©lit Cento BELLEPONTE, PA. TIIK CENTRE DEMOCRAT in nub lUhotl v*ry Thuraitl Iu advance. V 2 OO A IjIVK PAPKR—Uefoted to tho tntor*t of the whole people. Payments made within three month* will he con niJered in advance. N paper will be discontinued until arrearages are luii11 eacept at option of publishers. Papers Kuing out of the county must be paid for In advance. Any person procuring us teucash snbsiTlbers will e sent a copy free of charge. OureateiiNive circulation makes this paper an nn tnally reliable and proAtable medium b'f an* -r tiding. We have the most ample facilities for JOB WoICK and are prepared to print all hind* of Books, Trait Programmes, Posters, Commercial printing;, #c., int h finest style and at the lowest |naeible ralen. All advertisemeiita fr a lew term thanthree months 20 cents pel line for the first three Insertions, and rents a line for each additional Insertion. Ppecial notices oue-half more. Kditorial notices 1 . cents per line. Lht4L Notlcis. In to. *1 columns, 10 cents per line. A llhsral discount Is made to persons advertising by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows: u •' I J " Half colama orlonch- tine .• damn or BMnt has) P>rolg' -'v rtls nent > u*t be pai l for fore In sertion, except "i irly'-!itr* t- whi-n haifyoarly psyrnents in advan • n .juired PourtCAt. Notice •*'M till- each insertion N >th!ac ius>rtet t r •• tbai .v * nt*. HrstMiso Sort r.s n ,t • . ditoiia) damns, IS cents pr line,each insertion. Mj. Robert Taggart. THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR At DITOR I. ENEKAI. OP THE STATE. The achievements of the Pennsyl VAttia Reserves constitute a very import ant chapter in the history of the part which our state bore in the struggle of tho war for the Union. They were a body of soldiers who were distinguished alike for gallantry of service ami for the perils of war which they encounter eJ. Recruited from ditl'erent parts of the state they represented the best ele ments of its citizenship, ami no better types of the citizen soldier who saved the republic were to be found in the army than the Reserves. 1 very com inander under whom they served at tested their endurance and heroism, and every battle field upon which they fought tells the story of their soldierly qualities. The life of the Democratic candidate for Auditor General is the story of one of this band, who in the flush of his young manhood heard and answered the call of his country, served it a full term of three years, and when the war was over took his place as a citizen, identifying himself with one of the great material interests of his na tive state; and who, ever since, has filled that place with credit to himself and honor among his fellow citizens, meriting and commanding the univer eal respect of the community in which he has resided for the uprightness of his personal character and the integrity of his conduct in all the relitions of life. M U. TAGGART'* PARENTS, As his name indicates, Robert Tag girt is of that stock of immigrants from northern Ireland who have peopled so many sections of tins state, and whose strong vitality has impressed itself upon the social and political life of the com monwealth. His parents came over to this country in 18.10 and settled in Pitts burgh, where a half century ago the Mcotch-Irish was the most influential clement. Ilis father was a shoemaker by trade, and engaged eitenaively in this business. He was a man of strong individuality, with keen appreciation of the benefits of education, and after giving his son Robert a thorough com mon school education designed him for • college course, but business reverses frustrated this purpose. His only sur viving brother, Rev. Satnuel Tsggart, is a minister of the I'nited Fresbyteiian church, and has been for nearly fifty years pastor of the charge in West Middletown, Washington county, I'enn sylvania; he is the father of Rev. S. A. Taggart, State Secretary of the V. M. (> A. Robert Taggart was born in Pitts burgh in 1836 and was one of a family of five boys and three girls. The eldest brother died in the ministry in South Carolina ; the second, John J., formerly professor in the Eleventh ward | üblic schools of Pittsburgh, died in that ser vice. A younger brother, Samuel, left the theological seminary where he was preparing for the ministry to enter ( Rev.) Colonel Clark's regiment: he re enlisted for three years and was killed in front of Petersburg, Va.. while charg •ng upon the enemy, William is still a resident of Pittsburgh, being superin. tendent of the Baker Car Heating Com pany. It is notable that all five of the Tsggart brothers were in the Union army at one time, the youngeal enter ing the service at the age of lfi. Not even the famous family of fighting Mc- Cooks can show a better record than that. COMPLETING HIS EDUCATION. After completing his education in the -common schools, young Taggart applied Jwmaolf to aud mastered the ttade of pattern making in a thorough course of four years' apprenticeship. While learn ing his trade imbued with zeal for knowledge and culture, ho regularly attended night school and improved himself by assisting in the organization of literary societies. In these he wa* associated with Andrew Carnagio, the | great manufacturer, and Samuel Harper, , now a prominent lawyer of Pittsburgh, and later his society was merged with one of which Hon. John H. Baily, Hon, James It. Hopkins and other well 1 known Pittsburgers were members. 1 By these and oilier means of which an • industrious and determined lud will ; avail himself, he qualified himself to teach, and in the winter of ISOO he , conducted a school in Bridgevillc, ten J miles from Pittsburgh, and at the close of the regular session was prevailed upon to take charge of a select school. But after two weeks of this the war news culled him from his desk ; he dia missed his scholars and started with Colonel George S. Hays, of the Nth Pennsylvania Reserves to recruit a coin, • pany. Impatient of delay he joined a company which was united to the yth regiment of the Pennsylvania Reaervs then recruiting in Western Pennsyl vania, and to the end of its term of ser ( vice his military record is that of his gallant regiment. Front Pittsburgh tho regiment was taken to llarrisburg, thence into camp jat Tenallytown and to Langley. It lay |in the < hickahominy swamps, and | fougiit at Draincsville. Mechanicsvillo j Gaines' Mills, near White cd those qualities which maintained ! r him the unqualified respect of his f.-l low officers ami tho unchanging atfec tion of the private soldiers. He parti cij ited in every engagement of the regiment except at I'rainesville, when he lay sick with camp fever. He was first promoted to the rank of sergeant msjor ; then became Lieutenant of Go, .' K; was detailed to act a adjutant: made Captain of Co. C, and when th<- place of major became vacant the men ] of the regiment unanimously petitioned for his commission to that place. It was only denied him by reason that he was the youngest captain. Upon hit return to civil life he went to the "oil country," of which he ha been a citizen ever since. At < herry Run he was superintendent of five oil companies, all organized in Pittsburgh, and in 1" .; he removed to Tidooute. Warren county, where he has since reside'l. Besides operating as a pro dueer on his own account, he has been engaged an superintendent or manager of the Tideotite and Warren and Tri umph oil companies, the stock of which is held mostly in Pittsburgh. In all the struggle of the producers against mon. opoly and unjust discrimination he has stood manfully with them and has in variably been a representative delegate in their conventions, called to protect and promote the interests of tins great industry. Major Taggart has always been a consistent, straightforward Democrat, though never a candidate for office, except occasionally filling a place on the local ticket of Warren county, where the opposition majority is so decided as to render the election of a Democrat a forlorn hope. He has been a delegate in state conventions, and in the most satisfactory manner discharged the duties of chairman of the Warren county committee in 1882. Though his political positi in has been unmistaka ble, h* has always had the respect of his republican acquaintances, and since hia nomination they have borne the highest testimonials to hia fitness for ' the office to which he has been named. Msjor Taggart was married twenty yaars ago and ha* a family. lie is a i member wf the Presbyterian church, and 1 has always taken an interest in and f been identified with the wdojoo nchoo! Bystein and other measures calculated to enhance tho educational and moral interests of tlio community in which ho reiiideH. The nomination for Auditor General in the late Democratic state convention came to him entirely unsolicited and unsought. <>ul of a largo number of candidates tho attention of the dele gates gradually turned toward and cen tered upon him us his friends presented his merits and his character became known. The immediate acquiescence of the party of tho whole state in the fitness of the nomination lias confirmed tho wisdom of their choice. The Attitude or the Senate. The people of Pennsylvania ure oh iiged day l>y day to witness tho humili ating spectacle of their senate refusing to legislate on tho subjects which tin- ■ legislature lias been called to consider. 1 Hofore the resolution cutting oil' the pay of senators and representatives was passed the republican majority in tho sonato declared that they would con" sider no apportionment hills except those embraced in their ultimatum. A'l/t'. t> /■ , /ft 1 . -.'" the republican senators declare that they will consider no apportionment bills whatever, but j will routine tho proceedings of tho sen I ate simply to tho pa -age of an appro priation lull ami a resolution fixing the day of fit, d adjournment. This attitude of the senate is a hold and impudent defiance of the people ui whose name and by whose authority : expressly delegated to the executive in tho constitution the special res-ion ha' been called. The senate refuses to obey the authority of the people and since its members can no longer draw their | ten dollars a day propo. s to run away hi I leave undone the p' "pie's w -ik to which the people - executive has railed them in pursuance of the power vested in him by the people's < in-titution. Thus the will of the republican boss be comes a higher law than tiie constitution and a ] .er superior ti tho ) >j ui ir will. ' 'an such things be ami men who 1 vc us I ice anil truth and hate n i- tire and n ■ |uity fold their Hand - and < 10-e thc.r ' i.| ~in . cnt and al cot a< juic ence ? Are those who b' ar the | rou 1 title of freemen of l'enn-vlvania to become mute and helpless slav> • to a con j racy which stnki - at the v ry foundat. u of free re| üblicnn government, the i ight of I. pial liepres. Illation. It i- time, b.gh ' time, th t tliej pularc"t,'i -•!.ro should 1 •• |Uick< i" 1 to a ful. -■ i. '• of the < on tumely and diame which the senate hat brought to free institutions. It is time, I high time, that tho-e who would thwart ; the conspiracy to r.'.'erthrow the con-ti ; tution and inaugurate the rule <>! a' political bo in it stead, awake fr'-tn 1 thvir lethargy ami let their voice I f ' beard.—llarrsl urg /' L\i*ting It equalities. I.vrn the Wilke-t .rre /,* . He) ;il lican piper, points out certain gr< at ir, '''pixlities under tiie old apportionment j operating against tiie throe liemocratic ' count.es ol ' erk, f u;erne and Scbuyl kill. Delaware county witli a population of fe", 1.t; Clinton and Clearfield with 1 • *0 . Indiana and Jefferson with ' H, P J. ! Clarion, Lik and Lorest with 57,51 ..are ■ made districts, each With a Senator, while Berks with 122,537 , I.uiernewith ■ 1 • 1,005 ami Schuylkill with 12'. .'7 4 are , made single districts each with one senator. Karh of these latter counties has nearly double the population of all the smaller district* above named. I iiee are the result* under the census of 1 "■•(). Hut this i now 1 **3, ami very decided changes in population ItaTe or curred in three year*. For instance. I.u/erne unqestionably contains not les* than 1. p >o,ooo people, ami it is manife t injustice to disfranchise tins largo sur- ■ plus population. There is no doubt at all before the next apportionment time arrive* Luzerne ill have three times the population of Delaware or several of these small district*. Schuylkill, too, is increasing very rapidly and gaining fast on Lancaster The latter, with 133,447 population is accorded two .sen ators, though to day, if the crnsuscould be taken, Luzerne would certainly and Schuylkill probably lead her. There are 27 distrieta formed of single counties or their division, with an ag gregate population of 2,474,*87 under the JBBO census. The remaining 23 districts arc composed of two or more counties whose aggregate population is 1,807,899, or arranging the districts into large and small, one half the number of districts have an aggregate popula tion of 1,710,2X2, the other half an ng gregate ol 2,.172,505. In other words, in one half the senatorial distrieta pro posed 68,411 people aia entitled to a .Senator, while In the other 21 districts it requires a population of 102,900 to send p Senator to llarrisbur^. A Faithful Hatch Itog. Commenting on the Governor's exer else of his odlco tho Pittsburgh l.tt.r, a Republican paper has said : "Call a dog a bad name nnd you may a* well drown him" saitli tho old pro verb, and that vvo suppose is what some of the Republican papers are trying to do when they denounce Gov. I'nttison as tho "snarling watch dog of the treas ury." Hut when you attempt to kill man or dog by abusivo nomenclature, you ought to be very sure that your had name is a hud name. To the ('.mm. r< d linwlte. the term "snarling watch-dog'' may have a very npprobrious sound hut if we were fiov. i'atlison we would feel quite tickled over it. A watch dog is one of the best of all dogs, and his bu-i news is to snarl. A Governor of I'cnn sylvania who does his duty can hardly he more happily described than by com paring him to the faithful guardian of the night, who with warning snurlc ami sharp biles, if necessary, keeps away those who would rob the house of his masters. It is therefore a high nnd deserved compliment to'inventor Hot lison that his political opponents pay him in liki-ning him to tie- most faith I ful friend of man, lie i* tho snarling j watch dog of the treasury of I'ennsyl j vania and he has snarled to such j- i purpose that he has alr< -ily pri-vi-tib -I | the carrying nway from it of -i-v-ial 1 hundred thou and dollar- that prcviou ivatch log- allowed to In* taken a it without a growl. II;- vetoea are s i j many n.ps on the shins of fi-llows who have hitherto lipj • I through the i,j. propriation doors unchalh-nged to carry away what they wanti >l. It is the-., priruij ally, who ire now stand.i g < ft',it * iiiu* distance and howling at Itim. I he people. I. - erilpio), :.re light \\. .. pb a-i i witli I.: ■ | >-r: rin -1 ".and tk> y ! will -i to it that t,.- e tr, aking fei low s don't throw him any I .lions. They are riot at a!i alarm-d ovei hit grow ling and not :i lit n'ra. I that the meat - f the* institution on which li> feeds d-v ami liigi.t w.d mat.- 1,1111 too for e or dangerous to bor.cst m* n. I r they well know tiiat he can he called off by th- r supreme c irt if be makes an..- take, nn-i fii- w ,r-t \i to bites colllph le iy cured by the -live Mts* tn i rr:■ tn sr.ratT.aat o titr - - -MvniTii -irv.rt . The salary of the Secretary of the I < iromonwealth i* #'..(#-< a y<*.*r, and ir one little transaction Secretary Stenger I has tared the taxpayers the amount of hi- salary ur h-ur yea. - or what .I.k< • ly to 1 " in. term of ■ tf.ee. loMca-l - f •ending out 11 partisan rie w-j .| ors lot g advertisements specifying every article : requisite for the supply of the executive j departments, a* v ecretary ','uay did, Mr. Stenger { 11nt• i brief advertise menu, and then furnished contractor* lists of the article* required. Hy this ! process lie . av--i in adverti*ement ex penses. j i,g.,(.1... *pi..y paid 0..t on ibis account in I**2. #10,7 1 >. while .-ten ger has paid out for the current year , but #1,533. \n-l to show that the new method yielded better results to the •*tate, there was a saving of flu 47'.' in : (lie cost of supplies. pawl out #.,.1,633 anil Stenger #22,160. So that in advertising and supplies, Secretary ' Stenger ha; made a saving of # 13,7 12.11. , Here is the exhibit in tabular form . Vril, Si! j utipr-tus. nv .!- j AlsSftMag 1 - | . T->Uls,..„„ tll.ill I This ia doing pretty well, not only in I saving money, hut in correcting a very j great abuo. .1 Man on the Fence. Though Mr. derone 11. 14ilea Sa the Republican candidate for Auditor (ten era! of I'ennsyl vania, and is a some what prominent man in bis party, there is still some doubt as to whom he sup* ported for g- vrrnor la*t year. In the early part of the campaign he was for General Heaver, and wrote a letter to the General to that efl'ect, hut before i, be campaign closed he was on the stump with Senator itfitci.c-11 makit e Independent speeches. But wlictbA he voted for Heaver or Hicwart is not known, and since the two wings of the Republican parly are united in resist, anee to apportionment, the quealion has probably small importance except in ita personal bearing. Hut there ia " , i i. another theory in regard to the vote of Mr. Nile*. The official returns ahow that there were just twenty four votes in Tioga county for Mr. I'etfit, the Fro hibition candidate for governor, and the vote of Mr. Nile* may have been among these. What, strengthens this theory is the fad that Mr. Niles belong* to the prohibition wing of the Republican party of Pennsylvania, and voted al wav* for prohibition in the Legislature. I'lnHi. It. curd f art! Ploying. That accomplished writer, the late I'r. Holland, of Springfield, M i-H.,*uiii "I have nil my days had a card playing community open to my <,\ -eivation, and I atn yet to bo made to believe that that which i* the universal r< mtof the starved m oul and intellect, which bus nevi r ill any way linked to it- If tender, eh vating, or beautiful association* the tendency of which i to unduly absorb the attention fiorn more weighty mat ters can recommend itself to tiie favor of ('hji-t n deciph Th" pri .-nee of ■ ultiire and gemti tiny etnl • llish, lut it cm never dignify it. I have at this \ moment, sai-l I'r. Holland, "ringing in |mv ear* the dying injunction ol my father - early friend, 'Keep your son from car-is, 'Her them I have murder -"I time and lot h- iven.' '' I al ln-r- ami moltcr , keep you n* from card* in the home circa . What j lIIU t a good utigej think of a mother at the pray* • meeting a-king pi aver for e e inversion of her -n whom lu ll lowed to remain at home play ing rur-i -f-u "j - time 1/. I, i Ibictiir* ItNilgree. A- ar< | i t.-i for the Pittsburg < 'it ■ *at v-terd-iy alternofin in a eliarula-r at No. .21 l - deril street. Ulegliuny. listeni- g to a terril-3- tale of -uffering a- it fell from the lip* of a gentle little 1 i-i v. Ma, M .1 , Ingrsm, tl.e ■| , ghter of 1 i|-t, Ifu -li MeK'• 1 vi■ \, of 'ln- cilv -t *'-*-riied a most to tnueh to l-elievi . if till- ■ . fence Lad not tern close at hand t • substantiate -vrv word. It wa but another ev. den*-. ■ f the nil) ible igra - mo- of a large class of practitioners of me-be me , who ■ litimed for -,x \ < ar th it lor tcr r.ble 'i. e ew• i in ci -; i•i* a - - r en i V. ■ h tile- ' . givi-n op to 'i.e. I i cured let per!' t.y. ( .ititinu i on page ! iti "11 of | I \ I ir. 11 art man. ■ W•• i i . . . it. c . May 1 'lb, IXWt. <>i TI tr If aung ten a *uff r-r 1 • ug t .me from ni rvou* pr- -tr.it .->n -.n I general deb, !\, 1 w.i i to try 1! -j- H;ttr*. I have taken one b'it tic. an I I have ). n, raj ilv getting l etter ever since, an i I think it the I'-t Ml' i .tie 1•\ • r ti ■ I. I sin r.'-w gaimng Ir- ngtli and a| petite, nl. i h va- al: g ns. -ml I.* in de-j r until 1 tried y< ur H tt< r. lam now well, *• to j' - ' nil at, 1..- im ow ti work. .7 2!. Mat. M*h NTI ART. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Frc|i;ttih* l.'"rti;in lII|I|I . |rorue ami f \bihitlaii of Truinii! Mild lti.i*t*. In e nnettion with h s coioi-al Hij poirome, ami Runrin c'ti.iri t races, c.r en- nti ee r.ng- &i I nr. i. Mr. I repaugh ha.* crgar../'d from hit gr- st llcct in of animal* a traine 1 w,ld l-e t ei.i,.iat, n, after tiie model of | those of at,,.ient t -nie, who-e hi| | -ii romata s| t-h- i, r< ■. in d, and |r j sents in b.- It man ii pj in i,.-. Mr, i-.repaugh exhibits twer-t;. live jrr forming elephants u; ti 1, hippodrome track. in additi- n to vari'-us other tr un • i w.i 1 11 a-ts, u.e i lea of l!i< nature of these spcctscb- m the " i ternsl ' ty may be formed from the fact ti at I'ompey tiie Great, <>n dedicating his tin .tr- , |-rc-dure I I < .d". a rtiinoc ro* and other Strang, be a* is from rtbioj a, hons. 110 tiger*, and a number of elephant*, who were attacked l y Alt, ran men, the bunting I - ing ror,t,nu'i luring fire days. ' > -ar, after the termination of the cut! wars, divided In* hunting g-m- s ml . five day* also: :n tf.e first of ahull the camelopard was shown at last stt men on foot' and *' on liorstbftfV: were tu.ie to ; fight, t- geiLcr v.itu tventy eiepliants and an equal number more w;th turret* on their I ks, defend' iby sixty men. All that was commendable, m the hip podronialic sj rts and gamrs of the R>, man Lra will be reproduced in Fore p lUgh's colo" al combined I alf mile hip pod tome, tlirieung circu*, menagerie and museum, which will exhibit at H llefonte, < 'dot er 11. —The iron property of Martin Hrutn ' gard, L-(j., of /.ion, situated within on' i and a half miles of the State College, is a good in-tance of the rral value of ore properties in thi* county. Mr. Itruni , gard owns there, a farm of 120 seres or | less, the half of which al least is cover , e I with a surface deposit of hematite iron. AH that is necessary, is to shovel it into carts and the dirt becomes dot lars nnd cents at once, 'the gentleman s getting 50 rents royally, nnd with no rulroad facilities as yet, twenty ton# prr diem are washed and heaped up, ready for transportation. A very weak ac countant can estimate the income. Mar tin sits at case iu /.ion and teu dollars a day rolls into the pockets of the lucky dog. No wonder he has turned up his roat sleeves to work for the N'ittany Valley i{. i : . !!e knows that the build ing of railroads ia wealth to us. The Nittany Valley Company is working the mine*. They have gone only 25 feet below the surface and the ore is getting harder d rieher. Remember thi* is only the surface, and for lack of rail- I j rod'J f.vilit ir n i ven tbiohiui been rn'-re )y v | touched, Thin!; of the inexhatlltible - j main deporit. In K Jii T'I'IHI ll.ftSn HI, |HP morn ' iK ha*, by all m-iii-al wi,tera, Seen s 1 reekoncrl ih'' I" -t time for Mud .It ia 1 *o. Hut it i- l > the iii'i*t proper *>■* , | eon for exercie, while 11,#- Momrh ia , empty, and tin I"! , rcfrecbed with • I tieep, Studlou* people abould, there. ' fori', nometinv '-mi t!, morn it /in walking, ri'iiii nr KM-.- marly diver ■j aion without >1- • . : mukl make i them return t<> Mudy v. ,ih pn iter nine , rity, arirj would i - I more service than . twice the lime alter tin piril* are worn ' out with fatigue. It in not rulficicnt to take ' < ir .!•;•: I. '1 •: t : Ilkhibi- FOREPAUGH SHOW Now on it- i \\M A | I< 11 * If. wiJJ . EXHIBIT AF I !... • ' I. VI N |N<. :• m:u:I-:I'ontk, 1 ' I I: 11 R> !.■ • .(>-.11 *SI > \ . it ihv mar v . . , .it; . i . . . j25 Trained Elephants, 1000 WILD BEASTS. 3 RING CIRCUS. Muse nr Marvels. Roman 111 ; ini'oiiic. lIAI.F-M!:')\M i TRACK. With t'.i.-i and c!y TIIIKTV THOi SAND DOL-LAlt STUD EKGLISH HACK HORBES. K 'MAS liA- I- I.IMRTV It A* I * 111 RULE ll*i l> Tl. (TTIV., . lil .IMN-, K*< I r EVTRV RACE A REAL ON-I! • . , JATIEN'DORFER GERMAN Snmpvoo, OREATKfT !.A I I flit I !,■ IN TIIF V* 1!' MI"!" AM ' *- >! I-*; ': l I-KI-hlkr# i-tK.oSMkt • 1111-MmTAHI tltAIMi It S tli.lk- i! r*i UKl< - *TI hK or I'i.nri * MODI HA It I IMMMT!tS *1- Till HI-IW* IS AMI Hl' ins ; Mi MMMi S Mil |i Mrs 71111111. Ii AIr 'lll A* K AIII >lfl' lAL TO AN V TOUR GREAT CIRCUS RINGS! "I'L.K* TUAIHF i'S 7LLH i.liisi. -7 AMI FEERLESS and Poelir Street PARADE ! I --M f - r tI 11 n ~ |„, > - • ' - o ' M ' . Hill! I, > 1 l-.m t. r | lUOPATH A -< -6 | Al.' R-*'k II I'. . I | ■ I 5(1 • ' • : < ' lit CL. KM HI All - • -TM, .T UM • 1 >. Ai'fc" • I I ■■ • ririt. ,1.-1 - ti 1. ! • .ii t ,i, .\ i. •* i uwn *' ' 'II 1 I I. ) N . | r* .. r |o i t • rm\ mrmni4itif tfc t. wt vxi . mi '■■ . tl,* r nr pbaapbkl- pn*,lr*. ,), anM. lU.AI l\<. m IN>WI , iue w *IIU *T, I'Ml