Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 26, 1883, Image 1

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    Sljc Centre AH* ticmucrat.
, S. T. SHUGEItT A. K. L. OKVIS. Editor*.
jrjxc tftnttc jprwocrat.
Torm* SI.AO jor Annum in Advance,
Thursday Mornincr, September 20,1883.
of Warren Count v.
of Rradforil County.
I>r. J. 11. SMITH,
of Ferguson Township.
of Itellofonte.
K1.1,1-5 L. OR VIS,
of Bpllefonte.
Tin: recent frosts awl cold neat her
in the northwest resulted in the de
struction of the buckwheat and sorghum
syrup crops, both of which are a seri
ous loss.
President Arthur having eluded
the cowboys, returned to Washington
last week. But finding it lonesome in
the absence of the Federal official-,
made a visit to New York.
Thk inquiry is still made and re
mains unanswered, "How did Niles
vote last fall for governor ?" He prom,
ised early iu the canvass to vote for
Gen. Beaver, but before the close of
the campaign was on the stump with
the Stewart men.
Boss Ckpkr only drills his mul<-
in the senate chamber now twice a
week. By the time the chief boss re
turns from Europe, .Stewart, Lee A
Gj. will have sufficiently mastered all
the (rich necessary to perform in any
circus to which he maya-sign them.
The Republicans of Massachusetts
( are pressing the Hon. Henry E. Pearce
as a candidate for governor of that
state, as the strong man to defeat G-n.
Butler. What is most worthy of note
is, that the selection of Mr. IYarce i<
prominently because of his vote in
congress against the larceny of the
Presidential office in I*7U.
Tiik Hon. Ion Abhett, of Jersey j
City, has received the nomination of
the Democracy of New Jersey, for
governor. He i- said t> b an able
lawyer, has much experience in state
affairs, having Icon president of the
senate and s|>eaker of the house, and
unrivalled as an organizer. New Jersey '
will count-certain on the Democratic I
The story circulated that Wendell
Phillips and his party had gone back
Y on Ben Butler, and proposed to swell
the Tewksbury party against him, is
1 contradicted by Mr. Philips. Whether
Butler is to be re-elected governor or
not, he has given the fossils of that
stale a good and needed shaking up
for which to remember him for many
years to come.
The Democrats of South Carolina
and other southern states, have made
very liberal provisions for the educa
tion of the colored youth, and are now
-*lo possession of ample funds for that
purpose. The era of stealing of the
school fund of these states passed away
i with the carpetbag Republican gov
' eminent, and the colored youth are
I now profiting by the restoration of
honest Democratic rule.
Gov. pATTieoK has commuted the
I two years sentence of David M-mat.
l of Philadelphia, for election frauds, to
I twenty-two months <>n the ground of
I good behavior. Thii will release
► biui from the penitentiary on the 2lst
pof October next. His experience in
party work for the machine, has been
disastrous, hut will be an effective
*■ (gaming to him, as it should he to
pthcrs who havo been nioro fortunate
jn escaping the penalty due to crimes
upon the ballot in that city, where
honest elections fur many years has
tonly been the exception aud not the
Tho Stuto Collcgo.
Wo think it high time to protest
most >olemnly ng:iin-l the habit, some ,
of our contemporaries are indulging
in ; that of throwing mud at the State
College ; and wo do it for two reasons,
first, because none of the charges
against the institution are based upon
the truth, and are consequently most
unfair, and secondly for the honor and
dignity of the pn -a it-elf. I nfortu
uutcly the press too ofun deserves the
censure of calumny and at'pawl' rmy
to a guppw'ctl ntiment. <)f course no
one expects truth or impartiality
from a rooster organ like M'('lure's
Tim-1. He is a freebooter without
principle, he knows no allegiance and '
sounded an attack upon the College as
he would print any other piece of,
scandal. But to have such re-p'-cta
hie papers us the Huntingd n (Hal"
and the Danville Intelligencer fid
low in his footsteps, i- more distressing.
Let them hut learn the tacts and at
once apologize.
The State College has an vv man
agement, give that management at
least a fair trial before discouraging
it. It will open this collegiate year
with about 7<> new students, an in
crease of over one hundred \>> r nut,
the greatest increase in it- history and
the largest attendance since ltvid —and
this in the face of an upparalled
abuse. Its curriculum affords, even now
the hc..*t opportunities tor a lit:ral edu
cation, in the state, and thi- we -ay
without hesitation and in all candor.
It i- the only place where the me
chanic arts are taught ->r sericulture
is dignified as a study, in the < mini n
wealth. In the sciences it has no ri
val in the United States rxcept the
purely technical schools.
It n V succeed and he an ornament
and pride to Pennsylvania, h-eau-e,
Dr. Athert u, has thee >ntidenee of
every one that knows him, and i<
eminently qualifie d fur the place : be
cau.-e lu- has a competent an I carefully
select! i corps of instructors ; he. aue
each year the number in attendance
is more than doubling ; because the
Legislature has faith iu Athcrton and
the college, and finally lecau*e the
; people believe in it and mill back it.
Of course one will always fight the
College, ns.-ome tight religion, -elt'g .v
-ernment, Ve.. but tin y are crank, and
' it will not he long before fie who dares
; malign and opjs -e this institution, will
by nil fair minded persons, be eata
' logued a crank.
To PREVENT legislation on app >r
tionment, the revolutioni-: of the
senate arc fruitful of expedients. The
lost novelty of this kind was the ile- :
termination in caucus that twenty-one
of them shall he present < verv Tus
day and immediately adjourn to Fri
day, and so continue to ndj uim semi
weekly. No speeches are to he per
: in it ted on either side, and no prop -i
-: tion or resolution of any kind i- to he
| entertained, while nine senators are
to be allowed to g > home alternately.
This is undoubtedly a beautiful pro
gramme for representatives under oath
to perform certain duties, and is pro- •
; bably about as fair a specimen of
revolutionary chicane as the represen
tatives of the g. o. p. in Pennsylvania
are now capable, iu order to withhold
from the people the sacred rights of
fair apportionment and just represen
tation. It only adds another link in
the chain of evidence that the bastard
Republican party have no respect for
real Republican government. All this
in obedience to the command of Bum
Cameron that "gerrymander" must he
maintained at all hazards.
THE senate revolutionists are still
acting the obstruction role required of
them by Boss Cameron, but now on
limited time, having reduced the sit
tings of the conclave hours a
week. They continue to regard the
order of the Boss more binding uftou
them than tbeir oaths or the constitu
tion, which requires them to legislate
with the bouse in the passage of fair
and proper apportionment bills.
A Reform Issue
"< hie of tli* reform measures prom
i-td hy ill" Democrats 1 :-t year, ays
tie' Hurri-burg J'ulrlol, ami a Very
im[><>rta 111 olio much needed, ''was the
purification of trca.-ury iiiuiiug' m< at
ami thi- Ma- incoinpli-hcd -o lar nil
lav in ill" pow.-r iif llio 1. gi-laturc and
tli" -tate administration. The pa-sage
of tin; ilium - act which directs tl"
inv -tun-lit ol tin- surplus in tin Sink
iii ir Fund in .-tat" or Fi.it'd St at <-
bonds, will i rn "t tli" i via which
liavc att<;t)<l"<l tli" udmini-tration ol
tli" treasury under tli" s\ -t-ui which
iia- hitherto prevailed, wlum. vir tiiat
act i- honestly < at rc-<I.
"lint tli" provision* of tin- Hum
act arc evaded by tin- inaj rity
..f tli" jr -cut board of Sink
ill); Fund > 1111 iii--i. 11 •r -. '1 i,. pre -
iat republican -tat" tr> a-urcr ami
auditor general who c- n.-tituU lie
innjoritv of that b .aid bav" a I -|>t< 1
a policy whi< b will "liable tin- bank
t > hold tut.i h tic gr nt r p rt i ii 'I
the-late nioiii v-th po-i;. d with them
for a y<ar or longer. In tl. event
that M'—rs. Nib - and I.iv • y tl."
r- publican eamii• iat• - : r audit r g> n
t ral shall be 11.'•!•• !, it i-• \p d t >
tind - .mi device by which the banks
may retain tie -late in un v- until the
meeting ol'the in\t legislature when
the Hume- a ti-t> be n p-ub ! r
aim nd"d a- to destr v it- vltulity.
" Tile qtie-ti ui whether the p liey of
invc-'i:;_' th" IT pin- in tic Sinking
Fund in -tat- or Foil I S'at< - M <uri
tie- .-hall In- faithfully ear re 1 • at. or
whether tl." pre- nt corrupt and \i i
oiis system ot' Fining tl. v -urplu- to
, favorite hank- with ..t it.' r <t -hall
lie continued, thereto' b on - an
importii: t i--ue in tin pi> •• at ■ inva- •
th" republi' ui audit-r g<-:i'ral and
-tale treu UP r refu • d to enf R e T lie
Hume-net; Mr. Nile-, the republican
candidate f r auditor general, would
not support that act when it wa- be-1
fore th" legi-latur* Mr. Fhri*. Mag< .
who invented Mr. I.iv-ey, canie lo re
fr .in Pittsburgh ami organi/ 1 a lobhv
f-T tic purp -" of defeating it; and
the republican banker-who are <\-
peeled to furiii-li the sinews of war f r
tic pr< -ent i anva-- are naturally in
favor "f it- repeal. If the pi pie de
sire that the tate -ball have tic !.•:
lit of the interest on the milii't - ot
-tate moneys that are now loaned to
the bank- without inter'-t they will
elect Hubert Taggnrt auditor gem nil
and .1 ■ eph \\ . I' well stat" trcn-tircr
and thus make tho board of Sinking
I uml ( immi--ioiit r- a unit in fav< r
of the hone-t < xceution of the Huno -
By tlm electiou of Taggart and
Powell th surplus fund,- will be in
ve-tcd I r the benefit f the taxpayers
of the state, and not a- now distributed
t >r th- ' xclu-ive benefit ot Chris. Ma
gee ami other hankers. The Hepnb
dean Sinking Fund < • nimi-siow rs
must go.
Ho—.— Coon u, chairman of the lie
publican -tate committee, put his foot
in it badly in n speech at Bedford,
when he asserted that the Humes' bill
for the investment of surplus state
funds for the benefit of the people of
the s'ut", wa- a Republican party i
measure,. an I that .Mr. Powell, the
Democratic candidate for state treas
urer, is an Knglishman. He knew
tiu.t be wns lying, as did every intelli
gent person that heard him, and who
could not but know that Cooper him
self ami the entire Republican crowd
in the legislature, with the exception
: of three or four Independents who at
that time had not given entire sub
mission to the boss, op|Kised the pass
age of the Humes hill. He got mixed
and was equally unfortunate iu bea
ting his Knglishman. Livsey
candidate hailing from Kugiand and
the British army, not Mr. Powell the
Democratic candidate,
THE Council has heeded the warn
ing sounded in our columns last week.
Tbey have resolved to til the gas stock.
Competitor Railroads.
In modern time- a town without u
railroad amount- to nothing. Kven
water transportation i no sufficient
substitute for railroad transportation. !
No mining or miinulactuiiug bu-im -
can be carried on extensively or pro
fitably without th" faeiliti's for tran--
porting the products to imu>.< t, which
alone is furnished by a railr >ad. If,
therefore, a town i to beeomca manu
facturing place of importance, it inu-t
have at lea-tom railroad. < >iie rail
; road, however, may do but little for a
place. While in theory rai!r< ad- are
/ndjlir It itjhu :>;< belonging to the com
monwealth, built und' r her right f
rin in cut domain for the benefit of lor
citi/' ii.-, yet in pruetic railroads arc
managed by < orporatiori- i >r tie- - dc
benefit of the -toekh'ddt i"-, or what i
infinitcly wor.-e, ; r tin* b m lit ot' a
small ring among tl< manag* rs. Tin
right- of the public ar" frequently
ignored. Jii fact n -i n.iii .. i uiai.a"
gers have conn- to believe that the
public have no rights in respect to
railroad- at all. Rat* -of :r< ights ami
passenger far - an -■> arranged as t
giv to the railr .ads < very d liar it i- j
possible ti txtrait from the j iplc.
When thi.- i liti' n : thii ;- < .set, a
town with on> railr ad i- m arly a
bad off as it would b< if it had none
; Ik-lb foiite has L 'll ! >r twenty y ar
in thi- -ituatioii. Munufnct ri- - < üßi
not pro-p. r In re, because the rati - of I
freight wire kept m high that tlx
manufacturers i • >uld not < .nip- ;■ with
others in the same business, win -.
plant- were located where tinvw>n
not liahl • to tln-v ixtut : a'. ra: -
lor Iran-porting tin ir pr ilticts.
Perhaps mi county in Pennsylvania
has greater natural r< - <un • - than
< eiitre. fhe immen-e .!< ■ -it- < f < al,
iron ore, fir< elny and lnm -! ne, ren
ders thi-om of the w<a!thi(-t t untie
ofthec mm nw- nlth. But this great
i w. altii is, in a great im a-un , urnle
velopcl, ami will remain until v <
ran get lower rap - ~f fieight fur the
products of our mim -. furmi' > - ami
iron mill-. Ihe only practical wav of
obtaining the .li-ir-d relief in this
particular, is to obtain on or nmre
additional lines of railroad- in our
i uutv. which railroad -i. mid nut
.connected with or in any manner un
der tin- control of the Pennsylvania
railroad company. The building of
the Nittany Valley railr ad from Belle
! nte t - Mill Ifall , and the connect!' n
"I the Belb fonte ami Buffalo Run
railr ad with it, would furnish one
-m il eMpiting in'. . Tin r ads
won].l conned at Mill Hall with the
Beich ("retk, ( liarfndd and c- .inh
Western, and that in time with the
Vandcrhilt and Heading y-tem, giv-'
ing Bellefonte an outlet to Philadel
phia and New ork independent of
the Pennsylvania railroad. If this
should take place, n i doubt ail <ur
industries, the furnaces, forges, rolling
mills, nail works, gin-- work-, i-.tr
works and flouring mills, would all
become highly prosperous, ami capital
from abroad would locate other manu
factories lore, which would give a
! future to B< llefonte such n- only a
few ever dream of yet.
Tin: Governor has vetoed the con
current instruction resolution to limit
the appropriation for the pay of sena
tors an-l members up to September
10th. The message is quite lengthy,!
ami states with the Governor's usual
force the legal and constitutional rca- .
sons why he cannot approve the re.-o- 1
111 lion. We have no space nt present '
for even a brief synopsis, and merely
append the closing paragraph:
"Finally, I wish to say upon the
question of the compensation of the
members raised hy the resolution here
with returner!, I decline to commit
myself to any opinion whatever. I
have not expressed and shall not indi
cate my judgment upon that subject
until in due course of law the appro
priation hill for the session shall be .
presented to me. I will then have no
hesitation in disposing of the matter 1
as, in my opinion, law and justice re- <
quire." „ ,
Keep it Bcforo tho People,
Hi'; i'(nn.-ylvnniu senate haa been
lulling year liy y< ar to a lower grade.
Ii hit.-* !•<v. perhap r> a' lied an infamy
I'd '!• gradation that no other !egi-la- ■
live '• dv in Am-iira ha ever attain- j
e>l h' lore. I nd'r the lead or ho---
-hip of a political desperado, the
eharlatan majority of that body ha- 1
r-pti'liat'-d the binding obligation- of .
the eon-t itntion, and vi Jut' d the oath
v.hi'h tle-y called ti'id towitni--, to
kujijxn t and del< nd that constitution.
I !i' rd> rto retain the party ndvantag' -
ohtuined bv -liamele-. and infarnou- leg
i-lati'ii) t'u y ar- ag i, by whi' li a iarg
I rtion, it not a maj <rity, of the people ,
are di-fraiK hi • d and deprive i of tie ir
: t and < .n-titut iotial right- of reprc- I
nta*, el, they have defiantly refused j
to •••-.,peiate with tin house in lcgi-la- '
tion to apportion the Hate into repre
sentative di-triet-. a- they were obli
gated to do a- repri -<ntatives of th<-
p' pie. In all thi - the maj >rity ar
acting out tie > omniand ol 11- < aile
ron. "K< ■j> it before the people."
Tur. outb kin I wh. Tie ll' pub
li' all-, ay tie I . 1 - epe 7/ A/, bav
not been a > fright. Ned over the proa*!
p t in 1 <wa for twenty years a- they
are to-day. lie y are railing franti
cally uj :i tie lb publican- of "tier
-tat- - t > > ti.* "Vi r and h< ip tiem.
Think fit it i- n< < -ary to help
-ave Iowa! They have written urgent
a;>p<al- to prominent Republican- ail
"V< r tie- country f-r help, for money
and -[>• ak' r-. S--rne ,f the talker
hav agrt 1 to lend tie m a hand,
an. ng *.!. in lianl-y and L gan. Tl.i
-- rtally th- n. <ne mraging sign we
have }'t —'' II "fa Ih-niocratic and
Iml ]>• nd nt vict ry in I >wa thi- fall.
The cb < 'rjsirati n ring nrc trcmb
ling in their l> ft-.
I'm: r red Republican state eon
vent: ti -! Maryland w;i- le! 1 •
v.i ■ k. all the counties but thre- f. nig
ri ;-r— -tit. 1. They appointed a full
• l-bgat n "f their alde-t men t-the
I/-ui-vill- National convention, and j
ad pt- 1 a platform a—er'.ing th' ir 1
right- in the Republican party, ai i
pr •t—ti: gagainst their cxclusion from i
what they regard a just partiripnti n
in olfe .al fav r- by the party to which
tli y have h en attached, and where
•n . --- las bun achieved only I>v
th- ir adherence 1 nlc— the Repub
lirnns conclude to give more respect
t" the right* "1 it- colored adherents
in the future than th y have in the
pa-', there i- "hi 1 on the moon.'*
l hcir growing intelligence will rai-e
them above the h ndago an-1 slavery
of party in which they are held by
the Republicans.
Tho State Administration.
Fur tho lir-t time since its adoption
the n w constitution has been made a
reality and it- mandates respected by
I/Cgi-lalure and Kxecutive power.
Hy that chart the Democratic ship
has been steered. By that instru
ment legislation has Im-n tested, and
th p- < pic have been made to feel the
ben. I. .al influence of a vigorous, hon
est and intelligent ixerrise of the veto
power. Of (lie legislation that was
enacted much has been subjected to
the Governor's veto. Not n single
hill was passed over it- veto, and the
common occurrence of all just mm is
, that this high power was never before
so sagaciously exercised as by the
present Democratic Governor. The
j redemption of the I'ardoo Board from
the disgrace and distrust into w l i h it
had fallen ; the economy in the de
partmcts enforced hy the Democratic
officials —Secretary of State Slenger,
having effected a line of public advef
tising for $1,53ft.00 which cost tjuay
810,793.1~ —tho rigid scrutiny of pub
lic appropriations, and othei features
of the Democratic record of Harris
lmrg since 1883, make a comparison
with twenty years of Republican mis
rule, from which the l>emocracy have
nothing to fear in the pending cam
TKKMS: JUT Ainiiirii,iti Advance.
"Turn tho Rascals Out.
i/' t th< people note tli- difTi n ncc !
That excellent journal, tin- Harri-burg
I'alriol, bus I ii comparing figures
.villi vi rv satisfactory rt lit on the
iili' of lii in-t g .v<mment. In I' ll
tlii: lie jiublican party lia<l a large ma
jority in liotli branch'-- of tin legisla
ture. They liail a Republican (>ov
c-rnor ami a full organization of the
executive departments of tin; state.
Ilii- iii in-yilrav.n fr m tin treasury
to in' i t tin- cxjm'Um - of tin legislature
■iii 1 th ix i-utivi department wa
In I*-; tin- Democrat.-, with a
. Ili in /r.ratic (iuvirnor ami a IJi mo
i-ratic lioue> of r< pri -entativ -, the • x
pen.iiincluding an extra i*-sion of
i tin- legi-laluri, have lain !<-- than
.- - 1 HI, 00' showing a i ■ in pa rati ve .-av
.tig t> the tax payers of the state of
tf 1 -I's'iTl.t'l. '1 hi- raving would have
inen .-1 greater only for the
>b.-tructive ami revolutionary policy
• t-i- pti 1 ami pur-ucd lv tin R'-publi
iii ma rity of the senate, pr> trading
tin- regular m-- n ami creating the
iiecc-ity ; ,r calling an extra
Hu m- startling fact- susceptible of the
fullest demonstration to every citizen
by actual figure- from the public re
c nl-, -lioulil command the serious at*
tenti"ti of every hootßt ju r-on in the
c imtnonwi ailh, whatever hi- political
affiliations may IK*. Tin- people of
| Pennsylvania have b.-en too long
iiluiiifi red and robbed bv the bora
machine ml which ha- dominated
the -tate for many years and -till pre
va., - in - in branch ot the legislature.
It i- high time that the people would
1 1: dispa—iouatelv at these- thing-,
with an hone.-t pin-pom to drive the
incompetents and robbers from the
public plan* they dbg race. The same
n< k less extravagance and waste which
haractcrized the expenditures of
I**l, wire enacted by the same
. -;>'■-rate ring- in the name of the Re
! publican party in previous legislatures
•in 1 < x-vutivc government- of the
j - tate.
ihi Den. -cratie ( unity ( invention
that met nt Clearfield on Tuesday last,
pla> i 1 David 1,. K iu:u-, I fop in nom
ination fur President Judge. Mr. K.
i- a lawycrof marked ability, with a
, prof' -siona 1 record above reproach,
aud a character without stain. The
! Democracy of Clearfield have done
well in their choice, and if rctified at
the election, a- it certainly will be, the
people of the new di-trict w ill secure a
judge of eminent fitness and worth.
LegiPlntive Exponscß.
The liarrisburg l'atriot makes the
following comparison :
The entire i xpenseof the three
islatures next preceding this otie was
as follows :
| Uti.Ui.it". l-T • |k2l jtj ••
"*. m .): it
1-1 iM.nIT i.l
'I his shows an aveiagc cost of $*77,-
166.9. for the three legislatures next
preceding the presi nt one. Those
legislatures were each and every of
them Republican in both branches.
None of them met in special tc-sb-ii.
The cost of each of them given above
is ibr the regular s. -ion only, no oth
er having been brld cither in I*7B, or
in 1879, or in l*-d. Thus it will IK?
seen thnt the expense of both the regu
lar and f/ircial session* of the present
Legislature is 8200, 071. 61 less than
that of the regular *c*.<ian for 1881 a!ov<
and $121,469.00 less than the average
cot of the three Isegislutures of 1878,
'79, and 81.
On the floor of the house, April 3,
Nile#, Republican candidate for Audi
tor (lencral said: "if the vote was
corn we would then be entitled to jn*l
at many member* at you ; "we are en
titled to have under the Oarfield vole
—sixteen Republicans and twelve.
I>emoerats." The Democrats ofTeml
Niles' party seventeen. How can he
defend their rejection of this offer!
.STUFM iMiiK for tl e Ckntrk Di.mo
NO. :?.