Xew .1 ilrrrtisrm ell t u £? i ~*U, a** K. '■ v -•'•flsl iP^ THIS MAGNETIC CELT IS WARRANTED TO CURE?-?" • • wrtfhnut' l*utn Ii the but • li'i'" '• 1 '• •" ItIi!•♦ •■ i * ll* •! Mli ,''• 'i■ t in M.I tli M rb ! ' ■ r l IIIK Lt>l it i •■•pin i.l if l HUM, I orfitil II * IT, U "ill, •cmlunl i BIIMIIHH, I <• T>-F • '••) * i-t It m*l'| !, i rj||H In*, In-" ||IN. hernia i r rupiuii, tulurrli, pill-** cpll , it ■i mb £■ ii •. • I' Hu-nai v.I 'roft'-H IM I.'M hnHK f> !•! r Ifttllt v, lu l* 'f in r\ i i •i■ i unit HiKllnc wriiLiii'** *.nml nil llio*iill* um *if h , r. •'in ill nature. ftt'Mi wh'iti sr - . . t ui■ f M i*-:. ' i | ' nr.. ■ t■ l' • pi- mint rrf nrr *h.ml .* u hi-iiltti yu> tluu lUiu Hi > liiSlfl; UADies AGNET , c ZSk- ASDOMINAU SUPPORTED !. TO THE LADIES:-;- I'x!inii#tln.l* •prnln,or m f 1 It l)i aiinflhn l.li* r, Ktiliii-ra, 11 < mlm hi- or < old i i *f, k oll-n ur % .uk Ultn, •• rMw 'I. m frrt,i r■ : I T : : M .'• ■•• P I rortjpoverlul bm| I . .t Im l-'or LftMt Ha-t. Weeltiteaeer the '-ili-. I'nlL ti't ifl '• v .ij 1 I'nirrlii! n. t . ' tu mm ii. t 1 ii I,- .1 I.• -.• i.• ii . . .• ■ Item- rr 1 o • I . I'ulnt it I, - I . J lr. r ' "m. . f . !' • ... . ~r jL -I. '• i< tliu ileal Appliutit ii.i :< At . > i: -i 1 \ >\'\ f ' ' rnnli iMlruM •t H • win. r • J i t • i. i*/ r.t aiw! .iv . •>.. r 1 % i. h> - '.lt I r ■:• •. fin, t ■ 'it t'V .. i ' y T - I U r ! ..f ! I twllt Altd lot ' • I .1 . jvr. k. Tl •• >!•.■-. ■ >n • - atlnpt' ! to r ?? Ofr**, n*-# n ■ —r i< . ; t'.i •. ii .a mti i.. iho lnuly Ifk t"..- munjr (•uliunt- auil I'D-ctrl Hum* •■gt MvHlr4 m ntfiel I be taken i ff nt r.ijrtit. Ther hokl tbtarpomr/orveer.iAa I af. rn ut i tu-ri i temp fr t •* i-• • inrpltiMrtll i] T^nt rir-tt tt in;, . ; uieu. TUI: MAGMrroN APPI.I WCKCO., '4IH .>U&t4> bU, t 112* mYNE'S I 0 Horso Spark-A'resting i I rnt 10.000 ft, of M . . i J'.iwril" i'i in !iior. a t elub fr>m LLu uw iu fool i (h ' I iron/M to (brv h powll tn'.v S ml) fet'lof Hemlock UWi run *, Ic-m Ml Ja f 1\- - i ia:vot i r F.n- H) Bp '*t f"< v Mi an A 1 n UP: llfi' 4Jt 4 'ft- y"o wanY iSt a: onarjr IJ 101 •r I* r-a- - Tin * ) ••. I- !'••?. tr iu Mil!, >Un ff i. iaf i n i.ri'l H. W. i'AYNB A SONS C- rning, .N Y. a>x 1457 PATENTS! V. • • -itn*.'* r f i r.,v! • . . • Ir. >: • . ~.. - -• I I■■ ■ I - l CO. (ii; . . , ... vv , l. Ililrl) •!! i. y rar*' # nprrlt'iirr. ly-'iiUotHiined TTNM m OT i i > Hm-kc*. wn i*. Tbtiianrn M . ■ -.t3.90 iir. m , . >> H™. U Terr Inh r>~ ■ :. '-.fr 'Olt.t .iialAU MW.t J ..uAwm.. mtuii Ilia not a. r.nuc nr /?-->£) CON'S l" 311 *T lON pLf' i hi •• i • rt ii, ] / i cl '>, I 'll I. I - I - larrh '( 1 L •?% r.'i r•' •- •:'! '• I if ' i ■ .fv • ■ \ Sfor'lt. 04 Bll;\ IKi ll it CO , k'itlatMl.Kl*. .cnzAP Gm; z for tzz pzopls.? C C- I - r, I -1. a* s ~;4 1— . MM..a- •>< " " ? AUtl ., J. 11. JOIIMITO*. IG9 Smith field street. I'll tabu r S h, I'a. II i/son Mrl othmr f Cn„ ihirihrtirr Driifrr*. , W.A. IR, !K! I WILSON, IS & CO. DEALERS; IN STOVES,RANGES* HEATERS.' A LHO Paints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes, | AND i IBTJIILIDEIR/S' HARDWARE, I ALLBOIIBNY STBKKT, .... TIC*KB' MAKK, .... BBLLBFOBTR, PA. I A* CLARK JOHNSON'S ' Indian Blood. Syrup WjJTCures all diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blood. Million* testify to its efficacy in heal- Prjpjng the above named diseases, and pro- TWji/ nounce it to be the BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAN. trade mark, Quaranteed to cure Dyspepsia. IGTTT A GENTS WANTE D."H laboratory 77 W. 3dQt, Now York City. Druggists soli it- ; TRAVELERS GUIDE. pELLEFOaNTK A SNOW SHOE DR R. 1.1...- Tat Ii i" affval oa .i,. u, IMtl Mtiue HI. • a. v irrivi • in illh 11 •: nt, ■ 4 -o P. W. I. av. i Bi'llrP itlr 1 !'• •• ' , rr)i ut Mnute HIP-I • 7.. . M. M. M. I'l.A I It, ALI) KAUI.K VA 1.1.KY KAIL -1 h i. > ial May 11, I hx|>. Mail. etrraAkii. Kx(i.Mail. A M. i- e. i* M. A M. , ■ I. I.i Aim tt r.i I. o.• . fSO 0 i, ! " Ii I.i\v • i l ) ) lull" l. i) , h u .l .i •* VHi I " ~.*>).) , 1 • I. IV* •• I-aid K*nl ' . 7 4.1 k• . . 4 J I. ") " |*U " ... 761 H6J "0 M free In M ... 7 64 - I# Al Ii "1 •' II O. .1) •• .. 7 . . ) . . • t0 ...... " I'JII Matilde " . . ho.'i w (Hi ♦. . .. M 3urf A •• ... Hl i Wl7 IJ U .i.N •• Juhiili •• ... H 1.1 P . A •• I iiii'IITIIIO •• 6i i " Mil w Mliuo In * ... •* W47 .. I.i •• Mil.-! !)( " .. a . Vtu ,n .> lb " IV. l . i'|tr " ... a -10 DO i 1 . '• >l.l. -Pur# " V >lO ]0 fy -4 44n •• IHI I 111 " ... W l. IM IU >, I I 4-1 M M .ut left Ift •• ... 0I • !•' I.i 4 •, •• ||, aml •• ... u I' . ',iil 4 '■ ... • l ,/l ullf •• . . • .in Ii HI I -1 •• li* Ii ' i ••• k ** ... W 4 10 4 4 4u7 • Mill 11..11 •• . u... 1 • 4 a 404 .. ..•• 1 ftiiiiiatoo '• It "1 t l6 100 " !. . k ii .*. ii •• . 10 • II 06 | >EN NSY LVA NIA IIAILIIOAD. 1 pin t id" l|rt' • i.i ) ift > —ou a lid f WheTWAKIf. I UIK MAIL 1. Av.. Ii i a : i ~u. 11' i m •* • lUtrl#l iifrf 4 . atu NN llilaiimt Us i ain M - • "Dili . oe„, M 11 C'N a lit ( " atrivi- fit KIP 7 . jin RIAUA A i.M'Kh.v .. it" l" i! . ,1.- .iu . issoe " •• - i ... ■ r>"i,--1. !•> ti.i. it. . in., 11. i •• f'.lll.' ut . | 111 ' KAJtT 1.1.5K 1,-.,-, fail 'l| ... II nil , ■■ I •• arrt*M Ml. II n I | m RAM \* A III". , I'ACiri. K\l'llKsS I , I M,l. . , , mri'. .1 li.rn , II .1, " 1-I.MI l.in I , HAY I \IT.K-- ; .M.I. . I . " I. A II."i II " W :llln:.| il I . . " nriii. -.1 I'm • .• * I n " Kill > Mill. I. . II " L k ll.„ . i , , - N 111.in.; rl 11 ii " atrtvaaatllamabarg 8 4&aa • YA.-T UNI I•••• l .; ,1 IJ ir.< i II i-1.-■ ■ , n Kr,. AJ. IW •• S .... .1..,, M . .11 „II ~. V roliili.. M l • | | . I-I •• 1,1 ■- I -It S rtliu. ' ■ Ilat. I aitt. I a 11. 11. It mi ■ , • M . .. ~ I. Mat! • 'N • • . I.,i'i. .u,.t .nil r-l# Fa; !• •• M■.l ai I. n 1t.,, \ ti ■. u.l I'l lf I lII' > II"II .1 M I ili'i.rl .111, N (' II M ■y ■ II F.iA' M,ll V. .1 •, . r, I",;-... W..1, • I |>) | Ei-t... K i.t.i. .k. I in •i-iat I. „ 11., ,t. M -i, ii i \ I. |: i,, Kri M il' I i,l " IM . '.II - itlitr.lr.• •n I - A M - Il I'. ■ i I V K H, .1 Ft',; ,11 i • 11. >. \ a|> I. |i. lirlfta i.lll. V I I. It l-.rl ' . r. r i ■ • j't. |, l*| ( .|,ia n,t Witllai rt . v I V . 1,. ( ~ Waal. I-•••!••;' • ' pea— Rant ' llay I; .-• •• l-iil, i' I • .at.j I-nri. i ■ nr. i, nil night traifii H'x. \ T" i! *iw, Hupa-r)nt. r,'!rnt OITLY_S2O. PHILADELPHIA SINGER Is the BFST BUILT. FINEST FINISHFD. EASIEST ftUNMNQ SINGER MACHINE ever offered thnpubl.c. Th at.,. t r.|naanla thau m ,„-,r- , lh I* (-In * lii h a,- ■ • r j i( i t a i i j ■ , f I. . • . k •• i .• r. Il. l ' i" AH. fI ~ ; . . I, If It la t all r-l r l |. I II l ,t r et! >" nil J I III,!'-. nr. I 'HI r Mdl r i ir- i.la; ';.!••• t NIAI 11 .i A v. \ i ? 17 N 1 .thM.r m -. f.Ni i , . Nninr. I i: , I i. FItKDKUH K-, Repairer of Sewing lYlachines. IIKttKF'.NTF, I"A R' l •.(!..',• . ■ i t M . ;,i. i (■!. • |> K ... I ~ (jilt M ri A'- ,/,V ( I l',c laUtl ■ V, "• /' ..1 .. ; . . I 1.1 * ik nr. • .Yen* Ait rcrt Incut cut*. ; TUTT'S : PBLLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From those MMirons nrlM ilms loutth* of I tl| . |,f ||, r |. 1| t|,|, i ||,, ~ | h>-Hl|llOl||l hull, ttl> ill! I> ■ 1.n.• or , A|l|iclllr, llutlrl. attain., No K 11. ~.1 - ■ Ta, 1111111, * Hila r a iilltlfc, 1.1,,, <0 rieillam of boil, ~,|„,|, 1 ,„, , of fooal, la a ll,l|,|||| v iriu|in, , aaplrll., % frallaa K a, a |,,,|i, K „, K |,,'i,,| ■ 1,111,' alaily, I'l'lliir.,, I lllllr , |„ K „| il,. , 111 nrl, ||„|. Ixlo, . I 1,, rjra, |,| K |,|, , i.l. orral Irlur, > \S I I l*A 110 Y, 111 airl 111., 11., 11 1, 111 ly ||, • a,• on Mi 1.e.. 1 \ , 1 ■ , . TUTT'S ■ I 1.1.H 1111 \a- 1111 . ,| ■( „, , , 11,.' ; Kulnoysluid skin In alitn ptouipt: nimnviiitf I III! lilt |. 111111 l . lilt. , , I . I . . „a - riii;,ta ~r Ilia sa. ■, 111. ■ ■ |, I * ll . *aiH|lll! 11, • ' ion, 1.,■,| , I ~ , , I. in mill .1 vi.-iiriiiit j, ,1, -j 1 I |-s l-| 1.1.M ' •''••• II" Wall* II • !' I' lIJ .11, • l„,i . V 1: l| il.lllv mirk Ul|l| I, I, ,f, , ; ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. 111: 1 1:1:1.N I.nti: A m.IV M*\. " 1 11 ,v •• i:- 1 •mil. v.nil 1 .1 1 tin 1 I ,v, 1\ • a1 - to I |,m . 1 1 i... 1 |, |, ,|,ij, , . , klnua or pills, Hi,, 1 ti TT'S sr< tin IJI it 1 1 lit 11 11 v,• ,1,111," lII' III,;, I-. Til. • air 111,-, I |l|,, QUI HI,-, [v. |lt ■flUt|U I, I *>)•!• mil l. Inoil il||f. .1, vl , ,in 1 I ll.lM, ll It tItI ~ I till I I, , I 111., a~, ""II " v. . li. I,lm Mill-, i'ltitn , • ~n. 9 ■ .1i ' t • TUTT'S KA!RTYE: I.l' aT II till I.lt W lIIN |{ |lt a , , > •>' 1" i lif'-HV lll.aa K l.| ,1 1(1 plication 1,1 tin, mi . ... 1 ta> Druuirlsu, Ot „, > *ja • 1 |> |.l ~f a, I. II'V ■ . I I 11 , ', ' . . 1 , TUTT'S MANUAL CF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE, ■ r ' r !I • f 1 . i • i r 1 *7 J E ' I ' : 5 •' ' l a "*1 2 , Q ' WW ■.VTKrtUtJS a"■ ' ' r rt t ■ ! ' t ' I " •• KHBHRIVWM £ •/ ! ■ mmmm&mmmmmmai £ r\ 1 N 2 - £ gj—nrmani . ' :: to •• ' X jJD 1.1,-1 IK 2 1 1 ; , ! „, S It MmHKMtROI ' I o ,}rl ' ; ,: - I 50 ■BORIS O ! Til' It.,in .. : hi ... ; ;-r in trc ij I * 4, vy w sl ii HEALTH I LTHJ W-y ' -i 'jk.l • • ; rr 7 1 j' '• F- ' nr; , | 3WW- " FnP-">srm ( REVEOY 6UtHA? DISEASES J ITCII.SORCS. PIVPItS. / V ' ' y\ / ' 1 ; 7 r CRF.Ar^CUBEFOR ' tmm PIUS : t ; molAtur^.ntJnri^r. %u A nj.w K*rt *0 •If fsin*V<'r|mi j u j I V t* • #>.„ • iT I. l fcft 1 "WAfaf. • ' OnttMr.M( 1 . n t ,w ofi 4f u In fh mirkHi nit ln ,i m,- , 4 4 i-r A4orubl>a. Cvatxc AiK^V,. 1 Iff Tflfl 1/1/ I \ I-. '* ■ I\ 'FT ■ ATniMAE,Mfi •* ih . <| not / ■ !"' rty. V tsff'..i 19 lIAFWA t. mlt* t nv't>*r. W* uit N)"fk,v.)ioFn,tiK>)M AIM! gfrl* • to work ft ti* right in tIK-tr cm 1 Ant •>*#• . cni* do tho work |r. pnrlr fr, m Ih* Urt * Th j * huMin- will |nt m-tm fhtn liwsiitrnnilii fiirnMioi ftrt. }Ci o who rngAgw • (nit to mnk* mon*y rtfl'lljf, Tow <*An hrot- ?Mr who!# timF torho witk. f -uly jour spnrc r m nti. C lull Inform*! tot* AIM! wilt hot *n. A* I *oh| f'rp-. Ad t IfY1lV?i A oc. f |otlmu.4 knino 4 4M|r. # l 11 lit ttralrt r. J II I. 1, I, V. KO N 'l' P: , I' A . AO r^ic-u-Xj-r-cm^x-. NKWH, KAt I t AMI Ml'l,l, IJITIONB, tin. rt IT a Til, ,a,t HI nu la TUB mmu lit . 1 Ami I It' al l hll 1 111 11,1 |a" Ml,, l'*rrry Jiifinrr in It .1 SSNImF AVlMriUfk; <•'/• /i" - II - / , ~ *K/ •'/ I ■ thr "/t ) ,lt , ~l / . , //, 11 Mm HA 1 ./ ~t. 1 ~.,,1/,, larmrrn an, / hue* 1 ■ hr.-nt ,1 / /, Com 1 , . , r ton t 'lini rr ' ■fll a ill /, , ',7, FatUtninn CatlJi The .1 /" F#'• /# f '// :V. / *• j\ | - (ii< f- illllW ill '1 Ma ||, nl ,ji|, ,ij |',, r I),, I 1"" H : il it 1 tin* f.JI ol tin- \-a 1 it H'ill IN; Will lia It7i 11 will, tin W '< ■ . • , t 1". I"l|' ' ' I".11-' tl" l-a't., . JA 'illiltV c ii. iition. Ji' htuit ; i i|, , . I; , ■ I-", "it 1 ■ tin In 1 jit; |' U f :i con rue of I .it li'ii iii n j.j, ,j \ •WMia Of h IK' 11 I'll, I, Wit ~ i.,,1„l | . will niakt; tin r.nin I | ( „{ tt 11c r m I lltlll'ilc i ctti 1, t|., '.jli 11 i,< t|i;,\i n 'riilil-o tit.< i k ■ : n,, a I lor every Ihouaanii | ounils of live ■ j Oi 1 on I iiij.,,ri 1 t'a the liva- weight ! ''l t:.e auin ai . i,,,: in\ariahh , •, ; . | I'iurse, ontliii:iy. jmm: y • \ wi.i n - quire more to sustain'life tl, .n siu li I a one descri' I alios, 1 would requite Jto keep it fattening raj •; 1 y lit re "the eye of the feedi r needs to ! j trained a ; .in, and .■ j,,, ,1s to l e ,■!, j the afi rt to 'hu. • ytn] 'orris . ; | Umg over fa i or of eaj icitv to take | more, ami afW r aw hile the grain ra tion of hay ean l>e inereaM I -.nd t'n ration of hry reihifi d oe, rdingh. the fc remedy is a total withdrawing of the grain ration for oue or two meals, and perhaps a little more extreme in the opeu air. The manner of feeding la of equal importance. Adopt reg ular hours of giving fund and do not vary from them, excepting that in the fall and winter the morning meal may lie given nt a later hour and the evening meal earlier an the days „row shorter, while as the days grow long er tl:# thr morning and evening loeding may be made farther from the noonday meal. Avoid as much na possible dio'.urh ing fattening animala jaTUw they have lain down ai night. The practice of " feeding round " the last thing be fore going to bed is a bad one, for if the cattle have linda reasonable a| lowauee at tbo usual supper hour they do pot need to be called up to eat again any more than the farmer himself nceda it after he hoa retired j j for the night. doing to the barn to * see Hint nil is right then' is well enough if ilie entile me n nl to such visits mid r Winter, in sown in drills, far enough apart to admit of ,1, Us '' r " hot •<• hoe between the tows, i ■'' ii to keep down \miilh, loosen and rate the soil, tin- yield might be in cri an d to a mat veious extent, more i> than it now is in this eountry, , I n proof lit this, a recent observ r in ' traveler in Ih-Igjuru gives the , mode of eultuie lin .and tie yield, which onietirm , with very favorable i weather fit barv< st, reaches aa high v l ,; f) bushel* per nere. This is otic t'■'' "• fi i tile, prosperous, and "•'' ' i 'i i mintrii iti the world, t i irt.i 1 -1.71 pi irons to the - I mil e mile, : ri i u*t 1 . '<_• in the I nr d S' ates and Jl'.'.J in Her ,■ many. Winter wheat is a staple • crop th.-re on ti.eir iiigh piiced small i i rn. 't oi an n- or two. The ■ ' 1 '■ : . luuri i in Autumn, . 1 *• .1 h:.i, iiwc 1 o.vei d time-, and got in'o !!,.• l< st j .' le eondi!ion. The • very tie- kly on tic. highest and best i I" at,on. when it is not likely to be W iritei-killed. i ii un dby any (a -u oty. uc.i a-< oveitinning or drown- - n.g out, i .' sm aheiiiig under the snow. In the Spring tne main (kids arc n ' "O dii ■ ■ i up an-1 marked out in dt.ii, the proj. r dis: men. Wh< n the win / ha. grown sull iently to la Uci\< i t;iinm 1 out by being taken u;., sepaiati i from the thick i w ''ciis, a | planted in the drills with c-.i.i 1 a dil.c le, which makes a h ■ the | : -j •r d< pth, into which the win .1 r-io'san nseited, pressing the • '' li ' against them with the I his vvori. is usually intrusted to i il! grown 1 -V s and girl. a man irtin.r out tl. whi :.t plants in order tiial t , ise i f tie -ame f-iju- may V' i " 1 tog. the r, that the- fie! 1 may • W hen the' plants have commenced g: iwm •,!!,(■ Ijs thoroughly and . ■ h end "T horse j iwvr. Kvi-rv we 1 :i .'-i if, is adow, 1 t i grow. I -ri r Mry■ , ; loin any extensive j fa .tire .-f crops thus • on f.ulv and •11 y* grown. The yield i a i ip.nntily never imagined or heard of i in t. - i ountry, and the crops alwa\ s ai i surly | ay - the . lltivator. It is a erti i tli t'. sue|, pains would no: pay to aj•; iy t crops in this 1 1 in'ry. Hut >1 . we not go to the c| j mite- • xtrcme Has it ever lwen i 'ri --1 here.' Itcirtainlv would pay • .tisfictonly if applie 1 to choke \ iriti. a iti m -.1 uantitics, about to us : for ii I. It ja certainly 1m iter t - till one a re and get a crop now raised on four acres, than to try the four and only rai.e halt a crop, which is now o often the case here Willing H er/,.'. What Land Need Drainago. M •■■ A . lands that conlaiu mure water than i- m .id h the crops growing ' j up .ii then. If you intend in laite ! j ru or win at the land will need more ! • i ■ uing than f intended for gra-s. Kvrn grass lan 1- need not lc very ; wet, as, if Vs> Wet, the growth of a,untie plants a: d grasses takes the place of the cultivate-d grass a and ruins tin- hay and pasturi#. Loose, porous noils, underlaid by i sand or gravel, are drained by nature ; but all land fhat is underlaid by clay, rock or other impervious material needs draining. What is to lie gained by under- 1 draining '! The surface of tht> water in the noil is lowered. The roots of 1 cereals and grasses may penetrate as far M to the aurfacc of the water, but never into it. Il in necessary to draw the water off to such a depth as wilt give the roots of growing crop* plenty of room to reach downward for that nourishment that is necessary to thedr growth. If the water it only one loot from the amount of soil from which to gather nourishment, with the disadvantage of having their feet wet by capilliary attraction. Only j aquatic plants grow well with their feet in the water. The lowering the water below the surface prevents !v large amount of evaporation, ami its effect in cooling the soil. The waur being removed air and warmth are admitted to the soil. I 'rained lands arc for this reason ready for planting one week earlier m the spring. The growth of crop* is quickened through the summer by the increased temp. rature of the oil, which anionntc to everal degree-, and the injurious effects of early frost- are prevented i„ t |, e h ariifi roan oer, Cr pi are therefore given an in. created peri d in whicfrto make their ;:to.\th ot at leant two w- £ mnd j .tup, at. i if any inferior wh< at is found in the car, the entire i ad is t .a-i'l a- inf. ri r. This pen alty ha- (jut dishonest shippers to their wit s ends to contrive- ways of mixing p or with good wheat o that there shall 1 .• the few. t chances of detection. An ins|>.-etor ol train in Kaic as I ity , that t- m< -t in , geniou-plan for deceiving buyers is t distribute a number of bags of poor wheat on the floor of the car, stand.ng the w.th tluir mouths downward. When tie car is filled up t > the level of the upper end* of the bags ij J( . are pull. I o .t. leaving a column of poor w heat h< r>- and tl.< rt . '1 be operation may be repeat ed with ar. tlier layer. She chances of the inspector's in-lrumeut touch ing the inferior grain when it is thrust into the load ar- much fewer than they would be if the poor wheat were mix. 1 in any other manner. W'IIEA; K x I'EKIM Tx ; I NO.— I*. If. Smith, a farmer of Shawnee county, Kansas, hav.ng ob.*< rvc 1 that wheat which grew in tracks made by wagon wheels which bad been driven across a lit. 1 immediately* after seeding,was beriiiKiits were made live Of six years ago. and he has contii> ued them every year since with uni form succc-s. The philosophy of this method of . i ling w heat, on tins and other light soils, would st em to U* that the earth was solidified alout the grains of s. i d sown, thus retaining the moist ure if generally insullicicnt. or allow ing it to drain off if super-abundant, thus preventing the 44 spewing out " of the plants by frequent freezes and thaws. Wr. have found a little salt sprin kled on a manure heap one of the Inst applications for summer and winter. In warm weather it attracts moisture ami keeps the manure from j tirc-fanging or burning from excessive fermentation. In winter it keeps the heap from freezing solid, and at any season it makes the manure more soluble.— Sml Tthir ami lfarr-ni. Firry years ago it was account, d very wasteful to pot manure any where but in the bottom of the fur row or under a thick covering of soil to make compo-t for meadows. Now practical men and acicntisls agree in commending nature's own way of making land rich solely by surface dressing. StrERiNTijwEXT SWITII, of the Government Botanical Garden, Wash- I ing ton, defends the sparrow very forcibly, lie denies that the sparrow is responsible for the scarcity of oilier birds, and says that the robin, blue, bird ami yellow bird live very i>eaee ably together in the Botanical Garden, there. CANJKI> APPLES. —Take nice ripe apples—those that will nut mash in cooking. I'aro, core and quarter them. Have ready a syrup, putting in sugar in proportion to the tart ness of the fruit, and also about ono lemon to the quart. When all is suit, seal in good cans