©lit €tn\xt ;tifino(rni fiO 11ELLEFONTE, PA. Aneodotes of Jndge Blank A* an illustration of the wouderful cot' ersatiojal powers of Judge liiack, tui Erie gentleman who was acquaint ed with all the parties concerned tells the following interesting anecdote : During tho adminislration of Gov. Biglcr Henry L. Dietl'enbach was Superintendent of l'ublie Schools and ho and Judgo lilack were very inti mate friends. One summer day (lov. Dodge, of lowa, a prominent man at that time, being on his way home from Washington, stopped ofl'at Ilarrisburg nod walked up t<> the capital grounds to pay Supt. Dieffenbach a visit. While the two were seated near aw in dow in conversation a voice was heard calling from the walk below : "Dieffenbach! " The superintendent looked out and the voice continued : "Say, throw me down a chew of tobacco." A generous chew was cut oil", wrap ped up in a piece of paper and thrown out. As the party walked away < icii. Dodge got a goo be true: the Republic ans were good fellows; he would like to belong to them, and there was only one thing in the way. " If," said he, " there were no hereafter I would join the Republican party at once. Noth ing deters me but the fear of hell. The Origin of the American Flag. At Little Brington, a village near Northampton, England, is an old cot tage in which lived the ancestors of George Washington. It is a neat old place, hut with nothing remarkable ' about it, save it was the nest of the General's great forefathers. Above the entrance door, incribed on a stone slab, is the following : "The I/>rd giv eth and the Jxjrd taketh away. Bios-1 sed be the name of the Lord. Con tractus, lbO'i." Great Brington lies some couple of miles front the smaller village of that name, where is Wash ington Cottage. At Great Brington { there is a handsome church, remarka ble for the very complete and perfect series of monuments of the family of Hpencer. Htill more interesting, how ever, than these monuments to the ancestors of Lord Hpencer are the two plain slals that cover tho hones of George Washington's ancestors. The oldest of these is that with an inscrip tion on it to the memory of Lawerence Washington disccased in l'll9, leaving behind him eight sons and nine da ;gh ters. Two of Lawrence's children migrated to America; f'mm one of these George Washington was decern!- ed. The other incription is engraved on brass, beneath the Washington coat-of-arms, as follows: "Here lies ye body ofEliz Washington, Widow®, who changed this life for Immortallctie vc 19th of March 1022: as also ye Iwdy of Robert Washington,gentn., her late husband, second sonne of Robert Washington of Holgrove., in ye county of Norhn., Lsqe., who dopd. this life ye 10th March 1022, after they lived lovingly together." We hero see the origin of the American "star spang led banner,"fand of the stripes, for the coat-of-arms on this old brass appear three stars, with the bars or stripes Is:- ncath them. The sexton told ine that Charles Sumner had had a copy of < the larger slab made by the local mason, and that both he and Motley, the his torian, bad taken great interest in these arum and inscriptions. It is cer tainly striking to see those humble mementoes of tho ancestry of one of whom all English-speaking people are proud, in this old country church, lying near the splendid tombs of for gotten magnates. An interesting chapter might be written on tho ori gin'oftho greet llags of tho wo -Id. To trace them back to their sou. ces would often he no easy tusk ; hut that of the American Republic lies on the floor of Brington ('hurcli. Peach Packing at Baltimore. •Viirt" aloul a Aj.-./. uuit profitable 'uj (. the lUll;!n..re Afttsrlrnn, Reach packing is peculiar to Ilalti- i I more, and it would ft'cni us it' nature | had intend'd the eastern shore of Mary laud and Delcware to lrvo almost the exclusive privilege of producing this fruit. The only otbe • scclio i east of the Rocky moui :aitis, where they grew to any gnaw nuuntity was the country around Lake Erie, but "I late years tho trees have nearly all been destroyed by the "yellow. In this citv, they will not be at all mini- 1 erous, because more of tlieiu will be , shipped away then lias been custom ary and the railroads have made ar rangements to send them t" great' r , distances than ever before. loe rail : road companies themselves have be. Nt anxious to have a linger in the pie, and w ; .h that object have ''ought up whole orchards of growing Ire '. More [H'aches will also he rc-erved t be " i vap'ipat' d," as the process is culled. ' It is vastly* superior t ■ drying them. By tl is process the fruit is put int" " evaporators," which drive oil ni"-t of the moisture, and leaves it without * fleeting the flavor, and without im parting any hiterncssor toughiie--. It is rapidly g i.ving in favor, and will probably revo'ut 1 " ti/.c the wh dc fruit li i-iri -s. The crop ot eva|Kiratis| peaches this year amounts t > two mil lion p"iitn!-. Cupar- '"r evaporated peaches biing sixt'-en or ecvotitc n cents per |mi nid, and -nn dried -ix "r six and a halt o i [>• r; ound. < > d uso is found for tl e re ti.-e i f parking houses. The parings me regularly bought at -i "o ili-tilb ric.s, t< > be dis tilled into peach bra adv. The k. rn- , els are used bv con ec oners, and the -tones make cxellent fuel. In making j the cans, not even the smallest scrap- ; of tin are wa-.t !. It they arc t ■■> | *mall to be used for any othi r pur pose, they are sold at £■> pi r t- nt r -ash weights. Alcohol as a Medicine. T> .V A *' Tf ■ ' /' ( .1 -' m's 'if, Tie- //. rn l l of HeollK, of New York city, prints a very sugge- ive article entitled "Substitutes for Brandy," by Dr. Ridge, of I/iiidon who bns lm. 1 large experience in the non-alcoholic treatment of disease in connection with the London temperance li -pital, in which, referring to the jirofound conviction in tie- public mind, includ ing, also, the medical profe-sioti, that spirits, and cqx-cially brandy, are oi great value in many diseases, both ! chronic nnd acute, h<* affirms that "in • fleet, other things h* ing • .pial, a p< r soti hn- a better chance of recovery without alcohol than with it." Heal - i -ays : " < >ne of the most easily re memlKTed rules is that when a suh-ti tute is required t r brandy as a nar cotic, apply warmth • xt'-rnnlly ; i when for brandy a* n so-called stimu lent, give hot drinks ii t rnailv." He adds; " As a-tinuletit pure and sim ple there is nothing nets so rapid!v and powerfully as hot water, milk and water, tea, etc., or non-alcoholic fieppcrmint, or ginger in hot water." ! The article, as a whole, is timely and valuable, and will help many, even of temperance people, to feel that they can safely dispense with alcohol,even as a remedial agent in sickness. De i thronned in this particular, alcohol | may then be much more readily and effectually banishes] as a beverage from the sideboard and the saloon. Bcarlet Fever Ifr/W to Copt >* ith the Ih.-.uinl DU'ir /ft Prevention end Cure. Krm Ih* PLiU K#ror!. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. In no way is tho wis dom of prevention more apparent than in dealing with disease. In these - advanced of medical science phy sicians are giving as much attention to the prevention of disease as to its treatment. It is with this end in view that they urge the importance of sani tary measures—the necessity of prop er ventilation, perfect drainage, whole some food and judicious clothing. But particularly are their efforts directed to the repression of contagious deseaa es, and especial I v to those which are incident to childhood. Among these 1 none is so much dreaded as scarlet ' fever, and justly, too, for none of the 1 eruptive diseases is so fatal in its re sults. It is, then, desirable that every one should know bow best to check its progress, nnd that they should faith fully and conscientiously make use of such knowledge for the protection of humanity. A writer in a foreign ' newspaper gives some rules calculated to limit the spread of scarle fever, i which appear to be reasonable. More- i over, their application in simple, anil may he carried out in Iho poorest house. His theory is to disinfect the patient instead of waiting until the bed, carpets, clothing and surround ing air aro impregnated with the germs of disease, lie says that first the congested skin should he kept soft and pliant,and should be soothed with warm baths. Hathing the child in water of u temperature of ninety de grees is recommended, which tends to cool the feverish skin and predisposes to sleep. At the same time it washes away the loose particles of skin, and prevents too free peeling by moisten ing the surface. After the bath a medicated ointment should Im? gently rubbed over the entire body. This lessens the production of scales and at the same time renders harmless those which form. As a formula for com pmfnding the ointment best suited lor this purpose, he offers the following : I Thirty grains of carbolic ncid, ten : grains of thymol, one draclmi of vase lino, and as mueh simple ointment as will make the whole up to an ounce. The odor of this is not unpleasant, while it retains its groasines.s lbr a considerable time after being applied. It should be smeared on in the morn ing, as well as at night, after the hath. As soon a- the patient F well < nough I we assume not until the tw> nty-fir-t ! day of the fever i- past -one or two washings in carbolic - >ap, in which process the hair should be included, is recommended. This, our authority -ays, will remove all trace- of infec tion. The bed and body linen should be put as soon as tin y are r- iie-vi <1 b mi i the person, in tub tilled with wat< r in which a large tablespoonlul > I mr | bolie acid lias b n di solved, ult< r j which they can be n m >v< d from tlm room and washed without dang" r - f spreading the disease t < otln rs. 1 his ue tho'l, says the writer, h.i- h- en I thoroughly Ic-tcd under the in 1 eru eiai conditions, which all indicate "that it i- p" -ihle t-i very materially limit the (amtagioiistit-- >f -earh-t fever hv -implc irnans, ami thus t ■ more or le.-s - >mj>l-t ly < ntr->1 tin spreinl of t lm disease. All Sorts The grand ury at N<-w Orlcan-, 1.a., -ugg" -t' 1 la- - " i> that a cn-n.a -t rv be i stublislu i und* r the <1 ir - ti<>u ■ f i.fl-i t-r ! the t : ar.ty H -p.* :il, ; for the purp • t hum I g tin I li' - jof persons who die of * ntagiou- . • have 1 ne firm sent ;-',(>* in . ne > nsign j nrcnt. t'.w l v- r< < ntly att-nipied ■ ta'.. ! po—-sion of the town >: Hunnem 11, an important utth -tati n in Kansas Five < ity Mnr-I.al- w. r- -in ■ v. ly ap|siint< d in t n day-, ami till r> -ign ei|. At length the sheriff with a p nrrt st> i ten f the ri"t'r-. and 'priet was restored. Wolf Meyer, "the ohlrs-t re-id* nt n nmi w.t highly r |m tel. 11 • haves thro daughter- living in N* wnrk. Friday was the last day of summer. : j nccording t>> the almana< The im an tcmperatur for the three summ* r ' motrths was a little warmer than that of the correspondent period la-t year, flic i-xtn-ni'-* itilsJ wlt#Tc* thi* funtr lltth* nft(Ti*r*r HiinifdUtfty. I) ju iul op 4 '#! It. iiiotliffrf, thi rn i or tiiiUtk itlt'iit M. ItnirN !)■" mt*irf nitd dlnrrli'M D'KiiliitiMi tin Ntoinnrli mid trow, nli, Ctirpn wind colic, noft<*n th Kurti*, r#diji in (latiiinitlufi, mid klvmi ton# mid i ihtk; t* th# wind** •yatflil. Mr*. Winii.owV ."'xyTUIRO KVRt'l* FOR Clfll.lr- URtt T#rTiiiß'i in pleiinnnt to th# tail#,mif tlm d'h-at nnd l>* -t f* nmlw ph>l < inli Rltd t)iir*<'B In tlm t'l.lfi d SUl'i, and la for wl'- ly nil 1% hotth*. M-ly. Swayno'a Pilln Comforting to tho Sick. ThoiiiamJ di" fruiii m-gl*-* t t" |/r"|.'-rly tr'-iit I in| *ir<- Blond, ('on-tipalion, i)y pi-psin, Mulsrin, A|M>pluxy, I.iver, Kidney, ll'iirl I>l ease-, Dropsy, und Kli"uniati-rn But t" tin- ifobilitalcii, burii'-ried with such .rri'"i -ii-Um-s , w-- consci'-ritfously r<-- coiiiinend "SWA YN K S 1*11.1.5, ' whi- li (-uiitain nii-dii insl propt-rtles p*isi--sd I'V ii" "tfn-r r-iik-'lv. Si-nt by mail fur 'g. 1 • ul-, l-'X "I pills : . I x< I , in stamps). Addrc-s, 111'.. KWAYNK .V S*iN, Philadelphia, l'a. H"ld hy Drug- i gists. ti-8-ly. Horn*- Items. Ail * ,r ;ll*-rs and I recommend to them my people. Meth odirt • lergynian. A*k 1 1-1 !■ I if I, |l lull- r If 111- 111 Oil < tllii Malarial fever, A'-ue and Billions in ill leave every ti' iglilMirliOOil a -non a - Imp I itter- arrive. M v mot iu*r drove the | aral> - and ni-uralp i all out of lier> -tem with hop bitter— /. /. '/ A , i. F • - p the kid tie >1 hi-nt lhy with fir-p bitter- and ton need not bar sickrw-s I 1.-m.l. Tt. >■-. '(* I'll f I*.' s.-l '< I 111 Una tfi !. J1 i f.t Itr-hing Pili-h Symptorm andCuro. I li*- .ymptom* are moisture, like j er spiration, intense itciiirig. im rea.. d i y •' rat* b iig. \• rv 'L-'.re mg, | *rt.■ ub r ly at night, s- ems a- if pin worm* w :*- crawling in and a'out tli<- ri-ettllo . tin private j ,rt ar< sonietim*- afl'Ct< i. If allowed to continue rery <-riou r nils follow. --W.\YM >**! MMi N I : a pie , *ot, sure cure. Also for Tetter. It*ib. >*lt Rheum, Soald Head, Bryi | la*. Barber* Itch, Blothehes, all scaiv, crusty --k.i 1.. Sent ly mail f r Vi i• • nt- , ■ boxes #1.25, ii stamp- Address. Br. MVAYNI. A S* IN, Phila de!j hia, l'a. Sold hv lruggit. 5- ly A* i/- .lili-crfiscwcn/s. J7* % Reserved FOR | SPANCLER & Co., 1 Pr.AI.KK* IS FfBSITfRK. K J *sew rrr 1 i i DKALEKS IN rUKK DRUGS ONLY. , 2 I ZKLLKK A SON, a E l • t>Kt ooi*T. 80. #. Brorkfrko" Hew g All tks HuslsH r.tsiil Medicines Pre- 2 * Mtlpliens nnd Family Ke*i|ies semrnMy r g yrrepsre,!. Trusses, Bkun'det Bmces, Sc.. Sc. 3 AVio Ailvcrtlnrinvntn. o.\i# \ AI-i:.\TI\K, 'm.m.kai. Ink. ami CuMMti-ioN Agt., Jiellcfbntc, Pa. tu Hoah Am r*J # ZU'I fl*.#r I ho following oomp.'iii* - repro-'futcd : —it— FIRE. Fnios Philadelphia. Amkhii-AK ,1„ Gt; a hiii as Ijondon. S, " N do. j Wk-tkkn Toronto. Co s s k-.-t nil Hartford. and oiln-rs. LIFE. Tkavki iiiu* I, IFF. *k A" i 0.. Hartford, and other . —o— ci'inrni -i-ii branch *,| my I .sin-.* is r"<-"iving -pwial atteiition, f *r ; -rt i- - sold to good adrioUge, •• I have facilL li" If'.: mg f hull-. -, Inreie, *T<.., -n -hurt i. 'tic an 1 i tvorahhi t'-rm 21-'.in BOND \ ALFNTI NK j >i;nnsyia'AMA STATE COLLEGE. I nil hrm Se[*<#rtber 12, Ifib'i. Thlfi IftflHritkit! i" loffiM In •tf I f I) Ut'tai |#aq. t.fiii l.rofillhful '1 t ' f ffM #n!i* AlUtflf • * fig. t J 1-1, t tlu I- lit' f ltlh #'!-, 4|4 ■ fjiffi Ut foj. I • iLjf 1 ottfßeW Mt,!)' ! At ' *'•* rai II rV* ar* . A I- nil Y ■ ttftf ( it*, f ir Va i j . Th* I win* TAL Itfl.- ft- ? e*r • a . f v g th# fjrt t* * vr I ' \hf Y> ,n,!i l r * i AOltirf l.'f I Hi; \AII HAI II IM'iH V II) ML-fllV A N I> I'll \>f "•** * r , If, - ' ' tar ! ■ : 1 rhtlg' - . *•• ' ' ? -e* -i 't . " p. ft t(i *' * |,MM *,f ••' . • If. M.J. I Ht! ais I - r* *|}j If I ■ I .1 e * w I.l' *. ♦ v J; J im* -Mii.io-.l . k t ,Ki .* • I *1 ' >.!. tri it■ f • *k* tke . -:.*• | . I ■ • . • •. Ml.f Jl MAUTfS. fie.. -,d II Is id tj sll drnti-uls si ft |r Mils 11 FN UY *V( '.. f* le Pr ' *'- - i F • 1.. \ ik KOW IS YOUR TIME. Get two Week l.a Newspapers for the Price of One. And tho Hrnt Inland Daily at Re duced Rnt-H. T fitjt-er .'j Ho Jf; f thfi Wruit r7|)'A tf , Si . If r Mtftttfl, I-.M, s * fiiittr. . ii .ftM r y\ #* 11 hD 7 a i \h* N * \ *k W. t ly fMia Will L* Mhl 1 th' IMI r Ml.ir. ee , t „ 1,,. , I if' t • . W" i } Tb.i .l- fL • tas in k T 'J* | 1 tl ' i * ' .ft* • • rr re a , t• t • • e ! till I* kefil (Mil* M fl* tfi|' T ' * . II J ' the IlAll? I'fiTßtOT I* ■ s ' I it* * !•*!)'-efj '' J M kf Hr Will Ifi flikf|M) . I'd fi|R •tlhk > jn k flkfj' e • | Mjf n t|m I Jf k<)tki.* -uSkt ; , rt a •!#• If fi). ftr |rt. "1 7 |fi UfilM lat I ItifikfiMr Tifi rsf Otfißf #• kfM l#fi vtjli le *; ' - . *■ | fit'rent if h*f*4 ft l"ki!> tn4 Wfiukl| It'tnitf## ■ k ttlUfil f# made |' T *t "ff* tt* di. t • t'hf *f lr kft k'- I t hank 'f * )t; * )1 ■- '!!*.' \ ' '** I\THIOT ITUI.IMI INt. '"MI'AKI J* MkfV• 4 tt/fisfit, lUtrifil tit. I"R iintt /. |( ; AKM AN S HOT KL, " ■ rl H •,... hi i.i i.fovtf, pa i TRRMSII I'FH HAT A Liitry kttk' Lfi-4 .}] pt SH 1101 SK. I > I" i I.FFOJrTR. PA . I amiti'* • t*4 fihute g-r tetw k e|| • f-n -fital inHlfct wililif fth4< tftl ■#* nr* ln it#4 t-. fhi Fjft t laM || tel. M*hre lhj ill fifol b<>int ni*r the t r thr , Mtld-Tißinmcrii of iftiefitfi lut* rawokahif wr> tAS i \| ILLIIKIM HOTEL, A * A MlLl.llKm. CKNTIIK COrKTT, TKNK'A %V, S MI'SSKR, Prtpritnr* I ( The |f*n • f Mlllhelm l loctM In t alley , Rl- rit to mtlM ff- rn (hbtfi !#•it. (Vnlrfi rr4 Spni'fi (h h lUilr <*•o will )>• fonn| ar ALLaOIIEfiTfiT., aKbLKFok'Tk, PA C. G. Mi 111LLKN. I'rop'r. Ocrfwf Sample. R.v,m oft hrtt &zar, Bum in snd from nil Ttnlns. ((**•) rates k> wUnaem met jnrers. *-! 1 /MENTHAL HOTEL, V--' tAhfwite th# IUIIDWt itUlkA.) MILBSBrBII, I'BNTRB ■, ll'forjUf, I'*. V ,ii ' H harsh hkrger, cs r •t TMNU9 M It ivm All •■ ■ s r I.AU. Offic m • /fifji-j . jv ? )' 4 - I o. love, jfrroii'. c.v at It .. f i.i*. !•„ 'if .In til* I rtlit ! 1 . I . I , I),|, 1,1, V. I'. * 11, I. 'THOMAS J. M< ( I I, Lot ojj I AT rUBMI V AT I " I'llll ll'r 111 111,. I'A. "lii'<- la Allwrt 1,1., j„,„. ii -i, • I --' 111 I •'} "■ i lll/ ,l, 1 1,1 ,• I 11,1.1,,. . / HI AS. I'. 111.W1..>|, " ATT' ill ,S I •, A ' MV. 1,1.1 1.1 I'iM i IM. .. ~ i ■ tt. It. HUllKir, V t fctftj'fc*. | | AS'I IN OH A: RI.KDLU, * ' AT • •*-:. I I TI. AW UK STK lA. jtti • 'r ( A!J' ; } •'r < ! t- • • ~ , . S,I |l ># . ,|, ( ' JI y Jul. in ; J, n Mi i |> . . 4# . *UlA't in-ui utw, lIA kAT p WALLA'P *j t ; . M i * AI.L4CI. U'ALLACK A* K I: Kits, I I w AMI ' 11. I I T1 IN |,|Tl ✓ ! 1, !*•! CI.KAIIUKI.II I'A L'LLIS ii. OKVIS, ' J ATT',II M V AT I. AW. • ► l I' I. ; ;••* I,| rt Ii ,|l . J. r. . I . A 'i. Tillt * I t,.,T • , ! 7 UtUIIJU, V LKXANLKK A IJOWKR, I - ATT IAI.T AT I. AW, J f- flwf- :,♦ i'n , ikbi t# • 'tl j| y, f ; or i jtf 'MU ' • 111 *1 . I J. ]y iAKt* * lUVU *rllL, HUAf J I>EAVER A GKl'llAllT,' I * ATTMKK CVC A*T LAW ' ' ' All, *h, i; ti. • ' IJ . i , , U r C. it KIN Li.. • AIT i I > '7 I AIA T.I I 1.1 t.I.AT 11. I'A L%*t 4 . r I. H„ |rr;n, I \ i I A V. <"! I AHP Ik.! i' r \ All ttuift*#* prxtoftif itf j j Mk. m>v. m. u. • l* < Ok, m; in jvM | . j * fjWk . ktt'T .tJ MM, t< ., I'flT -in AN AVh M It'.l s Offr# A ' i< M. M fZ. .: . | • -• ,r Vlf I I I LL* uti '* ' m; *a • k (•' r J nyjdß'f Br*t 4'tf / 'F.NTHK col NTV HANKING V> WMTANT BKAIK fb-fwiiti And Al' * Itl*t* *t. IHK 'lu <**•: lay •*•' r * jr h*lW'rt Ta. 4 - 1f ,Wimr* lift tiron* 1 'pilK CENTRE DEMOCRAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE ALLEGHENY STREET, BBLLKFONTR, PA., lit now OFFKHIVO GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO tnm>l WIIAHIKO FIRAT-CI.ANA Plain or Fancy Printing. Wi> hTi> ununual faciliiint f„r printing LAW B(MIKS, PAMPHLETS, CATA LO(l* EB, PKOGKAMMKB, MATKMKNTS, CIRCC LA lIS, BILL IJKAIJS, NdTK lIKA MS, BITSINKSit CABIJS, INVITATION CARLS, CARTER I)K VISITS, CAULS ON ENVELOPES AND ALL KINDS OF IJLANKS HfirOrdiT. by mail will raodivp pn.mtil attention. Mf* Printing done in tbi biwt ety), on abort notion and nt tho lowtwt rate*.'