j r< nt 1 owr.' r, > 1: Kw, ar, i L'. * g'ntl'-mai y cb-rk, Zi:h 'MI., ar, . G M-R> itility i f Pi.ilipshurg, ar, 1 is a way* n fisn 1 11•• is e- sag,-1 ; n the insurance h .-:r.i... ar ! in raising bird- W© U' f" I rt' !a' 1 ! w-. by Wm. CulJen. f Hush U'W-n-r .p. and candidate • ! r Pro'.! inotary. Of < irse Hilly was to ■ m ■ jest t" say j-olitie* t us. a- we were rt on b .-n* ar.d } ■ *>-;r- . b devoted t.is i rn© '. our • t'-rta r.ment W. I, Billy, y jru ree*le.| in making u happy. W" will SOP y. . AG* ■ II O HofT r and Kd Tyson, formerly of Bell"font", hav •• settled d wn s 1© by std' on Fr. Nt str< < t Y< a, vcriiy lb" bo.-fsteak ar I the - ia w*t L- u nt. and from the former p'a t ■ II jblersburg. Tin* is iri the interest if th© 1' 11. K sys tem. It will c. nr.'- t the Bald K*g!e with th" Penr.svalley r ad and develop lb© NitUr.v or© field A party of engineer* under W hit© ■< n 1. gan branch for the l*'t bur d*y- M'* )., ..l.tain right oI way a r.g th© rout© will be taken at one©. Th© first rail was laid on the Beech Creek, C arfi© I and S'Uth Wests-rn Sept. IS, it# first birthday—th© charter having been granted Sept 18, 1 HS*2. This demon strate# that this r..'l will I>© in opseralion through Centre county by th© first of next year. The Buffalo Bun's grading is completed now on th© main line and it# two branches The laying of lb© tie# and rail* will b© pushed a* rapidly a* possible from this date. Th©r© will b© a railroad meeting at Hamburg, Clinton county, Saturday "kk, with the object t" complete th© right of way through that county. The Nitlanv valley road ha# obtained the right through most of Centra county. Ho ahead citizen# like Solomon I'eck, J. II Beck and Martin Bumgard hav© materially assisted. The meetings at Hublershurg and Clin tondal© w-er© highly satisfactory Kvery where citizen* favor the Yanderbilt system as against the Pennsylvania. BKOW Sri©*, PERM A., Sept. 17, 1888. Knrron CK*TRK DEMOCRAT. —DMRSIR Please find *hlpm©nt of coal sent over B. A 8. 8. Branch of Tyrone Division for week ending Sept. 15, 1888 s WSSK Prrvtowslj- TMSJ to*L*AI T"" Mljutt I*I.;M In ll©M .'•! K.J.IM l#7,7na IasTMSM- " >.• Ikn Ilsortss Ml Vours truly, Tuoa. MCCAKM, Wcighmasler. Luntlser fi car*. Other freight 1 car. -Wa hav© just received our new Fall *nd Winter Woolona. Call and leavo your order. MoRTtsoKERT A Co., Tailor*. 1 m A M INItiTKK'* (JRATITFLLLS.— Dli. HART, MA-. I)rod that 1 ran acknowledge your treatment (Peruna) of my daughter'* eye baa been toiecemtful anl •sti-fartory. i would bo glad TO have the |> ibhe have confident •• in }ou -V. B.— I'.'H ■ MAKE A our )'■<. IN reach of poor iieopl,.. itemember the lender tnercie. , f the WU ked ARE < fuel. HI •. K. 11. IFAI.NWIY, Watliburgh, J'a. liri'lor, a,k your drugir'ot for one of Dr. Hartman 1 * invaluable book* on the "Ill*of Life, and how to curt* them. Vou get on a gratia. DILI HUE 111 K ' "No; the LINGERED aiel * offer EL a).!,/, (lining away all the tirie* for yearr, the ilortor* doing her ho GOOD atid at IN t W cured by * DI Hop Hitter* tba pa par* iajr ► > mu< b about IT - de d ' indeed ' how thankful we rbould b for that medicine. !7-lit. Wilton, M- L-'arlatic Co., cull alien- Hon to the only reliable Reedy Mixed Paint in I pared I'a i. r. i i .j. r, rto any I.■ ndv Mixed I'ail.t m. I hut rival* (.tire w - ; ite ..-id t n i' "iii" '■!<■* In working and d I'abiiity. Ib point in guarant'-d by the rnanufai tun r- not to m, korpw I w thtn three y. i.rt Tl. •i- iarantee j, not • My good f.-r r jtiar .eg the paint hut it w . l be put i H WHRMRIT' L J -i: : r.. J! WRY A: CO, # Pbiltdelrihim, NR I URII & Kuckel, S*'W ) RK \\ > /-BIT!#. 4 LV. linllr foxitu (j IA iII Mftrkr T. Ruur MI fcpumut . IM .. ' < LHJ r* ki t I t I J; fe, ,R, foe A < * ,• j WLCT .S A ' 4.$- R T ... I,* R I .J* J T UT,' ~ ft. T'.F ISJ- ' , j rikUr.Rruttt>n •, ■, Profibioa Market. C RRY t*-4 *J.* \ \ IJ*r{' R UROTLFTT. R.!gV;..:.: " ". *VZ3'. I " Hit > IF • !'• >• J hrled he,'f 17... ... . 5® ■Nrir Iff rrrti"im-iit*. I>l I'.LK \ I.L I IN, i. r I'r • • i.IIG- I i NO L.I.L ; •1.1 rt t I n, !•.. .., O. M T N 1.- I.I T,, T . . R IT I ~,, I | .rd. JMWH. FUOILIB. I ! * •T, Tteima. W lei, J„ I.raU ; let . a, I .. . !0. |. M • AFLM T,, Ur AOD LEGAL a TO. • rt LI - ■ H, . i ■ !•' i ■ ( IN I I'r. A I, 1" the | I -TRU- J,r. • ALT j MI itwteeruin trail • land rttwt. • It. I,n. I .hit ' !•• I(i E E,.|M.I. ,lr,,„|. ■ '■ a4- | TE. I I-L • .. t. .11 |I . R ' Ma* at. T •> <** R •/ M rel :>.• t .'W,.I • ,>„• ,LT.L ' . I 'EMU MUM . Ilk • EA.L . . ; V j j'U f IwfitftiiHit motßlinng " ' h r*-> m.d IT "• }' •' 1 I J . VJ TB : i HI. J F A Uilt 'flai)K rrt# nr. ', trrt ' UI : ni\tk\v B t Ji LL * likhij), fbhiji MKI MHT* f R MMRif) ?• rrtlfß. •E V '1 !■•* ■NT.. 1. T.E*F J.NITIII nt . FT '*K, : U,< fi.#- lilt, : "M I: - I4>rB**T ) > IHN* I I I PUR > ■ T * T-& J ' JRFFFT* )t B|. •*I IB<'N * I R,A- .LRV ' M.. A T l- rill > ■ Wf. t 11 j Rnttitii URRT WTTH 14 •*t • |UTR| J <4 IRH < F THE MURIUM tn ! FTR.H? T. T F .B!R FCT. J tM U;NT. IN'OD# | TRRF THPFNGFUF, TH ititr*>et UJ I-TI <>l MID UI . WITI IF 7 ,ON T, > T110. 6 J It VKI.f ! IVLLF F'UT#', IBJIF IWII 1> , MIOTF!. |>i lII.IF' SAI.I .U: lor I'RUCWDINPA •FI RRLL!I R —l'r *?IN#, T F •&AV.OR|WI'>) OVI LSJF)LT9 BTT-1 IN |nnr, M DO T.4*RIT AND FO RL r R T-T * *{.*! AT J.T > hi, , H T! | C *irt ll' DB in M ■■■• II \gk •( LU-LLFL. SU, WA Mitur- IB? ( 1M 17. !**• ILl*> MLVNINT: PRW|**lF T<> ait. AU LF*L O RIRJR RMV||> J LILI'L.OLI! R UM t ..F •U I * ' F' WI'IM T W | . T 1f ir.tr. IV, fctlN thf north 4ML AMtifbt !*RI.C4FT, A (V T* RMRTH pfttt of RII TBMT C RTRLN inn AF ! IRRd Ritnßt* in MRTD' *P., BF. JCBRI4 BORMDRD ON TH#* ■ R*l TR UOD* of ICRthiO TT on <"<*y of !*. RET* to W.WIM*®R* I O'EBVF K. r M of RR> 1 4A R. FNBIR R B OMFFT, 1 TLL .< 4>. lit NK Kb. IWLMSCUTF. I'THJI IK<\ / BNENF I DMINIBTR ATO lIS NOTICE.— j 1 A le tter* T *DMLNT*trO I, NT. tb* e.lte „( sR„h W'NITAM*, IMLOTRMI late of He11er,,,,!.. 4WE*MI. hat ing BEEN (raalMl t- the IlerTGl,nl, all [ EREM. IN •LET'ted to ANIA EEUTE *re t„ NK. [L uieuk, AND thnee liertng RTAFM* agalnu the etiat. are RE FLOATED t® pwnl thmi, dal; wtVntVatel. |er WD lleinent. AIMVMKU'T. ST-T. A.lifilti.tutw. UABSMORK HOCSK. X CEREER T R .r.L END *RR-N,. MMETA, r:II|4RBTRt). gA. llfw