®ht jOenwcwit., Thursday Morning. September 13, 1333. CoaaasinanrNi'S, containingImportant sollill ad from any |,art of t1... .nitty. N., rommunlcsltcus I Inanrtad unlsss accompanied by tin. raal name of Ilia writer. Local Department. , —l* Nowt sarcastic? t —Tho work on tho now bridgo goes on. <■ —Send in your local* before Wcdnosday ' afternoon. ( —A new roof on tho Court House. ( What next ' I Pierce Mussor nnd Toby, aro iho crack | hunters of Millholni. —Our little Recorder is going to throw 1 himself all over Phillpsburg to-dny. The Watehman local was around con- t gratulating tho Kurekas on—tho rain. —Don't forgot tho "Chick.-n and Wuf- I lie' at the Reformed festival to-night. ' Tho Paragon llaso Ball club regi.-tei ed at the BrockerholV ilousoon Friday and i Saturday. Wlien it rained the tlr-t drop last I Saturday, tho boys alt d.outc.l Eureka ! { So Joe sftid. —District Attorney II ifrle i ra< ticsd b. - fur* the U. 8. District court at Williams- I port this week. "Al" Oarman caine It >mo without be- I ing blown up on a steamboat or smashed t in a railroad disaster. —Tho little end of a cold "bliz/ard struck us on Saturday, no harm done a? i we "weathered tho storm." I). M. Butts is having a new house i built on Armor street, for Mrs. Armor, t This is the tlrst house on Armor street. , Soap is a first rate thing to wa.-li with c but as an articlo of diet, we don't see how „ even an Annapolis caiet could fatten on , it. —Col. Hastings says .lack Spangler "cross-sectioned bis | antaloons while hunting. Material poor for hunting pants, we suspect. —Mrs. Brockerhotf ha. improved the appearance of her Bishop street property very much by laying a new flag stone pavement. Reber says no more reporting before Presbytery in his. They u-e so many deuced names a fellow s not accustomed to, , you know. —Bollefonte has the finest buildings and the most infernal pavement* of any town , of its size on the continent. We'll bet our ducats on it. I —The newly erected Kvangelical church a*. Miiesburg will be dedicated to 11." wor ship of God on Sabbath next. All are in vited to attend. —Tho fellow with "tho little wheel-in front bicycle'' created a sensation in town last Thursday—you know we never saw the "critter before. —Our opinion i that the F.urekas could lieat that Lock Ilavcn club every time. You just ought to bave beard our bo) p talk about it at supper time. —As grim winter approaches, we strut over Fearon Mann's pavement. With joy profound wo speak of this. Won't some othor citizens bo a little more eoin'v. Glad to hear that Col. Bush has sold some of his Carolina land ; g.ad for our own sakes. Ho has just this much faith in B. that he will invest every cent in town Mrs. Kvan Valentine returned to her home in Clermantown, after spending a week, delightful to h'-r friends, in Belle fonte. Our churches and our society feel the loss of such a woman. Daniel Bible, F.q., of Philadelphia visited his grandson, Frank E. Bible, last week. Mr. Bible is eighty years, old and is a hale, hearty old gentleman. May he live many years longer. We hail with joy tho near approach of 18R1. Leap Y*ear, just think of it, some chance to get rid of the old Bachelors like Aaron Williams, John ('. Miller, J. L. Bpangler, S. D. Gray and others. —Edward Chambers, Henry Bergh is looking for you. You may call it scientific amusement, but it is rough on the cater pillar. We tried the same experiment on a little Ethiopian* neck. My! how that nig did howl. —That sarcastic cuss, the Dnih/ AW* man, make* us very tired, Tuten ought to be ashamed of himself parading this memento of "the life of bliss beyond tho grave" before us citizens. Newty is too goody-goody for these lower region*. —This week saw the smiling face of James Pope, Esq., of Snow Shoe in town. Jim la a live man and is developing, he says, one of the finest coal properties in the stale. By the way, he has become a Democrat. Hurrah ! for Jim. —A. O. Furst Esq., has been conducting a suit before one of the ecclesiastical courts of the Presbyterian church—the Presby tery of Huntingdon. When that court sits down on bim he will think "there'* a Divinity that shapeshis ends rough," etc. —The infant son of Prof. John Hamil ton died Sept. fl. The afflicted parents seem to have been particularly unfortunate | their eldest having died only a few years ago. They have our deepest sympathy in this hour of trouble. Only one child is left to them, a little girl. —Maj. Wis. P. Duncan upent two or three days in town to see friends, etc. Thought you did a pretty smart thing when you left us for our lively little neigh bor, Philip*burg, f Made a mistake, old fellow. We are going to be the best town in the State in the next five years. Come back and grow up with us. _ Dkatu or Mil. John Shipper,—Died of consumption at his residence in Pine Grove Mills, on .Saturday Sept. Hth, in tho sixty-ninth year of his age. Mr. Shlller had been in delicate health for some years, hut still able to do light work at his trade- For tho last two years he was unable to do anything, and was confined to his boil fur the Inst eight months of his life awaiting patiently anil calmly his end, expressing tho fullest confidence in God's grace and covenant prorniso to his people. It was evident that ho could not recover but every" tiling that kind bands could d<> was done for bis comfort. Inexorable death which comes to all in due time, silently stole upon bim nnd culled his spirit home from among his family nnd friends. Iti his demise the wife has lost a devoted husband, the children a loving and indul gent father, the relatives a true friend and tho community one of its best citizens The loss sustained in his departure is keen ly felt. Ho was a man of simple habits and of truth and honesty from principle a firm advocate of right and justice between man and man. Th" deceased was b"rn near Sunburv, of this state, on the 2d of Fell., IKI .I, of Irish descent, though ho could speak German. His father, John Shitfer, emigrated to this c untry in im early day, ari l - rved in the war • f 1812. He spent his Inst days with L 1 a son and is buried in the Pino Grove cemetery, where his j-ra%e is pr qerly c mmemorated by the G. A. R. every Decoration day. Mr. Shitfer was one of our oldest i iti - zens, having lived on the sani" place for ! 15 year*. 11.-was married to I'. lly Win gard November, I*ll. Tho fruit of tl.i- i union was 7 children, three sons and f .r ' dauglit' rs, ail survive l.irn e\ -q.t r cemetery, on Monday at lOo'clock a m , amid a circle of friends and re .lives' *>rvires worn b< !1 in the M. 1 Church, conducted by hs present j *•'.■ r. Rev. Agive, a-'i'to Iby 1"V K -• r ar 1 K"f in | living the lad tribute of r.'.jt t lb" ' departed. Peace to hi- remains. W • • Rev. J. W. Wiiitb T r u n r lli r.r sr.—The l'resbvtery • f 1! .nting ' •. met at Lewistown Thursday Fej;. ruber • . 1-- to r-.n-ider the charge. ..) for. -y j referred again-', the Rev J W. \\ !. •, f fl 1- , r >y. The fart that many of ir citi/.-n* 1 are personally acquainted with the rev- | erned gentleman, that he is a brother in- i law of Gen Jas. A. Beaver of this pis e, that A. • > F .*-t, Esq.. was la. }. . counsel for defence, and that his character f..r honor and uprightne - of life i sj t less and above suspicion, makes th trial one of interest l" us *ll. Tl • charges preferred are as follows, t" wit I I v P.i vim TO Tim AT ivrvrvT ,s / • -a- -.us n In that he hold ar.d teaches that the sufferings • f Ch- st w. re in no sense a -ati l action for v ste.l law. That l(ie sufferings c f Chr -t w re in no sense a satisfacti i to D vue ni ~ there being no justice to sati' rrkition. Spfr>tical\"n <> In that he teaches and holds that the material body cannot be raise,) again. (>' That at death the soul takes with it a spiritual hodv. V. ThatMbvian he Savkis Tiißotii.it MoRAI ITT. Sprri tirnfion* —That men ran be saves) bv obedience to tho moral law—tho ten commandments. The prosecuting committee were Revs. Robert Hamill, D. I) , I. J. C'oalo and Elder Dorris, Esq., of Huntingdon. The Presbytery could not overlook his views of tho atonement, and the polling showing tho sense of tho assembly to be against him, Mr. White resigned from Presby tery. It is said that Mr. White's congre gation has heretofore endorsed his views, but whether they will stand by bim at this juncture is not known. Tkntii Annual Pi'-ni\—'The Pat rons of Husbandry of Centre county will hold their Tenth Annual Picnic on Nil- Mountain, near Centre Hall, on Thursday, Sept. 20, 188.1. Hon. Mortimer White head, Lecturer of the Nation Orange. Col. R. H. Thomas, Hec'y. of Penn'a State Orange. Kx-Gov. Curtin, and other will he present to address tha audience. Cor net Band* will be present to furnish music Several manufacturing companies bave requested permission to exhibit, and the same privileges are extended to others. The public generally are invited to alllcnd nnd parcipitate in the enjoyment of the day. All application for restaurant privileges must be made to Jno. D. Hourbeck, of Bellefonte. By order of County Grange, Geo. W. Campbell, Linden Hall I'. O, Chairman. Farewell aervicea next Sabbath at the Y. M. C. A. Hall, on the departure of Rev. K. Edward* for Florida. The member* and friend* are cordially invited to be present at 2:50 p. m., the pastor wishes to sen them all. Bcllefonto in llm rnutriil town of (Vn tro county, tlio contro "f thu n -*t Bin to nf Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania i* the Key- j, stone of lh arch of states und lock* thorn together indissoluby. The United State* in tho centre of the Wntnrn llernlphnro, anil the Western Hemisphere is the cen- (| of the World, Now its jut u* dear as mini that itollnfontn is thn centre ol the World. Don't you see our Importance w neighbors ' What a great future there f| is before us. It look us some time to fig- p ore this out, but, being a great mnthoma tition wo ciphered it down. Thero is no H use in Kxehnngna disputing this—Helic fonto is the centre of the World. —The Buffalo Kin railroad bed is now completed —the men are working on two _ branches which will be finished in a few ; ilavs—what then ' Are these men to he dispersed and the carls and horse- sold ' The grading of the Beech Creek read lied is also likewise about ended. Thero are c Isi mi men that in a week's time must go el ewhere in search of work. I f the right of way is given through Nittanv valley the e Isihi men, these expensive equipment- will be put upon that road at once. II w stu pid ' liow suicidal ! To !o'. the o p< r unity j pa our indclrh arc purali/' 1 and w ouraelve. uro at the mercy of a heartless monopoly. We have the power to break thu chains. I'nwc havo < mpetition, we mu-t remidn an undeveh j ed, thinly I p'llati I and hack wood, < • untv. 1 1 r. t the farmers of N'.ttar.v t.e< I -omo f<-nil ! i/.'-r Can they get them now ('ill/.ens ' ! think of the o thing". • The street- ar* ta'.kir g • f the l,cm vt i ! branch once again. Tim rumor doesn't i ! seem t I set 1 the I int ' < ot.vulslons I |by any m< an-. The - are t mini- t- • j 1 ; "ri- iiral for that. Whenever tlie l'enn ! sylvania -ays it will do ar.ythinr; hul l a i branch r-u-l or a new d- j -t, for it. tat e | llellefonters -n!v smile at th .• w !.-• •ai d res) estate •!■ n't q'llv- r w -rlli a'" : t 'li it President M*' key wn in I -wn to see ] about it t Saturday and -ay K brti will i build It if the right of way tan he g tt'-n. We hope gef,tl • ~-n V> i ' lay I at I if you are in earnest every cili/cn wi I he',j , li.it vs.- confess that we f. ,r y .r methods I very rad that y- i have t. i : 1 1 | ha- broken up t i many •f ■ ir < i • - t and cost us too much—ll- b irnt bll l h xrs the lire Hut if jo idore t want ■., ! I grade y< ur r- sd bed, put "n thn ir-in. at, ! j give you a ' . f ..Hi" hundred th< ■ sr. is -ay i<>, s.r, 1 we one and ail wiil h'-ip ; thn enterprise Hit 1 jr- mpt, get tl t.c i I|itup < r -hut >ij Wi cann". f I'■ r ever. —The Harvest 11 mn servi * at the (jcrinan lb-form church on Hun-lay were, las expect- I. w- rli attend'.! .; The ' ill i ritual of th" chur< li was rosl.who the alter was decorat- i in the n, t artist manner with !'. w-rs, grain a-d fruit The | - 'scpes, grapes and pears made one's m- 'ith water. The ..-rn ri on tl- - text. : r u in j lea-ant pin ,was t rt but ; inlrd, and Mi II- 11-r's e untory in the way • f technical ex. :u'si n was r i. y very line, I t we •liak" our heads, with 1 rsinus, at that , orym. Tl.n reporter -es n< t wish t • make the />" - - it tho organ <-f d' n- m inatien, v-1 he ng with the Nitlany Vailey 11. K. that will send " " Hut. Colonel, (suppose the farmers are so short-sighted as to refuse rights of way . what then'''' I "That can't keep- tho Vanderbiit ejs • torn out They can have tho right of way , up the Hald Kagle for nothing, with less - mileage and less expense, a sloo,l*lo les. Hut only a few are kicking in On s tro county. If Clinton doe# as well thn 1 road is certain. The orea and farms of - Nittany mut be developed, that i* all. s With this road and the Buffalo Kun and the Lcmont branch, I shall see Ilellefonte with 30,000 yet, and Centre county s with a hundred thousand. Young man, I invest here. If you can't do any- holler . mortgage yourself, and invest right here, s it will pay you. Good bye. f —We guess the New Orleans Minstrels put their best foot forward In the street parade. The baritone horn was really an artist. Hut with thn exception of his > music and the contortionist, and perhaps . the colored dude, the performance waa not i especially brilliant. Tho now hall was ) about two-thirds full. You didn't have ) the I)rmocrat advertise you ; iserhape you I will know better next time. Out, Door SportN C The game between the Kurekas and the j Paragons was stopped by the rain. I ( The hftsn ball game between the .Mill Hall hoy* and fho Milesburgers at the latter place, wbb postponed on account of Lli" weather. The Hamil Bros, lost In lli" Tennis match at Aitoona. Thayer arid Wadlo p won three out of four sots Tho Aitoona d men slaughtered the Lancaster men -1 to 0 t tlio day before. < >ur hoy* havo not had n sufficient practice yet nor played together h at all, but all tho game- they lost were so f< close, and tho set that they won stood li to games, so that wc can give thern every } encouragement to practice, H There is to bo another match gatno he- t lwi-i-n the Kurekas and tho j i ked nine - next Saturday. , , Sunn of our Termi players intend , matehing themselves against Lock Haven We have ttiu material t-- wipe tho lumber city - ut. Ho try it, I- y . Thr trnii is (numainriit. Tu----lav's ' weather l-ing unusually fine, tin- air quiet ' ar- I the uri bright, a con 1-ruble crowd 1 of ladle- gathered > n the upper terrace to watch th" tennis match n •'- n in the lawn -f Mr-. I'cubcn Valentine They were the guests of Miss Anna N'alentin". the - rigir a' -r of the T'-urnarnent ar, I tl - giver -f the pr;/.<•• wt-i-h were two tennis chj ■ and were r- p-< tivlv the - r '. are) j "cond | r /.- - The eight ' -n!- • tatit- w- r-- \I- r John I.v-.n, > Hami!l, .1. Da.e, : K!!i "rvi , .lam- llamill, K Y -! Inv i ier-, H. ' 'ri - • ar, 1 H'-r I in- rvill--. four mat h---. 1 i.e contest - ■ n r arr w < i it -If l< wn t- M-- -r- I Irt - - ri, .1 Ir \ ~ - ■ an-1 th- Ilamllls, when - mo really ' •--• playing vh executed, eliciting much a; • p' . .- fr iii the -x- it' ! p-ctators, and when the struggle wn- r-di<- it H Han,ill ar I ilrh; i. the excitement f->r a brief -1 ell wa int'-nse, nor w*> it Ir at-ri till Mr *•. Harr.i.i was do-lured tho chanif; >n -f the. only a- i r- - v-i the first pr - li I a I I•en " quit ; ■ I with the jr- ;< r r - gaiia -eh a- t-nr. • h< -, th- Struggle w i" some <-f the Contestants lab -r. 1 n- :-r much ir.i - r.veni< ijce <-n that account It w i- a "1< . ghtf . 1 a-fa.r, t. * v< r, t v.-l t-> li --f lb ■ • rite ar i a gra> -f .! i i a on the part of M \ n'.> nt.r.- Mtf.s - ri. lit"- The > .nday > ! and bvn-1 ur.i n | icnlc rarne off a> a iv r ti -1 la t Tridav ar ! ..le a• : - t ■ t ■ rig fine ar. 1 j '..-a ~r t, at. : 1" ■f -• ! 11.'.r •• t," eat There were three .r-j r- -anted, \ / Tin- M K Baptist a* j l'r.-.f.yt" rian, ar. Itw l ands, the II nrd and tl irg The j • wa f-'ll- wi I in the evening by a hand festival which, on a- ■ mint ■ f the rain which fell ah >ut 1(1 o'clock, was held over until H .tor-lay night, alth .gh this wa re t the ,ijc* at :-rl Thr r> '.ml was hold f r tl • | .rp -e f paying iff a small 1 al ance i-n th- new -*. - I it-tr ;ments whii h they purchs-i I r t long since The ex p- tati--' ■ ! the b< \ w-re r- at. la: I they n--w ntfi one ol the t'.r,-t . ts , ) tar i instruments in a i thai -untrv There w• re present thr-- lar. i- • ri Hat ,r lay • vening. the H :it-l, Cur-n and Mi!-- burg, ami ther *a- an abundance of v-rv excellent music The only n-w feature of this f-'si-vnl was a wheeling match for a cake, and • id men. y- ung men an 1 l-y -r nsecutive|y< r . „ ), Id of th > banc les un til Mr WaHace finally ran the slak - d wr; and endc-l tl match Kverything | s-i I •ff plea-ant! V, allh- ;gh quite a humt>er ■ f us shivered fr m the cold. iiur estei-mi-l friend and fell or t< ns 1 i man, l"r--f. 11. H K1 so, left t--wn one day la-t wei-k to find a ni-w home cithe* in Calif rnia c r Florida. He will he very much missed. Hev K Kdward", pastor of the I'apt.-t church here ends his labors with this con gregation next Hur.day. It is with deep regret that we see hjni go fr m am-rig us for there is reason to b, lieve he has d ne a g ■-1 w rk here, ar I is a pleasant and agreeable gentleman, a .id deservis an Immerse amount of success wherever be may locate. It took twenty-five men and forty boys to put up the canvas last H aturdsy morn ing for the festival. The Mill Hall base ball nine came up to play the Milesburg nine Saturday on the early train, hut rain in the afternoon in terfere.! an-1 the game was not played out A Cvßti—Rev. K F. I wards, b-ing about to leave for Florida, hereby, desires to acknowledge the generous kindness of the Editor of tho Crvtrk Dkmocrat. Throughout the year he has received a copy of this wide awake paper free of charge. From it he has derived much in teresting and valuable information. Ho has not been In full accord with its politic al views and yet it Is always wise and profitable to hear both sides. Many thanks for tho privilege thus afforded tho retiring pastor'of Mi)<*burg and ilellefonte Haptisl churchea. Milesburg, Hept 10, 'R3 BVOW Stioß, I'ICJCKA., Sept. 10, IWI3. Kut roR t'r.i trk Dkmocrat. — &rnr Sir •' I'lease find shipment of corl sent over B. A H. H Branch of Tyrone Division for woek ending Sept- 8, 1888 : Wr-k rrertMisljr T„l In issi S.HI ITS ays ITT.nTX In IS2 t.oiw l .:,H7 1&2.1U lnrr< - the very handsome Presbyterian .Sunday w hool rio above tho ground. Now thi- i. - rriamcn i ri tal, thi i- doing something for the town. '' When the JHuf Si .rkiii-i'i do anything, tle-v l> w averaging a mile in song-thing b - than 17 ~ minutes. W'-ll that i- a r'-markahle feat g t > pubiirli t'i the publii If th-re i a ( inglo I. v i I'J years >.f ag" in the tow-r, , tha* cat.'t walk a ri.il" iri II minut--, h" ougiit to be lick' I within an inch of his ! r> lif- These liicycles Wouhl stand r.■ • show tf lesid-"s <" n Beaver - crutch'- We don't "i* believe tl."- gentleman w ill thank y-u, | •' S'-wt. But that i- the i r,• • . ,ei.ee of a falling into the ! ar. 1- of a slow coach I „ 1 paper Where hat- y . I.< •n. y ; man Havr.'t you hearl • f the T">: '-y ar I I ; I . P g"s • ' ' .Uy arul un.t" i y fell nto a deej- hole up ; th' .r i ks in wat'-r ar I th- tat 1"-*', , , i ach' 1 a < .roax, vs iuti the bat "f -ur r r with a I. h 1 ' fi • s, therein, :! at' 1 !■ myar.'.ly 1 -t sure "I wt. the stream lie'' rt • return again It j was kit I of mean :n th" "tl rln ye lat ;■!,- ; rg,atc -v y W" hail I ave a r T .ri.'il ■ fr- • Pi ; * -*g gis itig - .r readers a fs.il n- ur.t ft'- ' vre. k- j r '-dir We 1 pe t,r ru :;h bor- may enjoy it thoroughly. Wo can |i assure *ll v t TI ainp • ar I t I'trifortal - a -mrr lat:- ns. Nt- wt. of s ■ . the Stat'- ha- ha'.f the I bit - :... r. r I a f ' i C "I By the way. when we have , r i Yar.'b r! ill << r r.c to n with Pbihpsburg-t ,' us bave a emmon jubilee thi- new tie will help us 1 th Th're can be no rivalry j between the t- wr • b -th have their d-• tinctive 1;: 's of growth. /.-< n and -of do net c-nfi t. We only want one thing I fr tn • ur friends aut $4,700 This slock is the property of the lav payers. We under stand tba t it M proposed by the steam heating p.srt of the enterprise to induce the borougtr council to assign the 180 share* to this new consolidated and accept therefor an equal amount s.( stork of the new concern. We protest against thi* pn -coeding. ThU borough U burdened with an lndebtdneof $lBO,OOO. It* only available <-•'o ern!-nrk speculations of any kind, That doc 't belong t" tin f iic nof Iocs! govcrr,- '•nt. We are not lev vers, hot it mi -- ' be orlh while lor the rnemheis of r---.ini I to k•• legal advice a- to th< r power end i. lorfty to transfer th. gas stock, wh ii is m property of the I • 00)1, end ac";,t icrefor stock In en et • r -. different i r ■ration. More than t' ■ old 1 ■ unci) en-fer this to- ka- no • j-r< ; id, s- I . h transfer ri- . ' u e • • >th< tor -gt 'ould not each councilman vet ,t,g for 1 uch ran .fer make him•• If ,r ,;v ,is y re-por . ihi if for such 10-. 1 f. • roijii' .Irneij ;< ■ ei-t hef. re *• 'in;.. W} v , ,i> V •• intr. hi- 1 I • • •1 • -* ■ ■ ■. th r ughly o, 1 u i end i. . . ii,~ed ' Ta X I* A 1' Kit. —The F- ntlv 1 . h- shipping V-Vf 01 of ore di.iiy to J' • t; re, r- to I nenufei ture<| The m-w ex aval r, lately idd'iJ, ha- douhl-d th" capacity if the '■ rk. K tin .# to • ir ounlj * wealth, u. litipiy it by end ■,t et the HI r, , i 1 .i t. It j h. had .•ar .! t • ' • '!.• I 01. -, .v. J f t ; iy to nek hhh ' un- , r i f dollars 1, •,r liarrer -jhtn •to tin burdensome turiff of tbi !'• nn It It ht.d tart the raw slutl to the it" we western i from snh tr.'" | or • I! it tie rnav [h;fl: 11 'tl h' t e I a;) Mi- "•! Ii "mo irn\ < ■, <• name, f some of t <• m< r< j .tabic pt \ - sii in: -in tl." tw 11 : lb". .-g en I A,. iegh< ny . t - ui m - •• hi, I pa. J large - irris - t n. •-y : rlt ■• ••.• ut ue ra; -.•grew- uof-.- Ft ui. ti.-f. taken to tfc- most re; ilk 1 ;h\ t.l of d rg'ir.s in New V' rk i it t 'b nit tt-r .... d-' .a red she' n' ; . The ff-Ih '- f her tires, t Wit cat*:. ev. • . wn t the fib# ; it. I rcast |. r • ■■ • . bari ;.i ; t ■ •; - 1 - ftse mi, J|. its w„y . VI •.. . . ' ' est '. h '1 edi th :' . fr rn tl I. I • •• / - : givinawerby druggists grht.- . -2 Itr.i EVAV. (s . - j t. |}-'TS f"et 1 bsreistir, not 'juixwb ttle f lb' Hft Bltt- T- I Wh- hfi hie ,;j mhfi of > wh- n Ig t : 1 -day 1 em . active and fe< I as wni h' 1 d. J ht . . ■ -. ■ line. It It to.. ?>-V2t. A Davc,S HOT S I S7 ERf KIT —Tt.' fe nt*' d*r < inW rffll • :r < n f 1-r; tr! :.tr • ! "Wn r Lfnf Hh rll • • greh", value ). the fact that j artii- know -Ing it. great < !T. a< y try t r ir if. Kai h b '.lie if rn f.n a >• eimo'e of a W hintil leal—L. - s , arid a A'k y our druggist fo it Kh h-t -tie is warrant' i. .fi tinton. ll■ • ' way k t '"., I'hiladelj i ia, I Ila!) A Ku' kel, New V. rk, Wh i-e'e Agirt- -1 ly. MARKIAOES IS- Aurasi t .Mi 1. le-it M ■ t M r ■ its c tinea. l>4 of lenx.nl. Pa Provision Mark- t. 0 rte'tid S'lklj t < liaijei Br ■ I tier*. ■ 1 i. rrtes.drle-t |s |ioj>l.sr--ti-4 in ■ niilsm |el Jxtrd. , W . UM .. W „. W .. ... ......... 1. CWs |-' f (.-.111.1! iVintitrr hsins (er | iir-1, . 1 • i Isat (i*f (s-nii ........... 1' - i r-!ii- |-rr bwM„H.... ..... 10 | ta-ted Ur*f (ft iriHTOKS NOTICE.—In lite IJ,\MM "f wtftr of Owfy !r% {., WT4 TaiCtte-tJ ft Hts .f f !'{► .I.fff ! Il tl#ff <#f i I likfl* • tin >f * 'hll - rtlMjr \ Ta-Js .t| lla' • Mill f.' I ' r mil Jssfcra-r ir tit • rml Mrtat* *• rrsleM| 1 lUtllf tJ ] ri ■ fa.Hfjga I|4 |intlltl- H I t*' It ak 'Uilmlli'li 'f lll*' lomU iti bain)* > f Iti' feiimifiiMrkt f* t>( iitritgifM. ntid I thf ftr U nt+airtf tit# **-*? S*n®; •< rnl *f 4' it| 1 •? m(*Q| fWoaw Iffllly tl.rtrt vf l ltf 4 of |tl !t| js-Mntir.' r i at In* 4-rat|tVH i 4 an awditci# a{*f*'inu4 lj tl nrphartc { i nrt ft ' ttr# • tmty t<> dMrfVuiioA •( Hm' (■otit , f th* ac uftant Iti ami aft *>f tltfia* Icl5f r-Til tt)nt th* 1". ill att-?"l • tf* dt|Hra of hi* *4*- i ifitment t I at 1 i,|,ti^Hi and *!'" •!! intßfXtld may aftatol JAMI> S V. ( LAIN. 3tv-.lt. A4itr. 4 UDITOR'S NOTICE.—Ia US' J \ or|.har • tVnift of OftU* tWßty In th* mattn ■ f th* dtatnhothoi of th halaixw in lU* t.at .U t f th# adriai*tfai'ra of th# f#tl >f >'Ua.n,li> of Philipdntv hflt nik Ibr un. r. < f th* In th* hktida of tfc# adtniftaatraLsr* to and among thoa* hk'aily #H(HI#4 ffc#i#ta. *wd to Hoar and |mm* njwn # r *j4lona. if any at* < ( ? g|T# uatk# that li* *UI m##t th# |*arl* Intr#iod fortfc# tmrywmi fi hi* afpotnt rt n Wmnwfch tnt rd. at 11 oVI vk A m, at tU# •*# <4 X J. Mf4"'iiltruch. ' ** tfc# hofoiaafc >f CMHaiMiifi •kin and arh#t all |*artt# tntrraat 4 mail ir#ai# th#ir rial m of h# Trmm n.**nitc ii if# **4 fund C P. HIWIK i. .U. AfcdiMt. \ UDITOR'S NOTICE.—Ia tha \ OrpfctM* Onsrt of Of in iMMfcrtuii of th* #*'at# of .lamp * A M Cfclm mt. lit# >1 Martrm tomnahff. m*4 f ufctr. d#('4... th# ut. an auditor iffoitiH hy ai<| OckitL fn ma\* 4 •tn! tkm of th# ffcndtln tfc# Uanda f Win. short 4g# **4 oVl#r #*#ch>ra of *%M d#rmi#.|, to am! amatf tfc#*# l#fpally "ititW tfcwntn, #II ni##t th# Mtfcft'•* t*p#l tl fh# oIIW of Al- vend"* A IV-aaf la Wl*f4tl <%n Thnrndat. tfc# ttfc day *4 Ort-'or. ** U* orfc-di. a, wl * U. ituu * **xin+. Administrators Notice. XrAk. hi hscsl-y <"• •h*' *'•'■- istraUna ss th* —ut' el i " **'* I <*rt*oaas 0. Vu THrw' er P*meTlni I.ims, •n4)*nra* I. Vu Tf** of Kellt rents, fc> wheat all (-SOW. i.m1.t.1 -I te mM -stato t* t' t., m.kr irHWMUot* psTM'St. n*U* U VAN fIUB, M. AJtalatMralM*.