m\tilromcrsvt. ftO 1 • 1 IiELLEFONTE, PA BLACK ON DAVIS The Great Juiiit 011 the Ex-President. I' t lJ 7\crnty Yean Silence — litael.'s Opin till vf the friion it'lil <)/" iV'kiii/ —r/n Proclamation hi 4 Pesirt L In (lie i'liilndclphiu Pre** of Mon day, F. A. 15urr gives si loug and in teres ting account of his last interview with Judge lJlaok, in which the latter referred at length to Jell' 1 )avi*' attack upon him. From Mr. Burr's account of what Judge Black said we make the following extracts: "It has taken Mr. Davis more than 20 years to bring me to the block. His effort is as amusing a- were the antics and sayings of Ilip \ an \\ inkle to the plain country people among wh an he awoke after his 20 year- slumber. He brings news to the American p -blent to protect government property in the south and put i.-h all "H'emler.- against the laws of the land, I am glad of it. I should do the same thing again, if called upon to net in a like emergency. But what does Mr. Davis say of his acts? If they can now meet the ap proval of his consider cc he niu-t have an elastic one. He was a senator of the United States while he was ia the conspiracy to destroy the government. He was pleading tor peace while he was planning war. It is too late now for hini to exhibit his ingenious argu ments in the senate for a peaceful solu tion of the difficulties while he was playing the president withpernici us advice and endeavoring to influence hiai to disregard the constitutional obligations. His judgment must have entirely let go its hold on his pa—i >n wdien he penned that charge, or he may have been trying to he funny. 11 it was a violation of my oath, or • von a straining of the proprieties <>! my position, that I fought by night and try day the schemes of the Sei i --ionists, Mr. Davis has done me a great -> rviee by proclaiming it. I wi-h I c ail 1 bring some charge against him, touch ing his conduct in that ori-i-, that would be as much to his credit. It his conclusions in this his last paper were a- sound his attack upou me i* vicious, 1 might say he i- a great and g iod man. lie has struck so wildly, however, that •|li i -* i i mix I In •" wlll That l> *bol" lustll it .jjit* ilUfuurwl In Mm. THF.IR HUI'RKMK IMVl'l'f NCL "If there was anything at that time that illustrated the supreme impudence of the Secessionists, it was their de mand that Major Anderson should not lie permitted to lerve Fort Moul trie. He acquits the president of the responsibility of granting permi--ion to Major Anderson to occupy Sumter in c.-se his judgment so dictated, and lays the charge at my door. I father the responsibility, if responsibility i ncceasary, as cheerfully now as I did in the heat of that controversy. It it was an insult to the people >d" South Carolina for the executive to strength en the hands of that little hand of federal soldiers in Charleston barb r, I cannot see it so. Whether the presi dent intended that the orders to Major Anderson should lie so framed as t i give him the right to move into Sum ter, I cannot say. But when I wrote the order, such was my intention, and I have no excuse to offer for that a< t. If it provoked war, as Mr. Davis de clares it did, it was because those who were then wilfully menacing the Feder al government made it a pretext for the crime of revolt. In the mighty events then chasing each other in rapid succession, I played no part which lias the more cordial approval of my con science to-day than in framing that order that carried Major Anderson from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter. What Mr. Davis says about the com missioners from South Carolina pro ceeding upon some sort of assurances from the executive, is ridiculous. The president had no right to treat with these people as the commissioners of u state and he declined to do so. They were simplv three respectable gentle men whom the president treated civil ly, and they assumed an importance never justified by the facts. "It will not do at this day for Mr. Davis to write about the '[teaceful in tentions' of himself and his fellow Secessionists. Their assault upon the government was deliberate and prede termined, and their cries of pace, while they were for war unless they could have their own way, were only the vapor with which they hoped to envelop their real purposes. Mr. Davis began earlv after Mr. Lincoln's elec tion to urge his views upon the presi dent and he was recognized among the Secessionists as their most important agent. Cobb was one of the worst Secessionists I ever knew and one of the ablest men. Thompson, a south erner, a man of integrity and superior powers. Floyd had little influence. Mr. Davis was called to Washington from Mississippi by his southern friend* in the cabinet, that they might have their most potent advocate near the executive while the message was being prepared. He did the work of his elan most faithfully, and because he did not succeed he assailed the presi- dent after the message was read, and never until now, that I huvo heard of, appeared as his defender. That Mr. Buchanan wus strong enough to resist the appeals of Davis and his fellows, bravo enough to defy their arrogance, and clear headed enough to escape the traps with which they surrounded him is to his lasting credit. Tliev did him 1 great injustice then, and they have I never repented that I know of. They j enveloped him in an atmosphere and j gave a coloring to some of his acts that the facts did not justify. They furnished the 'ammunition by which ihe has been successfully slandered from that da}* to this. Mr. Davis calls him.-clf the old friend of Mr. Buchanan. This, indeed, is the acme of sarcasm. Mil. 11l cIIANAN'h I I lIS I" AI. A It.M. "Just after the election of J8il(t — , even before any southern statu had taken it decided -top toward -eceision, one of the senators frun. South ('aro linn left the capitol in a hull", dt dar ing the election of Mr. Lincoln meant civil war,and that be would no longer serve in the senate. This was the first significant act pointing to .-ec< .-ion, and it made an impression upon Mr. Buchanan's mind. Very soon alter it occurred he took occasion to say to me : "'Judge, have tin-e people any right to secede '.' I>o you find any warrant in the constitution for a state'.- withdrawing from the Federal I tiioli "'None on earth,' I replied. 'This 1 nion can never lie destroyed, except . by lire ami -word.' "'I tim glad that your opinion i- in i xaet accord with mine upon that sub ject,'-aid lie. 'I have been giving this matter a great deal of thought, and n iw that you ngr< ■ with nu I am convinced that my conclusions are sound. The 1 niou i- indi.---bible." "' 1 hi- union,' -aid 1, 'is perpetual. <)f course it may be broken up by revolution, but not lv |ieacci'ul un-th i ds. It there i-anything -etthd by argument it i- that the compact be tween the state- is in no sense 1 ik-- a . business partner-hip, that may h- dis dved hv th>- ac ti i of ither party, or by appeal to a court of equity.' "We disctl—ed the Huh'ict in this vein tbr a few minutes, and Mr. Bu chanan expn--- I himself with great fraiikiic-s, all the time a—uining that the peaceable -• <• --i >u of a -late was not possible, finally he turned to me and -aid : "'Ought not iho executive to state hi- conclusions upon this subject, -o that the |eople limy know the exact attitude of my ndmini.-trnti n?' "'M'.-t n-suredly,' 1 replied, '\ u : -hould do - i clearly and I >n ibly, Tie country should understand that \ u ( occupy no equivocal p*itinn, hut ar-' severely oppo-td to -eeo—ion.' "MY MIsTAK I ." "'How .-hall it bo done —by prm !a mation or in the m> --age- t m ngr- -• asked the president. "'ln the mes-agc' was my respitise. I pik- p perhaps, without prop r re flection : but eongre-s wa- - .on to con vene and the ine--ugc was h< ing pr< • j pared. A grave question was to | dealt with and a grave eri-i- to be I met. Therefore my first impression wa- that it would he more, dignified t<> deal with it in the im --ii and -• I answer I. It I had -aid 'By proda . mation' he would have undoubl* llv (-aid.'Write it:'or, it'll" had written it himself the result would have been the -nine. A ringing document from the tir-t line to the last would hav been preparer!, ns was done in the Flab case. It nc< I not have ! • n half a column long. Such a paper < old and would have stated conclusion- so powerfully as po--ib!e to have stayed the madm-- ot -ece—ion, then in its infancy. I d > not say that it w.uld have altered tli* cour-c of the leaden, but it might have had a -triking i tb-et upon their constituency. The people then would not have puhed nor veti followed them. I did not discover the breadth of my nii-take until it was too lnte. When I aid 'ln the mes sage' I had not weighed the powerful influence that was to surround Mr. I Buchanan for the balance of his term. J i I do not mean to say that the influence I was strong enough to alter his views upon sect—ion f>r temper hi- fidelity to the t nion, for he was as honest a patriot ns ever lived. But the Sere--- ionists were ever able and alert. They lost no opportunity to ply the presi dent with their sedition* art*, and when he cntne to write that feature of the message which dealt with the southern question they had possessed him with the idea that he should argue questions that had been settled since the foundation of the government, in stead of stating conclusions that the humblest might have read ami under stood. Sound though his arguments were, they were liable to misconstrue i lion, and the force of hi* views was i lost, as finally presented in the message. " They became a two edged sword, • that cut deepest in the wrong direc ' }' on - H was a serious misplay of judgment, both on hi* part and mine. I was not respmsihle for his final action r for I did my licst to induce him to pronounce judgment upon the heresy • of secession rather than fill his state pa|icr with,profound arguments which i the pcoole would not read nor appro i ciate. 1 was at fault, however, for not ! taking the hull by the horns by advis* • ing a proclamation. Huch a document ; would have reached the people, who i nowhere at that time favored secession. I The message reached only an unwilling congress and those who had already determined upon rebellion. It wo* an error of judgment rather than of I heart; hot 1 do not phnd that in *tny jof execution. The administration should have rendu d the American ! people through a (h:ilt'- "Perhaps mod mm would have done just what wa* done in thi* in htanee, fir the Kocc-sionißt* had not then hhown their hand*, and began hedging the pre.-ident about with their in-idiou* plotting*. When they be gan, what they could not do by direc tion they were willing to do by indi rection, and Mr. I)avi*wa.*a leading actor in thi* game. lb- i ven uH-iimcd to .-peak for South Carolina in her attempt to negotiate with the pre-ident about the fort* in Charleston harbor. l!y hi* own admi-sion* he tried to in duee the pre-ident to hand over the government prop rty in the .-outlt to , the men who had then stolen the hi-t part ot it, and when conspiring to de-troy the government, and even tie u were openly and shameh -ly defying it- authority. This patriot pledged hi- life a* a ran- >m 1 >r the care and pre.-1 rvation of the portable property in the torts of Charleston harbor pro vided the president would yield to the demand ol the S ee.--ioni*t* and turn thi* property over to them. It wa* the mf the Kngli-h nation win any miii i-ter could prop..- to give up to an enemy f hi- government a military po-t which was c apalih • f In ing de fend'd with-tit being hr eight t - the block. Thi* wa i xac.ly what Mr. I )|ivi • - lieiti d tli pr lent to d • while he wa* a senator ■ f the I nited States. Y> t lie now, a- then, plead his cunning w rd- in stay of judgment and to prove hi- 'p iici-tnl int- nti >n-.' i hev will not -land to In* i r lit wlien contrasted with his act . "After I foitii'l that the pre-ident i was c mvitienl that it wa- hi- duty to argue tin >• <]ue*ti m- in the mrs-nge I trie Ito remv r I ' gr und S , when he called upon me t-r mv legal opin ion up .ii tlii- -uhii-ct, I tried to pre pare -ueli pn|H-r a- ii aid have bo II i-.-ued a- the proclamation. When the | re-ident -aw i: he found that it* term w. re entirely t > strong ft rhi in. lie did not di--nl fr itu my < utclu -ions, but he -aid if h< followed them be would increase the bitterness he ' tween the farti n. I recall an <\ j pre—ion lie made while discussing it. and it iilutrat • his p -itioii . xa:iv. "I de-ire' -ail h" '( • stand !>• twi*-n the tac: uis )ik■ a day-man, with my , hand on the h< ad of . a< •, , iun-elling I peace.' We hal our first r n 1 differ- • erne oy r tin- paper, lie t • kit ni. I iti-isted upon at >rmal legal opinion tipen the right of <' .-.ion. Thus I tnihd t impr< -up u hi- -tat paj>< r •ot that year the strong view- I knew lie entertain, d on the subject of h • < •• i-i.>n, but ln -itatic-d toexpr. s- for fear ol further arou-ing tin t> m|* r > t l> th factions, who -at grow ling and ready to spring at cneh other * throat.'* \i.\tv-r -i.ax i t:v. 'A ou speak of thi 1 Al> .lib .m-t- ami Sec -sionist* in one bn atlt." "V. they were both alike. N. ith< r hail any r<-j*u It. nio|lor, IliM" In no iiii*tnkv ilnhil It. It Cfltwi !)•" •oit' iy aii'l •linrthiMn, reguUloo (be •lonrnch ind how .la, tines mlihl rulif, loflfua th< glim*, rwllicn In llottittiolh'f), Atiat'-rii. Mud. Wiwm//w' Footinjio Hrtf I* ro* Cuti v -.** Tr.Etlimo la ple.ii mt to th'- Uste, ttiol la the pr •m tf|ill 'll of olic of the o|ile§t ulitl heat f lutiU f it)*!- ' • Inti* Mti-I iiurw-a In tho I'iillcmJ Fl it' #, an.l ia for Mln ; .y nil tlrugglaU IhrotighvMl the worhJ. I*rh 'iA tenia Iwtlln. M-Iy. ! Swayiie'H I'illh Comforting to tho Sick. TlnniHin.l" die from n.-t'l.-. t t>. properly tr.-sl In.) urn iiloo.l, ('un-tipnliun, I>\- - - pep-in, Mnlnriii, A|.plwiy, i/.vi-r, Ki.fney, Heart Dlwie*, Dropty, and lUiMniatiini. Kill t< • til.' debiliuteii, burdened will. .Ui'b j ..-rious ci.-k(.<• , we < "i.-< i. ritioiily re. commend 1 '-WAI NK S i'il.l.S, ' wiii.lj eontnin no-di.-null proper ii,-, po- e„iif |,\ no other remedy, ts.-nl by mnil for . .•nt . I * ol :d pit!- . • boxer, $l, in • lump- Addr>- -, I'll SWAYNK V I'bilndelj.biH, l'. Hold by Drut;- gistf. b- h -ly. Home Items, All o.irn.n fa.ill . . t I i- I'ftl f* that lit o r tui The weakest woman, mudlest child, and sickest invalid can un hop tdtlers with safety and preiit good. old men tottering around and from Uheuinatitin, kidney troulde or any weakness will he almost new l.y usit.p hop hitters. My wile nnd daughter wer made healthy hy the U*e ol hop hitter* *nd I recommend to them un people. M.-th ..• li-t Clergyman. Ask sto , i -1, ~f 1,. j. o,i . irtl. M ilsrial tev.-r, Ague and l'illioui lie , will leave every neighborhood a* so 01 ii- hop hitter arrive My mother drove the par.il v is *nd neuralgia all out ol tier - \ -t.-m w it n hop | t iller —/I. <) ,S j. I. •ep tlie kidne> - heatlbv with bop totter- arid you need not fear ckn. s ' lot •>. 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New Atlvertinanrntn. ho.iii \ im;m i\i;, ' 'KSKitAh In*, and Cost MI -kv Agt., I'dhdonte, I'a, ' ff! • In Itiiah Att Md, 'inl fh/or. I lie following fcomoaiiic* represented : —o— I'VIOK I'hUsdelpbis, i Amkiu. AN .tiiia am A a ; Jll( ,; n . •'"•W do. Wksikhn ..., Toronto. 1 bocsr. ii. i , llartlord. and oilier*. —0 LIFE. THAI cm a- I.ikk .V Ami.. Ilrtf r | and ethers. I . — ') — The r< inn.i-'i n branrli >,! mv 1 . m i- r.-. .-irlng -peeial attention i' r ; . r • i- - ■ d log 0.,! Advantage, > I .. : , li" ! -r. no-ing of hoi.-**, land-, el ~ • i "leal I.oil' e Kiel f ivorab'a I "r,- i 1-bm lit IN I \ A I. EN TIN K J >1: NNSYL V" A NIA STATE COLLEGE. I All term Deoint Sfp'trrbtr 17 Ifel!3. Thia inotituti *b It lu'fti- I iti '(<• of lie ..•! l * jw-n t #|ij) .!. 1 ' || 4 Mto.ifj.] "f!. ra |). 1 ! wIHK i.zurx. M. 1 AI •- 1 riaes .5 .fa- f nr V Mf*. . A I 1 h .• tih 1 I ,01 V- , . Th* t wi. IT I \I. • MUr I.- fla j.nr* vh f i * d{ l)m flr*l I* ' I, 'V.nrwe < mf A'iKK t I.TI HE. (h) S.SII HAL INrT 'l. f lILMI-THV AM>IMIVFH> , {.J CIVIL I '-MM 1 IIIN•, A rI cf'i I \ L <'Ol l>l. A,.' •iff K *t. rt Fl'i.i lAL COCIt-K ft ' ibLtf • Ul". il •• w mm.' I'r ;,rt ij ' arte . • • ' fL' V. ATHLUTffN. huuti?, Man i u . ' rt: < . I'A. 1 \m V . ;si. • • • . X* . i I f I I • T t f f !. It • -s r |V ML- M M h!;T!N, e\, K - O vM \ ) Mil nry*)i.r. Ml fl r I Uh HKNhY A: < - •!< I'r p'-. t. Iy. U Vj *| t rk 170W IS YOUR TIME. Get two Wcckli Newspapers for the Price of One. And tho Best Inland Daily at Kc ducod Ratea. T - ibi wt jh. n ft bf IklVtttu rA"*.**? • : n • ?v innbii. '** l ir, m!v { ' If.* Uutn fatt: 7 AT, 1 l < Y 'k (•tin M Ib* Mb! 7 t • Ml I'fM* m+\4kt it* ' *. M rt' Mia 1 • ; "I t . i twklf Til 11 v *- 7 tl ffHt tf bf. ftclnt. •' t 'f m*r* s • ■, , ' M lIUI I','t - t 4 • • is T is-* • f I- r *rfclf M*h ID I**7 ' I' I t fro I "( oil Mr f T J- • ft- - W 1 !. •I f T t f*ll iT%M S ftt t 't f' r •!. rl' f \ T>i' ! I'mr f tui t Iftrig lb* - wi ',!;• ai 1 ih I*. 'lfttuf. v *! I*- • •{- illf InL f'-Mtir f F r ' * ' litl} Mf 1 W#s*kH It* miCat,"* tat I ' luftfh by ' I i • * ' r?r -? Arnfl ti/7W7.i*l I t '-ml r, •)r.w * IM KIOT n IIU1IIN", j nr ANY Miilhl iifvi, ll*rfi * Unit I*. if ' AKM A N"S HOTEL, '.I ,1 J1 livi.lKroVTß.rA TRIIMSII M il LAY A .'•--. Lissry stts, he* -17 prsii liorsK, I> bki i aroNTr. r* 1 fttniH'w dfi'i g' Ms' jiiMti, m* w -j| M* th* gt'ti- ) fdl Irttrllki ful lit Ab 'n i7iH(iiline|i rr HHilad 1 t tl.lM Etral 4 iftaa If.iM h*-t lit*} Will fitivl h- ttl ' fH-*7if tl# wt rww*"nfthlr't I >I ITS 110 l SK. I ;Cs rnr-t Alhiih*' 7 A Mr**!* BKI.LKFoNTK, Vs. % r J. ,r, Jjfhman, 'J'ropr. Thi* J - i tl < 'natoMfrmr-tit of tl ' I t*+< 'tJr. pf 7, fa I's-tt' f tl*vf thftt) '7# f < f tfie *ntrtJ urn' It■- f , **?• Rf"* rwnmll* m? .5 k.7 Millhkim lIOTKL, MIf.LIIRIM. CKXIHK OOCVTT, PRXX'* | W. 8. M I'SHKK, Proprietor. Th lowti of Mtllb*iro I* |.srMt#l tn Vnllrt | •twvnt two from Oobtim FlmHow, on tk* Lrwbk Nff:. fVnlrw mwA CYr+k lUllrow e.etj Irsls At Ihs Mllltt.lm 11..i5, ■m. ; ne "Uil.s sill l-s fen (ii Srsl-tlsss and (ems modet at*. Jnae XV, I*7U-1 j* New Brockerhoff House. |)HOCKKRIIOFF IIOUSK, I> A1.11...11KM RT, BKbLKFoXTB, r* C. 71. Mt M 1 LI-EN, IVop'r. Otmd StimpU Rm on hrtl Moor. •#-yrss |i.ts. msn.l from sll Trains. Bpet U1 rstss ID wilMSi n *hii ,,*; litis 11.4,1 sit ssesllenl |dac* la tssdi. or procar* s 1 Bissl St AIL TIUIN.s step slant RK r I t'ro/iHulomi/ C'tiriln. Ha.M'KKJ;, • IffWWir-IT-UV. j OftJ'o Noilli 11-;!, f 'll4 . yt|t !*#} i I B ,u>s ,1,, HHAIWHBERGER, (8 • to v.* /. ii„:.i, ATTORSur-AT- I MM <;ir, <• II ' , ,J. , I I (i. LOVE, '. a - ro; vk'i \ti t Ib-Mif. nil | 'I In tli> l • I ,'.i , , . . , |, w TilOMA> J Mr( t Ll.Ol t,||, 1 All KKY AT U . I'll! I It rliVllft. I'A • ~ I 'i > ' 1% I'm i, f I fll LA f. . . ill If * K ' /' 11 A I'. HKWI;-, " Mr , 1 . ft" I > 1.1.'1 IS J IM 1 • I, fal.l. 1.., it Übj. I I A-'IINU- l;|.! ~|.u. " ' * A IlX> i NI ■ - \T I vi ' ■ i - •.'/: PA. *' ' ' 1 ' • - tl,. i ' ' '< ' •*'♦* I" *l-i & Hit.tij * ... ' | h'khi t 4UW t \\'Al.!.A< K A KRKRS, • i.LAIi) U 1 I, rA. I," MiIS J.. UK VIS, in, . , AT I. Ml. T AI'.MM, ... w0,,, v m..\amu;k A now nit, * * .MIM.SK>." A 7 I.AW • 1 '• ' •" ■' 1,,' ■, „r, M- i I), iwtt* ||, MU .'-111 ,1 tAMI. 1 JKAVKK A; IiKI'JIAKT.I ■ ' m 1 ' ♦ • AlDvl.* i.> t . i t , j, i, ' W C. lIKINLK. ''• ' A I .t 1 I Mill IoMI, H A [ L. SI'ANUI.M;. I • .. j c W-IUU i irntni 'iK. . ,*li '*' l';, ( ' 1.1 .M I.N I IA I-I V A '. I i • - I" • ! • I * r r c. iiiitlj, * • Ml ITUVI I. 1. IJ AIK ,s I A AII l-uejl,' . | r ,| I . lt. ; } \\ M. J'. .Mi l ( HULL, " ' I*llA' .It A I Mhi I i V* . II M K.V I*A . .*' A ' j , dirt aoouetio. Off • |>|.,..HU lHno|i.ti Ktlfeftk I t F. KOKT.N I. V, • "• ATI 'i.MI 7 I |S\ iti. i.i.i' sir rA Ofll.- Si T- - IJ .. A ~ ' U* ILL! AM >M I'LLOI/GH, A7T>UM I AT I A U < 1.1 AI;I ir j ii. ra All bono *, i* ,i , . J UK. HOY. M. J . • <•" .. *t .. r ro. t off ". 1,1 1,1.1 I..STK, I'A 1*1" i i.tl'l.l r. i -.u t s tr j.,,, „ r ,| 1 1 ' • '• hit. -lAS. 11. I iO I! BINS, M. IN, ■ *■" BKI - I lOSTfc, rA. J ill. .1. \\ .It Hu.V h. Jii-ntiM. c :in I r -r- ' t:r ' ■" - u f , N f ,|, • '• • . • t i Xtil I it, r Jiu*inf#H (Vtrtfjt, ( ; i:m kakki K -HOP, * 1 I I S.l .! ! 1 I 1.1.1 l -M • i, . 11. .1. Itrrl,, I'ro/tr, HAKNKSS .MAM'FAC"KHtY L |b , >, 1.1,. A KFIItKOMK. KA 1-), L" I. BLAIU, !• • ,11 n. . > .. . i.ki jr. All * *V o-' f. (i A •..*) •'f't, kh"f 4-4< / COUNTY ISANKINU V OIHTAM At 4 AIL liitfffftl, IH* C n •borl outjce end at tho lorrwt nttf. ' . iM